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Reproduction isa physiological process, during which an organism produces young one ofits continue the race. Reproductive system includes the following aspects. . The Male reproductive system |. The Female reproductive system . Gametogenesis . Menstrual cycle . Fertilization and Implantation Pregnancy and Embryonic development Parturition and lactation NAWRYNS 1. The male reproductive system ; " Itincludes a pair of estes, accessory ducts, glands and external genitalia (Penis). Urinary. bladder ’ Pubie bone ar Ves deferens. Rectum Ejaculatory Prostate gland duct Bulbourethral Penis gland ANS ) ‘Anus Urethra Poe: ny Epididymis Glans Penis Ne } Foreskin alee , ‘ et Ag ,Speematits + Apairoftestes is situates outside the abdominal cavity in a sac of skin called the scrotum. + Scrotum keeps testes at a temperature 2-2.5°C lower than the internal body temperature, which is necessary for the synthesis of sperms. + Each estes is oval shape, measures about 4~Scm in length and is 2-3 emin width. + The outermost covering of the testis is formed by a dense fibrous membrane called tunica albuginea. Primary spermatoat® Sertolicel i mmatic sectional view of 2 Te ‘seminiferous tubule (enlarged) Simplified NCERT II PUC Biology text book ~ Bach testis divided into 250 compartments called testicular lobules, + Fach Jobule contains 1-3 highly coiled tubules known as seminiferous tubules in which sperms are produced. , . + Each seminiferous tubule i lied on its inside, by two highly specialised cells called male germ cells (spermatogonia) and Sertoli cells. Urinary bladder vas deferens Seminal vesicle Prostate gland Bulbourethral gland Epididymis ididymi Urethra Vasa efferentia Rete testis: Testicular lobules Testis Foreskin Glans penis Male reproductive system + Spermatogonia undergo meiotic cell division to priduce sperms + Sertoli cells or nurse cells provide nutrition to the germ cells The regions outside the seminiferous tubules contain masses of cells called interstitial cells or Leyding cells synthesise and secrete the male hormones called androgens (testosterone) which maintain male sex characteristics. B] Accessory ducts The male sex accessory ducts includes rete testis, vasa efferentia, epididymis and vas deferens a. Rete testis : The seminiferous tubules merge into a net work of tiny tubules called rete testis. These rete testis opens into the vasa efferentia which later open. into a comma shaped epididymi Epididymis b. Epididymis: The epididymis leads to vas deferens which VS efferentia ascends and runs upward then passes around the urinary Rete testis bladder and enlarges to form the ampulla, which stores sperms till ejaculation. ©. Vas deferens receives a duct from seminal vesicle and opens into urethra as the ejaculatory duet. The urethra originates from the urinary bladder and extends through the Penis to its external opening called urethral meatus. Accessary duets of testis : Simplified NCERT II PUC Biology text book C] Accessory glands: The accesory or seconday glands include a prostate gland, two seminal ves and two bulbourethral glands. a. Prostate gland : It surrounds the urethra and produces a milky secretion which forms a considerable ey of the semen. This secretion contains citric acid, lipids and enzymes. Secretion of the prostate glanj nourishes and activates the spermatozoa to swim. | ¢, Seminal vesicles: These secrete mucus and a watery alkaline fluid that contains fructose whit provides energy to the sperms. 4. Bulbourethral glands or Cowper’s glands are attached to the urethra below the prostate gland. They secrete mucus fluid forthe lubrication ofthe penis. Seeretions of accessory glands constitute seminal plasma which isrich in fruetose, ealeium and certa, enzymes. D| External genitalia + Ttisthe cylindrical, erectile and copulatory organ called penis. It helps in passage of urine and semen. + Penis encloses urethra which opens outside at the tip through urethral meatus. + Penis is supported by three erectile tissues around the urethra. + Tip of the penis is highly sensitive and vascularised and is known is glans. + Glansis covered by retractile skin fold called foreskin or prepuce. Parts of male reproductive system and their functions Parts of Male repre