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Copyright © 1966 American Society for Microbiology Printed in U.S.A.

Listeria monocytogenes and Listeric Infections

Monitania Veterinary Research Laboratory, Montana State College, Bozeman, Montana, and Department Of
Pathology and Hygiene, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois
INTRODUCTION ................................ 309
HISTORY .............................. 310
NOMENCLATURE ............................................................... 311
Justification for the Term "Listeric"..... .......................... 311
Accepted Name of the Bacterium ............................... 311
CHARACTERIZATION OF THE BACTERIUM ....... ................................ 312
Morphology ............................... 312
Cultural Characteristics ...................................................... 312
Fermentation and Biochemical Properties ....................................... 315
Nutritional Requirements anid Metabolism .............................. 316
Colonial Dissociation .............................. 317
Antigenic Structure .......................................................... 318
Serology .............. 320f-
Serological Diagnosis of Listeric Infection ....................................... 322
L Forms ............................................... 325
Phage ............................................... 326
Chemical Composition ............................................... 327
MONOCYTE-PRODUCING PROPERTIES .............................................. 327
Histological Studies on Origin and Development of Monocytes ..................... 327
Isolation of Monocyte-Producing Agent ......................................... 329
Antibody Production Under Sustained Monocytosis ............................... 329
Phagocytosis ............................................... 330
METHODS FOR ISOLATION FROM INFECTED MATERIAL .............................. 330
Refrigeration Method . ............................................... 330
Other Methods ............................................... 332
Selective Media and Methods ............................................... 332
Differentiation from Erysipelothrix insidiosa ..................................... 334
Biological Methods .............. ............................... 334
Characteristics Aiding Identification of Suspect Cultures ........................... 335
Detection by Fluorescent-Antibody (FA) Techniques .............................. 336
PATHOGENICITY FOR LABORATORY ANIMALS ...................................... 336
Male or Nonpregnant Animals ............................................... 336
Pregnant Animals ..... ........................................ 340
LISTERIC INFECTION IN MAN ................................................. 345
Retrospect ............................................... 345
Meningitis or Meningoencephalitis ............................................. 348
Encephalitis ............................................... 350
Psychosis ............................................... 350
Perinatal Infection ................... ............................ 350
Infectious Mononucleosis ................................................ 356
Septicemia ............................................... 357
Other Disorders ............................................... 358
LISTERIC INFECTION IN MAMMALS ............................................... 361
Encephalitis in Ruminants ................................................ 361
Listeric Septicemia in Ruminanits .............................................. 365
Listeric Septicemia in Monogastric Animals ..................................... 365
LISTERIC INFECTION IN FOWL ................................................. 367
LISTERIC INFECTION IN FISH .................................................. 369
EPIDEMIOLOGY AND PATHOGENESIS .............................................. 369
CONCLUDING REMARKS ........................................................ 371
LITERATURE CITED ........... ......... 371

INTRODUCTION fections of man, his domesticated animals, and

Listeriosis is one of the most recently recog- the wildlife which share his cities, farms, and
nized and least understood of all the bacterial in- recreation areas. Although more than three
decades have passed since Murray et al. (164)
Deceased, 27 July 1964. first described in detail the bacterium known

today as Listeria monocytogenes, the passing of An increase in published case reports indicating
36 years has added comparatively little to our L. monocytogenes as an important cause of deaths
knowledge of either the bacterium or the host of in the human newborn has stimulated renewed
disorders with which it has been associated. In interest in the organism. A review of the literature
spite of a bibliography that now numbers well related to the bacterium and the many diseases
over 1,600 items, it is thought by many people to with which it has been associated might incite a
be of little or no economic importance. It is often further awareness of L. monocytogenes as a
relegated to the class of laboratory curiosities a pathogen, dispel the persistent notion that listeric
bacterium that can produce a high circulating infections are rare and always acute, present a
monocytosis of the peripheral blood or a marked complete picture of an often neglected bacterium
purulent conjunctivitis in a susceptible laboratory that seldom rates more than two or three pages
animal. But those who have studied it closely see in even the most recent textbooks of bacteriology,
it as a potential menace, an indiscriminate killer and indicate areas for further investigation that
of young and old alike, and, until the advent of may lead eventually to closing the numerous gaps
sulfa drugs and antibiotics, individuals known to in knowledge of the epidemiology and pathogene-
survive its attack were usually left with permanent sis of this much misunderstood bacterial infec-
physical or mental defects. tion. Several years ago, Murray presented for the
The astonishingly wide host range includes at Flavelle Medallist's Address an interesting parody
least 37 mammals in addition to man, 17 fowls, entitled "The Story of Listerella" in which he
ticks, a fly caught in a laboratory, fish, and crus- pointed out some of the intriguing characteristics
taceans. It has been found in stream water, mud, of the neglected and ignored bacterium which
sewage, slaughter house waste, silage, and sick- may yet emerge with a "golden slipper" (165).
room dust, and has world-wide distribution. Even The present review is an attempt to present this
though L. monocytogenes is apparently distributed Cinderella among the pathogenic bacteria.
widely, the sporadic occurrence of the various
forms of listeric infection suggests that its dis- HISTORY
tribution in nature is actually restricted by un- Although as early as 1891, Hayem in France
known factors, or that the bacterium is pathogenic and in 1893 Henle in Germany observed gram-
and recognizable only under limited, specific con- positive rods in tissue sections from patients who
ditions, or that its presence cannot consistently be died of disease that, in retrospect, was almost
detected by existing culture methods, or that it is certainly listeric infection, Hulphers (107), a
overlooked. Swedish worker, appears to have been first to
Several factors contribute to the lack of knowl- record an encounter with the organism now
edge of the genus Listeria. These are an unaware- known as L. monocytogenes. He isolated an or-
ness by bacteriologists of the bacterium, which ganism which he called Bacillus hepatis from the
often results in its being discarded as a con- necrotic foci in the liver of a rabbit in 1911. His
taminating diphtheroid; the d.ifficulty of isolating description of the organism corresponds very
it from certain animal tissues, with the conse- closely to that of L. monocytogenes. The minor
quence that the culture is reported as negative; epidemic of meningitis reported by Atkinson (8)
the misconception that infection with L. mono- also may have been caused by this bacterium.
cytogenes is rare; the erroneous belief that all These reports, and many others (136, 235), indi-
listeric infections are highly acute; the inability cate that infections with members of this genus
to reproduce experimentally some of the diseases were seen prior to its first description in 1926 by
with which it has been associated; and the failure Murray et al. (164). The latter isolated the bac-
to determine its natural reservoirs. terium from the liver of sick rabbits and guinea
Still undetermined are the carriers that dis- pigs and named it Bacterium monocytogenes. The
tribute and perpetuate the disease, and the factors following year, Pirie (201) isolated an identical
that determine that in certain species infection bacterium from the liver of several gerbilles
usually results in encephalitis, while in others in- (latera lobenquiae), known as the African jump-
fection is most often manifested by meningitis, ing mouse. He named it Listerella hepatolytica.
septicemia, abortion, or some other disorder. The disease now known as listeriosis was seen
Also undetermined is the possible role of L. in sheep in Germany as early as 1925 according to
monocytogenes in syndromes such as infectious Cohrs, and Matthews (155) in this country in 1928
mononucleosis, habitual abortion in women, reported an outbreak of encephalitis of unknown
chronic mental disorders of children and adults, etiology in cattle, which very likely was listeriosis.
chronic liver disorders, and papular skin lesions. Although Pletneva and Stiksova (204) claim the
It even has been suggested that it may play a part isolation of L. monocytogenes, then referred to as
in multiple sclerosis (105). "X bacillus," from pigs in the Soviet Union in
1924 (in fact, one Russian author puts it as far titers against L. monocytogenes and occasional
back as the late 1800's), Gill (71), in New Zea- isolation of the bacterium. Both Fischer (62) and
land, generally is credited with the first isolation Savino (228) in South America recorded the iso-
of L. monocytogenes from domesticated farm lation of the bacterium from cases of meningo-
animals. In 1929, he observed a disease among encephalitis of man, and Macchiavello (151) re-
sheep in Wales which he called "circling disease," covered it from a wild rat. There were many
a name still often applied to listeric encephalitis other reports during the war years.
of ruminants. Two years later he succeeded in These reports produced perhaps the greatest
isolating a bacterium from the brain of affected concentration of publications on listeric infection
animals and established the relationship between in animals of any period. However, it was not
it and the disease. However, six more years passed until the mid-1950's that L. monocytogenes really
before the true identity of the bacterium was passed from the awkward and unnoticed adoles-
determined. Since that time, infections with L. cent among the pathogenic bacteria into an excit-
monocytogenes have become so widespread that ing, sometimes coy, almost flirtatious bacterium-
today they are of not only considerable economic one that enticed and captivated and seemed to be
importance among the diseases of domesticated everywhere. Yet, when the bacteriologist reached
animals, but also are known to affect a wide out to isolate it, it often eluded his culture. And
variety of feral animals and birds that may have so its proper place in human and veterinary medi-
contact with them. cine remains a riddle, but with an increased
The first confirmed report of listeric infection in awareness of the disease stimulated by the ever-
man was made by Nyfeldt (174) in 1929. He iso- mounting number of case reports, it may even-
lated the bacterium from three patients with an tually be found to be of far greater importance
infectious mononucleosis-like disease. In this than previously suspected.
country, Burn (32) established L. monocytogenes
as a cause of infection in the perinatal period in NOMENCLATURE
1933. He encountered two more identical cases Justification for the Term "Listeric"
the following year, and a case of meningitis in an
adult. Graham et al. (75) found that the bac- In general, the various susceptible animal
terium could cause abortion in cattle, and Pop- groups show a somewhat characteristic clinical
pensiek (206) recorded the same condition in picture when infected by L. monocytogenes. These
sheep; Biester and Schwarte (21, 22, 23) isolated include: localized encephalitis or meningo-
L. monocytogenes from sheep, cows, and pigs in encephalitis in ruminants; septicemia with a more
Iowa; Cole (86) in New York and Hoffman and or less conspicuous focal hepatic necrosis, but
Lenarz (86) in California encountered listeric without involvement of the brain, in monogas-
septicemia in chickens. In spite of the confusion tric animals and young ruminants before the
of war, Paterson (193), in England, recorded rumen is functional; septicemia with associated
listeric abortion in sheep and Pallaske (86) found meningitis or meningo-encephalitis in man; and
the bacterium among sheep and chickens in septicemia with myocardial degeneration in
Germany. Schoop (231) isolated it from rabbits fowls. Abortion or other perinatal infections ap-
raised for food for German soldiers, while Krage parently can occur in all mammals and man.
(133) found it in a foal. In France, Cotoni (40) Since exceptions to the above generalities are
confirmed a case of meningitis in man reported by recorded for all groups except young ruminants,
Dumont and Cotoni in 1921 as actually due to L. and since infection shows such a wide variety
monocytogenes, and Forgeot et al. (65) estab- of clinical manifestations, the terms "listeriosis,"
lished the presence of the disease in sheep. In the "listeriasis," and several others in rare use are
Netherlands, Kapsenberg (122) published his meaningless when not clearly defined. For these
observations on four cases of meningitis in reasons, these words are avoided in this review
children and adults, and 2 years later Jansen and and replaced by "listeric" used as an adjective
van den Hurk (114) found the bacterium in goats. modifying the specific disease process.
During World War II occupation of Norway,
Grini (77) observed encephalitis in sheep and Accepted Name of the Bacterium
septicemia in a foal, while in neutral Sweden L. monocytogenes is a member of the Family
Wramby (285) isolated the bacterium from Corynebacteriaceae, order Eubacteriales. Until
chicken, cow's milk, and a dog, and Lilleengen 1940, there was considerable confusion in the
(86) isolated it from a wood grouse. Behind the nomenclature of L. monocytogenes due to the
fighting front in the Soviet Union, Gudkova and interchange of the generic names Listerella and
Sacharov (93) studied an infectious mononucleo- Listeria. Pirie (201), in 1927, chose Listerella as
sis-like disease characterized by high agglutinating the generic name in honor of Lord Lister, the

well-known pioneer in the field of bacteriology. posed of three to five or more cells. Smears from
However, this name had already been applied to 15- to 24-hr-old colonies show typical diphtheroid
a group of slime molds (Mycetozoaire) by Jahn palisade formation with some V and Y forms, and
in 1906. The generic name Bacterium as applied by a few diplococcoid forms or actual cocci. Coccoid
Murray et al. (164) was undesirable because the forms are encountered most often in smears from
bacterium does not possess the characteristics of infected tissue or broth cultures but are rare in
this genus. The resolution of the Committee on smears from colonies. This form leads to much
Nomenclature, Third International Congress for confusion with the streptococci. In 24- to 36-hr-
Microbiology, New York, 1939, that in all dupli- old colonies, cells are definitely gram-positive,
cations of generic names only the one first applied but examination of older cultures or broth cul-
should be considered valid, invalidated the tures often reveals gram-negative cells. Poorly
generic name proposed by Pirie, and he suggested stained smears may resemble Haemophilus in-
the name Listeria in 1940 (202). Listeria was fluenzae, and this has been a source of some con-
adopted in the Sixth Edition of Bergey's Manual fusion.
of Determinative Bacteriology and approved by Studies of the fine structure of L. monocytog-
the Judicial Commission on Bacteriological enes as revealed in electron micrographs of thin
Nomenclature and Taxonomy (Opinion 12). sections of cells of the bacterium were reported
Hence, there was conservation of Listeria, Pirie in 1963 by Edwards and Stevens (56a), Grund
(1940) as a generic name in bacteriology (Intern. (92a), Kawata (124b), and North (171a). These
Bull. Bacteriol. Nomencl. Taxon. 4:150-151, papers are well illustrated with electron micro-
1954), and it is now the official generic name. graphs. Within the cell wall, the plasma mem-
The species name monocytogenes suggested by brane is complex, involving more than the three
Murray et al. (164) is derived from the fact that standard (dense, light, and dense) layers usually
large numbers of monocytes are often found in attributed to a unit membrane. In L. monocytog-
the peripheral blood of some naturally and arti- enes, the plasma membrane has three dense
ficially infected monogastric animals, although layers, each varying in width from 15 to 35 A,
not in ruminants. It remains the only species which alternate with two light zones (the bridged
within the genus. Thus, the official name today and unbridged layers), each with an average thick-
is Listeria monocytogenes, Pirie. ness of 30 A. The plasma membrane is continuous
Synonyms recorded in the older literature in- with a system of internal membranes variable in
clude: Bacterium hepatis Hulphers, 1911 (107); size and shape, located in the cytoplasm and nu-
Bacterium monocytogenes Murray et al., 1926 clear area. They may be simple invaginations,
(164); Listerella hepatolytica Pirie, 1927 (201); spiraled structures, or complex organelles of
Listerella monocytogenes hominis Nyfeldt, 1932; various appearances. The cytoplasm may be
Corynebacterium parvulum Schultz et al., 1934; packed with dense granules less than 100 A in
Listerella ovis Gill, 1937 (71); Corynebacterium diameter. The nuclear apparatus has the same
infantisepticum Potel, 1950 (209); and Listeria general features found in other bacteria. It has a
infantiseptica Potel, 1952. Some early authors low density as compared with the cytoplasm,
employed such names as Listerella bovina, L. containing fibrils 25 to 50 A in diameter, appear-
gallinarium, L. cuniculi, L. suis, and L. gerbilli. ing as rows of beads or twisted filaments. The
These are seldom encountered today. fibrils may represent sections of a long deoxy-
ribonucleic acid molecule, coiled and unbroken
CHARACTERIZATION OF THE BACTERIUM inside the nucleoid, as in a ball of yarn.
Cultural Characteristics
The smooth, pathogenic form L. monocytog-
enes is a small gram-positive, nonsporeforming, Cultivation. Although isolation of L. mono-
non-acid fast, diphtheroid-like rod with rounded cytogenes may be difficult at times, after initial
ends measuring 1.0 to 2.0 , by 0.5 ,u. It is usually growth on artificial media it usually grows well
considered noncapsulated, but recent immuno- on most commonly employed bacterial media.
cytological and immune electron microscopic Tryptose Agar (Difco) is an excellent substrate
studies by Smith et al. (246) at the Armed Forces for cultivation and preservation of the bacterium.
Institute of Pathology revealed a mucopolysac- This medium has the additional advantage of
charide capsule to be present. It is easily confused being clear and colorless. When cultures grown
with members of the genus Corynebacterium, and on a colorless medium are viewed with a binocu-
no doubt has been discarded often as a "con- lar scanning microscope, or even a hand lens
taminating diphtheroid." Frequently there may be mounted on a laboratory tripod (15), with the
long rods measuring 5.0 to 7.0 , or chains com- use of obliquely transmitted illumination as de-
scribed by Henry (102), the colonies have a finely and are pathogenic for laboratory animals (235).
textured surface and are distinctive blue-green Avery (89) and Laymann (146) found cultures
(78-80, 82, 83). The appearance is so character- grown at 4 C to be more pathogenic than those
istic that, with a little practice, colonies can be grown at 37 C.
identified quickly even in contaminated material Motility and flagellation. L. monocytogenes has
(15, 82, 84, 88, 97, 98, 152). After 24 hr of incuba- characteristic tumbling motility, best demon-
tion at 37 C, the colonies are round, translucent, strated in cultures incubated at "room tempera-
slightly raised with a finely textured surface, have ture." Tests for motility should always be carried
an entire margin, are bluish-gray by normal out at room temperature. Failure to do so has led
illumination, and are watery in consistency. They to much confusion regarding motility and flagel-
range from 0.3 to 1.5 mm in diameter depending lation, since most cultures incubated at 37 C are,
on colony population density. After 5 to 10 days, at best, only sluggishly motile, and possess few,
well-separated colonies may reach 3 to 5 mm or if any, flagella. Seeliger (235) studied a consider-
larger in diameter, be slightly umbonate, rubbery, able number of supposedly nonmotile cultures
and often show evidence of dissociation (83). and found all to be motile when incubated at
Colonies on blood-agar are similar in appearance 20 C. Although most authors report marked
and may have a narrow zone of ,B hemolysis. This motility at 4 C, Kleikamp (129) saw only sluggish
is especially true for freshly isolated cultures. motility in cultures grown at 4 C unless 10 to 20%
Hemolysis can be demonstrated with sheep, cow, CO2 was added to the atmosphere. She also re-
horse, rabbit, or human blood. Certain strains ported increased motility at 37 C for cultures
may exhibit hemolysis on rabbit blood-agar but grown in an atmosphere of 20% CO2. Increased
not on sheep blood-agar. Some sheep may have CO2 had no effect on cultures incubated at room
antibodies against L. monocytogenes perhaps as a temperature.
result of inapparent infections. Any method commonly employed for demon-
In fluid media, L. monocytogenes produces stration of motility may be applied to L. mono-
faint clouding in 18 to 24 hr, depending on size cytogenes. Stab cultures into semisolid motility
and age of inoculum. Very small inocula may fail medium produce typical, inverted "pine tree"
to grow. After several days, a thick, sticky, slimy effects. Seeliger (235) favored use of a Vahlne U
precipitate forms which, when agitated, produces tube. One arm is inoculated with culture and in-
a climbing corkscrew effect. Continued incubation cubated at room temperature. Progress of motile
produces a precipitate so tenacious that it is cultures can be followed by clouding of the other-
virtually impossible to disintegrate it. Growth wise clear semisolid medium. Under these condi-
usually is increased by the presence of a ferment- tions, maximal growth occurs approximately 5
able sugar, particularly glucose, the clouding is mm below the agar surface of both arms, indi-
more d.ense, and after several days of incubation, cating that L. monocytogenes grows best in a
in contrast to that described above, a flocculent slightly anaerobic environment.
precipitate appears. Agitation greatly enhances Comparatively few studies have been devoted
growth in complex media (66, 125) but inhibits to the flagellation of L. monocytogenes. Although
it in defined media (43, 66). several early investigators reported a single polar
L. monocytogenes grows best in neutral to flagellum (32, 71, 107), Paterson (194) first found
slightly alkaline medium. It will grow at pH as peritrichous flagella and suggested that the bac-
high as 9.6 but usually dies at pH lower than 5.6. terium might be monoflagellated at 37 C. Griffin
For this reason, it is often impossible to make and Robbins (92), using Gray's flagella stain,
viable transfers from cultures used in fermenta- found that 90 % of the cells incubated at 37 C
tion studies, especially if the reaction has been were nonflagellate whereas only 20% of those
strongly positive. incubated at room temperature were nonflagel-
All cultures have a characteristic sour, butter- late. More than 50% of cells grown at room
milk-like odor which is more marked in cultures temperature were either monotrichous or bi-
grown on solid media. flagellate; the remainder, tri- or tetraflagellate.
L. monocytogenes grows from 3 C to about 45 When incubated at 37 C, no cells were tetra-
C, with optimal growth between 30 and 37 C. At flagellate and less than 1 %7O were triflagellate.
37 C, the growth curve peak is reached in 16 to They found no evidence of polar flagellation.
18 hr. Although growth is slow at 3 to 4 C, tur- Gray (223), in similar studies with an electron
bidity in broth or growth on solid medium can microscope, obtained essentially identical results,
be observed in 5 to 8 days. At 6 C, the log phase with the exception that the majority of cells in-
is reached in 10 to 11 days (281). These cultures cubated at room temperature were triflagellate.
are highly motile, possess well-developed flagella, Regardless of the number of flagella, the point of

attachment appeared to be subterminal, but never ment at 4 C. However, hemolysin production was
polar. Csontos et al. (42) reported no flagella in very poor at 4 C and, in any atmosphere, the
electron micrographs of four strains incubated at zone seldom extended beyond the periphery of the
37 C and only a few flagella when the same cul- colony.
tures were incubated at room temperature. Girard et al. (74a) found that L. monocytogenes
According to Roots (221), pure flagella of L. produced a soluble hemolysin which could be
monocytogenes are composed of protein and con- precipitated from culture filtrates by 60%, satu-
tain no 0 antigen. rated (NH4)2SO4 at 5 C. The hemolytic activity
Tightly coiled or spiral-like flagella have been was in the euglobulin fraction. It was protein in
observed in some cultures of L. monocytogenes. nature and migrated electrophoretically as a y-
Leifson and Palen (148) and Hartwigk and Grund type globulin. Attempts were made to measure
(96) feel this to be a definite characteristic of antihemolysins by a procedure adapted from the
certain strains. Gray (223) contests this view, antistreptolysin 0 method. Njoku-Obi et al.
since he observed considerable alteration of (169a) questioned the value of an antihemolysis
flagellar configuration resulting from the manner test in the serological diagnosis of listeric infec-
of preparation and mounting on the microscope tions because of the high antihemolytic activity
grids. Leifson and Palen (148), in a study of 81 of normal sera from several species. Jenkins et al.
stock cultures stained with Leifson's flagella (liSa) further purified the hemolysin after am-
stain, found the average mean wavelength of the monium sulfate precipitation by a series of ad-
flagella to be 2.01 ,u i 0.01 ,u with an amplitude sorptions and elutions from calcium phosphate
of 0.48 ,u i 0.007 ,t. These authors and Griffin gels. Cysteine, sodium hydrosulfite, and a number
and Robbins (92) both reported the existence of of reducing agents markedly increased the
nonmotile, flagellated strains at 37 C. However, potency of purified hemolysin. Many of the ac-
Seeliger (235) found all of these strains to be tions of purified hemolysin seemed to parallel
motile under proper conditions and to contain those of streptolysin 0. Rogul and Alexander
well-developed H antigens. Electron micrographs (218b) found listeric hemolysins to be similar to
and further studies by Fuhs and Seeliger (66b) on those described for oxygen-labile hemolysins.
H antigen production demonstrate the develop- Toxin production. Since the earliest description
ment of flagellation in a "nonflagellated" strain of lesions resulting from infection with L. mono-
when cultivated between 20 to 30 C. The avail- cytogenes, the toxic nature of the alteration has
able information suggests that all smooth cultures been emphasized. Although many attempts have
of L. monocytogenes possess flagella and are been made to demonstrate either an endo- or
motile, but that motility may not be evident exotoxin, none was successful. Stanley (253) pro-
under certain cultivation methods. duced death of rabbits in a few hours after injec-
Hartwigk and Grund (96) noted small, dense, tion of a polysaccharide fraction of the bac-
round particles lying in or along the exterior cell terium, but did not mention lesions in these
wall of cultures examined with an electron micro- animals. The same fraction, given in amounts
scope. The significance of these has not been lower than the LD5o, produced neutrophilic
determined. It is conceivable that they might leukocytosis preceded by leukopenia. Several
represent phage particles as reported by Sword other investigators (124, 197, 235) found that
and Pickett (260), especially since some were fractions or extracts of the bacterium enhanced
found at a rather considerable distance from the susceptibility to listeric infection. Smith et al.
cell. According to Gray (223), they appear to be (89, 248) inconsistently produced lesions in rabbit
artifacts not removed by washing. He saw similar spleen cultures with sterile filtrates of the bac-
particles only in specimens that were not thor- terium which appeared to be identical to those
oughly washed. produced by the living culture (248), but the
Hemolysin production. L. monocytogenes pro- responsible factor was never isolated. Recently,
duces a soluble, filterable hemolysin capable of Liu and Bates (150) succeeded in demonstrating
attacking most mammalian erythrocytes. Hemoly- toxin in sterile ifitrates of cultures grown in
sis on blood plates is of the , type and is charac- Trypticase Soy Broth (BBL). The toxin was
terized by a very narrow zone. It is most pro- capable of producing hemorrhagic lesions within
nounced in freshly isolated cultures and may be 3 hr when inoculated intracutaneously in rabbits.
completely absent in old, laboratory-maintained Within 18 hr, the lesion became necrotic and
strains. Kleikamp (129) found no increase in similar in nature to those produced by living
hemolysin production by increasing the CO2 con- culture (83). The filtrates also killed mice within
tent of cultures incubated at 37 C or room tem- 24 to 48 hr after intraperitoneal injection. At
perature, but there appeared to be slight enhance- necropsy, there was focal necrosis similar to that
resulting from living cultures. The toxin was in- Since there were no previous reports of H2S
activated by heating at 70 C for 30 min; it was not production by L. monocytogenes, several other
precipitated with 30% saturated ammonium accepted media for production of H2S were inocu-
sulfate, but was precipitated by three volumes of lated with cultures taken at random from this
ethyl alcohol at -5 C. The agent has not been group. H2S was not produced in any of these
further characterized, but the report appears to be media. Also, all of 161 cultures studied by King
the first published demonstration of toxin pro- (89) produced H2S on lead acetate paper over
duced by L. monocytogenes. triple-sugar iron slants but not in the butt. In
Robinson and Njoku-Obi (218a) prepared a contrast, Seeliger (235) reported no H2S produc-
toxic polysaccharide from L. monocytogenes cells tion in 408 cultures. Similarly, he found that
grown on Trypticase Soy Agar by treatment of choice of indicator had a marked effect on results
the cells with phenol and further fractionation of fermentation studies. When the indicator used
with absolute alcohol, sodium acetate, and acetic had a turning point very close to neutral, several
acid. The purified material produced skin reac- sugars showed evidence of fermentation. Other
tions in rabbits. McIlwain et al. (156a) isolated indicators with a somewhat lower color change
three proteinaceous fractions from disrupted cells point showed no reaction with these same sugars.
of the bacterium. One toxic cellular protein frac- Since L. monocytogenes has been studied in
tion produced abnormalities in the electrocardio- laboratories throughout the world with the use of
gram tracings, particularly an increase in the T innumerable different substrates, it is not surpris-
wave, and distortion of the QRS complex when ing that contradictory reports have appeared.
injected into rabbits. The animals also had in- For various reasons, reactions given as "typi-
creased respiration, elevated body temperature, cal" are based largely on the findings of Seeliger
hyperglycemia followed by hypoglycemia, and (235), King (89), and Gray (89), all of whom
blood sugar depletion in rabbits which died. studied relatively large numbers (100 to 400) of
Pyruvic and lactic acid concentrations increased. cultures under essentially consistent and almost
There was a significant increase in monocytes identical conditions. In 24 hr at 37 C, acid but no
within 48 hr after injection. Rabbits injected gas is produced in glucose, levulose, trehalose,
with viable L. monocytogenes developed mono- and salacin. Acid production proceeds more
cytosis and elevated body temperatures, but after slowly, 3 to 10 days, or it may be completely
a greater time than similar animals injected with absent in arabinose, galactose, lactose, maltose,
the toxic cellular protein fraction. rhamnose, sucrose, dextrin, sorbitol, glycerol,
esculin, and melezitose. Seeliger (235) claimed
Fermentation and Biochemical Properties xylose fermentation by some strains, but this was
Fermentation pattern. As early as 1939, Julia- contradicted by King (89) and Gray (89) on the
nelle (118) pointed out that the similarity of basis of studies on some 300 cultures. Recently,
saccharolytic reactions of various strains of L. King (89) reported that xylose was fermented
monocytogenes did not form a sufficient basis for only when it was autoclaved in the medium.
classification. Fourteen years later, Murray (165) Fermentation has not been reported for raffinose,
echoed this finding in commenting on the striking inulin, inositol, dulcitol, adonitol, and mannitol.
consistency of the bacterium's biochemical char- Distinct strain differences in ability of L. mono-
acteristics in spite of the astonishing variety of cytogenes to ferment certain sugars, particularly
susceptible hosts and extensive distribution sucrose, lactose, and melezitose is well estab-
throughout the world. Unfortunately, the nu- lished. Gudkova and Sacharov (93), of the Soviet
merous reports of fermentation and biochemical Union, claimed that strains of L. monocytogenes
reactions published during and after that interim passed through brain tissue lose their ability to
present an almost equal number of conflicts. ferment sucrose and lactose and that the fermenta-
Many apparent discrepancies may reflect differ- tion of these substances may be an index of
ences in basal medium, concentration of ferment- affinity for nerve tissue. This observation is in-
able substance, indicator employed, temperature teresting, although unconfirmed.
and time of incubation, and method employed for Harvey and Faber (99) suggested the fermenta-
biochemical determinations. In support of this, tion of melezitose as a basis for division into
Gray (78, 89) grew 51 strains of L. monocytogenes biotypes closely resembling Paterson's (194)
from animal and human sources, representing serological types. In an attempt to confirm this
serological types 1 and 4b, and consistently pro- observation, Seeliger (235) studied 120 cultures
duced blackening of lead acetate strips in a isolated from man and animals, and representing
medium composed of liver infusion, Witte's all continents. He found it impossible to type the
peptone, sodium chloride, and distilled water. bacterium on this basis. Even cultures from the

same immediate locality showed variation in ployed as a tool for the quantitative measurement
ability to ferment this sugar. However, the cul- of thioctic acid.
tures tended to fall into a poorly defined pattern. More recently Friedman et al. (66) successfully
Of 45 type 4 cultures, 41 developed acid within cultured L. monocytogenes in a defined medium
2 to 4 days, whereas, of 72 type 1 cultures, 48 were composed of 21 amino acids, salt, glucose, and
negative. vitamins, but only if incubated in stationary con-
Biochemicalproperties. Biochemically, L. mono- dition, confirming the finding of Cury et al. (43).
cytogenes does not reduce nitrate or produce Agitated cultures required substitution of an
indole. As noted above, most authors report no enzymatic digest of protein for the synthetic
H2S production, but it may be produced under amino acids, suggesting a requirement for pep-
appropriate conditions. Gelatin and coagulated tides and possibly other growth factors for aerobic
serum are not liquefied, starch and urea are not cultivation. Synthetic peptides did not enhance
hydrolyzed, and ammonia is produced from the growth with shaking. However, as Keeler and
hydrolysis of arginine. The Voges-Proskauer test Gray (125) also found, agitation greatly en-
is positive. The methyl red test is usually positive, hanced growth in a complex medium. Valine,
but the choice of peptone employed may play leucine, isoleucine, and organic sulfur were es-
an important part in the result. Litmus milk is sential, but sulfur could be replaced by cysteine,
acidified slowly and eventually decolorized, but thioglycolate, or cystine. A minimum of nine
not coagulated. amino acids, six in addition to three essential,
supported growth of some cultures. The require-
Nutritional Requirements and Metabolism ment for lipoic acid as suggested by Cury et al.
There is a paucity of information on the nu- (43) could not be confirmed by these authors. In
tritional requirements and metabolic pathways addition to the organic compounds, Mg+ and
followed by L. monocytogenes. It is well estab- PO43 were required while K+ was either required
lished that relatively simple media will support or, at least, greatly stimulated growth. Larson et
growth of the bacterium, but few efforts have al. (144b) found one of 128 strains studied which
been made to determine the exact growth re- required either isobutyric or 2-methylbutyric
quirements. Porter and Pelczar (208) as early as acid for growth. The production of phosphatase,
1941 made the first attempt in this direction and lipase, and phospholipase by cultures of L. mono-
obtained good growth in a medium containing cytogenes was described by Luppi and co-workers
riboflavine, biotin, hemin, and protein hydroly- (150a, b, c).
sate in addition to the usual salts and sugar. One Miller and Silverman (158) found that carbo-
strain grew inconsistently with riboflavine as sole hydrates were essential for good growth of L.
growth factor. This observation was confirmed a monocytogenes. Glucose could not be replaced as
year later by Hutner (109), who suggested the use an energy and carbon source by gluconate, xylose,
of L. monocytogenes for riboflavine assay. These arabinose, or ribose. Resting-cell fermentation
studies were extended with the collaboration of experiments indicated that two three-carbon com-
Cury and co-workers (43), and led to the develop- pounds were formed per glucose moiety, suggest-
ment of a synthetic medium containing 19 es- ing that glucose degradation was independent of
sential amino acids, dextrose, and mineral salts, the degree of aeration. Soluble extracts of the
and supplemented with riboflavine, biotin, bacterium contained enzymes of the Embden-
thiamine, and thioctic acid. With the omission of Meyerhof pathway; only glucose-6-phosphate
any factor, the medium failed to support growth. and 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase of the
Welshimer (281a) found that all strains failed to shunt pathway were present, but not the 6-phos-
grow for more than one or two passages in the phogluconate splitting enzyme of Entner and
absence of riboflavine, biotin, or thioctic acid. Doudoroff. These authors suggested that L.
The thioctic acid requirement and the antagonistic monocytogenes might be closely related to the
effect of its analogue, 8-methylthioctic acid, could Lactobacteriaceae, since principally lactic acid
be modified by altering the thiamine concentra- was produced from carbohydrates. This relation-
tion. The addition of a variety of other vitamins ship was also stressed by Cury et al. (43).
and nutrients did not enhance growth. These In somewhat similar studies, Kolb and Seidel
studies also confirmed an earlier observation of (130) calculated the oxygen consumption of
Hutner (109) that "vitamin-free" casein hy- washed cells of L. monocytogenes during a 5-hr
drolysate contained a nonessential factor which period to range from 19 to 35 ,uliters of oxygen
greatly stimulated growth. A similar factor was per 0.05 mg of nitrogen at 22 C to 105 to 118
also found in human urine. These authors also Mliters at 45 C, indicating a relatively rapid res-
suggested that L. monocytogenes might be em- piration rate. Glucose, lactose, fructose, maltose,
and saccharose increased the respiration rate in of this tendency, few efforts have been directed
that order. Respiration was considerably in- toward thorough study of the dissociation pat-
creased by the addition of malic, pyruvic, and a- tern or to exploit the possible use of variant
ketoglutaric acids. When these studies were ex- cultures as potential vaccines.
tended to include the effect of various antibiotics It is somewhat amusing that a characteristic as
on respiration, penicillin and hostacycin pro- conspicuous as colonial dissociation is one of the
duced the greatest inhibition of respiration. few things about L. monocytogenes not included
In the experiments of Friedman and Kautter in the first report by Murray et al. (164). This
(66a) and Friedman and Alm (65b), L. monocytog- omission allowed Anton (5) to make first men-
enes was only one-fourth to one-ninth as virulent tion of rough forms, and, because long filaments
for mice by the respiratory route when grown in developed in some old cultures, he speculated that
1 % glucose as when grown in 0.2 to 0.6% glucose. the bacterium might actually be a fungus. Most
Increased glucose concentration was associated early investigators mentioned only two or three
with a decrease in dehydrogenase and catalase different colonial forms which, in general, were
activities. designated "smooth," "intermediate," and
That smooth pathogenic and some, but not all, "rough." Halos of secondary growth around some
nonpathogenic rough cultures of L. monocy- colonies were reported occasionally. Depending
togenes contained dehydrogenases capable of on the author, the various nonsmooth cultures
reducing 2,3,5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride to had marked differences in either loss of hemolyz-
colorless formazans was reported by Gray et al. ing power and differences in colony or cell
(83). Dias and da Silva (50) observed small intra- morphology and pathogenicity, or both (83).
cellular granules located at the poles or center of Lowering the pH greatly enhanced development
cells in electron micrographs of cultures exposed of rough forms (13, 43, 89). It must be recognized
to this salt. These granules were thought to be that standardized media composed of carefully
related to mitochondria or to be involved in controlled ingredients were not available until
cellular metabolism, and were absent in cells not recently, and it is difficult to evaluate some older
exposed to the salt. Krcmery (135) used this reports since they may actually represent differ-
tetrazolium salt to study the dehydrogenases in- ences due to media rather than true differences in
volved in the degradation of glucose and pyruvic colonial types. Almost all investigators who re-
acid, using 35 strains of L. monocytogenes. Un- ported the presence of R forms called attention
fortunately, results are incomplete and no con- to the filamentous nature of the cells, and many
clusions can be drawn. pointed out the striking resemblance to Erysipe-
These several somewhat limited studies em- lothrix insidiosa. Potel (83) suggested that these
phasize that much unfinished work must be com- filaments result from failure of individual cells
pleted for a better understanding of the nutri- to separate after division.
tional requirements and metabolism of L. mono- Hunter et al. (108) appear to be the only group
cytogenes. Little has been done to investigate the who attempted to produce artificial mutants.
10-year-old suggestion of Ozgen that methane- They exposed a culture of L. monocytogenes to
propane mixture may enhance growth of the bac- ( particles from radioactive phosphorus and
terium or to resolve the conflict of whether L. detected 21 colonial variants. Only a few of
monocytogenes favors a slightly anaerobic en- these variants differed essentially from the parent
vironment, as often suggested, or whether optimal strain in fermentative ability, biochemical re-
growth is obtained under strictly aerobic condi- actions, or antigenic structure. Five variants
tions. The determination of some of these still showed greatly decreased pathogenicity for
unknown factors, particularly essential growth embryonating chicken eggs and white mice.
requirements, might possibly open a pathway No mention was made of the variant's ability
around the perplexing problems sometimes en- to produce monocytosis in infected mice. The
countered in attempting to make initial isolations five variants also failed to hemolyze horse blood,
from infected material as referred to under to ferment lactose and melezitose, and to produce
METHODS FOR ISOLATION. methyl red and Voges-Proskauer reactions.
Colonial Dissociation Leifson and Palen (148), in a study of flagellar
morphology and motility of 81 stock strains of
Cultures of L. monocytogenes incubated for L. monocytogenes, referred to the colonies as
several days often have a marked tendency to dis- "spreading" or "nonspreading." By culturing
sociate. This has been observed and mentioned the spreading growth, several types of mutants
by numerous investigators since the earliest were obtained in pure culture, but these were
studies dealing with the bacterium. Yet, in spite not further characterized.

