Cardiovascular Disease, Inflammation, and Periodontal Infection

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Periodontology 2000, Vol. 44, 2007, 113–126  2007 The Authors.

Printed in Singapore. All rights reserved Journal compilation  2007 Blackwell Munksgaard

Cardiovascular disease,
inflammation, and periodontal
D A V I D W. P A Q U E T T E , N A D I N E B R O D A L A & T I M O T H Y C. N I C H O L S

Cardiovascular and periodontal diseases are common infarction, and stroke. Traditional risk factors related
inflammatory conditions in the human population. to behaviors, diet, lifestyle, and family history do
In atherogenesis, inflammation plays a continuous not appear to fully account for the development
role from endothelial cell expression of adhesion of atherosclerosis. Furthermore, despite continued
molecules to the development of the fatty streak, preventive efforts addressing modifiable risk factors,
established plaque, and finally plaque rupture. mortality rates from cardiovascular disease have re-
Exposures to infections like periodontal disease have mained virtually unchanged over the past decade
been postulated to perpetuate inflammatory events in developed countries. Clinicians and investigators
in atherogenesis. Recent observational studies and currently appreciate that inflammation appears to
meta-analyses continue to demonstrate a modest but play a pivotal role in the development of athero-
statistically significant increased risk for cardiovas- sclerosis. This appreciation has intensified the search
cular disease among persons exposed to periodontal for chronic exposures or infections that potentially
disease or infection. Experiments with animal models cause inflammation in vessels. Putative infections
further indicate that periodontal infection can in- that may at least exacerbate atherosclerosis include
crease atherosclerosis in the presence or absence of cytomegalovirus, herpes simplex virus, Chlamydia
hypercholesterolemia. While the available pilot data pneumoniae, Helicobacter pylori, and periodontal
in patients suggest that periodontal interventions can disease (71). The major objective of this review is to
improve surrogate serum biomarkers and vascular provide the reader with a strong fundamental
responses associated with cardiovascular disease, the understanding of the pathogenesis, risk factors, and
effect of these interventions on true outcomes of current interventions for cardiovascular disease. This
cardiovascular diseases like myocardial infarction review will also present the latest relevant research
and stroke is presently unknown. Nevertheless, data implicating a relationship between cardiovas-
clinicians and patients should be aware of the con- cular and periodontal diseases.
sistent association between cardiovascular and peri-
odontal diseases along with the potential preventive
benefits of periodontal interventions. Inflammation and the
Cardiovascular disease accounts for 29% of deaths pathogenesis of cardiovascular
worldwide and ranks as the second leading cause of disease
death after infectious and parasitic diseases (100).
Atherosclerosis, which is a major component of car- Inflammation plays a central and continuous role in
diovascular disease, affects one in four persons and the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis from its initiation
contributes to 39% of deaths annually in the United to the development of clinical complications
States (4). In atherosclerosis, large to medium-sized (Table 1) (58, 60). Normally, endothelial cells, which
muscular and large elastic arteries become occluded form the innermost surface of the artery wall, resist
with fibro-lipid lesions called atheromas. End-stage adhesion by circulating leukocytes. Several exposures
complications or events associated with atheroscler- or risk factors for atherosclerosis upset this homeo-
osis include coronary thrombosis, acute myocardial stasis. Factors, such as a smoking, hypertension,

Paquette et al.

Table 1. Summary of inflammatory signals and events in atherogenesis. Modified from Ref. (58)
Stages of Endothelial Development of fatty Progression to Plaque rupture
atherogenesis expression of streak complex plaque
adhesion molecules
Cellular and • Endothelial • Diapedesis and • Smooth muscle • Physical disruption
vascular permeability migration of migration from of atherosclerotic
changes • Rolling and monocytes from the media to intima lesion
binding of vessel lumen to • Production and • Thinning and
monocytes to intima accumulation of fibrous fracture of fibrous
endothelial cells • Maturation to tissue in the intima cap
macrophages (fibro-lipid lesion) • Thrombus formation
• Accumulation of • Formation of
cholesterol esters fibrous cap and
and transformation necrotic core
to foam cells
Inflammatory Vascular adhesion Monocyte Platelet-derived growth Matrix metalloproteinases
signals or molecule-1 promoted chemoattractant factor, transforming 1, 8 and 13 promoted
events by oxidized lipids, protein-1 growth factor-b, by interleukin-1,
interleukin-1, tumor and macrophage interleukin-1, CD40 ligand and
necrosis factor-a, colony-stimulating interleukin-6, interfeuron-c
disrupted blood flow, factor tumor necrosis factor-a,
activation of nuclear macrophage colony-
factor-jB pathways stimulating
and reduction in nitric factor, monocyte
oxide chemoattractant protein-1
and CD40