Functions Testes Productions of sperms and male sex hormones Epididymis Storage and maturation of sperms Vas deferens “Transportation of sperms Fjaculatory duct Conduction of sperms Penis Organ of copulation ‘Accesso sof tials Reproductive system: Funetions Seminal vesicles Provides energy and helps in motility of sperms Prostate glands ‘Which nourishes the sperms and stimulate their motility Bulbo urethral Glands or lubrication of penis and lining of urethra. cowper’s glands 2. The female reproductive sys- tem The female reproductive system con- sists of Uterus. a. primary sex organs i.e. a pair of Urinary Bladder ovaries, b. Secondary or accessory Sex OF- Pubic symphysis: gans ic. a pair of oviducts, uterus, eatin cervix, vagina, . Clitoris: c. The external genitalia dApairofthe mammary glands, [Spun more Allthese are integrated structurally Vaginal orice ‘and functionally to suppor the pro- cesses of ovulation, fertilization, preg- Diagrammatic sectional view of nancy, birth and childcare. {female pelvis showing reproductive system Simplified NCERT II PUC Biology text book Uterine cavity Fallopian Uterine fundus tabs Isthmus Endometrium Myometrium Fimbriae Ovary Perimetrium Cervix Cervical canal Vagina Female reproductive system A. Ovaries + Ovaries are the female sex organs that produce the female gamete (ovum). + The ovaries are located one on each side of the lower abdomen. + Each ovary is about 2 to 4 em in length & 2cm in width. It is connected to the pelvic wall and uterus by ligaments. + » These ovaries apart from producing ova also secrete female hormones like esterogen, progesterone, relaxin etc. B. Oviducts or fallopian tubes + Each fallopian tube is ciliated, tubular passage measuring about 10-12 em long. + Itextends from the ovary to the uterus. + A finnel-shaped structure is present near to the ovary and is calledinfundibulum. + The edges of the infundibulum possess finger-like projections called fimbriae, one of which is at- tached to one end of the ovary. The fimbriae help in the collection of the ovum after ovulation. * The infundibulum leads to a wider part of the oviduct called ampulla. + The last part of the oviduct is isthmus which has a narrow lumen and it joins the uterus. C. Uterus or womb + The uterus is a large, hallow, muscular inverted pear shaped organ with about 8cm long and Sem width. * Itis present in the pelvis between the bladder and the rectum. + Itishighly vascularised organ and is supported by ligaments attached to the pelvic wall. * The uterus consists of three parts namely the upper part between two fallofian tubes called fundus, a central portion called the uterine cavity and the lower cylindrical part called cervix enclosing cervical canal, * The cervical canal opens outside by vagina, * The wall of the uterus has three layers namely outer perimetrium, middle myometrium and inner endometrium where the embryo gets implanted. oi Simplified NCERT II PUC Biology text book D. Vagina or birth canal _— Vagina is the copulation chamber, measuring about 7.5em in length, It extends from cervix and run backward, in front of the rectum. During sexual i the penis and semen. sexual intercourse, the vagina receives t si ian tube wh: ili he sperms in the semen pass through uterus into the fallopian tube where fertilization tke External genitalia or Vulva a: £ It consists of various parts like mons pubis, labia majora, labia minora hymen and clitoris, Mons pubis isan elevated cushion like structure with pubic hair. This covers the vestibule, Vestibule is bounded by two pairs of moist skin folds with sebaceous glands. Theinner smal pied skin ols recalled labia minora and outer rer pred skin flsarecay majora, A small erectile and sensitive structure is present on upper side in between the two folds of labia min, called clitoris. (Clitoris is homologous to the male penis). Vestibule has two apertures- upper urethral opening [orifice] and lower vaginal opening, The vaginal opening is often covered partially by a membrane called hymen. ‘The hymen is often torn during the first coitus (intercourse) or during horse riding, cycling, ete. The presence or absence of hymen is not a reliable indicator of virginity or sexual experience, Parts of female reproductive system and their functions E Parts of Female