Why Is Periodontal Disease More Prevalent and More Severe in People With D.S.

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Why is periodontal disease more

prevalent and more severe in people
with Down syndrome?
James Morgan, BA, BDentSc
Co. Kildare, Ireland. Corresponding author E-mail: morganjs@gmail.com

Spec Care Dentist 27(5): 196-201, 2007

Down syndrome (DS) is an autosomal chromosomal disorder resulting from trisomy of
all or part of chromosome 21.’ Approximately 95% of people with DS have an extra
complete chromosome 21. The remaining 5% result from other chromosomal abnor-
malities including translocation in 3% of people and mosaicism in 2% of The
incidence of DS is generally cited as being between 1 in 600 to 1 in 1,000 live births.’
In Ireland, this condition affects approximately 1 in 580 live births, which is the high-
est incidence in E ~ r o p e . ~
Periodontal disease is defined as “an inflammatory disease of the supporting tissues
of the teeth caused by specific microorganisms, resulting in progressive destruction of
the periodontal ligament and alveolar bone with pocket formation, recession, or both.”’
The pathogenesis of periodontal disease is complex. In response to microbial sub-
stances released from plaque bacteria in the gingival sulcus, epithelial and connective
tissue cells are stimulated to produce inflammatory mediators, leading to infiltration
of the connective tissue by numerous defense cells. In the early stages of the immune
response, neutrophils predominate. As further microbial substances enter the sys-
temic circulation, committed lymphocytes return to the site of infection, and
antibodies specific to bacterial antigens are produced by plasma cells. This essentially
protective response is enough to control the infection in people who are not suscepti-
ble to periodontitk6

In susceptible individuals, however, In 2005, the World Health

the primary host defenses are unable to Organization provided an overview of
control the microbial challenge, leading periodontal disease worldwide and
to the epithelium becoming increasingly reported that 10%to 15% of adults suf-
permeable and ulcerated. There is fered from periodontal d i ~ e a s eBrown
.~ et
increased migration of neutrophils into al8reported that the prevalence of peri-
the tissues, which secrete a variety of odontal disease among the general
inflammatory mediators and proteolytic population in the United States ranged
enzymes. Once the concentration of from 29% for persons aged 19 to 45
these inflammatory mediators and years, to 50% for persons aged 45 years
enzymes becomes pathologically high, and older. An increased prevalence
~~S~Q~Q@ ht%\\\L~\Qi
L& Of tlhP t&agen severity of periodontal disease has been
fibers, periodontal ligament, and alveolar reported in people with DS compared
bone occurs.6 Preshaw et aL6noted that with age-matched subjects of similar
the majority of periodontal destruction is levels of intellectual impairment and
the result of “collateral damage arising compared with the general population?u
from the activation of the host defenses Prevalence varies between 58%and 96%
against the presence of bacteria”. for those under 35 years of age.”

