Summative Test Q2

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Department of Education

Region V (Bicol)
San Agustin Integrated School
San Agustin, Libon, Albay


Name: _____________________________ Grade & Section: ___________Date:_________________

Summative Test:

I. Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Where electrons are usually found according to the atomic theory?
a. In the atomic nucleus
b. Outside the nucleus ,most of an atom’s volume is the electron cloud.
c. Outside the nucleus ,yet near it because they are attracted to protons.
d. they want to be-no particular location is more likely than any other.
2. In what region around the atomic nucleus where the electron is most likely found?
a. Frequency b. energy level c. Atomic orbital d. Atomic Emission Spectrum
3. Which show the correct order of atomic orbitals?
a. f orbital,d orbital,p orbital ,s orbital
b. p orbital, f orbital, s orbital, d orbital
c. s orbital,d orbital,f orbital, p orbital
d. s orbital, p orbital,d orbital, f orbital
4. Which explains the filling up of the orbital in the order of increasing energy?
a. Octet rule c. Pauli’s principle
b. Hunds rule d. Aufbau principle
5. Which of the following postulates explain that no two electrons can have the same set of four quantum
a.Hund’s Rule c. Dalton Atomic theory
b. Aufbau principle d. Pauli’s Exclusion Principle
6. On the basis of Rutherford’s model of an atom , which subatomic particle is present in the nucleus of an
a. proton and electrons c. proton and neutron
b. neutron and electrons d. proton only
7. The symbol “n” in the Bohr theory of atomic structure refers to
a. the energy of the electrons
b. the total energy of an atoms
c. the number of electron in an energy level.
d. the orbit in which electron is found.
8. Who proposed the probability that electrons will be found in certain locations around the nucleus of an atom?
a. Neil’s Bohr c. Ernest Rutherford
b. Erwin Schrodinger d. J. j. Thomson
9. Way in which the electrons are distributed in the different orbitals of an atom.
a. electron configuration c. Frequency
b. atomic orbital d. energy level
10. The shape of the s orbitals?
a.dumbbell shape c. cloverleaf shape
b. spherical shape d. hybrid structure
II. Identification:
Choose from the word inside the box the word/s that corresponds to the correct answer.

Orbital John Dalton

Quantum number Erwin Schrodinger
Neil’s Bohr p-orbital
Ernest Rutherford Spin quantum Number
Joseph John Thomson Aufbau Principle

__________________________1. It requires that the electrons occupy the lowest possible energy level before filling up the
___________________________2. Refers to the type of quantum number that describes how the electrons move on its axis.
____________________________3. Proposed planetary model.
_____________________________4. Proposed electron cloud model.
_____________________________5. According to him all matter is made up of tiny particles, invisible particles called atom.
_____________________________6. Proposed Plum Pudding model
_____________________________7. Proposed Nuclear model.
_____________________________8.Determine the location and arrangement of electrons in an atom
_____________________________9. Probability where electrons can be found.
_____________________________10. Refers to the dumbbell shape of an orbital with three orientation.

III. Write the electron configuration of the following elements. (Please refer on the tutorial video sent by the
teacher on your corresponding gc)
1. Hydrogen
2. Helium
3. Lithium
4. Beryllium
5. Boron
6. Carbon
7. Nitrogen
8. Oxygen
9. Flourine
10. Neon

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