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English Presentation

Passive Voice Present Simple

and Past Simple

Presented by: Ivana, Jesslyn, Nygel, Sheline

Passive Voice
Active voice is the term for a verb whose subject
performs the action of the verb.
Passive voice is a verb in the passive form when the
subject of the sentence is acted on by the verb.

Passive voice is used to show interest in the person

or object that experiences an action rather than the
person or object that performs the action.

So, the other words in this passive form is the

most important thing or person becomes the
subject of the sentence.
When do we use passive voice ?
When the subject is unknown.
Example : - My wallet was stolen.
- A man was killed.

When the subject is not important.

Example : - The new building was completed
last week.
- Taxes will be raised by government.

When the subject is obvious

Example : - Food shouldn't be eaten on the bus.
- Nature shouldn't be polluted by human.
Why we use passive voice ?
1. We don't want to talk about who did the
2. We don't know who did the action.

3. We want to focus attention on the person or

thing affected by the action.
4. The object is more interesting or
important than the subject.
How do we use passive voice ?
When the person or thing that acted on come first,
and the actor is added at the end, introduced with
the preposition "by".
When we want to make the verb by putting 'to be' into
whatever tense we need and then adding the past

The passive form of the verb is signaled by a form of "to be" :

In the sentence above, "was formulated" is in passive voice while
"formulated" is in active.
Passive Voice Present Simple
Passive voice present simple Is a form of passive tense that is
used to show our habits, routines, and fact.

In this present simple passive form we focus on the object

of the sentence that we change into the subject.

in this passive form, we add the "by",If we want to say

who or what performs the action while using the
passive voice.
In this passive form, the auxiliary verb that we used 'is'/'am'/'are', am (
When the subject I ), is ( When the subject he,she,it ), and are ( When
the subject you,we and they ).
The pattern of present simple in passive form :
Pattern : (+) Subject + tobe (is,am,are) + verb 3 (past participle) + by + object.
(-) Subject + tobe (is,am,are) + not + verb 3 (past participle) + by + object.
(?) Tobe (is,am,are) + subject + verb 3 (past participle) + by + object + ?

Example : 1. Darren studies english

(+) English is studied by Darren.
(-) English isn't studied by Darren.
(?) Is English studied by Darren ?

2. The students sweep the floor

(+) The floor is swept by the students.
(-) The floor isn't swept by the students.
(?) Is the floor swept by the students ?
When we used passive voice present simple ?
We use this passive form when the agent is unknown. ( We don't know who is the agent ).
Example : The man who is believed to have stolen the goods must be brought to justice.
( We don't know who the man is ).
We use this passive form when the passive to emphasise the subject.
Example : Paris and London are visited by many people each year. ( The emphasise is on
Paris and London ).
We use this passive form when the passive talk about general truths.
Example : Certain animals are known to attack humans.
We can use this passive form if we want to be unclear or vague about the subject.
Example : Mistakes are committed.
We use this passive form when the subject is irrelevant. ( We don't care who or what has
caused the action to be ).
Example : English classes are taught here every day. ( Who teaches the classes is not
important within the given situation ).
We use this passive in more formal atmosphere like a thesis or an important piece of writing, especially
scientifically speaking.
Example : The water is poured into the dish to form the desired product.
The whole scientific process is done over three years.
Lets do the the practice
1. Aldi paints the wall. 3. We visit our grandparents
The correct passive form is ... The correct passive form is...
a. The wall was painted by Aldi a. Our grandparents are visited by us
b. The wall is painted by Aldi b. Our grandparents is visited by us
c. The wall were painted by Aldi c. Our grandparents were visited by us
d. The wall are painted by Aldi d. Our grandparents was visited by us

2. The servant cooks some meal.

The correct passive form is...
a. Some meal is cooked by the servant
b. Some meal was cooked by the servant
c. Some meal are cooked by the servant
d. Some meal is cooks by the servant
Passive Voice Past Simple
Passive voice past simple is a form of tense that is used to express
events that occured in the past and have ended in the past in the
passive form by using "was" or "were" plus past participle.

In this past simple passive form we used when the person or thing that
did the action is unknown, unimportant or not the focus of our interest.

Unlike the simple present which uses the auxiliary verb 'is'/'am'/are'' ,The
passive voice in the past simple tense is formed by the auxiliary verb
'was'/'were'. 'Was' is used for singular subjects ( I, He, She and It ), while
'were' is used for plural subjects ( You, We and They ).
The Pattern of past simple in passive form
Pattern : (+) Subject + tobe (was/were) + verb 3 ( past participle) + by + object.
(-) Subject + tobe (was/were) + not + verb 3 (past participle) + by + object.
(?) Tobe (was/were) + subject + verb 3 (past participle) + by + object + ?

Example : 1. Miss Remy taught English

(+) English was taught by Miss Remy.
(-) English wasn't taught by Miss Remy.
(?) Was English taught by Miss Remy ?

2. Federico broke the vase

(+) The vase was broken by federico.
(-) The vase wasn't broken by federico.
(?) Was the vase broken by federico ?
When we used passive voice past simple ?
We use this passive form when the agent is unknown, therefore, We don't know who or what is the
Example : Something was stolen from our garage last night.
Some sort of creature was born.
We use this passive form when the passive to emphasise the subject.
Example : The queen was told to listen.
We use this passive form when the passive talk about general truths.
Example : The earth was occupied by dinosaurs over sixty-five million years ago.
World war two was spread out over a six-year period.
We can use this passive if we want to be unclear or vague about the subject.
Example : A suitcase was found at the airport. ( We don't know about the specific contents of the
suitcase, as a result, we use the passive ).
We use this passive form when the subject irrelevant. ( We don't care who or what has caused the action
to be ).
Example : A painting was sold for more than one million euros last night.
We use this passive form in more formal atmosphere like a thesis or an important piece of writing,
especially scientifically speaking.
Example : The elements of the structure were put into the mix.
The climates change issue was discussed.
Lets do the practice
1. I sent the package. 3. Carlos closed the window.
The correct passive form is ... The correct passive form is ...
a. The package is sent by me a. The window is closed by Carlos
b. The package was sent by me b. The window closed by Carlos
c. The package were sent by me c. The window were closed by Carlos
d. The package are sent by me d. The window was closed by Carlos

2. The farmer planted trees.

The correct passive form is ...
a. Trees is planted by the farmer
b. Trees are palnted by the farmer
c. Trees was planted by the farmer
d. Trees were planted by the farmer

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