high-saturated-fat diet, obesity hyperglycemia and ogenic diets is the accumulation of modified
insulin resistance, promote endothelial cell expres- lipoprotein particles in the arterial intima. Other
sion of adhesion molecules that allow attachment of initiators include oxidized lipids (via nuclear factor-
leukocytes to the arterial wall, a seminal event in jB-mediated pathways) and pro-inflammatory cyto-
inflammation. One such adhesion molecule is vas- kines such as interleukin-1b and tumor necrosis
cular cell adhesion molecule-1, which binds mono- factor-a (85).
cytes and T lymphocytes, the types of leukocytes Atherosclerotic lesions generally develop in specific
found in early atherosclerotic plaques. Cybulsky areas in animals and humans secondary to the blood
and Gimbrone demonstrated that endothelial cells flow characteristics. Laminar blood flow produces
expressed vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 in cer- shear stress coinciding with several protective mech-
tain vascular areas prone to lesion formation in rab- anisms in vessels such as nitric oxide synthase
bits fed an atherogenic diet (18). In the same rabbit expression (33). Enzymatic production of the vasodi-
model, vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 expression lator, nitric oxide, can down-regulate vascular cell
clearly precedes the appearance of macrophages in adhesion molecule-1 gene expression by inhibiting
the artery intima (the layer underneath the endo- nuclear factor-jB activation and platelet aggregation
thelium) (56). Similarly, mice prone to atherosclerosis (22). In contrast, areas of the vasculature prone to
(i.e. because they cannot produce low-density lipo- atherogenesis experience disturbed blood flow and a
protein receptor or apolipoprotein E) but engineered reduction in these protective mechanisms. For exam-
to express a poorly functioning form of vascular cell ple, cultured endothelial cells subjected to disturbed
adhesion molecule-1 show a significant reduction in flow exhibit increased expression of nuclear factor-jB
atherosclerosis as compared to normal vascular cell compared with cells exposed to laminar flow (30).
adhesion molecule-1-producing controls (19). This
difference in lesion formation occurs despite similar
cholesterol concentrations, lipoprotein profiles and Development of the fatty streak
circulating leukocyte counts in the mice. One recog-
nized molecular initiator of vascular cell adhesion The accumulation of monocytes in the vessel intima
molecule-1 expression for animals placed on ather- is a hallmark event in the development of the early

Cardiovascular disease, inflammation, and periodontal infection

atherosclerotic lesion called the Ôfatty streak.Õ Fol-

lowing adherence to arterial endothelium, monocytes Progression to complex plaque
penetrate the vessel lining via diapedesis or migration
between endothelial cells (Table 1). This cellular While accumulation of foam cells is the hallmark of the
event requires a chemoattractant gradient largely fatty streak, the accumulation of fibrous tissue in ves-
because of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1. sels typifies the advanced atherosclerotic lesion called
Mice with inactive low-density lipoprotein receptors the Ôcomplex plaque.Õ Smooth muscle cells synthesize
and also lacking the ability to express monocyte the bulk of the extracellular matrix of complex plaques;
chemoattractant protein-1 have approximately 80% hence, their arrival and elaboration of extracellular
less lipid deposition and fewer macrophages in the matrix provides the transition to a fibrolipid lesion.
walls of their aortas despite consuming the same Growth factors and cytokines (e.g. platelet-derived
high-fat diet as compared to monocyte chemoat- growth factor) liberated from endothelial or infiltrating
tractant protein-1-producing mice (13). In contrast, monocytes stimulate the migration of smooth muscle
homozygous apolipoprotein-E-deficient mice also cell from the vessel tunica media into the intima.
lacking the ability to express the receptor for mono- Mediators including platelet-derived growth factor,
cyte chemoattractant protein-1 (CCR2), exhibit sig- transforming growth factor-b and interleukin-1 sti-
nificantly less atherogenesis than do mice with a mulate the smooth muscle cells to produce interstitial
normal CCR2 gene (11). Within the intima, mono- collagen. The formation of complex plaques can occur
cytes mature into macrophages, express scavenger at an early age as demonstrated by classic autopsy
receptors, and engulf modified lipoproteins. Choles- studies (99). Indeed, one of six teenagers in the United
terol esters accumulate in the cytoplasm of these States already exhibits pathological intimal thickening
macrophages, which transform into Ôfoam cellsÕ in their coronary arteries (94).
(i.e. lipid-laden macrophages in the vessel intima). Endothelial cells do not appear to be passive
At the same time, the macrophages multiply and responders to immunological stimuli from leukocytes
release several growth factors and cytokines, which in the formation of complex plaques. For instance,
amplify and sustain pro-inflammatory signals. One human endothelial cells exposed to bacterial endo-
growth factor, macrophage colony-stimulating factor toxin express interleukin-1b and interleukin-1a mes-
appears to be an important mediator of these trans- senger RNA (59). Other cytokines expressed by
formation and proliferation steps. It is also over-ex- vascular wall cells have been identified, including tu-
pressed in animal models and human atherosclerotic mor necrosis factor-a, tumor necrosis factor-b, inter-
plaques (17, 79). Mice prone to atherosclerosis as a leukin-6 along with macrophage colony-stimulating
result of reduced expression of the low-density lipo- factor and monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (60).
protein receptor or the apolipoprotein E gene and Another pro-inflammatory cytokine, CD40 ligand
also lacking the ability to express macrophage col- (CD154), can also contribute to this phase of athero-
ony-stimulating factor show slower atherogenesis genesis because interruption of CD40/CD154 signa-
and reduced macrophage accumulation as compared ling slows the initiation and progression of athero-
to mice with normal macrophage colony-stimulating sclerosis (63). Accordingly, low-density lipoprotein-
factor expression (75, 90). receptor-deficient mice fed a high-cholesterol diet and
T lymphocytes also participate in the pathogenesis treated with antibody to CD154 show significantly
and inflammatory events of atherosclerosis. These smaller atherosclerotic lesions as compared to control
immune cells enter the inflamed artery wall and join groups (treated with either rat immunoglobulin or
macrophages via a number of interferon-c-inducible saline only) (82). This provocative finding reported by
chemokines (e.g., c-IP-10, MIG, and I-TAC) that Schonbeck et al. illustrates that inflammation influ-
interact with the CXCR3 receptor on T lymphocytes ences the progression of atherosclerosis and that
(64). Several other adhesion molecules, chemokines, inhibiting inflammatory events not only prevents the
cytokines, and growth factors participate in this pro- formation of new lesions but also slows the progres-
cess. For example, the interaction between interleu- sion of existing atherosclerosis.
kin-8 and its receptor, CXCR2, can also contribute to
lesion formation in mice (10). Nevertheless, vascular
cell adhesion molecule-1, monocyte chemoattractant Plaque rupture
protein-1, and macrophage colony-stimulating factor
appear to be the key inflammatory signals in the While atheromatous plaques narrow the lumina of
initiation and development of the fatty streak (58). affected vessels and compromise blood flow, the