reproductive system an Ovary Production of ova and female sex hormones Oviduct | Uterus Site of menstruation, implantation of a fertilized ovum development of the foetus and labor Cervix Secretes mucus that enhances sperm movement into uterus and prevents the embryo from bacterial infection Vagina Organ of sexual intercourse and birth canal Lesser and greater vestibular | Secrete mucus that provides lubrication during sexual glands intercourse Mammary glands Fat / Mammary glands are paired modified sweat glands Mammary lobe @ y that produce and eject milk. Mammary alveolus. These are rounded structures present on ventral tho- Mammary duct racic wall with adipose tissue and glandular tis- ampulla sue. Muscles Each breast is convex anteriorly with an erectile Between ribs nipple in its middle. The nipple has 15-20 openings oflactiferous ducts, these ducts dilate to form ampullae just below the Pectoralis ‘major muscle nipple to store the milk. The base of the nipple is deep pink to light brown in colour and is called areola, SN id! Mammary gland A) Spermatogenesis q 2 Each breast is made up of about Thealveoli open into mammary Several mammary ducts join to for through which milk is sucked out. Gametogenesis The process of formation diploid gonads is called The process of formation ofhaploid sperms from the diploid spermatogonia in semineferous tubules of testis is called spermatogenesis, The process of spermatogenesis can be studied under two steps, namely 1] Formation of spermatids 2] Spermiogenesis Formation of spermatids: Spermatids are formed from spermatozoan mother cells in the testis. These are present in the seminiferous tubules along with nourishing cells called cells of sertoli Formation of spermatids can be studied in the following three phases a) Phase of multiplication Inthis phase, the spermatogonial mother cells present on the inside wall of sem tubules undergo repeated mitotic divisions and results in large number of daughter cells called spermatogonia. Each cell is diploid with 46 chromosomes. b) Phase of growth: In this phase some spermatogonia absorb some nutrients into the cytoplasm and enlarges. These enlarged 'S-20 lobes of milk glands with a group of secretary cells called alveoli tubules. The tubules ofeach lobe join to forma mammary duct. rm a wider mammat Simplified NCERT II PUC Biology text book ampulla which is connected to lactiferous duct and differentiation of haploid male and female gametes {sperms and eggs] from Sametogenesis. This includes spermatogenes and oogenesis. ‘At Puberty i ha SS Schematic representation of spermatogenesis Spermatogonia | Primary spermatocytes 2ne46. Mitosis differentiation ne Ist meiotic a? [em Secondary spermatocytes n=23 | 2nd meiotic divison Spermatids | | | | 1-23 Spermatozoa spermatogonia, which are now ready to undergo reduction division, are called primary spermatocytes ¢) Phase of maturation + Intthis phase each primary spermatocyte undergoes meiotic division + During first meiotic division the homologous chromosomes undergo synapsis and crossing over result- ing in genetic recombination. * Then primary spermatocyte divides in to two equal sized secondary spermatocytes with 23 chromo- somes. + Inthis division the diploid number of chromosomes gets reduced to haploid. + These two secondary spermatocytes undergo second meiotic division to form four equal sized spherical spermatids. Spermiogenesis; The process of transformation of spherical non-motile spermatids into tad-pole like sper- matozoa (sperms) is called spermiogenesis. After spermiogenesis sperm heads become embedded in the sertoli cells, and then. released. Release of sperms from the seminiferous tubules is called spermiation. Simplified NCERT Il PUC Biology text book J Hormonal control of spermatogenesis; Hypothalamus + At puberty the secretion of GnRH | cons increases and these acs on the anterior pitu- Cn itary gland to stimulates secretion of two go- Anterior pituitary nadotropins namley luteinising ——_hor- era] mone (LH) and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH). LH(ICSH) FSH + LH/ICSH acts at the leydig cells and stimu- Supresses FSH secretion lates synthesis and secretion of andro- + gens. Leydig cells Sertoli cells» Inhibin hormone + Androgens, stimulate the process of spermat | ogenesis. Synthesisof Certain factors + FSHactson the sertolicellsand stimulates se-__ndrogen (Testosterone) cretion of some factors which help in the pro- cess of spermiogenesis. Sertolicells secrete inhibin hormone which sup- presses FSH secretion. Ultra structure of the human sperm Spermis a haploid motile male gamete, Human sperm is namely head, neck, middle piece and tail. A plasma membra 1. Head The nucleus anteriorly posses a dome shaped cap called acrosome. It is derived from Golgi complex of spermatid. Acrosome is filled with enzymes (Hyaluronidase and Acrosin) help to dissolve egg membranes during fertilization, . Neck Itisa small constriction present between head and middle piece. It contains a proximal centriole and a distal centriole. Distal centriole produces a long axial filament or axoneme. Itruns throughout the length of the sperm forming the central axis of the tail. . Middle piece or engine room This middle piece contains numerous mitochondria which provide energy for the movement of sperm. Tail : It is the longest part of the sperm with 55 microns inlength. Its vibratory action helps in movement of sperm. . Oogenesis The process of formation of mature female gamete or ovum from diploid oogonium in the ovary is called o0- genesis, Stimulates spermatogenesis Stimulates spermiogenesis Hormonal control of spermatogenesis, tadpole shape. It consists of four major parts, ine envelops the entire body of the sperm. Head of the spermis large pear shaped with a large haploid nucleus with paternal chromosomes. Plasma membrane Acrosome 2 3 Nucleus containing chromosomal material Hes Neck Middle piece Mitochondria (energy souree for swimming) Tail Human Sperm ‘Simplified NCERT II PUC Biology text book The diploid cell of germinal g itheli i s verted intohaplodaee ee hthetiam (oogonia) getscon- involves following phases. a. Phase of multiplication fees tosis The primordial germ cells in the ovary undergo repeated diferentation mitotie divisions to produce large number of cells called Fetal li ‘oogonia or egg mother cells (2n), ee b. Growth phase Primary oocyte The egg mother cells grow in size due to synthesis and accumulation of food materials and the nial cells are called primary oocytes. une O88 ire vaste : ¢. Phase of maturation Childhood + The primary oocyte undergoes first meiotic divi Pubery™ sion to produce two hapoid (n) and unequal daugh- First Secondary oocyte ter cells. polar body 2st meiotic + The larger cells called secondary oocyte and a rep ive Avision smaller cellis called primary polar body, Mite ovum + The secondary oocyte undergoes second meiotic | second division and produces one large cell and a smaller lar bod cell; larger cell is called ootid which develops into aed ovum. ‘Schiematic repregention of oogenesis The smaller cell is called secondary polar body. The primary polar body also undergoes division and produces two secondary polar bodies. Thus, in oogenesis, each primary oocyte produces one ovum and three polar bodies. Hormonal control of Oogenesis*~ 2 > _Hypothalamus + “Oogenesis occurs under the influence of hormones # ee 2% gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH), FSH and LH. 3 % |e Anterior pituitary 3 & + GnRH secreted bythe hypothalamus stimulates the anterior 5 "% a ge lobe of pituitary to secrete FSH and LH. 28 Ovary 28 + FSHstimulates the growth and development graafian fol- g 5 licle and also the development of oocyte within the follicle to Estrogen oe complete the meiosis Ito form secondary oocyte. 5s prcatarone + FSH also stimulates the formation ofestrogen. 1 + LH induces the rupture of mature graafian fllicle and release Uterus of secondary oocyte is called ovulation. Theremaining part of Hormonal control of Oogenesis the graafian follicle in stimulated by LH to develop into corpusluteum. + The rising level of progesterone inhibits the release of GnRH which in tur inhibits the production LH Graafian follicle + Itdevelops in the matured ovary of higher mammals + Itproduces a matured egg or ovum + tis extemally covered by a outer fibrous theca externa and inner theca interna with connective tissue and blood capillaries. Below theca interna is present the basement membrane. ; + Inner to the basement membrane multi layered (10-12 cell layers) membrane granulosa