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Cine (CREDIT DISTRIBUTION, ELIGIBILITY AND PRE-REQUISITES OF THE COURSE Coe | CTS | Ct baton he Se Big | RESTS Cove Tere | Tart -|Prcacay iia | ofthe couse palace (ita) ommuniation in| 2] 7 2 Pa fa Protesional Lite mL Learaing Objectives ‘The Learning Objectives of this course areas follows Learnin “To prepare the students for tet upcoming professional els. ‘To inctleate the fundamentals of professional and business communication. ‘To lear aspects of global eammunication. Toes plays te ners by ening thm weetve ‘The Leaming Outcomes ofthis course ae a follows pa “er studying this course, students willbe able to improve presentation sills to be learnt by effective use of verbal and non-verbal communication for ‘he professional field ‘After studying this course, students will beable to acquire practical employability Skills tobe disseminated though focused sessions on practical emphoyable Knowledge ‘Aer tung this course, students will beable to enhance pofesinal “Ae studying this course, students wil bese to improve persuasive and lis whish wl be uel fo the professional Feld. SYLLABUS unr 2 Weeks) ‘Thoory of Business Communication Introduction ‘Whats Business Communication? Language of Business Communication Cultural Components ~ Cross-Cultural Communication, Citra Sheek, Stereatyping, Ethaocentrism Miscommanicaton& Efetive Communiation unr? @ Wels) Listening Stills + Netiguetes Aodlo-book Listening & Discussions + Notexaking (Weeks) unirs Writing Skis Stalls Presentation Sklls- Oral Presentation, Ppt Preparation, Ppt Presentation Group Discussion Talks- Domaln-specifi, Ted-Talks, Business Meets, Moti Telephonie Skills, Persuasion Skills Meeting & Negotiation Intecview- Promotion Interview, Job Interview, Business Interview Functions and activites of PR nal Talks (5 Weeks) ‘Summarisng & Paraphrasing Tob-Oriented Skill CV, Resume & Bio- Data, Job Application Leter Documentation Advertisements & Invitation Leter Wetng- Aplications, Business Leters Report- Analytical Repor, Projet Report, Digital Communication in Social Space- Socal Media Poss (Twite’ Facebook), Blog Writing, Review Writing Advertisement Invitation Poster Designing- CanvalMS Word!Coral “Mem, Office Order, Minutes “Making Online Academie/Work Profile LinkedIn » Soggested Readings ‘+ Kaushik, 1C, and K.K. Sinha eds, English for Students of Commerce, OxfordUniversity Press, New Dei ‘Soi, Anjana & Bhavana Adhikari, Business Communication, Tata MeGraw Hill, ‘Anjana Nera De, tal eds. Business English, Department of Engh, Universityot Deh, 2011, Pearson Publications, New Del Examination scheme andl mod Total Maks: 100, Internal Assessment: 28 marks Practical Exam (nteral) 25 marks End Semester University Exam: SO marks The Internal Assessment forthe course may include Clas paricipation, Assignment, Clas tests, Projects, Field Work, Presentations, amongst thers as decided 2y the faculty Note: Examination scheme and mode shall be as prescribed by the Exar Branch, University of Delhi, from time to time, af x0

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