Paquette et al.

major clinical sequelae of atherosclerosis (coronary 90 mmHg), high low-density lipoprotein cholesterol
thrombosis, myocardial infarction, and stroke) de- (>100 mg/dl), low high-density lipoprotein choles-
velop following plaque rupture and thrombosis terol (<40 mg/dl), diabetes mellitus, family history
(Table 1). In coronary arterial thromboses, the of premature coronary heart disease, age (men
underlying atherosclerotic lesion often does not >45 years, women >55 years), obesity (body mass
produce critical arterial narrowing (36). Coronary index >30 kg/m2), physical inactivity and an ather-
arteries for the most part can enlarge and compen- ogenic diet. It is also recognized that these factors can
sate for developing plaques (i.e. up to 40% stenosis) interact with each other to increase the risk of car-
thus preserving blood flow to the myocardium (34). diovascular disease in patients (89). For example, the
Physical disruption of the atherosclerotic plaque Framingham Heart Study (n ¼ 32,995) showed that
causes most acute coronary syndromes via thrombus for various cholesterol levels between 185 and
formation and sudden expansion of the lesion (58). In 335 mg/dl, cardiovascular risk was elevated with the
the non-ruptured plaque, the Ôfibrous capÕ protects addition of each of the following risk factors: glucose
the blood from the lipid core of the plaque. An intact intolerance, elevated systolic blood pressure, cigar-
fibrous cap owes its biomechanical strength and ette smoking, and left ventricular hypertrophy on
stability to interstitial collagen. When the fibrous cap electrocardiography (50). Data from the Framingham
fractures, blood comes into contact with the lipid Heart Study and two other large prospective cohort
core, and a thrombus forms. Plaques that have rup- studies, the Chicago Heart Association Detection
tured and caused fatal thromboses in general have Project in Industry (n ¼ 35,642) and the Multiple Risk
thin fibrous caps (61). Factor Intervention Trial (n ¼ 347,978) indicate that
Inflammation interferes with the integrity of the the majority of patients with fatal coronary artery
fibrous cap in two ways: first, by blocking the creation disease or non-fatal myocardial infarction present
of new collagen fibers, and second by stimulating the with at least one of four risk factors including cigar-
destruction of existing collagen. For example, inter- ette smoking, diabetes mellitus, hyperlipidemia, and
feron-c produced by T lymphocytes in the plaque hypertension (35). With fatal coronary artery disease,
inhibits both basal collagen production and the exposure to at least one risk factor ranged from 87%
stimulatory effects transforming growth factor-b, to 100% for all three cohorts. For non-fatal myocar-
platelet-derived growth factor and interleukin-1 (3). dial infarction in the Framingham Heart Study co-
T lymphocytes also promote the destruction of hort, previous exposure to at least one risk factor was
existing collagen in vulnerable plaques via the pro- found in 92% of men and 87% of women aged
duction of interleukin-1 and CD40 ligand. These 40–59 years at baseline. Furthermore, another recent
mediators in atherosclerotic plaques stimulate analysis involving 14 international randomized clin-
macrophages to produce collagen-degrading en- ical trials (n ¼ 122,458) showed that one of these four
zymes or matrix metalloproteinases 1, 8, and 13 (42, conventional risk factors was present in 84.6% of
92). In addition, mast cells in plaques may release the men and 80.6% of women with coronary artery dis-
matrix metalloproteinase-inducer, tumor necrosis ease (52).
factor-a, as well as serine proteinases, tryptase and Recent attention has focused on elevated serum
chymase that can activate matrix metalloproteinase C-reactive protein as a strong and independent risk
pro-enzymes (53, 80). CD40 ligand from T lympho- factor or predictor of cardiovascular disease events
cytes can also promote thrombogenicity of the lipid (68). C-reactive protein is an acute-phase reactant
core via stimulation of macrophage tissue factor primarily produced by the liver in response to
expression. This potent procoagulant when exposed infection or trauma. Other tissues may be involved in
to factor VII in the blood, initiates the coagulation its synthesis including smooth muscle cells from
cascade and thrombus formation (62). In summary, normal coronary arteries and diseased coronary ar-
inflammation influences all of the events in athero- tery bypass grafts (14, 47). C-reactive protein appears
genesis including the final one, plaque rupture. to be directly involved in augmenting the innate
inflammatory response via induction of prothrom-
botic factors (e.g. plasminogen activator inhibitor-1,
Risk factors and interventions for pro-inflammatory adhesion molecules, and mono-
cardiovascular disease cyte chemoattractant protein-1) and interference
with endothelial nitric oxide synthase (26, 72, 97,
Traditional major risk factors for cardiovascular dis- 102). In the PhysiciansÕ Health Study, an epidemio-
ease include cigarette smoking, hypertension (>140/ logical study of over 22,000 healthy middle-aged men