196 Spec Care Dentist 2 7 ( 5 ) 2007


The increased prevalence and severity Etiology of periodontal the maxilla was 65.1%, and in the
of periodontal disease in persons with disease in Down syndrome mandible it was 40.5%, compared with
Down syndrome may be attributed to a Local factors 40.5% and 21.1%, respectively, in the
range of local factors associated with the Oral hygiene general population. C u t r e ~ salso
’ ~ sug-
oral cavity, as well as systemic factors Cohen et ~1.’’ studied a group of 100 sub- gested that tooth morphology, including
associated with the genetic disorder itself. jects with DS and found that oral short roots, could influence periodontal
hygiene was generally poor. This was in disease in persons with Down syndrome.
Prevalence and severity of agreement with Sakellari et aI.ln who
periodontal disease reported that people with DS had poorer Microbiological plaque
Johnson and YoungI4examined 70 chil- oral hygiene than healthy individuals. In composition
dren with DS (mean age 10.8 +/- 3.0 years) another study, Sakellari et ~ 1 . found
’~ that
detailing the microbiolog-
and compared them with 40 age-matched the mean plaque score was 100% in a ical composition of plaque from subjects
subjects who did not have DS but had group of subjects with DS who were with DS vary in reporting different types
similar learning disabilities. The presence between the ages of 26 and 37 years. of organisms involved in the periopatho-
of periodontal disease was observed in Sakellari2’also found that following oral genic process. Sakellari et ~ 1 . reported
96% of persons in the group with DS and hygiene instruction, subjects with DS that subjects with DS in all age groups
it was much more severe than in the con- had reduced ability to maintain adequate had significantly higher levels of peri-
trol group. Bone loss followed a horizontal plaque control. This could possibly be odontopathic bacteria. In particular, a
pattern and was most obvious in the lower associated with impairment of fine motor significantly higher prevalence of P gingi-
anterior segment. Agholme et al.,” Cichon function resulting in poor manual dex- valis, A. actinomycetemcomitans (A.u.), I:
~ Saxen et al.” also observed this
et ~ l . , ’and terity, as reported by Desai.’ forsythesis, and P intermedia was
pattern of bone loss. Cohen et ~1.’’ reported that calculus observed. These findings suggest that
Saxen et al.” used orthopantomo- deposits were abundant among children colonization by significant periodontal
grams to provide a more objective with Down syndrome. This was in agree- pathogens occurs frequently in subjects
method for evaluating periodontal dis- ment with a similar study by Johnson with DS, even in adolescence. Amano et
ease. Bone loss was measured from the and Y ~ u n g . However,
’~ a less severe dis-~ 1 . observed
’~ that even in early child-
cemento-enamel junction to the alveolar tribution of calculus was reported by hood (age 2 to 4 years) significantly
bone margin. A tooth with bone loss of Barr-Agholme et ~ 1 (20%) . ~ and~ by Sasaki
higher levels of P gingivalis, B. forsythis,
5mm or more was regarded as affected. It et ~ 1 . (14.8%),
’~ respectively. and 1 denticola were detected in subjects
was reported that 69% of subjects with with DS. These are considered to be
DS aged 9 to 39 years had more than Open-mouth breathing important pathogens in severe types of
5mm bone loss compared with 20% of Persons with Down syndrome exhibit adult periodontitis.’6 In particular, the
the control group, despite similar levels characteristic phenotypical orofacial occurrence of P gingivalis was found to
of plaque and calculus. In a follow-up anomalies including an underdeveloped increase with age. No significant differ-
study carried out five years later, the facial mid-third resulting in a hypoplastic ences, however, were found in relation to
prevalence of bone loss of 5mm or more maxilla and mandibular prognathism.’ A.a. between subjects with DS and
had increased to 75% in the subjects The hypoplastic maxilla, combined with healthy age-matched controls. Morinushi
with DS.l8 an enlarged tonsillar volume, causes et aLZ7measured the serum antibody titer
In a longitudinal study carried out by upper airway congestion and a tendency of subjects with DS to various periodon-
Agholme et al.,” periapical and bitewing for increased mouth-breathing.’,’ topathic bacteria and found that even in
radiographs were used to aid in the diag- Swallow” reported that 82.9% of children subjects with DS under the age of 6
nosis of periodontal disease. It was with DS had their lips habitually apart. years, the average antibody titer to A.u.,
reported that 35% of subjects with DS E nucleaturn, and P intermedia exceeded
(mean age 16.6 years) had experienced Tooth morphology that of the normal adult reference pool.
alveolar bone loss. Seven years later the Several authors have discovered irregu- It was also found that these titers
prevalence of alveolar bone loss had larities in the morphology of crowns and increased significantly with age. These
increased to 74%. roots in persons with DS. findings suggest that A.u., E nucleatum,
C u t r e ~ sreported
’~ that persons with Desai et al.’ reported that clinical and P intermedia are probably present in
DS who were living in institutions had crowns were usually shorter and smaller significant numbers in subjects with DS,
poorer levels of plaque control, than normal in subjects with DS, and even in those under the age of 6 years.
increased calculus deposits, and an that root length was reduced. Bajic et dZ5 Hanookai et ~ 1 investigated
. ~ ~ the
increased prevalence of periodontal dis- reported a significant reduction in root prevalence of herpes virus species in
ease when compared to subjects living at length as well as an increased prevalence periodontally involved subgingival sites
home with DS. Swallowzocame to the of fused molar roots in persons with DS. in subjects with DS. It was found that
same conclusions. The prevalence of fused molar roots in 32% of patients had Epstein-Barr virus-1,