By means of Henry illumination (102), Gray to find evidence of R to S reversion even after
et al. (83) detected at least 20 different colonial 18 months of observation. In contrast, Potel
forms in 20 cultures of L. monocytogenes isolated (209) claimed reversion of R cultures of reduced
from man and animals and grown on "dry" pathogenicity to S cultures of enhanced pa-
tryptose agar plates. The naturally occurring S thogenicity by repeated transfer through broth
culture gave rise directly or indirectly through or on blood-agar plates, and also by animal
intermediates to 19 types designated as non- passage. Dedie (45) also reported reversion to S
smooth or rough. These types were characterized of R cultures passed through embryonating
by colonial forms which differed in texture, con- chicken eggs. However, three rough cultures
sistency, configuration, opacity, or color from studied by Paterson (195) were not pathogenic
the S type. A few R colonies were pink after the for chicken embryos, and he did not mention
first 24 hr of incubation but changed to the char- reversion to S. Although Gray et al. (83) often
acteristic blue-green after several days of ad- isolated a few S colonies from R cultures main-
ditional incubation. Only one pink colony failed tained for long periods in tryptose broth con-
to show the color change. Cells ranged from taining 2,3, 5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride, or
short gram-positive rods in S colonies to rather from the small localized necrotic lesions that
long, thick, curved gram-variable rods or ex- developed in some rabbits after simultaneous
tremely long, slender gram-positive filaments in subcutaneous injection of R cultures and hy-
R colonies. Only the S, two intermediates, and aluronidase, they interpreted this as an indication
one R form were pathogenic for rabbits when that all R cultures contained a few S cells, rather
inoculated intravenously, subcutaneously, or than true R to S reversion.
instilled into the conjunctival sac. However, Most reports agree that true R cultures are
nonpathogenic R cultures produced marked not pathogenic. However, monogastric animals
monocytosis after intravenous or subcutaneous exposed to R cultures, or others designated
exposure. Six R forms could be maintained in "nonpathogenic," usually produced monocytosis
stable form. On the basis of fermentative and without other clinical manifestations. Stanley
biochemical reactions, R types were essentially (253), who isolated the monocyte-producing
indistinguishable from the parent S type. How- factor of L. monocytogenes, found that R cul-
ever, there were differences in physiological tures also contained the factor, but in much
functions as revealed by complete or partial smaller quantity than S cultures.
inability of a number of R cultures to reduce At least two reported variants of L. mono-
2, 3, 5-triphenyltetrazolium chloride to colored cytogenes are open to question. Sonir et al. (235)
formazans, a reaction accomplished readily by isolated a "nonpathogenic" strain from cooked
S cultures. This reaction can be employed as a beef. Seeliger (235) feels that this is a valid mem-
convenient method for distinguishing some R ber of the genus Listeria, whereas Gray (89)
cultures which otherwise may appear very similar could find few, if any, characteristics to justify
to one another. Limited studies on antigenic inclusion in this genus. Orobinskii (185) in the
structure showed that some R types shared USSR described a green pigment-producing
common antigens with the S type while others variant. If this is a valid member, it is noteworthy
did not. As with other bacteria, R cultures that such a culture had not been encountered
showed a marked tendency toward autoaggluti- previously.
nation. Rough colonies are occasionally seen in cul-
Some cultures dissociated more rapidly than tures isolated directly from infected material.
others. Some tended to produce a predominance However, there is no known report of the isola-
of a particular R type, some showed predomi- tion of a pure R culture.
nance of a different type, and other displayed Few attempts have been made to exploit non-
almost no tendency toward dissociation aside pathogenic R cultures in the development of
from development of a few intermediates. The potential vaccines. The meager evidence avail-
significance of this dissociation can only be con- able is not encouraging and is discussed more
jectured. Whether cultures isolated from a par- fully under vaccines.
ticular disease process, or with certain antigenic Antigenic Structure
configuration, have a distinctive pattern has not
been determined. This possibility should be an Serological studies with L. monocytogenes were
enticing field for further investigation and could initiated by Seastone in 1935. However, Schultz
lead to productive results. et al. (232) and Julianelle (118) first suggested
There is considerable disagreement as to the presence of two distinct serological groups.
whether R cultures of L. monocytogenes will Julianelle designated these groups as type I, or
revert to S. Seeliger and Linzenmeier (235) failed rodent strain, and type II, or ruminant strain.
TABLE 1. Antigenic structure of Listeria monocytogenes

Serotype 0 factors H factors Antigen for Specific factor(s)

absorption Seii atrs

la 1, 11, (III)* A, B Type 3 0 I

lb 1, 11, (III) A, B, C Type la H C
2 I, II, (III) B, D Type 1 H D
3a IL, (III), IV A, B Type 1 or 2 0 IV
3b II, (ILL), IV A, B, C Type la H C
4a (III), (V), VII, IX A, B, C Type 4c 0 IX
4b (III), V, VI A, B, C Type 4a O VI
4c (III), V, VII A, B, C Type 4b 0 VII
4ab (II), V, VI, VII, IX A, B, C Type 4c 0 VI, IX
4d (III), VI, VIII A, B, C Type 4b 0 VIII
4e (III), V, VI, VIII, IX A, B, C Type 3 0 V, VI, VIII, IX
* Parentheses indicate irregularly occurring factors.

He postulated that the ultimate origin of strains cultures used by Julianelle gives a possible clue
isolated from infective material could be de- why he reached the conclusion he did. The rodent
termined by serologicai methods. The almost cultures were isolated from rabbits and guinea
simultaneous study of Paterson (194), using a pigs in England by Murray et al. (164) and from
much larger number of cultures than was avail- a gerbille in South Africa by Pirie (201). Pirie's
able to Julianelle, showed this suggestion to be "ruminant" cultures originated in the USA.
untrue. Subsequent studies throughout the world Recent serological typing of large numbers of
relating to the antigenic structure of L. mono- cultures indicates type 1 (rodent) to be predomi-
cytogenes now firmly establish that the serotype nant in Europe and Africa, while type 4 (rumi-
is in no way related to host species or disease nant) is predominant in the USA (52, 89, 121,
process, and only slightly to geographical origin. 128, 235). With the limited number of cultures
Paterson (194) divided the genus Listeria into at his disposal, it is readily apparent why he
four serological types on the basis of somatic reached this erroneous conclusion.
(0) and flagellar (H) antigens. Types 1, 3, and 4 Seeliger (89) encountered an interesting situ-
were differentiated on the basis of their 0 anti- ation. When he began large-scale serological
gens, and type 2 contained a distinctive H factor. typing of cultures isolated in Germany in the
Although numerous cultures have been isolated early 1950's, type 1 was the predominant type.
from a wide variety of new sources during the Gradually, an increasing number of new isolants
20 years since Paterson's report, only slight proved to be type 4b. In 1958, 75% of 108 cul-
modifications have been made in his original tures isolated from man and 58% of 29 cultures
scheme. It is a striking coincidence that among from animals were type 1. By late 1960, for some
the 54 cultures available to Paterson, both types still unexplained reason, most new isolants in
2 and 3 were included. These types are so rare Germany were type 4b. Although there is no ex-
that they were not to be isolated again for almost planation, intriguing speculation is invited. In
15 years, and fewer than 15 cultures of these 1955, several chinchillas were imported from the
types have been recognized. Seeliger (235) di- USA. Shortly after their introduction into a
vided the original type 4 group into types 4a and colony in Germany, there was a large outbreak of
4b on the basis of somatic antigens, and Donker- listeric abortion and septicemia (220). The cul-
Voet (52) further divided the group into types tures isolated were type 4b, strongly incriminat-
4c, 4d, and 4e on the basis of somatic antigens. ing the imported animals as carriers and re-
She also found slight differences in flagellar sponsible for the disease. Almost all cultures
antigens of some type 1 and type 3 cultures, and isolated from chinchillas in the USA have been
designated these as type la and type 3a. The type 4b (89). Although substantial evidence
presently recognized serotypes with their antigenic indicates that many healthy human beings may
formula and specific factor are given in Table 1. be carriers, the possibility has been completely
A comparison of the two groups described by unconfirmed that the large number of Americans
Julianelle and the four described by Paterson in military service in Germany and the numerous
show Julianelle's rodent group to correspond to tourists who visit there each year may have in-
Paterson's type 1, while Julianelle's ruminant troduced type 4b cultures. About 70% of some
group corresponds to type 4. The origin of the 600 cultures typed in the USA were type 4b (52,

89, 128). In the Scandinavian countries, with the Osebold et al. (185a) demonstrated a protein-
exception of the original cultures isolated by like surface substance on L. monocytogenes
Nyfeldt between 1929 and 1933 which were all which caused inagglutinability of some heat-
type 3, type 1 occurred almost exclusively until killed antigens. Treatment with trypsin elimi-
the past few years. The apparent changing pat- nated the inagglutinability and increased the
tern of serological types in Europe offers a po- sensitivity of somatic antigen preparations.
tentially rewarding challenge to immunologists. Although any preservative mnay be used with
antigens of L. monocytogenes, phenol should be
Serology avoided since it tends to enhance autoagglutina-
Agglutination reaction. In general, little diffi- tion.
cultjyis-encurnTeirZ-im preparing satisfactory The 0 and H agglutination test is best carried
antigens of L. monocytogenes. A highly motile out by incubation in a water bath at 45 to 52 C
culture is best for production of H antigen. for 2 hr followed by storage at 4 C overnight.
Donker-Voet (52) recommends inoculating the After the tubes are removed from the refrigerator,
culture into 0.5% agar in petri plates, incubating they are allowed to sit at room temperature for
at room temperature, and selecting highly motile approximately 30 min before reading.
colonies. The cultures are then transferred into The specific factors required for serological
fluid medium or inoculated on "moist" agar typing may be produced quite readily by any
surface. Incubation must be at 18 to 22 C to of the usual techniques for this purpose. Ab-
insure maximal flagella production. After 36 to sorption should be repeated at least twice; in-
48 hr of incubation, formalin is added to give a cubation time, temperature, and conditions are
final concentration of 0.25 to 0.30%. The suspen- the same as for the agglutination test. H antigen
sion is shaken at 37 C for 24 to 48 hr. The antigen absorption may be somewhat more effective if
can be used for immunization of animals or for initial incubation is carried out for 1 hr, at room
agglutination tests. If desired, the bacterial cells temperature rather than in a water bath.
may be sedimented by centrifugation and re- The relatively early series of studies by Robbins
suspended in saline to the desired concentration. and Griffin (218) remains the only one directed
Cultures for 0 antigens should be grown on toward an understanding of individual antigenic
"dry" solid medium and incubated at 37 C to components (during antigen production) and
discourage flagella production. After 24 to 36 subsequent immunization of hyperimmune ani-
hr of incubation, growth is washed off, suspended mals. Killing by minimal heat, formaldehyde,
in saline, and boiled for 1 to 2 hr in a water bath. chloramine-T, Merthiolate, or phenol had no
The suspension can be used for either animal adverse effect on the total capacity of L. mono-
immunization or agglutination tests. Although cytogenes to produce H antibodies. However,
it seems quite simple, the fact is well established factor A was destroyed by chloramine-T, Mer-
that 0 antigens of L. monocytogenes show thiolate, and phenol, while factor C was slightly
marked tendency to autoagglutinate. A number affected adversely by Merthiolate. With the ex-
of means to overcome this feature have been ception of factor III, 0 factors were not affected
suggested. They include growth on media con- by prolonged boiling or high concentrations of
taining buffers, lowering salt concentration to alcohol. Factor III behaved erratically after treat-
0.2%, washing cultures in distilled water, buffer- ment with both heat and alcohol but did not lose
ing the saline or other vehicles, ultrasonic or its identity.
sonic oscillation, and growth on cellophane over During immunization, H factors A, B, and D
an agar surface. Czwalina (44) compared the appeared early, but factor A tended to decrease
efficacy of a number of these antigens and found, toward the end of the immunization period. Al-
as have many others (89, 235), that ultrasonic though factor C was late in appearing, it devel-
or sonic oscillation gives superior results. Re- oped rapidly during the later stage of inumuniza-
actions are clear and show well-defined end tion. Antibody production against 0 factors was
points. In fact, reactions can often be read after more erratic, particularly that against factor III,
2 hr of incubation in a water bath at 45 to 52 C, which remained low during the early stages but
whereas other methods usually require holding rose to relatively high titer (1:640) after the fifth
overnight at 4 C. If no such equipment is avail- week. Seeliger (236) and Mannweiler (223) each
able, the use of 0.2%7o salt concentration as recom- observed that, both in animals hyperimmunized
mended by Boekels (27) gave most satisfactory with OH antigen and in antibody response to
results. Fuzi and Pillis (67) claimed excellent naturally induced infections, the 0 titer rose at a
results with the cellophane over agar technique, much more rapid rate than the H titer. However,
but as far as is known this finding has not been when the 0 titer began to drop, there was marked
evaluated by others. rise in H titer, which then remained high for

relatively long periods. For this reason, it is im- III, IV, and V, and H factor B, respectively. A dis-
perative that tests for both 0 and H antigens be tinctive band was common to types 1 and 2. 0
carried out when attempting to establish a sero- factor I could be separated into two distinct
logical diagnosis of listeric infection in a suspect bands at low concentration, while factors II and
case. IV of type 3 cultures appeared to be combined in
These findings emphasized that if antisera of a molecular complex. However, factor IV could
comparable quality are to be obtained, a rigid be separated by treatment with 1.0% deoxycho-
and consistent schedule for both antigen produc- late, which appeared to destroy factor II. They
tion and immunization must be followed if com- also found that specific antisera absorbed with
parable results are to be obtained. It is interesting soluble filtered antigen would no longer agglu-
that Robbins and Griffin (218) emphasize that, tinate whole cells of the bacterium.
for production of 0 antibodies, "Spontaneously Ot*r serological tests. Independently but al-
occurring, smooth, non-motile variants are the most simultaneously, Seeliger (235) and Patocka
material of choice."' (196) developed tests for the detection of com_
QLdisadvantyqesof the ag- pj.ement-fixing antibodies of L. monocytogenes.
glutination test, and almost all other serological The former used Boivin's trichloroacetic acid
tests involving L. monocytog es mrked extracts as antigen, the latter, lysates prepared by
tencyO1nen-so to 10 times freezing and thawing of Merthiolate-
cros-ta&__hUrT h±_j T ..ay.Soccur
n killed cultures. In spite of the difficulties and
wi-th enteroco. SthocgLaureus, and pos- complications inherent in the CFT test, these
sibly orawn~ k r~yebaira.- authors felt that it is the most specific andcni-osF
hem6lmk stXeptococcj
g an .ufor~n~gjQif (167, reliable test presently availablei for 'the c6iet'ct6on
223, 226, 235, 236, 280). oflisteric infection.
Precipitation reaction. Until rather recently, So-called "coLd agglutinins" were observed by
Dre( w l ne who showed an in- Korn (131) in the' seru'm 'of i patient with con-
terest in precipitin reactions with L. monocy- firmed, perhaps chronic, listeric meningitis. The
togenes. She found two distinct immunological agglutinins rose and fell in parallel with the ag-
groups among the 16 cultures studied, using poly- glutination titers during the course of prolonged
saccharide extracts. However, she fell into the convalescence. They could also be produced in
same error that Julianelle did (118), and classified rabbits inoculated with L. monocytogenes; the
the groups as rodent and ruminant. She even sera of these animals had the same pattern as in
speculated that if the polysaccharides were re- the agglutination test. Korn (L iuggted that,
leased in the spinal fluid of patients with listeric if cold agglutinins are formed in all listeric infec-
meningitis, a precipitin test for the specific sub- tions, they may give rise to false-p6ositive fleicro-
stance would lead to the ultimate source of the ph'iIeantibody reactio'ns'sif'the-orfi--l-PaufBun-
infection. One shudders to think of how some of nell metbQd is used. The Davidsohn modification
the ideas expressed here will fare in 15 years. resulte4 in negalive' heteroptil 'an t ests.
The development of the Ouchterlony agar-gel Howev rtsea and Jessen (137) t
diffusion technique stimulated several recent in- demonstrate cold agglutinns__i_i number of
vestigations on the precipitinogens of L. monocy- patients with confirmed listeric infection. Since
togenes. According to Seeliger (235), the tech- the possible relationship betweenT'.r monocytog-
nique has several advantages over the agglutina- enes and infectious mononucleosis is still so
tion test. The reactions are more distinct and controversial, it seems that the problem should
there is less crossing with other bacteria. Unfor- attract the attention of inquiring immunologists
tunately, with the commonly prepared extracts who might resolve the problem once and for all.
there is no method to distinguish between type 1 HemagQlUtaion..has not been completely ig-
and type 2 cultures since both have the same 0 nored by the "Listeria chasers." Sachse and
antigen formula. In spite of this fact, Muraschi Potel (226) did considerable work with the phe-
and Tompkins (163) and Smith et al. have each nomenon using chicken, sheep, or human 0
worked out a satisfactory typing scheme based erythrocytes. They encountered marked cro ss
entirely on precipitinogens. The procedure has between group nd D streptococci, entero-
not been tried in other laboratories, but is de- coccit7ndtype-I L.monocytogenes. This crossing
serving of their attention. Brubaker and Robbins may reflect the presence of Rantz antigen in Lis-
(89) used the Ouchterlony technique to compare teria as demonstrated recently by Neter et al.
somatic and flagellar precipitonogens of the bac- (167) using the hemagglutination test. In con-
terium with 0 and H agglutinogens. Five somatic trast, satisfactory results were reported by Ja-
and one flagellar precipitinogens were found to sinska and Wachnik (115), Burenkova (31), and
be identical to Paterson's (194) 0 factors 1, 11, Tripolitova (266). However, the latter authors

apparently made no attempt to determine speci- wisdom is much grief: and he that increaseth
ficity of the test. Further work remains before knowledge increaseth sorrow."
definite conclusions and accurate evaluation can Literally, legions of publications from every
be made of the value of the hemagglutination corner of the earth have come into the literature
test. dealing with L. monocytogenes. Sera from man,
More recently, Potel and Degen (212) applied almost every domestic animal and bird, and some
the so-called "growth test" of Wellman to studies feral species, who reside anywhere from Aus-
with L. monocytogenes. The latter consists of tralia to India to Europe to the United States
attempts to culture the bacterium in known di- have been subjected to agglutination, precipita-
lutions of its specific antiserum in nutrient broth. tion, complement fixation, antigen fixation, he-
As the bacterium grows in the lower dilutions, magglutination, both direct and indirect, skin
the cells agglutinate and form flocculent masses tests, growth tests, and perhaps still other tests
leaving a clear supernatant fluid; in higher dilu- in search for antibodies against L. monocytogenes
tions, only a small button of growth is formed, as well as means to attach some significance to
with the broth remaining somewhat turbid. Uni- what was observed. Serum donors ranged from
form clouding of the broth with formation of a apparently healthy subjects to those showing
small button at the base of the tube indicates a symptoms suggestive of not only the commonly
negative result. The authors claim the test is sat- recognized forms of listeric infection but also
isfactory both as a means of serological typing disorders such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, and even
with specific factor sera and as a potential diag- multiple sclerosis. The human subjects included
nostic tool. A titer greater than 1:50 is regarded paupers, prostitutes, skilled workers, and scien-
as specific. tists. Unfortunately, in spite of the laudable in-
In a 1954 publication, Jaeger and Myers (235) tentions of most authors, the only real contribu-
described a surface or L antigen of L. monocy- tion made by many was expansion of the bibliog-
togenes which could be absorbed by Escherichia raphy. The mass of literature reveals confusing
coli K8 antiserum. The L antigen was lost after contradictions, repetitions, and dearth of illu-
repeated transfer at 37 C, but was retained for 6 minating information. In most instances there
months or more in cultures grown at 5 C; it was has been no regard for the well-established fact
thought to be related to virulence in much the that L. monocytogenes may cross-react with a
same way as are Vi antigens of Salmonella. Since number of commonly occurring bacteria. The
only cultures containing L antigen were patho- relatively low serological titers sometimes re-
genic for mice, Jaeger and Myers postulated that ported were almost certainly mere reflections of
this circumstance could account for the enhanced cross-reactions, since they often disappeared after
pathogenicity of cultures grown at 5 C. The idea absorption with staphylococcal or enterococcal
is plausible in view of subsequent observations cultures. Or, the reactions may have been an ex-
that cultures grown at 5 C are more pathogenic pression of one of L. monocytogenes' favorite
than those grown at 37 C (89, 146). The L anti- tricks: autoagglutination. Neither was much re-
gen was destroyed by extraction with chloroform. gard given to how antigens were prepared or how
Further extraction with ether produced milky cultures were selected. Since many individuals
material which reacted with E. coli K8 antiserum; with no known exposure to L. monocytogenes
it was precipitated by homologous antiserum showed titers ranging from trace to relatively
and was nonpathogenic, but produced monocy- high, little effort was made to determine whether
tosis similar to that by the monocyte-producing such titers should be considered significant. As in
agent of Stanley (253). These authors promised the days of the early Judges of the Twelve Tribes
publication on further investigations with the L of Israel, "Every man did that which was right
antigen. The promise has not been fulfilled, nor in his own eyes"-consequently, reported results
has anyone else undertaken the study. are not comparable.
The great controversy over the significance of
Serological Diagnosis of Listeric Infection serological findings in suspected listeric infections
In approaching the controversial subject of is further reflected by the 18 pages devoted to it
serological diagnosis of listeric infection, one can by Seeliger (235) in his monograph Die Listeriose.
find great consolation in the words of Ecclesi- From all the turmoil, both that imprinted firmly
astes when the Preacher said, "I have seen all and bound tightly into the volumes of scientific
the works that are done under the sun ... yea, literature and the more fleeting and elusive oral
my heart had great experience of wisdom and expressions, one thing is clear today, namely that
knowledge. And I gave my heart to know wis- diagnosis of listeric infection can be made only
dom, and to know madness and folly; I perceived by isolation of L. monocytogenes! Some may
that this also is vexation of spirit. For in much take exception to this conclusion. But the state-

ment brooks neither controversy nor belligerence. agglutnatintshas-valuei.Qw y when a rise in

Rather, it invites competent serologists to muster titer can be demonstrated during the Qourse and
their incontrovertible evidence and data. convalescence of disease simulating listeric infec-
AZ&njiwasi4e&t.In the middle 1950's, Seeliger tion, or if there is high titer against both O
and co-workers (235) found that heat-stable (0) H antigens of L. monocytogenes. HoweverA,,_is,
antigens Ltypes 1 and 3 cultures gave marked too, can lead to cgmplice -iwe-usually H
c §iijlw.itlhLancefield's group enterococci antibodies do not appear in high-liter until after
and withS. aureus. Although all sera containing the 0 titer has reached or passed its peak (223,
0 agglutinins against L. monocytogenes also con- 235). For these reasons, extreme caution is re-
tain 0 agglutinins against S. aureus, absorption quired in interpreting the significance of agglu-
with the latter has relatively little effect on type tination reactions by sera from either animals or
1 agglutinins. However, it completely removes man.
all trace of type 3 agglutinins. Cross-reactions The occurrence of agglutinating antibodies in
also occur with type 4 cultures, but these are not sera from various domestic animals has been the
as bothersome as those with the other serotypes. subject of numerous studies in efforts to assess
Formalin-killed cultures may also cross-react, the possible role that animals may play in the
but to a lesser degree than heat-killed cultures. epidemiology of listeric infection. Titers of 1: 643
Welshimer (280) recently demonstrated cross- and higher are frequently reported, and they are
reactions between formalin-killed L. monocy- usually interpreted as true reflections of experi-
togenes cultures and S. epidermidis. When rabbits ence with the bacterium. Regrettably, only a few
were immunized against S. epidermidis and chal- investigators absorbed their sera with staphylo-
lenged with L. monocytogenes after a 3-month lag, coccal antigens. Gray (89) found titers of 1: 640
there was marked rise in staphylococcal anti- against L. monocytogenes type 1 0 antigen in sera
bodies. S. epidermidis produced similar booster from cattle in northwestern Montana and south-
effects in rabbits immunized against L. mono- eastern Nevada. Titers against type 4 0 antigens
cytogenes, strongly suggesting that the two bac- were generally negligible. In almost every in-
teria share a common antigen or antigens. $ince stance, absorption with S. aureus 0 antigen com-
enterococci and staphylococci occur so commonily pletely removed the activity against L. monocy-
in"na*tthsfe-findings-'gre-llty 'complicate inter- togenes. This finding strongly emphasizes the
pretation-of aggltination reacions in sera fom statements of Neter et al. (167) and Seeliger (235)
subjec-s -with no known exposure to L. mono- that all sera must be absorbed with S. aureus if
cytogenAe. the true titer against L. monocytogenes is to be
Many apparently normal subjects have agglu- ascertained. Since most investigators failed to
tinating antibodies against L. monocytogenes, but carry out such absorptions, their results cannot
it is impossible to determine their significance. be accepted as valid indicators of antibodies
Generally, antibody in blood serum is an indica- against L. monocytogenes. The unfortunate con-
tion of previous exposure to a specific antigen. sequence is that their contributions are virtually
However, since L. monocytogenes may cross- negated.
react with other bacteria, the antibody may not Precipitation test. Seeliger (235) also reported
necessarily be specific for L. monocytogenes, cross-reactions between precipitinogens of and
especially when titers are very low. Low response antibodies for Streptococcus faecalis and L.
makes it difficult to establish what a "significant" monocytogenes. The reciprocal reaction did not
titer might be. Suggestions range all the way from occur, suggesting that the precipitation test may
1:25 to 1:800. Seeliger (235) suggested that, in have advantages over the agglIutination test. This
the absence of clinical symptoms simulating lis- observation was suppor-ted by-NMuraschi and
teric infection, a titer of 1: 320 should be consid- Tompkins (163), who found the agar-gel tech-
ered the minimal significant titer. However, this nique highly specific for detection of L. monocy-
value, too, can lead to complications. Gray (89) togenes antibody. The latter test should be given
found type 1 0 titers of 1: 640 in sheep main- more consideration than it has received to date.
tained at the Montana Veterinary Research Complement-fixation test. Seeliger (235) felt
Laboratory. New animals have never been intro- that complement fixation was the most specific
duced into the flock, and listeric infection has of any test available, although with it, too, it is
never been known to occur in this part of Mon- necessary to absorb sera with S. aureus to prevent
tana. In contrast, sera taken from cattle in eastern cross-reactions. Because of technical diffliculties
Montana several weeks after abortion of fetuses inherent in any complement-fixation test, he
infected with type 1 cultures showed almost neg- recommended repeating each test a number of
ligible titers against the same lots of antigen. times or conducting it in conjunction with other
Th_ t oations imply that the tests. A titer of 1 :10 is considered significant.

