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Name: ____________________________________________________ Class code:_________


Exemplary (15 pts) Emerging (12 pts) Proficient (10 pts) Beginning ( 7 pts)
Followed all safety rules (15 Listened and understands all Listened and understands all Listened and understands all The student did not pay
%) safety rules and safety rules and safety rules and attention to the safety rules
expectations. The student expectations. The student expectations. The student and expectations, thus
follows without any prompts. follows with one to two follows with three prompts. making them unsuccessful at
prompts wall-climbing.
Put on harness Properly The student can put on a The student can put on a The student can put on a The student did not put on
(10%) harness properly without any harness with one to two harness with no more than the harness properly thus
assistance from instructor. directions from the three prompts from the prohibiting them from
instructor. instructor. climbing.
Used proper climbing The student can say all of the The student can say the The student can say the The student does not know
commands (20 %) proper commands without commands with one to two commands with no more the proper commands, thus
any prompts from the prompts from the instructor. than three prompts from the prohibiting them from
instructor. instructor. climbing.
Used Proper descending The student uses the proper The student has to be The student has to be The student did not use the
techniques (20 %) descending command, their reminded one to two times reminded no more than proper descending technique
feet are positioned properly, to use the proper descending three times to use the proper after three to four prompts,
their body is positioned techniques. descending techniques. thus resulting in possible
properly. The student can injury.
descend without losing
control of their body.
Confidence (15 %) Shows confidence and Able to overcome fear and Makes a reasonable attempt Unable to overcome fear and
enthusiasm. A self-directed lack of confidence. Needs to overcome fear and lack of lack of confidence. Needs
learner. some hand-holding and confidence. Needs frequent constant hand-holding and
guidance. hand-holding and guidance. guidance.
Climbs close to wall ( 20%) The students demonstrates The student generally keeps The student attempts to The student hangs far from
close contact with the wall as their body close to the wall. keep body close the wall the wall.
appropriate and is able to some of the time.
make gains in their climbing.

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