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In the beginning was GOD. And GOD breathed upon the vast and empty
space of the Universe. And GOD created humanity.
And humanity could choose whether to remain subject to the Will of its
Creator, or to set out upon the path of destiny by the power of its own free
And humanity chose free will. Humanity chose to guide its own path
through the annals of time.
And GOD gave humanity a light by which to steer. GOD gave it the
knowledge of right and wrong, that it might follow a path that would lead it
back to the Truth from which it had set out. He gave it the concept of good
and the concept of evil, and He said: "Follow in your heart the concept of
good, for that is of Me, and the path that follows it will lead you back to Me,
and you will find yourself in Heaven. But follow in your heart the concept of
evil, and you will go further and further from Me.
For though I have created evil for your choice, evil is not of Me; it is of
Satan, who is the Devil, and must for you be the Enemy so that yon do not
follow Him. For the path of evil will lead you to the Devil and yon will find
yourself in Hell."
And Hell is a place of darkness and misery and pain and anguish and
hatred and violence and discomfort and unrest and unease and sickness
and failure and death and futility and ignorance and malice and greed and
envy and despair. And Hell is a place where no man should wish to be.
And humanity set off upon its journey through the annals of time, and the
path of good and the path of evil lay before it. And the path of good was
harsh and thorny, steep and narrow, and promised great sacrifice; but it led
to the light of Heaven. And the path of evil was soft and comfortable, gentle
and easy, and promised great self-indulgence; but it led to the darkness of
And humanity felt the conflict of good and evil; discomfort now with the
promise of joy to come on one side, and pleasure now with the promise of
agony to come on the other. And humanity found that choice was not the
easy sense of power which it had imagined, but a gnawing sense of doubt
and uncertainty. For the power to choose is the burden of responsibility ;
there cannot be one without the other. Humanity had sought the power;
now it was saddled with the burden.
But choice it had demanded, and now choose it must. To make no choice,
is to take the easy way, and leads to Hell. To pretend there is no choice to
be made, is to take the easy way, and leads to Hell. To accept the burden of
responsibility and shoulder it, is to take the hard way, and leads to Heaven.
It is the beginning of the road that leads back to GOD.
Humanity chose the road to Hell. Humanity rejected the burden of
responsibility that came with the power of choice. Each man put the burden
onto another. Each man claimed that another made his life for him. Each
man saw himself the victim of his circumstances. Each man saw his life as
the sum total of the decisions of others and the hand of fate.
And humanity's choice was manifested when each man blamed another for
his own misfortunes. For blame is the ultimate rejection of responsibility.
Blame is the detonator or all evil. All sin stems from blame. All destruction
stems from blame. Unless a man reels the need to blame there is no
destruction in him; unless he reels the need to blame there is no hatred in
him; unless he reels the need to blame there is no evil in him.
And humanity chose to blame. Humanity felt the need to blame. Each man
blamed another, who blamed him in return. Humanity began to pattern the
future course of the history of the world, on the basis of blame. Blame
became the common factor in all events, and with it humanity set out along
the road to Hell.
And blame begets ignorance, because in order to blame, a man must know
the power of his choice , otherwise he will know the scope of his
responsibility. If he knows that he has chosen to suffer, he cannot blame
his suffering on someone else.
So humanity became blind to its own reality, for fear of having to bear the
burden of responsibility and for fear of seeing the full extent of its power to
choose. Humanity told itself a lie, a monstrous lie that provided the escape
from the burden it was not willing to carry, and thereby it pursued the
elusive comforts of the road to Hell, ignorant of the nature of its choice,
and blind to the consequences.
And blame gave birth to blame, and evil was spawned all over the face of
the earth. And violence and hatred were born within the hearts of men, and
were hoarded in the name of peace, to be released from time to time with
merciless destruction in the name of war.
And the pattern of blame was handed down from generation to generation,
so that all men lived by its code, and blame became the hallmark of
humanity. And though men began by using blame to pass aside the burden
of responsibility, soon they were ruled by blame, their lives were
dominated by it. It became the basic instinct of man; to blame.
He could suppress it, turn it upon himself, try to ignore it; it made no
difference; his greatest need was to blame. And as his life became more
worthless and corrupt from his pursuit of the road to Hell, so he felt a
greater and greater need to blame; there was so much more for which
something or someone had to be blamed.
And so it is. Man has taken the road to Hell, and steers by the lodestar of
blame. Sometimes his eyes are opened for an instant, and he sees where
he is going. And he cries: "We must not blame! We must all accept
responsibility!" But no one listens. So he closes his eyes again, and finds
someone to blame for the lack of response to his appeal. "Men will not
accept responsibility," he sighs. "They continue to blame. It is the fault of
our President. He is to blame for the hopeless state of our nation."
And the waters close over his head once more.
But there is no vision of the blame for what it truly is. Sometimes there is a
vision of the consequences of blame, and there are many who say: "We
must not fight one another!" So vast quantities of blame are suppressed,
hoarded unconsciously, and built upon from lack of satisfaction through
expression. Hatred is held in check, so that no violence is allowed to show
above the surface. But soon the pressure of frustrated blame becomes too
much; the dam bursts and violence erupts in war or riot or revolution or
But no one asks the question: "Why? Why-deep down-do we need to blame
one another, and thence to hate one another, and thence to destroy one
So it goes on. And if anyone WERE to ask the question: "Why?" No one
would know the answer. It is buried too deep beneath the centuries.
