Cross Cultural Communication Mock Test - Vskills

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Cross Cultural Communication Mock Test

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Q1) To communicate orally with people from other
cultures, _________________.

1.  Encourage the listener to paraphrase

what’s being said.

2.  Always learn to speak that person’s

language Huently.

3.  Speak slowly and raise your voice.

4.  All of the above.

Q2) Which of the following is enabling the growth

of a global culture?

1.  mass media

2.  work

3.  education

4.  All of these

Q3) An individual’s behaviour in a foreign society

becomes noticeable when it ____________ in
relation to the foreign culture.

1.  overlaps

2.  deviates

3.  conforms

4.  irritates

Q4) Which of the following is a cultural factor that

affects consumer behavior and marketing

1.  demographics

2.  values

3.  language

4.  all of the above

Q5) Probably the greatest obstacle many

multinational companies must overcome is

1.  Discuss The diMculty of travelling between

countries spread around the world.

2.  Communicating with workers in different

parts of the world.

3.  The cost of building production plants in

foreign countries.

4.  The number of misunderstandings

resulting from intercultural differences

Q6) Using one marketing strategy across various

cultures is referred to as ______________.

1.  standardization

2.  optimization

3.  crossculturalization

4.  marketing imperialism

Q7) When writing letters to business people in

other cultures, ________________.

1.  Spell out all numbers.

2.  Use short sentences and short


3.  Add humour to your messages.

4.  Use two-word verbs such as bring back

rather than return.

Q8) Which of the following is true about


1.  Ethnocentrism makes you a better cross-

cultural communicator.

2.  Ethnocentrism is the tendency to prefer

the ideas of a culture other than one's own.

3.  Ethnocentrism can be avoided by being

sensitive to the various dimensions of
cultural differences.

4.  Ethnocentrism is the belief that every

culture has its own signiUcance.

Q9) For effective cross-cultural communication,

your language ________________.

1.  should be unfamiliar to the target audience

in order to capture their attention.

2.  should be guided by your target


3.  should be vague so that your message can

be interpreted in multiple ways.

4.  should not be inHuenced by your intended


Q10) The diversity umbrella is supposed to

include __________________.

1.  men as well as women.

2.  everybody in an organization.

3.  all members of the work force except top


4.  members of all groups who have been

discriminated against in the past.

Q11) What is the largest single inDuence on the

movement toward uniformity in the teenage

1.  mass media

2.  education

3.  work

4.  travel

Q12) ______________ values reDect a society's view

of the appropriate relationships between
individuals and groups within that society.

1.  Other-oriented

2.  Environment-oriented

3.  Self-oriented

4.  Externally-oriented

Q13) A basic strategy for achieving cross-cultural

understanding is to ___________________.

1.  ignore differences in cultural customs.

2.  establish a ranking of preferred cultures.

3.  hire people from different cultures.

4.  respect others in the workplace.

Q14) To improve communication among diverse

workplace audiences,

1.  Rely on stereotypes to learn about

individuals from different cultures.

2.  Concentrate on shared experiences,

mutual goals, and similar values.

3.  Encourage individuals to conform to the

company’s culture.

4.  Assume that all individuals share the same

holidays and lifestyles.

Q15) Which of the following statements is true

about culture?

1.  Culture is a relatively simple concept.

2.  Culture is acquired.

3.  Culture often provides detailed

prescriptions for appropriate behavior.

4.  The nature of cultural inHuences is such

that we are consciously aware of them.

Q16) The boundaries that culture sets on behavior

are called _____________.

1.  rules

2.  norms

3.  prescriptions

4.  precepts

Q17) An important goal of a diversity training

program is to ________________.

1.  achieve minority hiring quotas.

2.  help employees relate comfortably to

people of different cultures.

3.  move women and minorities into

managerial positions more quickly.

4.  market products to ethnic groups more


Q18) Which of the following statements is

INACCURATE with context to culture?

1.  Rely solely on stereotypes to understand

other cultures.

2.  Develop tolerance of other cultures.

3.  Develop an understanding of your own


4.  Avoid ethnocentrism.

Q19) ______________ and ______________ are cultural

variables in the communication process.

1.  Attitude and ethnicity

2.  Ethnicity and physical appearance

3.  Thought patterns and language

4.  Ethnicity and language

Q20) Improving one's tolerance of other cultures

requires ______________.

1.  Practicing yoga.

2.  Practicing empathy.

3.  Saving face.

4.  Relying on stereotypes.

Q21) The aim of cross-cultural communication

training is to ___________________.

1.  Create strong culture ties

2.  Give social status

3.  Improve behaviour

4.  Develop business equette

Q22) Which of the following is NOT a cultural

variable in the communication process?

1.  life space

2.  attitudes

3.  thought patterns

4.  proxemics

Q23) Which of following is an example of cross

cultural communication?

1.  Speaking foreign language

2.  Eating food in restaurant

3.  Wearing traditional cloth

4.  None of these

Q24) _____________ are widely held beliefs that

aNrm what is desirable.

1.  Laws

2.  Religion

3.  Edicts

4.  Cultural values

Q25) Which of the following may cause us to judge

others by our own values?

