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Political Leadership and Communication CREDIT DISTRIBUTION, ELIGIRILITY AND PRE-REQUISITES OF THE COURSE ‘Coarse Ue | Creda Crea disrbaion ofthe course] Hib Code ‘Lecture | Tutorial | Practical” | eriteria Practice Prerequisite ofthe course amy) 2} 41 | 9 7 1 Past Learning Objectives ‘The Leaming Objectives ofthis couse areas follows ‘+ Tounderstan the cross-cutting mult-sciplinry linkage ofthe subject ‘+ To gan a basic understanding of specific concepts and critical review of politcal ‘comminication and election campsign studies, ‘+ Tobe bleto constuct linkage beeen politcal eommunieaton and leadership. ‘+ Toleam conceptual fameworks and qualitative research kills forte analysis of ‘modes and techniques of politcal communication and lesdership. Learning ontcomes ‘The Leaning Outcome of this course i as follows: ‘+ Afterstudying tis couse, students wil be able to havea professonaearer- ‘oriented insight by felting thee journey as Media managers, polry makers, political analysts, Joumaliss, Public relations officers in goverment agencies, \f" parties and higher eduction, SYLLABUS Unit: Explaining Political Communication @weeks) 4 Meaning, Nature and Scope ‘Evolution and Transformation Unit I: Exploring Leadership weeks) 1+ Themes, Theories and Typologies ‘Participation and Performance Unit I: Expanding Political Communication and Leadership: Orientation and Action Gweeks) ‘Developing Communication and Leadership through Research + _Siengtening Techniques of Communication and Lesdership ‘Researching Communication and Leadership through Survey: Opinin Pll, Ext Pall ‘+ Examining Contemporary Issues and Challenges in Communication and Leedership Unit V: Executing Political Communication and Leadership: Empirical and Professionat ions weeks) 1+ Psephology asan Art and Voestion NY Exploring Carer Options " recommended Readings: ‘+ Pole 2009) Blogging the Politica: Poies and Participation na naworked Society. New York Routed. + D.A, Graber (2005), ‘Political Communication Faces he 21st Century’, Journal of Communication, Sepmber: 479-507, ‘+ rank Esser and Barbara fesh (es). (2004), Comparing Political Communication ‘Theories, Cases and Challenges, Cambridge: Cambridge University es, ‘+ G.Gevbner, L- Gross, M. Morgan and N. Signorelli (1982). “Chating the “Mainsream: Television's Contribution to Political Orientations, Jural of Communication, 322) 10027. + HLA. Semetko and M, Scammell (eds) 2012), The SAGE Handbock of Poti! CCommunieation, London: Sage ‘+ Joha.C Maxwell (2008) Developing the Leader Within You, New Dei: Harper Collins ‘+ ican Prasad (ed. (2003), Political Communication: The Indian Experience, New Dethis BR Publishers ‘+ Max Depree 2008), Leadership isan Ar. RHUS Publications + Yogesh Atal 2014). Matdtaoin Ka Sansr’,Pratiman, Vol2, No.l + Youesh Atal 2018). ‘Chunav Shasta Aue Rajni’, Pratiman, Not Web Source ‘+ ap:swww policalcommuncationorghistry: him Examination scheme and mode: “Total Marks: 100, Internal Assessment: 25 marks Practical Exam (tral): 25 marks End Semester University Exam 50 marks “The Internal Assessment forthe course may include Cass participation, Asignments, (Class tests, Projets, Feld Work, Presentations, amongst eters as dosied ty the faculty Note: Examination scheme and mode shall be as preseribed by the Examination Branch, University of Delhi rom time to time. Y 2

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