Many would reply. Many would find countless reasons, countless
rationalizations, countless justifications for humanity's compulsive need to
blame. But no one would know the answer. Humanity has traveled too far
along the path to be able any longer to look back and answer why it came
this way. The true reason is long forgotten and cannot be recalled.
You can tell a man why he blames, and he might understand with his
intellect, and he might even agree that what you tell him is so, but he will
not FEEL the reality of what you say to him, he will not feel it inside himself
so that his instinct to blame is plucked out by the roots and discarded.
Humanity has sunk too low for that to be possible. The cancer has taken
hold, and man has trapped himself irrevocably within the lies from which
he blames. Nothing can save him now.
So the end of the road has been reached; the climax of the easy way, the
point from which there is no return. The Devil has won. Satan has
triumphed over man, and humanity is doomed. Man demanded the power
to choose and man has made his choice, and nothing shall change it. For
the time of the harvest is come and the Separation is already taking place.
The Judgment of mankind is now.
The Spirit of the Lord Christ is manifest upon the earth, and mighty sword
is ready in His hand to strike down all who would cling to the values of
And the Lord Satan has done ms work and is free from the burdens of the
Underworld, free to stalk the earth with the prowling Fiend of Hell beside
Him; Tempter no longer, for the time of sin is past; Destroyer now, for the
time of retribution is at hand.
And men still search for their meager sins, straining at gnats, whilst camels
lie in their bellies, swallowed without a qualm. Too late; the evil now in the
world is not the manifestation of men's sins, but the ultimate consequence
of their choice to sin.
For the evil of the Latter Days is not of man, but of GOD. It is the retribution
brought upon the world as promised time and time again; the end of the
path of wrong. It is the Mighty Hand of the Lord GOD, and no man
Shall stem Its progress.
Humanity was warned, and did not heed the warning. Now comes the final
settlement; the Judgment and the Devastation of the world of men.
For the world of men is a place of darkness and misery and pain and
anguish and hatred and violence and discomfort and unrest and unease
and sickness and failure and death and futility and ignorance and malice
and greed and envy and despair. For the world of men is Hell.
The earth is Hell, and man has made it so.
Humanity chose the easy way that leads to Hell, and now its journey is
ended. Humanity is In Hell, for it has created Hell around itself.
The game is over. It remains only for the Separation to be complete and
Hell to be destroyed.
And Bell is the home of the Devil. And the Devil is mean and corrupt; a liar
blinded by his own deception, yet cunning within the confines of his
ignorance. And the Devil is weak, and yet strong in his weakness, for the
Devil by his cunning can suck the strength from the truly strong and bring
them down with him. And the Devil breeds death, the death of the soul, and
gives life to the torturous conflicts of the mind in which the soul has
trapped itself. And the Devil sustains whomever will maintain the
corruption and decay which are his life-blood. And the Devil destroys all
that promises to bring the spirit of purity and oust corruption. And the
Devil charms with a sweet facade which hides a treacherous heart. And the
Devil talks of love, and leaves the scars of hatred in his wake. And the Devil
cries peace, and brings war. And the Devil speaks of glory and a
magnificent destiny, and leads deeper into death and degradation. And the
Devil is brimful of promises and so-called good intentions, yet behind him
is a trail of abject failure and betrayal.
And the Devil is afraid, for he is steeped in evil.
And as with all things, by his fruits shall ye know the Devil. And the Devil's
fruits are foul; bruised and bitter, and rotten to the core. And the Devil's
home is Hell.
And humanity is mean and corrupt, a liar blinded by its own deception, yet
cunning within the confines of its ignorance. And humanity is weak, and
yet strong in its weakness, for humanity by its cunning can suck the
strength from the truly strong and bring them down with it. And humanity
breeds death, the death of the soul, and gives life to the torturous conflicts
of the mind in which the soul has trapped itself. And humanity sustains
whomever will maintain the corruption and decay which are its life-blood.
And humanity destroys all that promises to bring the spirit of purity and
oust corruption. And humanity charms with a sweet facade which hides a
treacherous heart. And humanity talks of love, and leaves the scars of
hatred in its wake. And humanity cries peace, and brings war. And
humanity speaks of glory and a magnificent destiny, and leads deeper into
death and degradation. And humanity is brimful of promises and so-called
good intentions, yet behind it is a trail of abject failure and betrayal. And
humanity is afraid, for it is steeped in evil.
And as with all things, by its fruits shall ye know humanity. And humanity's
fruits are foul; bruised and bitter, and rotten to the core. And humanity's
home is the earth, and the earth is Hell.
Satan is free for His work is done. Satan is no longer the Devil, for He has
passed the poison on to that which chose to take it and become it.
Now there is nothing more evil in the universe than man.
His world is Hell, and he himself the Devil.

Copyright 1968; The Process, Church of the Final Judgment

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