Morgan Spec Care Dentist 27(2) 2007 197


26% human cytomegalovirus, and 16% found a reduction in neutrophil chemo- cantly higher than in the healthy con-
herpes simplex virus. Herpes virus taxis, in neutrophil phagocytosis, and in trols. This finding was in agreement with
species may cause periodontal pathology the mean random migration of neu- a similar study carried out by
by suppressing the activity of B- and T- trophils. The relatively short half-life of Tsilingaridis et ~ 1 . PGE2
~ ’ was present in
lymphocytes as well as up-regulating neutrophils in people with DS (3.7 hours inflamed periodontal tissue and was a
certain pro-inflammatory mediators such compared with 6.6 hours in healthy indi- potent mediator of bone r e ~ o r p t i o n . ~ ~
as IL-1 and TNF-alpha.z8 viduals) may account for their neutrophil Barr-Agholme et uL4*also proposed that
dysf~nction.~~ the enhanced levels of PGE2 found in
Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis the GCF of patients with Down syn-
(ANUG) T-lymphocyte dysfunction drome might be related to the altered
Cohen et reported that of 100 sub- Cichon et ~ 1 . reported
’~ that peripheral T- composition of the subgingival
jects with DS examined, 29% had lymphocytes in subjects with DS have a microflora. This suggestion was based on
experienced ANUG. In a later study, diminished ability to recognize and the fact that lipopolysaccharide from A.u.
Brown et uL30compared 149 subjects respond to specific antigens. This study has been reported to stimulate the pro-
with DS with 657 normal subjects and demonstrated a quantitative and qualita- duction of PGE2 in monocytes.42
found that at least 35.6% of patients with tive deficiency of T-lymphocytes. Komatsu et ~ 1 reported
. ~ ~that the
DS had experienced at least one episode Clee-Sohoel et ~ 1observed. ~ ~that the production of matrix metalloproteinases
of ANUG compared with 4.1% of the number of T-cell receptor-bearing lym- was significantly higher in subjects with
control group. Of the affected subjects phocytes in marginal periodontitis in DS than in the control group. These find-
with DS, 49.1% had experienced recur- subjects with DS was less than in other- ings were in agreement with Tsilingaridis
rent episodes. The mean age at the time wise healthy individuals. Shaw and et ~ l . “Matrix
+~ metalloproteinases com-
of the first recorded episode was 9.4 +/- Saxby3’stated that the percentage of cir- prise a family of proteolytic enzymes that
4.4 years, even though ANUG typically culating T-cells is low from birth and collectively degrade the extra-cellular
affects young Dissimilarities in suggested that T-cell maturation may be matrix in chronic inflammatory diseases
the diagnostic criteria for ANUG have an integral part of Down syndrome. such as periodontitis.”’+
led to confusion in the literature as to its Whittingham et ~ 1 demonstrated
. ~ ~ an
prevalence among the general popula- atypical immunodeficiency of the T-lym- Hyper-innewation of the gingiva
tion. These values range from less than phocyte system. The authors reported Barr-Agholme et a1.” observed that the
1% to 6.9%.32 that the T-cell pattern included hypo- gingivae of subjects with DS display pro-
responsiveness to antigenic stimulus, a found inflammatory reactions alongside
Systemic factors low mitotic activity, and an increase in hyper-innervation of what was assumed
Neutrophil dysfunction immature T-lymphocytes. to be the sensory part of the innervation
“Neutrophils are the primary cells Bjorksten et ~ 1 . ’reported
~ a link of the gingiva. This “hyper-innervation”
involved in the first line of host defense between depressed neutrophil chemo- may not be particular to Down syndrome
against bacterial infe~tion.”~) taxis and depressed lymphocyte but may be a reaction brought on by
“Neutrophils have multiple surface responsiveness in patients with DS who inflammation. Alternatively, chemical
receptors that enable them to bind to and had low serum zinc levels. Following a transmitters released from these nerves
phagocytize bacteria once they reach the two-month course of treatment with zinc may be responsible for the inflammatory
site of i n f e ~ t i o n . In
” ~ the
~ different stages phosphate, an increase in serum zinc reaction observed.+jThis phenomenon
of periodontal disease, accumulation of levels as well as enhanced neutrophil and may explain results obtained from two
neutrophils in the connective tissue, T-lymphocyte function was observed. studies on experimental gingivitis, which
junctional epithelium, and gingival Zinc is involved in numerous metabolic showed that despite identical plaque
sulcus are characteristic morphological pathways and is essential for synthesiz- accumulation, the gingivae of subjects
findings.35 ing RNA and DNA.+O with DS had more extensive inflamma-
Izumi et al.” reported that neutrophil tion when compared to age-matched
chemotaxis was significantly impaired in Inflammatory mediators and proteolytic healthy i n d i v i d ~ a l s47. ~However,
~ func-
subjects with DS when compared with enzymes tional defects of neutrophils and
healthy controls. The authors found that Komatsu et ul.+lfound that tissue lymphocytes have also been proposed as
50% of subjects with DS had defective destruction related to progressive peri- possible explanations for the difference
neutrophil chemotaxis. They also found odontitis was due to actions of both the in gingival response to plaque.47
that the prevalence of bone loss in sub- host and bacterial-derived proteolytic
jects with DS was inversely proportional enzymes. Barr-Agholme et a1.4Lreported Barriers to dental services
to the neutrophil chemotactic index of that the mean level of Prostaglandin E2 Kaye et ~ l . reported
+~ that while most
the patient. These findings are in agree- (PGE2) in the gingival crevicular fluid adults with DS regularly attended their
ment with Yavuzyilmaz et al.,35who (GCF) of subjects with DS was signifi- dentist, little treatment was actually pro-