Cardiovascular disease, inflammation, and periodontal infection

with no clinical evidence of disease, increasing levels end-stage cardiovascular disease, tertiary preventive
of serum high-sensitivity C-reactive protein at study interventions involve physically expanding stenotic
entry were associated with up to a threefold increase vessels via angioplasty (with or without stenting)
in the risk of incident myocardial infarction and a versus revascularization via coronary bypass surgery.
twofold increase in risk of ischemic stroke (76). When
compared with other potential serum biomarkers
[e.g. homocysteine, lipoprotein(a), interleukin-6, Association between periodontal
intracellular adhesion molecule-1, and serum amy- and cardiovascular diseases
loid A] and standard lipid measures, C-reactive pro-
tein proved to be the single strongest predictor of Patients with periodontal disease share many of the
cardiovascular risk in apparently healthy participants same risk factors as patients with cardiovascular
in the Women’s Health Study (n ¼ 28,263) (77, 78). disease including age, gender (predominantly male),
Accordingly, the relative risk ratio for the highest lower socioeconomic status, stress, and smoking (7).
versus lowest quartile of serum C-reactive protein Additionally, a large proportion of patients with
concentrations was 4.4 (95% CI 1.7–11.3). Moreover, periodontal disease also exhibit cardiovascular dis-
the addition of serum C-reactive protein to tradi- ease (95). These observations suggest that periodon-
tional cholesterol screening enhanced cardiovascular tal disease and atherosclerosis share similar or
risk prediction and proved to be independent of low- common etiological pathways. In 2003, Scannapieco
density lipoprotein cholesterol. Indeed, the poorest et al. conducted a systematic review of the evidence
event-free survival in women was among those with supporting or refuting any relationship (81). In re-
high low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and high sponse to the focused question, ÔDoes periodontal
C-reactive protein levels, and the best event-free disease influence the initiation/progression of
survival was among those with low low-density atherosclerosis and therefore cardiovascular disease,
lipoprotein cholesterol and low C-reactive protein stroke, and peripheral vascular disease?Õ the investi-
levels. Individuals with low low-density lipoprotein gators identified 31 human studies. Table 2 lists
cholesterol levels but high C-reactive protein levels select influential studies identified in the review plus
were at higher risk than those with high low-density additional recent observational studies discussed
lipoprotein cholesterol levels but low C-reactive below. Although the authors did not perform any
protein levels. These data suggest that elevated meta-analysis because of the differences in reported
C-reactive protein levels may be particularly useful outcomes, the authors noted relative (not absolute)
for identifying asymptomatic individuals who may be consistency and concluded, ÔPeriodontal disease may
at high risk for future cardiovascular events but who be modestly associated with atherosclerosis, myo-
have average cholesterol levels. cardial infarction, and cardiovascular events.Õ An
Preventive interventions (primary or secondary) for accompanying consensus report approved by the
cardiovascular disease focus on recognition and American Academy of Periodontology recommends,
reduction of modifiable risk factors in patients. These ÔPatients and health care providers should be in-
approaches include blood pressure screening, weight formed that periodontal intervention may prevent
reduction, exercise, smoking cessation, diet modifi- the onset or progression of atherosclerosis-induced
cation, and patient counseling and education. Initi- diseases.Õ
ating and maintaining these lifestyle changes are not Since this review and consensus report, at least
easy tasks for patients. Pharmacological intervention three meta-analyses on the cardiovascular–perio-
with the statin class of drugs is used to further reduce dontal disease association have been conducted and
serum lipids and the likelihood of cardiovascular published. Meurman et al. reported a 20% increase in
events, even in those with average low-density lipo- cardiovascular disease risk among patients with
protein concentrations. Numerous clinical trials have periodontal disease (95% CI 1.08–1.32), and an even
consistently demonstrated that statins reduce car- higher risk ratio for stroke varying from 2.85 (95% CI
diovascular events by at least 25% (55, 69, 85). In 1.78–4.56) to 1.74 (95% CI 1.08–2.81) (67). Similarly,
contrast, the effect of statins and other lipid-lowering Vettore and Khader et al. reported relative risk esti-
therapies on the extent of vessel stenosis caused mates of 1.19 (95% CI 1.08–1.32) and 1.15 (95% CI
by a plaque is much smaller (13); hence, statins may 1.06–1.25), respectively (51, 98). These meta-analyses
have secondary anti-inflammatory effects. Indeed, of the available observational human data suggest a
C-reactive protein concentrations decrease 15–50% modest but statistically significant increase in the risk
with statin therapy (2, 70, 93, 96). For patients with for cardiovascular disease with periodontal disease.