1.  Ethnorelativism

2.  Ethnocentrism

3.  Stereotyping

4.  Tolerance

Ethnocentrism is the act of judging another
culture based on preconceptions that are
found in values and standards of one's own

Q26) _______________ are rules that specify or

prohibit certain behaviors in speciQc situations.

1.  Norms

2.  Precepts

3.  Sanctions

4.  Prescriptions

Q27) Cultural intelligence helps us to know

cultural _____________.

1.  rituals

2.  differences

3.  rules of behaviour

4.  similarities

Q28) The role of the manager ______________.

1.  is the same across cultures

2.  varies only slightly across cultures

3.  is the same in nearly all cultures but varies

slightly in some cultures

4.  varies widely across cultures

Q29) In cross-cultural relations, being attentive to

individual differences in appearance helps
overcome the problem of ______________.

1.  confusing the identity of people from the

same racial or ethnicgroup.

2.  being politically correct.

3.  appearing cold and distant to people from

a different culture.

4.  being too informal toward people of

another culture.

Q30) When relating to people from other cultures,

it is recommended that you make extensive use of
idioms and analogies speciQc to your language.

1.  true

2.  false

3.  -

4.  -

Q31) Cultural Duency includes __________________.

1.  using a computer program to translate

from one language into another.

2.  wearing latex gloves to avoid germs when

visiting other countries.

3.  getting homesick on long visits overseas.

4.  knowledge of the international business


Q32) ______________ is the complex whole that

includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals,
customs, and any other capabilities and habits
acquired by humans as members of society.

1.  Reference group

2.  Government

3.  Culture

4.  Authority

Q33) The differences between men and women in

speech patterns are thought to be inherited rather
than cultural differences.

1.  true

2.  false

3.  -

4.  -

Q34) An e-mail’s style is determined by a person’s


1.  communicative ability

2.  status

3.  culture

4.  English

Q35) Before a company can successfully launch a

brand in a foreign country, several nonverbal
communication factors need to be understood.
One of these factors is time, and they must
understand a culture's overall orientation toward
time. This is known as a culture's ______________.

1.  time meaning

2.  time interpretation

3.  time perspective

4.  time relationship

Q36) Which of the following statements about the

global economy is most accurate?

1.  Although the “global village” was predicted

years ago, it is far from being a reality.

2.  Although many national companies do

business in foreign markets, few local
companies do.

3.  Many corporations have formed

multinational alliances to help them better
compete in the global economy.

4.  Because of easy access to global

information via the Internet, intercultural
differences lead to few misunderstanding.

Q37) Which term is used to reDect the degree to

which members of a culture feel threatened by
ambiguous situations and how much they try to
avoid them?

1.  paranoia

2.  emergency readiness

3.  statistical awareness

4.  uncertainty avoidance

Q38) People in high-context cultures make

business decisions on the basis of

1.  individual needs

2.  reason

3.  competition

4.  interpersonal relations

Q39) A person from a high-context culture is likely

to ______________.

1.  attempt to conduct business without Urst

building a relationship.

2.  overlook the circumstances surrounding

an event.

3.  make more extensive use of body


4.  make less extensive use of body language.

Q40) Cultures are static and rarely change.

1.  true

2.  false

3.  -

4.  -

Q41) In monochronic cultures, the priority is


1.  goal achievement

2.  multiple tasks

3.  the job

4.  relationships

Q42) Which age group is the closest thing to a

global culture today?

1.  babies

2.  young children

3.  teenagers

4.  middleaged adults

Q43) Cultural factors pervade the communication


1.  true

2.  false

3.  FALSE

4.  FALSE

Q44) The importance of avoiding cultural bloopers

has multiplied because of E-commerce and other
forms of Internet communication across globe.

1.  true

2.  false

3.  -

4.  -

Q45) People from a culture with a long-term

orientation are likely to _________________.

1.  have a propensity to save and invest.

2.  believe that top managers should hold

most of the power.

3.  demand quick returns on their


4.  spend now, thinking they will make more

money in the future.

Q46) Which of the following is true about the

factors of human relationships?

1.  In low-context cultures, people do not

explicitly shares background information
when communicating.

2.  People from polychronic cultures view

time in a relaxed way.

3.  Lowcontext cultures use a more

multimodal style of communication than
highcontext cultures.

4.  In monochromic cultures, people view

extensive planning as unwise and

Q47) A major aspect of cultural sensitivity is a

willingness to investigate ___________________.

1.  the reasons why people from another

culture act as they do.

2.  why one dislikes people from another


3.  opportunities for overseas work.

4.  opportunities for overseas travel.

Q48) Geert Hofstede deQnes _________________ as

that component of our mental programming which
we share with more of our compatriots as
opposed to most other world citizens.

1.  national culture

2.  ethnocentrism

3.  language

4.  powerdistance

Q49) Noticing what behaviors members of a

different culture use and applying these insights
to communicate in effective ways is

1.  commonplace in ethnocentrism.

2.  referred to as passive observation.

3.  an example of stereotyping.

4.  is communication competence.

Q50) A person with high cultural sensitivity is

likely to _________________.

1.  regard people from different cultures as

pretty much the same.

2.  be too sensitive to criticism from people

from different cultures.

3.  recognize nuances in customs among


4.  overlook nuances in customs among


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