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274 / Heat Treater’s Guide

Chemical Composition. 1345. AISI and UNS: 0.43 to 0.48 C, 1.60 Annealing. For a predominately pearlitic structure, heat to 830 “C (I525
to 1.90 Mn, 0.035 P max. 0.040 S max. 0. I5 to 0.30 Si. UNS H13J50 and “F). and cool from 730 “C ( I350 “F) to 6 IO “C ( I I30 “F) at a rate not to
SAE/AlSI 13458: 0.42 to 0.49 C. I .45 to 2.05 Mn, 0. I5 to 0.35 Si exceed I I “C (20 “F) per h: or cool rapidly from 730 “C (I 350 “F) to 620
“C (I I50 “F). and hold for 1.5 h. For a predominately ferritic and
Similar Steels (U.S. and/or Foreign). 1345. UNS G 13450; spheroidized structure, heat to 750 “C (1380 “F), and cool from 730 “C
ASTM A322, A331. A519; SAE J404. J412, 5770; (Ger.) DIN 1.0912; (1350”F)to610”C(1130”F)ataratenottoexceed6”C(10”F)perh:or
(U.K.) B.S. 2 S 516. 2 S 517. 13458. UNS Hl3450; ASTM A304; SAE cool fairly rapidly from 750 “C ( I380 “F) to 640 “C ( I I85 “F). and hold for
J407; (Ger.) DIN 1.0912: (U.K.) B.S. 2 S 516.2 S 517 8h
Characteristics. The general characteristics of 1345H closely parallel Hardening. Austenitize at 830 “C (I525 “F). and quench in oil. Use
those given for other medium-carbon 1300 series steels (see details for water or brine for heavy sections. Flame hardening and carbonitriding are
133OH). There are exceptions. As-quenched hardness is higher. Fully suitable processes
hardened l345H should provide a minimum hardness of approximately 56
HRC, slightly higher if the carbon content is at the high end of the allowable Tempering. Temper immediately after quenching to desired hardness
range. Weldability is further decreased. Susceptibility to quench cracking
is intensified as the carbon content is increased. The hardenability pattern Recommended Processing Sequence
for 1345H is very similar to that of 1340H. but adjusted upward because of l Forge
the higher carbon content of I345H l NormaJize
l Anned
Forging. Heat to 1230 “C (2245 “F). Do not forge after temperature
l Rough machine
drops below 870 “C ( I600 “F)
l Austenitize
Recommended Heat Treating Practice l

l Temper
Normalizing. Heat to 870 “C (1600 “F). Cool in air l Finish machine
Alloy Steels (1300 through 9700 Series) / 275

1345: Continuous Cooling Transformation Diagram. Composition: 0.46 C, 1.60 Mn, 0.020 P, 0.015 S, 0.25 Si. Austenitized
at 850 “C 1

1345H:End-Quench Hardenability
Distance from Distance from
quenched Eardness. quenched Eardness,
surface ElRC surface ERC
/16h. mm max mlu ‘&jh. mm max min

I I .58 63 56 13 20.54 54 29
2 3.16 63 56 14 22.12 53 29
3 4.74 62 55 1s 23.70 52 28
4 6.32 61 54 16 25.28 51 28
5 7.90 61 51 18 28.4-l 49 ‘7
6 9.48 60 4-t 20 31.60 47 27
7 II.06 60 38 22 34.76 45 26
8 12.64 59 35 24 37.92 4-l 26
9 14.22 58 33 26 41.08 47 25
IO IS.80 57 32 28 44.24 46 25
II 17.38 56 31 30 47.40 45 24
I2 I8.% 55 30 32 50.56 45 24
276 / Heat Treater’s Guide

1345H: Hardenability
(1600 “F). Austenitize:
Curves. Heat-treating
845 “C (1555 “F)
temperatures recommended by SAE. Normalize (for forged or rolled specimens only): 870 “C 1
iardness Limits for Specification
I distance, Hardness, HRC
urn Maximum Minimum

1.5 63 56
63 56
63 54
62 52
) 61 46
1 60 38
3 59 35
5 58 31
!O 55 29
!5 51 27
LO 48 26
15 47 25
Kl 46 24
I5 45 24
i0 45 24

iardness Limits for Specification

distance, Hardness. HRC
‘16io. Maximum hlinimum

63 56
63 56
62 55
61 54
61 51
60 44
60 38
59 35
58 33
0 57 32
1 56 31
2 55 30
3 54 29
4 53 29
5 52 28
6 51 28
8 49 21
0 48 21
2 41 26
4 46 26
6 45 25
8 45 25
0 45 24
2 45 24
Alloy Steels (1300 through 9700 Series) / 277

1345, 1345l-l: Hardness vs Tempering Temperature. Repre-

sents an average based on a fully quenched structure

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