Presence ofRantz antigen. Rantz antigen is an role of L. monocytogenes in mental defects of

antigen of undeteih'iined chemical composition children (144) and adults (223, 251, 263), and
common to many gram-positive bacteria. Its some suggestions that the bacterium may be in-
preseni 1%uli-kes of L. monocytoi,ges was volved in certain cases of habitual abortion (222,
demonstrated recently by Neter et al. (167) using 235, 236) in which the bacterium's presence was
the hemagglutination test. This observation casts never established by culture must be regarded
further doubt on the validity of serological find- with suspicion. Admittedly, the circumstantial
ings with this bacterium. In fact, these authors evidence is tantalizing, but science is not content
c o , o s -species-specific with being tantalized. It demands a solid grasp.
for L. monocytogenes since all L. monocytogenes Circumstantial evidence has value only as a step-
antibody- ould- be 'isred completely by-S. ping stone to ford the swiftly flowing, fickle
aureus and B. subtilis. Neter et al. suggested ab- stream of observations beyond which lies the
sorbing sera with both these bacteria when at- truth.
tempting to detect antibody against L. monocytog- Serodiagnosis based on fluctuations in titer in
enes. Their findings may also help explain the a seriesof acute and convvclem ples
cross-reactions between streptococci and L. h;s a firmly estaobfsed-pTiaein modern medciine.
monocytogenes reported by Sachse and Potel There is no-reason -to n' S60queurv -ibYsls of
(226) and the failure to develop a satisfactory listeric infection based on such fluctuatio'Aring
hemagglutination test for the detection of listeric or after a -ctinical course suggestive-oF-listeric
infection. G Ao ififection. However, a diaginos-is -made imn the ab-
cocci all cntain- R-anzantigen. It is also found sencmof such a course or on a single serum sam-
ineneococ,whieh- may he the basis fo tbJe ple is based on a foundation no more firm than
crQssing between tfhisgroup and L. monocytog- the blood clot remaining after the serum was
enes reported by Seeliger (235, 236). This cross- withdrawn!
reaction also shadows the reports of Burenkova It must be admitted that many of the patients
(31) and Tripolitova (266) in the Soviet Union of Rost et al. (224) and Seeliger (235, 236) had
and Jasinska and Wachnik (115) in Poland on high titers only at the time they aborted. How-
the successful use of the hemagglutination test ever, the possibility that they were, in fact, meas-
for detection of L. monocytogenes antibody. It uring some other change in blood serum that may
has not yet been determined whether Rantz anti- occur as a result of abortion was not eliminated.
gen may be responsible for the failure of some This idea is supported by the fact that, even in
investigators to produce species-specific conju- many cases of confirmed listeric infection, there
gates of L. monocytogenes from fluorescent-anti- is no rise in detectable antibodies (89, 136, 223,
body studies, but this possibility has been sug- 235). It is especially true of women who give
gested by Miller (89). The sum of these findings birth to infants from whom the bacterium was
dictates extreme caution in making a diagnosis isolated. This situation is primarily an infection
of listeric infection based only on serological of the uterine contents with almost no involve-
evidence; it also discredits the majority of publi- ment of the mother other than low-grade septi-
cations reporting high listeric antibody titers in cemia or metritis or both, neither of sufficient
the serum from apparently normal human and severity or duration to stimulate antibody pro-
animal populations. duction. For this reason, it seems unlikely that,
P isenGe--qf
1 titer. Another disconcerting in cases in which infection is so light as to pre-
factor to confound serological diagnosis of listeric clude detection by culture, there would or could
infection is the well-established f athAhigh be marked rise in antibody titer. It is difficult to
tjters-produedeither by deliberate injection of an justify diagnosis of listeric infection, based strictly
antigen-or-resulting from naturallyiuced infec- on serological evidence, in a relatively large
tion are usually fleeting. Sometimes they may number of patients when in no instance has such
persist for months, raielyyears, making it risky a diagnosis been confirmed by isolation of the
to assign -any real significance to -high titers, suspected bacterium. Although Rappaport et al.
months or-even years after -suspected infection, (214) isolated L. monocytogenes from the genital
especially when paired serum samples are not tract of a number of women with histories of ha-
available. The inconsistency of titer, coupled bitual abortion, they, unfortunately, made no
with unexplained high titers in some individuals mention of serological studies on their patients.
with no known exposure to the bacterium and Had serological studies been done, they might
with no history simulating listeric infection, casts have found the key to untangle a mass of confu-
a long shadow of doubt on a number of reports sion.
of suspected listeric infection based only on sero- If, as available information indicates (235),
ilogical evidence. Similarly, studies on the possible antibody against L. monocytogenes is not pro-
duced by the human subject during the first 5 However, if the test were applied to sera from
to 6 months after birth, it is difficult to justify patients with mental deficiencies or repeated
the suggestion that relatively high titers in some abortions, a better understanding of the results
children with retarded mental development may obtained with the other commonly employed
reflect inapparent listeric infection during the serological tests might be forthcoming. It has
perinatal or neonatal period. Chronic mental not been determined what type of antibodies the
disorders in adults and habitual abortion cannot test measures, although they appear to be neither
be satisfactorily explained until a reliable sero- agglutinating nor complement-fixing. Whatever
logical test is developed for the detection of their nature, they may be an important stepping
previous exposure to L. monocytogenes. stone toward truly reliable serotests for detection
Skin or allergic test. In an effort to overcome of listeric infection. Until the goal of reliable
some difficulties of serological diagnosis, at- serological or sensitivity tests is reached, it is
tempts have been made to develop satisfactory evident that diagnosis of listeric infection can be
skin or allergic tests to detect experience with made only by isolation of L. monocytogenes!
L. monocytogenes. Eveleth et al. (59) prepared a
"listerin" using the method of Koch for the L Forms
preparation of old tuberculin. Local swelling Several investigators, among them Smith (89)
with an inflammatory reaction is the basis of a and Sword (89, 260), obtained evidence that
positive test. The authors claim acceptable re- there may be a filterable form of L. monocytog-
sults with sheep, but trials on only four human enes. Unfortunately, their work remains un-
subjects were inconclusive. Two veterinarians published. Solomkin (249) suggested, without
with frequent exposure to listeric infection substantial supporting evidence, that filterable
showed reactions, one accompanied by general forms which must be conditioned to artificial
malaise and headache of 24-hr duration. Two media may be responsible for the difficulty often
sheepmen with no exposure to the disease had encountered in isolating the bacterium from in-
no reaction. Dedie (47) produced an immediate fected tissue. However, none of these investi-
reaction to skin injection of endotoxin and gators used the term "L form."
polysaccharide extracts in pigs, characterized Several German and Czechoslovakian micro-
by reddening of the injected area. Potel (89) also biologists postulated that a filterable or L form
found that polysaccharide extracts gave non- actually crosses the placenta in perinatal listeric
specific reactions, but claimed encouraging re- infection, since the placenta is refractory in in-
sults with a polypeptide fraction. This incited vasion by most bacterial cells. The proposal is
reactions in several individuals who had rela- questionable, since a preponderance of evidence
tively high agglutinating titers against L. mono- indicates that L. monocytogenes can very quickly
cytogenes. penetrate the placental barrier (84, 95, 159, 198,
Reichertz and Seeliger (214a) used heat-killed 223, 234, 235). Nevertheless, Suchanova et al.
cells of L. monocytogenes as skin test antigens (259) initiated a series of studies by implanting
in patients whose agglutinin and complement- collodion sacs with a pore size smaller than L.
fixation titers were determined before and after monocytogenes cells into the peritoneal cavities
the skin tests. They suggested that increases in of pregnant and nonpregnant rabbits. In eight
the complement-fixation titer following positive of 11 rabbits, the bacterium penetrated the pla-
skin tests may be of diagnostic significance in centa without development of "significant"
listeric infections. bacteremia. Although the authors did not posi-
Antigen-fixation test. Recently Njoku-Obi (169) tively state it, they strongly implied that there
obtained promising results by application of the was penetration by minute or filterable forms.
filter-paper, antigen-fixation test of Castenada However, the implication may not be capable of
(33) to L. monocytogenes studies. Preliminary proof. Since the very first report by Murray
results with sera from sheep, cows, and man sug- et al. (164) numerous authors have reported
gested that this test is more specific than presently difficulty in isolating the bacterium from the
available tests; it does not yield cross-reactions blood of either artificially or naturally infected
with other bacteria, and it may be capable of animals. Within the limits of study reported (259),
detecting "true" antibodies against L. mono- bacteremia could have passed undetected. The
cytogenes even when the latter may be of low presence of small granular forms, approximately
titer or after exposure to the bacterium several the size of Rickettsia burneti, located within
years earlier. One of the most promising features histiocytes was offered as further support for
is that results are apparently not obscured by the development of L forms. The granular forms
so-called "normal titers." Considerable work developed into typical L. monocytogenes when
remains before a just evaluation can be made. cultured on artificial media. The study was not

particularly convincing of the presence of either poses. Phage-typing revealed groups correspond-
L or filterable forms of L. monocytogenes. ing almost exactly to the serotypes of Paterson
In a simultaneous but more convincing study, (194). There was no evidence of cross-reaction
Suchanova and Patocka (258) produced L forms with other bacteria as commonly occurs with the
by cultivating the bacterium on media containing usual serological tests (167, 223, 226, 235, 236,
either penicillin or glycine. Growth in the pres- 280). As with serotypes, phage groups had no
ence of penicillin produced minute colonies relationship to either host species or geographic
composed of small cocci, glycine produced long origin of the cultures. These authors feel that
filaments and some large spheroid forms re- phages possess potent potential both for identifi-
sembling L forms, and, when the two substances cation of suspect cultures and for typing purposes
were combined, the cultures appeared identical in epidemiological studies.
to Dienes' type B L forms. Such cultures stimu- Morphologically, all phages were similar if
lated antibody against L. monocytogenes; they not identical when examined with an electron
regained their normal form after several sub- microscope. The head measured 85 to 90 m,u
cultures. Intracellular minute coccoid or granular and the tail 265 by 15 m,u. All phages studied
forms were seen after injection of the bacterium were temperate, but variants were found which
into rabbit muscle together with a Freund-type, appeared to be virulent.
lipid adjuvant; development of similar forms in It may be of more than passing interest that
subcutaneous tissue or in chicken embryo yolk type 3 cultures appeared to be phage-resistant.
sacs followed implantation of collodion sacs However, because of the rarity of this serotype,
and was given as further evidence of the existence it would be difficult to accumulate sufficient cul-
of L forms. These few reports make it apparent tures for work to permit valid conclusions. Type
that a great deal more work remains before the 3 is known to react distinctively in the aggluti-
question of L forms in cultures of L. mono- nation and complement-fixation tests (235); it
cytogenes is satisfactorily answered. differs chemically from the other serotypes (268).
These findings suggest that the type is perhaps
Phage distinctive in many respects and is worthy of
more attention than has been given to it.
A number of investigators have confided in- Recently, Watson and Eveland (276a) and
tention to dabble with the phages of L. mono- (276b) described the isolation of a phage, desig-
cytogenes. Although the presence of phages in nated L11/16, which lysed 100% of L. mono-
cultures of L. monocytogenes was mentioned by cytogenes serotypes 1, 2, and 4 and 50% of type 3.
Schultz (233) as early as 1945, Sword and Pickett An anti-LI1/16 phage serum was prepared in
(260), Guillot and McCleskey (94a), and Jasinska rabbits and conjugated with fluorescein iso-
(114A) have moved beyond this stage of intent thiocyanate. A procedure was developed for
and shared their findings with the general scien- applying phage-fluorescent antiphage staining
tific community. Although the former (260) to the specific identification of L. monocytogenes
succeeded in demonstrating the presence of phage in culture and in sections of infected mouse tissue.
by the cross-streaking and spotting method, this The L11/16 phage was added to the culture or
procedure was generally inadequate since the tissue section to allow attachment of the phage
bacterium's growth is normally thin and trans- particles to the surface of the bacterium. After
parent, making plaque detection difficult. This washing to remove the unadsorbed phage, anti-
difficulty led them to attempt ultraviolet in- L11/16 phage FA was allowed to react with the
duction to stimulate maturation of provirus. A adsorbed phage on the surface of the bacterium.
60-sec exposure of a tryptose broth culture in an When viewed in a fluorescence microscope, the
open petri dish to ultraviolet rays of 2,537 A staining pattern was distinct from ordinary
followed by incubation at 37 C for 90 min pro- methods of fluorescent staining by antibacterial
duced more than a 3-log increase in phage titer. serum, in that organisms appeared irregular and
Increasing the irradiation time had no beneficial often bizarre. The absence of staining of het-
or detrimental effect on either phage or culture. erologous bacteria with this method suggests
The principal disadvantage of the method was that phage-fluorescent antiphage staining may
production of substances similar to colicins which be a useful adjunct method in the identification
led to many false-positive plaques. A total of of L. monocytogenes.
18 phages was isolated from 121 cultures. These Hamon and Peron (95a) described the produc-
phages could be divided into two somewhat tion of antagonistic substances showing the
similar groups. However, five were sufficiently general properties of bacteriocins after ultraviolet
different that they could be used for typing pur- irradiation of cultures of L. monocytogenes.
Chemical Composition different protein fractions obtained from whole
cells of eight cultures of L. monocytogenes; these
Comparatively few studies have been directed cultures represented all serotypes and had both
toward determining the chemical composition of quantitative and qualitative differences in cellular
L. monocytogenes cells. Roots (222) obtained protein. Since the study was carried out on whole
cell walls of the bacterium by ether extraction cells, the results cannot be compared with those
followed by 4 hr of agitation with glass beads of Keeler and Gray (125). The protein per-
and enzymatic digestion. He found marked centage ranged from 21.8 to 53.5 among the
differences in electron density as a result of treat- various strains. Four strains yielded four protein
ment of the wall with ribonuclease, trypsin, and fractions; one yielded three; two gave two; and
deoxyribonuclease, suggesting that the cell wall the single type 3 culture yielded only one frac-
contains relatively large quantities of substrate tion. Unfortunately, there was no obvious cor-
for these enzymes. relation between number of protein fractions
Keeler and Gray (125) could not disrupt the and serotype or, if so, it was not clearly expressed.
bacterium by either direct osmotic lysis or various All fractions contained the same 14 amino acids,
modifications of Weibull's lysozyme method and less than 1.0% glucosamine. There seemed
(278) for protoplast formation of gram-positive to be little variation in deoxyribonucleic acid
bacteria. However, they obtained satisfactory content, but the cultures could be divided into
disruption by sonic oscillation (10 kc at 1.1 to two groups on the basis of ribose content, which
1.2 amp at 4 C for 16 min) and recovered the varied from less than 1.0% to more than 13%.
cell wall by differential centrifugation. Wall ma- The one type 3 culture studied appeared to be
terial collected in this manner contained about distinctly different from the other serotypes.
20% hexose, consisting of equal amounts of Whether this difference is related to this sero-
glucose and galactose, and of 5% hexosamine. type's somewhat distinctive serological behavior
About half of the wall material was Kjeldahl (235) remains to be determined; it may be, since
protein composed of five amino acids: alanine, type 3 cultures also appear to be phage-resistant
glutamic acid, a,-diaminopimelic acid, aspartic (260).
acid, and leucine. The protoplasmic material con- A number of other investigators fractionated
tained from 17 to 20 detectable amino acids. L. monocytogenes in attempts to isolate patho-
The remainder of the wall could not be accounted genicity-enhancing factors (195, 242, 253, 269).
for quantitatively. In addition, the wall contained The chemical make-up of these substances re-
at least 5% of the phosphorus (p32), 15 % of the mains undetermined. More than a decade ago,
iron (Fe59), and 36% of the calcium (Ca45) con- Stanley (253) isolated a lipid, apparently located
tent of the entire cell. It is possible that the latter in the cell wall or membrane (125), that incited
values could be doubled since only 30 to 50% monocyte production in monogastric animals,
of the wall was actually recovered by the method as will be indicated in the next section.
employed. The iron appeared to originate in the
cell wall, while the phosphorus originated in MONOCYTE-PRODUCING PROPERTIES
both wall and protoplasmic fractions. Keeler and Histological Studies on Origin and Development
Gray also found that L. monocytogenes con- of Monocytes
tained a very low content of cytochrome. Since
a relatively large proportion of the iron of bac- Almost immediately after the publication by
terial cells appears to be cytochrome-bound, the Murray et al. (164) reporting the presence of
results with Fe59 suggested that some of the large numbers of monocytes in the circulating
cytoplasmic membrane adhered to the wall of blood of rabbits exposed to the then new bac-
cells disrupted by sonic oscillation. Ultraviolet terium, L. monocytogenes, histologists realized
spectra failed to reveal the presence of nucleic the potential value of this observation for studies
acid in the wall, although it was present in rela- on the origin and development of the monocyte.
tively large amounts in the protoplasm. Many other substances were available, but none
The study of Keeler and Gray (125) was carried prduicedm-ono6yftes at -such- a spectacular rate-
out on a single type 4b culture. Ideally, the sometimes 6,000 times normal and without ap-
studies should be extended to other serotypes, preciable increase in the number of other leuko-
especially since McBride and Girard (156) cytes. It is regrettable that, in the many-recent
showed that the various serotynes had marked publications and discussions dealing with the
variations in physiological activity that might bacterium, most of the interesting early papers
possibly be reflected in differences in chemical by Witts and Webb (284), Bloom (203), Lang
composition. (143), Nyfeldt (223), Bianchi (19), Rezzesi (216),
Tubylewicz (268) investigated a number of Wallbach (276), Penati and Levi (199), and Con-

wav (37, 38) on the use of this tool in studies on iQ these areas. This might give the illusion of
the origin of the monocyte are completely for- reticiiloendo6helial hyperplasia, as reported by
gotten. Yet, the reports present one of the most some investigators. However, even at this time
exciting and challenging mazes that any adven- the reticular cells developed directly into lympho-
turous bacteriologist or histologist could ever cytes -rather -han into monocytes. In the early
hope to explore. stages, many nitoses were seen in the lympho-
Although all of the investigators used es- cytes but not in reticular cells.
sentially the same procedure, the intravenous The single thing on which most investigators
inoculation of rabbits, they arrived at entirely agreed was that the mesenteric lymph nodes did
different conclusions or none at all (143). Some not participate in monocyte production. Conway
believed that the rponocyte was a distinct cell (37) found them to be one of the most active
type with its own stem cell (I9, 199, 216, 276, 284), centers, but only during the first few hours after
and others believed that it was a transformed exposure. In later stages, it became hypoplastic
lyph te (25, 37). Althougli there is still con- and completely inactive.
troversy, the latter view is the one generally held. In a follow-up study by Conway (38) on rab-
Conway (37) felt that the other histologists erred bits immunized by inoculations of living L. mono-
by permitting their animals to develop first cytogenes culture, the monocytosis progressed
monocytosis of the circulating blood and killed even more rapidly than in nonexposed animals.
them much too late to comprehend the true Also, the macrophages that developed from the
sequence of events. She killed her rabbits and monocyf&Thgested the bacterial cells at a greatly
guinea pigs beginning as early as 1 hr after ex- accelerated rate.
posure. Within the first 48 hr, large numbers of In occasional reports on the production of
monocytes were produced through individual monocytes, an abnormally high basophile count
transf-irmation of lymphocytes in the cortex of is more or less casually mentioned (25, 38, 89,
the mesenteric lymph node and periarterial 235). Some have cautiously commented that these
lymphatic tissue of the spleen. In the early stages, may actually be polymorphonuclear leukocytes
the lymphocytes migrated from areas of lym- with a large number of ingested bacterial cells.
phatic tissue which then rapidly produced new Others await an explanation. The latter may not
Tymphocytes; many mitotic figures were seen in be easy, since the leukocytosis is accounted for
th-e-yniPhaic ti-ssues. almost entirely by the increase in monocytes;
Both Bloom (25) and Conway (37) had no There is no explanation for The stimulation of
difficulty tracing the various transitional forms monocyte production- by L. manocytogenes. That
from lymphocyte to monocyte. The actual trans- it is not entirely a characteristic of the bacterium
formation took place within the blood vessels all is suggested, since the host also participates in the
over the body, particularly in sinuses of the spleen phenomenon. It is a striking fact, but one almost
and liver, and reached its greatest extent in organs completely neglected except for an occasional
where blood flow velocity was relatively slug- comment, that the monocytosis is produced only
gish, perhaps in the capillaries of the lung. It in monogastric animals, noin rMlninants. Ex-
c-outdbe interjected here that Murray (165) con- perimentally, Olson et al. (19) could not produce
sidered his original observation on accumulation monocytosis in sheep followingise eent
of monocytes in the small blood vessels of tissue mgthplsgfexposure. jPSR t-Ah&e was increase
sections from their animals as "The Glass Slip- i _neutrophiles with decrease in Wmphocytes,
per" in the Story of Listeria. Bloom (25) found which is the usual picture in naturally. infected
also that splenectomized rabbits developed mono- ruiunants (80, 85, 179, 235). It may be within
cytes from the bone marrow and mesenteric the realm of possibility that there is a basic dif-
lymph nodes. ference between ruminants and monogastric
In rabbits sacrificed at 60 hr, at which hour animals a difference which dictates that in
monocytosis reached its peak in the circulating ruminants-rister-ic-nferic9^ i rrd7u mianifested
by localized encei5h-aiiis, whereas in monogastric
blood, and at which time most investigators ex- a@§is,[and in ruminants betfore the rumen is
amined their animals, the proliferation of reticu- functional, septicemia with or without associafed
lar cells might give the impressionth-at§he mono- meningoencephalitis--is seen most often (S0, 85).
cyteoriginated from reticuloendothelial cells. Sept-icemia is -rare in -adult r-uminants (85), and
According to Conway (37), su_ tinpro1ifhxatin unfortunately no reliable information is available
was seen only after exhaustive lymphocytopoietic on the blood picture in septicemic animals. It is
activity. WJleiiTibiv fi Theylnl were-eom- difficult to understand why this fascinating, ap-
j3I~~ depleted, lymphocytes developed from parent difference and potentially rewarding sub-
Tiied reticular cells and mitotic figures were seen ject has received so little attention.
Isolation of Monocyte-Producing Agent These authors were misled to the same false con-
A monocyte-producing agent (MPA) was clusion as other investigators who retained their
found b_y_SMe1T (253)''to be contained in non- animals for relatively long periods. At necropsy,
antigenic, nontoxic, chloroform-soluble lipid ex- most rabbits had few alterations: four had
tracted from the bacteriadIFelThesisame lipid marked enlargement and proliferation of the
coutd be extracted from the liver of infected reticular cells in the liver and lymph nodes, which
rabbitsibut not from that of normal rabbits. Both they called "reaction reticulohistiocytosis." They
extracts stimulated monocytosis when inoculated concluded that the reticuloendothelial system
intravenously in rabbits. However, the response was the site of lymphocyte and monocyte forma-
to that from rabbits was not marked or of as tion. They also suggested "L. lymphomonocyto-
long duration as that produced by the bacterium genes" as a new name for the bacterium since it
itself. produced large numbers of lymphocytes as well
Gray (89) filtered broth cultures of L. monocy- as monocytes.
togenes through a Millipore filter. The resulting In studies on the chemical composition of L.
sterile filtrates inconsistently produced monocy- monocytogenes, Keeler and Gray (125) obtained
tosis of 10 to 15 % when inoculated intravenously evidence that MPA was loca6-ed-in the cell wall.
into rabbits, indicating that under certain still Mice inoculated intravenously with cell wall
undetermined conditions MPA may be released fractions obtained by sonic disintegration and
in fluid medium. This observation suggested that fractional centrifugation developed monocytosis
MPA may bet_similar to an exotoxin. in nature of 17 to 24%, while those receiving protoplasmic
aij&ithat it may be released from the barterial fractions seldom showed more than 4 to 17%.
cell in the aniiiaFbody. Such a situation may
heIj to explain why MPA can be extracted from Antibody Production Under
the liver of infected rabbits. This is another area Sustained Monocytosis
where additional research is required. Stanley (254) very quickly applied MPA to
Murray (165), in a rather serendipitous way, studies on antibody production. Rabbits inocu-
discovered that MPA acted as a weak Wasserman lated simultaneously with Salmonella typhi-
antigen and prepared an antigenic lipid protein murium antigen and MPA produced antibody
by precipitating MPA with syphilis antiserum. more rapidly and at a greater rate than rabbits
Some animals immunized with the complex de- given antigen alone. Soon afterward, Girard and
veloped monocytopenia during immunization. Murray (74) using S. typhosa, staphylococcus
There was no adequate explanation for this dis- toxid, and horse serum as antigens confirmed
covery, and the study was not extended. However, that antibody production was enhanced four to
Murray (165) felt that it confirmed the specificity eight times in rabbits with a sustained monocy-
of monocytosis due to L. monocytogenes. tcsis§ due to prolonged injection of MPA. Al-
Unfortunately, no attempt has been made to though more than 7 years' have passed since this
determine the effect of MPA on ruminants or to work was published, years in which there was
isolate it from the liver of intravenously exposed much interest in the so-called "adjuvants" such
ruminants. Neither have histologists availed as mineral oil and some synthetic compounds to
themselves of this new tool for further studies augment production of immunity, the promise
into the origin, development, and function of the shown by the products of this Cinderella bac-
monocyte. It is more than likely that the picture terium lie neglected among the dust of the bac-
of monocytopoiesis would be considerably al- teriologist's and immunologist's hearthstone.
tered in an environment free from the toxic and Girard and Murray (74), in an extension of
necrotizing effects of the living bacterium. Also, these studies, prQduced large quantities of mono-
the histological features of the hemopoietic cen- cytes in the pleural cavity of rabbits with sus-
ters under the influence of sustained monocytosis tained monocytosis by intrapleural injections of
made possible by MPA might result in a valuable gum arabic-beef extract miiires. When these
contribution to the growing body of academic animals were exposed to any of several different
knowledge. antigens, the monocytes in the pleural cavity
Uher and Uher (269) made a beginning on this contained a much greater concentration of anti-
problem when they simultaneously injected bo-dythan did the fluid of the exudate or the cir-
rabbits intravenously with MPA and intramus- culating blood. In an effort to determine whether
cularly with the killed bacterial suspension re- anh'ihbdy-wasac ully prduce d ii-t-he monocyte,
maining after the chloroform extraction of the they found' that monocytes in passively immu-
culture. Injections were continued for 8 weeks, nized rabbits contain'ed a higher titer of passive
resulting in only a 15% monocytosis at 8 weeks. antibody than the circulating 'blood. They felt
that although the monocyte may not produce Ersensitity to listeric antigens and with the
antibocIy, it played an important role in antLody appearance oW abnorm an7I atfibacte~rial ac-
transport.They also suggested that the monocyte ti-v-iWfiiie mononuclear pbia gocytes of infected
may be responsible for the rapid disappearance mice. Passive transfer of this resistance to non-
from the blood of passively introduced antibody immunized mice could be accomplished by the
and raised the question of whether antibody so macrophages, but not with the serum, of immu-
stored might still be available for use, or de- nized donor mice. The cellular resistance to lis-
stroyed in the cell. In a reflective mood, Murray teric infection lasted about 3 weeks. Thereafter,
(165) remarked, "I hardly dare speculate on the the mice remained hypersensitive but were unable
possibilities of influencing methods of active im- to inactivate a challenge inoculum of L. monocy-
munization, but in dreamy moments I see at- togenes. There was, however, an accelerated re-
tractive hazy vistas only to be brought back to sponse to reinfection. This accelerated response
the realities limiting opportunity for experimental may depend upon an ablity to generate a new
research." Perhaps someday, somewhere, some- population of resistant cells from a residium of
one with the opportunity may be induced or en- specifically sensitized macrophages or macro-
ticed to explore the hazy vistas. Another "Glass phage precursors still surviving in the tissues.
Slipper" might be waiting there. North and Mackaness (171b, 171c) conducted
electron-microscopic observations on the fine
Phagocytosis structure of peritoneal macrophages of normal
mice and mice immunized with L. monocytogenes.
Since we have now descended to the level of Fauve (59a) confirmed that macrophages from
the tissue cell, we may as well take the oppor- mice immunized with living L. monocytogenes
tunity to pry into another neglected subject- were more resistant to invfection with the bac-
phagocytosis. As one would expect, the first work terium in vitro than were macrophages from
with L. monocytogenes was done by Murray et al. normal mice.
(164). They found that polymorphonuclear leu- Njoku-Obi and Osebold (169b) obtained sup-
kocytes from boh6i normiaIl rabbits and those with pression of the growth of L. monocytogenes in
an induced monocytosis phagocytize large num- tissue cultures of the-peritoneal exudate cells of
ber-s of L. monocytogenes. The monocytes from sheep immunized with living cultures of the bac-
normal rabbits had little activity, whereas those terium. Armstrong and Sword (6a) obtained
from_rabbits with a monocytosis had activity similar results using guinea pig monocytes. The
eqlthe polymorphonuclears. Yashenkina resistance to the bacterium was due to factors
(286), using conventional methods, learned that within the immune cells; immune serum played
polymorphonuclear leukocytes from hyperim- only -a minor role in the results. Increased cellular
munized rabbits, mice, and guinea pigs were resistance could not be produced by injecting
phagocytic, ranging from approximately 10%, at the donor animals with killed cultures of L.
5 days after the last immunization to 20 to 58% monocytogenes.
after 30 days. There was no reaction in blood Sword (259a) studied the protein alterations
from hyperimmunized sheep or swine, indicating induced by L. monocytogenes infections in mice.
that such examination would have no value for During the acute phase, 2 to 5 days postinfection,
determining the presence of listeric infection in there -was a- marked increase in the a 2 and (3
these species of animals. globulins. Chronically infected animals responded
Recently, a number of studies on the effects of with an increase in -y-globulin.
L. monocytogenes at the cellular level have been
done. By working with normal and immunized METHODS FOR ISOLATION FROM
mice, as well as monolayer tissue cultures of INFECTED MATERIAL
macrophages obtained from these animals, Refrigeration Method
kackanessand his co-workers (127a, 151a, 151b,
157a) stu ie the' cellular resistance of mice to L. While L. monocytogenes usually grows well on
monocytogenes by examining the capacity of the most of the comnonly employed bacterial media
organism to surive and multiply in host macro- after initial isolation, there is considerable evi-
phages. During the first 3 days of primary infec- dence with both naturally and artificially iduced
tion, bacterial populaionsoTlfiesp1ee6n and liver infclions tbaf i-nitial attempts~may not always be
increased at a constant rate. On the 4th day, the su-cessful (78, 80, 84, 88, 121, 157, 170, 18-6, -187,
host be&ifi7e hypersensitive ani-baeteTiagrowth 1882T, ,235, 237, 248, 249, 277). Murray et al.
ceL6aTeii rapid inactivation of the organisms. (164) called attention to this problem in their
Acquired resistance to L. monocytogenes was original report in 1926; so did Gill (71) and most
as6diat-Vith7the development of delayed hy- other early investigators, yet the majority of con-

temporary bacteriologists have consistently ig- frigeratelf brain material 6 pwAhl_bore the
nored it. Acknowledgment of the situation by bacterium could be detected;. Admittedly, this
Rappaport et al. (214) may have contributed to method is s-low, has serious disadvantages for the
their recent success in isolating the bacterium diagnostician, and is cumbersome for the labora-
from patients with histories of habitual abortion. tory staff; yet it has been shown repeatedly to
The various technques which have proved greatly enhance the probability of isolating L.
most successful for isolation of L. monocytogenes monocytogenes. Osebold and Inouye (186) ob-
generally stress the. need for tissue maceration. served an increase of 47 to 95 % in the number
The bacteria are often incarcerated in the focal of isolations from artificially infected rabbits and
lesions .ofiiinfcted tissue, frequently within the sheep; more recently, Osebold et al. (188) re-
cels. The method that has proved most effective ported an 11 % increase in the number of cultures
consists of macerating suspected tissue in a mor- from artificially infected bovine tissues and a
t4r or Waring Blendor together with a few milli- 60 % increase from naturally infected bovine
liters of sterile -diattUed water or nutreint broth. tissues, while Seeliger and Plab (237) reported a
Saline shQuld be avoided since it may harm the 23 % increase in tissues from mice with artificially
bacterium, especially if the population is low. A produced chronic listeric infections. These find-
porin of thspension is plated on blood-agar, ings emphasize that the possibility of listeric in-
tryptose-agarTrypticase Soy Agar, Eugonagar, or ion Cannot be eliminated merefy byfailure to
modified McBride's agar (15, 156), and the re- isolate the bacterium by initial attempt at cul-
iaaindei 7s~tor~d7iit 4 C. Body fluids, swabs, etc., turing iU
are similarly platd,and a portion is stored at 4 C. The mechanism-of the enhancing effect at 4 C
The_plates are incubated at 37 C for 18 to 24 hr is n&t understood. When it was first described by
and exaniiiind with a scanming microscope, or a .;rray et al. (78) in 1948, it was suggested that it
hand lens.yvith the plate resting on a laboratory might involve an inhibitory factor in bovine
tripod (15) and with obliquely transmitted illumi- brain. Attempts to demonstrate such a factor in
natinas described by Henry (102). When viewed in brains from several different species have been
this manner, 18- to 24-hr-old smooth colonies of unsuccessful (89, 162). During the intervening
L. monocytogeties are distinctively blue-green and years, it has been shown repeatedly that delayed
so characteristic that with a little practice they growth of listeria from infected tissue_sis noit
can be identified quickly even in highly contami- limited to bovine brain, but that it prevails in all
nated cultures (78, 82, 89, 97), or distinguished animal andi umaR tissue and body fluids. En-
from a number of other common pathogens (98, hancement by cold storage has been used success-
152). When the population of contaminants is ful' sle the bacterium frim such widely
high and that of L. monocytogenes is low, small diversified sources as pneumonic lungs of infants
sectored colonies, if present, can easily be recog- (157),. vaginal swabs from women (87), lemming
nized. In spite of the black color of colonies on brains (170), and silage extracts (88).
potassium telluriteplates, L. monocytogenes can -Since it is-well established that L. monocyto-
be recognized by the blue-green margin of the genes wjll grow slowly at 4 C, mere multiplication
colony (79, 82,797 98). Although colonies which miaiiy play some part in the phenomenon. How-
develop on blood-agar or otl}ieF coFldred- media ever, the increase in colony numbers is so rapid
possess'ess.entially the- same morphological char- at times that it seems unlikely that enhanced iso-
acteristics,they lack the distinctive blue-green lation is due entirely to mere multiplication.
color and cann>otbe readily distinguished from There are strong indications that other still ob-
other pathQgges or contaminants. Rough colonies scure factors, perhaps chemical or enzymatic,
which may differ considerably in morphology or also play a part. Solomkin (249) suggested that
color from smooth colonies are seldom encoun- it may be related to a filterable form of the bac-
tered in isolations from infected tissue (83). terium which must be adapted to growth on arti-
If the initial culture fails to reveal L. monocy- ficial media. In support of these ideas, Harbour
toize ?-s-.- u swabs, etc.,
tissue suspensioon,1 -ds, and Gray et al. (85) each reported large numbers
whiciX were7 rI7ted, sihould be replated at of bacteria resembling L. monocytogenes in in-
intervals of several days for a period of at least 3 testinal smears from calves that died of listeric
m _nths. Usually only a few_dys -or a few weeks septicemia, but from which they could not isolate
of refrigeration are required for the bacterium the bacterium. Csontos et al. (42) reported that
to appear, but in a nuumer of instancs 30 to_50 some cultures prepared from organs of naturally
days-laj5sed_Wefoithe bacterium was isolated infected geese failed to yield bacterial growth,
(78, 80,184, 121, 186, 237, 277). In one instance, although stained impression smears from the
Kampelmacher (121) foundJit essar to re- same organs revealed large numbers of bacteria

resembling L. monocytogenes. More recently, Perhaps as many different media have been
Wedemeyer and Seeliger (277) isolated the bac- recommended as there are individuals who have
terium from meconium of an infected infant only made serious efforts to isolate L. monocytogenes.
after the meconium had been refrigerated for 5 Zink et al. (287) favored culturing pieces of
weeks; in this instance, the bacterium could be tissue in thioglycolate broth; Kemenes (126) pre-
seen clearly in Gram-stained smears of the me- ferred horse meat broth with 0.3% sodium thi-
conium. These authors stated that several other oglycolate and 10% sheep blood; Simon (243)
laboratories in Germany experienced similar recommended preliminary culture in either brain-
difficulties while attempting to isolate the bac- heart-dextrose broth, placenta broth, or thio-
terium from meconium. glycolate-serum medium; and more recently
The study by Smith et al. (248) suggested that Rappaport et al. (214) used a medium composed
delay in growth might be related to the bacterium of tryptose (Difco), beef extract, sodium chloride,
itself. When rabbit spleen cultures were infected dextrose, agar, and vitamin B1 to isolate L. mono-
with L. monocytogenes, the bacterium could be cytogenes from the genital tract of women with
recultured easily from the preparation when it histories of habitual abortion. The list could be
had been in contact with the tissue for 24 hr or extended almost indefinitely, but would serve
less. However, after 48-hr contact, the bacterium little real purpose other than to add more names
often failed to grow on artificial media, even and more media-and maybe contribute confu-
though the characteristic tumbling motility and sion. The commonly employed laboratory media
production of lesions could be seen by phase- presently available are quite satisfactiory, pro-
contrast microscopy. When these same tissue viding the bacteriologist is aware of the difficul-
culture preparations were refrigerated for 4 days ties that may be encountered in isolation at-
or more and recultured in the same way, the bac- tempts. Gray (82) recommended Tryptose Agar
terium grew out in large numbers. Recently, (Dif.-o)} with or with-t. blood, and tryptose
Girard (89) encountered essentially identical re- broth. Many others also swear by thi-s- medium;
sults with human stools inoculated with L. mono- perizaps an aTmost equianumiber swear at it.
cytogenes. The bacterium could be isolated only
after the stool had been reirigerated. Whatever Selective Media and Methods
the cause of the delayed growth may be,7tfm- Several efforts have been made to develop
plmsizesthe-iiidfr more effective methods of satisfactory selective media for the isolation of
isolation to avoid possible delays in confirming L. monocytogenes. Gray et al. (79) suggested
clinical_di'a-gno'ses 'of listeric infection and toinoculating contaminated material into nutrient
prevent erroneous diagnoses when initial cultures broth containing 0.05%°/8, potassium tellurite,
fail to reveal the bacterium. incubating at 37 C for 6 to 8 hr, and then plating
on either plain Tryptose Agar or Tryptose Agar
Other Methods with 0.05% potassium tellurite. The procedure
Many methods have been suggested to coax appeared to give very satisfactory results. How-
L. monocytogenes to propagate on artificial me- ever, shortly after publication of their paper, the
dia. Olson et al. (180) compared a number of authors learned, as have many others so naive as
methods including duplicate culturing from each to publish a selective medium for any bacterium,
organ, inoculation of mice with suspensions of that it did not always work. Olson et al. (180)
suspected tissue, storage of ground tissue in observed inhibition of many strains. This finding
glycerine, centrifugation, and use of selective has been confirmed in several laboratories and,
media to isolate the bacterium from tissues of hence, the utility of the procedure is limited con-
both naturally and artificially infected sheep. siderably. It is possible, also, that variation in
Best results were obtaie bygrinding-duplicate growth on potassium tellurite medium is a re-
samples of fresh tissue and inoculating them into flection of differences related to serological type.
ti1~i~iihV~7iliths tehniqe, Olson-et al. Recently, McBride and Girard (156) attempted
(180) were atersuccessful in isolatig L. monocy- to develop a selective method for the isolation of
toge from 9%of the sheep brains cultured. L. monocytogenes but found physiological differ-
Unfortunately, tht did not compare this_prq- ences among the four serotypes, which might
cedure with the r af 6&dr ribed interfere not only with their ability to grow on
in the preceding paragraphs. The latter gave selective medium, but also impair isolation from
1 isolations from more than 150 sheep ajd infected material.
CIO braiwh_Aad7peivcar
br -hd r. . .i-..l~n
diifi The selective method developed by McBride
focal necrosis characteristic of listeric encepha- and Girard (156) was based in part on the report
litis (80, 89). of Shimizu et al. (240), who reported that