Table 2. Summary of observational studies (case–control and cohort) investigating an association between periodontal and cardiovascular diseases in human
Paquette et al.

Reference Study design Population Periodontal outcome Cardiovascular outcome Findings and conclusions
or exposure
Matilla et al. (65) Case–control 100 cases and Dental Severity Index (sum of Evidence of myocardial Dental health significantly
102 controls scores for caries, periodontal infarction from ECG and worse in patients with
disease, periapical pathosis, elevated enzyme levels myocardial infarction versus
and pericoronitis) (creatinine phosphokin- controls after adjusting for
ase isoenzyme MB) smoking, social class, smoking,
serum lipids, and diabetes
Matilla et al. (66) Case–control 100 cases Dental Severity Index Clinical diagnosis or Significant association between
radiographically dental infections and severe
confirmed myocardial coronary atheromatosis in men
infarction (but not women)
Arbes et al. (5) Case–control 5,564 subjects Per cent attachment loss of all Self-reported myocardial Positive association between
(NHANES III) teeth (>3 mm) and infarction periodontal disease and
categorized according to four coronary heart disease (OR
levels 3.8 for severe attachment
loss) after adjusting for age,
gender, race, etc.)
DeStefano et al. (24) Cohort 9,760 subjects Subjects classified with no Hospital admission or Periodontitis is associated with
(NHANES I) periodontal disease, with death due to coronary small increased risk for
gingivitis, periodontitis heart disease coronary heart disease
(‡4 mm probing depth) (RR 1.7) among men
or edentulous
Beck et al. (6) Cohort 1,147 men Percent radiographic alveolar Incidence of total and Periodontal disease associated
(Normative bone loss fatal coronary heart with moderate risk for
Aging Study) disease and stroke coronary heart disease
(OR 1.5–1.9) and stroke after
adjusting for age and
cardiovascular disease
risk factors (OR 2.9)
Joshipura et al. (48) Cohort 44,119 subjects Self-reported number of teeth Fatal and non-fatal A small association between
(Health and history of periodontal myocardial infarction or tooth loss and coronary heart
Professionals disease sudden death (revascu disease risk for men (RR 1.7)
Follow-up Study) larization cases excluded)
Table 2. Continued

