Script For The Program

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EMCEE: Tonight, we are gathered here to celebrate the gift of life, most especially

the gift of life that He has been given to Mamita, who is celebrating her birthday

EMCEE: Good evening ladies and gents! And… welcome to the most awaited party
of the year!

EMCEE: So, without much further ado, let us put our hands together for the
entrance of our celebrant!

Our celebrant is wearing …. (Describe the theme of the event).


Once again let us welcome our start for the night, our dearest Mamita.
(Ask the celebrant to settle down/ let her seat on the celebrant’s chair)

EMCEE: To continue, for the welcome speech, let’s all welcome Zeus Joaquin.
(Isong will deliver his welcome speech)

EMCEE: For that heartwarming speech. Now let us all sing a Happy Birthday for

ALL: Birthday Song.

**Blowing of Candles
**Slicing Cake with Lola Aning and Lola Deling

EMCEE: Thank you for that sweet and candid moment Lola Aning and Lola Deling.
Let us now proceed and give the floor to Honorable Municipal Administrator,
Attorney Wenceslao Narido.
(Lolo Islaw will deliver his speech and initiate wine toasting).
EMCEE: Thank you for your beautiful words and love Lolo Islaw. let’s give it away
to Nami.
(Nami will sing a song)

EMCEE: Thank you for that wonderful song Nami. Up next is Tito Joshwell’s and
the gang!
(Tito joshwell and that gang’s Dance Number)

**JOESON will take over…

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