1:10,000 concentration of guanofuracin (5-nitro, suggested as a means to isolate the bacteiium

2-furfurylidene aminoguanidine hydrochloride) from contaminated material (255). Simon (243)
in culture medium suppressed many groups of reported good growth at concentrations as high
bacteria without interfering with growth of L. as 10 %. However, few investigators could confirm
monocytogenes. The method recommended by this finding. Flamm (63) claimed that the bac-
McBride and Girard employs enrichment broth terium did not survive in 2.5% salt, and Gray
composed of Try phate-Brot(Dfco) (89) found that seven physiological saline could
to which is added Furacin (nitrofurazone) to kill the bacterium, especially if the population was
make final concentration of 1:100,000. The se- very small. For this reason, saline should be
lective medium is composed of phenyl ethanol avoided when preparing tissue suspensions for
agar base (Difco) with 0.05% lithium chloride, cu tu-re
1.0% glycine, and 5.0% added blood. The ma- Very recently, Robin and Magard (217) recom-
terial to be cultured is inoculated in the enrich- mended culturing at 45 C on Hajna-Perry me-
ment broth and incubated at 37 C for 48 hr. It dium or at 47 C in liquid Rochiax medium to
is then plated on the selective medium and in- differentiate L. monocytogenes from E. insidiosa,
cubated at 37 C for an additional 24 to 48 hr. several common streptococci, and diphtheroids.
Colonies of L. monocytogenes are gray in color They alsqoreported satisfactory selective results
and produce no hemolysis. This procedure proved wifh Brilliant Green Agar containing bile. These
very satisfactory for isolating L. monocytogenes media should prove useful since L. monocyto-
from artificial mixtures of a variety of commonly genes g-rows well atihe -suggested elevated tem-
encountered pathogens and contaminants. How- peratures.
ever, it is too early to evaluate properly its effec- During study of artificially induced listeric in-
tiveness under clinical laboratory conditions. fection in the genital tract of female rabbits, Gray
Bearns and Girard (15) found that the selec- et al. (82, 84) made use of the bacterium's ability
tive medium described above also supported good to grow almost as well at room temperature as
growth of L. monocytogenes without the addition at 37 C. Vaginal swabs and exudate, fetal frag-
of blood (modified McBride's medium). The ments, etc., were plated directly on Tryptose
plates could be examined by use of Henry il- Agar. Incubation at ambient temperature effec-
lumination (102), and colonies of L. monocyto- til ited most contaminants, particularly
genes could be detected easily by their charac- spreaders, withoutmiterfering- with growth of' L.
teristic blue-green color (82, 83). monocvtgeres. The method has considerable
Kampelmacher (121, 223) added 0.05% potas- merit and should not be shunned by well-edu-
sium tellurite and 0.2 mg of chloramphenicol per cated bacteriologists merely because it is so
100 ml to meat extract-agar, and found this to be simple.
a very satisfactory medium for isolations of L. Before leaving the subject of selective media, it
monocytogenes. However, Seeliger (235) ob- might be appropriate to mention the effect of
served only poor growth among some 300 stock various dyes on L. monocytogenes. Actually, this
cultures placed on this medium. He raised the in- matter has received surprisingly little attention.
teresting question of why stock cultures should Pacheco and Santos (191) tested nine strains of
grow poorly on it while freshly isolated cultures L. monocytogenes representing all serotypes
apparently grew very well. One may speculate against 31 different dyes. Almost all dyes tested
that there is a relation to the failure of some cul- exerted some oy effect. The os eftive
tures to grow initially on artificial media. were mgrosin, methyl violet, crystal violet,
Although not all cultures of L. monocytogenes methyl green, Sudan III, basic fuchsin, and water-
grow on me ia containig it soluble erosin.
iused rather extensively in many laboratories. It Ryu (225) reported that citronella oil has very
is noteworty tat, althothe coloes on little bacteriostatic effect on L. monocytogenes.
colorless media are black, they stfflreMa char- Since L. monocytogenes may often be en-
acteristic blue-green at thea-Y&irgim -when viewed countereii-m7nixi-d-bacterial -populations, espe-
by Henry illuminiiation (19, 82', 98). lMcroc-occi cially in cultures made from thegenital tract, -and
and streptococci also grow on this medium. How- since it may be so easily confused' withh some
ever, micrococci have an intensely black center hemolytic streptococci or nonpathogenic diph-
and pinkish-yellow periphery, while streptococci theroids, a means of readily identifying the
are smaller and pinkish-grey, with a dull surface colonies would be most desirable. Kroger- (138)
(79, 98, 152). m4de use of the so-called "saccharos cator
Since L. monocytogenes can tolerate relatively plaecotnainingwater-solubleaniline-blue as
high concentrations of salt, their use has been indicator. eI s of -L.'-ion6cyogenesde-

veloped blue color while most other bacteria did the same conclusion that there are distinct dif-
not develop blue color or developfd. itless ferences both in colonial and cellular morphology
rapy than L. monocytogenes. Seeliger (236a) sufficiently characteristic to be distinguished with-
felt that ,B hemolysis which develops on blood out the aid of elaborate schemes, diagrams, selec-
plates is fairly characteristic, and developed a tive media, and color reactions.
cultural isolation scheme based on sheep blood- According to Ilina (110), L. monocytogenes
agar, motility testing, and agglutination of the discolored meat peptone broth containing meth-
culture with specific antisera. Not all cultures are ylene blue and neutral red in 4 hr, whereas E.
hemolytic. insidiosa had no effect on it. Plashke (203) con-
Most investigators._who attempted the Henry firmed this observation, but found that 18 hr was
lighting technique (102) as suggested by -Gray required to produce the reaction. A similar solid
et al. (82) found it to be one of the most satisfac- medium was ineffective since L. monocytogenes
tory 'methods for rapid identification of colonies did not grow on solid medium containing meth-
of L. monocytogenes. Its value was emphasized ylene blue. This finding has been reported by
in a seres of investigations by Gray et al. (84) others. Dias and da Silva (50) made use of the
on artificially induced perinatal listeric infections fact that L. monocytogenes reduced 2,3, 5-tri-
in which it was necessary to demonstrate the phenyltetrazolium chloride to a bright-red
bacterium's presence in such grossly contaminated formazan while E. insidiosa did not. Cells of L.
material as urine, vaginal exudates and swab monocytogenes in contact with the salt for 2 hr
cultures, drinking water, etc. Hartwigk (97), developed small red granules at the poles or
working with artificially infected milk samples center. Since, according to Gray et al. (83), some
detected colonies of L. monocytogenes without rough cultures of L. monocytogenes failed en-
difficulty even when they were outnumbered by tirely to reduce the salt, or reduced it to only a
other bacteria 50,000 or more to 1. It is doubtful very slight extent, the method would be effective
that the presence of L. monocytogenes could have only for smooth cultures. Gray et al. (83) made
been detected in these specimens without this no mention of reddish granules in cultures grown
technique. Recently, Malakhov (152) reported in tetrazolium broth, or on agar containing tetra-
that, by this method, colonies of L. monocyto- zolium. However, many cultures, when trans-
genes coildedistinguished from those of 25 ferred to Tryptose Agar without the salt, still
other' bacteria commonly encountered in diag- developed red colonies. Sometimes the color per-
nostic 'laboratory work. The group included sisted for several transfers.
members of the coliform group, Salmonella sp., Splitting of Prontosil (4-sulfonamido-2', 4'-
Pasteurella sp., and various streptococci and diaminobenzene) by L. monocytogenes, indicated
staphylococci. The principal disadvantages of by discoloration of a red medium, was employed
the procedure are that mostdtagnostic labora- by Kujumgiev (139). E. insidiosa had no action
toriies do''no't routinely use colorless media for on this compound. The splitting was effective
iso1atioa 2fr.m infected material, and that the only in fluid medium. The saccharose indicator
laboratory staff may not have had prior oppor- plate recommended by Kroger (138) as a rapid
tunity to view colonies of the bacterium. means for detecting colonies of L. monocytogenes
was used by Ewald (89), since colonies of E.
Differentiation from Erysipelothrix insidiosa remained colorless. Fraser (65A) re-
insidiosa ported that L. monocytogenes produced a dif-
For some poorly explained reason, there is fusible substance which potentiated the lytic effect
persistent notion that cultures of L. monocyto- of Staphylococcus : toxin on sheep blood; E.
genes and E. insidiosa are virtually indistinguish- insidiosa did not.
able from each other. Since I have the dubious Biological Methods
distinction of making the first recorded isolation
of both these bacteria from animals in Mikhigan, Inoculation af mic In an effort to overcome
it is difficult for me to comprehend this. Neverthe- diffli isolating L. monocytogenes on
less, the isolations have furnished material for artificial media, a number of investigators have
numerous publications, most of which further suggested the so-called "biological method":
emphasize the difference without presenting con- inoculation of mice or other laboratory animals
vincing evidence of similarity. Very early, Barber with suspected material. The method has not been
(13) compared various characteristics of these accepted widely in the USA or Western Europe.
two bacteria and concluded that, except for the However, it has been employed successfully for
superficial fact that both were gram-positive rods, many years in the Soviet Union (93, 127, 132, 134,
there was little similarity. Others soon reached 153, 183, 184, 200, 249). By its use, the bacterium
has been recovered not only from human and tive to exposure. Chinchillas are highly suscepti-
animal sources but also from Ixodes sp. ticks ble and, were it not for the expense, could serve
(134, 237, 183), and stream water and crustaceans the purpose. According to Dunaeva (55), the
(184, 240). Sandvik et al. (227), in Norway, iso- steppe lemming (Lagurus lagurus, Pall.) is the
lated the bacterium from sheep feces in a pen ideal animal for attempts to isolate L. monocyto-
where lambs were affected with listeric septicemia. genes, since it can be fatally infected with fewer
They inoculated fecal emulsion into white mice. than 10 organisms.
In the United States, Gray (88) isolated L. mono- In spite of the disadvantages, there is justifica-
cytogenes from all of 35 mice inoculated intra- tion for re-evaluation of the "biological" method,
peritoneally with distilled water extracts of silage and its use should be encouraged until more re-
thought to have incited an outbreak of listeric liable results can be obtained with nonliving
encephalitis in a flock of sheep. In this way, the media.
bacterium's presence in the silage was established Inacuitianof_embrynating eggs. It has been
in three ways. In contrast, L. monocytogenes was known for many years that chicken embryos are
also isolated on tryptose agar directly from the ex- highly susceptible to infection with L. monocyto-
tracts, but only after they had been refrigerated genes. This fact has led several investigators to
for 10 days or more. suggest using eggs in attempts to isolate the bac-
A number of valid objections to the use of mice terium (45, 53, 58). Dontenwill and Knothe (53)
must be admitted. There is a possibility that the claimed that the conspicuous necrotic foci that
animals might be carriers. L. monocytogenes has develop on the chorioallantoic membrane 48 hr
been isolated occasionally from various species after exposure of 10-day embryos are almost
of wild mice (11, 134, 183) but, as far as is known, pathognomonic. The bacterium can be isolated
never from laboratory mice. Olson et al. (180) easily from these eggs. As far as is known, the
found no particular advantage in the method. method has not been employed with material of
Rather, they found it less effective than conven- human origin, but has been used successfully to
tional culture methods with several different isolate L. monocytogenes from spinal fluid of
media. It has been observed in a number of sheep with listeric encephalitis (58) and from a
laboratories that mice inoculated subdurally with chicken brain (10). This facet, too, may be de-
brain tissue from rabies suspects sometimes die serving of further investigation until methods of
from listeric infection (89). March (154) en- isolation are improved.
countered this situation during an outbreak of
rabies among cattle and suggested that subdural Characteristics Aiding Identification of
inoculation of mice might have considerable ad- Suspect Cultures
vantage over the usual culture methods for at- Several rather consistent and distinctive char-
tempting to isolate L. monocytogenes from the acteristics of L. monocytogenes are useful in
bovine brain. However, his report revealed no identification of suspected cultures.
convincing support for such a procedure. It is Motility. Most strains display rapid, charac-
also known that mice inoculated with suspected te sfiq-tic ing motility when incuWbated-tti8
material containing only a few organisms fail to to 20 (, this feature is u absnt fa37 C.
develop clinical signs suggestive of active infec- MonocyQq produ. The characteristic from
tion (63, 124, 146, 237). However, if the mice are which L. monocytogenes derives its species name
sacrificed 5 to 15 days postexposure, L. mono- is its ability to produce marked increase in num-
cytogenes can often be isolated from the liver or bers of circulating monocytes in most species of
spleen, or both. Recently, Seeliger and Plab naturally and artificially infected monogastric
(237) showed that 4.6 X 101 organisms inoculated animals. In rabbits inoculated intravenously, it is
intraperitoneally were required to consistently not uncommon to find monocytosis of 40% or
kill Agnes Blum mice of 25 to 30 g. If the number more 3 to 5 days after exposure. Occasionally, a
dropped below this, chronic, inapparent infec- peak of 80% may be reached if slightly sublethal
tions were established, with the bacterium per- doses are given. If the dose is large, the animals
sisting in the liver for at least 3 months. Although often die before maximal monocytosis develops.
mice may not necessarily be killed by inoculation The latter is most striking when the number of
of suspected material, they may, nevertheless, organisms produces severe illness, but not death.
harbor the bacterium. Hence, they should be Maximal monocytosis can usually be accom-
sacrificed and the liver and spleen cultured. plished by a 0.5-ml intravenous injection of cdis-
Although mice appear to be the most susceptible tilled water suspension of the _bacterium stand-
of the easily obtained laboratory animals, guinea ardized to tube 1 of the McFarlandhfieeliiieter.
pigs could be used, but they are much less sensi- Necropsy of the ainimals reveals that -the liver,

and occasionally spleen or lungs or both, are particular difficulty in producing specific stains
completely studded with small, gray-white capable of distinguishing L. monocytogenes from
necrotic foci. The bacterium can be isolated from other pathogens. This work was extended (247)
the viscera without difficulty. When evaluating to identifying the bacterium in experimentally
large numbers of cultures for pathogenicity, mice infected animal tissues. Eveland (57) demon-
or guinea pigs, but not rats or hamsters, may be strated L. monocytogenes in the spinal fluid of a
used with satisfactory results. patient by the FA technique. Of particular in-
Conjunctival instillation or Anton test. When terest was the retrospective diagnosis of listeric
cultures of L. monocytogenes are instilled into the infection in man by FA techniques (20, 166, 273)
conjunctival sac of rabbits, guinea pigs, or mice in cases in which specimens were not available
by means of a Pasteur pipette without scarifying for bacteriological diagnosis. Thin sections were
the conjunctiva, a marked purulent conjunctivitis cut from formaldehyde-fixed, paraffin-embedded
usually develops in 24 to 36 hr. This reaction was tissues, deparaffinized and treated with serotype-
discovered independently and almost simul- specific FA. After treatment, fluorescing bac-
taneously by Anton (5) in Austria and Morris terial cells were observed in the tissues. Further
and Julianelle (161) in the United States. It is research on the use of FA as an aid in the diag-
generally known as the "Anton reaction" even nosis of listeric infection is essential if diagnosis
though Julianelle and Pons (118) were first to is to be made quickly and accurately in cases in
suggest this specific reaction as a rapid means of which the bacterium will not grow initially in
identifying suspect cultures. It is most striking culture on nonliving media. The progress of this
and develops most consistently in the rabbit. The research has been reviewed recently by Cherry
purulent reaction is usually at its peak about 3 and Moody (36).
days after exposure. After several days, the A scheme of the several methods for attempting
amount of exudate diminishes, revealing a mark- to isolate L. monocytogenes is shown graphically
edly inflamed conjunctiva and opaque cornea. in Fig. 1. Each has advantages and disadvantages
The inflammation and opacity persist for several and, until a simple but effective method is de-
days, and healing usually appears to be complete veloped,- the true incidence of L. monocytogenes
after 1 month. When the reaction is very severe, infection wiil remain Mtscure.
corneal opacity may persist for several weeks or
even months (64). In nonpregnant animals, it PATHOGENICITY FOR LABORATORY ANIMALS
appears to be a strictly localized reaction, and Male or Nonpregnant Animals
the animal shows no evidence of generalized in-
fection. However, if the animals are treated with Some, in a moment of frustration, have la-
cortisone, death due to a listeric septicemia mented that Koch's postulates have done more
usually follows in 5 to 6 days (85, 89). If carried to impede progress in clarifying the pathogenicity
out on pregnant animals, abortion usually follows of bacterial infections than any other single
in 3 to 5 days (84, 159). Although the fetuses are thing. Those who have attempted to reproduce
fatally infected, the dam usually shows little listeric encephalitis in large or small laboratory
evidence of generalized infection. animals will eagerly join this lamentation. In
Although these tests may not be employed ef- fact, they would exclaim that for all his wisdom
fectively with all recently isolated cultures, they Solomon made a grievous omission when he con-
are sufficiently dependable to be of value in con- fessed among his Proverbs: "There be three
firming the identification of suspect cultures. things which are too wonderful for me, yea, four
which I know not: The way of an eagle in the air;
Detection by Fluorescent-Antibody the way of a serpent upon a rock; the way of a
(FA) Techniques ship in the midst of the sea; and the way of a man
The difficulty and delay that may be en- with a maid." Had Solomon not been so preoc-
countered in attempting to isolate L. monocyto- cupied with his many wives, or had he been born
genes make it imperative that FA_techniques be a bit later, he certainly would have added the way
developed forquick detection of theEcutim, of Listeria monocytogenes with a ruminant!
esPecially in meconium of newborns and spinal Attempts to produce encephalitis. Until a few
fluid of neonates where prompt- treatment is gs- years ago, it was virtually impossible to reproduce
sential if the patient is to survive. The technique listeric encephalitis under laboratory conditions.
could also be applied to cervical swabs from Regardless of route of exposure, the animal,
women with histories of habitual abortion. Smith whether ruminant or monogastric, usually died
et al. (245) have published FA studies with cul- from septicemia with or without associated
tures of the bacterium. They encountered no meningitis, but not from localized encephalitis as
seen in most field cases. Inconsistently, some in- is rapidly becoming contaminated with patho-
vestigators succeeded, but then could not repeat genesis. Perhaps it should be streaked out on a
their findings. Best results seemed to follow in- new paragraph lest contamination becomes too
tranasal exposure or injection into the carotid great.
artery. Occasionally, rabbits, mice, pigs, and General routes of exposure. Although Koch's
goats exposed by conjunctival instillation de- postulates cannot be fulfilled with listeric en-
veloped encephalitis (7, 75, 78, 85), but at best it cephalitis of ruminants, they can be fulfilled
was a chance occurrence. rather easily for listeric septicemia of monogastric
Gray et al. (81), in a study devoted to the effect animals. Intravenous inoculation of almost any
of chlortetracycline on laboratory-produced monogastric laboratory animal leads to rapidly
listeric infections, stumbled on a trail that unex- fatal septicemia with or without associated
pectedly led to serendip. When rabbits inoculated meningitis. There is considerable disagreement
intracerebrally were treated intravenously with as to whether animals exposed by this route
chlortetracycline (2.5 mg/lb of body weight) an develop meningitis. The result is undoubtedly a
equilibrium was established which permitted function of the interplay of several factors, such
multiplication of the bacterium in the brain but as size of inoculum, virulence of culture, and
not in blood or viscera. Four to six days after condition of the test animal. Pathogenicity
exposure, these animals developed signs, and studies with L. monocytogenes, as with almost all
sometimes lesions, simulating those seen in other bacteria, are confounded by a deplorable
ruminants. It may be questioned what this con- assemblage of meaningless jargon. One is con-
tributed to a better understanding of the patho- stantly plagued by such exacting gems as "0.5 ml
genesis of the disease, since obviously ruminants of a 24-hr broth culture," "0.2 ml of a dense
are not exposed naturally by large numbers of broth culture," or "the growth of a 24-hr agar
bacteria introduced intracerebrally followed by slant was washed off with saline and 0.2 ml in-
mysterious intravenous injection of chlortetra- jected intraperitoneally." As long as microbiolo-
cycline. But it was a useful tool at the time. It
might even be tried in studies on other infections TISSUE
of the central nervous system, if such unrealistic
methods are necessary to fulfill Koch's postu-
lates. But this could lead to a long digression on
some of the nonsense methods used to produce
so-called "infections" in laboratory animals.
Before more wrath is meted out by a long-suffer-
ing editor, let it be quickly added that it does not
seem like much of an achievement in pathogenesis
or anything else-an exception that validates this 0
is virulence titration of a culture-to pump an
animal full of bacteria in an utterly unnatural way
and then boast that the disease has been arti-
ficially reproduced or that Koch's postulates have
been fulfilled.
Olson et al. (182) found a more realistic ap-
proach in producing encephalitis in ruminants.
From the blood of sheep with high temperatures
among flocks actively infected with L. monocyto-
genes and from lymph nodes and blood from
cattle with bovine mucosal disease, they isolated
a nonbacterial listeriosis-enhancing agent (LEA).
Intranasal exposure of sheep with a combina-
tion of LEA and L. monocytogenes resulted in
listeric encephalitis in more than 80% of ex-
posed animals. Results were less spectacular in
calves. The mode of action remains unexplained,
and its role in field outbreaks is well concealed ° BLUE-GREEN
within the still tangled snarl of information re- ° COLONIES
lating to pathogenesis of listeric infection. But FIG. 1. Scheme for isolation of Listeria monocytog-
this discussion of laboratory-induced infections enes.

gists persist in this peculiar practice of expressing With the exception of white mice (45, 118,
dosage in obscurities rather than definitely ti- 146, 207) and chinchillas (85, 235), oral exposure,
trated amounts, results obtained in different even of massive numbers of organisms, has little
laboratories can never be compared. In our effect on most nonpregnant adult animals, but
laboratory, meningitis has been a rare finding in very young animals may develop fatal septicemia
intravenously exposed rabbits (0.7-ml distilled (84, 95, 164). Even though most orally exposed
water suspension standardized to McFarland animals fail to develop clinical signs suggestive of
nephelometer tube 1) and intraperitoneally ex- infection, they may harbor the bacterium for
posed mice (indefinite number of bacteria in relatively long periods. Osebold and Inouye (186)
silage extracts; 88). Death usually results from found and Gray et al. (84) confirmed that, al-
septicemia. This termination does not necessarily though these animals have no lesions when
contradict those which report meningitis as a sacrificed and initial cultures from the viscera
consistent finding. The dose might be quite dif- fail to reveal the bacterium, it can be isolated
ferent from ours. quite consistently if tissue suspensions are re-
Unless given an overwhelming number of or- frigerated for several weeks, this finding indicat-
ganisms, most intravenously exposed monogastric ing that the animals may be healthy carriers.
animals develop marked monocytosis. Both Laymann (146) and Popov (207) men-
Intraperitoneal inoculation readily results in tioned that orally exposed mice developed nervous
fatal septicemia in rabbits and mice. No definite signs more often than mice exposed by other
information is available on number of cells re- routes. If this is actually true, it suggests that mice
quired to infect rabbits, but the LD50 for mice may be somewhat distinctive in several respects,
has been determined by a number of investigators. since the finding is a rare one among other labora-
It ranges from 103 (124) to 4.6 x 106 (237) cells, tory animals.
depending on strain of mice employed and viru- Since L. monocytogenes is often associated with
lence of culture. It is difficult, and some claim infection of the central nervous system, numerous
impossible, to infect guinea pigs by the intra- investigators have employed intracerebral inocu-
peritoneal route. Kautter et al. (124) gave the lation of a variety of laboratory animals ranging
LD50 as greater than 107 cells. from mice (124) to cows (75). Although an acute
At necropsy, listeric septicemia is characterized fatal meningitis or encephalitis, or both, with or
by accompanying focal necrosis. Usually most without associated septicemia, are produced, the
conspicuous are the foci of the liver, which may infection does not simulate that seen in either
also be numerous in the spleen, lungs, adrenal listeric encephalitis of ruminants or meningo-
glands, tonsils, and sometimes the intestinal encephalitis of monogastric animals and man.
tract. In guinea pigs, the foci are often seen only Kautter et al. (124) found that mice could be in-
on the myocardium, a rare finding in other mam- fected by as few as five organisms by the intra-
mals but common in birds. Often the peritoneal cerebral route, whereas 103 to 105 cells were re-
cavity contains large amounts of clear or slightly quired for infection via the respiratory tract and
turbid brownish-yellow fluid which, according to 103 to 3 X 104 cells by the intraperitoneal or
Murray et al. (164), contains large numbers of intravenous route.
triple-phosphate crystals. If the animal develops The respiratory route is often mentioned as a
meningitis, the meninges may be studded with possible means of exposure. Aerosols were used
similar foci. Histologically, the lesions in all to expose mice, guinea pigs, and rabbits by
organs consist of more or less well-defined areas Urbach and Schabinski (271), mice by Dedie
of focal necrosis characterized by infiltration of (45), mice, guinea pigs, and young swine by
mononuclear cells. At times, there is marked Popov (207), and mice, hamsters, guinea pigs,
infiltration with polymorphonuclear leukocytes rabbits, and monkeys by Kautter et al. (124,
giving the appearance of a purulent reaction. 124a) and Silverman et al. (241a). Although each
Usually little difficulty is encountered in at- used different methods for producing aerosols,
tempting to isolate L. monocytogenes from the different methods of expressing dosage, and dif-
liver or spleen of animals that die with septicemia. ferent lengths of exposure, all agreed that aerosol
It may be necessary only occasionally to resort
to maceration and refrigeration of material. In exposure produced more lethal effects than other
contrast, it is rather difficult to isolate the or- routes of exposure. Urbach and Schabinski (271)
ganism from blood of these animals either ante- used Shope's method for exposure. Their animals
or postmortem. This observation has been re- died in 3 to 6 days from bronchopneumonia with-
corded repeatedly since it was first emphasized out developing lesions of the liver or spleen. The
in the original report of Murray et al. (164), and other authors all reported deaths due to typical
remains unexplained today. listeric septicemia. No mention was made of
nervous signs or alterations in the central nervous dust of lonely library stacks entrusted with the
system. wearisome obligation of supporting 1928 volumes.
Popov (207) found little difference in sus- Gray et al. (83) used the method described on the
ceptibility between mice and guinea pigs but yellowing pages in studies on comparative
found young swine quite resistant to aerosol ex- virulence of smooth and rough cultures of L.
posure. Only when 30 ml of suspension containing monocytogenes. In view of the well-established
20 billion cells per milliliter was diffused over a fact that many human patients, particularly new-
5-hr period of two successive days could swine be born ones, develop listeric skin lesions (89, 136,
infected. In contrast, 70% of exposed mice were 235), plus the recent reports of skin lesions de-
fatally infected by 2-min inhalation of aerosol veloping on the hands and arms of veterinarians
containing somewhat less than 250 million cells. after handling infected aborted bovine fetuses (51,
A 30-sec exposure killed 60% of the mice while 120, 189), and skin lesions due to L. monocyto-
15-sec exposure was without apparent effect. genes of more obscure origin (157, 173), perhaps
Kautter et al. (124) found mice to be considerably such lesions should be investigated further.
more susceptible than guinea pigs. Although Subcutaneous inoculation of rabbits with L.
monkeys could not be killed by this procedure, monocytogenes produced a rather ordinary in-
they developed transitory febrile reaction with flammatory reaction followed by formation of
increase in antibody titer. They also found aerosol definite abscesses. The latter persist for several
exposure to be more consistently reproducible days; the center becomes necrotic, and in most
than either intravenous, intraperitoneal, or intra- instances they eventually slough away with or
cranial inoculation. These studies indicate that without formation of scars. It appears to be local
the aerogenous route may play an important role reaction with no indication of generalized infec-
in natural infections in both animals and man. tion. However, there is marked increase in cir-
As mentioned under Characteristics Aiding culating monocytes, and Bloom (26) used this
Identification of Suspect Cultures, conjunctivitis reaction to study the origin of monocytes. Gray
can be produced in several laboratory animals by et al. (83) found that, when 15 TR units of
instilling culture in the conjunctival sac. This hyaluronidase per ml of culture was added to the
phenomenon has been studied most extensively bacterial suspension, the local lesion was less
by Anton (5), Morris and Julianelle (161), marked. However, when the animals were sacri-
Julianelle and Moore, and Flamm and Zehet- ficed, small foci of necrosis were observed in a
bauer (64). In addition to the gross lesions previ- wide area (up to 10 cm) surrounding the inocula-
ously described, the conjunctiva and cornea are tion site, both in the skin and adjacent muscles.
infiltrated with monocytes. After the fifth post- They suggested that this lesion might have in-
exposure day, the proportion of polymorphonu- teresting possibilities for studies on S to R or R
clear leukocytes increased until, by the tenth day, to S dissociation.
these cells predominated, giving the appearance Laymann (146) reported development of
of a purulent reaction. Congested capillaries, septicemia in nonpregnant mice inoculated sub-
some of which showed proliferation of the endo- cutaneously, and Potel (84) produced abortion in
thelial lining, gave the appearance of pannus of pregnant mice by this route. However, no men-
the cornea (161). Occasionally there was hy- tion was made of necrotic lesions at the inocula-
peremia of the iris. At the height of infection, tion site. Perhaps it reflects another distinctive
there was marked edema of the involved area. characteristic of the mouse.
Usually the deeper structures did not become in- Occasionally, it has been observed in this lab-
volved and the lesion was confined to the eye. oratory that, when intravenous inoculations in-
Some animals showed mild monocytosis. The advertently find their way into the adjacent
exposed eye developed relatively long-lasting tissue, small abscesses are formed which may
local immunity without development of general persist and contain viable bacteria for periods of
immunity. However, immunity resulting from several months. Perhaps it has been observed
other routes of exposure does not protect the eye. also in other laboratories. If so, they apparently
Some animals may relapse after either spontane- have been unwilling to admit in print that their
ous recovery or topical treatment with antibiotics. technicians make mistakes.
Infrequently animals exposed in this manner From all the travail and pains of labor ex-
developed septicemia or in a few instances pended in exposing animals to artificially induced
meningitis or meningoencephalitis (7, 75, 78, 85). listeric infections, comparatively little has been
The early observation of Bloom (26) that sub- brought forth, except perhaps that the only form
cutaneous inoculation of L. monocytogenes pro- of naturally occurring listeric infection which
duced somewhat distinctive abscessation lies was consistently reproducible in nonpregnant
almost completely neglected beneath gathering laboratory animals is septicemia. This has done

much to impede progress toward clarifying the to 7 days. Necrotic foci similar to those seen in
pathogenesis of other forms of listeric infection, monogastric animals may be seen at times on the
particularly the important meningitic and en- liver or spleen, or both, or other viscera. The
cephalitic forms. lesions are similar, if not identical, to those seen
Choice of laboratory animal. Although a num- in uncomplicated naturally induced infections in
ber of different animals may be used to produce birds. The lesions are described under LISTERIC
artificially induced listeric infections, the rabbit INFECTION OF FowL.
is perhaps ideal from the standpoint of both sus- If embryonating chicken eggs may be con-
ceptibility and size. The mouse may be equally sidered to be laboratory animals, their suscepti-
susceptible, but has certain disadvantages in size bility is in inverse proportion to their small size,
and considerable variation in susceptibility among small expense, and small maintenance require-
the various genetic strains. Guinea pigs have been ments, as already hinted under Biological Methods
used with some success, but are considerably less for Isolation (45, 53, 195). Their use could save
susceptible than rabbits or mice. Rats have not considerable money on purchases of expensive
been used widely, and the few investigators who media, since Segre et al. (86) found that 1.8 cells
worked with them found them to be quite re- constituted an LD50 in 7-day embryos, 11 cells for
sistant. However, Gray (85) rather consistenty 14-day-old embryos. Numerous discrete white
produced fatal septicemia in rats exposed by foci on the chorioallantoic membrane represented
conjunctival instillation accompanied by injection the most consistent and distinctive lesion. There
of 3 mg of prednisone per 100 g of body weight may also be thickening of the ectoderm in addi-
for 4 days. The few investigators who employed tion to lesions of the endoderm and mesoderm.
hamsters found them to be somewhat resistant. In embryos older than 10 days, there may be focal
Nordland (170) induced infection when exposure hepatic necrosis. Lesions in the brain have not
was accompanied by administration of 5 mg of been reported. However, Mencikova (157) found
cortisone per day. Cats and dogs are extremely that 18-day-old embryonating chicken eggs inocu-
resistant. As mentioned under Biological Methods lated lightly on the chorioallantoic membrane
for Isolation, chinchillas are highly susceptible hatched and developed normally, although L.
but their use is limited by their expense and, monocytogenes could be isolated from tissues and
judging from personal experience, their un- feathers of the chicks. However, when large
friendly attitude toward laboratory personnel. inocula were employed, the chicks hatched nor-
The steppe lemming (Lagurus lagurus) which mally but developed encephalitis and died within
Dunaeva (55) claimed can be infected fatally by 5 days after hatching. It is not unlike what may
one bacterial cell is not available in the USA. be true in some prenatally infected infants as will
Recently, Welshimer and Winglewish (281b) be suggested a few sections later, or what has
found that the American vole (Lagurus curtatus) been observed in prenatally infected rabbits as
could be killed in 120 hr by intraperitoneal injec- will be revealed in the next section.
tion of 23 to 25 cells of a culture of L. monocyto- Pregnant Animals
genes of which an injection of 105 cells was re-
quired to kill 16- to 20-g Swiss Webster Rockland Although Burn (32) isolated L. monocytogenes
Farm mice in 5 to 7 days. If the vole can be reared from a human infant as early as 1933 and Graham
successfully in captivity, it may prove highly use- et al. (75) in 1939 recorded listeric abortion in
ful for studies on artificially induced listeric in- cows followed by Paterson's (194) report of a
fection. similar condition in sheep 1 year later, scant at-
Use of birds. Several species of birds have been tention was given to perinatal listeric infection
used as laboratory animals for studies with L. prior to 1950, and even less attention was ac-
monocytogenes. These include the chicken, turkey, corded laboratory reproduction of this condition.
pigeon, wood grouse, sparrow, finch, and canary. Perhaps the first deliberate studies on artificial
The latter two appear to be especially susceptible. infection of pregnant animals with L. monocyto-
In general, most birds are difficult to infect, and genes were undertaken by Hindmarsh and Blumer
large numbers of organisms are required to pro- in 1932 (103). They isolated a gram-positive rod
duce death. Segre et al. (86) even attempted to from a ewe and premature lamb during an out-
alter the tricarboxylic acid cycle by means of break of abortion among sheep. When the organ-
antimetabolites, but still failed to incite infection ism was inoculated intravenously, intraperi-
in 1- to 2-week-old chicks. When infection did toneally, or swabbed into the vagina of pregnant
succeed, death was due to septicemia charac- guinea pigs, abortion followed, and the bac-
terized by myocardial degeneration with focal or terium was recovered from the fetuses and
diffuse necrosis, providing the birds lived for 5 vaginal discharge. A pregnant ewe inoculated

