World History B Final Exam Review 2016 Revised

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10, 1. 12. 13, 4, 15. 16. 17. 18. 20, 21 22 23, 24, 26. 26. Revised World History Testing out Exam- Trimester B EXAM REVIEW In the Second Industrial Revolution, what led the way to new industrial frontiers? ‘The internal-combustion engine gave rise to ‘What were the two major reasons that Napoleon’s Grand Empire collapsed? ‘The factory created a new labor system in which what happened? ‘The Russians defeated Napoleon’s superior Grand Army by doing? Symbolists believed that the world was a collection of symbols that represented? Who were Marxists that rejected the revolutionary approach in favor of a more political approach? What consumer good(s) do you think the inventions of Watt, Hargreaves, and Cartwright were used to manufacture? ‘According to Karl Marx, the __, or working class, was oppressed by the middle class. This party based its theories on the work of Kar! Marx. Who were they? ‘Who developed a steam engine that could drive machinery? The alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Italy was known as the. ___ was a literary and visual arts movement that rejected romanticism, ‘The ___ was crucial to Britain's Industrial Revolution. ‘The social change brought about by the Industrial Revolution was evident in the This queen, who reigned from 1837 to 1901, reflected the British feeling of national pride. ‘The French National Assembly swore the Tennis Court Oath, which said what? ‘Why did Napoleon sell French land to the United States? According to Darwin, which idea was central to orgenic evolution? Albert Einstein’s special theory of relativity said what about the universe? ‘The Declaration of the Rights of Man and the Citizen proclaimed, Among other things, the romantics valued what traits? In his novels, Charles Dickens showed the realities of life for (who?)___ in the early part of the Industrial Age. The alliance between Great Britain, Russia, and France was known as the what? ‘The pitiful conditions created by the Industrial Revolution gave rise to what? Functionalism was the idea that WHB-\ 28, In 1791 anew Constitution was set up in France to allow “active” citizens to vote. Who were “active” citizens? 29. Which famous people were guillotined on July 28, 17947 30. Who sent the first radio waves across the Atlahtic in 1901? 33. How did Robespierre gain support to win election to the National Convention? 34. ‘Napoleon’s coup d°état overthrew the to establish his consulate. 35. ‘The outcome of the American Civil War meant that the country was? 36, ‘The term sans-culottes, meaning “without breeches,” implied that the members of this political group_ 37. Which country had a much lower standard of living during the Second Industrial Revolution? 38. In which country did the Industrial Revolution begin? 39. ‘The Committee of Public Safety was given broad powers to do what? 41, Otto von Bismarck practiced realpolitik, which was the idea that? 42, By 1840 Britain’s most valuable product was what? 43, Promotion within Napoleon’s new bureaucracy was based on? 44, Sigmund Freud devised this method by which a therapist and patient could probe deeply into the patient’s memory. What was it called? 45. Which of the follo 46. In its attempts to create a new order that reflected its belief in reason, the National Convention did what? 1 is the belief that people should be as free as possible from government restraints? 47. The formation of the Confederate States of America was sparked by what event? 48. According the principle of intervention, the great powers of Europe had the right to do what in other countries? 49. Whose discovery of radium changed the world’s view of the atom? 50, Who proposed the germ theory of disease? 1.A major goal of David Livingstone’s explorations was to find a(n)_. 2. By 1914only___and__remained free states in Africa. My public ife began in 1893 In South fica in troubled weather. My frst contact with Bish author in tht county was not of a hapoy character. discovered thal as man and as an Indian | had no rights, More correctly, | discovered tha | had no rights as @ man because | was an Indian. 3. . quoted above, began a movement based on nonviolent resistance in India. 4, The ___ were descendents of Europeans born in Latin America who lived there permanently. 5, Who established the colony of Singapore? WG-2 ul 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17. 22. 23, 24, 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31 32, 33. 34, 35. 