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I’ve always been deeply passionate about From a nascent stage of my scholastic journey, an

unwavering ardor for computer science from an early age. My fascination with logic began when I
was has held sway over me. This ardor was kindled during my formative years as a middle school
student taking , engrossed in science courses in mathspanning mathematics, physics, and
chemistry. In my opinion, The crucible of these disciplines forged my fascination with logic, a
foundation upon which my affinity for computer science is awas firmly laid. This discipline that
places a strong emphasis on , in my estimation, epitomizes a confluence of pragmatism,
creativity, practical abilities, and solutions to real-world issues in addition to innovative thinking. I
truly do want that. Consequently, I declared creative ideation, pragmatic proficiency, and tangible
problem-solving acumen – all oriented towards resolving tangible real-world conundrums
through innovation. This intrinsic alignment between applied creativity and inventive cogitation
profoundly resonates with me.
Thus, it was with purposeful intent that I charted my academic trajectory towards a major in
Information Security as my major at Nankai University. Now, three years intoAs I stand at the
juncture of my undergraduate career, I couldn't be happier with my decision. I am keen to pursue
my computer science studies in Hong Kong for further research.
I am certain that my former undergraduate coursework has given me the necessary
knowledge and abilities related toexpedition, a profound contentment envelopes me, validated
by the alignment between my aspirations and the trajectory I have undertaken. The profundity of
my decision is underscored by the dexterity and erudition amassed during these three years. The
academic foundation I have established, in tandem with my devotion to the realm of computer
science and information security, renders me adeptly equipped for my upcomingthe forthcoming
chapter of research studies as a studentpursuits at Nankai University with a solid.
Within the academic background. Duringenclave, my time at school, I spent
countlessvoracious appetite for knowledge found its manifestation in copious hours dedicated to
programming, accomplishing assignments in a range of programming encompassing an array of
languages including C++ and Python and continually learning more about the topic of information
security. I am proud to say that I have a. This tenacity, coupled with an unwavering commitment,
culminated in an exemplary credit score of 87.55 as– a result oftestament to my diligence and
hard work. perseverance.
My interest in computing has not been restricted to the classroom and college life. I enrolled
in the 360 Company'sHowever, my intellectual odyssey extends beyond the precincts of lecture
halls and academic rigor. The preceding summer bore witness to my engagement in the
immersive internship training program last summer. My coworkers and I replicated several well-
knownoffered by the esteemed 360 Company. Collaboratively, we deconstructed canonical
vulnerabilities, including such as SQL injection and buffer overflow. Besides, we carried out
hands-on training in, transposing theory into praxis within the company's simulatedcontrolled
environment. These allowed me to apply the knowledge I learned from class in The crucible of
this experience facilitated the assimilation of theoretical insights into the art of vulnerability
discoverydetection and exploit development. I have developed my practical skills and stoked my
interest in computer and cyber security through the internship. Additionally, collaborating with
my colleagues improved, thus honing my practical adeptness. Equally pivotal was the
collaborative synergy within the team, catalyzing an augmentation not just of my technical
proficiencyacumen, but also my capacity for fostering an evolution in communication and
collaborationinteractivity skills.
My passionThis penchant for computer science has also inspired mewas not constrained to
explore the field furtherpedagogical precincts. It found an outlet through various extracurricular
competitions. For instance, I participatedendeavors, exemplified by my participation in the
"College Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition" last year, which is well-known
among college students in China. My study ." With perspicacity, my research partner and I
selected the topicembarked on an explorative sociological trajectory, delving into "Research on
Employees' Online Sabotage Behavior—— – Antecedents, Attitudes and Changes" and conducted
sociological ." My imbrication in this research to support it. I handle all of the team'sproject
spanned programming and, data processing, which has helped me exerciseand collaborative
harmonization of insights, amplifying not only my ability to independently build programs using
aautonomous programming language and improve my skills to work with others onprowess but
also the finesse in collaborative research projectsorchestration.
In addition to my academic learning and internship, I also devoted myself toIn summation,
my trajectory from inception to this juncture has been inextricably interwoven with the tapestry
of computer science, its nuances, and its application towards concrete problem-solving. With
each milestone, my ardor has been further stoked, my resolve fortified. Beyond the precincts of
academic pursuits and professional internships, my commitment has extended to the sphere of
community engagement through volunteering and student work.leadership. In the summer of
2021, I assisted teachers to do sometook an active role in volunteer workinitiatives orchestrated
at the Youth Palace in my hometown, wherein my efforts were dedicated to supporting educators
in 2021 overvarious capacities. This endeavor not only underscored my civic responsibility but
also illuminated the summer break. During my first two years atpotential of community-driven
collaboration in augmenting the educational ecosystem.
In tandem with these endeavors, my participation in extracurricular roles within the
university framework has been instrumental in sculpting my holistic development. Over the
course of my initial two academic years, I worked as the leader of assumed leadership within the
video team inof the new media video department of the school and participated in the school's.
This role was closely intertwined with the university’s publicity work. I am sure that our efforts
were fruitful. During my tenure, the school'sinitiatives. Notably, this collaborative undertaking
yielded tangible outcomes, reflected in the exponential growth of the university's media platform
account racked up tens of thousands of followers. In addition, I spent , an empirical testament to
the potency of strategic media outreach.
Furthermore, a two years working for -year commitment to the College Student Union. I
oversaw has galvanized my leadership capabilities and collaboration prowess. During my
sophomore year, I helmed the Propaganda Department in my sophomore year, and we worked
with other, orchestrating synergistic efforts across diverse student groups on several significant,
notably culminating in orchestrating pivotal events, such as like the College Orientation Evening.
These school jobs not only exercisedundertakings have served as crucibles for refining my ability
of teamwork and leadership but also taughtadeptness, nurturing my capacity for effective
leadership, and imparting invaluable insights into the art of balancing scholastic commitments
with multifaceted responsibilities.
These multifarious experiences have coalesced to fortify my intellectual ardor for computer
science, kindling an insatiable curiosity that propels me how to balance study and work.towards
continual learning. As I contemplate the prospect of furthering my education in Hong Kong, I am
animated by an unswerving determination to amplify my academic pursuits. The prospect of a
scholastic sojourn in Hong Kong holds the promise of an enriched intellectual environment,
fostering interactions with cognate minds that I anticipate will catalyze the maturation of my
understanding and competence in the realm of computer science. I am firmly convinced that this
academic expedition of XXX programme will not only consolidate my foundational knowledge
and technical proficiencies but also incubate collaborations and partnerships that shall
reverberate beyond the academic realm, thus paving a robust path for my future vocational
All of these encounters have sparked my interest in computer science and motivated me to
learn more about it. If allowed to continue my education in Hong Kong, I am convinced that I
would put in even more effort in the classroom and produce higher results in the field of
computers. As well as gaining the requisite knowledge and skills to enter the world of computing,
I hope I shall meet more like-minded people while I’m in school. I believe that this will help me
contribute to the advancement of computer science and establish a solid platform for my future

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