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RTE Ceol refer Lucas Aerospace Power Equipment Corporation Maintenance Manual File No. 23700, Revision 6 DC Generators and Starter-Generators CAUTION ANY USE OF PARTS, MATERIALS, OR PROCESSES NOT AUTHORIZED BY LUCAS AERSOPACE POWER EQUIPMENT CORPORATION FOR MAINTENANCE OR OVERHAUL OF GENERATORS AND ‘STARTER-GENERATORS MAY AFFECT CONTINUED FLIGHTWORTHINESS OR INVALIDATE THEIR CERTIFICATION Lucas Aerospace Cd April 15, 1988 Revised February 10, 1989 toe con Lucas Aerospace [Lacne Aerospace Power Eguioment Maintenance Manual File No. 23700 LISTOF EFFECTIVE PAGES. SUBJECT PAGE DATE Tete Feb 10/89 List of Effective Pages Feb 10/69 Record of Revisions Feb 10/89 Table of Contents, Feb 10/69 Maintenance Instructions Feb 10/89 Feb 10/89 Feb 10/89 Fob 10/89 Feb 10/89 Feb 10/89 Feb 10/89 Feb 10/e9 Feb 10/69 Feb 10/89 Feb 10/69 Feb 10/89 Hig eavomransaae List of Effective Pages - Page 1 File No. 23700 February 10, 1989 pre EC LS ‘Lucas Aerospace Power Baipmant Corporation Maintenance Manual File No. 23700 RECORD OF REVISIONS REV. NO] ISSUE DATE | DATE INSERTED. BY 4 9-18-79 318-79 tsl 2 2-20-81 2-20-84 LSI 3 9-25-82 442-83 LSI 4 5-31-87, 531-87, LSI 5 15-87, 9-15-87, Ls! 6 210-89) 240-89 LUCAS Rota this record in tha font of Manual ce Chater. (On Receipt of Rvisions, invert revised pages inthe mancal and enter revision number, date inserted and inal. Record of Revisions - Page 1 File No. 23700 February 10, 1989 SECTION PANO RRoDs 2 Lucas Aerospace Lucas Aerospace Power Equipment ‘Maintenance Manual File No, 23700 TABLE OF CONTENTS mE Introduction... Description and Operation Brush Removal, Inspection, and Relnstalation . Unit Removal from the Aircraft... 0.2... bon Field Cleaning and Resistance Check... 6... ee Bench inspection... . Brush Seating and Run in is oe Installation of Units on the Aircraft. =. . ‘ Arora Performance Check. . « Packaging Generators and Starter-Generators for Storage and Shipment LIST OF ILLUSTATIONS EIQURENO. = IME 301 302 303 601 602 603 701 702 703 704 File No. 23700 iting Brush Springs. . Brush Wear Limits eee Correct Position of Brushes, Leads, and Screws. =. Cross-Section of Typical Generator and Starter Generator Brush incication of Commurator Groove Depth Cross-Section of Dampener Assembly . . . Coarse BrushSeating Set Up Brush Types Final Brush Rur-ln Set UpBy Motoring»... sss Examples of Seated and Fully Run-in Brushes Table of eoeaovennf Contents - Page 1 Fobruary 10, 1989 re LT over Equipment carparaton ‘uoas Aaron Maintenance Manual File No. 23700 Section 1 Introduction 1. General The instructions contained in this manual provide @ ‘guide for field maintenance, inspection, and brush re- Placementfor Lucas Aerospace Power Equipment Cor- poration (LAPEC) DG brush type generators and starter-generators. cAUTIO’ MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF EQUIP- MENT BY LINE MAINTENANCE PERSON- NNELIS LIMITED TO THE (TEMS DESCRIBED IN THIS MANUAL. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR PROCEDURES NOT LISTED IN ‘THIS MANUAL MUST BE PERFORMED BY ‘AN FAA AUTHORIZED ACCESSORY OVER- HAUL FACILITY, 2. Scheduled Maintenance and Brush Inspection CAUTION: DO NOT EXCEED 1000 HOURS TIME BE- TWEEN OVERHAULS (780) UNLESS SPECIFIED OTHERWISE IN THE AP- PLICABLE AIRCRAFT MAINTENANCE OR FLIGHT MANUAL. DC brush type generators and starter-generators must undergo periodic inspection between overhauls. The frequency of inspection is generally specified by the aircraft manufacturer or by an operator's field service ‘experience. If an inspection frequency is not specified, an inital sampling inspection period of 250 hours is recommended by LAPEC. ‘On some aircraft it is possible to accomplish brush removal and inspection while the unit remains mounted to the engine gearbox. Brush replacement, clearing, and a thorough inspection of the commutator, drive shaft, dampener plate, etc, can only be accomplished with the unit removed from the aircratt Section 2 Description And Operation 1. General LAPEC generators and starter-generators provide a continuous 30 VOC electrical power supply to an aircraft when driven by the engine or gearbox. Starter- generators have the additional function of acting as a Starter motor during the engine start cycle. Generators File No. 23700 | and starter-generators both function in concert with a generator control unit (CU). The GCU provides the regulation, control, and protective functions required for overall electrical system operation. 2. Generating Mode By continually adjusting the generators feid exctation, the GCU maintains a constant point of regulation (POR) voltage over varying generator operating conditions ‘This control provides for regulated output power at gen- erator terminal 8 while the ganerator or starter-gener- ator is operating in the generating mode. 3. Starter-Generator Start Cycle Operation LAPEC starter-generators are designed to operate as ether series or shunt motors during the engine start cyde. ‘A. Series Configuration This starter-generator design incorporates shunt field, interpole, and compensating windings. An additional start winding is connected in series with the armature. The start winding is connected to terminal C on the ter- ‘minal block. This terminal also serves as the input con- ection point for the engine starting power source. Compared to other starter-generators, this design provides the highest starting torque and has the highest no-load speed. B, Shunt Configuration (1) This starter-generator design incorporates shunt field, interpole, and compensating windings. itdoes not contain an additional start winding. In this design, ter- minal B on the terminal block serves as the input con- rection pointfor the engine starting power source. After the engine has started, terminal B aiso serves as the generator’s power output terminal (2) The requited starter field excitation current is sup- piled through starter-generator terminal A. The shunt field excitation current is controlled by circultry within the GCU during the engine start cycle. This circuitry, commonly refetred to as field weakening control, monitors the interpole voltage (terminals O and E) to determine the starter’s armature current. When the ar- mature current falis below a pre-set threshold (usually the full rated output current of the generator) the shunt field excitation is reduced. This reduction in shunt fieid

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