Chapter-1-Cestina-Reseach 2

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In educational contexts, assessing teacher performance is a constant, required

process. It is extremely important and cannot be undervalued in terms of how it affects

student learning outcomes and school’s accountability. The saying “a school is only as

excellent as its teacher” is also widely accepted. Only through assessment can one

ascertain a teacher’s efficacy.

Any nation's success is heavily influenced by its educational system. As a result,

quality education is now regarded as a fundamental criterion for the educational system,

and teachers are crucial to the process. Because of their crucial role in preparing students

to become responsible citizens of a nation in the future, teachers are the foundation of any

educational system. The highest-ranking academic and professional in the educational

pyramid is the teacher (Stepanova et. al., 2018). According to research, teachers have a

significant impact on student learning because the best teachers help their students

achieve success. Therefore, the significance of evaluating teacher’s performance for

teachers' professional growth and development is recognized by all researchers, old and

new (Munir et. al., 2021). It is important for a nation to have effective, highly qualified

teachers in its classrooms. Even though there are other factors that influence public

schools, such as poverty, class size, family struggles, mental health, violence, and a lack

of funding, this fact is difficult to refute. However, we have struggled for well over two

centuries with the concept of assessing teachers and teaching, which is at best a flawed

proposition. Establishing a foundation for teacher evaluation? Why are teachers

evaluated? This is critically important aspect of education and ensure that classrooms are

staffed with the best by understanding what constitutes teacher quality and quality

teaching and how to effectively implement good teacher assessment systems.

This study aims to find out how school administrators and teachers feel about

teacher performance and to offer some suggestions for how to conduct an adequate and

effective assessment of teachers. As a result, the opinions of school administrators

regarding the degree to which public elementary teachers social, economic, and academic

factors will be assessed in terms of their teaching performance. The strengths and

weaknesses of their teaching performance, as well as the relationship between socio-

demographic factors and their level of teaching performance, will be examined as part of

this study. In the form of a survey that will be administered to elementary school teachers

regarding how they assess their performance, the researcher will concentrate on

assessment. One hundred (100) elementary school teachers from Malinao district schools

will serve as the study's sample. The goal of the study was to learn how public

elementary school teachers felt about the assessment of performance.

Statement of the Problem

This study attempted to assess the teaching performance of public elementary

teachers in the mainland Malinao district. Specifically, it answers the following sub-


1. What are the socio-demographic factors of public elementary teachers in terms of the

following: factors

b.economic-related factors

c.academic-related factors?

2. What is the level of teaching performance assessment of public elementary teachers in

terms of the following:

a.professional knowledge

b.professional practice

c.professional engagement?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the socio-demographic factors of public

elementary teachers and the level of teaching performance?

4. What are the strengths and weaknesses of the teaching performance of the public

elementary teachers in the mainland Malinao district?

5. What is the proposed action plan to enhance the teaching performance of public

elementary teachers in the mainland Malinao district?


1.The performance of public elementary teachers is influenced by socio-demographic


2.Professional knowledge, professional practice, and professional engagement are all

significantly influenced by teaching performance.

3.The level of teaching performance is significantly correlated with the socio-

demographic factors of public elementary teachers.

4.The Mainland Malinao district's schools are affected by the public elementary teachers'

strengths and weaknesses in the classroom.

Scope and Delimitation

There is currently neither a standardized assessment system nor a method for

determining and enhancing the performance of primary school teachers. This study will

look at how public school teachers in Malinao Main District currently collaborate with

one another and how they can make the performance evaluation process work for

teaching and learning instead of being something that "must be endured," (Cahapay,

2020). The purpose of this study was to determine what public elementary schools in

various main districts of Malinao needed to create an efficient performance assessment

system in which teachers collaborate to improve teaching and learning. The study will

also assist in raising principals and teacher’s awareness of the significance of a

comprehensive system for teacher performance evaluation in order to enhance the

teaching and learning process in the classroom, both to improve teachers’ performance

and their students’ outcomes. The provided data may also be utilized to enhance teacher

assessment procedures. Based on the findings, it is possible to develop a model of the

performance assessment process.

The study will be restricted to Malinao Main District only, although additional

cities may be included in subsequent research. This study will only solicit the opinions of

one hundred (100) public school teachers in the Malinao Main District in order to

evaluate their performance. The sample will consist of a small number of teachers from a

small number of public elementary schools, and the quantitative survey method will be

used. Even if confidentiality is guaranteed, respondents responses may not be precise

because they fear management might misuse the data.

Significance of the Study

This study was created to bring significance to the following:

Department of Education (DepEd). The findings of the study will be significant

to the Institution to create and implement teacher trainings and to collaborate with school

administrators, teachers, teacher trainee and other education stakeholders to create an

educational improvement.

Policy Makers. The findings of this study will be significant to policy makers to

create teacher training institutions and teacher trainees by informing them of the actual

state of teacher assessment/appraisal system.

Teacher training institution. The colleges and universities will be empowered

to make informed decisions on the depth and breadth of the teacher training course to

help train the teacher trainees better on what is expected of them in the jobs they are

training for.

Public Schools in Malinao District. The findings of this study will provide

Public Schools in Malinao Main District with information on teacher ‘s performance

appraisal which can be used to improve the management of the teacher performance.

They will also be informed on whether the objective of teacher’s performance appraisal is

being achieved.

School Administrators/School Principals. School administrator will have a

better understanding of the impact of teacher’s performance appraisal on teaching and


Teachers. Teachers will get a chance to evaluate the impact of performance

appraisal on teaching and learning given that they are key stakeholders in teacher’s

performance appraisal.

Cahapay, M. B. (2020). Workload stress and results-based performance of multigrade Teachers.

Journal of Studies in Education, 10(2), 68-80.
Hayes, D., Mills, M., Christie, P., & Lingard, B. (2020). Teachers & schooling making a
difference: Productive pedagogies, assessment and performance. Routledge.
Munir, F., Jabeen, S., & Nader, M. (2021). Continuous professional development: Performance of
primary school teachers. Pakistan Social Science Review, 5(1), 637-649.
Stepanova, N. A., Sannikova, L. N., Levshina, N. I., Yurevich, S. N., & Ilyina, G. V. (2018).
Methodological performance evaluation by teachers in preschool educational intitutions.
International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science, Engineering and Education, 6(2),
Wakutile, A. G. (2019). Head teachers’ supervision and teachers’ performance in universal
primary education schools in Bubulo constituency, Manafwa District, Uganda (Doctoral
dissertation, Kampala International University, college of Education, open and distance-

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