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Science Worksheet 2 Score: Parent’s

Name/Class: _______________/_____ Signature:

Grade 6

Theme 1/Semester 1/2023 - 2024 Day/Date : _____________________

● Answer all questions.
● Use a black pen.
● You may use an HB pencil for any diagrams or graphs (if any).
● Write your name in the boxes at the top of the page.
● Write your answer to each question in the space provided.
● Do not use an erasable pen, correction tape or correction fluid.

Part 1: Multiple Choices (50 Points)

Cross (x) the correct answer.
1. Which of the following is a reversible change?

a. Change of stretched rubber band to its normal size.

b. Change of raw egg to boiled egg
c. Change of bud to flower
d. None of these [3]
2. Any change in which the original substance can be obtained by reversing conditions is known
as a … .

a. reversible change c. physical change

b. irreversible change d. Both (a) and (c) [3]

3. When a woolen yam is knitted to get a sweater, the change can be classified as … .

a. physical change c. thermal change

b. chemical change d. material change [3]

4. Select a reversible change.

a. milk to paneer c. cow-dung to biogas

b. growth of a tree d. ice-cream to molten ice cream [3]

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5. Sam kept some water outside in the sun. The next day he saw nothing in the glass. What
happened to the water?

a. It disappeared b. It evaporated c. It boiled d.It melted [3]

6. Why can’t you see sugar that has been mixed in a cup of hot water?

a. because the sugar is soluble c. because the water is a thermal conductor

b. because the sugar is transparent d. because it is reversible changes [3]

7. Which of the following words correctly completes this sentence?

When a liquid is heated, it … and changes into a gas.

a. melts b. freezes c. evaporates d. condens [3]

8. What always happens when an irreversible change has taken place?

a. a new product is made

b. you can get the original materials back
c. fizzing
d. a material that will evaporate [3]

9. Which of these is an example of an irreversible change?

a. burning wood c. pouring water and sand through a filter

b. mixing salt in water d. the sole of a shoe to be flexible [3]
10. Which of these words describes the process that happens when a gas is cooled?

a. evaporating b. condensing c. melting d. freezing [3]

11.Beating an egg changes the consistency of the egg irreversibly but the chemical composition of
the egg will stay the same.

a. true b. false [4]

12.Changes to mixed materials can be reversed by filtration, evaporation, sieving or pouring.

a. true b. false [4]
13.What is the correct scientific word for describing something that does not dissolve in water?
a. filtration c. solutions
b. insoluble d. reactants [4]

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Choose three correct answers for questions number 14 and 15.

14. What would make a solid dissolve quicker in water?

a. Stirring it quickly or longer
b. Adding more heat
c. Making the solid into bigger pieces
d. Making the solid into smaller particles [4]

15. Which changes are irreversible?

a. Melting chocolate
a. Making bread into toast
b. Mixing vinegar and bicarbonate of soda
c. Frying an egg [4]

Part 2: Short Answers (20 Points)

Classify the following as reversible or irreversible changes:

1. Reversible changes: ________________________________________________________________


2. Irreversible changes: _______________________________________________________________


Tick true or false for each statement.

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Statement True False

3 All liquids boil at the same temperature.

When liquid boils, it turns into a gas.

4 When a liquid evaporates, it turns into a gas.

Liquids can only turn into a gas at boiling point.

5. What is the boiling point of water? _______________________________________________

Part 3: Essay (30 Points)

Answer the questions correctly.

1. Write in the spaces provided whether the changes below are reversible or irreversible.

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2. Yuri investigates how many sugar cubes dissolve in different temperatures of water. In his first
experiment Yuri:

● pours 100cm3 of water into a glass beaker

● measures the temperature of the water
● keeps adding sugar cubes to the water until no more sugar dissolves
● records the number of sugar cubes that dissolve.

He repeats the experiment four more times. Each time he uses water at a different temperature.

a. Write down a prediction for this investigation. Use your knowledge and understanding of
particles to explain your prediction.

Prediction _____________________________________________________________



Explanation ____________________________________________________________



b. Name a piece of equipment used to accurately measure 100cm3 of water.


c. Name a piece of equipment used to measure the temperature of water.


d. Explain why Yuri uses 100cm3 of water in each experiment.



e. Write down the dependent variable in this investigation.


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3. Safia wants to find out if liquid A or liquid B evaporates the fastest.

a. As the liquid evaporates, the mass displayed by the balance decreases. The independent
variable is the type of liquid. Name one dependent variable.


b. Modeling is used to show evaporation. Liquid A evaporates faster than liquid B. Circles are
used to model particles. A few particles are drawn in each beaker. Draw more particles on
the diagram to show liquid A evaporating faster than liquid B.

c. Describe how the model helps Safia understand evaporation.





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4. Blessy mixes different solids with a liquid. She uses this equipment.

Here are her results.

a. How many of the solids have a chemical reaction with the liquid? Circle the correct number.

1 2 3 4 5

b. Blessy writes some notes about mixing solid A with a liquid. The gas is carbon dioxide.
Solid A is copper carbonate. The name of the liquid at the end is copper sulfate. The only
liquid in the flask at the start is dilute sulfuric acid. Complete the sentences.

The reactants of this reaction are ___________________________________________

The products of this reaction are ___________________________________________

c. Substances have properties. Complete the sentence.

Two different properties are electrical conductivity and _________________ conductivity.

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5. Changes of state are physical changes.

a. Complete the sentence to explain why melting is a physical change. Melting is a

_________________________________ process because the liquid formed can be
changed into a solid by ________________________________________________

b. Describe one similarity between boiling and evaporation.



c. Describe two differences between boiling and evaporation.

1. __________________________________________________________________


2. __________________________________________________________________


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