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Mater al Safety Data Sheet

Issue Date: 01.09.2018 Last Rev s on Date 01.09.2018

Section 1: Product & Company Identification :

Product Name: Carburetor Parts Cleaner (aerosol)

Manufacturer / Suppl er Contact Informat on:

FAX : 0 258 267 16 68
Section 2: Hazards Identification

DANGER: Extremely Flammable. Harmful or Fatal f Swallowed. May Cause Bl ndness f Swallowed.
Vapor Harmful. Eye and Sk n Irr tant. Contents Under Pressure.
Appearance & Odor: Clear l qu d; solvent odor
Potent al Acute Health Effects:
Hazardous n case of sk n contact (permeator), of ngest on, of nhalat on. Sl ghtly hazardous n case of sk n contact ( rr tant),
of eye contact ( rr tant).
Potent al Chron c Health Effects:
CARCINOGENIC EFFECTS: Not ava lable. MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Mutagen c for bacter a and/or yeast. TERATOGENIC
EFFECTS: Not ava lable. DEVELOPMENTAL TOXICITY: Not ava lable. The substance may be tox c to per pheral nervous
system, sk n, central nervous system (CNS). Repeated or prolonged exposure to the substance can produce target organs

Section 3: Composition/Information on Ingredients


Hydrotreated l ght d st llates 64742-47-8 15 - 25
2-PROPANONE 67-64-1 75 - 80

BENZENE, DIMETHYL 1330-20-7 05 - 20

Carbon d ox de 124-38-9 05 - 10

Section 4: First Aid Measures

Eye Contact:
Check for and remove any contact lenses. Immed ately flush eyes w th runn ng water for at least 15 m nutes, keep ng eyel ds
open. Get med cal attent on f rr tat on occurs.
Sk n Contact: Wash w th soap and water. Cover the rr tated sk n w th an emoll ent. Get med cal attent on f rr tat on develops.
Ser ous Sk n Contact:
Wash w th a d s nfectant soap and cover the contam nated sk n w th an ant -bacter al cream. Seek med cal attent on.
Inhalat on:
If nhaled, remove to fresh a r. If not breath ng, g ve art fic al resp rat on. If breath ng s d fficult, g ve oxygen. Get med cal
attent on f symptoms appear.
Ser ous Inhalat on:
Evacuate the v ct m to a safe area as soon as poss ble. Loosen t ght cloth ng such as a collar, t e, belt or wa stband. If
breath ng s d fficult, adm n ster oxygen. If the v ct m s not breath ng, perform mouth-to-mouth resusc tat on.
Ingest on:
Do NOT nduce vom t ng unless d rected to do so by med cal personnel. Never g ve anyth ng by mouth to an unconsc ous
person. Loosen t ght cloth ng such as a collar, t e, belt or wa stband. Get med cal attent on f symptoms appear.
Ser ous Ingest on: Not ava lable.

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Mater al Safety Data Sheet
Issue Date: 01.09.2018 Last Rev s on Date 01.09.2018
Section 5: Fire-Fighting Measures

Su table ext ngu sh ng med a Powder. Alcohol res stant foam. Dry chem cals. Carbon d ox de (CO2).
Unsu table ext ngu sh ng Do not use water jet as an ext ngu sher, as th s w ll spread the fire.
med a
Spec fic hazards ar s ng from Contents under pressure. Pressur zed conta ner may explode when exposed to heat or flame.
the chem cal Dur ng fire, gases hazardous to health may be formed.
Spec al protect ve equ pment F refighters must use standard protect ve equ pment nclud ng flame retardant coat, helmet w th
and precaut ons for firefighters face sh eld, gloves, rubber boots, and n enclosed spaces, SCBA.
F re fight ng Move conta ners from fire area f you can do so w thout r sk. Cool conta ners exposed to heat w th
equ pment/ nstruct ons water spray and remove conta ner, f no r sk s nvolved. Conta ners should be cooled w th water to
prevent vapor pressure bu ld up. For mass ve fire n cargo area, use unmanned hose holder or
mon tor nozzles, f poss ble. If not, w thdraw and let fire burn out.
Spec fic methods Use standard firefight ng procedures and cons der the hazards of other nvolved mater als. Move
conta ners from fire area f you can do so w thout r sk. In the event of fire and/or explos on do not
breathe fumes.
General fire hazards Extremely flammable aerosol. Combust ble.

