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College of Business Administration and Accountancy

Master in Business Administration



Background of the Study

One of the major components of globalization is the transportation sector,

which plays a very significant role in the people’s daily activities and the economy. It

serves as the backbone for the other sectors’ economic development. Fuel has been

the major source of energy through the years. Fuel prices are a cost to transportation

industries and a direct cost to the consumers. Fuel price is one of the most important

factors affecting transport cost. It comprises more than fifty percent (50%) of the total

operating cost for the transportation industry nowadays.

Our daily lives are now impossible to imagine without gasoline and diesel, the

two primary components of fuel. If fuel costs skyrocket, it will have an inevitable

impact on how we live daily. Business will be more severely impacted, particularly in

the transportation industry. It is a domino effect that, once it starts, will affect

everyone. An increase in fuel costs will raise the cost of transportation, which will

have an impact on the cost of goods. Drivers would gradually be forced to find better

term even more as prices for items arise. It can be a drag on the economy, having an

College of Business Administration and Accountancy
Master in Business Administration

influence on consumer spending as well as having ripple effects across the entire


According to James Chen (February 2022), crude oil is a raw natural

resource that is extracted from the earth and refined into products such as gasoline,

jet fuel, and other petroleum products. It is a global commodity that is traded in

markets around the world; both as spot oil and via derivatives contracts. Crude oil is

the world’s primary energy source — the backbone of transportation as well as

electricity generation, which powers almost every aspect of our lives (Lawrence

Pines, 2022).

Today, the world’s economy is largely dependent on fossil fuels such as

crude oil, and the demand for these resources often sparks political unrest as a small

number of countries control the largest reservoirs. Like any industry, supply and

demand heavily affect the prices and profitability of crude oil. The United States,

Saudi Arabia, and Russia are the leading producers of oil in the world. The

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was founded in 1960 has

been the world's largest (by volume) holder of crude oil and natural gas reserves. As

a result, the OPEC nations had a great deal of economic leverage in determining

supply and the price of oil. (James Chen, 2022).

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Master in Business Administration

(Litman, 2017) outlines transportation as the actions principally related to the

provision of changing geographical position and the relocation of people and goods.

Unquestionably, transportation is seen as a crucial aspect in the economic

development of nations (Chang, 2012). Transportation is believed to be efficient

when it facilitates spatial interface, reduces distance and also serves as a

requirement for effective economic, social and political development of a country

(Aikins and Akude, 2015).

Motorized tricycle operation is one of the most remarkable, descent and chief

means of transportation. It is also one of the major sources of livelihood for low-

income earners and unemployed people (Abichuela, 2016)

There are numerous factors that could ultimately influence the price of fuel,

such as weather, government regulations, and international relations, can influence

the price of fuel, there are four that have the most significant influence. These

factors include price of crude oil, refining expenses and profits, distribution and

marketing costs, and fuel taxes are all aspects to consider. Alternative fuels, such as

natural gas, propane, electricity, and biofuels, can help to minimize price variations

caused by short-term occurrences such as natural catastrophes by diversifying the

fuel supply; nevertheless, some alternative fuel costs are also influenced by

comparable reasons. (Capital District Clean Communities, 2013)

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Master in Business Administration

The cost of crude oil, refining costs and profits, distribution and marketing

costs and profits, and taxes are the four components of retail price of gasoline. As of

June 2022, average retail price of gasoline is $4.93. Taxes is 10%, distribution and

marketing is 8%, refining costs and profits is 27% while cost of crude oil is 55%

according to the Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Update of U.S. Energy Information


Impacts of Oil Price Hikes on The Philippine Economy

High Inflation. According to the Philippine Statistics Authority, the share of oil as a

non-renewable resource rent is 0.19% of the gross domestic product (GDP) for the

last 20 years. In addition, oil is also one of the most significant contributors to

manufacturing costs. While the consumers, are still not shouldering these costs,

producers cannot cushion them for long. As a result, these will be passed down to

the consumers, increasing the overall prices of goods and services, causing inflation.

