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Quiz MS

1. a) Simple organisms such as unicellular organisms (Photograph 3.2) do not have a

specialised transport system. Substances needed by cells such as oxygen and nutrients
enter directly into cells via diffusion through the cell membrane. Waste products such
as carbon dioxide are also eliminated from cells to the external environment via
diffusion through the cell membrane
b) have a specialised transport system, The process of exchange of substances needed
by cells and waste products between complex organisms and the external environment
(via diffusion) occurs slowly and not comprehensively because complex organisms
have a large volume. Therefore, complex organisms need to have a specialised
transport system. Through this specialised transport system, oxygen and nutrients can
be carried to all the body cells in complex organisms and waste products can be
eliminated from all the body cells to the external environment.

2. Unicellular (amoeba , ..) Multicell (human …)

3. a i)Transport system carries substances needed by cells such as oxygen and nutrients
that are used to produce energy through cellular respiration. This energy is used for
living processes in organisms.
a ii) Transport system carries substances needed by plant cells such as mineral salts,
water and products of photosynthesis to carry out all living processes in plants.

b) Transport system eliminates toxic waste products from the cells in organisms to the
external environment. Toxic waste products that fail to be eliminated from the cells will
poison and kill the organisms

4. Transport of materials is necessary for plants or animals because due to it the nutrients and oxygen
are made available to all the parts of the body. If the transport of necessary nutrients and oxygen
does not take place in the body, the body will not be able to survive.
5. (i) arteries (ii) red blood cells • (in) capillaries (iv) heartbeat (v) urea (vi) salts (vii) urine (viii)
6. Fish , Amphibian , Mammals & reptiles
7. Similarity - Made up of a system that allows blood to continuously flow in blood vessels
through the heart which pumps blood to the whole body and back to the heart.
Difference –
a) Deoxygenated blood flows out from
the heart to the gills where gaseous
exchange occurs in the capillaries of the
gills changing deoxygenated blood to
oxygenated blood.
– Oxygenated blood flows from the heart to
the whole body, changes into deoxygenated
blood and flows back into the heart.
b) Amphibians have an incomplete double
circulatory system where blood flows
through the heart twice in one complete
cycle to the whole body.
– Amphibian’s heart has two atriums and
one ventricle.
– Deoxygenated blood flows out from the
amphibian’s heart to the lungs and skin
where gaseous exchange occurs in the
blood capillary walls in the lungs or under
the skin changing deoxygenated blood to
oxygenated blood.
– Oxygenated blood flows from the heart to
the brain and a mixture of oxygenated and
deoxygenated blood flows to all other parts
of the body except the lungs. Oxygenated
blood changes into deoxygenated blood
and flows back into the heart
c) Reptiles have an incomplete double
circulatory system where blood flows
through the heart twice in one complete
cycle to the whole body.
– Reptile’s heart has two atriums and one
ventricle with a structure which divides the
space in the ventricle into two separate
- Deoxygenated blood flows out from
the heart to the lungs where gaseous
exchange occurs in the walls of the
blood capillaries in the lungs changing
deoxygenated blood to oxygenated blood.
– Oxygenated blood flows from the heart to
the whole body except the lungs, changes
to deoxygenated blood and flows back into
the heart
d) Mammals and birds have a double
circulatory system where blood flows
through the heart twice in one complete
cycle to the whole body.
– The heart of mammals and birds have two
atriums and two ventricles.
– Deoxygenated blood flows out from
the heart to the lungs where gaseous
exchange occurs in the walls of the
blood capillaries in the lungs changing
deoxygenated blood to oxygenated blood.
– Oxygenated blood flows from the heart to
the whole body except the lungs, changes
to deoxygenated blood and flows back into
the heart.

9. A)Arteries carry blood away from the heart. This blood is rich in oxygen and nutrients.
It is brought to the cells of the body.
b)Veins carry blood from the body cells back to the heart. This blood contains waste
c)Capillaries connect arteries and veins and are very tiny. The majority of the blood
vessels in your body are capillaries


13. (a) Deoxygenated blood is carried by the blood vessel marked 2 .

(b) Aortic arc (Aorta) is the main artery which carries oxygenated blood from heart to
different parts of the body.

(c) Right atrium in the chamber of the heart receives deoxygenated blood from the

(e)Septum ,

14. Tricuspid valve Function: allow the flow of blood on in one direction from right atrium to the
right ventricle

Bicuspid valve Function: allow the flow of blood on in one direction from direction from the left
atrium into the left ventricle

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