Sam Me Yersen Ligh Assessment

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The master whistle opened the intense red hydrants, enabling the
pups to elegantly burst through. Spark was the last pup to make it through, her
intense white and brown fer made it clear that he was a small boxer puppy
that didn’t have a human or a home. The academy was formed to teach the
power of friendship between humans and dogs. There was a heart created to
power a constellation and the academy the heart is hidden in a distinguished
dog statue outside the academy entrance.
Beeeezzzzt, beeeezzzzt, beeeezzzzt. The wolf alarm went. The whole academy
went silent until a voice appeared through the speakers.
“Everyone go to the nearest classroom” Announced D.O.G the head teacher at
the academy. Spark made it to the human behaviour’s classroom. Watching
out the window the students could see wolfs and one of their professors.
“Professor Fitz” Spark snarled.
I knew it. I was right. That sneaky professor. The thoughts circulated through
sparks head. She knew she had to do something, but the doors were locked
and the windows where closed. Spark then realised that the vents where open.
She ran over, shoved her nose in between the vent and the wall. Then the vent
exploded off its hinges, in the confusion spark raced through the vent. Twisting
and turning until she finally found the exit. Outside Spark could hear the
professor talking to the wolf. “The heart is in the statue” Professor Fitz
mumbled. Before thinking Spark exploded out of the vent and began a dash to
the shack where Morgan, the principal’s apprentice was hiding.
Spark tried to ask Morgan for help, but all Morgan could apprehend was
“WAFF WAFF”. Morgan could hear the alarming wolf howls and realised Spark
was trying to tell him something. Spark ran outside the hut with Morgan
closely trailing, Spark led Morgan to the entrance gate where Professor Fitz
and Wolf went with the heart. Together they entered the most dangerous part
of the school, the wild wood. The wild wood was the only thing protecting the
school from the human world. While they were traveling through the wild
wood, they could hear noises like creaky floor boards and could see the trees
dancing in the misty breeze. They found the professor and wolf talking about
the heart. The wolf suddenly started approaching the Professor, then in a flash
the wolf lashed out at the Professor with a millisecond to spare the Professor
turned around and accelerated for the safety of the school. Morgan and Spark
found this as an opportunity to steal the heart. They lept out of the bushes,
picked the heart up when the wolf started to laugh. Morgan and Spark where
startled and dashed for an open field. The wolf closely followed until Morgan
and Spark came to a stop, there was a cliff. The wolf had trapped them.
The heart started to glow. It made a luminous red sphere around Spark and
Morgan. The intense red light scared off wolf and allowed Spark and Morgan to
create a bond between boy and dog. “The boy and the stray will ignite a
friendship that will save the day” Morgan announced.
“Wait I can understand you” Spark replied. Morgan and Spark created a bond
between boy and stray that ignited the heart and strengthened the
Spark and Morgan used the heart to lead them back to the academy where
they placed it back in the chest of the dog statue. The constellation is now as
bright as a spotlight in the night and dogs can continue to be human best
“Now the clean-up begins” Whinged Spark

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