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1. In the first session, I learned about Public Relation Online.

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basically. So, Online Public Relation is a practical guide to depeloving an online strategy in the
world of social media. Based on The British Institute of Public Relation, Public Relations practice;
it is planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain goodwill and mutual understanding
between the organization and its publics. PR Online or E - PR (Electronic Public Relation) Building
relations between your business and its audiences is the key to success on the internet. Then,
Online PR support the objectives of the PR in general, helping to balance long-term relationship
between an organization and target groups.
2. In the second session, I learned about Traditional PR and online PR. Traditional PR uses Press
releases and articles as their preferred formats. Then, Traditional PR Uses massive excel
spreadsheets and copies and pastes messages from Words to Gmail, Outlook or Yahoo. And, the
channel of Traditional PR is traditional media such as press, radio, television. Online PR Puts
everything in play, from the company blog to social media and multimedia content to distribute
their messages. Online PR Manages all of their activity from a CRM that integrates email and
social media. Then, it Manages influencer databases and features automatic reporting. And, the
channel of Online PR is Digital media such as blogs, social media, websites.
3. In the third session, I learned about Know Your Playground. In a material informs me to know
what the platform or tool that I use when I become a PR. Then, social media participation is
critical for PR because the viral nature of social media, and have the potential to reach a much
larger audience. Social media usage varies from one demographic to the next. So, I have to take
the time to research and understand exactly how, when and why my target audience is using
social media.
4. In the fourth session, I learned about Getting Started With 2.0 research. Research is important
before someone acts, especially for PR. Online research strategies capture the different groups
and help you listen carefully to what these consumers are saying much more quickly than
traditional research methods.
5. In session 5, I learned about reaching the wired for the better coverage. The material discuss
how PR building the good relationship with influencer. Good media relations may might be the
key to securing your next big feature story of your company. Then, give influencers what they
want such as give timely information. Timely information refers to something relevant about
brand/ company, and the information that must address immediately. Then, give accurate
information. Next, give novel information. It means give something beyond their research, and
update information that make you as one of their credible source.
6. In session 6, I learned about E - Media Relation. Media Relation is a form of communication
strategy for a professional public relations relations with keeping relations with the media.
Establishing and keeping good relations with the media is essential for public relations. Because
media is a media of publicity, where everything about a company is disseminated and media is
also a means to build a reputation.

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