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Activity 1: Match each statement on the left with the correct response on the right.

Everyday greetings and responses.

1- Hi
2- Good evening
Good evening
3- How are you doing?
Fine, thanks. And you?
4- What’s up?
Nothing much
5- It has been long since we last met.
Oh yes. It was been a few months.
6- How are you?
Very well, thank you. How about you?
7- Good morning
Good morning
8- Good to see you.
Good to see you too.

Activity 2: Match each statement on the left with the correct response on the right.

Introductions and responses

1- Ben, have you met Paul?

No, I haven’t. How do you do?
2- I don’t think we’ve met before. My name is Fred.
Hi, Fred. I’m Linda.
3- Tom, I’d like you to meet Mr. Smith.
I’m pleased to meet you, Mr. Smith.
4- I am happy to meet you.
I am glad to meet you too.
5- This is my friend, Bob.
Nice to meet to you, Bob.
6- Hello, my name is Peter. What is your name?
I’m John. Pleased to meet you.
7- Hi! I’m Jennifer. What’s your name?
Hello, Jennifer. My name’s Ricky.
8- How do you do?
How do you do?
Activity 3: Match each statement on the left with the correct response on the right.

Asking personal information and responses

1- What is your name?

My name is John Smith.
2- What is your surname?
My surname is Smith.
3- Do you have a nickname?
No, I don’t.
4- What do you do?
I am a teller.
5- Where do you work?
I work at National Bank.
6- Do you like your job?
Yes, I do.
7- Why do you like your job?
I like my job because, I earn a lot of money.
8- Are you married?
No I’m not.
9- How many people are there in your family?
There are five (05) people in my family.
10- How many brother(s) and sister(s) do you have?
I have two (02) brothers and two (02) sisters.
11- How old are you?
I am 24 years old.
12- When is your birthday?
My birthday is on the second of July.
13- Where were you born?
I was born in Pretoria.
14- What do you in your free time?
In my free time, I listen to music.
15- What type of music do you like?
I like Pop music.
16- Do you like to read?
No I don’t.

Activity 4: Match a statement on the left with the correct response on the right.

Making small talk

1- It’s an interesting conference, isn’t it?

Yes, it is.
2- This a great restaurant. Do you come here often?
Oh yes. I was here last week actually.
3- Is this your first visit to this country, Mr. Prince?
No, actually I came here 2 years ago.
4- How was your journey?
It was all right.
5- Are you interested in soccer?
No, not really. I prefer music.
6- What do you think of the wine?
It is excellent.
7- Have you been to America?
Yes, I have. I’ve been there twice. The first time was in 2010.
8- What are your neighbors like?
Well, they’re very noisy. They like loud music.
9- Do you see your family a lot?
Well, not really. They don’t live around here.
10- You are from South Africa. Aren’t you?
That’s right. I live in Pretoria.

Activity 5: Match each statement on the left with the correct response on the right.

Saying Goodbye

1- A: Well, I’m afraid I have to be going.

Thank you for coming.
2- I’m afraid I have to go now. It was nice seeing you.
It was good seeing you too.
3- I’ve got to go. It’s getting late.
All right. Take care of yourself.
4- It’s been a wonderful evening.
Yes, I’ve enjoyed it.
5- I’ve enjoyed talking to you.
Me, too.
6- I hope to see you again.
I hope so, too.
7- See you next week.
See you.
8- Goodbye.

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