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A. Introduction to Export Readiness Training
B. The Significance of Export Readiness for Businesses
C. Training Objectives

II. Assessing Export Readiness:

A. Evaluating Company Capabilities and Resources
B. Analyzing Market Potential and Target Audience
C. Identifying Competitive Advantages and Unique Selling Points

III. Market Research and Analysis:

A. Understanding Global Market Trends and Dynamics
B. Conducting Market Research to Identify Opportunities
C. Analyzing Customer Preferences and Demands

IV. Developing an Export Strategy:

A. Setting Export Goals and Objectives
B. Selecting Target Markets and Entry Strategies
C. Creating a Market Entry Plan and Timeline

V. Product and Service Adaptation:

A. Assessing Product Suitability for Export Markets
B. Modifying Products/Services to Meet International Standards
C. Considering Packaging, Labeling, and Pricing

VI. Export Documentation and Compliance:

A. Understanding Export Regulations and Legal Requirements
B. Preparing Necessary Export Documentation
C. Ensuring Compliance with Customs and Trade Regulations

VII. Logistics and Supply Chain Management:

A. Identifying Transportation Modes and Logistics Partners
B. Managing International Shipping and Freight Forwarding
C. Understanding Incoterms and Trade Terms

VIII. Financial Management and Payment Methods:

A. Evaluating Financial Risks and Considerations
B. Managing International Payment Methods
C. Utilizing Export Financing and Insurance Options

IX. Marketing and Promotion Strategies:

A. Developing an International Marketing Plan
B. Leveraging Digital Marketing and Online Platforms
C. Establishing Relationships with International Buyers

X. Export Documentation and Procedures:

A. Understanding Export Licenses and Permits
B. Preparing Shipping Documents and Customs Declarations
C. Complying with Export Control Regulations

XI. Cultural and Communication Skills:

A. Understanding Cultural Differences and Business Etiquette
B. Developing Effective Communication Strategies
C. Negotiation and Conflict Resolution in an International Context

XII. Risk Assessment and Management:

A. Identifying Export Risks and Challenges
B. Implementing Risk Mitigation Strategies
C. Developing Contingency Plans

XIII. Case Studies and Practical Exercises:

A. Analyzing Successful Export Case Studies
B. Simulating Export Scenarios and Decision-Making
C. Conducting Hands-On Exercises to Reinforce Learning
XIV. Export Support and Resources:
A. Identifying Government Programs and Initiatives
B. Accessing Export Assistance Organizations
C. Utilizing Trade Promotion Services

XV. Evaluation and Follow-up:

A. Assessing Training Effectiveness and Participant Feedback
B. Reviewing Progress towards Export Readiness Goals
C. Providing Post-Training Support and Resources

Zunde Group has the solution for you, we are operating in 10 Africa counties across 4 Regional Economic
Units (South, East, Central and Eastern Africa). Our core business is to link farmers to markets in Africa
and globally.
Zunde Agribusiness Academy (ZAA) will run a skills and enterprise development program which seeks to
equip Africa farmers from Cape to Cairo which allows smallholder farmers to participate in commercial
agricultural value chains.
We invite you to participate in our agribusiness accelerator which will equip you with technical and
business skills to support African farmers to meet market demands.
ZAA offers accredited agribusiness training for equipping farmers with the necessary technical and
business skills.
Course details:

Date:22-24 August 2023

Price: R5,999
Address: Casa Toscana, 5 Darlington Road, Lynnwood Manor, Pretoria, Gauteng


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