Lesson 1 - Joan of Arc

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Liceo Politcnico Santa Cruz Depto.

Ingls Profesor: Karin Jaramillo Laurentina Oliva

Goals of the lesson: 1. To identify general and specific information of a text.

2. To identify the use and structure of past simple tense

in context.

While Reading A. Read the text carefully. Put the verb in brackets into past simple tense. Use your list of verbs. Joan of Arc ___________ (be) born in France in 1412. As a young girl, she ___________ (begin) to hear voices. She ___________ (think) they ___________ (be) the voices of saints. She ___________ (say) the voices ___________ (tell) her to attack the English army that was in France. She ___________ (reorganize) the French army and ___________ (win) a famous battle at Orleans. Later, Joans sword ___________ (break) in a battle near Paris. Her soldiers ___________ (see) this as a sign of bad luck and ___________ (not want) to follow her any more. Finally, the English ___________ (capture) Joan and ___________ (kill) her in 1431. After her death, Joan ___________ (become) a national heroine. Afterwards, she was made a saint by Pope Benedict XV in 1920.

B. Read the text again and answer the following questions. 2. Joan of Arc was born in a. France b. England 1. She won a famous battle in a. Paris b. Orleans

4. Joan of Arc was captured by a. French soldiers b. English soldiers

3. After her death a. Joan became a heroine b. A saint

Post Reading Linguistic Reinforcement 1. THE SIMPLE PAST El simple past se usa para describir una accin, evento o condicin que ocurre en el pasado. Existen dos tipos de verbos: Regulares (regular verbs) e Irregulares (irregular verbs) Los verbos regulares terminan en ed. Por ejemplo: wanted, worked, listened. Los verbos irregulares cambian su forma. Por ejemplo: see saw, be was/were, win won

A. Write the past form of these irregular verbs. Wake __________ Hear __________ Find __________ Keep __________ Leave __________ Hold __________ Think __________ Catch __________

B. Write the past form of these regular verbs.

Study __________ Answer__________ Need__________


Dance__________ Want__________ Arrive __________

Call__________ Confess__________

La forma del Past Simple es la misma para todas las personas. Affirmative I He/She/It We lived You They Negative Usamos didnt (did not) + verbo en infinitivo (sin to) en todas las personas I He/She/It We didn't live in New York. You They

in New York.

Question Usamos did + verbo en infinitive (sin to) en todas las personas. I When you Where did he/she/it go? we they

A. Complete the sentences. Put the verbs in brackets into Past Simple. 1. I ____________ (start) school when I was five. 2. I ____________ (work) until 8:00, and then I ___________ (meet) some friends and we ___________ (go) to the cinema. 3. She ______________ (sell) her old car and ___________ (buy) a new one. 4. I _____________ (play) tennis in the mornings, but it ___________ (rain) in the afternoon so I ____________ (study) for my exams. 5. Last week we _____________ (drive) to Miami and (visit) our grandparents. 6. I ____________ (lose) my umbrella last week. I ___________ (leave) it in the bank and someone ____________ (steal) it.

B. Make the verbs in negative. 1. He went to Italy. ___________________________________________________ 2. They won a vacation in Mexico. _________________________________________ 3. We were at home yesterday. __________________________________________ 4. Stephenie Meyer wrote sixteen novels. ___________________________________ 5. I brought you a present. _____________________________________________

C. Put the words in the correct order to make questions 1. you born where were. ____________________________________________________________? 2. morning at were you 10:00 where yesterday ____________________________________________________________? 3. did you vacations where on go ____________________________________________________________? 4. last did Friday you what do ____________________________________________________________?

D. Choose ONE of these artists and write a biography about them. Use the given information in each box to write the biography. The story must contain:
Between 150 200 words 5 regular verbs in past simple 5 irregular verbs in past simple 4 sentences in affirmative form Mind punctuation

Leonardo DiCaprio Robert Pattinson Be born: November 11th, 1974 Be born: May 13th, 1986 Live: In Los Angeles Live: In London Study: in Seeds Elementary School Study: in Tower House School Graduate: from John Marshall High Graduate: from The Harrodian School School Begin: modeling (12 years old) Begin career: in commertials Start: acting in (2004) Act: in Titanic (1997) Get: the role of Edward Cullen (Twilight) Work with: Tom Hans (Catch if you Work with: Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter can) and the Goblet of Fire) Win: Scream Award (Inception) Reese Witherspoon (Water for Elephant) Zack Efron MTV Movie Award (2010) (2010) Win: Be born: October 18th, 1987 Live: In San Luis Obispo, California Graduate: from Arroyo Grande High School Begin: career in Disney Channel Act: High School Musical (as Troy Bolton) Date: Vanessa Hudgens Work with: Mathew Perry (17 Again!) Amanda Crew (Charlie St. Cloud) Win: MTV Movie Award (2008)

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