In fact, Bloomberg predicts that a “10% rise in oil prices could add a 0.4 percentage

points” to Philippine inflation. To add, Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) governor

Benjamin Diokno also sees the high oil prices to drive inflation as high as 5.5% to

6%. This is above BSP’s expected rate, which is between 2% to 4%.

Economic Slowdown. In the long run, sustained oil price hikes can slowdown the

growth of an economy. Like an ordinary Filipino household, the Philippine economy,

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Master in Business Administration

in general, is also up for a rough ride. Production, transportation, and manufacturing

costs are also driven up by high oil prices. Furthermore, Bloomberg sees the

Philippines and India among the Asian countries taking the worst hit from the oil war


The impact of increasing oil prices on the economy and inflation rate may

have been influenced by monetary authorities. Some have argued that policymakers

during the 1970 oil shocks were blamed for failing to take inflationary consequences

into account when devising policy measures. Since the government was not going to

pay much attention to inflation, households and companies may have deduced that

oil shocks would lead to a major increase in future inflation. Core inflation and

inflation expectations have stayed contained despite the surge in headline inflation

caused by oil and commodity shocks in the 2000s because the public is more aware

of the government’s commitment to combating inflation. As a result, oil shocks no

longer have the same influence on output as they once did because the globe has

evolved. Other factors may have been at play, and the decade’s weak growth may

not have been the result of oil shocks as popularly thought. It is not always the case

that the price of crude oil influences the price of gasoline in the same way. The price

of oil is determined by supply and demand because it is a global commodity. When

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Master in Business Administration

there is a surplus of a good or service, the price falls. When demand exceeds supply,

the price of a thing rises.

In the Philippines, since January 2022, gasoline prices have risen by P7.95 a

liter, diesel by P10.20, and kerosene by P9.10. This is on top of last year’s net

increases that amounted to more than P10 a liter. The inevitable results are higher

transport fares and a rise in food prices, adding to consumer woes just as the

country’s economy is poised to recover from the pandemic. Imported oil prices are

growing as global supply remains constrained. Brent crude has jumped to

$103/barrel, while the benchmark Dubai crude is currently at $92/barrel. These

have resulted in corresponding increase in domestic pump prices with gasoline

up by P8.75/liter, diesel by P10.85/liter, and kerosene by P9.55/liter since the

start of the year. Due to the price of the gasoline the drivers from any places are

having a hard time dealing with the said issue (Cigaral, 2021).

Ironically, much of these price increases were due to the re-opening of the

world’s economies after a two-year slump due to the pandemic. This revival of

activity came with a corresponding increase in the demand for oil but

unfortunately, supply levels were still low and this exerted upward pressures on

prices. Meanwhile, the low supply could be attributed to two years of dampened

demand as countries closed their borders, restricted the mobility of its citizens

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Master in Business Administration

and imposed limitations on the operations of businesses. At one point, the price

of oil plunged to negative $40/barrel. Of course, the OPEC has already started

scaling up its production but it would take some time before we can see a

stabilization of supply. The expected disruptions due to rising tensions between

Russia and Ukraine, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries cartel's

diminishing reserves, and the low global inventory of crude and processed products

are all factors influencing global supply. Russia is one of Europe’s most important

exporters of oil and gas which produces about 10% of the world’s oil supply. Because

of Russia’s continuous incursion into Ukraine, the United States is contemplating

sanctions against that country. As a result, the worldwide market is scurrying to stock

up or locate new suppliers. The combination of high demand and limited supply

drives up the price of oil and gas. These sharp increases in fuel prices will

undoubtedly have an impact to the overall economy including businesses. Public

utility vehicle (PUV) operators and drivers, as well as private motorists have

been cringing from the almost weekly increase in pump prices (Angara, 2022).

