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Keep Me Waiting (Give Me More)

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Red White & Royal Blue - Casey McQuiston
Relationship: Alex Claremont-Diaz/Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor
Character: Alex Claremont-Diaz, Henry Fox-Mountchristen-Windsor
Additional Tags: Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Kissing, Blindfolds, Bondage,
Rimming, Grinding, Hand & Finger Kink, Finger Sucking, Come Eating,
Sex Toys, Vibrators, Anal Fingering, Dirty Talk, Hand Jobs, Coming
Untouched, Multiple Orgasms, Aftercare, Fluff, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Fluff
and Smut, Post-Canon, Canon Compliant
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2021-11-10 Words: 9,386 Chapters: 1/1

Keep Me Waiting (Give Me More)

by bleedingballroomfloor


Alex rubs his face with his hands. “You’re telling me,” he says slowly, “that you got a guy
off three times — three fucking times — without even touching his dick? I don’t even think
that’s scientifically possible.”

Henry’s wine-drunk grin grows a little wider. “Would you like me to prove it to you?”


Is this actually possible? Probably not. Do I care? No.

Thank you to Jen and Donna for putting together the event that made me write this
ridiculous snippet in the first place, and another thanks to both of you plus Cady for
prompting me to expand on this idea. It got away from be a bit. I'm sure you're not
complaining ;)

This is also a result of a scene from my baseball AU where Alex admits that he's had a
fantasy of coming just from Henry's dirty talk. It's not in the baseball world unfortunately,
but now this scene has been put into existence. Enjoy!

See the end of the work for more notes

It all started with a date night. A completely innocent date night, mind you, no matter what filthy
plans they were sure to fall into later in the evening. Alex had made two bowls of pasta to celebrate
Henry’s plans for a shelter expansion finally being signed off, finishing the night with Henry’s
favorite bottle of Merlot as they traded stories on the couch. And maybe Alex had been feeling
horny all day, and maybe he used that to steer the conversation from general stories to
specifically sex stories, and maybe he was hoping to get Henry riled up so he can take him apart
properly for the first time in two weeks.

Then Henry says something that makes Alex's brain screech to a halt.

"You're lying," is the first thing that manages to come out of his mouth.

"I can assure you that I’m not."

Alex blinks. "H, I refuse to believe that you're telling the truth."

Henry just smirks at Alex over the rim of his wine glass, raising it to take another sip. "Don't
believe me, then."

"But you're — you're just —" Alex can't wrap his head around this newfound information. "Fuck,
you're lying."

"Saying it twice won't make it any less true, love."

This isn't what Alex had planned for tonight. He wanted to see Henry fall apart, not have Henry
make him fall apart. But with Henry's last confession, with his story about a party during his final
year of university and a boy who wanted Henry to use every bit of his princely manner in the
bedroom, Alex is finding himself quite eager to get his body under Henry's as soon as fucking

Alex rubs his face with his hands. "You're telling me," he says slowly, "that you got a guy off three
times — three fucking times — without even touching his dick? I don't even think that's
scientifically possible."

Henry's wine-drink grin grows a little wider. "Would you like me to prove it to you?"

Alex stops. "You — what?"

"If you want," Henry starts, sliding closer to Alex on the couch, and Alex's dick is already
twitching in interest. "I'll do the same thing to you. It shouldn't take too long — you've certainly
gone three rounds before, and just last night you came before I could even get a hand around you."

Alex shivers at the memory. "Yeah, but —"

"But what, darling?" Henry asks, pressing a slow kiss to Alex's neck, making him gasp quietly.
That fucker. He knows exactly what he's doing, doesn't he? But it's working — with every brush of
Henry's lips against his skin, Alex's protests die down more and more. Henry scrapes his teeth
along a vein, and Alex wonders why he was questioning letting Henry take him completely apart
in the first place.

"You bastard," he whispers shakily, and Henry laughs. He pulls back to look Alex in the eyes, a
glint sparkling in his own blue irises.
"I take that as a yes?" Henry questions, his free hand skimming up and down Alex's thigh,
incredibly distracting.

"Yes, you fucking ass," Alex spits, grabbing a fistful of Henry's shirt collar. He feels horny out of
his mind, just from the image of Henry taking some man completely apart and doing the same to
him, and they haven't even started yet.

Henry leans in for what looks like a kiss, then turns away at the last moment, knocking the last bit
of his wine down his throat. Alex whines, clutching Henry's shirt tighter. "Baby."

"Just preparing for a long night," Henry amends, setting the glass down on the coffee table and
turning his full attention toward Alex, capturing his lips in a heated kiss.

Alex moans immediately, pent up from the mere thought of Henry doing every dirty thing he can
think of to him. His hand slides from Henry's shirt up to his jaw, curling his fingers around the back
of his neck and pulling him closer. Their tongues meet, wet and hot, Henry tasting faintly of the
wine he just finished but mostly just of him. It makes Alex weak. He wants to climb into Henry's
lap and rut against him until they both get off, wants to pull Henry on top of him and get fucked
into the couch, wants to slide to his knees and feel the weight of Henry's cock in his mouth. He
wants everything right fucking now.

Henry, apparently, has other plans. "I'm not going to take you apart on the couch," he says in
between kisses.

Alex groans. "Why the fuck not?"