Section 6: Accidental Release Measures

Personal Precaut ons: Use personal protect on recommended n Sect on 8.

Env ronmental Precaut ons: Take precaut ons to prevent contam nat on of ground and surface waters. Do not flush nto
sewers or storm dra ns.

Methods for Conta nment & Clean-up: El m nate all sources of gn t on. D ke area to conta n sp ll. Vent late the area
w th fresh a r. If n confined space or l m ted a r c rculat on area, clean-up
workers should wear appropr ate resp ratory protect on. Recover or absorb
sp lled mater al us ng an absorbent des gned for chem cal sp lls. Place used
absorbents nto proper waste conta ners.

Section 7: Handling and Storage

Handl ng Procedures: Do not use near potent al sources of gn t on. Do not use on energ zed equ pment. Use w th
adequate vent lat on. Avo d contact w th sk n and eyes. Avo d nhal ng vapors. Use caut on
around energ zed equ pment. The metal conta ner w ll conduct electr c ty f t contacts a l ve
source. Th s may result n njury to the user from electr cal shock and/or flash fire. For product
use nstruct ons, please see the product label.
Storage Procedures: Store n a cool dry area out of d rect sunl ght. Aerosol cans must be ma nta ned below 120°F /
49°C to prevent cans from ruptur ng.
Aerosol Storage Level: III

Section 8: Exposure Controls/Personal Protection

Controls and Protect on:
Eng neer ng Controls: Area should have vent lat on to prov de fresh a r. Local exhaust vent lat on s generally
preferred because t can control the em ss ons of the contam nant at the source, prevent ng
d spers on nto the general work area. Use mechan cal means f necessary to ma nta n vapor
levels below the exposure gu del nes. If work ng n a confined space, follow appl cable OSH
regulat ons.
Resp ratory Protect on: None requ red for normal work where adequate vent lat on s prov ded. If eng neer ng controls
are not feas ble or f exposure exceeds the appl cable exposure l m ts, use a NIOSH-approved
cartr dge resp rator w th organ c vapor cartr dge. A r mon tor ng s needed to determ ne actual
employee exposure levels. Use a self-conta ned breath ng apparatus n confined spaces and
for emergenc es.
Eye/face Protect on: For normal cond t ons, wear safety glasses. Where there s reasonable probab l ty of l qu d
contact, wear splash-proof goggles.
Sk n Protect on: Use protect ve gloves such as n tr le, PVA, or neoprene. Also, use full protect ve cloth ng f
there s prolonged or repeated contact of l qu d w th sk n.

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Mater al Safety Data Sheet
Issue Date: 01.09.2018 Last Rev s on Date 01.09.2018
Section 9: Physical and Chemical Properties
Phys cal State: Clear, l qu d
Color: Colorlesss
Odor Solvent.odor
Odor Threshold: Not ava lable.
Spec fic Grav ty: 0.86
In t al Bo l ng Po nt: 133 °F (56.11 °C)
Freez ng Po nt: -138.46 °F (-94.7 °C) est mated
Vapor dens ty Not ava lable.
Evaporat on Rate: slow
Solub l ty: negl g ble n water
Coeffic ent of water/o l d str but on: ND
Volat l ty: Not ava lable.
pH (1% soln/water): Not appl cable.
Flammab l ty (sol d, gas) Not appl cable.