Annual fuel imports account for more than ninety percent of the total demand

in the country. Pump prices in Manila, a huge metropolis of 13 million people, have

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Master in Business Administration

risen by 30% for gasoline and 66% for diesel, according to government data. 81.85

pesos ($1.56) per liter was the highest price for gasoline ever recorded in the country

in mid-March 2022. The net increase for the year has been adjusted to P29.50/liter

for gasoline, P44.25/liter for diesel and P39.65/liter for kerosene. Additionally, oil

companies increased the cost of diesel by P3.10 per liter and gasoline by P0.80 per

liter as of July 2022. For the Public utility vehicle operators and drivers, this

means decrease earnings, reduced their spending and perhaps cannot save

anymore since they have to pay more for fuel. The same goes for the agriculture

and fisheries sector who need fuel to fire up their equipment and boats. Once

their goods are transported to the markets, consumers will also have to pay more

because of the mark up in the unit prices due to the higher cost of fuel.

Disposable income decreases when commodity prices rise and household incomes

remain the same. Because of this, some people’s ability to purchase a wide range of

goods is limited. This domino effects have impact on the economy’s agriculture

and transport sectors at most.

Transport is a key sector in the Philippine economy, linking population and

economic centers across the islands. Any economic and social well-being depends

largely on the performance of its transportation service system. The transport

College of Business Administration and Accountancy
Master in Business Administration

business provides opportunities for the mobility of the people and goods. It also

influences patterns of growth and the level of economic activity through the

accessibility it provides to land. Transportation businesses are needed in order to

transport consumer goods from manufacturers to the wholesalers and retailers.

Without this industry, consumers would not have access to the food and other goods

that they need. Modes of land transportation in the Philippines are taxi, pedicab, bus,

jeepneys, tricycle or trike, and other public utility vehicle and private vehicle. Though,

tricycle is the main mode of transportation in the urban areas and is normally used for

short-distance travel. It can ferry from 2 to about 7 people. Tricycles are not just a

common form of transportation for millions of Filipinos, but it is also a source of

revenue. They have little access to formal financial services and rely on a tiny daily

income from a community-based transportation company to make ends meet.

Transporting customers from their homes to markets, schools, churches, offices, and

other locations is the main source of income for tricycle drivers and their families.

However, one of the most severely impacted sectors of our nation's economy as a

result of the pandemic is the tricycle industry. It becomes much more challenging

because of the rising cost of gasoline in the Philippines and the fact that gasoline is

typically used as an engine fuel in the vehicles used by tricycle drivers.

College of Business Administration and Accountancy
Master in Business Administration

To have a brief overview of the City of Tabuk, we included some excerpts of

the description of the city. T a b u k C i t y i s p o l i t i c a l l y s u b d i v i d e d i n t o

f o r t y - t h r e e b a r a n g a y s . Aside from being the capital of Kalinga, Tabuk is also

the chief trading center of the province. However, its economy is primarily agricultural

where rice, corn, coffee, vegetables, livestock, and poultry are produced. Being a

landlocked locality with no airport, Tabuk is accessible only by land transportation.

According to the Business Permit and Licensing Office (BPLO) who is responsible in

processing of business applications both new and renewal, as of 2022 there were

9,450 registered tricycle or trike operators and drivers in Tabuk City, where as 603

only renewed their permit to operate as of June 2022 but some who did not renew

still operates.

Thus, this research intends to gain a better understanding on the implications

to the tricycle drivers and operators in Tabuk City since fuel price increases. To

determine also the coping mechanism adopted by the respondents and to see if

there is a significant difference on the respondent’s socio-demographic profile and

the implications to the tricycle drivers and operators. The results of this study could

be useful to the drivers and operators whether public utility vehicle (PUV) or private

vehicle as well as the consumers to improve their efficiency in the usage of fuel.

