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Tapping Sequence - Karate Chop

The first part of the tapping protocol is to close your eyes, focus on the fear, anxiety, emotion, pain, or
belief that you wish to release, and then determine on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being high, how intense the
feeling or belief is.

The basic tapping sequence—to eliminate fears and negative beliefs and to neutralize negative events—
then starts by tapping the “karate chop” spot on the heel of your hand 10 times, firmly enough to feel it,
but not hard enough to bruise your hand.

As you tap your hand, repeat aloud the belief, physical pain, or experience of hurt you are dealing with
as you—most important—tune in to the emotion that belief or hurt brings forth. Do this three times.

Follow your statement of the belief or hurt with the affirmation “I deeply and completely love and
accept myself.” (or come up with your own affirmation)

For example:

“Even though I’m afraid to ask for a raise, I deeply and completely love and accept myself


Even though I believe I don’t deserve to be successful, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.”

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