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Assignment On : Is Keto Diet Really a Threat?

Course Title : Food and Nutraceuticals

Course Code : PHARM 5102

1 Introduction 03

2 History 03

3 How is keto diet 03-04

4 Criteria neeed to meet before keto diet 04

5 Is keto diet is safe 04-05

6 Is keto cause the weight loss 05

7 Side effect 05

8 Conclusion 06

9 References 07

Is Keto Diet Really a Threat?
1. Introduction:

At present, a very common and well known term is called Keto diet that is widely relating to
reduce the weight. But it not a new name or technique. At first, in 1920 keto diet had been
introduced for the treatment epilepsy of children. Keto diet is defined as A diet high in fat and
low in carbohydrates (sugars) that causes the body to break down fat into molecules called
ketones by the process of ketosis. Ketones circulate in the blood and become the main source of
energy for many cells in the body. According to a report of NCBI, it should not take more than
20-50 g carbohydrates if one want to follow keto diet. [Keto Diet. (2021).]

Normally carbohydrates in food are converted into glucose, which is then transported around the
body and is important in fueling brain function. But when little carbohydrate from that regimen
remains in the diet, the liver converts fat into fatty acids and ketone bodies, the latter passing into
the brain and replacing glucose as an energy source. An elevated level of ketone bodies in the
blood (a state called ketosis) eventually lowers the frequency of epileptic seizures. At the same,
keto diet prefers to low level of carbohydrates than other kinds of food, it cause weight loss.
[Wikimedia Foundation. (2021, August 28)]

2. History:

Keto diet has been introduced by a physician named Russel Wilder in 1921. From them , almost
an era, keto diet had beed used for the treatment epilepsy of children as therapy diet. But after the
invention of anti epilepsy medicines, Keto diet had lost it’s popularity.

The first modern scientific study into fasting as a cure for epilepsy was conducted in France, in
1911. At the time, potassium bromide (KBr) was used to treat epileptics, but this agent slowed
patients’ mental capabilities. Instead, twenty epilepsy patients followed a low-calorie, vegetarian
food plan that was combined with fasting. Two patients showed significant improvements,
although most could not adhere to the dietary restrictions. However, the diet was found to
improve the patient’s mental abilities compared with the effects of taking potassium bromide.
From that it has been introduced all over the world and lasts before the invention of effective
antiepileptic drugs. [Mandal, D. A. (2019, February 27).]

3.How is keto diet

The most widely used ketogenic diet is SKD or standard ketogenic diet. The British Experts
think that it helps in maintaining glucose level and weigh loss. It should contain –

 Fat - 70-75% (Avocados and avocado oil, Nuts, Flax seeds, Olives and
cold-pressed olive oil, Coconuts and unrefined coconut oil )
 Protein - 20 % (Chicken, turkey, seafood, eggs, legumes, lean cuts of beef and pork)
 Carbohydrate - 5-10% (roccoli, cauliflower, green beans, bell peppers, zucchini and
 Vegetable - sufficient quantity (avocado, broccoli, cauliflower, carrot, tomato, zucchini,
cucumber). It should choose vegetables that contain no starch or carbohydrates like
spinaches during keto diet.

 The foods need to avoid are as-

 cheese
 milk
 ice cream
 yogurt
 butter

4. Criteria neeed to meet before keto diet-

 Consult with a doctor, Pharmacist or nutrionist.

 Confirm that your prepared food list or food formula is appropriate for you
 Give importance on food keeping your heart and liver well.
 Avoid sugar, caffine, alcohol, etc.
 Diabetic patient should concern all the risk before starting keto.
 Be concern about the possible side effect of keto diet.
 Up the Electrolytes to prevent or mitigate unpleasant Keto side effects
 Be Acknowledge When Keto might not be right for you [Keto Diet. (2021).]

5. Is keto diet is safe:

According to Britain National Health organization (NHS), in the daily food list of a healthy
person , it should contain one third carbohydrate and one third fruits and vegetable of total food
intake. So it may be a concern that if keto diet is safe or not . There are many debate in favor of
and against the safety of keto diet.In this regard, British nutritional therapist Kery Torense
commented that, Keto diet is an opposite idea or theme of Normal and Healthy eating habit
containg appropriate amount of carbohydrate, protein and fat.People following keto diet cat

protein and fat containing food instead of Carbohydrate food. But if it continue for a long time, it
may produce many adverse effect on health. If a person take high fatty food, it may accumulate
the saturated fat level in the body.According to UK health Policy, It should not take more than
30g saturated fat for male and 20g for female. If fat content is higher it may cause serious
problem of kidney disorder paient due to the break down of fat to nitrogenous compound. . But
in maximum keto diet, protein content is in optimum amount. If fat content is more than it may
causes the deposition of fat on blood vessel, it cause the arthrosclerosis, that enhance the
possibility of heart attack and stroke. [Keto Diet. (2021).]

6. Is keto cause the weight loss-

According to British nutritional therapist Kery Torense, Keto diet cause the weight loss and
control the diabetic maintain insulin level. Keto diet causes the long lating weight loss than low
fat diet. But here long lasting depend on the body that can adopted on which type of diet.

Some expert believe that weight loss depend on types of keto diet. The common types of keto
diet are-

 Bad Keto – unhealthy fate.

 Good keto – healthy fat

Between this two type, it has been proved that, good keto is compatible for health and causes the
weight loss at a systematic way.

Some studies have suggested that a ketogenic diet may be more effective than a low fat diet for
weight loss, even after matching the total calorie intake .In one older study, people on a
ketogenic diet lost 2.2 times more weight than those on a low calorie, low fat diet. Triglyceride
and HDL (good) cholesterol levels also improved.

However, both groups reduced calorie consumption by a comparable amount, and this may have
increased weight loss. [Spritzler, F. (2020, October 16).]

7. Side effects- According to NCBI, keto diet for short time (2 years) is advantageous compared
with its draw back. Major demerits are rare. But common side effect are as-

 excessive thirst
 Frequent urination
 Fatigue
 Hunger
 Confusion, anxiety and/or irritability
 Tachycardia
 Lightheadedness and shakiness

 Sweating and chills [Keto Diet. (2021).]

8. Conclusion:

Previously the ketogenic diet had been used as an efficacious and relatively safe treatment of
intractable seizures. Despite its long history, however, much remains unknown about the diet,
including its mechanisms of action, the optimal protocol, and the full range of its applicability.
Beside this, investigations of the keto diet has found a good technique of weight loss. Though it
may produce many minor to major affects on body like heart attack, stroke etc. it can be also
consider safe for it maintained in a controlled way and for a short duration of time ( maximum 2


1. Keto Diet. (2021). Retrieved 26 October 2021, from


Wikimedia Foundation. (2021, August 28). Ketogenic diet. Wikipedia. Retrieved October 26,
2021, from

Mandal, D. A. (2019, February 27). History of the ketogenic diet. News. Retrieved October 26,
2021, from

Spritzler, F. (2020, October 16). Foods to eat on a ketogenic diet. Healthline. Retrieved October
26, 2021, from

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