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Q. Compare manual and automation testing.

– The last level of testing is acceptance testing which

Automation Testing Manual Testing is used to evaluate whether the specification or the
requirement is fulfilled or not. As the testing is
Automation Testing In manual testing test cases
passed through three levels some minor errors can
uses automation are executed by a human
be detected by the users.
tools to execute test tester and software.
Q. Explain decision table-based test method to
design test cases 1.
Automated testing is Manual testing is time Decision table technique is one of the widely used
significantly faster consuming and takes up case design techniques for black box testing. This is
than a manual human resources. a systematic approach where various input
approach. combinations and their respective system behaviour
Automation does not Exploratory testing is are captured in a tabular form.
allow random testing. possible in manual testing. 2.That's why it is also known as a cause-effect table.
The initial investment The initial investment in the This technique is used to pick the test cases in a
in the automated manual testing is completely systematic manner; it saves the testing time and
testing is the initial lower. ROI is lower gives good coverage to the testing area of the
investment in the compared to Automation software application.
automated testing is testing In the long run. 3.Decision table technique is appropriate for the
higher. Though the functions that have a logical relationship between
ROI is better in the two and more than two inputs.
long run. 4.Let's understand it by an example:
Automated testing is Manual testing is not as Most of us use an email account, and when you want
a reliable method, as accurate because of the to use an email account, for this you need to enter
it is performed by possibility of the human the email and its associated password. If both email
tools and scripts. errors. and password are correctly matched, the user will be
There is no testing directed to the email account's homepage; otherwise,
Fatigue. it will come back to the login page with an error
For even a trivial Small changes like change message specified with "Incorrect Email" or
change in the UI of in id, class, etc. of a button "Incorrect Password."
the AUT, Automated wouldn't thwart execution of
Test Scripts need to a manual tester.
be modified to work
as expected
Investment is Investment is
required for testing needed for human
tools as well as resources.
automation engineers 5.
Q. What are the different levels of testing? If the email is correct, but the password is incorrect
Explain the significance of each in brief then the function should display Incorrect Password.
Unit testing – Unit testing is the first level of testing In the third condition if the email is incorrect, but the
a software, it involves analysing each unit or password is correct, then it should display Incorrect
individual component of a system or software. In unit Email. 6.In fourth and
testing we test the smallest part of code to validate last condition both email and password are incorrect
the requirements and check the correctness. Unit then the function should display Incorrect Email.
testing is usually done by software developer and is 7.Number of possible conditions = 2^ Number of
considered as white box. Values of the second condition
Integration testing – The second level of testing is Number of possible conditions =2^2 = 4
integration testing, and it comes after unit testing. It
is mainly used to test the data flow from one Q. What are the different testing techniques?
component to other. It is usually done by the test Compare them with their features 1. software
engineer. In integration testing separate components testing is a process of analysing an application's
are tested together. The purpose of this testing is to functionality as per the customer prerequisite.2.
test and identify the defects between the interaction Manual Testing:
of components. It is a type of Black box testing. Manual Testing is one of the most fundamental
System testing – The third level of testing is system testing processes as it can find both visible and
testing it comes after integration testing. In this hidden defects of the software. Manual testing is a
testing we check all the function and non-functional software testing process in which test cases are
requirements of the software. We check the system executed manually without using any automated tool.
in this level, so the testing environment is same as All test cases executed by the tester manually
that of production environment. Acceptance testing according to the end user's perspective. It ensures
whether the application is working, as mentioned in - It is very important for a software tester to have
the requirement document or not. 3.Automated great communication skills so that he can interact
Testing: Automation testing is a process of with the development team efficiently.
changing any manual test case into the test scripts The roles and responsibilities for a usability
by using automation testing tools, and scripting or software tester:
programming language is called automation. 1) A Software Tester is responsible for designing
Automation testing is used to increase the efficiency, testing scenarios for usability testing. 2) He is
effectiveness, and coverage of Software testing. responsible for conducting the testing, thereafter,
Automation test engineer uses automation testing analyse the results and then submit his observations
tools to automate the manual design test cases to the development team. 3) He may have to interact
without any human interference. In software testing, with the clients to better understand the product
manual testing can be further classified into Three requirements or in case the design requires any kind
different types of testing: 1. White Box Testing In of modifications.
white-box testing, the developer will inspect every The responsibilities of the software tester
line of code before handing it over to the testing team include:
or the concerned test engineers. 2.Black Box 1.Creation of test designs, test processes, test cases
Testing Another type of manual testing is black-box and test data. 2.Carry out testing as per the defined
testing. In this testing, the test engineer will analyse procedures. 3.Participate in walkthroughs of testing
the software against requirements, identify the procedures. 4.Prepare all reports related to software
defects or bug, and sends it back to the development testing carried out.
team 3. Grey Box Testing Another part of manual Q. Differentiate between Verification & Validation.
testing is grey box testing. It is a collaboration of Verification Validation
black box and white box testing. Since, the grey box It includes checking It includes testing
testing includes access to internal coding for documents, design, and validating the
designing test cases. Grey box testing is performed codes, and actual product.
by a person who knows coding as well as testing. programs.
Q. Describe the role of software testing in Verification is the Validation is the
software development. static testing. dynamic testing.
Direct objective: To identify and reveal as many It does not include It includes the
errors as possible in the tested software. - To bring the execution of the execution of the