is present Simplified NCERT II PUC Biology text book + Acavity the antrum containing, fluid Germinal epithelium o liquor folliculi (secreted by membrane may fy, granulosa cells) is present inside the Graafian follicle + The Graafian follicle contains ovum. It is alecithal / microlecithal type. + The ovum contains haploid nucleus, ooplasm, Surrounding the ovum are plasma membrane, vitelline membrane, zona pellucida (both are primary egg membranes), corona radiata (second- ary egg membrane). The cells of corona radiate are held together by hyaluronic acid Ovum with the surrounding layers project into the antrum cavity forming cumulus oophorus (germ The process of rupture of Graatfian follicle releasing mature ovum by the help of LH hormong Secondary Tertiary fl Graatan fy, Antrum Ruptured fo com ovum ‘Corpus luteuy ‘T.S OF MAMMALIAN OVARY known as ovulation. After ovulation, the granulose cells in the follicle proliferates and are transformed into a yellowsh Slanduty mass called corpus luteum. + Corpus luteum secretes a hormone called progesterones. It maintenance pregnancy. + Temporary endocrime gland is corpus luteum Ifthe ovumis not fertilized, corpus luteum degenerates and remains as a scar called corpus albicans Structure of mature egg or ovum + Ovumis haploid non motile female gamete + Human egg is spherical in shape bordered by oolemma, in which enclosed ooplasm. + The peripheral ooplasm contain cortical granules. + The central ooplasm contains cytoplasmic organelles but lacks centrioles. + The nucleus is called germinal vesicle. The human egg is alecithal (no yolk), but globules of glycogen and lipid globules are present. + Zona pellucida is the primary egg membrane and isa J non-cellular structure lies outside the plasma mem- brane, bears _— striations, —_ porous, glycoproteinaceous. + A narrow space between zona pellucida and plasma membrane is the perivitelline space. + Corona radiata is composed of granular cells found external to zona pellucida, their cells project finger like microvilli to guard the egg. + Generally only one ovum is liberated in each menstrual cycle by alternate ovaries. + Only about 450 ova are produced by the human female over the entire life span of her reproductive lie which lasts about 40 —50 years of age. Follicle cells ‘Corona radiata Plasma membrane (vitelline membrane) Zona pellucida Perivitelline space Mature ovum Simplified NCERT II PUC Biology text book Differences between Spermatogenesis and Oogenesis Spermatogenesis 1. Tt takes place in testis 2. Both 1°& 2° meiotic divisions Occurs Oogenesis 1, Ittakes place in ovary. 2. I" meiotic division occurs in follicle & 2" meiotic division after fertilization in the ovary 3. Three polar bodies are formed. 4. Growth period is of longer duration te produces equal | 5. Each primary oocyte undergoes division to produce unequal cells “rious of changes | 6. End product does not undergo any changes but remains non-motile egg 7.ltis discontinuous & Wasteful process 8. Yolkis synthesized 3. Polar bodies are not formed 4. Growth phase is of shorter duration S.Each primary spermatoc sized spermatids 6. End product undergoes a s to produce a motile sperm 7. [tis continuous & economical 8.Noyolk synthesis Differences between Sperm and Ovum Sperm 1. Itis male gamete 2. Itis elongated and tadpoles like [3 Ttis motile 4. Ithas less cytoplasm 4. Ithas more cytoplasm. 5S. Ithas centrioles [tdoesn't possess centrioles tis very sm: 6. Its larger than sperm, |_7.Ithas no yolk ‘TIthas yolk 8. Itis covered by plasma membrane __| 8, Itis covered by plasma and vitelline membranes ‘Ovum 1. Itis female gamete 2. Itis large and spherical or oval 4 Menstrual eyele / Ovarian cycle 4 + Thecyclical changes in the activi. & ties of ovaries and accessory ducts as well as hormones during the re- productive phase of primate mam- FSH ny ao Developing yess Develoningfoice —Matureftio | camucitosm swe kadon ‘Ovnlation puberty in young women is called menarche, s + Itisabsent during pregnancy and stops at menopause. + The most prominent future of this is monthly flow of blood or menses. * Inhuman females, menstruation is repeated at an average interval of i i 2 i malsiscalled menstrual cycle. $ | _

