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Name: Sam Meyers Year 7 HPE DRAFT

 As a class, we have discussed issues of cyber safety. Below is a template to help you write your assignment. When
you submit the real assignment on Wednesday the 7th of June, you will take the sentences out of the tables below
and write them in paragraphs.
Your draft is due at the end of next lesson (24 th of May). You will have the lesson to work on it. It can emailed to Miss
Johnson or handed in as a hard copy.

Issue 4:
Issue 1: Talking Issue 2: Video Issue 3: Sharing
Circle your Commenting on
to strangers gaming passwords with Issue 5: Sexting
chosen topic social media
online. addiction. friends


Topic The safe and responsible use of data and communication on platforms including
social media, online gaming, the internet, and cell phones is known as cyber

Talking to strangers, gaming addiction, disclosing passwords, posting comments

on social media, and sexting are a few examples of concerns with cyber safety.
Teenage lives are being severely impacted by these problems.
Evidenc Every 39 seconds, an online attack may occur. Another figure shows that 49% of
e students between the ages of 15 and 17 have engaged in at least one of the six
online safety behaviours, and 42% of adolescents between the ages of 13 and 14
have committed these online safety violations.

  18 Internet Safety Statistics for 2022 - Screen and Reveal

Explain The three facets of health can be impacted by cyber safety. Unrestrained usage of
cellphones, laptops, and tablets can result in inactivity. For instance, a research
found that 38% of parents were concerned that their kids weren't exercising
enough because of excessive screen usage. Emotional health may be significantly
impacted by cyber safety. A study that was published in PubMed found that those
who were the targets of cyberstalking and/or harassment suffered from a wide
range of negative effects on their mental health, such as panic attacks,
depression, anxiety, and suicide thoughts. Cybersecurity can have a significant
negative impact on your social health. For example, if you are addicted to screens
and other electronic gadgets, you may not leave the house and interact with
others, which can have a significant negative effect on your maturity.

Link Cyber safety is detrimental for teenagers and needs be addressed.

Body 1: Explain why your issue is a problem for teenagers?

Topic Definition your issue

Name: Sam Meyers Year 7 HPE DRAFT
Addiction to video games is a significant issue that many kids deal with. It may
have a number of detrimental effects on one's schooling, relationships,
employment, and self-care.
Evidence Find statistics to back why it is an issue (PPT)
72% of American homes own or play video games, and the weekly average time
spent gaming is 20 hours.

The Most Alarming Video Game Addiction Statistics Available

Explain Explain what your statistic means?
72% of American homes own or play video games, and the weekly average time
spent gaming is 20 hours.

Link BRIEFLY Explain how this evidence links to physical, emotional, social changes.
  Addiction to video games can have a number of detrimental repercussions on
one's mental, social, and physical well-being. According to Harvard Health,
excessive gaming poses health hazards such as repetitive stress injuries, visual
issues, lack of sleep and depression.
The health effects of too much gaming - Harvard Health

Body 2: What are the possible negative outcomes for a teenager as a result of your
chosen issue?

Topic The issue of Video gaming addiction can cause negative impact on dimensions of
Evidence Physical
Your physical health may be significantly impacted by playing video games. The
physical side-effects of gaming addiction include food disorders, poor hygiene,
migraines, insomnia, back discomfort, and carpal tunnel syndrome. Video game
playing can be enjoyable, but excessive use can put your health at danger by
causing repetitive stress injuries, impaired eyesight, poor sleep, and depression.
People who play video games frequently are more likely to have negative effects
from their gaming time, especially when other daily activities are taken into
account, as well as possible changes to their physical or mental health and social
functioning brought on by their gaming activity.

Explain Playing video games too much can be bad for your body. Because of this, it's
crucial that you are aware of and in charge of how much time you spend playing
video games.

Evidence Emotional
Name: Sam Meyers Year 7 HPE DRAFT
Playing video games can be good for your emotional health, so it's not all
terrible. A University of Oxford study demonstrates how playing video games can
reduce stress and fight loneliness. Additionally, playing video games can help
people develop coping skills for a variety of scenarios. People that play video
games can express their actual self and take pride in who they are. Even though
playing video games offers benefits, if you're not careful, it can still negatively
affect your emotional well-being. Because of this, maintaining a reasonable and
managed gaming restriction is crucial.

Explain   Your emotional health can be sustained and maintained in large part by playing
video games. Video games can have a lot of positive effects on your emotional
health, but if you play them for longer than you should, it may start to harm you.
Maintaining a set time limit for your video gaming can help your emotional
health, but if you become addicted and play for longer than you should, it can
negatively affect your health.