the tested software, after correction of the identified code. code.
errors and retesting, to an acceptable level of quality. Methods used in Methods used in
- To compile a record of software errors for use in verification are validation are Black
error prevention. reviews, Box Testing, White
Improve Your Software: The role of testing in walkthroughs, Box Testing and
software development begins with improved inspections and non-functional
reliability, quality, and performance of the software. desk-checking. testing.
Quality assurance: Quality plays a vital role in It checks whether It checks whether
today’s competitive world. Hence a software tester the software the software meets
plays key role in Software Development Life Cycle conforms to the requirements
for producing quality products…. Testing will be specifications or not. and expectations of
necessary for making the software defect free. a customer or not.
Defects can be identified and rectified. Automated It can find the bugs It can find the bugs
testing offers a great help to create defect free in the early stage of in the early stage of
software. the development. the development.
Helps to avoid dangerous situations: Quality assurance Validation is
Without proper testing, produced software can be team does executed on
dangerous to the users. They will be confused and verification. software code with
lose credibility towards that software. the help of testing
Q. What are the different role a software tester team.
must play? It comes before It comes after
Software Tester Role: A Software tester should be validation. verification.
capable of designing test suites and should have the
ability to understand usability issues… - Such a Q. What are the goals of testing? Explain the
tester is expected to have sound knowledge of testing life cycle.
software test design and test execution 1. Immediate Goals: a) Bug Discovery
methodologies…. b) Bug Prevention.
2. Long-Term Goals:
Quality: This goal enhances the quality of the •Every possibility that few lines of code is missed
software product. accidentally.
Customer Satisfaction: This goal verifies the
customer’s satisfaction with a developed software Q. What are the different test case design method
product. of black box testing ? Explain Random testing
Reliability: It is a matter of confidence that the method.
software will not fail. Black box testing methods ->
Risk Management: Risk is the probability of 1.Boundary Value Analysis (BVA)
occurrence. 2.Equivalence Class Testing
3. Post Implemented Goals: 3.State Table-Based Testing
Reduce Maintenance Cost: Post-released errors 4.Decision Table-Based Testing
are costlier to fix and difficult to identify. 5.Cause-Effect Graphing Based Testing
Improved Software Testing Process: These goals 6.Error Guessing
improve the testing process for future use or Random testing -> Random testing is software
software projects. testing in which the system is tested with the help of
1.Requirement Analysis: Requirement Analysis is generating random and independent inputs and test
the first step of Software Testing Life Cycle. cases…,,, Random testing is also named monkey
2.Test Planning: Test Planning is most efficient testing.
phase of software testing life cycle. Working Random Testing:
3.Test Case Development: The test case Step-1: Identify Input domain
development phase gets started once the test Step-2: Select test inputs independently/randomly
planning phase is completed. from the input domain
4.Test Environment Setup: Test environment setup Step-3: Test the system on these inputs and form a
is the vital part of the STLC. random test set
5.Test Execution: After the test case development Step-4: Compare the result with system specification
and test environment setup test execution phase Step-5: If the Report fails then take necessary action
gets started.
6.Test Closure: This is the last stage of STLC in
which the process of testing is analyzed.
Q. What are different white box testing
techniques? Explain structural testing.
1)Data Flow Testing: Data flow testing is a group of
testing strategies that examines the control flow of
2) Control Flow Testing: Control flow testing
determines the execution order of statements or
instructions of the program through a control
3) Branch Testing: Branch coverage technique is
used to cover all branches of the control flow graph, Q. what is the significance of Automation
4) Statement Testing: Statement coverage technique testing? Why we need automation?
is used to design white box test cases. 1-Manual Testing of all workflows, all fields, all
5) Decision Testing: This technique reports true and negative scenarios is time and money consuming
false outcomes of Boolean expressions. 2-It is difficult to test for multilingual sites manually
Structural Testing: 3-Test Automation in software testing does not
•Also known as glass box testing or white box require Human intervention. You can run automated
testing. test unattended.
•Tests are derived from the knowledge of the 4-Test Automation increases the speed of test
software’s structure or internal implementation. execution
Advantages: 5-Automation helps increase Test Coverage
•Forces test developer to reason carefully about 6-Manual Testing can become boring and hence
implementation. error-prone.
•Reveals errors in "hidden" code.
•Spots the Dead Code or other issues with respect to NEED FOR AUTOMATION
best programming practices. 1. Reduction of testing effort in verification and
Disadvantages: validation strategies, numerous test case design
•Expensive as one must spend both time and money methods have been studied. Test cases for a
to perform white box testing. complete software may be hundreds of thousands or
more in number. Executing all of them manually
takes a lot of testing effort and time
2. Reduces the testers’ involvement in executing
tests Sometimes executing the test cases takes a
long time. Automating this process of executing the
test suit will relieve the testers to do some other
3. Facilitates regression testing as we know,
regression testing is the most time-consuming
process. If we automate the process of regression
testing, then testing effort as well as the time taken
will reduce as compared to manual testing.
4. Avoids human mistakes Manually executing the
test cases may incorporate errors in the process or
sometimes, we may be biased towards limited test
cases while checking the software. Testing tools will
not cause these problems which are introduced due
to manual testing.
5. Reduces overall cost of the software as we have
seen that if testing time increases, cost of the
software also increases. But due to testing tools, time
and therefore cost can be reduced to a greater level
as testing tools ease the burden of the test case
production and execution.
6. Simulated testing Load performance testing is an
example of testing where the real-life situation needs
to be simulated in the test environment. Sometimes,
it may not be possible to create the load of several
concurrent users or large amount of data in a project.
7. Internal testing may require testing for memory
leakage or checking the coverage of testing.
Automation tools can help in these tasks quickly and
accurately, whereas doing this manually would be
cumbersome, inaccurate, and time-consuming.

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