36. Ifa colony was run by ___, local elites were removed from power and replaced with a new set of officials from the mother country. Originally sent to Africa to find David Livingstone, Henry Stanley was ‘The only free states remaining in Africa by 1914 were Lord Macaulay designed a new school system in India to Which of the following set up a nonviolent movement with the aim to force the British to aid the poor and grant independence to India?” In the Latin American colonial system, who were the mestizos? What was the “white man’s burden”? Which of the following led a movement for independence in the Philippines’? Which of the following seized power in Egypt in 1805 and established a separate Egyptian state? ‘The Boers were descendants of ‘What was the goal of the Indian National Congress? Which European country controlled the greatest area in Aftica? Which group’s slogan in China was “destroy the foreigner”? ‘After the Boxer Rebellion, a new educational system based on the Western model replaced this system. ‘The foundation for a money economy in China was created by a better system of money and banking and ‘A Chinese farmer’s life in 1800 was governed what rules? ‘The Tokyo School of Fine arts was established in 1889 to promote _. As a result of the Treaty of Nanjing, Britain was ‘Who proposed the Open Door policy for China? ‘The slogan of ___ was “destroy the foreigner.” ‘Under the reign of the young emperor Mutsubito, Japan did what? ‘The policy of __called for China to adopt Western technology while retaining their Confucian values and institutions. ‘The daimyo governed ___ after the Meiji government seized their lands. In an attempt to adjust the trade imbalance with China, Britain began doing what? ‘Who was considered to be the last emperor of China? Under the military pressure of Commodore Matthew Perry's fleet, Japan did what? Which term referred to the practice of Europeans living by their own laws while on Chinese soil? Wre-3 37. Which was an external cause of decline for the Qing Dynasty? 41, During World War I, which person did Czar Nicholas II place in charge of the art 42. Which concession did President Wilson demand at the Paris Peace Conferences? 43, What was the name of the group that conspired to assassinate Archduke Francis Ferdinand? 44, ‘The Western Front was characterized by what features? 45. The Treaty of Versailles was 46, World War I was a___, meaning that it involved complete mobilization of resources and people. 47. , the aggressive preparation for war, was growing along with nations’ armi 48, The Schlieffen Plan was 49, What caused the United States to join the Allies in fighting World War I? 50. Germany was especially unhappy with Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles because it did what? 1, Adolph Hitler wrote Mein Kampf, which means “___” during his brief stay in prison. 2. The Treaty of Locarno guaranteed what? 3. A___state is a government that aims to control the political, economic, social, intellectual, and cultural lives of its citizens. 1 4, How did Benito Mussolini gain the support of the Catholic Church? 5. The purpose of Stalin's Five Year Plans was to do what? ‘The Enabling Act allowed Hitler to establish a totalitarian state by doing what? ‘The Kristallnacht was ‘What person was responsible for setting up the Nazi secret forces? 9. To deal with runaway German inflation, an international commission created the Dawes Plan, which did what? 10. What term is used to describe a period of low economic activity and rising unemployment? 11, Fascism glorifies the state above the individual by emphasizing the need for 12, A factor in leading many Germans to accept Hitler and the Nazis was 13, What were the Nuremberg laws and what did they do? 14. Which of the dictators came to power first? Hitler, Stalin, or Mussolini 15. Which country had a different type of government from the other two? Italy, Germany, or the USSR. 16, After successfully establishing the Republic of Turkey, Kemal Atatirk did what? Whe 4 1, 18. 19, 20. 21 23, 24, 25. 26. 27 28. 29. 30. 31 32. 33, 34, 35, 36, 31 38, 39, 40. 41 42. 43, In November 1917, the ____ stated Britain’s intention to make Palestine the national home of the Jews. ‘Mohandas Gandhi protested British laws by doing what? ‘The vast companies called ___ controlled major segments of the Japanese industrial sector. Who led the People’s Liberation Army on the Long March? Chiang Kai-shek did not press for programs that would lead to a redistribution of wealth because President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Good Neighbor policy said what? I, or cultural is a more modem term for genocide, the deliberate mass murder of particular racial, po roups. ‘The Salt March was what? In the autumn of 1931, Manchuria was invaded by who? Who ordered the killing of thousands of Communists in the Shanghai Massacre? Chiang Kai-shek’s “New Life Movement” was his plan for doing what? Mao Zedong was convinced that a Chinese revolution would be driven by what group of people? An oligarchy is a government that ‘Approximately how many Jews immigrated into Palestine in 1921-25? leader