Reference Study design Population Periodontal outcome Cardiovascular outcome Findings and conclusions
or exposure
Wu et al. (101) Cohort 9,962 subjects Subjects classified with no Incident cases of stroke Compared to periodontal
(NHANES I periodontal disease, with health, relative risk for stroke
and follow-up) gingivitis, periodontitis with periodontitis was 2.1 and
(‡4 teeth with overt significant
pocketing) or edentulous
Beck et al. (8) Cohort 6,017 subjects Severe periodontitis defined as Carotid artery intima- Periodontitis may influence
(ARIC Study) clinical attachment loss media wall thickness atheroma formation (OR 1.3)
‡3 mm at ‡30% of sites ‡1 mm
Hujoel et al. (44) Cohort 8,032 dentate Periodontal pocketing and Death or hospitalization Periodontitis was not
adults (NHANES I) attachment loss due to coronary heart associated with a significant
disease or revasculariza- increased risk for coronary
tion obtained from heart disease
medical records
Howell et al. (43) Cohort 22,037 male subjects Self-reported presence or Incident fatal and non- No significant association
(Physician’s Health absence of periodontal fatal myocardial between self-reported
Study I) disease at baseline infarction or stroke periodontal disease and
cardiovascular disease events
Hung et al. (45) Cohort 41,407 men from the Self-reported tooth loss at Incident fatal and non- For men with tooth loss, the
HPFS and 58,974 baseline fatal myocardial relative risk for coronary
women from the infarction or stroke heart disease was 1.36. For
NHS women with tooth loss, the
relative risk was 1.64
Pussinen et al. (73) Cohort 6,950 Finnish subjects Serum antibodies to Incident fatal or non-fatal Seropositive subjects had an
in the Mobile Clinic P. gingivalis or stroke OR of 2.6 for stroke
Health Survey A. actinomycetemcomitans
Beck et al. (9) Cohort 15,792 subjects (ARIC Serum antibodies to Carotid artery Presence of antibody to
Study) periodontal pathogens intima-media wall C. rectus was associated with
thickness ‡1 mm carotid atherosclerosis
(OR 2.3)
Engebretson et al. (29) Cohort 203 subjects from Radiographic alveolar bone Carotid plaque thickness Severe periodontal bone loss
INVEST loss via ultrasonography was independently associated
with carotid atherosclerosis
(OR 3.64)
Cardiovascular disease, inflammation, and periodontal infection

Paquette et al.

Recent findings from several worldwide population

(RR 1.29) and stroke (RR 1.12)

Tooth loss was associated with
was independently associated

an increased odds for death

studies warrant detailed consideration. These studies

Severe periodontal bone loss

with carotid atherosclerosis

from myocardial infarction

Findings and conclusions
include the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities
Study, the Health Professional Follow-up Study, the
Nurses Health Study, and the Oral Infections and
Vascular Disease Epidemiology Study conducted in
the United States. Other studies have involved pop-

(OR 3.64)
ulations from Sweden, Finland, and China.
Beck et al. have collected periodontal probing data
on 6,017 persons, 52–75 years of age, participating in
the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities study (8, 9,
27). These investigators assessed both the presence of
Cardiovascular outcome

myocardial infarction
clinical coronary heart disease (myocardial infarction
or revascularization procedure) and subclinical
intima-media wall
thickness ‡1 mm

Incidence of fatal

atherosclerosis (carotid artery intima-media wall

thickness using B-mode ultrasound) as dependent
Carotid artery

variables in the population. Individuals with both

or stroke

high attachment loss (‡10% of sites with attachment

loss >3 mm) and high tooth loss exhibited elevated
odds of prevalent coronary heart disease as com-
pared to individuals with low attachment loss and
low tooth loss (odds ratio 1.5, 95% CI 1.1–2.0 and
Subgingival bacterial burden

odds ratio 1.8, CI 1.4–2.4, respectively) (27). A second

logistic regression analysis indicated a significant
Periodontal outcome

association between severe periodontitis and thick-

ened carotid arties after adjusting for covariates like
age, gender, diabetes, lipids, hypertension, and
or exposure

Tooth loss

smoking (8). Accordingly, the odds ratio for severe

periodontitis (i.e. 30% or more of sites with ‡3 mm
clinical attachment loss) and subclinical carotid
atherosclerosis was 1.31 (95% CI 1.03–1.66). In a
third report, these investigators quantified serum
immunoglobulin G antibody levels specific for 17
29,584 rural Chinese
1,056 subjects from

periodontal organisms using a whole bacterial

ECG, electrocardiogram; OR, odds ratio; RR, relative risk. Modified from Ref. (81).

checkerboard immunoblotting technique (9). Ana-


lyzing the mean carotid intima-media wall thickness


(‡1 mm) as the outcome and serum antibody levels

as exposures for this same population, the investi-
gators noted that the presence of antibody to Cam-
pylobacter rectus increased the risk for subclinical
atherosclerosis twofold (odds ratio 2.3, 95% CI 1.83–
Study design

2.84). In particular, individuals with both high C.

rectus and Peptostreptococcus micros antibody titers


had almost twice the prevalence of carotid athero-

sclerosis as compared to those with only a high C.
rectus antibody (8.3% versus 16.3%). Stratification by
Desvarieux et al. (25)
Table 2. Continued

smoking indicated that all microbial models signifi-

cant for smokers were also significant for never
Abnet et al. (1)

smokers except for Porphyromonas gingivalis. Thus,


clinical signs of periodontitis are associated with

coronary heart disease and subclinical atheroscler-
osis in the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities
population, and exposures to specific periodontal