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Master in Business Administration

Conceptual Framework

Psychological, sociological, and even economic theories have all emerged as

a result of extensive academic research. Like the theory of price is an economic

theory that states that the price for any specific good or service is based on the

relationship between its supply and demand. Consumer theory is the study of how

people decide to spend their money based on their individual preferences and budget

constraints. Building a better understanding of individuals' tastes and incomes is

important because these factors impact the shape of the overall economy. And also,

The Psychology of Consumption is an essential notion that looks at not only selling a

product/service but also, how the after-purchase consumption rate is important in

guaranteeing repeat purchases. When it comes to concepts and phenomena,

theoretical frameworks are widely used. It can be helpful to include these models in

research articles and grant proposals. This guide gives an overview of the concept, a

list of frequently used frameworks, and additional recommendations to the tricycle

drivers and operators in Tabuk City. Participants would be interviewed to uncover the

meanings and categories they attributed to their encounters and how they evaluated

their working lives in this environment. Data from the interviews would be analyzed


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Master in Business Administration

Paradigm of the Study

Process Output
1. Distribution of - To determine the
Socio-demographic Profile
Modified Likert Scale implications to the tricycle
of the Respondents
Questionnaires. drivers and operators in
- Drivers and Operators of
Tabuk City and its coping
Tricycle/Trike in Tabuk City 2. Collecting data from
mechanism adopted by the
respondents through
Modified questionnaire retrieval of respondents.
based from the questionnaires.
- To determine the
implications to the tricycle
3. Tallying results from relationship between coping
drivers in the increase of
acquired data mechanism and Socio-
fuel and their adopted
demographic profile.
coping mechanism.
4. Interpretation of
gathered data using Z-
Test statistical treatment


IPO Impact of Fuel Price Increase to the Tricycle drivers and Operators in Tabuk City

Figure 1.

The paradigm of the study provides a structural frame for the research and

serves as the basis of the research problem. The study follows the Input-Process-

Output Model. The input included in this study consist of the age, educational

attainment, length of service, consumption of fuel in liters per day, income before and

after the increase of fuel in a day. The drivers and/or operators living in Tabuk City as

respondents as well as the independent variable was the input which then would be

College of Business Administration and Accountancy
Master in Business Administration

needed for the process of distributing surveys, gathering data, tallying the results and

interpreting gathered information. Finally, the expected output of the study is the

determination of the implications to the drivers and operators of tricycle in the fuel

price increase in Tabuk City, determination of coping mechanism adopted by the

respondents and finding out the significant difference between the respondent’s

socio-demographic profile and its implications to the drivers and operators.

Objectives of the Study

This study generally seeks to determine the implications to the tricycle drivers

and operators in fuel price increase in Tabuk City. Specifically, it aims to:

1. To determine the socio-demographic profile of the respondents in terms


a. Age

b. Length of years of service as driver

c. Number of liters of gasoline consumption per day

d. Income per day before the increase of fuel

e. Income per day after the increase of fuel

2. To determine the implications to the drivers and operators in the fuel price


3. To determine the coping mechanism adopted by the respondents.

College of Business Administration and Accountancy
Master in Business Administration

4. To determine the relationship between the respondent’s socio-

demographic profile and the coping mechanism adopted by the


Definition of Terms

In order to provide clarity and to establish a common view of understanding,

the term below is operationally and conceptually defined:

Price. It refers to the amount of money that has to be paid to acquire a given


Fuel. It is referred to as a substance that is used to provide heat or power.

Methanol, Gasoline, Diesel, Propane, Natural gas, Hydrogen are types of fuel.

Increase. Is defined as to become bigger or greater. An example of increase

is someone getting a raise in their salary. To become larger.

Tabuk City. A fifth-class component city and the capital of Kalinga province

where the study was conducted.

Inflation. Is the increase in prices over a prolonged period of time.

Demand. Is the desire of customers for items and services and their

willingness to pay a price for such things and services.

College of Business Administration and Accountancy
Master in Business Administration

Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). Is a cartel

consisting of 13 of the world’s major oil-exporting nations. Aims to regulate the

supply of oil in order to set the price on the world market.