Atatirk or Pahlay modernized his country’s economic system? wi ‘Atatirk and Reza Shah Pahlavi were both committed to doing what in their countries? ‘What did the Sykes-Picot agreement guarantee in the Middle East? Which U.S. president made the decision to drop the atomic bomb to end World War II? Hitler demanded, and was given, what area in northwestern Czechoslovakia? ‘Two days after Hitler’s invasion of __, Britain and France declared war on Germany. Hitler’s blitzkrieg, or “lightning war,” was On December 7, 1941, the Japanese did what? ‘What battle was the turning point of the war in the Pacific’? ‘Which person administered the Nazi Final Solution? In order to address labor shortages during the war, Japan did what? At the Tehran Conference, Stalin, Roosevelt, and Churchill decided to do what? ‘At the Potsdam Conference, Truman demanded __ throughout Eastern Burope. W-46-S 44. 45, 46. 41, 48, 49, 50. 10, 1. 12 13, Great Britain's policy of ___ toward Germany wes based on the belief that the satisfaction of reasonable demands would maintain peace in Europe, Neville Chamberlain boasted that the Munich Conference meant what to them? ‘The “Mukden incident,” which Japan used as an excuse to seize Manchuria, was what? ‘The Battle of Stalingrad was a crushing defeat for Germany because ‘The ___was the period of political tension following World War Il At the Yalta Conference, the Allies agreed to do what? ‘The slaughter of European Jews by the Nazis became known es what? 1. Which countries were members ofthe Warsaw Pact? ‘Which country did the United States and Soviet Union frst intervene in through military action? ‘The Marshall Plan was designed to do what? ‘The “Bay of Pigs” refers to what incident? In 1970 four students at what university were killed by the Ohio National Guard during an antiwar demonstration? ‘The Truman Doctrine stated that the United States would provide what to nations threatened by Communist expansion? ‘The Warsaw Pact sought to do what? ‘The Berlin Wall was builtin order to accomplish what? ‘What did Kennedy imply was the purpose for which the Berlin Wall was built? ‘What was one ofthe most serious problems facing Gorbachev's reforms? One of the European Union’s (EU) frst goals was the establishment of ‘The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) sought to do what? Voters in what province chose not to secede from the Canadian union in 1995. ‘The Russian word perestroika, used to describe the reform movement led by Mikhail Gorbachev, means what in english? ‘Throughout the 1960s and 1970s, the British government struggled to address fighting in Northern Ireland between which groups? ‘Which of the following U.S. presidents was forced to resign to avoid impeachment for his involvement in the Watergate scandal? USS. president Jimmy Carter faced a serious international crisis when 52 Americans were held hostage in what country? What group did the Bosnian government accuse of committing “ethnic cleansing” in the area of the former Yugoslavia? What significant event occurred on January 3, 19597 ‘Working-class people supported Juan Perén because he did what for the people? We-b& 21 2, 23 24, 25, 26. 21. 28, 29, 30, 31 32, 33, 34. 38, 36 31 38, 39, 40, 41 ‘The government of, ‘has been heavily influenced by drug cartels and cocaine production, ‘After what event did the United States break diplomatic relations with Cuba? Which U.S. president was in office during the Bay of Pigs invasion and the Cuban missile criss? “The term cooperative refers to wht in a country? “The first computer was created to accomplish what task? Which county staged a revolution in 1979 as prt of movement to retutn to conservative Islamic values? “The current world population is approximately ‘The book Silent Spring gave ris to «new field of science called ‘Tropical rain forests cover only 6 percent of the earth’s surface, but they support what percentage of the world’s plant ‘and animal species? Desertification is caused by what conditions? ‘The Bion Valdez was involved in an incident that did what? ‘The term “Green Revolution” refers to? In 1986 a nuclear accident in which city and country released radiation that Killed hundreds of people. Inher book silent Spring, Rachel Carson argueé that Deforestation, the clearing of forests, has been a by-product of? ‘The 1995 release of sarin gas in a Tokyo subway was an example of? “Developing countries” are characterized by what two major factors? ‘The North Americe Free Trade Agreement (NABTAA) includes what countries? ‘Which country or region's rain forest is projected to be completely deforested by 20107 Why does Bill Gates think the information superhighway is beneficial to the people of the world? ‘Which of today's media issues are directly due to population growth? we

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