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Core Concepts List

Core Concepts in HTML

1. Headings & Paragraphs, Text Formatting

2. Images
3. List
4. Tables
5. Links & Anchor Tags
6. Form Input
7. Semantic Tags

Core Concepts in CSS

1. CSS, Inline, Internal & External CSS

2. Selectors, Class vs Ids
3. Color & Units
4. Box Model, Margin & Padding
5. CSS font & Text Shadow
6. Float & Clear
7. Display Property
8. CSS Position
9. Variables in CSS
10. Flexbox
11. Media queries
12. CSS Grid
13. Transition
14. Transform
15. Animations
Core Concepts in JavaScript

1. Variables and data type

2. String
3. If-else, scope
4. Array
5. Loops
6. Function
7. Higher order function, passing function as arguments
8. Interaction, alert prompt
9. DOM Basics
10. Manipulating HTML and CSS properties
11. Event Listeners
12. Arrow function
13. JSON, Loops, working with JSON

Core Concepts in React

1. States
2. Props
3. Lifecycle
4. User Input, Hooks
5. Routing
6. Redux

Core Concepts in NodeJS

1. REST API using Express

2. Middlewares
3. Authentication & Authorization
4. MVC Architecture
5. MongoDB & Mongoose
6. Third-Party Integration

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