Tricycle drivers. Tricycle drivers are the people who drive or operate the

tricycle for commercial purpose. These are people who have taken this business as

their main occupation which typically belong to low-income groups.

Gas. Gasoline is a fuel made from crude oil and other petroleum liquids. In

this study, we use this term as mainly used as an engine fuel in vehicles of Tricycle


Implications. A possible future effect or result.

Coping. Refers to conscious strategies used to reduce unpleasant emotions.

A strategy use by drivers to resolve stress or problems encounter during increase in


Significance of the Study

This study is important in knowing the fuel price increase and its implications

to the drivers and operators of tricycle/trike in Tabuk City and coping mechanism to

woe the burden. The result and related findings of this study are particularly

important and beneficial to the following:

College of Business Administration and Accountancy
Master in Business Administration

Drivers and Operators. To change or adjust the cost of living of these people

and to assess what are some tips in order to help them save fuel as an alternative

solution to lessen their burden.

Transport Sector. This study will help other transport sector in guiding drivers

and operators on how to reduce the fuel consumption or fuel efficiency in their day to

day driving within the community of Tabuk City.

Consumers. It could be useful for them also to lessen their consumption on

fuel and help them on saving fuel spending.

Passengers or Commuters. This will inform the passengers especially the one

who are ranting about the sudden increases of fare for them to be considerate to the

situation being face by the tricycle drivers.

Government. For them to be aware how impacted the lives of tricycle drivers

in the increase of fuel and to find a solution to help the drivers, operators and


Future Researchers. This study will serve as their basis for more narrowed

and specific results. Furthermore, this can also help them with the other information

concerning about the impact of fuel price increase to the tricycle drivers.

College of Business Administration and Accountancy
Master in Business Administration



This chapter provides information about the research design, locale and

population of the study, the data gathering to be utilized, the validity and reliability of

data, and the treatment of data that used for the purpose of this study.

Research Design

The researcher will utilize mix designs in conducting the study. The

researcher will conduct a Quantitative-Descriptive Research. In quantitative research,

the researcher collects numerical data from first-hand sources via survey questions

to evaluate the issue of the increase price of fuel and the implications to the tricycle

drivers and operators in Tabuk City. Since the study aims to know the implications to

the drivers and operators in fuel price increase, the researcher will also use the

evaluative method. And z-test to find out the significant difference of socio-

demographic profile and implications to the drivers. After the evaluation of answers,

the results are validated through interviews to the participants in order to obtain in

depth understanding.

College of Business Administration and Accountancy
Master in Business Administration

Locale and Population of the Study

The researcher chose to conduct the study in the community of Tabuk City,

Kalinga. The selection of the respondents is only drivers and operators of tricycle or

trike is eligible to participate. The researcher will utilize Stratified and Simple Random

Sampling to ensure that every driver had an opportunity to participate in the study. A

sample of 383 people residing in the locale chosen were selected for the study using

Slovin’s Formula to calculate an appropriate sample size from a population . A

representative sample of survey takers will be chosen randomly to assure the

accuracy of the final participation count.

Data Gathering Instrument

The researcher will use survey questionnaires as an instrument for gathering

data in accomplishing the research since the study is evaluative. This study will use a

five-point likert scale to indicate the degree to which their no affect or major affect or

impact about the statement or question. With this scale, respondents were asked to

rate items on the implications of fuel price increase to the tricycle drivers and

operators in Tabuk City and the adopted coping mechanism by the respondents. The

researcher will use the Likert Scale in order for the respondents to choose the option

that best supports their opinions on the issue that arises.

College of Business Administration and Accountancy
Master in Business Administration

Validity and Reliability of Instruments

The questionnaire adopted is the study of the impact of fuel price hike on

consumers by V. Sivakami Priyadharshini (BEST ISHAMS, 2015) and from other

researches related to this study.

Using the survey questionnaires, drivers and operators residing within the

community will be able to express their views on the implications of increasing fuel

prices and how impacted their lives with each statement whether no affect, minor

effect, neutral, moderate effect and major effect.