Section 10: Stability and Reactivity

Stab l ty: The product s stable.
Cond t ons of Instab l ty: Heat, ngn t on sources, ncompat bles.
Incompat ble Mater als: Ac ds, alkal s, reduc ng agents, strong ox d z ng agents, hypochlor tes, perox des, react ve
metals such as alum num and magnes um, sod um, z nc
Hazardous Decompos t on Products: Ox des of carbon, var ous hydrocarbons
Corros v ty: Not ava lable.
Poss b l ty of Hazardous React ons: No

Section 11: Toxicological Information

Long-term tox colog cal stud es have not been conducted for th s product. The follow ng nformat on s ava lable for
components of th s product.
Routes of Entry: Absorbed through sk n. Dermal contact. Inhalat on. Ingest on.
Tox c ty to An mals:
tox c ty (LD50): 25000 mg/kg [Rat]. Acute tox c ty of the gas (LC50): 48000 ppm 4 hours [Rat].
Chron c Effects on Humans:
MUTAGENIC EFFECTS: Mutagen c for bacter a and/or yeast. May cause damage to the follow ng organs: per pheral nervous
system, sk n, central nervous system (CNS).
Other Tox c Effects on Humans:
Very hazardous n case of ngest on, of nhalat on. Hazardous n case of sk n contact (permeator). Sl ghtly hazardous n case
of sk n contact ( rr tant).
Spec al Remarks on Tox c ty to An mals: Not ava lable.
Spec al Remarks on Chron c Effects on Humans:
May cause adverse reproduct ve effects based on an mal data. May be tumor gen c based on an mal data. May affect genet c
mater al. Passes through the placental barr er n an mal.

Section 12: Ecological Information

Ecotox c ty: Not ava lable.
BOD5 and COD: Not ava lable.
Products of B odegradat on:
Poss bly hazardous short term degradat on products are not l kely. However, long term degradat on products may ar se.
Tox c ty of the Products of B odegradat on: The product tself and ts products of degradat on are not tox c.
Spec al Remarks on the Products of B odegradat on: Not ava lable.

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Mater al Safety Data Sheet
Issue Date: 01.09.2018 Last Rev s on Date 01.09.2018

Section 13: Disposal Considerations

Waste Class ficat on: The d spensed l qu d product s a RCRA hazardous waste for the character st c of gn tab l ty
w th the follow ng potent al waste code(s): D001, F005. (See 40 CFR Part 261.20 – 261.33)
Aerosol conta ners should be fully empt ed and depressur zed before d sposal. Empty aerosol
conta ners may be recycled.
All d sposal act v t es must comply w th federal, state, prov nc al and local regulat ons. Local regulat ons may be more
str ngent than state, prov nc al or nat onal requ rements.

Section 14: Transport Information

US DOT (ground): UN1950, Aerosols, flammable, 2.1, L m ted Quant ty
ICAO/IATA (a r): UN1950, Aerosols, flammable, 2.1, L m ted Quant ty
IMO/IMDG (water): UN1950, Aerosols, 2.1, L m ted Quant ty
Spec al Prov s ons: None

Section 15: Regulatory Information

Th s mater al s not subject to the follow ng nternat onal agreements:
Montreal Protocol (Ozone deplet ng substances)
The Stockholm Convent on (Pers stent Organ c Pollutants)
The Rotterdam Convent on (Pr or Informed Consent)
Th s mater al s subject to the follow ng nternat onal agreements:
Basel Convent on (Hazardous Waste)
• Wastes from the product on, formulat on and use of organ c solvents

Internat onal Convent on for the Prevent on of Pollut on from Sh ps (MARPOL)

• Annex III - Harmful Substances carr ed n Packaged Form

Section 16: Other Information

Th s Mater al Safety Data Sheet has been prepared by Chem cal Data Serv ces EREN Ltd (www.erenk
on behalf of ts cl ent.

Reason(s) For Issue: Rev sed

Mater al Safety Data Sheets are updated frequently. Please ensure that you have a current copy.

Th s MSDS summar ses at the date of ssue our best knowledge of the health and safety hazard nformat on
of the product, and n part cular how to safely handle and use the product n the workplace. S nce MMP
Industr al Pty Ltd cannot ant c pate or control the cond t ons under wh ch the product may be used, each
user must, pr or to usage, rev ew th s MSDS n the context of how the user ntends to handle and use the
product n the workplace.

If clar fccat onor furtther nformmat on needed to ensure that an approprrate assessment can be made, the
user should contact th s company.

Our respons b l ty for product as sold s subject to our standard terms and cond t ons, a copy of wh ch s sent
to our customers and s also ava lable upon request.

Prepared By

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