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Listening - Set 1 Part 1.mp3

Part 1

Questions 1 – 7
You will hear people talking in seven different situations. For questions 1 to 7, choose the correct
answer (A, B or C).

You will hear each recording twice. Answer all the questions.

1. The girls like collecting coins which This question requires

A her mother had shown her. students to identify the
B have a special meaning for her.
qualities of the coins that
C follow one shape, size and design.
the speaker likes to collect.
2. How many shows are there in Zone D for the day?
A One For this question, look for
B Two numbers as the question
C Three asks for how many.

3. The woman thinks a cat is suitable for her friend because

A they are easy to care for. For this question, look for
B they can keep him company. reason as the question
C they need more work and care. has the word because.

4. What does the science teacher say is most important?

A Completing the report This question requires
B Following all instructions carefully students to identify the
C Matching the conclusions to the theory correct information.

5. According to Martin, people should

A separate their waste. This question requires
B categorise their fertilisers. students to identify the
C learn how to use compost. correct information.

6. What does the man say about buying habits?

A People are very aware about their buying habits. This question requires
B People will buy things if they are easily accessible. students to identify the
C People are unlikely to buy something after trying it. correct information.

7. What was not a problem for Adnan?

A Finding reliable websites for research. This question requires
B Using the correct search engine students to identify the
C Identifying factual information. correct information. Pay
attention to the word NOT.

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