Evidence Social
A healthy social life can benefit from playing video games. Despite the
misconception that video games use isolating technology, playing video games
may be a very communal activity that promotes wellbeing. However, playing
video games for an extended period of time can start to have a harmful effect on
your body's health.

Explain   Playing video games provides you the opportunity to connect with people
online, which might help your social health. This may also be detrimental.
Spending too much time playing video games might start to have harmful
effects, such as repetitive stress disorder, lack of sleep, and visual issues.

Body 3: Why do teenagers choose to engage in your chosen issue?

Topic Restate the question

Why to teenagers choose to engage and participate in video gaming.

Evidence Statistic about using social media

Teenagers become addicted to video games for a variety of reasons. One
explanation is that games are getting more affordable each year, making it
simpler for teenagers to purchase them. Games also provide incentives, gamer
points, and levelling up, all of which can be addictive. A research by the American
Academy of Paediatrics found that playing video games excessively can cause
Name: Sam Meyers Year 7 HPE DRAFT
problems with attention span and impulse control, emotional instability, a
decline in empathy, creativity, and learning interest, as well as melancholy,
impatience, and anxiety.

  Is Your Teen Addicted to Games? Latest Research on Teenage Video Game

Addiction (
Explain Explain your reason in detail
The benefits offered by video games make them potentially addictive. Dopamine,
a feel-good hormone, is released by your brain when you play a video game.
Because they allow you to escape from reality. You can put your concerns out of
your mind while playing video games. Teenagers who are experiencing stress or
anxiety may find this to be particularly enticing. The fact that video games are
becoming more affordable and available each year is another factor contributing
to their potential for addiction. Teenagers will find it simpler to play with them
and for longer periods of time as a result. Teenagers can interact with others
online through video games. This can be esspecially attractive for teens who
have difficulty making friends.

Link Restate the question

With these reasons make it clear that social media can provide negative impacts
towards your health.


Topic State how many teenagers use social media

A 2018 Pew Research Centre study shows that nearly 750 13- to 17-year-olds
found that 97% of them use a social media platform like YouTube, Facebook,
Instagram, or Snapchat, and that 45% spend almost all of their time online.  

Teens and social media use: What's the impact? - Mayo Clinic
Evidence Reiterate that your statistics are serious
Because social media might have harmful consequences on teenagers, the
number is alarming. Cyberbullying, sadness, anxiety, and sleep issues are a few
examples of the consequences. Teenagers should use social media responsibly
and be informed of any dangers.

Explain Reiterate that it will impact physical, emotional and social wellbeing
  Multiple studies have discovered a clear association between extensive social
media use and an elevated risk for melancholy, anxiety, loneliness, self-harm,
and even suicidal ideation. Social networking could encourage unfavourable
Name: Sam Meyers Year 7 HPE DRAFT
feelings like inadequacy about your life or appearance. The platforms are linked
to anxiety, despair, and even physical illnesses and are made to be addictive.
While most of us like using social media to stay in touch, excessive use can feed
emotions of addiction, anxiety, despair, loneliness, and FOMO. The effect social
media has on your mental health often refers to how you use it and why.

Social media use tied to poor physical health - UBNow: News and views for UB
faculty and staff - University at Buffalo

Social Media and Mental Health -

  Consequently, these are the reasons why teenagers need to make healthy
choices when interacting in online technology.

PART 2 – Action Plan:

Stage 1: (What can you do to stop this issue from happening initially and what to do if it does become a
Individually problem? – provide 3 actions)

 To keep the amount of time spent gaming under control, you can try setting time limits
for play and stick to them.

 You can also keep phones and other gadgets out of the bedroom so you won’t play into
the night.

 . Doing other activities every day, including exercise, can also help lower the health risks
of sitting and playing for long stretches of time – amuse yourself with other activities

Stage 2: (What can you do at home as a family to stop this issue from happening initially and what to do if
Family it does become a problem? – provide 3 actions)

 Limit family screen time

 Get family therapy if it becomes an issue you can’t stop

 Have a family day out and start to find other activities/hobbies that you enjoy

Stage 3: If this issue continues to be a problem: (need a resource from each of the following areas)
 School - Who can you talk to at school to get extra help? Teacher, guidance officers and
possibly even the Chappies/Chaplin's
 Government - Who can you call to get extra help? (government agencies or helplines)
+44 203 1511488
 Websites - Any websites you can access for extra help? On-Line Gamers Anonymous
(OLGA), Game Quitters,
Name: Sam Meyers Year 7 HPE DRAFT

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