Peer Feedback NEW - MOHAMMAD JUNAID - Received Feedback

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Group Member Evaluation

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Peer Feedback NEW

Reviews written by
Downloaded at 11 Jul 2023,
Vishal Vijay 11:26

Hamza Sohail Review for MOHAMMAD

Malika Shektibayeva

Melroy Crasto

Bhavini Sharma


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How do you rate this person's attendance in group meetings and discussions
Rubric criterion

Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Excellent

1 point 2 points 3 points

Group average
Average received

Class average

Received ratings
Excellent - The team member always attends meetings on time and is fully prepared
Hamza Sohail, Malika Shektibayeva, Melroy Crasto, Bhavini Sharma, MOHAMMAD JUNAID

Satisfactory - The team member attends meetings and is generally on time and prepared
Vishal Vijay

How would you rate this person's contribution in group meetings and
Rubric criterion

Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Excellent

1 point 2 points 3 points

Group average
Average received

Class average

Received ratings
Excellent - The team member contributes very well with constructive ideas, inputs comments and
questions in team discussions and meetings
Melroy Crasto, Bhavini Sharma, MOHAMMAD JUNAID

Satisfactory - The team member contributes to a satisfactory level with input, ideas, comments and
Vishal Vijay, Hamza Sohail, Malika Shektibayeva


Hamza Sohail
HS 01-07-2023 14:39:03

Would encourage to speak and put out your ideas more during discussion

How would you rate this person's contribution to the project through
completing assigned tasks and activities
Rubric criterion

Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Excellent

1 point 2 points 3 points

Group average
Average received

Class average

Received ratings
Excellent - The team member goes beyond and above - either taking on a larger proportion of tasks
compared to other team members and/or consistently completing tasks to an excellent level.
Hamza Sohail, Melroy Crasto, MOHAMMAD JUNAID

Satisfactory - The team member takes on their fair share of activities and completes tasks as promised to
a satisfactory level
Vishal Vijay, Malika Shektibayeva, Bhavini Sharma

On balance, how would you rate the overall contribution of this person to the
Rubric criterion

Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Excellent

1 point 2 points 3 points

Group average
Average received

Class average

Received ratings
Excellent - Their contribution is greater than several other team members
Hamza Sohail, Melroy Crasto, MOHAMMAD JUNAID

Satisfactory - Their overall contribution is at a satisfactory level

Vishal Vijay, Malika Shektibayeva, Bhavini Sharma


Hamza Sohail
HS 01-07-2023 14:40:10

A knowledgeable individual who knows how to research and collect data. I would encourage to join the
discussion and speak more when comparing and evaluating ideas.

Malika Shektibayeva
M 03-07-2023 16:56:51

Participate more in the group discussions. This comment can also be applied to myself)


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