Cardiovascular disease, inflammation, and periodontal infection

pathogens significantly increase the risk for athero- to those with less bone loss (<50%) (29). Indeed, the
sclerosis in smoking and non-smoking subjects. group noted a clear dose–response relationship when
Hung et al. assessed self-reported periodontal dis- they plotted subject tertiles of periodontal bone loss
ease outcomes and incident cardiovascular disease in against carotid plaque thickness graphically. The
two extant databases, the Health Professional Follow- investigators next collected subgingival plaque from
up Study (n ¼ 41,407 men followed for 12 years) and 1,056 subjects and tested for the presence of 11
the Nurses Health Study (n ¼ 58,974 women fol- known periodontal bacteria using DNA techniques
lowed for 6 years) (45). After controlling for import- (25). The investigators found that cumulative perio-
ant cardiovascular risk factors, men with a low dontal bacterial burden was significantly related to
number of reported teeth (£10 at baseline) had a carotid intima-media wall thickness after adjusting
significantly higher risk of coronary heart disease for cardiovascular disease risk factors. Whereas mean
(relative risk 1.36 95% CI 1.11–1.67) as compared to intima-media wall thickness values were similar
men with a high number of teeth (25 or more). For across burden tertiles for putative (orange complex)
women with the same reported extent of tooth loss, and health-associated bacteria, values rose with each
the relative risk for coronary heart disease was 1.64 tertile of etiological bacterial burden (Actinobacillus
(95% CI 1.31–2.05) as compared to women with at ancinomycetemcomitans, P. gingivalis, Treponema
least 25 teeth. The relative risks for fatal coronary denticola and Tannerella forsythia). Similarly, white
heart disease events increased to 1.79 (95% CI 1.34– blood cell values (but not serum C-reactive protein)
2.40) for men and 1.65 (95% CI 1.11–2.46) for women increased across these burden tertiles. These data
with tooth loss respectively. In a second report, the from INVEST provide evidence of a direct relation-
investigators evaluated the association between self- ship between periodontal microbiology and sub-
reported periodontal disease and serum elevations in clinical atherosclerosis independent of C-reactive
cardiovascular disease biomarkers cross-sectionally protein.
in a subset of Health Professional Follow-up Study Consistent associations between periodontal out-
participants (n ¼ 468 men) (49). Serum biomarkers comes and atherosclerosis have been recently dem-
included C-reactive protein, fibrinogen, factor VII, onstrated among populations in Europe and Asia. For
tissue plasminogen activator, low-density lipoprotein 131 adult Swedes, mean carotid intima-media wall
cholesterol, von Willebrand factor, and soluble tumor thickness values were significantly higher in subjects
necrosis factor receptors 1 and 2. In multivariate with clinical and/or radiographic evidence of perio-
regression models controlling for age, cigarette dontal disease as compared to periodontally healthy
smoking, alcohol intake, physical activity, and aspirin controls (91). Multiple logistic regression analysis
intake, self-reported periodontal disease was associ- identified periodontal disease as a principal inde-
ated with significantly higher levels of C-reactive pendent predictor of carotid atherosclerosis with an
protein (30% higher among periodontal cases com- odds ratio of 4.64 (95% CI 1.64–13.10). Pussinen et al.
pared with non-cases), tissue plasminogen activator monitored antibody responses for A. actinomyce-
(11% higher), and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol temcomitans and P. gingivalis among 6,950 Finnish
(11% higher). These analyses reveal significant subjects for whom cardiovascular disease outcomes
associations between self-reported number of teeth over 13 years were available (Mobile Clinic Health
at baseline and risk of coronary heart disease Survey) (73). Compared with the subjects who were
and between self-reported periodontal disease and seronegative for these pathogens, seropositive sub-
serum biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction and jects had an odds ratio of 2.6 (95% CI 1.0–7.0) for a
dyslipidemia. secondary stroke. In a second report on 1,023 men
One population study, the Oral Infections and (Kuopio Ischemic Heart Disease Study), Pussinen
Vascular Disease Epidemiology Study (or INVEST), et al. observed that cases with myocardial infarction
has been planned a priori and conducted exclusively or coronary heart disease death were more often
to evaluate the association between cardiovascular seropositive for A. actinomycetemcomitans than those
disease and periodontal outcomes in a cohort pop- controls who remained healthy (15.5% versus 10.2%)
ulation. Engebretson et al. reported that for a group (74). In the highest tertile of A. actinomycetemcomi-
of 203 stroke-free subjects (ages 54–94 years) at tans antibodies, the relative risk for myocardial
baseline, mean carotid plaque thickness (measured infarction or coronary heart disease death was 2.0
with B-mode ultrasound) was significantly greater (95% CI 1.2–3.3) compared with the lowest tertile.
among dentate subjects with severe periodontal bone For P. gingivalis antibody responses, the relative risk
loss (‡50% measured radiographically) as compared was 2.1 (95% CI 1.3–3.4). Abnet et al. recently