intravenously also aborted, and the bacterium exposure were early in gestation, the conceptus
was isolated from the placenta and uterine wall. was aborted; if near term, the fetus was either
The authors called this bacterium a "diphtheroid stillborn or the young survived only a few days.
bacillus." Unfortunately, it was never further If the uterine contents were expelled quickly and
identified, but almost certainly was L. monocyto- completely, the dam usually displayed few signs
genes. of generalized infection. However, when frag-
Previously, Anton (5) unintentionally produced ments of the infected conceptus were retained,
death in a rabbit pregnant 1 week and abortion in the dam often developed a severe necrotic
another late in gestation, following conjunctival metritis which usually terminated in fatal sep-
instillation of L. monocytogenes. Belin (16) in- ticemia. Although most dams developed only
stilled L. monocytogenes into the conjunctival sac relatively mild indications of infection, the young
of a pregnant guinea pig and it aborted several were invariably fatally infected. Of more than 150
days later. However, these authors were interested full-term young rabbits born during the studies
primarily in the conjunctivitis, and no particular of Gray et al. (84), only one survived more than
significance was attached to the abortion. In view 8 days.
of the events of the past 10 years which demon- Monogastric animals. Gray et al. (84) and
strated emphatically the important role of L. Hahnefeld and Hahnefeld (95) reported almost
monocytogenes in perinatal infections, plus the identical results with orally exposed pregnant
fact that some rabbits from which Murray et al. rabbits and goats. The same was true for con-
(164) isolated the bacterium were pregnant, it is junctival exposure of pregnant rabbits reported by
somewhat of a conundrum that interest in arti- Gray et al. (84) and Miller and Muraschi (159),
ficially induced perinatal infections came in a indicating that the results of exposure are highly
tardy manner. reproducible. It also indicated that the gravid
During the late 1930's, Graham et al. (75) pro- uterus is highly vulnerable to insult by either of
duced abortion in a 5-month-pregnant heifer the channels of infection, that the gravid uterus is
exposed intravenously to L. monocytogenes, while highly susceptible to infection with L. monocyto-
Paterson (194) reported no reaction in pregnant genes, that the uterine contents are primary foci
sheep dosed orally with serum broth cultures of of infection, that only small numbers of organisms
the bacterium. There is no record of further at- are required to initiate infection of the pregnant
tempts to produce listeric abortion under labora- uterus, and that conjunctivitis which develops
tory conditions until the almost simultaneous but from conjunctival instillation of L. monocytogenes
independent studies of Potel (84) on guinea pigs is not a local reaction as often supposed.
and mice, of Hahnefeld and Hahnefeld (95) on A rough sketch of a typical reaction would
rabbits and goats, of Osebold and Inouye (186) show a slightly depressed doe with thick, blood-
on rabbits, and of Gray et al. (84) on rabbits, tinged, mucuslike vaginal discharge containing
goats, sheep, and a cow. Subsequent studies on large numbers of the bacterium at 2 to 4 days
pregnant rats were reported by Payne (198) and after exposure. Abortion or birth of infected
by Schultz (234), on rabbits by Suchanova et al. young, depending on stage of gestation, follows
(259), on cows by Osebold et al. (188), on sheep shortly. Aborted fetuses, even litter mates, may
by Mollelo and Jensen (159a), and on rabbits by be well-developed and intact or badly macerated
Miller and Muraschi (159). Exposure included masses. Lesions usually are confined to the liver,
such realistic routes as oral (84, 95), conjunctival which is mottled and pale yellow, but focal
(84, 159), and intravaginal (84, 186), and such un- necrosis is rare. Young born at term are normal
realistic ones as intravenous (188, 159a), intra- in size and development. If born alive, they ap-
peritoneal (198), via the vena cava or aorta (234), pear acutely ill and whine as if in pain. In spite
and intraperitoneal implantation of collodion of these signs, most nurse until death. At ne-
sacs containing the bacterium (259). It must be cropsy, the stomach is found to be filled with milk
admitted that some investigators who used un- and the liver completely studded with necrotic
realistic methods were not concerned primarily foci. Sometimes, there are foci in other viscera.
with mere production of abortion, but rather in Young which survive more than 5 days may de-
the general mechanism of abortion, and they pre- velop signs suggestive of meningitis or meningo-
sented well-defined reasons for employing the encephalitis. Amniotic fluid is blood-tinged or
methods chosen (198, 234, 259). contains large flecks of yellowish puslike material,
With sufficient exceptions to make a valid rule or both. Cotyledons are hemorrhagic or necrotic
(84, 198) regardless of animal species, stage of and may show small areas of necrosis. The doe
gestation, type of placenta, or route of exposure, appears depressed for a short period after parturi-
the uterine contents quickly became infected. If tion but is seldom acutely ill. Occasionally, preg-

nancy may be interrupted as early as 24 hr after lished not only the possibility that L. monocyto-
exposure, suggesting that the bacterium very genes might persist in the female genital tract for
quickly crosses the placental barrier. The picture relatively long periods with no indication of ill-
simulates in almost every detail listeric infection ness, and initiate infection during several succeed-
in human neonates and helps to re-establish one's ing gestations, but also that such a series of
faith in Koch's postulates. abortions may lead to sterility. This possibility
One of the most significant contributions to was further supported by findings at necropsy of
emerge from these studies was the observation by apparently healthy does sacrificed at varying
Gray et al. (84) and Miller and Muraschi (159) periods postpartum. Lesions were confined gen-
that some apparently healthy kindlings, born to erally to the reproductive system; in most, there
infected does, developed meningitis during the was normal involution with only mild necrotic
neonatal period. Sometimes these signs did not endometritis. However, in others the uterus ap-
appear until 3 weeks after birth to does exposed peared normal except for abscesses which ranged
by conjunctival instillation (159). This response from 2 to 22 mm in diameter; the bacterium could
strongly supports the contention that low-grade be isolated only from these abscesses. It is con-
perinatal infections may pass undetected, and ceivable that similar persistent abscesses con-
that infants which develop listeric meningitis stituted the source of infection for the next gesta-
early in life are actually exposed in utero or during tion. Although unconfirmed, it is possible that
birth rather than by environmental contact during a similar condition may exist in women, and this
the neonatal period. finding has given strong support to those who
Rebreeding and extra-uterine infection. Gray et hold that L. monocytogenes may be responsible
al. (84) were not content merely with a facsimile for some cases of so-called habitual abortion, as
of prenatal infection but extended their studies discussed under that section.
into its effect on subsequent reproduction cap- When does which had given birth to infected
ability of the doe and also to the possibility of litters were rebred and re-exposed, they again
extra-uterine perinatal infection. They en- aborted or delivered infected young as they did
countered not only simulated, naturally induced during initial exposure. Some aborted in spite of
perinatal infection but anticipated some things agglutinating antibody titers of 1:1,280, indicat-
that had yet to be observed in natural infections, ing that intrauterine listeric infection gave little
i.e., habitual abortion and the possibility of or no immunity against similar subsequent infec-
mental retardation in later life resulting from in- tion (84). In contradiction, Schultz (234) ob-
apparent infection at birth. served apparent immunity to reinfection by rats
When does which had given birth to infected which had given birth to infected litters. It is also
litters were rebred as early as 9 days postpartum, possible that this refractoriness is merely further
most produced healthy full-term litters, indicating reflection of the rat's inherent resistance to listeric
normal reproductive function. Although a few infection.
litters were stillborn or abandoned, there was no Gray et al. (84) also succeeded in producing
evidence to incriminate L. monocytogenes in extrauterine neonatal infections either during
these disorders. It was not determined whether birth or by way of the does' milk. When L.
some does which appeared to be pregnant but monocytogenes was instilled into the vagina of
failed to produce litters were merely pseudopreg- pregnant rabbits several hours before term, the
nant, which is known to occur in rabbits, or newborn kindlings' skin was often highly con-
whether there occurred implantation with early taminated with the bacterium. Sometimes, it was
intra-uterine death and complete resorption of also isolated from mouth swab cultures. Although
the conceptus as observed by Osebold and Inouye relatively few kindlings were actually infected by
(186) following intravaginal instillation early in this method, some died from listeric septicemia
gestation. Nevertheless, some does aborted spon- during the first 3 to 8 days of life. Others which
taneously during the third week of gestation and survived for longer periods often showed signs
L. monocytogenes was isolated from the aborted suggestive of central nervous system disorder and
conceptus. A doe aborted during three consecu- some died from listeric meningoencephalitis.
tive gestations and the bacterium was isolated If kindlings born to noninfected does were
from the fetuses and vagina of the doe after each suckled by infected does or if the bacterium was
abortion. Further attempts to rebreed this in- placed in the does' drinking water a few hours
dividual over a 9-month period failed. When post partum, some kindlings developed either
sacrificed, necropsy revealed numerous adhesions septicemia or meningoencephalitis. With the
surrounding the reproductive system and marked known difficulty of transmitting listeric infection
fibrosis of the uterus. This observation estab- by contact alone, these young appeared to be in-

fected through the does' milk. Although L. mono- few days prepartum survived after oxytetracycline
cytogenes was isolated from the milk of some treatment, whereas untreated litter mates always
sacrificed does, from mouth swabs of kindlings died. Penicillin treatment of does which developed
immediately after suckling, and from stomach septicemia after delivery of infected uterine con-
contents of sacrificed kindlings, it was never tents also gave some protection (159), even
directly isolated from the milk of living does. though penicillin is generally contraindicated in
However, L. monocytogenes has been isolated listeric infection (235). Studies should be ex-
directly from milk of other animals which present panded before conclusions may be drawn. Never-
fewer milking difficulties than do rabbits. Other theless, prompt and adequate treatment, pref-
animals included orally exposed goats (84, 95) and erably with tetracycline antibiotics, of either the
sheep (84, 194), and intravenously exposed cows mother or infected newborn may result in suc-
(188) and a sheep (45). The bacterium has also cessful infant salvage when listeric infection is
been isolated after death from the milk of arti- likely. The value of the regimen was subsequently
ficially infected guinea pigs by Potel (84) and confirmed by Hood (104).
from rabbits (95, 159). Also, L. monocytogenes Although pertinent studies have established
has been isolated a number of times from milk that L. monocytogenes can produce abortion
of naturally infected cows (85, 89, 188, 223, 275, during the latter half of pregnancy, there was
285). All of the facts make it appear quite prob- controversy until recently as to whether it could
able that the bacterium can be transmitted to a also attack embryonic tissue early in gestation.
suckling from an infected mother. Hahnefeld Gray et al. (84) found no detrimental effect after
and Hahnefeld (95) reported no apparent effect conjunctival, oral, or intravaginal exposure
on either kindlings or doe when the doe was ex- during the first week of gestation, or from intra-
posed orally immediately postpartum. vaginal instillation of culture immediately before
This series of studies not only demonstrated copulation, even though the bacterium could be
that the uterine contents of pregnant rabbits are isolated from the vagina for as long as 9 days.
highly susceptible to listeric infection, but also Also, rabbits which aborted spontaneously
that such infections may persist and serve as a always did so only during the third gestation
source of infection for the next pregnancy. It also week (84). In contrast, Osebold and Inouye (149)
demonstrated that some young animals may ex- incited infection during the second week of gesta-
perience inapparent infections which could be tion by intravaginal instillation; Hahnefeld and
detected only by isolation of L. monocytogenes Hahnefeld (95) reported similar results from
from the urine or the liver, spleen, and brain of oral exposure at this time of gestation. Recently,
kindlings sacrificed during the first 2 weeks of Gray (89) received for serological typing a culture
life. In some, the liver or spleen showed infarcts isolated from a 2-month human embryo. It may
of varying size, and the bacterium was isolated be inferred that, although pregnancy interruptions
only from the infarcts, indicating that lightly ex- due to L. monocytogenes are most common dur-
posed newborn rabbits may experience low-grade ing the last trimester, they can occur at any time
infection and survive. These findings support the during pregnancy.
suggestion of Lang (144) that some children with Ruminants. Oral exposure of pregnant sheep
mental deficiencies of unknown etiology may have (84) and goats (84, 95) produced essentially the
experienced inapparent or undetected listeric in- same results as in rabbits. The only record of oral
fection during the perinatal period. Some young exposure of a pregnant cow (84) resulted in birth
rabbits observed by Gray et al. (84) had mild of an apparently normal full-term calf. As would
signs of central nervous system disturbance for be expected, intravenous inoculation of pregnant
several weeks, with apparent recovery. Physically, cows readily produced abortion (75, 188).
these animals developed normally but, in the In contrast to guinea pigs and rabbits, con-
absence of suitable tests, there was no measure junctival exposure of pregnant goats produced
of mental development. It is conceivable that this only mild conjunctivitis of short duration fol-
may also occur in human infants, and that re- lowed by birth of apparently normal full-term
tarded mental development may be a sequel. kids (84). However, one goat developed fatal
Retarded mental development has been reported listeric encephalitis at parturition, and some of
as not uncommon after confirmed listeric men- the others which appeared normal when sacri-
ingitis in infants (89, 136, 235). ficed had histological alterations of the medulla
Limited studies showed oxytetracycline treat- oblongata. The lesions were characteristic of
ment of pregnant rabbits exposed late in gestation listeric encephalitis of ruminants. This observa-
to be of some benefit in protecting unborn young tion strongly supports the views of those who hold
(84). Also, some young born to does exposed a that the bacterium may pass along branches of

the trigeminal nerve of naturally induced cases cells and within the maternal blood spaces. Large
of listeric encephalitis (7, 29, 85, 182). The sup- numbers of monocytes and polymorphs were seen
port is immediately shaken by the results of in the maternal sinuses. Degenerated fetal tissue
Osebold et al. (188), whose findings were essen- left a mass of eosinophilic debris surrounded by
tially identical to those in an intravenously ex- polymorphs and bacteria. This type of infection
posed cow sacrificed 19 days after abortion. was referred to as "descending infection" and,
Failure to produce intrauterine infection of although it led to widespread destruction of
pregnant ruminants by conjunctival exposure placental tissue, fetal morbidity and mortalite
may reflect basic differences between ruminant were not necessarily associated with it. The fetuses
and monogastric animals. The fact that ruminants were affected only slightly even by severe changes
developed encephalitis by the conjunctival route in the placenta.
of exposure without infection of the uterine con- Only when placental destruction was greater
tents may offer possible explanation for the oft than that required for survival of the fetuses did
expressed observation that listeric encephalitis in their death appear to occur. There was no histo-
sheep is most prevalent at the time of the year logical evidence of resistance to bacterial in-
when ewes are pregnant; yet listeric abortion in vasion, and the polymorphs appeared to be
sheep is relatively rare. It strengthens the position almost entirely of maternal origin.
of those who hold that the two manifestations of Schultz (234) did not go into great detail on the
infection have a distinct pathogenesis. actual alterations observed, but found that re-
Pathological changes of the reproductive tract. peated or permanent flow of infected blood from
Another contribution made by these studies is the descending aorta brought many bacteria into
the insight into what may take place in the uterus the placenta. If the flow of maternal blood in the
during natural infection, and its possible conse- placenta was reduced or arrested, there was rapid
quences. Since the mother is seldom acutely ill accumulation of bacteria which greatly enhanced
and death is rare in natural perinatal infection, the hazard to the fetus. In his opinion, the ma-
investigators are completely dependent on labora- ternal capillary network appeared to be the most
tory findings for pertinent information. Perinatal effective barrier against the bacterium, since after
infection is complicated somewhat by differences inoculation into the vena cava, arterial blood was
in placental structure of the various animal sterile when it reached the placenta. He claimed
species. Thus, the projection of laboratory find- that rat blood contained an effective bactericide
ings into natural infections has shortcomings. against L. monocytogenes. It may help to explain
When Payne (198) inoculated pregnant rats the rat's high resistance to listeric infection re-
intraperitoneally and Schultz (234) inoculated ported by those who have attempted to infect
them by way of the aorta or vena cava, or Sucha- them artificially. Without citing specific com-
nova et al. (259) implanted collodion sacs con- parisons, Schultz (234) felt that their studies
taining L. monocytogenes in the peritoneal cavity helped to explain why diaplacental infection is
of pregnant rabbits, their concern was not so relatively rare. He concluded that capillary filters
much with production of abortion as with the and bactericidal substances of the mother are
mechanism by which L. monocytogenes produced more protective than the placenta.
abortion. Payne (198) found that gross lesions Suchanova et al. (259) isolated L. monocyto-
were confined almost entirely to the placenta genes from some fetuses, even though the uterus
which contained numerous white foci or streaks or placenta showed no pathological alterations,
of necrosis. When the placenta was severely af- suggesting that L. monocytogenes has an extra-
fected, the fetuses were either moribund or dead ordinary affinity for placental tissue and that it
and in process of resorption. The uterine wall was can cross the intact placental barrier. It may re-
free from inflammatory change, but large num- sult from anemic infarcts which appear during
bers of the bacterium accumulated in the walls of the last half of gestation. If so, it offers a possible
the maternal artery which supplies the placenta. explanation why listeric abortion is most common
The predominant lesions occurred within the during this period of pregnancy. These authors
tissues of the junctional zone of the placental also contend that there is a filterable form of the
disc, causing large areas to become necrotic. bacterium capable of crossing the intact placenta.
Sometimes thrombi formed, resulting in infarc- The gross and microscopic lesions appeared to be
tion of the entire placenta. The infection fre- essentially identical to those described for rabbits
quently extended into the metrial gland and the exposed orally or by conjunctival or intravaginal
labyrinth. The advancing edge was characterized instillation (84, 95, 159, 186). Unfortunately, the
by a band of polymorphs, tissue debris, and bac- histological findings of both Gray et al. (84) and
teria. Bacteria were also found in the trophoblsta Miller and Muraschi (159) remain unpublished.

However, they are recorded in a 1956 Michigan tained, but only slightly involved when the dead
State University doctoral dissertation by C. conceptus was aborted quickly or the early con-
Singh entitled, "Pathology and Bacteriology of ceptus resorbed over a long time. Primary
Abortion and Perinatal Death of Young in damage to the fetus appeared to result from pla-
Rabbits, Sheep and Goats Induced by Listeria cental destruction and resulting dysfunction,
Monocytogenes." The results appear to be identi- with actual infection of the fetus a secondary
cal to those of Hahnefeld and Hahnefeld (95), consequence. With few exceptions, there was no
who gave a very good description in German. evidence that single listeric metritis had any
Although pregnant rabbits which died of listeric long-lasting effect on the uterus or reproductive
septicemia showed various degrees of metritis, function, although it might shed or contain the
ranging from marked congestion to extensive bacterium for 1 month or more. This is supported
necrosis with partial resorption or mummifica- by the observation that most animals which give
tion of the fetuses and containing large amounts birth to naturally infected young come into
of pus or caseous puslike material adhering to the estrus normally, and subsequent pregnancy is
endometrium, these alterations cannot be con- without complication. The same is true for women
sidered typical of natural infection. The informa- who give birth to infected infants. It suggests
tion must come from apparently normal sacri- that what was observed in the laboratory quite
ficed animals. accurately simulates what must take place in
The uteri of sacrificed rabbits showed marked natural infections. Barrow and Pugh had op-
congestion, caseous necrotic material on the portunity to confirm the finding when they de-
endometrial surface with little to marked purulent livered an infected infant by Caesarian section.
exudate, or dry necrotic masses in the uterine Unfortunately, if they did notice changes, they
cavity. The inflammatory process was centered failed to record them in their publication (J.
at the site of placental implant, and the endo- Pathol. Bacteriol. 75:9-16, 1958).
metrium reddened and corrugated. Cotyledons
were usually necrotic. Histologically, there was LISTERIC INFECTION IN MAN
acute necrotic metritis; the endometrium was Retrospect
caseously necrotic, involving a limited area of the
epithelial lining and lamina propria of the endo- L. monocytogenes continues its inconsistencies
metrium, and distention of the uterine glands when attacking man. In contrast to animals,
with purulent exudate and bacteria. Gram-posi- where it usually boldly attacks the finest and the
tive bacteria were seen on both maternal and strongest in the herd or flock, in man it usually
fetal sides of the placenta. The adjacent fetal attacks the very young, sometimes even before
membranes contained purulent exudate. Un- they are born, or the very old, or those already
fortunately, there was no complete histological weakened by other disorders.
study to trace the entire course from delivery of Seeliger (235) cited some 18 of the various
infected young to complete recovery of the re- forms of listeric infection. Their descriptions by
productive tract. However, 1 to 2 months post- different names are found in the medical litera-
partum, the uterus was still enlarged, the walls ture previous to 1929 when Nyfeldt (174) re-
were thickened, and there was chronic endomet- corded the first isolation of L. monocytogenes
ritis with hyalinization and lymphocytic infiltra- from a human subject. These isolations and
tion of fragments of placental tissue. those he made in the next few years are of in-
Limited information gathered from studies on terest not only historically, but also for their
ruminants gave essentially the same findings almost cruel irony. It was as if the bacterium
(84, 95, 188, 194), indicating that placental sought revenge against him.
differences played no significant part in deter- Nyfeldt (174) made his isolations from the
mining the course of infection. blood of 13 patients with infectious mononu-
If the above laboratory findings can be pro- cleosis-like syndromes and believed he had found
jected to natural infections, it gives some insight the agent responsible for mononucleosis. How-
into what takes place during natural perinatal ever, his suggestion was not widely accepted,
listeric infection. Regardless of animal species, particularly in his native Denmark. Yet reports
there was general agreement that the placenta of similar isolations trickled into the literature
offered little or no resistance to invasion by the with tantalizing frequency (73, 136, 235); ac-
bacterium and that this was the primary site of tually, so much so, that both Blakiston's and
active infection. The uterus was extensively in- Dorland's medical dictionaries still erroneousy
volved only when dead fetal material was re- give L. monocytogenes as the cause of infectious

mononucleosis, without mentioning its role in history must record that the real interest in the
other disorders! But the number of cases from disease was born in the obstetrical clinic of a
which the bacterium could not be isolated always bombed-out hospital in Halle.
continued to be far greater. Finally, with the The story has been told many times in the
exception of a small group in the Soviet Union scientific journals in the way that scientists tell
(93, 160), most investigators concluded that their stories--cold, crisp, concise recitation of
there was no real connection between L. mono- established facts: "However, in _952 Seeliger
cytogenes and infectious mononucleosis. Re- (235) suggested that the numerous cases of so-
searchers in Scandinavia even claimed that listeric caMed anu1onlit s isinfantiseptica' -observed
infection was nonexistent in the human popula- by Reiss et al. (215) might be due to L. mono-
tion of their countries. Nyfeldt, it seems, really cytogenes rather than a new species of bac-
had not made a very significant contribution teriui, Corynebacterium infantiseptica, as re-
after all. ported by Potel (210). During the next few
As gathering observations exposed the pattern years a series of studies confirmed. . ." But over
and meaning of a complicated mosaic, so the a friendly glass of cool wine in a cozy cafe in
middle 1950's gradually transformed the dull, West Berlin it was told like this-
dreary picture of discouragement and disap- It was 1951. Halle, lying deep in East Ger-
pointment into one of rewarding achievement as many, had been badly bombed and slow to re-
the light of new findings revealed and accented construct. Life, or even existence, was difficult.
the subtle implications and significance of Ny- Home for many was a shelter of debris against a
feldt's early isolations. It showed low-grade silent, still-standing wall. Food was poor, meager,
listeric infections, not necessarily c and rationed, and essentials, such as milk for
6nr6onucleosis-like, but rather more flu-like, to pregnant women, were found only in the black
le fairly common (89, 93, 94, 136, 235, 271). markets. The once proud Martin Luther Uni-
They were=n no serious consequence in non- versity stood gaunt and naked before a gray
pregnant individuals, but in pregnant women German sky, an empty symbol of Halle's former
woukFalilosf invariably terminate in grave in- fame, its medical clinics crowded, its staff de-
fection of the fetus: if not recognized early. And pleted. Distress, disease, and death were constant
these infections occurred not only in Middle companions in the rubble-strewn streets. And
Europe and America but in the Scandinavian among the many who died were the yet unborn.
countries, including Denmark. Listeric meningo- Some of these stillborn infants showed char-
encephalitis was also uncovered there, and the acteristic, distinctive focal necrosis throughout
next few years were to witness the recording of their tiny bodies. Reiss and his co-workers at
more than 75 confirmed cases of listeric infection the postmortem table called it "granulomatosis
in Sweden and Denmark (89, 137, 145, 178) infantiseptica" for want of a better name. And
and a few in Norway. Of course, L. monocytog- when the lesion was not seen grossly, in some in-
enes had always been there, just as Nyfeldt fants it could be found microscopically. Areas
had tried to show, but it, too, was given a differ- of focal necrosis infiltrated with mononuclear
ent name-unidentified corynebacterium or some- cells. If tissue sections were properly stained,
times diphtheroid bacillus (235). short, slender, rod-shaped bacteria could be
The first isolation of L. monocytogenes from seen in and around these necrotic areas. Indeed,
man had another ironic aspect. The cultures that the bacteriologist, Potel, had isolated them and
Nyfeldt (174) isolated were all type 3, a type so had many in pure culture, but could not identify
rare that it was not found again until 25 years them. There was no well-organized library or
later and, as far as is known, has been isolated source of reference in Halle now; neither could
only eight times since-three times each in he know that just at this same time the same
Europe and in the USA, and once in Canada bacterium was seen for the first time in West
and Israel. Germany in the same type of disease-only in
After 1929, L. monocytogenes was isolated an adult. But Seeliger in Bonn had access to
sporadically from man, and interest in the disease books, received many of the current medical
followed a rather cyclic pattern. During the war publications, had free contact and communica-
years, few new cases were recorded, and, by 1945, tion with Western bacteriologists. Potel could
20 cases of listeric infection had dribbled into turn only to the Veterinary Investigation Labora-
the world's medical literature. During the re- tory in Halle. Many times, tired from long, dis-
construction of dead, burned-out cities, some 100 couraging days in a busy but clumsy and poorly
cases of listeric infection had been uncovered. equipped laboratory, he hurried through the
Perhaps it is more than mere coincidence that darkness to his veterinarian friend, Hartwigk.

There in the drafty, dimly lighted shell of what TABLE 2. Disorders with which Listeria
once had been a laboratory, together they ex- monocytogenies has been associated
amined cultures, smears, and tissue sections.
There was no electricity except for the microscope (Meningo-encephalitis-most common in neonates
lamp, no heat, and the tattered, tan paper and above 40 years
stretched across openings that once had been Flu-like low-grade septicemia in gravida-pre-
mature or nonviable termination
windows looking out on Halle's meandering Septicemia in perinatal period-usually in pre-
medieval streets rustled restlessly in the night matures
winds. Hartwigk could only say, "I know it nfectious mononucleosis-like syndrome
isn't Erysipelothrix!" epticemia in adults-often superimposed on
It is easy now to look back across the decade other disorders: otitis media, pharyngitis, tonsil-
that separates today from that scene and to say, litis, sinusitis
"But they should have known!" Yet, now 10 neumonia
years later, with 10 years' accumulation of case
reports and additional literature, some still fall
calized abscesses-external or internal
pular or pustular cutaneous lesions
invto the same trap, or escape-by calli it an onjunctivitis
"unidentifiedkllitrid." 1/Urethritis
In addition to the importance of these early Habitual abortion-confirmed but needs further
studies, they stimulated an awareness of listeric study
infections in man, particularly in both sectors of Mental retardation, especially children*
Germany (136, 235, 271) and Czechoslovakia 'KPsychosis in adults*
(157, 196). Gradually, this awareness spread
throughout most of Europe and North America, 'a*eological evidence only.
and by 1956 interest in the disease reached a peak.
In 1957 Seeliger and Cherry (236b) published directed toward dispelling three important mis-
their monograph on human listeriosis, its nature conceptions: (i) all small, gram-positive, diph-
and diagnosis. Since that time, interest has re- therfoid-like rods isolated from blood, spinal
mained at a relatively high level-a level which, fluid, ear and throat swabs, vaginal swabs, urine,
nevertheless, is still low compared with most aiid amniotic fluid- are '"contaminants" (many
other pathogens. Early in 1960, new impetus so-called "contaminants" and unidentified cory-
came as a result of the reports by Rabinovitz et nebacteria proved to be L. monocyogenes on
al. (213) and Rappaport etal. (214), who isolated re-examination); (ii) L. monocytogenes attacks
L-7moFwcyiagenes from the cervical fluid of a only the central nervous system (the bacterium
number of women in _Israel with histories of h a§sjeeincriminated in a variety of disorders as
habitual abortion. This incident confirmed a shown in Table 2); (iii) since L. monocytogenes
s-uip,c-ioriadvanced by Seeliger (222, 235, 236) grows well and can be cultivatedT easily after
as early as 1956. It also stimulated a number of initial isolation, it -is always easy to- isolate the
investigations directed toward confirming the bac erium from infected material (this statement
validity of the finding. is not true as indicated in the discussion of
The true incidence of listeric infectiQa iain METHODS FOR ISOLATION FROM INFECTED MA-
remains undetermined. It is striking, and no TERIAL).
doubtmloirWeanmere coincidence, that of the Such an educational program also should
known number of confirmed cases, well over emphasize that some forms of listeric infection
1,000 throughout the world, with 400 plus in may mimic disorders usually asciatec with
the United States, more than four-fifths were Mycobacterium tuberculosis; in stained smears of
recorded during the past 5 years. It strongly fluids and tissues, it may -res-smbI- Corynebac-
suggests_that the apparent incidence is in direct terium diphtheriae, or if poorly stained, Haemo-
proQrtion -awarenres- of the infection. phiu-s Tnfluenzae. Where such a program is put
During 1959, the Massachusetts Department into effect, listeric infections often cease to be
of Health found that only 55 % of 71 laboratories rare. This is shown rather dramatically by the
correctly identified L. monocytogenes, while fact that New York has recorded 56 cases of the
four other bacteria known to produce meningitis disease, Louisiana 54, and California 42 (89).
in man were identified correctly by from 59 to Hood (104) at Charity Hospital in New Orleans
84% of the laboratories (72). This situation has now encountered 47 cases (89). This is by
emphasized that an educational program was far the greatest number by a single institution
required if the true incidence of listeric infection in this country. Welshimer (280, 281) at the Medi-
was to be determined. The program must be cal College of Virginia at Richmond is runner-up
with 15 cases (89). In Europe, where the medical undetected infectio ccir uetly
profession first became earnestly aware of listeric than is suspected, it may be that they are actually
infections, Potel (223) observed 85 cases at the mostjprevalI'ent':formn Such speculation can
Halle; Traub and Bose (89, 223), 60 cases in be clarified only when the clinician and medical
Dusseldorf; Patocka et al. (196, 259) in Prague, bacteriologist have become sufficiently aware of
53 cases; Jessen (89, 137) in Copenhagen, 22 the manifestations that they no longer pass un-
cases; Winbald (89, 145) in Malmo, 38 cases; detected or masquerade deceptively as a sore
and between January and November, 1960, throat, flu, or infectious mononucleosis complex.
Seeliger (89) received more than 150 cultures Before commencing more or less detailed
isolated from man in Germany. Numerous other recitation of the several disorders with which
instances could be cited emphasizing a relation- the bacterium has been associated, and a few in
ship between awareness and incidence of listeric which it has been accused but never convicted,
infection. one fact should be heavily underscored, namely,
In the USA, where a real interest is merely an that L. monocytogeneis_ an expert at charades,
awakening, barely audible rustle, 539 cases have pantomiming perfectly many disorders, but
been confirmed during 30 years since 1933 when showing little originality or ingenuity in produc-
Burn (32) reported the first isolation from a new- ing distinctive disease processes. The single ex-
born infant. The distribution of cases during this ception which makes the statement valid is pern-
period reveals an illuminating trend: the first 20 natal infection. Here, the bacterium can produce a
years 40 cases; the next 5 years, 144 cases; and distinctive disease but only in the unborn.
the past 5 years, 355 cases.
It ~nerally agreed that the increased number Meningitis or Me i eohalitis
of recognized'''ca'ses reflects a combinaftioi of When L. monocytogenes attacks the central
greater awareness and improved methods for nervous system of man, meningitis or meningo-
isolating the bacterium rather than a real in- encephalitis is the usual result. Menilgitis is the
crease in the incidence. primary lesion, and encephalitis, if present re-
Listeric infection may be manifested by several sults from extension of the process to the brain.
distinctly different syndromes or associations Thne converse is seen m ruminants where the
with disorders of other etiology. This complexity primary lesion is encephalitis with or without
tempted some authors, notably Krepler and involvement to the meninges. The factors which
Flamm (136), to classify the various disorders dictate this difference are not known.
according to supposed pathogenesis. However, There are no characteristics which distinguish
since so little is known regarding pathogenesis, listeric mening-ti1`TY6imi thiat duFito other causes.
such a classification is based on mere conjecture. It may affect hol sexes iand shows no 'preference
With knowledge presently available, the only foth female as has sometimes been intimated.
classification with any real foundation is that On the contrary, males are affected far more
based simply on signs, and it is on this simple frequently-191 versus 129 (89). Although all
foundation that the disorders will be presented ages may be affcted fit 3 wieeks of life
here. and the yearjs beyond 40 are most vulnerable.
It is difficult to determine which disorder is These two groups comprise a1most 90% of all
most prevalent. Apparently little effort has been cases. Primary listericinenin7gitis in "children,
exerted to maintain an accurate tabulation. ad-olscents, and young adults is comparatively
Historically, meningitis is considered to be the rare anhd is 'oTten su rimposed -on other dis-
most common form. During recent years, this orders. Since meningitis in neonates is actually a
concept has been contested by several investi- perinatal infection, it is discussed in detail under
gators, notably Krepler and Flamm (136), Pa- that section, and the following discourse applies
tocka (196), Potel (223), and Seeliger (235), who only to children and adults.
claim that septic perinatal infections comprise Although epidemiology and pathogenesis are
the majority of cases both in Europe and in the discussed in their respective sections, a few facts
world. It may be true in certain closely limited deserve special mention at this point._.Ijsteric
areas, but is questionable in the overall picture. menigitis is most frequently observed in patients
Gray 90 stu imore than 420 cases of the from low-income - -grouiips7T.- _an_ -exmely
disease from-the U high mortalit (!O-l)9 among alc 89).
.talccasesto coii~prse less than7i% tofose I odr~e atiems^ lsmo superimpose
enore d .initsinneonates and adults on 9-Eedisea73al§or' o r_grave
accounted for over 80%p of the total. Since recent illness, and in- puiatints
evidence md ;t inapparent or 1-grade showing meningeal signs. It may occur following
treatment with cortisone or its derivatives) and determining factor. Infrequently, the bacterium
PrOgnOSiS is extrpemypoor in these patients. may be recovered fromfthe spinaVTfluid-or btlood
Guideposts-of these maladies may alert the for several''weeks or even 3 months after ctinical
clinician to the possibility of listeric infection recovery.
and enable him to reach a more rapid diagnosis. The clinical course, as in any bacterial menin-
Diagnosis, plus prompt and adequate treatment, gitis, is iusuially acute and stormy. Without
are essential if the patient is to survive. therapeutic intervention, deat'i may follow within
There is considerable controversy regarding 24 to 72 hr after appearance ofirst symtoms.
actual mfioFn`infection. Some evidence sup- Longer survival, sometimes extending to 1 week
ports1 5iW_thtiseWh6 hold to a hematogenous or more has been reported, but is rare. In pa-
mode and those who believe in an upper respira- tients that recover, convalescence is slEow and
toy trac'z o''' - proTo6giijd --and may require several weeks or
Onset is usual sudden. Symptoms include more than 1 month. Prompt and_proper therapy
severe headache, dizzintss, -dro-wsinhess, stupor, often shortens the course to less than 2'weeks.
stiff neck of back; general ill feeling accompanied Infants appear to respond to antibiotics more
by_vomtn~-- tstabimus, incoordination and rapidly; than adbtits, an'd some -recover in less
any other symptoms related to disturbances of than 10 days.
th centraLfnervous system. Coma often follows Preyious&t_--the development of antibiotics,
shortly.. Reflexes may be normal, increased, or mortality was very high, to 70%7or more, -and
decreased. Kernig's and Brudzinski's signs are teifTew who survived were often left with perma-
1pjSi ive. In addition, some patients may show neriFiain fdamage. In recent years, prompt and
conjunctivitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, sinusitis, adequate treatment with tetracycline antibiotics
oiiiis 'media, uastoiditis, peieumonia, bronchio- has resulted in more favorable prognoses. Over-
litis, or splenoregaly-The-siguifi.cance of these all mortality is roughly 50%. However---this
symptoms is undetermined. They may result filre issewf'iede'iviiig,
ss Yn(iTi-aly is
either from early low-grade infection with L. still extremely high during the first few days of
toenes,_bletraying-tbe- bacterium's portal life and beyond the sixth decade, distorting the
of entrL or fromother causes which may en- true picture. During the intervening period,
fancethe host susceptibility to L. monocyto- mortality is not ov e30%.Although i'n'vivo tests
genes- A great deal of further study employing would often indicate the contrary, treatment with
more refined isolation techniques will be required penicillin, particularly when combined 7wiith3o-e
before definite answers can be given. Sometimes, of the sulfa drugs, appears to be satisfactory.
particularly in older patients, there_ is almost Nevertheless) the broad-spectrum tetracycline
imiffie-a-e,teossi-7onscdiV6u"sness- without prior anifibiotics are recommended for all types of
symptoms. listeric infection. It cannot be overegpVasized
Tlie blood has an increase in polymorphonu- that treatment must be prompt, adequate, and
cleaXeu-kocytes-.Monacytosis, often rumored to pri longed. Relapses have occu'rred when treat-
b-pres-ent,- -is-actually rare, and should not be ment wa-di stiined7too s6-6n-. 'Without ex-
loo6Tehr 'as" 'an' i'ndication of listeric meningitis. ception these cases terminated fatally.
Theskiia1fluid may be clear or. cloudy and Although residual brain damage, hydrocepha-
under normal or increased pressure. It may con- lis, Visua17orai, or auditory defects, andincoordi-
taimn Iargeg nueutrofeutrophiles,
in the ea_ly gas witr, lymphocytes may
especially n4ay m-beirather frequent sequelae of listeric
meningitis in infants and small children,-it is
predominate. Protein reaction of the fluid is rather uncommon in adults.
strongly positive and sugar content is lowered. TAsions seen at' necropsy of uncomplicated
Stained - smears often show large numbers of cases are confined to the meninges and brain.
gram-positfive rods, eithei mtra- or extracellularly These may be hyperemic and-sometimes studded
located. This-nflding, coupled with an increased with small grayishWwhite foci or necrosis. Col-
number of monogytes inthe fluid, is almost in- lections of purulent exudate may be seen par-
dicative of listeric meningitis. ticularly around the base ofVthe& -brain. Occa-
L. monocytogenes can be isolated most easily sionally degenerative bhanges are found in the
fro s some cases,Jtitmay also liver, adrenals, jplen, and kidneys. Pneumonia
be recovere trorm the blood, especially in the in the early stages has been reported. 'Histo-
early stages and when meningitis is combined log lesions consist of areas of-'necrosis
with septicemia. Some hold that listeric menin- infitrated -with- neutfrophils'- and_'some-'m-mo'no-
gitis is alwaysseptic-,but ther'e 'is ample evidence nuclear ceil's. 'They"are present in both the white
thafthfis isiinFfue. Portal of entry may be the and gray matter. So-called perivascular cuffs