198 Spec Care Dentist 27(5) 2007 Periodontal disease In patients w i t h Down syndrome

vided. Allison et al.+’observed that par- most authors agree that the amount of system can be further compromised by
ents of children with Down syndrome plaque and calculus present was not com- the T-cell dysfunction in Down syn-
frequently encounter problems with mensurate with the severity of drome. Whittingham et al.3Rproposed
access to oral care for their children. periodontal disease observed. Lh~17,L9,21,47,51 that the T-cell dysfunction “might be
Children with DS were significantly less Open-mouth breathing reduces the explained by failing immuno-competence
likely to receive dental treatment than cleansing action of the saliva and encour- due to accelerated ageing”. He further
their non-DS siblings. Although some ages the accumulation of plaque; it also proposed that it might even be caused
authors16lR have reported that preventive dehydrates the gingival tissues, which “by a heavy load of infections early in life
programs have little effect on the pro- may impair the individual’s resistance to because of an incapacity to maintain ade-
gression of periodontal disease in i n f e ~ t i o nShorter
.~~ root lengths and an quate standards of personal hygiene”.
patients with Down syndrome, more increased prevalence of fused roots may Preshaw et aL6highlighted the impor-
recent studies924 have shown the effec- also influence periodontal d i ~ e a s eIt. ~ ~ ~tant
~ ~role
~ ~ played by both inflammatory
tiveness of frequent preventive care. has been suggested that the fused molar mediators and proteolytic enzymes in the
Yoshihara et al.’ demonstrated the useful- roots favor the progression of periodontal pathogenesis of periodontal disease. Both
ness of periodic preventive care in disease because occlusal forces have a PGE2 and matrix metalloproteinases
suppressing the severity and progression greater effect on these than on teeth with have been shown to be present in signifi-
of periodontal disease in subjects with divergent cantly higher levels in people with DS.4143
DS. In their study, patients were divided Subgingival plaque in people with DS PGE2 is a vasodilator, which is “involved
into two groups: those who had received harbors increased amounts of suspected in the increased vascular permeability
frequent preventive care, and those who periodontal pathogens.1@.26-28 Gram-nega- occurring at sites of inflammation, and a
had not been treated professionally in tive bacteria contain lipopolysaccharide mediator of bone demineralization” .44
more than a year. Significant reductions in their cell wall. Among other effects, Matrix metalloproteinases can degrade
were noted in mean pocket depth lipopolysaccharide has the potential to type I-V collagens, laminin, gelatin,
(2.5mm and 3.lmm, respectively), mean activate the complement system, produce fibronectin, and elastin.44
frequency of periodontal pockets (46% inflammation, and stimulate bone resorp- Institutionalization has been
and 91% respectively), and frequency of t i ~ nHerpes
. ~ ~ virus can also influence ~hown’’.~@ to be associated with an
the prevalence of pathological alveolar periodontal disease. Hanookai et a1.28 increased prevalence and severity of peri-
