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Definition: Preposition is a word used to link nouns, pronouns,
or phrases to other words within a sentence.

Example:- At with off of after

before under on by in
but from behind beside between
due to result of fond of instead of during
according about above for near
into upon within
1. The bone was _______ the dog.
a. About
b. For
c. After
d. Considering
2. We are going on vacation _______ August.
a. On
b. At
c. In
d. Since
3. Please put the vase ________ the table.
a. In
b. On
c. For
d. Over
4. I received a present ________ Janet.
a. From
b. Of
c. By
d. About
5. School begins ________ Monday.
a. In
b. On
c. From
d. Since
6. Mt Abu is about five thousand feet ........ the sea-
a) above
b) along
c) after
d) behind
7. I got your parcel ........ Tuesday.
a) since
b) for
c) to
d) on
8. The case was put ........ the judge and the judge
decided it within an year.
a) at
b) from
c) before
d) of
9. I am much ashamed .............. my son.
a) by
b) of
c) at
d) on
10. He is proud ........................ his riches.
a) by
b) of
c) on
d) over
11. You have made all preparations ........ the marriage.
a) to
b) for
c) of
d) on
12. His birthday is ........ next Sunday.
a) in
b) at
c) on
d) for
13. He behaves just like his father. He really takes ........ him.
a) to
b) from
c) after
d) by
14. He fell the tree ........................... an axe.
a) by
b) of
c) on
d) with
15. Your views don’t accord ......... mine.
a) with
b) to
c) on
d) for
16. We are offering solutions ........ a price almost
anyone can afford.
a) in
b) at
c) on
d) by
17. They are very grateful .......... your kindness.
a) for
b) to
c) with
d) towards
18. There were several policemen ........ duty on Republic
a) to
b) on
c) for
d) at
19. He sat ..................... me.
a) for
b) into
c) after
d) beside
20. He spoke ........ the subject for two hours regularly.
a) in
b) on
c) of
d) with
21. Try to reach the village ........ the sunset.
a) before
b) by
c) from
d) of
22. Gandhiji fought ........ the freedom of
our country.
a) by
b) in
c) of
d) for
23. I am fond ..... reading
a) of
b) for
c) on
d) to
24. Children are fond ........ chocolates and computer games.
a) for
b) of
c) with
d) in
25. I correspond .................. her regularly.
a) to
b) on
c) of
d) in
26. The man ................ pipe and long hairs is the
brother ........ the girl.
a) with,of
b) by,of
c) on,of
d) with,to
27. You are to conform ............. the rules of the institute.
a) on
b) of
c) to
d) with
28. It is expected .............. you to find the solution.
a) from
b) in
c) on
d) of
29. It’s too late to go shopping. The shops are only open
...................... 9:30 pm. They’ll be closed ......................
now. .
a) by,until
b) Until,by
c) Until, Until
d) by,by
30. She is ........ a noble family of Rajputs.
a) from
b) of
c) among
d) at
31. Some people are ........ prison for crimes they
have not committed.
a) in
b) on
c) at
d) by
32. This is consequent ........... your application dated
10th August.
a) to
b) upon
c) within
d) of
33. This is subsequen......... my application dated 5th July.
a) for
b) to
c) in
d) with
34. Divide twelve mangoes ............. three
a) to
b) for
c) between
d) among
35. Your scheme is adverse ............... my career.
a) of
b) for
c) to
d) on
36. They have been reading ........ 7 o’clock.
a) for
b) in
c) since
d) at
37. He was prevented ........ going to college.
a) to
b) of
c) by
d) from
38. He was prevented ........ going to college.
a) to
b) of
c) by
d) from
39. The meeting took place ........ the company’s
corporate office.
a) at
b) to
c) on
d) by
40. The patient died ............... fever.
a) with
b) from
c) to
d) of
41 I’ve been offered a lucrative job ...... my friend. I haven’t
decided yet whether to accept it or not. I have to decided
.................. next Monday.
a) by,by
b) Until,by
c) Until, Until
d) by,until
42.He lives .......................... Mumbai.
a) with
b) up
c) in
d) on
43. The court has restored the property ........... its true owner.
a) to
b) on
c) for
d) of
44. We all have to adjust ourselves .............. new
a) from
b) to
c) with
d) of
45. These boys go to college ........ college bus.
a) by
b) on
c) to
d) for
46.Manisha was very angry with me. She didn’t speak to
me ........... a week.
a) for
b) during
c) while
d) No Preposition Needed
47. I was invited ........ tea by his mother.
a) for
b) to
c) with
d) in
48. He died ....................... heart failure.
a) along
b) of
c) for
d) after
49.His path is beset ............ many difficulties.
a) with
b) to
c) for
d) of
50. He lives .............. Delhi.
a) in
b) by
c) from
d) on
Use question words for the underlined words in the given sentences:

