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Welcome to your very own free English course.

These lessons review some of the most essential

grammar and speaking phrases in English.

The level of the course is approximately A2, or Elementary level. But it’s also useful for you if you have a
higher level of English but want to review your English.

Week 1

Review the most important grammar so you can talk about yourself accurately and confidently. In this
section of the course there are two grammar pages (Nationalities and the Verb To Be; and Pronouns and
Possessives); a vocabulary page (You and Your Family) and a speaking page (Saying Hello and Introducing

Start here.

Week 2

Learn to give more details about yourself, your job and your daily routines. Plus, get essential phrases to
make phone calls.

The Present Simple tense in English

Talking about your job and daily routines in English

Telephone phrases

Giving personal information in English

Week 3

Learn how to make questions in English, and to book a hotel room. Get the vocabulary you need to talk
about your hobbies, interests and sports.

English nouns
Learn how to ask questions at a hotel

Booking a hotel room in English

English vocabulary: learn to talk about your free time

Week 4

Understand the differences between the indefinite, definite and zero article. Get essential vocabulary to
talk about transport and buy tickets; and learn ways to be polite in English.

Indefinite and Definite Articles in English

English Transport Vocabulary

Learn How to Buy Tickets in English

Would Like and Other English Polite Phrases

Week 5

Learn how to use “there is”, “there are”, “some” and “any”; and how to use “can” for requests and
permission. Get essential English vocabulary to talk about the rooms of your house and the furniture
you have.

English Grammar: There is, There are; Some and Any

Learn to Use Can for Permission and Requests in English

English Vocabulary for Rooms and Furniture

Week 6

Learn how to use words like “this” and “that”. Get essential vocabulary to talk about clothes and shoes,
plus phrases for going shopping. Plus, how to write simple emails and messages in English.
English Grammar: Demonstratives and Determiners

English Vocabulary for Clothes and Shoes

English Conversations: Shopping

How to Write Emails and Messages in English

Week 7

Learn how to compare things, plus ways to ask questions at a Tourist Information office. Get essential
phrases to ask for and receive directions in a town.

English Grammar: Comparatives

English Conversations for Tourists

Useful English phrases for Giving Directions

Week 8

This week the lessons all focus on the past. Learn how to use the Past Simple tense and common time
reference words. Plus, how to speak about your past and background.

English Grammar: The Past Simple Tense

English Words to Talk about Time and the Past

English Speaking Tips: How to Talk about your Past

Week 9

Learn how to use “will”, as well as useful phrases to order in a restaurant, and how to give your opinion,
likes and dislikes and preferences.

English Grammar: How to Use Will

English Conversations: In a Restaurant

How to Talk about your Likes, Opinions and Preferences

Week 10

Learn how to use “have”, “have got” and ‘s to talk about possession. Plus, vocabulary to talk about your
body, and useful phrases to talk about common illnesses and medical problems.

Grammar: Have, Have Got ‘s

English Vocabulary: Parts of the Body

English Speaking: Medical Problems

Week 11

Understand how to use the imperative form, plus essential phrases (and templates) to write an enquiry.

English Grammar: Giving Instructions

Writing an Enquiry

Week 12

Learn how to form and use the Present Continuous tense, and how to make comparisons using “like”,
“be like” and “look like”.

English Grammar: Present Continuous Tense

English Speaking: How to use Look, Be Like, Look Like

Week 13

Learn the word order of questions and how to agree with someone using “so” and “neither”.

Question Words in English Grammar

English Speaking: Getting to Know Someone

Week 14

Learn how to use “can”, “could” and “be able to” to talk about ability in the present, past and future.
Get essential vocabulary to talk about your skills and feelings.

English Grammar: How to Talk about Ability

English Vocabulary: Describe your Skills

English Vocabulary: Feelings and Friendship

Week 15

Use different forms (“be going to”, the Present Continuous and “will”) to refer to the future. Get
vocabulary and phrases to talk about a day out, and how to offer, refuse or accept food. Plus how to use
“too” and “enough”.

English Grammar: Future Intentions

English Vocabulary: Planning a Day Out

English Speaking: Offering Food

Week 16

Learn how to use “must”, “have to”, “need” and “mustn’t”, “don’t have to” to talk about obligations and
prohibition. Get essential vocabulary to talk about your job and work responsibilities.

English Grammar: Modals of Obligation

English Vocabulary: Jobs and Work

Week 17
Learn how to use the Present Perfect tense to talk about personal experiences, plus get a list of the most

irregular past participles. Learn essential phrases to leave and take messages on the phone.

English Grammar: The Present Perfect

English Grammar: Irregular Past Participles

English Speaking: Phone Messages

Week 18

In the final week, get essential vocabulary to talk about the weather. Learn how to make predictions
using “will”, “might” and “going to”, and the superlative form of the most common adjectives.

English Grammar: Will, Might, Going To

English Conversations: Weather

English Grammar: Superlatives

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