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No. ASB-B0 105-90-101

Date February 18, 1992

Subject Checking t h e brushes of s t a r t e r - g e n e r a t o r s i n accordance w i t h

S e r v i c e I n f o r m a t i o n L e t t e r 23033-1141-01 i s s u e d by Lucas

The S e r v i c e I n f o r m a t i o n L e t t e r 23033-1141-01 i s a t t a c h e d ana

torms p a r t o f t h i s ASB.


A. E f f e c t i v i t y

1. H e l i c o p t e r s A f f e c t e d : A l l B0 105 h e l i c o p t e r s S/N S1 up
t o and i n c l u d i n g S851

2. Components A f f e c t e d : S t a r t e r - G e n e r a t o r P/N 23032-022

P/N 23032-027
P/N 23032-048

3. Spare P a r t s A f f e c t e d : S t a r t e r - G e n e r a t o r P/N 23032-020

P/N 23032-022
P/N 23032-027
P/N 23032-028
P/N 23032-048
P/N 23032-049
Brushes P/N 23033-1 141, h a v i n g shunt
lead i n s u l a t i o n sleeving attached
with clips.

* former:
Messerschmitt-Bölkow-Blohm GmbH
Hel ic o p t e r D i v i s i o n

February 18, 1992 ASB-B0 105-90-101

Page 1 o f 6
(BOASB90-101 E-488-1 -1
B. Reason
The brushes of the starter-generators may have their shunt lead
insulation sleeves installed in the incorrect position, thereby creating
the possibility of a short between the brush leads and parts of the
starter-generator. Therefore, the starter-generator manufacturer has
issued Service Information Letter 23033-1141-01 in order t o .have the
clearance measured between the insulation sleeves and brush o n brushes
wi th cl ip-attached i nsulation sleevi ng.

C. Description
Remove starter-generators and inspect brushes per SIL 23033-1141-01.
Replace brushes as necessary.

D. Compliance
1 . Contrary t o the instructions contained in the Service Information
Letter, accomplishment must be within the next 100 flight-hours after
receipt of this Alert Service Bulletin, but n o later than 3 0 April,
2. Spare stock brushes and starter-generator shall be inspected prior t o
service use, and brushes replaced as necessary. In the meantime,
provide starter-generators with a suitable tag t o read as follows:
>>Accomplish ASB-B0 105-90-101 before installation at the latest<<

E. Approval
Under the authority of LBA-Approval No. I-EA2.
Date: February 4, 1992

F. Manpower Reauirement
Approx. 2 man-hours

G. Material, Cost and Availability

Required parts are available and can be ordered from Eurocopter
Deutschland, Dep. HZ42 as necessary.

H. S ~ e c i a l Tools (not applicable)

I. Mass and Moment (not applicable)

ASB-B0 105-90-101 February 18, 1992

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J. Reference
- Lucas Aerospace Service Information Letter 23033-1141-01.
- Lucas Aerospace Maintenance Manual for D C Generators and
Starter-Generators, File No. 23700.

K. Other Publications Affected

The information contained in this Alert Service Bulletin will be

incoporated in the B0 105 Maintenance Manual (MM) with one of the next

L. Electrical Load Data (not applicable)


A. Inspections Reauired (not applicable)

B. Work Procedure
1. Remove starter-generators per B0 105 MM, Chapter 61.
2. Remove brushes per Fa. Lucas Aerospace Maintenance Manual
File No. 23700.
3. If the removed brushes are already of the new type whose insulation
sleeving is not attached by clips, no further action is required.
These brushes can be reinstalled per Lucas Aerospace Maintenance
Manual, File No. 23700.
4. If the brush lead insulation sleeving is found to be attached with
cl ips, a check shall be performed per Service Information Letter
23033-1141-01 to determine whether the required clearance between
insulation sleeving and brush is present.
5. If the insulation sleeving is at a correct distance from the brush,
install brushes per Lucas Aerospace Maintenance Manual, File
Nr. 23700, and install starter-generators per B0 105 MM, Chapter 61.

. 6. If the clearance between insulation sleeving and brush does not meet
the required dimension, proceed as follows:

. a . Contrary to the instructions contained in the Service Information

Letter, it is recommended to replace affected brushes with new
ones, as experience has shown it to be difficult to reposition
insulation sleeving.
b. Install brushes per Lucas Aerospace Maintenance Manual, File
No. 23700.
C. Install starter-generators per B0 105 MM, Chapter 61.

February 18, 1992 ASB-B0 105-90-1 01

Page 3 of 6

C. Conclusions ( n o t a p p l 1 c a b l e)


3.1 P a r t s Reauired ( I f brushes a r e r e p l a c e d as a r e s u l t o f t h e

in s p e c t i o n )

No. Quant it y Nomencl a t u r e P a r t No.


1 as r e q u i r e d Brush 23033-1 141

3.2 P a r t s To Be D i s c a r d e d (not applicable)

ASB-B0 105-90-101 February 18, 1992

Page 4 o f 6
Appendlx t o ASB-B0 105-90-101 (Page 1 o f 2)

Service lnformatlon Letter 23033-1141-01

Operators uslng Patt Number 23033-1141 bnishes in Lucas Aerospace Power Equiprnent
Corporation ( W E C ) Starter-Generators have recently experienced brush failures caused by the
crimped-on insulation sleeving on the brush shunt kads interfering with the brush holder as the
brushes wear. This condition occurs with approximately 30% of wear iifetime remaining in the brush.
The failures have been found oniy in brushes where the insulation sleeving has been installedtoo
close to the brush. The insulation sleeving should be crimped onto the insulation at a distance of
0.250 to 0.375 inches from the brush A produd improvement design change has been made to the
brushes to eliminate this problem and will be incorpdrated in future lots of the 23033-1141 brush. The
new brushes will be sleeved but not crimped. However, brushes currently in spare Part inventories
may have insulation sleeving crimped onto the shum leads without the proper amount of clearance
between the sleeving and the brush. To prevent premature brush failure caused by insulation or
insulation ciip intetierence, LAPEC recomrnends that the steps prescribed in this Service lnformation
Letter be followed.


Following is a list of LAPEC starter-generatorsthat use the 23033-1141 brush.

B. Reason

To prevent premature brush failure caused by brush insulation or brush insulation clip interferingwith
the brush holder.

C. Description

This Service Information Lener provides procedures for inspecting the brushes and for modifying the
brush shunt lead insulation.

D. Compliance
LAPEC recommends that this Service Information Leiter be complied with during installation of
replacemenr brushes.

E. Approval

This Service lnformation letter has the approval oftucas Aerospace Power Equipment Corporation.

An estimated 0.05 man hour per brush is required to accomplish the procedures in this Service
lnformation Lener.

May 1,1990 Page 1 of 2

Appendi X t o ASB-B0 F35-90-101 (Page 2 o f 2 )

Service Information Letter 23033-1141-01


lnspect replacement brushes before installation according to Figure 1. iithe shunt lead insulation is
crirnped an at the inconect h t i o n , proceed with modication instructions.

B. Modification

(1) Carefulty slide crirnped clip and insulation away from the brush until a 0.250- to 0.375-inch gap is
present between the brush and the crirnped insulation (see Figure 1).

(2) After properly posiiioning the insulation, recrirnp the clip to ensure that it retains the insulation at
the correct dirnension.

6,4 mm 0.250 inch

Figure 1. Correct Posiiioning of Brush Lead lrlsulation

May 1,1990 Page 2

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