consisting predominantly of mononuclear cells 10 days prior to the acute stage. Death followed
surround many blood vessels. The bacterium in 27to 3T-days. These cases were so acute that
may be seen in the necrotic lesions but not in the therapy was of no avail. At necropsy, the brains
cuffs. were studded with pinpoint foci of necrosis.
One of the most disconcerting and confusing Microscopically, there was perivasculfar cuffing
features of listerficmeningitis is the failure of many with edema, and some blood vessels were swollen
patients, even those with severe prolonged cases, and necrotic. There appeared to be infiltrations
to develop detectable antibodies against L. of leukocytes from these vessels into the brain
monocytogenes. There is no explanation for this. parenchyma; in some areas, there were foci of
However, it may indicate that since the infection advanced necrosis. These lesions extended into
is confined to the central nervous system, the the ventricles and into the meninges. There were
septicemic stage is of such short duration or of no lesions of the choroid plexus. It is possible
such low intensity there is little opportunity for that listeric encephalitis occurs more frequently
antibodies to develop. It is well known that than actually diagnosed. Because of its extremely
large doses of the bacterium are required to acute nature, an infectious cause is not suspected.
produce detectable antibodies in laboratory
animals. In view of this problem, it is difficult P,ychosis
to justify or reconcile many diagnoses of listeric This discussion is presented merely because
meningitis based only on serological evidence. "listeric" psychosis has been reported (105, 251,
It has been suggested that pregnancy is a pre- 263) and, hence, cannot be ignored. However,
disposing factor to listeric infection. If, indeed, the cases of psychological disorders ranging over
this is a true statement, it is definitely not re- a period of several months to more than 1 year
flected by meningitis Only four or five cases in have been diagnosed only on serological evidence
pregnant subjects have been recorded. In most, The patients showed intermittent low fever,
the mother recovered and gave birth to a healthy bizarre hallucinations, manic-depressive com-
infant. One infant developed meningitis 9 days plex, delusions and illusions, altered reflexes,
after birth. One mother died of what appeared and the whole gamut of disorders that could be
to be acute meningitis a few days postpartum. associated with the psychology of abnormal
She had been treated with antibiotics for a con- people. They showed few symptoms indicative
junctivitis and rhinitis during the last month of of active or even chronic, low-grade infections.
pregnancy, and all cultures remained sterile. None had marked fluctuations in titer against
However, the child developed a confirmed listeric L. inonocyztogenes, yet the bacterium has never
meningitis when 10 days old. These few cases been isolated from any of the individuals in
among the several hundred reported throughout question. To avoid being inconsistent with what
the world contradict that pregnancy is a pre- has been stated under Serological Diag;iosis of
disposing factor to listeric infection. What is Listeric Infiection, no further comment is neces-
true is that if low-grade infections, which- may sary.
be more common than generally suspected, occur
in pregnant individuals, the uterine contents may Periniatal Injectioin
be infected without serious illness of the mother. Perinatal listeric infection, as pointed out in
There is no evidence that these infections occur the introduction of this section, had an interest-
more frequently in the pregnant than in the non- ing, although somewhat confused history. Had
pregnant subject. They are merely manifested it not been for the coincidence that Seeliger (235)
more often. Present evidence does not support encountered a case of listeric septicemia in an
the suggestion that pregnancy predisposes to adult in 1950, the true role of L. Imonocbtogenes
listeric meningitis. in the perinatal period may not have been es-
tablished as early as it was. Although some of the
Encephalitis first isolations of the bacterium were made from
Although encephalitis is the most common neonates [(32); the second isolation made by
manifestation of listeric infection in domesticated Murray et al. (164) was from a pregnant rabbit],
ruminants, it was unreported in man until 1957. it seemed as if the bacterium deliberately evaded
That year, Eck (56) published reports on 10 being incriminated in its attack on the unborn.
cases, all of which occurred in the area of Leipztg; Somehow, during the period from 1933 to the
Germany. Symptoms were those usually associ- early 1950's, the emphasis was always diverted
ated with &ii_enjhaliils sudden severe headache, to the bacterium as a cause of meningitis in
high fever, stiffness, and vomiting. These symp- adults. Yet, careful paging through the published
toms were preceded by a flu-like syndrome about case material would have shown that the suspi-
cion was not at all justified. Actually the number fected at an even earlier stage. Studies of arti-
of isolations from neonates and young children ficially infected rabbits strongly suggest that the
was slightly greater than that from adults. fetuses are not aborted until the latter part of
The importance of perinatal listeric infection gestation, even though the dam is exposed con-
as a cause of death or permanent mental or physi- tinually throughout the entire gestation period
cal impairment in the newly born remains to be (84).
determined, but the rapidly accumulating pub- There are no clinical signs which distinguish
lished reports suggest that it may be of greater listeric infection from several other common
significance than previously suspected. Seeliger disorders of pregnancy. In most instances, the
(235Lll&Alex (1)I.eel that_ following erythro- mother is not seriously ill1Tt3appearstirbe-pri-
biosisjfetalis,yapbiis*toxoplasmosis, L. marily an infection of the uterine contents.
monocytogenes is one of _the most frequent Some mothers can recall nothing that would
causes ofT _3damige or infant death. However, suggestfinfection. Many others recall "flu-lik&"
with present methods of reporting disease, it is episodes or symptoms suggestive of pyelitis or
difficult to determine. In hospitals where such an csitis a few weeks or a few days prior to par-
effort has been made, the incidence ranges from turition. These symptoms appear to result from
0.15% of the total perinatalimortialfy, accord- low-grade 1-sTEric -tactereniiac. Blood cultures
ingto Breuniffg aanid Fritzsche (30), at the Uni- taken at the time often reveal the bacterium, and
versity Women's Clinic at Leipzig, Germany, on at ieast one occasion it was isotateffTfrom the
to 2.0% at the University Women's Clinic at tonsils (132). If appropriate treatment with tetra-
Halle (i. At certain times in some areas, it has cycline antibiotics is Jnitiated promptly,-most
been much higher than this. Occasionally, mor- women give birth to normal infants. However,
tajity has almost reached epidm rtlons these irifants s'hould be watched closely during
for esi s S` oiiW aire several the first 6 months for early signs of meningitis.
cases in rapid successni6nV1e-hi1We iinfection dis- If lreatethe is a marked decrease in
appears,iianf57year or more may pass before it fetal activity shortly after these symptoms dis-
is seenagain..N epidemiologicaL links can be appear. Of 85 patients obserived`by Potel (223),
established in these instance4 and there is no only one stated that fetal movements were
explanation for the periodic fluctuation. normal throughout the entire gestation.
Also undetermined is the effect of infection on A composite picture drawn from accumulated
the fmo iheiseproductive
: capability. In most case histories appears as follows. Some time
instances, there _ppears to be no long lasting during the last half of pregnancy there were
damage to the reproductive system. However, sudden chlls accoimpanied by nse in tempera-
there is substantial evidence that chronic, low- ture, soretLhroat, headache,-nilkdizziness, pains
grade infections may be respqnsible for so-called of the lower backs discolored urine, and perhaps
habtuaI ~abWrtion as indicated under that sec- dIarrhea. These symptoms persisted for several
tion. days,' iahd then disappeared. Following short
Since all so-called scientific classification is periods of well-being the symptdnis cojzrid
merely man's feeble effort to create, artificially not reappear. Shortly after the first attack, fetal
and arbitrarily, some order in nature, the mother's movenents became weaker and less frequent.
role in perinatal listeric infection should not be Premature delivery of stillborn_or acutely ill
denied definition. However, because she plays ifa[nis f0ollowed in a few das. h aniotic
such a passive, unwitting, and unwanted role, flUiid was discolored or murky bad no ab-
classifiers seem to have ignored its desirability normal odor. Sometimes small gray nebcrtic foci
completely, and it remains, as the raven in Poe's couild~ i6b6Veed in the placenta. After parturi-
poem, nameless. Perhas a good name would be tion the mothr ws asymptomahici and the
simply "low-grade listeric_epticemia during postpartum course was without further compli-
pregnancy." cation.
Abortion or perinatal septicemia. A broad, In spite of the absence of symptoms in the
general Tp3Tctiiru 7erinatal infections postpartum period, L. monocytogenes can be
due to L. monocytogenes drawn from case his- isolated from the vagina, cervix, or urine of the
tories in the USA and Europe has recently been mother for periods ranging from a few days to
published by Gray, Seeliger, and Potel (91a). several weeks, occasionally 1 month or Jrwre.
isteric abortion has occurred as early as he Cultures prepared later than 10 days often failed
segon ges a ion month (89), and there are to iktraT g owth. Mencikova
severaF siggstW ed on both cultural and (157) cultured-menstru7al blood from women who
serological studies that the embryo may be in- had given birth to infected infants but could
not isolate the bacterium from them. It appears almost complete studding of the organ. The ad-
that the bacterium was shed rather quickly by jacent hcli9m a may' appear norm
the mother and that its presence in the uterus in or may e yeows,wUiand necrotic.
the immediate postpartum period was without Similar foci are often seenin he-adrenals, spleen,
detrimental effect. The metritis, which, based on lymph nodes, lungs, and brain. Less frequently,
experimental findings in animals (84, 95, 159, they are observed in the heart, oral mucous mem-
198), almost certainly existed in all cases, was brane, tongue, tonsils, eso4haijis, stomach, and
not serious, and the uterus usually returned to smal[ and lr_ge intestine, including-the rectum.
normal function in about 'the same length of Hydroperitoneum, peritonitis and sero-fibrinous
time- as -after uncomplicated.pregnancies. exudafe on the visceral organs, particularly the
In 'contrast to the mild involvement of the liver, may be seen. Complete absence of gross
motfe7-r-tte infant was either stillborn or. born lesions is rare, but when it occurs lesions may
acutely ill, especially if birth was premature- be foundJisto.logically.
If born alive, the infant often expired within a In general, the lesions seen in all organs are
few mrinu tes-oi6iir7sIeports of survival of characterized by we 1fledareas _of focal
more than 3 days are rare, but some have- hved necrosis and infiltration with polvmorphonuclear
aG7ong as 2 wee~ks. and moonuulearceHl-without-alteration of the
AiWe-uiio-rie diagnosis is difficult to establish adjacent 1f fhsisue.
O.t. _hese foci appear to be
since t fiei-ar6 no pathognomonic symptoms; assocbiftedwith blood vessels, but the significance
those which occur may iimic the signs of a num- of this observation remains undetermined. Nu-
ber of other disorders of tie newborn. The usual merous bacteria may be seen in and around these
symptoms reflect disturbances of the respira- lesions. Most authtor's Za'fteition to the toxic
tory, circulatory, or central nervous system: nature of this reaction. Many German pa-
dyspnea, lowered body temperature, cyanosis, thologists mentioned a second type of lesion
tbirst, vomiting, spasms, soft whimpering, early which was found most commoin the liver.
passage of meconium and mucuslike stools. It consisted of an increase iI mesenchymal cells
Diarrhea may occur, and occasionally red rash resulting in an increase in retici.lar cells, histio-
or papules containing the bacterium may be Wytes, monocytes, and epithelloid -cells. The
found ove'r part or all of the body. Sometimes, lesion was referred to as "granuloma" and ap-
there is a purulent discharge from the eyes and peared to be an older lesion--L. monocytogenes
thfacteri'ium may be isolated from this source. has been seldom seen in or isolated''from it.
Often the body is in a state of hyperextension and Stmon (244) described similar lesions in meninges
co6nu1si6ns m.y be observed if -the infant sur- of neonates and called t-hem "listerioma." This
vives for several days, suppuvTimerinftis granuloma-type lesion leads to much of the con-
oft ee- IojwWhich us-ualy terminates fatally fusion between infections due to L. monocytogenes
or may lead to hydrocephalis or permanent and those due to Mycobczcterium tuberculosis.
mental deficiency if the infant survives. It could be interjected here that most German
If listeric infection is suspected, smears and pathologists who studied lesions in neonates
culturiesof the meconium'should be made im- considered them to result from endothelial cell
mediately. The'bacterium can usually be found proliferation. This is in exact contrast to Bloom's
in large numbers in the material (2). However, as (25, 26) view; he stated that there was no true
indicated earlier, it may not always grow readily evidence for the stated opinion.
from tht -soure (277). It has also been sug- Bronchopneumonia, due to L. monocytogenes
gested that roentgenograms of the chest ma-yr- and'usually described' as _iaitypne eumonia,"
veal lesions in the lungs. In any event, it-is im- is infrequently seen in newb'orns.' Itf has been ob-
perative that treatment 'Wit massive doses of served both in Europe and this country. Menci-
tetracycfine antibiotics be initiated witho'ut de- kova (157) reported that often the true cause
lay. could be determined only by refrigeration of
The lesion seen most frequently at necropsy lungjtissue. It is not known ''how' often infection
is al hepatic rpsis. This ledRejsjetaI. of this site occurs, and it is possible that some
(215) to name th- .disorder granulomatosji cases are overlooked.
infantaseptica before the true etiology was known. Twins born to infected mothers are usually
T applied,.b.ut has grad- both paft.Occ nay pp prently
ually been replced by the more exact name pen- weLd lpno&Tccafiofl ess. Rarely,
natal listeric s~pticemna. The foci-a're--dr'ayish- the- uninfected twin devpelo-tfesease some-
white, often slightly raised, pinpoint to 1.5 mxn what later_d &the Ii& . here is
in damieteri and may range from scattered to no explanation for this variation, but it has been
observed also in artificially infected animals (84). tissue to insult by L. monocytogenes is amply
Although conjecture, it is possible that identical docu-mented (84). Focal_ii&cilo1 sksiiin7§friilar
twins are always equally infected while fraternal tod-fR`seeen in perinatal septicemia, tht hive
twins may not necessarily be. The exact nature been found in some infants which expire is
of the variation has not been investigated suc- further support for the idea that these infants
cessfully. were exposed prenatally.
Several rather elaborate schemes have been At the onset, there is loss of appetite, excessive
devised to map the bacterium's possible passage crying, extreme irritability, coughing, running
from mother to fetus. However, the true route nose and high fever. These symptoms worsen
remains known only to the bacterium and it has rapidly and are followed by convulsions or
not yet divulged its pathway to the few who have coma, or both. There are no distinguishing symni-
attempted to trace its journey. True it may go toms or clinical- features; howe6er',7ibiiatory
by the complicated route: from m therosd fiuidli7js~of the 'gram-p sitive _bacilli 'and- occa-
stream during low-grade se2icmice _staeto sional increases in number of mononuclear cells
mnterm enta to feta1placenta, then through in the spaina fluid may differentiate it from other
the navel vein, producing fetal seItiieia. As a bacterial meningitides. Some infants-may have
result, the bacterium could be passed with the slightly elevated mono-cyteoi-itg.-It treated
fetal urine the amniotic fluid which is aspi- early, the infant usually responds well to tetra-
rat med ted by the fetus, thus giving rise cycline antibiotics (89, 104).
to the wides_read respiratory tract or gastro- If infants are actually infected prenatally, as
iniiet-inal tube alterations seen at necropsy. L. suggested, oe ay csider the fact that in the
monocyQenes can readily produce massive USA neonatal meningitis has comprised more
septigemias4pciaJIy.inthe.very young, without than_*4O . of all cases whereas -perinatal septi-
beingaspirated4 orJingested directly. However, cmia represented only 7% of the total. In con-
ifexposure were very light, _pt --iimight trast, injEurqpe, especially in Germany and
nosultf-ra ier~low-grade infection could Czechoslovakia, perinatal septiceania has ac-
resuWwljhathomnesisas described in the follow- counted for almost 75 % of the known cases. This
in4g_aragEapIhs. Few hold the view advanced could be interpreted as an indication that Eu-
by Krepler and Flamm (136, 223) that the mother ropean mothers are in general, more heavily
is reinfected from the developing infection in ine-ted than those in this country. This postula-
the fetus, and that this reinfection, and the tion Zan- be--suppvrtcepe-rimiietally. Young
changes produced by it in the placenta, are the rabbits born to heavily infected'does die with
actual cause of abortion or premature delivery septicemia while those born to lightly infected
of the fetus. does most often die of meningitis (84, 159).
Meningiis. Some infants borp_pparently well Extrapolation of these data may possibly explain
develop listeric miieningitis a few days to 3 weeks the difference in incidence of the two forms of
postpartun1~. These ~s _gQinpriSe almost 40 % listeriosis on the two continents.
Lf aLl human rmenigitis -reported in the It is not wmhateffect perinatal injections
USA 89). jTher istrpng evidence that infants rnaii~ on laterlifJrHy_drocephalus is a com-
intected Eenatay or during birth are a result mon sequel to meningitis in neonates, and many
ofint of the mother, rather expire at an early age or are mentally retardedd
than of environmental contact with the bac- (8737). There 7is also considerable evi-
terium idurfg-tneTgeonatal period. Studies on dence, based on both naturally and artificially
aft-ficiaylyinfcted7 -pregnant rabbits substantiate induced infections in young animals, that vege-
this route of infection (84, 164). As in perinatal tations may develop on the heart valves. 'This
s ftnrecall ~fl-u-l1e lesion hasreporbeen teidla number of times- in
sen animals, but i1 seLdo- mentioned min reports
instances, the bacterium has been isolated from
the mother's blod at this stage and the infants,
dealing with human nebinates.-
Mental retardation in children. Since it is es-
apparent y well a.tJ)iut, developed meningitis tabfT-ieiat- hrecovery fro --c meinmitis
dir nWlteneonatal period (89, 104). It may or encephalitis in man and animals may result in
thee r
'iiiy iih r
exnence low-grade infection
permanent brain damage, it has been suggested
that some inapparent perinatal infections may
which, when it occurs in t e nongravid subject, lead to retarded menta'l develo-ment dunrng
childhood. Basedodn sfud&ibyjan(4 h
subject mvarliably terminates in infection of the docuimented that among a group of mentally
fetus. enhancel
me susepti6bility embyonic retariIrdchiIcdfenln- which the efiology was not
establshed 43 of 87 had si nificant titers against sequence in rabbits after single ocular exposure of
L. monocytogenes while only 5 of 50 children in pregnant does. One doe aborted during each of
which the ~'tiofogy~ was esta'blsWed iad~ simiar three consecutive gestations, and the bacterium
titers. Miller (89) could not confirm this workin was isolated from the aborted conceptus and
a study of more than 200 sera from mentally vagina of the doe after each abortion. About this
reTarded children in New York State. If similar time, Seeliger (235) observed that approximately
studies have been conducted elsewhere, they 16 % of tlre- wome-nd whomad given b6irth to in-
have not been reported. With the known incon- faitisinfected with L. monocytogenes had either
sistent and unpredictable results often obtained aborted or given birth to stillborn infants during
indseroi1ogicaI reactions with L. monocytogenes, previous pregnancies. Also, kost et al. (224)
as exposed under Serological Diagnosis of Listeric found sharp rises in antibody titer against L.
Infection, no definite conclusion can be reached. monocytogenes at the time tregnancy was inter-
Nevertheless, it is well within the realm of pos- rupted in a number of women with histories of
sibility-tat inapparent listeric infections early habitual abortion. When these women were
in life may account for a surprising number of treated with atiQ of tetracycline anti-
mental deficiencies. bili7-diiwulfa drugs throughout pregnancy,
E[frteoQn.reprductive system. Today there is many gave birth to apparently normal, full-term,
much speculation that L. monocytogenes may healftfhy infants. Similar observations were made
be the cause of chronic infection of the female subsequently in other parts of Germany and
g~emitaT tract. However, there is considerable Czechoslovakia (223, 235). Unfortunately, the
contratry evidence, based on both naturally and role of L. monocytogenes in these cases could not
artificially induced infections. Potel and Alex be confirmed by isolation of the bacterium from
(211) studied 19 women through 26 subsequent either the aborted conceptus or the mother, and
pregnancies after they had given birth to in- diagnosis of listeric infection was based entirely
fected infants. All but three terminated in birth on serological findings.
Of an apparently normal, healthy, full-term in- Recently, Rabinovitz et al. (213) and Rappa-
fant. L. monocytogenes could not be incriminated port et al. (214) at Hadassah Municipal Hospital,
in the three nonviable pregnancies. Similar re- Tel Aviv, Israel, reported the isolation of L. mono-
sults have been the experience of most other in- cytogenes from the cervical secretion of 25 of 34
vestigators. Also, it is well established that most women with histories of repeated abortion. Nine-
animals which give birth to young infected with teen infected women were treated with large-&dses
L. monocytogenes conceive normally and produce o- _-penicillin -and sulphametihoxypyridazine
healthy young after rebreeding (85). A mother (Lederkyn). Of these, 10 gave birth to healthy in-
who gave birth to an infected infant need not fanits and 4 were in normil course of pregnancy
necessairJiy &r_ a subsequent pregnancy. How- (89). L. monocytogenes could not be isolated from
ever, she and her obstetrician should be well 87 other women with no history of repeated abor-
aware of the potential hazards. Blood for culture tion.
and serological studies and cultures from the "These publications constitute the first docu-
genital tract should be made at frequent inter- mensted, actual association of L. monocytogenes
vals. The laboratory staff should be well aware with habitual abortion in women. More recently,
of the possible difficulties of isolating the bac- Oehlschlager (176) presented additional support
terium under these circumstances. Appropriate for this concept. His patient suffered two mis-
therapy, tetracycline antibiotics, shoulcfbie)iti- carriages followed by premature delivery of an
ated immediately if there is sudden rise in titer, infant that died 53 hr after birth with confirmed
or mnarke c1iange in the blood co, or listeric septicemia. Four months later the patient
iftulturevea1 the bacterium, or if, even in was again pregnant and still harbored L. mono-
their absence, the patient develops flu-like symp- cytogenes in her vagina. She was treated with
toms. With proper_precautionstipnacy, oxytetracycine vaginal suppositories and pHiso-
ina-lmZost a ne- od terminate- suc- Hex douches and gave birth to an apparently
ce.ssfully. egardless of the condition of the infant normal full-term infant.
atbirth, it should be observed closely for aTfast These publications not only confirm suspicion
the rst year for anysign suggestive of early that has been held for 6 years but also re-em-
mggingipis. phasize the value of prompt diagnosis and proper
Poisible role in habitual abortion. The idea therapy. They also have stimulated a number of
that E. Jiorigerieism ightbbe'associated with investigations to strengthen the validity of ap-
cases of so-called "habitual abortion" is not new. parent association of L. monocytogenes with
As early as 1955, G(ray et al.F( produced such a habitual abortion. However, there has been in-
sufficient time for significant data to accumulate. abortions originated from rural or urban areas, or
Norys (172) cited a case typical of those that w-hether they were concentraEffe&'within'a limited
lend intriguing circumstantial support and invite area where listeric infection might be endemic.
continuing speculation of the role of L. mono- However, if, for the moment, it is assumed-thiat
cytogenes in some cases of habitual abortion. Her these data are typical for all areas, they imply that
patient had a history of sterility dating back to approximately 70 % of all women with histories of
1953. Surgical intervention for salpingitis resulted repeated abortion may suffer from inapparent
in conception which terminated in stillbirth in listeric infection. If further extended to include the
1956. In mid-1958, she was threatened with abor- 87 controls with no history of repeated abortion
tion during the fourth month of pregnancy. She and from whom L. monocytogenes could not be
had a titer against L. monocytogenes type 1 0 isolated with the same culture techniques, it
antigen of 1:400 and 1: 200 against H antigen. In would indicate that at least 20% of all women
spite of treatment with sulfa drugs (Supronal) harbor the bacterium in their genital tract. If true,
and penicillin, she delivered stillborn identical it is almost certain, especially in view of the ex-
twins 3 months prematurely. Both showed non- treme susceptibility of the uterine contents to
specific enterocolitis and peritonitis. Although listeric infection under exprimental conditions
there were no gross or microscopic lesions char- (84, 95, 159, 198), that perinatal listeric infections
acteristic of listeric infection and the bacterium would be much higher than available information
could not be isolated, the author attributed fetal indicates. If the suggestion that a relatively high
damage to low-grade listeric infection during the percentage of children with retarded mental de-
fourth gestation month. Numerous similar cases velopment may have suffered inapparent listeric
could be recited. infection in the prenatal period can be accepted
It is striking, although not satisfactorily ex- as valid (144), and if most infants who develop
plained-4het-fmny- mothers who gave birth to listeric meningitis during the first few weeks of life
either mted ints or those who developed are actually infected prenatally as a result of un-
listeric meningi is in the neonatal period have detected infection in the mother, it is quite possi-
hvisresofpreVious nonviablie pregnancies. Just ble that more women harbor the bacterium in
to be perverse, it could be argued that women their genital tracts, especially during pregnancy,
with vague, nonspecific, chronic disorders of the than has been suspected. Although L. monocyto-
reproductive tract which lead to repeated non- genes has been isolated occasionally from the
productive pregnancies are merely more suscep- genital tracts of apparently normal animals (85,
tibe to listeric infection and that the bacterium is 214), only two such isolations are known from
not actually an instigator at all in these cases but apparently normal women: one from the cervix
rather an unwitting accomplice. Nevertheless, (89), the other from urine of a pregnant woman
these observations make it imperative that a con- (89). The true picture cannot be revealed until
scientious effort be made to confirm or deny this more concentrated effort is made by both the
tantalizing suspicion. medical profession and the medical bacteriologist
Potel (89, 211, 223), who has studied more pa- to determine what the actual incidence may be.
tients with perinatal listeric infection than any The large number of case histories which have
other investigator, has continually and consist- accumulated during recent years, unfortunately,
ently opposed the view that the bacterium may sheds little light on the possible mode of infection
cause repeated abortion. He still holds to the of the mother. Laboratory studies on pregnant
opinion. It will be interesting to see whether he or animals suggest the oral route to be the most
his colleagues are correct. In the meantime, it probable portal (84, 95, 159, 198). This concept
would be unwise to draw general conclusions iaaljqo supported by circumstantial evidence from
from the reports of habitual abortion due to L. Europe. In many of the early ca6ses reported from
monocytogenes. Although Rabinovitz et al. (213) EastYJermany, the mothers werefrom rural areas
and Rappaport et I74Jo1iseIv&1 a relatively
large number ofpaitienits, the study was confined an,d gave histories of drinking raw' milk (1, 136,
reF i1wiallg
r a al area where the 211, 223, 235). In one instance, Potel (223) iso-
geenera distribution of L. monocytogenes has re- lated L. monocytoge-ne-s i-Wfa-' 'ow with
cive Sttfdy It7tas fieen isolated from atypical mastitis. A woman whto'h dr'ank raw milk
a~rnals in Israel 'onise-veral''occasions (214), and from this cow gave birth to lborn, premature
there is-a report of a small but almost epidemic- twins and L. monocytogenes, of the same serotype
like &if& anulig i;ve rnst' the Central as that iso6lded from the tnilk,was iSolated from
EmeZ'-HOV-ital Atula (149). It was not stated each. The report remains the only established
wWtTier tF hist orie o ted epidemiological link actually implicating raw
milk, or any other food, as possible source of in- tious mononucleosis, confirming the words of
fection. Solomon- "There is nothing new under the sun."
The frequent occurrence of mild respiratory- The first description of infectious mononucleosis,
tract dist'ress shorfly before parturiti'on strongly a complex characterized by sore throat, inter-
sugges-ts that 'the mother may be infected by this mittent fever, swollen lymph nodes and spleen,
route. high percentage of "peculiar" lymphocytes in the
Since the bacterium may persist for relatively circulating blood, and high titer of sheep erythro-
long jirl6dssmtfiie genital tract, it could consti- cyte agglutinins (heterophile antibody detectable
tute'a source of infection for the next pregnancy. by Paul-Bunnell test) in the serum, is generally
It' also suggests the possibility of a venereal mode ascribed to Pfeiffer in 1889, but, as might be ex-
oT franisismission, particularly among those in- pected, Morozkin and Lebedeva (160) claim that
dulging in promiscuous relations. This is sup- it was first reported by Filatov in 1885. But history
ported by Wenkeych (282), who isolated L. does not solve current problems; it only gives a
monocytogenes'fronrthe urethral exudate of five better insight into them. The pres nt task is to
mJen with_gonorrhea who had shared a common clarify the problem.
sex paItner.In at least one instance, L. monocy- In 1951, Girard and Murray (73) made a valiant
togenes has e-eni isolated ftrom the semen of a attempt at least to review, if not to solve, this
husband whose wife was known to harbor the problem. Their effort remains one of the most
bacterium in her genital tract (89). If more such comprehensive; during the intervening years,
specimens from both partners were cultured in a little definite information or convincing clues
laboratory alert to the possible presence of the have been added to this tantalizing subject. Girard
bacterium, and with employment of correct iso- and Murray concluded, as did Stanley (1WT`e-
lation techniques, the incidence might be found to fore them, t'hat there mai-y be three forms of in-
be fairly high. However, as in all other forms of feciOqucihidb6iicleosis: (i) Paul-Bunnell and L.
listeric infection, there is little information of real monocytogenes autinaQn test, 'ti6 poitive;
epidemiological significance. It is fortunate that (ii) a-uT-uiiineTl positive, L. monocytogenes nega-
L. monocytogenes has never been isolated from a tive, anIiiboth tests negative. Group 1 would
stork, or surely this poor bird would be blamed indiate iectio ih.L. mooytogenes while 2
not only for his big bill but also for transmitting and 3 would indicate viral etiology. The grouping
the bacterium to newborn infants. is based on serological evidence and may be an
oversimplification of the problem, especially re-
Infectious Mononucleosis garding group 3. Many patients with infectious
Infectious mononucleosis, or glandular fever mononucleosis-like compTex-due to L. monocyto-
as it is sometimes called, was the first disorder in genes have failed to 'dSeiovael b6die s'against
man with which L. monocytogenes was associated. the bacterium;Ifthteacterium were not isolated
Unfortunately, the relationship has not been ap- fr6hihese caseX y i7ouldpass undetected in
preciably clarified since the day in 1929 when such scheme. Also S nieyieIred a titer of
Nyfeldt (174) first suggested the association. As 1:16 against 1. monocytogenes as significant.
mentioned in Retrospect, the suggestion was With today's khnoWledgie, lif6ers of this value are
scoffed, lauded, doubted, accepted, almost disregarded, essentially' negating the ''entire
abandoned, intensively pursued, but never really scheme.
resolved. True to its characteristics, L. monocyto- Superficially, there appear to be at least two
genes either effectively evades the investigator's causes of infectious mononucleosis: virus(es) and
probe or only grudgingly gives an occasional in- L. monocytogenes. The two (or more) agents
sight into its ways. In its relationship to infectious seem to produce identical clinical pictures, and
mononucleosis, the microbe has been particularly can be distinguished only if L. monocytogenes
evasive. All efforts to brush the haze aside, can be isolated. I the USA, only three cases of
sharpen the focus, and produce a clear under- mononucleosi§i _ss togenes
standing have ended in frustration. Just when the are'known (89). In Germany,a bach aniScha-
image appeared to clear, new evidence popped it binski (223, 271) reported'a'n'6otbreak which in-
out of focus again. This frustration has continued volved 58 student nurses, and L. monocytogenes
for 34 years, and the true story is not yet revealed. was i'sori8TF6-Tpharig ewabs of three.