Paquette et al.

published findings from a cohort study of 29,584 strate elevations in C-reactive protein and fibrinogen
healthy, rural Chinese adults monitored for up to among periodontally diseased subjects (88, 101).
15 years (1). Tooth loss was evaluated as an exposure Experiments with animal models demonstrate
outcome for periodontal disease, and mortality from that specific infections with periodontal pathogens
heart disease or stroke were modeled as dependent accelerate atherogenesis. For example, inbred het-
variables. Individuals with greater than the age- erozygous and homozygous apolipoprotein-E-defici-
specific median number of teeth lost exhibited a sig- ent mice exhibit increased aortic atherosclerosis
nificantly increased risk of death from myocardial when challenged orally or intravenously with invasive
infarction (relative risk 1.28, 95% CI 1.17–1.40) and strains of P. gingivalis (15, 32, 54, 57). While P. gin-
stroke (relative risk 1.12, 95% CI 1.02–1.23). These givalis challenges increased aortic atherosclerosis in
elevated risks were present in both men and women apolipoprotein-E-deficient mice in a hypercholes-
irrespective of smoking status. Collectively, these terolemic background only, normocholesterolemic
findings indicate consistent associations for perio- pigs were recently shown to develop both coronary
dontal disease and pathogenic exposures with cardio- and aortic lesions with P. gingivalis challenges (12).
vascular disease for European and Asian populations. This finding suggests that P. gingivalis bacteremias
may exert an atherogenic stimulus independent of
the high cholesterol levels in pigs. It is worth noting
Biological plausibility and that a wide range of P. gingivalis doses was used in
experimental evidence these animal studies. While the clinically relevant
dose for human subjects is unknown at present, it
Since periodontal infections result in low-grade probably varies greatly (21, 38, 46). Importantly,
bacteremias and endotoxemias in affected patients P. gingivalis challenge enhances atherosclerosis, de-
(83, 86), systemic effects on vascular physiology via spite different routes of administration and dosing
these exposures appear biologically plausible. Four regimens, in both species. The P. gingivalis 16 ribo-
specific pathways have been proposed to explain the somal DNA was detected by polymerase chain reac-
plausibility of a link between cardiovascular disease tion in atheromas from some but not all of these
and periodontal infection. These pathways (acting mutant mice and pigs. These experiments suggest
independently or collectively) include: that both the host response and the virulence of the
• direct bacterial effects on platelets, specific P. gingivalis strains appear to be important
• autoimmune responses, variables in these infection–atherogenesis models.
• invasion and/or uptake of bacteria in endothelial Evidence in humans demonstrating the beneficial
cells and macrophages, effects of periodontal therapy on cardiovascular dis-
• endocrine-like effects of pro-inflammatory media- ease outcomes is limited and indirect at present.
tors. D’Auito et al. recently demonstrated that periodon-
In support of the first pathway, two oral bacteria, titis patients treated with scaling and root planing
P. gingivalis and Streptococcus sanguis, express viru- exhibited significant serum reductions in the car-
lence factors, the collagen-like platelet aggregation diovascular disease biomarkers, C-reactive protein
associated proteins, that induce platelet aggregation and interleukin-6 (20). In particular, patients who
in vitro and in vivo (39, 40). Second, autoimmune clinically responded to periodontal therapy in terms
mechanisms may play a role because antibodies that of pocket depth reductions were four times more
cross-react with periodontal bacteria and human likely to exhibit serum decreases in C-reactive protein
heat-shock proteins have been identified (41, 87). relative to patients with a poor clinical periodontal
Deshpande et al. have thirdly demonstrated that the response. Elter et al. also report decreases in these
P. gingivalis can invade aortic and heart endothelial serum biomarkers plus improved endothelial func-
cells via fimbriae (23). Several investigative groups tion (i.e. flow-mediated dilation of the brachial
have independently identified specific oral pathogens artery) for 22 periodontitis patients treated with
in atheromatous tissues (16, 37). In addition, macro- Ôcomplete mouth disinfectionÕ (i.e. scaling and root
phages incubated in vitro with P. gingivalis and planing, periodontal flap surgery and extraction of
low-density lipoprotein take up the bacteria intra- hopeless teeth within a 2-week period) (28). Similarly,
celluarly and transform into foam cells (31). In the Seinost et al. tested endothelial function in 30 pa-
last potential pathway, systemic pro-inflammatory tients with severe periodontitis and compared this
mediators are upregulated for endocrine-like effects with 31 periodontally healthy control subjects (84).
in vascular tissues, and studies consistently demon- Before the interventions, flow-mediated dilation was

Cardiovascular disease, inflammation, and periodontal infection

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observational studies and experimental animal mod- formation in CCR2)/) mice reveals a role for chemokines in
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12. Brodala NME, Bellinger DA, Damrongsri D, Offenbacher
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