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Finding and Arranging Quotes - ABEL

Thesis: Abel is a victor / villain / victim.

Example/event – explain the Quote – “………….” Page Speech, thoughts, Why does this quote support Abel as a…
situation number effect on others, (Victor, villain or victim)? What character
actions, looks, trait does this show?
values or beliefs?
p. 73 Actions Victor………………………….
EXAMPLE: “Abel put the binoculars down and This shows Abel is passionate about caring for
While Abel is doing chores with his kicked the wall…He kept an eye on the the sea… because he watches Costello closely
mum, he watches Costello fish in the bay, saw bag after bag of abalone and when he sees that Costello is overfishing he
bay. Abel is agitated and furious that hauled up and it was like being pricked is so upset that he knows he has to do
Costello is overfishing in the bay. by fish bones all over” (p. 73). something to stop him. He cannot bear to see
the bay being harmed. He feels pain to see the
marine life suffering.
Abel was watching Costello destroy " He knew when the time came, he p. 67 Thoughts Victor………………………….
the one thing he loved and cared for wouldn't do nothing. He couldn't do This shows Abel is protective of the reef and
and when the time came he had to nothing." doesn’t want anyone to destroy it and will do
stop Costello, he couldn’t stand anything to stop people who are or want to
around doing nothing. destroy the reef.(character trait) because
determined because he is determined to stop
Costello from destroying the reef.

A huge tiger shark came into the bay “If he had a gun he would of pulled p. 87 Effects on others Victor………………………….
and dragged a red buoy and had a aside and shot it in the head.” This shows Abel is a victor(character trait)
chain stuck in its jaws. It was starving because he can’t stand watching a marine
and wouldn’t survive. creature slowly dying.

Abel wants to connect to his fathers’ “Abel stopped at the peppermint tree p. 49 Values Victor………………………….
memories, and so he can connect and his mother used as a kind of shrine to This shows Abel is a victor (character trait)
not forget about his father. his father." because he is showing that he wants to have
his dad back and he wants to connect and
remember him.

Abel is a victor / villain / victim.

Example/event – explain the Quote – “………….” Page Speech, thoughts, Why does this quote support Abel as a…
situation number effect on others, (Victor, villain or victim)? What character
actions, looks, trait does this show?
values or beliefs?
Abels strong connection to his home – "This is my place. This is where I p. 49 Values Victor………………………….
longboat bay, they ocean and all the belong." This shows Abel is a victor (character trait)
marine life that thrives at longboat because he has a strong connection to the
bay. place and everything that lives there and he
doesn’t want to leave.

This quote is showing Abels belonging "Mum, I don't care about money. And I p. 70 Values Victor………………………….
to the land. love the fishing and growing stuff...This This shows Abel is victor (character trait)
is my life. I never want to leave." because he doesn’t care about money he only
cares about family and longboat bay and its
Abel has realised that not everyone "That summer he learnt that there was p. 89 Thoughts Victor………………………….
sees a reef full of beautiful marine life nothing in nature as cruel and save as a This shows Abel is a victor(character trait)
– they see it as an opportunity to greedy human being." because he realises that not everyone is nice
make a lot of money. people are greedy.

Abel has such a connection to home "Home throbbed in him like a p. 51 Values Victor………………………….
that he could feel it inside of him. headache" This shows Abel is a victor(character trait)
because he has such as strong connection to
longboat bay.

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