Although Nyfeldt (174) is rightfully credited Many of the others had high serum titers-some
for first associating L. monocytogenes with infec- aI1S6 agan L; monocyogees while the
tious mononucleosis, Coon and Thewlis in 1922 Pakul-Bunnell' test was nesizJs -in such
and Baldridge et al. in 1926 isolated gram-positive an instance, it might be concluded that all were
rods from lymph nodes of patients with infec- in-fected with the' bacterium. Most other investi-
gators have not had such consistent results. 2lain the absence of heterophile antibodies in
Mbror72enbedeva "(IO) 'Taifmed f6e-iso- some patients from which L. mon-ocytogenes ha-s-
lation of L. monocytogenes from an undisclosed been-isolated. Could it be that i-n s6mestili un-
number of 158 patients with infectious mononu- explained- manner the bacterium interferes with
cleosis. However, when some of these cultures heterophile antibody production? As far as is
were later studied by Shlygina (241) not one known, the interference has never been investi-
proved to be the suspected bacterium. It is not gated, but it might well be worth a try by an in-
known whether this episode has dislodged some quisitive investigator. Nevertheless, it might
of the other Russian investigators (93, 94) from merely mean that the patient had an infectious
their belief that infecious mononucleosis is "one mononucleosis-like disorder but not true infec-
of the mcst typical forms of listeriosis" (93). tious mononucleosis.
Inec "listeric ticus This concept is further supported by the failure
mononucleosis" is somewhat of a paradox. The of most,tients witi.confiured listeric infections
bad&iirnumis 1ff96ci&&tedw`th'either acute, todevelop circulating monocytosis and the bac-
grave disease pt:Qcqsses or relatively benign, al- terium's inability to produce heterophile anti-
most inappa,ren,tinftion, neither of which simu- body. Both of these facts are well documented:
late true infectious mononucleosis. Few have at- the former by survey of published reports (136),
tempted to explain ihis- point; most merely ac- thjeiJL ezby numerous studies showing that ab-
cept it. Krepler and Flamm (136) ventured an sorption of serum with L. monocytogenes has no
intriguing iown.
on.-M-a iaknWtiTt a sus- effEton its heterophile antibody titer and ab-
tai ncyt e s the rate and quan- sorption with sheep red cells has no effect on L.
tity of antibody production (74, 254); if listeric monocytogenes-titer (73, 136, 235), Also, in spite
s s or is superim- of numerous attempts, there is presently no evi-
pQ__o iiifectious mononucleosis of viral origin, dence that L. monocytogenes alone produces
antibody production against L. monocytogenes heterophile antibody (73, 136, 235). For these
should be enhanced, thus preventing serious reasons, it seems unlikely that L. monocytogenes
listeric nfeciioi7hourh the did not mention is capable of produQipg true infectious mononu-
it, the increase anti ody mih eplain the in- cleosis.
f~ii~i~uL.oLtbe bacterium from such Tiiuither evidence against L. monocytogenes as
cases. However, the concept is partly based on the thetioljaL agent of infectious mononucleosis
unfounded assumption that the patient developed has been the isolation of the bacterium from not
antibody against L. monocytogenes. However, it only the blood but als6 the spinal fluid of patients
is contradicted by a majority of the cases, as has showing symptom-s suggestiv Todesisea{. It
been repeated an almost monotonous number of strongly implies that the patients w'ere actuially
times. It is doubtful that antibody roduction or experiencing lw-grade, earflyforms of tisteric
activitytplaya si ljnt role. riieilii-giiis with associated bacteremia and in-
A second and justifiable assumption is that volvement of some lymphatic tissue, rather than
primary infection was of viral origin and L. true infectious moionuciO osis.
monocytogenes just happened to be there. In de- The preponderance of evidence indicates that
fense, Krepler and Flamm (136) cite Jorke (117) L. monocytogenes may 6be-associated with but
who, incidentally, gave an excellent review of the never the primary cause of true inTectious mono-
subject, and likened the relationship of L. mono- nucleosis. Listertic-infection may beisuperimposed
cytogenes to infectious mononucleosis as ". . wie on infectious mononucleosis msame
der Influenza-Bacillus (B. hamophilus Pfeiffer) bei manner that the infection may be superimposed
der Grippe." It is perhaps the correct explana- on neoppastic disases,- diab66etes~,or other dis-
tion, and has been supported to a degree by orders with which it has been associated is
Urbach and Schabinski (271). s~5ecnc ry hection. It -istrue mt<.nonocyto-
The acmunulating evidene ta many -ap- genes may produ ceisnirmscosl imltn
parentl normal individuals harbor L. monocyto- infectious mononucleis and characterized by
and t at L. moncy es is often asso- fever, sore throat, and enlarge& regional lymph
ciated with some other disorder makes the con- nodes with or without involvement--of the cenital
c- .i- highly probable nervous system. However, this en_ yjs not to be
that whenever L. monocytogenes is associated confused with classical infectious mononucleosis.
with infectious mononucleosis it is never the
mary age npays n6 significant role in the Septicemia
cliical picture. At presenit, this theory appears to The characteristic clinical and pathological
be the niost logical explanation. This concept history of listeric septicemia of newborn infants
satfsfies alt the req-uirements but'oee Wow ex- has been described under Perinatal Infection. In
adults, septicemia is most commonly detected in order. Some patients expire quickly while others
pregnant subjects in which it may lead to infec- appear to recover from the inectioor- IyXo-die
tion of the fetus, or with those with disorders due sh0ffWy--ereater due to the primary cause(s) or
to other primary causes. It is highly probably that ftuWrher complications thereof. Alth-ough the pa-i
low-grade septicemia, or,'mo're precisely, bac- tients may have extensive lesions, at'pbstmortem
terelro, is more prevalent than generally sus- they are seldom those characteristic for listeric
pected and may pass undetected since, in non- septicemia. Considerably more study is necessary
pregnant subjects, it appears to be of no serious before the true role of L. monocytogenes in such
consequence unless complicated by other dis- cases can be determined.
orders. It is-supported by the isolation oFL. The fact that listeric infection often occurs in
monocytogenes from a number of clinically well patients ahlready debIiitateVhy serious' illness
iridividuals. Uncomplicated cases rarely develop lends strong support to the contention that many
into an acute fatal disease, unless it leads to incTiv1duals harbor L. monocytogenes and that its
meningitis. piresence is manifested only when the body de-
Uncomplicated primary listeric septicemia in feniTses are lowered. Smeie patients had been dis-
adults is rare, so rare, in fact, that it is difficult abfed or hospitalized- for relatively long periods
todesTibe. There are no clinical symptoms which prior to onset of the septicemia, and it seemed
distinguish thNs'i yie' of septicemia from that of unlikely that they would have een exposed to
oterioT6gies.' A diagnosis can be confirmed the b-acterium by environmental contact. The
only by isolation of L. monocytogenes. Usually lik_Iehood cannot be determined definitely until
the infection responds favorably to antibiotic there is better understanding of the epidemiology
tr6atment--and mortality is relatively low. So few and pathogenesis of all listeric infections. In the
cases have come to postmortem that it is almost meantime, it can only be stated that listeric
impossible to present an accurate pathological septicemia does occur adat it can have serlous
history. The gross and microscopic lesions simu- consequenices in pregnant subjects, those suffering
late those of septicemia i newborns. Focal from neoplastic -or other chronic, potentially
necrosis is the mo'st characteristic lesion and is terminal disorders, or it may lead to. listeric
us_aly most pronounced in- the liver and spleen. meningitis in aiparetJhyilviduals.
Sometimes such foci are found in the lungs, Peiliaps predisposing factors are an essential part
kidneys, mesenteric lymph nodes, and other of all listeric infections.
viscera. Sometimes there are other lesions:
pneumonia, enteritis, or nephritis. It is not known Other Disorders
whether they result from listeric septicemia or are L. monocytogenes has also been infrequently
distinct secondary disorders of other etiology. associated with a rather diverse variety of clinical
However, bronchopneumonia due to L. mono- entities. Most of these are not particularly serious
CYtog es-as1reW'ported in infants and adults but should be mentioned, since there is strong
(89, 157, 23'5).--A1lfftough rare, the ph-ysician and evidence that the bacterium is the primary agent
laboratory personnel should be aware of the and that the patients may develop more serious
possibility of listeric septicemia. infection, and, only if there is an awareness of
Li e rma superimposed on other dis- these disorders, can a correct diagnosis be made.
orders is less rare. It is most often associated Listeric infection should be suspected whenever
with neoplastic di'sease, diabetes, alcoholism, and gram-positive rods pu lo atients
other debilitating conditions. It often follows ad- having-the following clinical expressions.
ministration of cortisone or-,its derivatives. The Endocarditis. Endocarditis due to L. monocyto-
clinician should be alert to this hazard whenever genes h-e~n reported both in this country and
cortisone is given, particularly to elderly patients. Europe (89, 136, 235). It has no distinctive char-
It is- welLestablished that cortisone greatly en- acteristics to distinguish it from endocarditis due
hances susceptibility of TaTboratory animals to to other causes and can be diagnosed only by
lisierifcitofion (85, 170). The same maybe- x- isolation of the bacteriu-. In some instances, L.
pected for man, and listeric infection should be monocytogenesha been ilated from the blood
suspected whenever gram-positive rods are over a relatively lons
isolated from blood of patients on such a reg- deveio-- tific anti -fters. Most cases
imen. S es are Qften- higlly acute and respond well to antibotie nt and, as far as
prognosis poor. Irnfatal cases, septicemia is-ibe is ,W Tere have been no serious complica-
ultimate cause of death. tions. It is highly probable that the prevalence is
It is' difficuit to' determine what effect listeric much greater than the five presently published
septicemia has on the course of the primary dis- cases would suggest. How high might it be if all
the "contaminating diphtheroids" isolated from tion, usual disregard for "pimples," and lack of
blood cultures had been correctly identified in- awareness that it may be listeric infection.
stead of discarded? The patient of Novak (173) developed sudden
Abscesses. Both external and internal abscesses fever vomiting, and swollen glands of the face,
due - frepor'ted (89, lower jaw, and neck after ultraviolet treatment
23, 27g.U--U t;y,h.eQ,vtielderpatients for chronic inflammation of the ovaries. Shortly,
but they have also been seen in adolescents. papulous exanthema with bright red eruptions
External absc'ss'es are most frequently as'sociated ifid vesicles'developed on the skin in the swo161e
wtn the cervical lymplifocles.Th-ey-are fistulated area, and L. monocytogenes was isolated-in-pure
and con~tain bloody pus, which in sta:innedsmears culture from these lesions. The patient--had no
shoWs-many phagocytes with arge numbers of other symptoms suggestive of listeric infection
inges,ted_bacteria7ffiibscess may rupture spon- and made an uneventful recovery.
tat3eoviy orirequire-excision. Sometime_, L. Although it is well documented that many
monocytogenes can be isolated in pure culture, newborns and also some adults with listeric
but it may be mixed With other- taqera;parcu- septicemia may have skin lesions containing the
larly M. tuberculosis. Response to appropriate bacterium these are the onlyvknwJ ye,9rsin
treatment is favorable, but, in at least one in- which the principal symptom was confined to the
stance, listeric meningitis has been a sequel (235). skin. Only an alertness to this type of listeric
Internal abscesses are frequently associated infection can reveal its true prevalence.
with chronic disabling conditiQns. Most are de- Coniiyijs. Although conjunctivitis was one
tected stFctly--by chance at exploratory or post- of the earliest recorded manifestations of listeric
mortem examination and their true nature is de- infection in man as a result of Anton's (5) acci-
termined only by culture. They are most fre- dental splashing of culture into a technician's
quently found on or in the liver and spleen, oc- eye, only aTew dtWercfinfrmed cases are to be
&asioralfyin-other -viscera, and rarely in the brain found in the medical literature. Felsenfeld (60)
where they may give rise to symptoms suggestive reported listeric conjunctivitis in two poultry
ot.rbi-Th tumors. plant workers who were processing apparently.
It is obvious that the true etiology of the ab- normal chickens which harbored L. monocyto-
scesses can be determined only if the medical genes in the liver and spleen, and Beute et al. (18)
bacteriologist is aware that L. monocytogenes may isolated the bacterium from the purulent dis-
be associated with this condition. charge of the eye oThwoman wi&confirmed
Cutaneous lesions. A papular or pustular listeric meningitis. Trub and Sauer (267) made a
cutaineous erruption has been the most recent similar isolation from an infected newborn in-
syfrome-to be linked with L. monocytogenes. fant. Smeenk and Kampelmacher (244A) iso-
With exception of the report by Novak (173), the lated L. monocytogenes type 4b froua newborn
other recorded observations are almost identical, baby with puruilent conjunctivitis and the same
although they appeared independently in the serotype from the vagina of the clinically healthy
Netherlands (51), Germany (120), and the mother.
United States (189). Each involved veterinarians During 1949 and 1950 several Russian authors,
who had handled bovine fetuses infecte-with L. among them Pletneva and Stiksova (204),
.noc-ytogens.- WfthiA48-to-72 hr after exposure, Shemeleva (238), Shamesova, and Bilibin (24),
there was malaise,_headache, dizziness, -aX short reported some 50 cases in children and adults,
period of mild ever.-and the appearance on the many of whom had contacted rats and mice
hands and arms of round, red, tender papules thought to have harbored the bacterium. Un-
containing L. monocyxogenes. This change was fortunately, all diagnoses were based solely on
accompanied by slight swejig.o the axillary serological evidence and, in many instances, the
lymph nodes. After several days, some papules titer was not particularly high (1:100 to 1:200);
dev 6bp-e-iwhitepustul1rbcenters. There was rapid there was no mention of actual isolation of the
favorable -rnsprnse -to anrtibiotic or sulfa drug bacterium. These cases must be held with reserva-
therapy. In at least two instances (51, 189), the tion for several reasons: unreliability of sero-
culture isolated from the aborted material was of logical tests with L. monocytogenes; the estab-
the same serotype as that from the cutaneous lished fact that rabbits with artificially produced,
lesions. Serotype was not mentioned in the other severe conjunctivitis do not consistently produce
report. It is not known how frequently the infec- detectable antibodies, even though it is now
tion may occur among veterinarians and others known that some bacteria do invade the blood
who may contact infected material, but pass un- stream; and the conspicuous absence of similar
detected because of its benign nature, short dura- reports during the intervening 12 years a period

during which the techniques for isolating L. Wenkebach (282), no doubt, represent an analo-
monocytogenes have been vastly improved, and gous experience under natural rather than labora-
which have witnessed an almost startling increase tory conditions.
in interest in listeric infection throughout the It has been speculated that semen may some-
world. times contain L. monocytogenet.1fIfrn&t beyond
Listeric conjunctivitis in man, as in animals, is the realm of possibility. Rec"enti,,Gray (89) typed
mentioned often but seldom actually observed. two cultures: one isolated from_ the husband's
Wilen conjunctivitis is seen, it is usually asso- semen, the other from the wif_yagina. Both
ciated with'isonei&other formd of listeric infection- were serotype 1. Without attempting to guess who
rientis or encephalitis-and is usually not haif infected whom, it establishes that L. mono-
the same type of purulent -c6njuunctivitis as that cytogenes may be transmitted_by sexual contact
which results from conjunctival istillation of cul- without apparent infection of either partner.
ture, or as that sometimes seen in newborn infants However, si'nce the'mtetho&of co6Uctiffg the semen
with listeric septicemia who may have had thef' was not given, it does not necessarily prove that
eyes exposed to contaminated amniotic fluid. the bacterium was actually in the semen. It may
Usually, there is only 'slight to marked congestion have been contaminated mechanically, especially
of the. counia a4 injection of some blood if the husband had been "infected" in the manner
vessels without conspicuous involvement of the that Wenkebach's (282) patients appeared to be.
cKornea ancf l7ativety -little exudate. Also,, the Khalimbekov (127) claimed to have isolated L.
habteiumi .-aPQQ be- isolated fronmthe affected monocytogenes from semen of both naturally and
eye. It is not known what relationship the con- artificially infected sheep and goats in Azerbaijan.
iJunctivitis has to the principal disorder, the portal Also it has been isolated from the testicle of a
of entry, the direct result of bacterial invasion, or naturally infected deer in Sweden (168) and Ose-
to secondary effect of assault to the central nerv- bold and Inouye (186) isolated it from the testicles
ous system. The only established fact is that of an artificially infected rabbit and rani.'- G7ray
listeric conjunctivitis can occur; yet, available (89), and no doubt others,oai~solated it from
information indicates that it is o -fthe-most the same source from artificially infected rabbits.
lare..wniftatio.ns of listeric infection. These findings strongly suggesLi `fi1y that L.
Urethritis. Having begun' this section with the mono g ay be transtted through
head andvwith meningitis, it seems appropriate to semen, but also that the male, as well as the
conclude it at the caudate end. The 1955 publica- fkmaler-i;may shed the bacterium through the
tion of Wenkebach (282) remains the only one reproductive system. In view of what has been
recording is`iin of L. monocytogenes from lhierd dur'ing- recent years regarding the im-
the genital organs of the human male. He isolated portance of inapparent listeric infection in
the bacterium from the urethral exudate of five women, especially during pregnancy, it may be
men with gonorrhea. It is doubtful that L. mono- well to attempt to determine whether the males
cytogenes pTayed any pathogenic role in these may experience similar inapparent infections and,
cases. No mention was made of lesions or exu- in this way, play an unsuspected part in trans-
dates that would arouse suspicion that these men mission of the disease during intercourse.
had mixed infection. Also, if true as rumored, Although L. monocytogg es has been fre-
that all had shared a common_sex& partner, the quently isolated fronm uri_e, ofILwomen-who gave
most significant contribution made by the ob- birtli to infected infants, ad- patienta with other
servation is the demonstration that L. monocyto- foiiiis oflisteric infection (136, 235, 271), there is
__Z ._

genes may be transmitted by promiscuous sex little evidence that L. monacytogenes incites pri-
rel i i;olitiie iS known regarding tie mrynTh75ieition'of any part-of the urinary system.
occurrence of L. monocytogenes in the male Some infected pregnant women complain of
genital tract, any speculation relating to it must sy tm gM e_iM isy but
be based on experimental findings. According to it is iqable whether these signs indicate
Gray (84), the penis of rabbits permitted to locai eLlisteric infecioni-Te-tacterium's
copulate with does hor'lya1 travaginal in- presence in the urine of such patients is, in most
stillation of L. monocytogenes was highly con- instances, a resulfnocontamination of the bac-
taminated immediately afterward. In most in- terlumin thegenital tractX rather than-reflection
stances, the bacterium could not be isolated from OFtrue iL~rwaxy4raCt infection.
the penis 24 hr later adn(i ne%ver persisted more than Other considerations. L. monocytogenes has
6 days. There was no evidrea^e that the male be- d and
came actively infected, eithe'Tocally or generally earssfpparently healthy individuals or from
as'' a resultre. Tll7e patsientsof proce-dures. The signifi-
individuals after surwcal
TABLE 3. Mammals known to harbor Listeria uterus has been found to be highly susceptible
moliocytogenes to flisteric infection, and pregnant ia-3lr-aTory
workers -would avoid suspect material. -
Domesticated ruminants Zoo animals Since L. monocytogenes has been associated
Sheep" Chinchilla (288) with such a diversity of disorders, some investi-
Goat Marmoset (288)
Cow Paca (288) gators would make it a "whipping boy" for all
Water buffalo (153, 205) Serval (142) of man's unsolved ills. Parr (192) wondered
Leopard (106) whether it had a part in chronic hepatitis or
Domesticated monogastric Coyote (Karstad cirrhosis, and it has even been suggested that it
animals 89) may contribute to multiple sclerosis (105).
Pig Perhaps it does, but simply because L. monocyto-
Horse Feral ruminants genes is so poorly understood, and sometimes
Rabbit Deer (168, 262) behaves in such an unexpected and even unruly
Moose (6) manner, hardly seems reason to blame it for all
House pets
Dog (85, 131, 285) Feral monogastric the unexplained diseases of man and beast. If
Cat (101, 132, 168) animals properly treated by the stern discipline of con-
Squirrel (35) Rabbit scientious research, it may become properly and
Laboratory animals Gerbille (201) accurately identified as a pathogen. That day
Rabbit (164) Rhombomyc may not be far away.
Guinea pig (164) Merionc
Rat (200) Vole (11, 134,183) LISTERIC INFECTION IN MAMMALS
Vole Mouse (74)
Merion (Jessen 89)b Common rat As shown in Table 3, L. monocytogenes can
Lemming (170) Water ratd attack or be harbored by at least 37 mammalian
Ferret Muskrat (Barns species, including both domesticated and feral
89) ruminants and monogastric animals.
Fur bearing animals Raccoon (69) As mentioned in the introduction, listeric in-
Chinchilla Sablee fection has been associated with somewhat char-
Fox (75, 168) Skunk (28, 188) acteristic syndromes for the various animal
Mink (168, 255) Water shrewd
Common shrewd groups. However, it is obvious that many cases
Fox (170) of "atypical" listeric syndromes may have
passed unrecognized. Recent years have exposed
a Absence of citation indicates ample support- L. monocytogenes to be capricious and con-
ing references in 80, 223, 235, 249. sistently inconsistent.
bBalozet, L. 1956. Arch. Inst. Pasteur Algerie
34:349-354. Encephalitis in Ruminants
c Martinevskii, I. L. 1961. Zh. Mikrobiol.
Epidemiol. Immunobiol. 32(5) :85-91. Encephalitis of ruminants has been the most
d Tregubova, N. G. 1949. Veterinarya 26(1) :27- frequently recognized form of listeric infection
32. among nonhuman animals and is of great eco-
e Eremeev, M. N., and N. D. Stepanenko. 1961. nomic importance. It affects sheep, goats, cattle,
Krolikovodstvo i Zevrovodstvo, No. 4, p. 23-24. and water buffalo. In the Northern Hemisphere,
it has generally occurred from late November to
cance of such findings is not known, but they early May and has been most prevalent during
s rAhat m-an-y eathy cariers February and March. Animals of both sexes and
exist in the human population. It hints of epi- all ages may be affected, but it has been most
_~o~ WhThli -may warrant common during the first 3 years of life. Gray et
further discussion. al. (80) reported encephalitis in 1-month-old
_A16hou_giTh. monocytogenes appears to be a lambs and also in an 11-year-old cow. In the
soie ni -1; hs not taken USA, where there is a sharp distinction between
unclu& 6fbusfTh brEinnI ns beef and dairy cattle, beef cattle are more often
bpr otpryA
who may sommiiipes lapse into moments of care- affected than dairy animals. A possible explana-
lesses-Cb- tivjiinciitis has been the nly con- tion may be that these animals are generally
firmed laboratory infectjn (5). However, low- exposed to more vigorous winter environment,
gra e
Tikin k fairl common. erexe since they are usually left outside during the
89_ observed rises in antibody titer following entire year.
mild flu-like episodes in laboratory personnel Climate appears to play a rather important
w ormklng wiah The gravid role in listeric encephalitis. Gray (223) observed

an increase in the number of outbreaks 2 to 4 beef cattle slaughtered 1 year after apparent re-
days after sudden drops in temperature or heavy covery, but failed to isolate L. monocytogenes.
snow falls. Gill (70) reported that, in New Zea- Since some lactating animals with listeric en-
land, the disease was most prevalent during the cephalitis may excrete the bacterium through the
dry season and disappeared after rains. Khalim- milk for long periods, recovered dairy cattle
bekov (127), in Azerbaijan, found the highest present not only aesthetic disadvantages but also
incidence during the hot summer months. Usually genuine public health hazards.
outbreaks stopped when green grass was avail- Attention has been focused recently on a more
able. It may be significant that the disease has chronic nonfatal form of listeric encephalitis of
been observed most frequently in the temperate sheep. It usually occurred simultaneously with
zone and seldom in the tropics. In Europe, where the less acute form. Many of the animals were
there appears to be a relatively high incidence of reported to recover, but, until reliable methods
listeric infection in man, the incidence in rumi- for confirming antemortem diagnoses are de-
nants, judged by the number of published reports, vised, it cannot be determined whether such
is relatively low. Whether this situation may be sheep actually have a listeric infection. Gray and
related to the somewhat mild European winter is co-workers (89) cultured spinal fluid from some
an interesting, unanswered question. of these animals on tryptose agar, but failed to
It is difficult to determine the exact incidence isolate L. monocytogenes. The method also failed
of a sporadic, still somewhat unknown disease with animals that subsequently died from con-
such as listeric infection. In Michigan the number firmed listeric encephalitis. However, Eveleth et
of confirmed outbreaks in a single winter ranged al. (58) succeeded in isolating L. monocytogenes
from 10 to 50, depending on publicity given by inoculating embryonating chicken eggs with
through veterinary medical and farm journals and spinal fluid from a living sheep that had signs of
radio programs. Records compiled between 1954 encephalitis. It may be that wider application of
and 1958 by the Communicable Disease Center, the egg technique would result in more satisfac-
U.S. Public Health Service, revealed 2,106 cases, tory antemortem diagnostic detection. It is strik-
mostly in cattle (283). Apparently, the majority ing that, in contrast to ruminants, L. monocyto-
of these diagnoses was made on the unreliable genes can be isolated with comparative ease from
basis of clinical signs alone, and the figures must spinal fluid of man with meningitis. It may be
be taken with some reservation. With present another reflection of basic difference in disease
inadequate methods for reporting animal dis- process in these two species. Since in ruminants
eases throughout the world, it is impossible to there is a localized encephalitis with the lesions
establish the true prevalence of listeric infection. confined primarily to the medulla, there may be
The disease in sheep and goats has been ex- less opportunity for the bacterium to enter the
tremely acute, and death may occur within 4 to spinal canal than in the more disseminated
48 hr after first signs. A few animals have sur- meningitis in man. Animals with nonfatal listeric
vived for several days. Recovery has been rare infection, or which recover after therapy, may be
among sheep and goats that had definite signs of carriers for long periods, and should be elimi-
infection. Mortality ranged from 3 to 30% or nated as quickly as possible.
more. Kornilova (132) in Novosibirsk recorded Symptoms in all ruminants are similar, and
losses as high as 39 of 40 in one flock and 59 of differ only in severity. At onset, the infected
60 in another. animal usually separates itself from the rest of
In cattle, the disease has been more chronic, the herd. It appears depressed, confused, and in-
and most cows survived from 4 to 14 days after different to surroundings. Incoordination and
first signs appear. Spontaneous recovery has been torticollis follow. Often, intermittent twitching
frequently observed. and paralysis of the facial and throat muscles and
Acute outbreaks in which deaths were sudden the tongue, which usually protrudes, interfere
and a high percentage of the herd was involved with swallowing, resulting in marked salivation.
are rare. Usually no more than 8 to 1 0 % of a One or both ears may be drooped. Frank con-
herd were affected. Although some cows re- vulsions are rare. Often there is strabismus and
sponded to sulfa or antibiotic therapy, those conjunctivitis, and the animal may appear blind.
animals which recovered spontaneously often Marked nasal discharge, anorexia and tempera-
had long-lasting brain damage such as permanent ture of 108 F or more are common. In the early
torticollis, incoordination, or various degrees of stages, the animal tends to crowd into corners or
paralysis. Such animals are unsightly and unable lean against stationary objects as if unable to
to compete with the rest of the herd. Gray and stand unsupported. If the animal walks, it often
Moore (81) found alterations in the brains of six moves in a circle, always in the same direction.

However, not all infected animals circle, and the and sometimes appeared purulent, with com-
often used term "circling disease" is misleading plete disintegration of the parenchyma. There
and should be avoided. In the terminal stages, the was edema, hemorrhage, neuron degeneration,
animal falls and cannot get up without assistance. neuronophagia, and the blood vessels were con-
When it is down, there are generally rapid, deep gested, frequently containing thrombi; degenera-
abdominal breathing, involuntary, aimless run- tive changes of the endothelial lining were also
ning motions, and constant fine tremors of the observed.
head. At this stage, the animal attempts to eat, or In cattle, the perivascular cuffs have been much
at least makes chewing motions, until the moment smaller and the focal lesions usually were limited
of death. This symptom is so characteristic that to edema and small collections of microglial cells
it is almost pathognomonic. Viciousness is not and lymphocytes. Rarely were lesions as exten-
seen except occasionally in cattle. It is unlikely sive as in sheep, re-emphasizing the more chronic
that all of these signs would appear in a single nature of the disease among cattle.
animal. Many cattle are unable to swallow. L. monocytogenes was never found in the peri-
They may survive relatively long but seldom re- vascular cuffs, but could be demonstrated quite
cover. readily in the focal lesions. The bacteria occurred
Antemortem diagnosis of listeric encephalitis most frequently near the periphery of the lesion
is virtually impossible because of lack of a satis- and were either extra- or intracellular. In cattle,
factory diagnostic test(s). The hemogram usually they tended to occur singly or in small clumps,
has no marked variation from normal. Sheep may while in sheep dense plaques may be formed.
have polymorphonuclear leukocytosis. The pe- Clinical signs alone are not satisfactory as
ripheral monocytosis, often found in monogastric diagnostic criteria. Deaths subsequent to similar
animals, is not characteristic of ruminants. signs in the same herd or flock after positive
Although reported a few times, there is serious diagnosis may be presumed to be listeriosis.
doubt, based on artificial infection observations However, even this has often proved unreliable,
(179), that the monocytic response can occur in particularly in sheep flocks where encephalitis,
ruminants. It may indicate fundamental physio- enterotoxemia, and ketosis may occur simul-
logical differences in the reaction of ruminants taneously and be distinguished only at necropsy.
and monogastric animals to infection with L. In listeric encephalitis, there are no distinctive
monocytogenes. The various serological tests are lesions such as the fatty liver of ketosis and the
difficult to interpret. Many apparently normal characteristic hemorrhages of enterotoxemia.
animals have relatively high titers against L. Acetone may be found in the urine of animals
monocytogenes but their significance remains with listeric encephalitis as in ketosis.
undetermined. Today, listeric infection can be Listeric encephalitis in cattle may mimic
confirmed only by isolation and identification of rabies, poisoning, acute gastroenteritis, ketosis,
L. monocytogenes. Aujesky's disease, or viral encephalitis.
Usually there are no detectable gross lesions In areas where rabies is endemic, it is difficult
in animals that die with listeric encephalitis. to distinguish between it and listeric encephalitis
Slight clouding or pin-point grayish-white foci merely by clinical syndromes. Perhaps a decade
of the meninges may be rarely observed. There ago the late Serge Lensen of the Michigan De-
may be slight congestion of the brain, and some partment of Health, Bureau of Laboratories,
sheep brains have marked congestion. Usually, casually mentioned that sometimes mice inocu-
there is an increase in the amount of cerebral- lated with bovine brain from rabies suspects died
spinal fluid. Lesions of other viscera are rare, of bacterial septicemia. Almost jokingly Gray
but occasionally fatty liver, duodenitis, or pul- said, "Why don't you send those Listeria cul-
monary edema are seen. Focal hepatic necrosis tures to me next time?" So he did-and they
has been reported in adult sheep, but not cattle. were just that-cultures of L. monocytogenes.
Microscopic lesions have been confined pri- The episode was repeated several times but it
marily to the pons, medulla, and anterior spinal remained for March (154) to first put such ob-
cord. Both white and gray matter may be in-
volved. The primary lesions, marked perivascular servations into print. It led him to suggest that
cuffing with varying degrees of focal necrosis, ap- intracerebral inoculation of mice might be a
peared to develop in the brain substance, but better method than use of nonliving media for
may extend into the meninges. The perivascular attempting to isolate L. monocytogenes from the
cuffs consisted mainly of mononuclear cells. In bovine brain. It also alerted other laboratories
sheep and goats, the necrotic foci contained a not to discard mice which died 48 to 72 hr after
preponderance of polymorphonuclear leukocytes inoculation without culturing them. In this
chance way, many cases of listeric encephalitis ing accumulation of academic knowledge, but
have been salvaged. also to afford a better understanding of still
L. monocytogenes has been isolated from a obscure pathogenesis of all forms of listeric in-
rabies-positive bovine brain by Gray et al. (80), fection.
a feral fox brain by Avery and Byrne (10), and Another puzzler for those fascinated by
from brains of foxes suspected of having rabies pathogenicity problems is the often-made ob-
by Scholtens and Brim (229a). servation that listeric infection is more common
As early as 1941, Stenius (256) in Finland and among ruminants fed silage than among those
later Beller and Zeller (17) in Germany sug- fed other rations. Kruger (138a) reviewed the
gested, because of similarity of some signs and literature on these observations. He also reported
lesions, that there might be a relationship be- his studies on the occurrence of L. monocytogenes
tween L. monocytogenes and malignant catarrhal in different silages and its etiological significance
fever of cattle. With the exception of some in listeric infection in sheep in Eastern Germany.
Russian investigators (249), particularly Stolni- This line of study has been continued by Lehnert
kov (257), these reports received scant attention. (147a) in Eastern Germany and by Dijkstra (51a)
Stolnikov (257) eventually concluded, as had in the Netherlands. Gray (88) isolated L. mono-
Stenius (256), that these diseases are distinctly cytogenes from mice injected with aqueous ex-
different, although they can occur simultaneously tracts of oat silage and subsequently isolated the
in the same herd, and sometimes even in the same organism directly on tryptose agar from the
animal. aqueous extract. Palsson (191a) reported that
Although it is difficult to isolate the bacterium Gislason and Vigfusson in Iceland had isolated
from the living animal, it is relatively easy to L. monocytogenes from guinea pigs injected with
isolate it from the medulla oblongata of animals grass silage extracts and also directly from the
that die. L. monocytogenes has a marked tendency extracts in 1945-but unfortunately their findings
to localize in this portion of the brain. The prob- were not published. "Votheysveiki" or silage dis-
ability of successful isolation is greatly enhanced ease has been a serious problem in sheep in
if cultures are prepared from this area. With Iceland since the beginning of the century. Grass
employment of the proper method, primary silage as prepared in Iceland is often of poor
cultures from sheep and goat brains usually quality.
yield the bacterium. However, many cow brain Kruger (138a) postulated that L. monocyto-
suspensions require several weeks or even genes is widely distributed in the soil and on the
months of refrigeration before a positive culture plants in certain districts in Eastern Germany.
can be obtained. Using the maceration and re- During the fermentation in silage making, the
frigeration technique (78, 82), Gray et al. (85) pH reaches 3.8 to 4.2, which is bacteriostatic for
isolated L. monocytogenes from more than 140 L. monocytogenes. The optimal conditions for
specimens where the disease was suspected and fermentation do not exist along the sides of the
where tissue sections revealed perivascular silo nor on the top. In these areas of the silo, the
cuffing and focal necrosis characteristic of listeric pH of the silage is much higher. L. monocytogenes
encephalitis. The number of colonies that de- was isolated from poor quality silages from these
veloped from bovine brains was always small areas of the silo where pH values of the silage
compared with that of ovine or caprine brains. were from 5.7 to 8.9. Often this poor quality
This difference in colony numbers may further silage also contained abnormally high numbers of
reflect the more chronic nature of listeric en- Aerobacter, Pseudomonas, and E. coli, as well as
cephalitis in cattle than in sheep and goats. molds. Kruger believes that the feeding of spoiled
It is a striking but almost completely ignored silage is a frequent cause of listeric infection in
fact that listeric encephalitis has never been ob- sheep. Lehnert (147a) postulated that feeding of
served in lambs or calves before the rumen has silage containing L. monocytogenes to cattle and
become functional. In these animals, infection sheep produces a latent or inapparent infection
has been always manifested by septicemia similar in a large number of these animals, often ap-
to that seen in other monogastric animals. What-
ever the explanation for this may be, it reflects a proaching 100% of the animals in a herd. How-
basic physiological difference that dictates that ever, clinical signs seldom appear in cattle, and
ruminants are more susceptible to encephalitis, only a small number of sheep develop listeric
whereas monogastric animals, including rumi- encephalitis. Dijkstra (51a) in the Netherlands
nants before the rumen is functional, are more isolated L. monocytogenes from 30% of samples
susceptible to septicemia. The detection of this of silage from 140 farms on which a case of listeric
difference might be valuable not only to the grow- abortion in cattle had been reported.