Data Gathering Procedure

The questionnaires will be given to the respondents as an exam. After which

their answers will be validated through interviews.

Treatment of Data

The data from the set of questionnaires are needed to classify, tabulate, and

confine. To interpret the data effectively, the researcher employs the following

statistical treatment. The Mean, Frequency, Percentage and Z-test.

Statistical Tools

College of Business Administration and Accountancy
Master in Business Administration

The following statistical tools will be use in arriving at the object analysis of

data gather.

Mean - This will be used to determine the evaluation of the respondents with

regards to the impact of increased price rate of fuel and its impact to the lives of

drivers and operators in Tabuk City.



x represents the mean

∑ represents the summation

x represents scores

N represents number of scores

Frequency - The frequency is determined to tally the response per item.

Percentage – This will be use to present the population to the respondents

according to their score’s interval of the given questionnaires.

Z-test - A one-sample z-test is used to test whether a population parameter is

significantly different from some hypothesized value. This will be used in our study in

order to determine if there was a significant indication on the respondent’s socio-

demographic profile and the impact to the tricycle drivers and operators particularly

the drivers of the residents in Tabuk City.

College of Business Administration and Accountancy
Master in Business Administration

Formula to find the value of Z (z-test) is:

x −μ

X̄= mean of sample

μ = mean of population

σ = standard deviation of population

n = no. of observations


Bhandari, P. (2020, June 12). What Is Quantitative Research?

Definition, Uses and Methods. Scribbr. Retrieved from

College of Business Administration and Accountancy
Master in Business Administration

Evaluation Research: Definition, Methods and Examples.

(n.d.). Question Pro. Retrieved May 22, 2022 from

Haradhan, M. (2017, October 1). Two Criteria for Good

Measurements in Research: Validity and Reliability. Munich Personal RePEc
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McLeod, S. (2019). Likert Scale Definition, Examples and

Analysis. Simply Psychology. Retrieved May 22, 2022 from

Philippine consumers use app to counter record retail fuel

prices. (2022, May 6). REUTERS. Retrieved May 22, 2022 from

Reyes, C., Sobrevinas, A., Bancolita, J., and De Jesus, J.

(2008). Analysis of the impact of changes in the prices of rice and fuel on
poverty in the Philippines. Retrieved from:

Saari MY, Radam A, Abdullah AM. The impacts of increase in

the domestic petroleum prices on cost production in the Malaysian agricultural
and agro-based sectors. International Journal of Business and Society 2008;
9(1):37-52. ISSN 1511-6670, 2008.

Valadkhani A, Mitchell WF. Assessing the impact of changes

in petrol prices on inflation and household expenditures in Australia. Centre of
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What are the possible causes and consequences of higher oil?

prices on the overall economy? (2007, November). Federal Reserve Bank of
San Francisco. Retrieved May 22, 2022 from

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Fuel Price Increase and its Implications to the Tricycle Drivers and Operators
in Tabuk City

Instructions: Check (✓) the corresponding spaces for each item which satisfies your

College of Business Administration and Accountancy
Master in Business Administration

I. Socio-demographic Profile of Respondents

a. Age: □ 25 & below □ 26 to 35 □ 36 to 45

□ 46 to 55 □ 56 to 65
b. Length of years of service as driver:
□ Below 1 year □ 1 to 5 years □ Above 5 years
c. Approximately # of liters fuel consumption per day:
□ 1 to 3 liters □ 4 to 6 liters □ 7 to 10 liters □ 10 liters above
d. Income per day in (2021) before the increase of fuel:
□ Below 500 □ 500 to 1,000 □ 1,001 to 1,500 □ above 1,500
e. Income per day in (2022) after the increase of fuel:
□ Below 500 □ 500 to 1,000 □ 1,001 to 1,500 □ above 1,500