bone loss (62% and 100% respectively), suggested that periodontal herpes virus odontal disease. Swallow*@ proposed that
when the “managed group” was com- and bacterial co-infections might favor this may be a reflection of the quality of
pared to the “interrupted group.” Sasaki destructive periodontal disease. However, oral hygiene practiced, whereby aid given
et al.24showed the efficacy of monthly few studies have been carried out on this to non-institutionalized children by their
preventive care, which consisted of subject. parents may slow the disease’s process.
mechanical plaque control and oral ANUG is more prevalent in Down Cutress’’ suggested that fecal-oral trans-
hygiene instruction over a period of two s y n d r ~ m e . ’ANUG
~ . ~ ~ can result in the mission of contagious microorganisms in
and a half years. Significant reduction in formation of characteristic gingival institutionalized patients may account
gingival inflammation and probing craters, which encourages plaque stagna- for the increased prevalence of periodon-
pocket depths were noted at that time tion, and can favor the progression of tal disease.
(mean pocket depth at baseline was any underlying periodontal Recent s t ~ d i e s ’ have
~ ~ ~ reported
~~+ the
2.9mm and after 2.5 years was 1.3mm). Neutrophils and T-lymphocyte func- effectiveness of frequent preventive care
The use of chlorhexidine mouthwash to tion is impaired in people with DS.16,33.35,36in slowing the progression and reducing
compensate for ineffective plaque Neutrophils play an intimate role in the the severity of periodontal disease.
removal has also been advocated.5@ periodontal disease process because they Therefore, any barriers that hinder the
have the ability to detect and migrate access of people with DS to dental serv-
toward infection and phagocytose ices could have detrimental effects on
Discussion microorganism^.'^ Van Dyke et ~ 1 sug- . ~ ~ their oral health. Fiske and Shafik’ rec-
People with Down syndrome experience gested that because of this close ommended the development and
more prevalent and severe periodontal involvement in periodontal disease, a instigation of a realistic preventive pro-
It has been r e p ~ r t e d ~that
~ . ~the
’ decrease in neutrophil function might gram that would include regular scaling
progression of the disease in persons with result in more severe periodontal break- and root planing, and advice regarding
DS was similar to aggressive periodontal down. They also suggested that in anti-microbial agents. The results
disease. A multi-factorial etiology diseases where neutrophil function was obtained by Yoshihara et al.’ suggest that
accounting for this prevalence and sever- impaired (for example, neutropenia, to combat the severity and progression of
ity has been proposed. People with DS Papillon-Lefevre syndrome, and Down periodontal disease in persons with DS, a
have poorer levels of oral hygiene,2,1@,21,22 syndrome), an increase in periodontal more frequent treatment interval than
and increased c ~ ~ c u ~ However. u s . ~ ~ ~ disease
~ ~ ~was ~ usually
~ ~ ~ seen.54
~ ~ The
~ + immune the six months suggested by Hennequin

Morgan Spec Care Dentist 27(5) 2007 199


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