Listeric Septicemia in Ruminants times, gross lesions were completely absent or

Primary listeric septicemia adult
in ruminants limited to slight swelling of the liver and spleen
has been relatively rare, at least in the USA. It is organs. few superficial hemorrhages on these
and a
most frequently reported from southeastern Lesions are histologically characterized by focal
Europe and the Soviet Union. Sheep are the most necrosis infiltration by mononuclear cells
usual victims, but it also has been observed in and somewith
feral deer in Germany (262) and Sweden (168). times infiltration with the latterleukocytes.
was so
great as
The animals had general weakness, inappetence, to give the appearance of purulent reaction.
and respiratory distress. Mortality was not as Usually, the necrotic areas were well demarcated
high as that for listeric encephalitis. At necropsy, with little involvement of the adjacent tissue. L.
there was focal necrosis, usually involving the may be seen either within or out-
liver and spleen. The bacterium could be isolated monocytogenes
most easily from these organs, or blood. The dis- side the cells and is most numerous at the pe-
ease has seldom been reported in the USA, and, riphery of the lesion. In severe cases, the entire
organ may be involved with no normal tissue
when seen, was usually in conjunction with en- remaining.
cephalitis. However, outbreaks involving several Signs among monogastric animals with listeric
hundred animals in a single flock have been ob- meningoencephalitis may be indistinguishable
served in Idaho (89). Although morbidity was from those of any other meningoencephalitis. At
high, mortality was low. Both ewes and lambs necropsy, gross lesions may be completely absent
were affected. An interesting feature of at least or there may be slight clouding
one outbreak was the development encephalitis with or without the presence ofof small
of the meninges
among some recovered animals that were put on necrosis. This group is so large (Table 3) foci that
mountain pastures. Perhaps the situation is more
seems best to subdivide it into reasonably smaller
common than generally suspected but has escaped groups. Since we have been discussing domesti-
the attention of investigators. cated food-producing animals, we may as well
Listeric Septicemia in Monogastric continue with them-even if it leads over the sty
Animals into the pig pen.
Swine. With the exception of the Soviet Union,
The above title is somewhat misleading and it where listeric infection appeared to be quite
may have been better to omit it. However, the common in pigs in some parts of Siberia (132,
septicemia form has been the most usual mani- 249), the disease is relatively rare. However, L.
festation of listeric infection in this group of monocytogenes has been known to produce
animals, although exceptions are more common septicemia, meningoencephalitis, localized in-
than among ruminants. Many monogastric ani- ternal abscesses, and poxlike skin lesions in
mals have had meningoencephalitis, with or swine. In the USA, many pigs had signs suggestive
winhout septicemia. of listeric encephalitis, but when necropsied the
In, general, signs and lesions have been similar bacterium could not be isolated. Neither did the
among the various animal groups. Death could be histological lesions resemble those typical for
sudden with no indication of previous illness, or listeric infection. The condition appears to be a
the animal may have been generally depressed form of hog cholera erroneously diagnosed
and weak with a tendency to lie quietly. This clinically as listeric infection. There are several
condition may persist for several days and be ac- reports of listeric infection and hog cholera oc-
companied by dyspnea, slobbering, nasal dis- curring simultaneously in the same animal. L.
charge, and lacrimation. Short periods of con- monocytogenes has also been isolated from pigs
vulsions have occurred, and many animals at- with swine erysipelas or swine influenza. These
tempted to eat until death. Limited blood studies mixed infections appear to be most common in
indicated monocytosis to be common. southeastern Europe.
The most consistently seen lesion at necropsy The most common form of listeric infection in
was focal hepatic necrosis. It ranged from few swine is septicemia, during the first few weeks of
pinpoint foci to almost complete studding of the life, characterized by focal hepatic necrosis. L.
organ. Occasionally, similar foci were seen in monocytogenes can be isolated from the liver.
other viscera. The mesenteric lymph nodes may Although the disease may be relatively rare in
be congested, soft, and swollen, the adrenals may pigs, the somewhat frequent isolation of the bac-
be enlarged, blood-tinged fluid containing fibrin terium from apparently normal pigs or from those
appears in peritoneal and pleural cavities, and which obviously died from some other cause,
enteritis and rarely myocardial necrosis occur. At strongly suggests that they may play an important

part in transmission of the disease or that swine pect that the incidence might prove to be much
may be important reservoirs of the bacterium. higher if the brains of all dogs showing nervous
The widespread use of pig feeds containing signs were submitted for culture of this bac-
antibiotics may be a factor in the low prevalence terium.
of the disease in the USA. The common domestic cat, despite its love for
House pets. Listeric infection does not seem to feasting on birds and small ground game which
be a serious problem among house pets, but has may harbor L. monocytogenes, and its reputation
been observed in dogs, cats, and a pet squirrel for nocturnal promiscuous adventures, should be
(35). Primary listeric infection of dogs has been sufficiently cunning to slink away from contact
reported at least six times. During a period of with the bacterium. Nevertheless, some have been
several months, Cox (41) reported isolation of L. outwitted (101, 132, 168), As indicated in Table
monocytogenes from the medulla of four dogs 3, the domestic cat's larger relatives, carefully
which showed signs suggestive of rabies. How- sheltered in zoos, have not been quite so fortu-
ever, all tests for rabies were negative. Chapman nate. The latter may have important epidemiolog-
(34) observed a dog with signs of meningitis ical implications, since it is known from labora-
which showed a monocytosis of 25 % three days tory studies that domestic cats are highly resistant
before death. Necropsy confirmed the diagnosis, to artificial infection (75). Several species of small
and the bacterium was isolated from the brain. ground game have developed listeric infection
Garlick et al. (68) reported seven cases of listeric after incarceration for use as laboratory animals
meningoencephalitis among 18 Weimaraners in (170).
a single kennel. The first dog became ill 23 days Domesticated rodents and carnivores. Table 3
after surgical removal of cartilaginous growth indicates that L. monocytogenes may attack or be
from the base of the skull. The second dog be- harbored by a number of small animals raised
came ill 5 days later, and the remainder began for food, laboratory use, or pelts. With few ex-
developing signs within the following 10 days. ceptions, infection has been manifested by
What part, if any, the surgical procedure had in septicemia. In addition to the symptoms already
inciting the outbreak, unfortunately, must re- enumerated, there may be sharp cries as if in pain.
main unknown. Also unknown is the complete Often marked diarrhea has been seen among
history of an intriguing outbreak of a distemper- affected chinchillas.
like disease among sled dogs in Labrador. Vac- At necropsy, the stomach is usually filled and
cination against distemper had little effect on the the most consistently seen lesion is focal hepatic
course of the disease in most areas. L. monocyto- necrosis. Many guinea pigs have conspicuous,
genes was isolated from some of the brains of diffuse myocardial necrosis, which is almost
several dogs sent to the Animal Diseases Re- characteristic of this species.
search Institute, Hull, Quebec. Practically no Many domestic rodents, particularly rabbits
rabbits were seen on the Labrador coast during and chinchillas, may have almost pathognomonic
that year, 1955, and those that were caught were hemorrhagic and necrotic metritis, the latter with
thin with patchy loss of hair. Sled dogs in the or without history of abortion. Usually, these
area feed on rabbits and lemmings, both of which animals are pregnant or only a few days post-
are known to harbor L. monocytogenes. At the partum. Schoop (231) reported that of 130 rabbits
same time, some Eskimos had vague infectious which died during a 14-day period, all were
mononucleosis-like symptoms and gram-positive females, and most were pregnant or post-
rods resembling L. monocytogenes were seen in parturient. Some infected animals reported by
the spinal fluid of one. However, the true signifi- Murray et al. (164) were pregnant or in the post-
cance of all this remains as silent and unknown partum period. In view of the apparent extreme
as the land in which it occurred. susceptibility of the reproductive system of the
Eveland and Griffes (91b) reported illness in gravid subject to listeric infection, it is quite
two dogs associated with a man with listeric in- possible that this system is actually the primary
fection. One dog died from convulsions of an site of active infection.
undiagnosed cause. The second dog, that regu- Although many reports have mentioned signs
larly slept with the patient, became blind. When suggestive of central nervous system disturbance,
this dog was autopsied, organisms with typical localized meningoencephalitis has seldom been
fluorescence were demonstrated in liver impres- reported. However, such involvement has been
sion smears and sections stained with L. mono- observed in rabbits, lemmings, and chinchillas.
cytogenes type I fluorescent-antibody conjugate. Signs have included torticollis, incoordination,
Although the number of reports of listeric loss of equilibrium, and rolling. These signs per-
infection of dogs is small, there is reason to sus- sist for a few days to several weeks. Traub (265)

found no detectable gross lesions at necropsy of normal lemming after administration of large
affected rabbits. Histologically, the lesions were doses of cortisone (170). Similarly, it has been
confined to the midbrain and anterior portion of suggested by both Bolin et al. (28) and Osebold
the cervical spinal cord, and were characterized et al. (188) that listeric infection may have a role
by focal necrosis and perivascular cuffing. Only in the periodic decline of skunk and racoon
occasionally were focal lesions seen in the populations.
meninges. Unfortunately, of the other authors Many feral mammals from which L. monocyto-
who mentioned nervous signs among rodents, genes has been isolated were apparently healthy
few examined the brain. Only Shalkop (239) re- carriers (11, 94, 134, 183). Most isolations were
ported small collections of round cells in the made incidental to surveys on prevalence of
brain cortex of three chinchillas. Pasteurella tularensis among ground game. L.
Outbreaks have generally been self-limiting monocytogenes actually was isolated from mice
among domestic or captive rodents, and only a inoculated with organ suspensions of the trapped
few animals are involved in an outbreak. Ex- mammals. These reports make no mention of
ceptions have been reported by Murray et al. either illness or of lesions in organs which were
(164), who observed 78 deaths among an undis- macerated and injected into mice. Only Olsuf'ev
closed number of laboratory rabbits and guinea and Emel'ianova (183) mentioned isolation of
pigs, and by Schoop (231), who recorded 130 both P. tularensis and L. monocytogenes from
deaths in 14 days in a colony of 500 rabbits due the same organ pool. The reports suggest that L.
to listeric septicemia. Chinchillas appear to be monocytogenes is rather widely distributed
most susceptible of all species. Jacotot (113) re- among small ground game and that they may
corded 51 deaths in a group of 80; Gray (89), 35 contribute to spread or perpetuation of the dis-
deaths among approximately 100 chinchillas ease in certain areas.
and complete destruction of a herd of 35 over an With known susceptibility of domesticated
1 -week period. ruminants to listeric infection, it is not surprising
Feral animals. From Table 3 and the publica- that L. monocytogenes has also been found in
tion of Gray (91c), it is apparent that L. mono- deer. However, it is a little surprising that it
cytogenes has no particular preference for should occur in septicemic rather than en-
domesticated animals over feral animals of cephalitic form. Thamm (262) isolated L. mono-
various size, species, and habits. The clinical cytogenes from a deer that died in a small damp
symptomology in naturally infected feral animals forest heavily grazed by sheep and cows. Listeric
is obscure, since most are either found dead or infection was endemic among sheep of the area.
captured in traps. When observed shortly before It is impossible to determine whether the sheep
death or capture, signs were usually weakness were infected from the deer, or whether the deer
and depression, suggesting that signs simulate merely suffered chance infection from the sheep,
those seen in domesticated animals. The report or whether there was no connection at all.
of Vallee (272) suggests that abortion may also Nilsson and Karlsson (168) reported chronic
occur among wild rabbits. Vallee isolated L. purulent orchitis and subacute fibrinopurulent
monocytogenes from the liver of a weak hare pericarditis with isolation of L. monocytogenes
which had bloody vaginal discharge. The uterus from the testicle, liver and spleen in one of two
contained a mummified fetus, or there was evi- deer. The other deer had acute purulent bron-
dence indicating that the animals had recently chopneumonia and acute septic splenitis; the
either aborted or given birth to young. bacterium was isolated from the liver and spleen.
Although the disease appears to be self-
limiting among feral animals, eating infected LISTERIC INFECTION IN FowL
carcasses by carnivorous animals or birds may L. monocytogenes has been isolated not only
constitute a mode for further spread of the bac- from a large number of mammalian species, but
terium. It has been suggested that listeric infec- also from at least 17 different avian species as
tion may be involved in the so-called lemming indicated in Table 4. Included are domestic fowl
crashes in northern Canada (170). Although ef- as well as possible house pets, zoo specimens,
forts to establish a connection have failed, it has game birds, and a predator, emphasizing that L.
been demonstrated that apparently normal lem- monocytogenes is widely distributed in nature.
mings may be carriers (170). The possibility was Listeric infection in birds has been reported
first suggested by the development of listeric in- from all continents except Africa and Antarctica.
fection in lemmings after capture, transportation, It is most common in the temperature zone of
and incarceration (170); confirmation came from both hemispheres in areas ranging from the
production of listeric septicemia in an apparently Arctic to Ceylon. In the United States, it has been
TABLE 4. Fowl known to harbor Listeria amount of pericardial fluid. In some instances,
monocytogenes* the heart may show varying numbers of well-
Chicken White grouse (Stenberg, 89)
defined grayish-white foci of necrosis ranging
Goose Partridge from pinpoint to several millimeters in diameter.
Duck Snowy owl The cardiac lesions are often erroneously con-
Turkey Crane (Stenberg, 89) sidered not only specific but also characteristic
Pigeon Whitethroat (116) for listeric infection in fowl. However, not all
Canary Lorikeet (288) birds develop this, and similar lesions are found
Parrot Dove (288) in other species, particularly artificially infected
Eagle Pheasant t guinea pigs. Focal hepatic necrosis without
Wood grouse cardiac alteration has also been frequently seen.
* Modified from Gray (86) except where indi- Sometimes similar foci occur in the spleen and
cated by other relerence. lungs. Other lesions encountered include spleno-
t Lucas, A. 1961. Bull. Offic. Intern. Epizoot. meglia, nephritis, peritomtlis, enteritis, ulcers in
55:879-887. the ileum and ceca, necrosis of the oviduct,
generalized or pulmonary edema, inflammation
reported from New York to California, and the of the air sacs, and conjunctivitis. In acute cases,
true incidence is certainly much higher than the the necrotic lesions may tend to be less marked,
nine published reports indicate. Published reports and only congestion and few small hemorrhages
suggest that the Netherlands has the highest throughout the viscera are seen.
incidence, but published reports are not a re- Infrequently predominating signs and lesions
liable measure of incidence in Sweden, for ex- have been confined to the central nervous system,
ample, where L. monocytogenes has been iso- e.g., in chickens (86), a goose (12), and a turkey
lated from chickens more than 110 times in a (86). A most conspicuous sign was marked
9-year period, yet only one report appears in the torticolls. In all instances, L. monocytogenes was
literature (168). In Norway where listeric infec- isolated from the brain. At necropsy, only geese
tion in mammals is fairly common, L. monocyto- showed myocardial necrosis. Bandaranayake
genes has been reported only once from a bird: a (12) mentioned histological changes of the brain.
canary (86). He observed marked congestion, but no foci of
As in mammals, young fowl appear to be most infiltration. These reports establish that listeric
susceptible. Outbreaks are sporadic, and mor- infection in fowl may be manifested not only by
tality may vary from a few to as much as 40 %7 of septicemia, but also meningoencephalitis, as in
the flock. There are no pathognomonic signs or mammals.
lesions. Paterson (86) reported sudden death of There is a paucity of information of histo-
adult chickens while young birds had a slow wast- pathological changes in the tissues of naturally
mg before death. In contrast, Csontos et al. (42) infected fowl. This situation may be due partially
stated that 2- to 3-week-old geese died suddenly, to the fact that L. monocytogenes has often been
often within a few hours after onset of signs. isolated rather incidentally from birds obviously
Geese 6 to 8 weeks old survived somewhat suffering from other disorders. The few existing
longer and had torticollis, spasms, and other reports are fragmentary and conflicting, and it is
nervous signs. Some naturally infected birds have impossible to reconstruct an accurate picture.
had monocytosis, but the finding is not consistent If laboratory findings can be accepted as suitable
and has little diagnostic value. Since this change substitutes, Pallaske (86) has given the best
is common among artificially infected birds, it account. His intravenously exposed chickens
may occur in birds with primary listeric infection, developed myocardial degeneration. Focal or
but not in those in which L. monocytogenes diffuse necrosis was the most consistent altera-
plays only a secondary role. tion, providing the birds lived for 5 to 7 days.
Although L. monocytogenes has been often Sometimes, the lesions were characterized by
isolated from fowls with other disorders, there edema, marked proliferation of histiocytes, and
are numerous reports of primary listeric infec- infiltration of monocytes, lymphocytes, and
tion. The disease has been most commonly mani- plasma cells. These often formed a marked
fested by septicemia, and the bacterium can be "cuff" around the capillaries and small vessels.
isolated from most of the viscera, particularly In Gram-stained sections, the bacterium was
liver or spleen and occasionally brain. The most always found at the periphery of the lesion.
conspicuous lesions are massive areas of myo- There was also early focal necrosis in the liver
cardial degeneration with marked engorgement and spleen, but lesions were not detected in the
of the cardiac vessels, pericarditis, and increased kidneys or brain. However, Traub (86) observed
low-grade purulent meningitis in a hen which LISTERIC INFECTION OF FISH
died 15 days after intravenous exposure and which Stamatin et al. (252), in Romania, isolated L.
showed signs of nervous disturbance. monocytogenes from the viscera of pond-reared
It has often been suggested that L. monocyto- rainbow trout. They had been fed meat from a
genes plays only a secondary role in disease of donkey which died of an undetermined cause.
fowl. In support, it has been associated with The fish showed listlessness interrupted by brief
salmonellosis, Newcastle disease, fowl pest, periods of agitation, inappetence, apparent
coryza, coccidiosis, worm infestations, mites, blindness, blackened integument, and bloody
enteritis, lymphomatosis, ovarian tumor, and discharge from the anus, particularly by the
lowered resistance due to inbreeding or hatching females. Mortality was about 50%. Gross lesions
of imported eggs. The bacterium also has been included generalized congestion throughout the
isolated from the spleen of apparently normal viscera, serous fluid in the pericardial sac, and
chickens (86, 168) and the intestinal tract of an gas and viscid liquid in the terminal portion of
apparently normal snowy owl shot in the Arctic the intestinal tract. Histologically, there were
region of Quebec (86). This owl may have fed on vacuolation and accumulations of hyalin ma-
lemmings, which are known to harbor L. mono- terial in the hepatic cells, infiltration of bile ducts
cytogenes (170). The blue eagle from which with lymphocytes and monocytes, distortion,
Schulze (86) isolated L. monocytogenes did not desquamation and granular degeneration of the
appear ill immediately before death. However, epithelium of the kidney tubules, hemorrhage and
it had been treated over a long period for an massive infiltration of lymphocytes and mono-
abscess of the abdominal wall. It is known that cytes, but few polymorphonuclear cells in the
L. monocytogenes may be associated with absces- intratubular spaces. The disease could be trans-
sation, which may have been the primary focus mitted to trout but not to carp by intramuscular
of infection. or intracranial inoculation.
The fact that listeric infection among fowl has The cultures isolated from these fish have been
often been complicated by some other disorder, studied by Seeliger, Murray, and Gray. Although
coupled with the relative difficulty of artificially they proved somewhat different from typical
infecting healthy birds, suggests that they possess cultures of L. monocytogenes, there appears to be
a rather high degree of natural resistance to the justification for considering them as valid mem-
disease. Segre et al. (86) failed to incite infection bers of the species. For the present, the true
in 1- to 2-week-old chicks when antimetabolites significance of this report can only be speculated.
were administered in an attempt to alter the The fish appear to have been infected by the
tricarboxylic acid cycle. The canary appears to be donkey meat, but unfortunately this can never be
the most susceptible, and has been employed established.
successfully as a laboratory animal. Fish are not the only aquatic forms of life to
As in most other forms of listeric infection, the be infected by, or at least to harbor L. monocyto-
mode of spread among birds is not known. genes. Shlygina (241) studied cultures of the bac-
Present evidence suggests that most birds be- terium isolated from crustaceans gathered in the
come infected by pecking contaminated soil, same stream from which Olsuf'ev et al. (184)
fecal material, or dead mammals. isolated the bacterium from the water. It is
Although the presence of necrotic lesions in doubtful that the crustaceans were actually in-
the oviducts of some hens with listeric infection fected. However, this report establishes that L.
suggests the possibility that eggs may contain L. monocytogenes may be carried and spread by
monocytogenes, this has never been confirmed. aquatic life.
The present widespread use of poultry feeds
containing antibiotics may have prophylactic EPIDEMIOLOGY AND PATHOGENESIS
value against listeric infection in domesticated
birds. Csontos et al. (42) gave feed containing The epidemiology of listeric infections is
"Aurofac" at the rate of 5 to 20 mg of chlortetra- poorly understood. ray (70) reviewed the litera-
cycline per kg of body weight to 360 birds during ture on this subject, an m the summary of his
a large outbreak of the disease among young paper stated: "Listeric infections in both animals
geese. Only 1.1% of these birds died, while 24% and man are more prevalent than pub1fshed re-
of 100 control birds died during the same 2-week ports ndicate. Listeric infection is not necessarily
observation period. Ever since feeding of anti- an acute higfly atal -diea-se tut may lie1mani-
biotic feeds was initiated several years ago, re- f~~~jwgae _yx i_appgrent infections
ports of the disease in poultry have become rare. which Pass undewoted in nonpregnant subjes
Hence, it seems there is no further need for a vac- b,ut lead to infection of the uterine contnt'uof
cine for poultry as once suggested by Annagiv (4). the pregnant subiect. Listeria monocytogenes may

occur in silage in sufficient numbers to produce streaking this highly diluted suspension on the
infection in ru-minants. Ticks and other vectors -surface of sheep-ZbToct-gar-to-increase- -greatly
'may ~contribute tQ dissnn of the bac- the cultural isolations of L. monocytogene from
t rium, but their importance remains undeter- feces, garden soil, and activated-sewage-sludge.
mined.lierhsyt-riM-b-exi'st a-m'o'n&human and BjseMler (27a) found L.--'monbocytogenes
amihmal poijuIaiins anld, these appear to play a in the feces of 3 61'f7 `42.1)-Thuman patients
predominant role in perpetuation and transuis- under 1 month of age wiffe-riosis, in 4 of 18
sion' of the diseas'e. -There is n'o ' evidence to sub- (22.2%) patients over 1 moiiiff age with lis-
stantiate the-claim thiat iric infectionia man teriosis, in 10 of 45 (22.2%j) household contacts
revsults primarily from direct contact with in- of listeric patients, in-6 of 620 (1.0%) gastro-
eCt a-nyi hMuiy human subjects enteritis patients, in none of 200 patients in a
may be carriers and when physical and/or physio- pediatric ward,- in 12 'of 1,040 (1'2%)' patients in
logicaf'stress undermines 'host resistaihce, active a medical and gynecological ward, but in 55 of
infe&tf6on-may resut.Hhuman'ne6onates--appearto 1,1'50 (4.8%) of symptom-free slaughterhouse
be ecte utero'asa resuIt of inap'rient in- w6re-rs' dostulates
fecqiouniAhemother." that animals may be a primary reservoir of L.
Further information on the epidemiology and monocytogenes. Larsen (144a), using Gray's cold
pathogenesis of listeric infections, the use of vac- i'ncul5atioin and oblique-lighting technique, iso-
cines and the incidence of listeric infections in lated L. monocytogenes 35 times from animals
man and animals in several countries is available and 4 times from sewage from a total of 2,940
in the papers and discussions presented at two samples tested. Animals infected were cattle
symposia. The first was held in Giessen on 27 sheep, mink, chinchilla, dog, mouse, chicken,
and 28 June 1957 (223), the second in Bozeman, starlings, and house sparrow.
Montana, on 29 to 31 August 1962 (261). In Lehnert (147a) found that listeric encephalitis
addition, Seeliger (235) has published a mono- in sheep is not an isolated infection of the brain
graph on listeriosis. A bibliography of approxi- but a generalized infection in which L. monocyto-
mately 1,550 references has been deposited as genes may be present in the liver, spleen, kidney
Document number 7549 with the ADI Auxiliary and mesenteric lymph node, nasal mucosa, and
Publications Project, Photoduplication Service, feces. Se e6.Vtel. (237a) isQlated L. monocyto-
Library of Congress, Washington, D.C. genes from the feces of a womaa.who.had aborted
With recent improvements in the techniques fou-r times, from the feces of her husband, from
for isolation of L. monocytogenes from feces, the 'gar'den 'soil, and froim activated' sewage
soil, silage and sewage sludge, information has sludge used as fertiliier on the garden. Seeliger
accumulated on the reservoirs of the organism in et al. suggested a possible listeric infecion cycle
nature together with suggestions shedding further in man: infected human feces soil contamina-
light on the epidemiology of listeric infections in tion -- soil or fecal conaination of fresh
man and animals. Sandvik and Skogsholm (227a) vegetables -÷ oral infection in human beings. In
isolated jaownocytoges from mice which had ruminants, a possible cycle might be.: infected
been injected subcut-neously with a- suspension animal -- shedding of L. monocytogenes with
of sheep feces. Dkjkstra (Sla) used mice in his the urine and feces -+ organism persisting in soil,
isolation scheme for L. monocytogenes from manure, dust, or filth -+ propagation under
silage and feces but injected the mice twice within favorable environmental conditions such as
1 week between the first and second injection. neutral or alkaline, but not well-fermented,
When the mice died, or were sacrificed, 4 to 5 silage --+ oral infection through silage.
weeks after the first injection, suspensions were Among the recent studies on the pathogenesis
made of the liver and spleen and stored at 4 C. of listeric infection, the work of Sword (259b)
From these, transfer inoculations to selective and Wilder and Sword (282a) suggests that the
bacterial media were made at regular intervals. in yjyogowthf L. monocytogenes may be
Lehnert (147a) found selective media containing en anced by the presence of elevated ues.
potassium thiocyanate useful in isolating L. Mi et reatetFe or Fe per
monocytogenes from feces, silage, and the nasalA day for 3 days hDad - te I50 of
mucosa of sheep. Bojsen-M0ller (27a) combined over 2 x 103 organisms. /. InwnQytogenes grew
prolonged storage at 4 C with the addition of more rapidly andin greater numbers iii the liver
polymyxin to the medium to isolate the bacterium and- spleens of mice treated with 'iron.-Experi-
from human feces. Seeliger et al. 2a gused mentally induced hemoljyc anemia resulted in
the simple procedureo diluting human fecal increased t l nfmce to the bciterium.
specimens 10- with phySal-salne and Stewart et al. (256a) found increase& suscepti-

bility of mice to airborne infection with L. mono- genes to local laboratories for tests of profi-
cytvogenes after continuous- exposure-to fTy--i- ciency in recognition of the bacterium.
tion deliveredaitl.ffTF&I.5-radpe-r-ihour7 8) Rabies diagnostic laboratories should be
For years Dr. Gray's iaboratory, in
alert to the fact that when inoculated mice die
within the first four postinoculation days, they
cooperation with the Communicable Disease should be cultured for L. monocytogenes.
Center of the U.S. Public Health Service, did 9) L. monocytogenes cross reacts serologically
serological typing of isolants of L. monocyto- with many other bacteria and this fact must be
genes. To gain a better understanding of the considered in the interpretation of serological
epidemiology and pathogenesis of listeric infec- tests.
tion, a questionnaire asking for the patients' 10) Listeric infection in man is far more common
clinical histories and epidemiological informa- than generally suspected. Well over 1,000 cases
tion was sent to each laboratory submitting have been confirmed bacteriologically through-
cultures for serotyping. These data on 539 bac- out the world. Listeriosis is most commonly
manifested by meningitis in infants and in per-
teriologically confirmed cases of listeric infection sons older than 40 years. In adults, listeriosis
in man in the United States which occurred in is often superimposed on some other poten-
the 30-year period between February 1933 and tially grave disorder. It may also produce inter-
February, 1963 have been published (71). The ruptions of pregnancy.
serotyping of 417 cultures showed: type 1, 137; 11) The role of L. monocytogenes in the repeated
type 3, 3; type 4a, 4; and type 4b, 273. This im- abortion complex remains controversial, but
portant work on the serological typing is being there is sufficient evidence to warrant further
continued by Joseph H. Schubert, Chief, Micro- investigation of this possibility.
biology Diagnostic Unit, Laboratory Branch, 12) L. monocytogenes may sometimes produce a
syndrome simulating infectious mononucleo-
Communicable Disease Center, Public Health sis but it is not involved in true infectious mon-
Service, Atlanta, Ga. onucleosis.
13) Listeric infection may follow administration
CONCLUDING REMARKS of cortisone or its derivatives and the physician
Many of the unsolved problems of L. mono- should be alert to this possibility.
cytogenes and listeric infection were alluded to 14) Tetracycline is the antibiotic of choice in all
in Gray's closing summary statement to the listeric infections.
Second Symposium on Listeric Infection (261): ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
1) Listeric infection is widespread in both do- This study was supported by Public Health Service
mesticated and wild animals, but few definite research grants CCO063 and CCO0140 from the Com-
figures are available on its incidence. It is not municable Disease Center, Atlanta, Ga.
known with certainty whether affected or car- The assistance of Jean Martin and Kay Stitt in the
rier animals constitute a source of infection preparation of the bibliography is gratefully ac-
for man. knowledged.
2) There appears to be need for a vaccine for
use in animals in some areas. Present evidence LITERATURE CITED
suggests that only living cultures, either viru-
lent or avirulent, produce effective immunity. 1. ALEX, R. 1955. Die approximative Haufigkeit
3) There is a definite, but still poorly under- der Listeriose-infektion in der Schwanger-
stood, relationship between silage feeding and schaft. Arch. Gynackol. 186:381-384.
listeric infection in ruminants. 2. ALEX, R. 1960. Mekoniumuntersuchungen beim
4) The epidemiology of all forms of listeric in- Neugeborenen. Geburtsh. Frauenheilk. 20:
fection remains poorly understood, but evi- 599-602.
dence is accumulating rapidly tha non-clinical 3. ANDREWS, M. F., D. F. EvELEm, AND P. K.
carriers, both animal a ost MCILWAIN. 1960. Preliminary report on the
imp-ortant part m i a ease. effect of hypoglycemia on listeriosis. Vet.
5) of the disease is not known. Med. 55(12):71-73.
Infections resulting in disturbances of the cen- 4. ANNAGEV, A. A. 1959. Listerellez kur i aktiv-
tral nervous system appear to have a different naya profilaktika evo. (Immunization of fowls
pathogenesis from those producing abortion against listeriosis). Veterinariya 36(5) :20-21.
or other disturbances of pregnancy. 5. ANTON, W. 1934. Kritisch-experimenteller Bei-
6) Although L. monocytogenes usually grows trag zur Biologie des Bakterium monocyto-
well after isolation, it is often difficult to iso- genes. Mit besonderer Berucksichtigung seiner
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