II. Implications to the respondents (Drivers)

Item Strongly Strongly

Agree Neutral Disagree
No. Items Agree Disagree
5 4 3 2 1
Lessen buying
1 capacity of
tricycle operation)
3 Reduce savings
4 household
Reduces frequency
of travel/trips
6 Lesser passengers
Engage physical
7 activity (walking,
Reduces travel
recreation activities

College of Business Administration and Accountancy
Master in Business Administration

Cut back on certain

other expenses
10 Changes lifestyle

III. Coping mechanisms adopted by the respondents.

Item Strongly Strongly

Agree Neutral Disagree
No. Items Agree Disagree
5 4 3 2 1
Implemented an
alternate schedule
household budget
3 Regulate speed
4 Flexible Service
Observe load
Observe idling for
too long
Look for an
additional income
8 Fuel Subsidy
10. Car-pooling

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Master in Business Administration

Permit to Conduct Study

August 8, 2022

____________, Kalinga

Dear Sir/Maám:


The undersigned Master in Business Administration student of the College of

Business Administration and Accountancy in Kalinga State University is currently
conducting research entitled, “Analysis of the impact of increase in the price of fuel to
the transport sector in Tabuk City”. The researcher strongly believes that the results
of this study will greatly help in coming up strategies to reduce or save the
consumption of fuel.

With this regard, the researcher respectfully asks for your permission to float
questionnaires to the drivers.

Thank you for your help and cooperation.

Very truly yours,


Noted by:

College of Business Administration and Accountancy
Master in Business Administration

Romualdo U. Wacas, PhD.BA


Letter to the Respondents

August 8, 2022
____________, Kalinga

Dear Respondents:


The undersigned Master in Business Administration student of the College of

Business Administration and Accountancy in Kalinga State University is currently
conducting research entitled, “Analysis of the impact of increase in the price of fuel to
the transport sector in Tabuk City”. The researcher strongly believes that the results
of this study will greatly help in coming up strategies to reduce or save the
consumption of fuel.

With this regard, the researcher respectfully requests you to take time in
honestly and patiently answering the attached questionnaire. The results will be
pooled and rest assured that your identity and results will remain confidential.

Thank you for your help and cooperation.

Very truly yours,


Noted by:

College of Business Administration and Accountancy
Master in Business Administration

Romualdo U. Wacas, PhD.BA




Bulanao Norte, Tabuk City
Phone: 0945-9733-695/0906-777-8349


Date of Birth : October 8, 1995

Place of Birth : Tabuk City
Sex : Female
Civil Status : Single
Height : 1.56 m.
Weight : 46 kg.

Kalinga State University, Tabuk City 2012-2017

• Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

Saint William’s Academy, Tabuk City 2008-2012

New Age Montessori School, Tabuk City 2002-2008


Provincial LGU (ACCOUNTING OFFICE), Kalinga

• Clerk Sept. 2021 – June 30, 2022

College of Business Administration and Accountancy
Master in Business Administration

• Assistant Bookkeeper/Cashier Aug. 2019 – Aug. 31, 2021

Kalinga State University
• Cashier Clerk Nov. 2017 – June 30, 2018

ELIGIBILITIES: CS Sub-Professional (May 2015)


April 29-30, 2021 Business & Income Taxation for Non-

MPM Consulting Services, Inc.

Mar. 27, 2021 Bookkeeping, Internal Control Capability

Enhancement/Tax and Other Regulatory
Frameworks Compliance Training for
Bulanao Public Market MSME’s
Kalinga State University
Emelias, Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

Jan 21-22, 2021 Basic Accounting & Bookkeeping for Non-

Accountants Webinar
MPM Consulting Services, Inc.

Nov. 13, 2020 Income Tax 101 for Entrepreneurs,

Freelancers & Professionals
Finance PH Seminar

Jan 20, 2018 NC III - Bookkeeping

TESDA – Provincial Training Center
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga


TESDA – Provincial Training Center
Bulanao, Tabuk City, Kalinga

College of Business Administration and Accountancy
Master in Business Administration


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