The Dessert of Discord

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The dessert of discord

Alice: And what do you think of the chocolate

Sophia: It's look nice, I guess. I prefer to eat
Alice: Seriously? Once you eat a sweet, it does
no harm to health.
Sophia: Yes, but I still like healthy foods more.
Alice: ok, and a cheesecake? Don't you think
it could be something healthy?
Sophia: No, it depends on your ingredients.
Alice: ok, so how do you feel if I tell you that
in this cafe there are healthier desserts?
Sofia: seriously?
Alice: Yes, I knew you wouldn't want to eat the
delicious chocolate cake, and I've asked you
for a healthier, lower-calorie, vegan dessert option.
Sophia: wow, that's perfect.
Alice: You're welcome, look, here comes our order, do you like it? Brownie with
nuts go with vanilla ice cream, and is a mix very delicious
Sophia: I'm not sure, I have never eaten one
Alice: that one is the best vegan desserts in this cafe It has low-calorie ingredients
and nuts that are super good for your health.
Sophia: I guess, but isn’t it like that, at least for me, I found out that I'm allergic to

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