‘Simplified NCERT HI PUC Biology text book i Placental villi van placenta is described as chorio-allantoic, nodiscoidal and deciduate type store + Hum haemochorial, mo! It acts as foetal intestine foetal lung, foetal kidney, house of food and barrier for bacteria. cord Funetions of placenta wns La + The placenta facilitates the supply of oxygen and nutri-_ vessel oa ents to the embryo. ok + Ttremoves carbon dioxide and exeretory/waste materials produced by the embryo. + Transportation of nutrients from the maternal blood into ane incervia the foetal blood takes place through the placenta. + Placenta also acts as an endocrine gland and produces several hormones like human chorionic gonadotropin ‘ (hCG), human placental lactogen (hPL), Estrogens, Progestogens and Relaxin ete The human foetus within the uterus Hormones for foetal growth and maintenance of pregnancy + Relaxin hormone is secreted by the ovary. 1 The hormones like hCG hPLand relaxin are produced in women only during pregnancy. Estrogens, Progestogens, cortisol, prolactin, thyroxine etc., are increased several folds in the maternal blood. . Increased production of these hormones is ‘essential for supporting the fetal growth, metabolic changes in the mother and maintenance of pregnancy. Embryonic development - Immediately after implantation, the inner cell mass (embryo) differentiates into an outer layer called ecto- derm and an inner layer called endoderm. ; ‘A mesoderm soon appears between the ectoderm and the endoderm. These three germ layers give rise toall tissues (organs) in adults. The cells which have the potency to give rise to all the tissues and organs of the body are called stem cells. These are present in the inner cell mass. The major features of embryonic development at various months of pregnancy + The human pregnancy lasts 9 months is called the gestation period. In human beings, after one month of pregnancy, the embryo's heart is formed. The first sign of growing foetus may be noticed by listening to the heart sound through the stethoscope. + Bythe end of the second month of pregnancy, the foetus develops limbs and digits. By the end of 12 weeks (first trimester), the limbs and external genital organs are well-developed. By the fifth month the first movements of the foetus and appearance of hair on the head are observed. By the end of 24 weeks (second trimester), the body is covered with fine hair, eye-lids separate, and eyelashes are formed. + By the end of nine months of pregnancy, the foetus is fully developed and is ready for delivery. 7. Parturition + The process of delivery of the foetus (childbirth) is called parturition. * Parturition is induced bya complex neuro-endocrine mechanism, ‘+ The signals for parturition originate from the fully developed fetus. Simplified NCERT II PUC Biology text book A filly developed ‘aad Reed a ee hormones from its adrenal glands which diffuse the maternal blood for the flex. This trigeers release of can) hich induces mild uterine contractions called foetal ejection re- 3 ee ¢ of oxytocin from the maternal pituitary. Oxytocin (Child birth hi i congroction in har OrmONE}aCts onthe uterine muscle and causes uterine codéfactions. This uterine Seca ya lates farther secretion of oxytocin, stimulatory reflex between the uterine. a saints coeasen ‘rine contraction and oxytocin secretion continues resulting instronger The foetal membrane burst and amni iotic uid is rele: Umblical cord is tied and then. cut which finally shrinks into a depressed scar called umbilicus or navel. Lactation The process of secretion and ejection of milk from th wre yeast bese he mammary glands of the female towards the end of The mammary glands ofthe female undergo diferentaton during pregnancy Sanaa epithelium ofmammary glands synthesis milk and is stimulated by prolactin of pituitary Suckling of nipple by baby initiates the impulses which stimulate the secretion ofprolactin. These inturn stimulates neurohypophysis to secrete Oxyto Orptesin eases contraction of muscles cells around the alveoli of mammary glands resulting in the ejection of mi ‘The milk produced during the inital few days of lactationis called colostrums. It contains several antibodies (IgA) absolutely essential to develop resistance [passive immunity] for the new-born babies. Breast-feting

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