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Good Morning everyone. Today we will be presenting to on teenage marriage.

Our aim is for our presentation to be able to inform teen ages on the problems associated with
teenage marriage.
Now first, what is Teenage marriage? Well teenage marriage is the union of two adolescents,
age ranging from 13 to 19.Niger has the highest child marriage rate in the world. According to
recent data, in this West African country 75 percent of girls aged under 18 were married, with 36
percent of them being younger than 15 years old. Chad, Bangladesh, and Guinea had rates
ranging from 63 percent to 68 percent.

Then teenage marriage has close to 0 advantages and causes more issues and disadvantages
than pros, so why do people all round the world still do it.
There are many nations and tribes worldwide for whom early marriage is a long-lasting tradition
preserved throughout the centuries. It may sound terrifying, but early marriages are still popular
in remote areas, and most people still practice them.
Inequalities between boys and girls driven by harmful social and gender norms.
Other causes of teenage teenage marriage.
Laws protecting girls aren’t enforced
Parents think marriage will protect girls from violence, particularly in times of crisis or insecurity
Younger wives are considered to be more obedient
Poverty – plus there is a higher dowry for older girls or women.


Lack of sexual education and unexpected pregnancy. Young people are not always educated
enough on sexual relationships and methods to avoid unplanned pregnancies. Most countries
prohibit abortions. Furthermore, they bear criminal liability under the law. To prevent legal
responsibility and punishment, young people are obliged to get married, even if one of the
"participants" is considered too young.This is one of the most dangerous causes and
consequences of teenage marriage.
This Is a physical and also can
be a health effects of teenage marriage, if the teenager chooses to get an abortion or there are
issues with the pregnancy.
Also with teenage marriage it could be pregnancy that causes the marriage or increases
teenage pregnancy and makes the teenagers vulnerable to STDs'.
There are also psychological issues,like anxiety and bipolar disorders. They are also more likely
to become dependent on alcohol, drugs and nicotine.

Social effects and teenage marriage ends childhood. It negatively influences children’s rights to
education, health and protection. These consequences impact not just the girl and boy directly,
but also their family and community.
A girl who is married as a child is more likely to be out of school and not earn money and
contribute to the community.
They may have to drop out of school and even get kicked out of their parents house, and end up
living in poverty and start another cycle of teenage marriage. Also their family may be ridiculed
and be looked down upon by family, friends and even their community, this can cause them to
lose their job and make life better even harder for them.

Consequences of teenage marriage.

A consequences is a result or effect, typically one that is unwelcome or unpleasant and the
consequences of teenage marriage are definitely not pleasant.
Gender equality is threatened by this practice. Males may see teenage marriage as acceptable
and may attempt at this.
People may start seeing a certain gender as vulnerable to their desires towards them.

It Stops Boys And Girls From Accessing Education

While both boys and girls experience child marriage, the number of boys who get married
before 18 is about one-fifth the number of girls, so the impact of child marriage is predominantly
felt by young girls, but even so there are also boys stopped from accessing education from
them having to took take responsibility for their partner and bulling at school for the marriage.
When a young girl gets married, she is expected to drop out of school and she is not likely to
return. As she becomes a wife and mother, her domestic duties become the focus of her life, as
she is expected to care for her home, her husband, and her children.

Worldwide, over 60% of women aged between 20 and 24 who have no education were married
before the age of 18, according to Girls Not Brides.

It Masks Violence and Exploitation

In some communities, as well as being an economic decision, child marriage can be seen as a
way of protecting girls from the shame of having had pre-marital sex.

In a 2017 survey of laws in 73 countries, it was found rapists in at least nine countries could
avoid punishment if they married their victim — including in Bahrain, Iraq, the Philippines,
Tajikistan, and Tunisia, according to the Thomson Reuters Foundation.

It’s Deadly
A chilling statistic from children’s rights organization Plan International says 70,000 girls die in
labour every year because their bodies aren’t ready for childbirth.

In fact, in many low and middle income countries, complications from pregnancy and childbirth
are the leading cause of death among girls aged 15-19.

And according to the International Women’s Health Coalition, girls under 15 are five times more
likely to die in childbirth than women in their 20s, and they face a higher risk of
pregnancy-related injuries.

As a result of sexual violence and poor access to health care, girls who are victims of child
marriage are also more likely to contract HIV/AIDS.

It Impacts the Next Generation Too

As well as negatively impacting the girls who become child brides, early marriage also has a
negative effect on the generation to come.

Infants who are born to mothers who are just children or adolescents themselves have a higher
risk of being stillborn or dying soon after birth.
It also sets an example of how life was with teenage marriage and may influence others to do
the same.
There are also so many other causes, effects and consequences of teenage marriage, the list
goes on. This is not something to ignore. It causes pain and suffering to teenagers, people who
are not considered adults, but children and people all over the world are trying to fight against
this, giving their time, energy, sweat and even blood to end this, to end the violence and cruelty
of this practice.

Help in any way you can, be aware of it and never look away from such a thing. Fight it no
matter what.

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