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12/6/22, 2:56 PM Application - 22F --Sustainable Practices (SEC.


22F --Sustainable Practices (SEC. 401) Vraj Doshi

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Table of Contents Unit 09: Sustainable Sites Application


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  Think about this Unit and Your Practice

A sustainable site plan takes into account the impact of the building on the surrounding environment and its intended occupants.

In an ideal case, sustainable design projects will start in one of two ways—either the team starts with a site and considers the best functions and
uses for that particular location, or the team starts with a function and determines the best location for that land use.

However a design project begins (considering the best uses of a prexisiting site or selecting a site for a project), the project site plays a key role
in the success of the project.

In this unit we’ve looked at a number of components regarding project sites. How will these concepts impact your practice? What do you need
change? What should you keep doing?

In particular, take a moment think about the following:

How does the project site serve project needs beyond the building itself?
Good site selection will require time, effort, and energy. Why expend those valuable resources? What are the benefits to effective site

After you have spent some time developing your own ideas, click below to review another professional perspective on these two concepts. Use
this second perspective as a sounding board for your own ideas. If you have further questions, use the Ask the Instructor discussion board to
follow up with the course instruction about your ideas or questions.

A Second Professional Perspective: 

  Conversing About the Possibilities for Your Practice

After comparing your ideas to the second perspective does anything stand out to you – perhaps something you strongly agree or disagree with?
Do you have any further questions or want to know more about what others might think about the issues? Use the Unit 09: Application
Conversation discussion board to follow up with your peers and instructor. It is a space where you can both contribute ideas and ask questions
that will help everyone in the class further their practice.

 © CSM733 - Sustainable Practices

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