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INDEX NUMBER: 200005419





Identify an environmental problem in your community and outline steps you would take to solve
it if you were in position to do so.

Note: including pictorial of the problem, if possible.

There are a lot of environmental problems in my community which is Sekyere East capital
Effiduase located in the Ashante region. Some of the problems are soil erosion, inadequate toilet
facilities but the most pressing one is improper disposal of waste. Am talking about improper
disposing of waste because of it effect to the people in the community.

To start with, the causes of improper disposing of waste, high level of overall waste
production, avoidance of huge disposal fees at waste management sites.

To begin with, high level of overall waste production. studies indicate that higher level of
waste production is distinctly correlated with increased rates of illegal dumping spots.

Secondly, avoidance of huge disposal fees at waste management sites. The problem of
improper disposal of waste is hugely cause by high level of fees paid at the management sites.
The higher the price of disposing waste the higher the number of people avoiding to pay that
money leading to improper waste disposition.
Since we have got to know some of the causes of the problem, let us now turn our
attention to some effects of improper waste disposal to the people in the community, illegal
dumping damages the environment, illegal dumps can be fire hazard, dumped rubbish diminishes
property value and affects tourism.

Firstly, illegal dumping damages the environment. Land, water and air pollution in the
neighborhood are primary caused by illegal dumping. The waste can also spread weeds and pests
therefore affecting agriculture and wildlife.

Secondly, illegal dumps can be fire hazards. The illegal disposal of chemicals, plastics and
green waste can augment the risk of wildfire.

In addition, dumped rubbish diminishes property value and affect tourism. The value of

It is important to know the causes and effect of the problem but it is useless when we did
not find solution to it. Here are some of the solutions, cooperation and collective responsibilities
on reporting illegal dumping, law enforcing, education, awareness creation and publicizing
success, setting lower disposal fees at waste management sites and higher fines for illegal
dumping, embracing the practice of reducing, recycling, reusing (the three R).

To begin with, cooperation and collective responsibilities on reporting illegal dumping.

Yes, it is for people in the all communities and societies to stand up against illegal dumping.
Many at times the people that engage in improper waste disposal activities do so knowingly and
are always on the lookout of places where the environment regulating authorizes hardly patrol,

Secondly, law enforcing. Law enforcing and prosecution is basic in stopping improper
waste disposal. Instead of spending huge amount on cleaning the environment, it will be
reasonable to set up special force that will the community to find people who are adamant and
will try to go contrary to the laws and bring them to court for prosecution.

Furthermore, education, awareness creation and publicizing success. Effective education

and awareness creation in affected communities can go a long way to help the people. Education
and awareness creation will help the people to know the effect and it consequences of disposing
waste anyhow, by doing this it will deter them from engaging in such act.
In addition, setting lower disposal fees at waste management site and higher fines for
illegal dumping. Environmental authorities together with the local governments needs to set
lower disposal fees to encourage people to use the lawfully stipulated waste disposal system. The
relevant regulatory should set huge fines to discourage the habit.

Lastly, embracing the practice of reducing, recycling, reusing (the three R). The amount of
waste generated should be reduce, then the outcome the will be fewer and fewer scenarios of
improper disposal of waste.


Rinkesh, K. (2017). Conserve energy future. Retrieved from

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