1. I had eggs for breakfast.

2. I ate a banana in the morning.

3. We went to Uttarakhand last year.

4. I visited my grandparents last week.

5. I met John yesterday.

6. He finished his studies in 2003.

7. I received the parcel in the morning.

8. They have lived here since 1998.

9. Jatin won the first prize in the drawing competition.

10. My father works at a multinational company.

11. Meera keeps a pig in her backyard.

12. Ayushi took Ritu to Madhya Pradesh.

13. Sheela married her brother's friend.

14. Sumita suffered serious injuries in the accident.

15. He can speak Chinese.

16. They are leaving tontigh.

17. The play was interesting.

18. They go to the movies every Saturday.

19. He wakes up early.

20. They sent a letter.

21. James writes good poems.

22. They go to school.

23. I play football in the evening.

24. He runs on the road.

25. Sita saw a snake in the room.

Definition:- Conjunctions are words that link other words, phrases,
or clauses together.

1. He likes to play soccer, _____ his brother prefers basketball.

2. She studied hard for the exam, _____ she still failed.

3. Would you like tea _____ coffee?

4. He is tall, _____ he is also very strong.

5. We can go to the beach, _____ we can have a picnic in the park.

6. She wanted to go to the party, _____ her parents said no.

7. The cat was hungry, _____ it meowed loudly.

8. I'm not feeling well, _____ I think I'll stay home.

9. He is not only a great singer, _____ an excellent dancer.

10. You can have the blue shirt _____ the red one

11.She was tired, _____ she stayed up late to finish the project

12. You can choose the book _____ the movie adaptation.

13. The car broke down, _____ they had to call for a tow truck

14 She enjoys painting _____ playing the piano

15. We can go to the zoo, _____ we can visit the museum.

16. He loves to swim, _____ he is afraid of deep water.

17. She practiced for hours, _____ she won the competition.

18. You can take the bus, _____ you can walk.

19. The dog was barking, _____ it wanted to go outside

20. He likes pizza, _____ he doesn't like mushrooms on it

21. She is smart, _____ she is also very kind

22. We can go to the park, _____ we can have a picnic at the beach

23. He wanted to go to the concert, _____ his friend had an extra ticket

24. The sun was shining, _____ she decided to go for a walk

25.She doesn't like spicy food, _____ she ordered a mild curry
26. The car ran out of gas, _____ they had to push it to the nearest station.

27.I'm tired, _____ I'm going to bed early

28. He is not only a good student, _____ an excellent athlete

29.You can choose the blue pen _____ the black one
1. If she (study) hard, she (get) good grades.

2.They (play) soccer every weekend, but today they (go) hiking instead.

3.I (finish) my work yesterday, so today I (have) some free time.

4.We (visit) our grandparents next month because it (be) their anniversary.

5.He (run) a marathon last year, and this year he (plan) to run another one.
6.She (learn) French for two years, and now she (speak) it fluently.

7.They (travel) to Europe next summer, and they (visit) several countries.

8.We (meet) our friends for dinner later. Do you want to (join) us?

9.He (write) a book, and it (be) published next month.

10.If you (study) diligently, you (succeed).

11.She (practice) the piano every day, and now she (play) beautifully.

12.They (travel) to many countries, and they (experience) diverse cultures.

13.We (cook) dinner together, and now we (enjoy) the meal.

14.He (work) late last night, so today he (take) a day off.

15.If it (snow) tomorrow, we (build) a snowman in the backyard.

1.If you (work) hard, you (pass).

2.She (study) diligently, so she (be prepared) for the exam.

3.They (practice) every day, and now they (be ready) for the performance.

4.We (travel) to different countries, and we (experience) diverse cultures.

5.He (write) a novel, and now he (edit) the final draft.

1.If it (rain) tomorrow, we (stay) indoors.

2.She (read) a lot of books, and now she (have a vast knowledge) on various


3.They (volunteer) at the local shelter, and they (make) a positive impact.

4.We (meet) at the café yesterday, and we (have a great conversation).

5.He (play) the guitar, and now he (perform) at local events.

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