Henry kisses him one more time, hard, grazing his teeth along Alex's bottom lip before pulling
away. His mouth is red. Alex tries hard not to stare. "Because I won't be able to carry you up the
stairs after I'm through with you, love."

Alex is lucky he doesn't come right then and there. For the first time. Fuck.

Alex swallows. "Okay." His voice is rough. "I — yeah. Okay."

It takes longer than usual for the two of them to get upstairs, mostly because Alex can't stop
himself from kissing Henry, and Henry can never resist kissing Alex back. He pulls Henry into a
heated kiss the moment they stand up from the couch, then again when they're halfway up the
stairs, and once more just outside of their bedroom door. Alex presses Henry into the wall and slots
their hips together, rubbing his hard cock against his thigh.

Henry groans, squeezing Alex's hips and forcing him back. "Not this time," he says breathlessly.
"You're only going to get what I decide to give you."

Alex shudders, pulling Henry back in for another deep kiss.

Once they finally manage to pull themselves away from the wall and stumble into the bedroom,
Henry pushes Alex onto the bed and climbs on top of him, pinning his wrists above his head as he
fits their lips together again. Alex chokes on a moan, chasing Henry's kisses. Henry is pulling out
all the little tricks that make Alex fall apart, and it's fucking working — Alex feels himself
teetering toward the edge already. He wants to grind his hips against Henry's, desperate to feel
anything, but Henry simply presses his knees against his hips to still him. It's infuriating.

"What do you want, love?" Henry asks, trailing his lips to Alex's ear. He traces his tongue along
the shell before whispering, "Tell me."
"Jesus," Alex mutters brokenly. He flexes his wrists just to feel Henry push them down harder, and
he moans before he can stop himself. "I want you to do exactly what you did to him. I want to
feel all of it."

"Hm," Henry hums, his nose brushing against Alex's jaw. "While that sounds lovely, that's not
what I want."

Alex blinks. "What?"

Henry pulls back to look at Alex, a small, devious smile on his face. "My plan wasn't to make him
come untouched three times, you know," he says. "I only wanted to fuck him. But he was so into it,
he couldn't help himself... reminds me of you, now that I think about it..."

Alex swallows back a groan. "So why won't you —"

"Because it would be too easy, Alex," Henry breathes, and Alex feels all the breath leave his lungs.
"I could fuck you and make you come over and over again, just like I did to him, but where's the
fun in that? I'd rather go slow with you, take my time… make you come in ways you wouldn't even
think of."

Alex's cock is fully hard by now. This shouldn't take long at all.

He stares at Henry for a few more seconds, mind whirring from all the different fantasies playing
in his head, and finally manages to choke out one word: "Please."

It's a fast grapple to get their clothes off. Alex has absolutely no patience for the buttons on Henry's
shirt, and he rips it open with a few forceful tugs, the buttons clattering quietly on the wooden
floor. His own shirt quickly follows, and then his sweatpants, his boxers, and soon he's completely
naked, bucking his hips into nothing but air each time Henry kisses him.

"You too," Alex mutters when Henry starts to suck a bruise into his neck. He palms at Henry's
jeans. "Off."

Henry hums in agreement. He wastes no time shucking his jeans off and letting them drop to the
floor, his boxers quickly following. His cock is also hard, the head flushed a deep pink color. Alex
eyes it hungrily.

"I wanna suck you off," he says when Henry settles back on top of him.

Henry brushes some stray curls off of Alex's forehead. "Later, perhaps," he says, as if deep in
thought. "For now, I want to have my way with you."

Alex shivers. "Yeah," he says. "Have me."

Henry makes a small, wounded noise in the back of his throat. He trails his hands over Alex's arms,
stopping when he reaches his wrists, looping his long fingers around them. Ever so delicately, he
moves Alex’s wrists to the top of his head and presses them into the pillow.

"Stay here for me, okay?" Henry whispers, pressing a soft kiss to the corner of Alex's mouth. Alex
nods. He can't imagine wanting to be anywhere else but here.

He watches as Henry steps out of bed and makes his way to the dresser across the room. He steps
in front of one of the drawers and slides it open. Alex can't see what's inside from this angle, but he
doesn't need to. He's become very familiar with this drawer over the months of living with Henry.
Another shiver passes through him.
Sure enough, after a few minutes of careful consideration, Henry slides the drawer shut and turns
back to the bed. In his hand holds two ties — one, a deep crimson color; the other, the palest blue.

Henry settles on Alex's lap again, his knees bracketing Alex's hips. He sets the crimson tie at his
side and holds out the blue one. "Lift up your wrists."

Alex does as he's told. Henry slides the tie under Alex's hands and wraps the silky fabrics around
his wrists, making sure it's tight. For once, he doesn't secure Alex to the headboard. He simply ties
a knot and sits back, admiring his work.

Alex gives a short tug on the tie. He never doubts Henry's ability to keep him from moving, but
seeing for himself how well Henry can tie him up never fails to make him delirious with arousal.

Henry picks up the crimson tie next, threading it through his fingers. "I want to blindfold you," he
says quietly. "Is that okay?"

"Fuck," Alex groans, his eyes fluttering shut. "Yes. Yeah. Please."

Henry slides the tie over Alex's eyes, and Alex's vision goes dark. He can't see, can't move — he's
entirely at Henry's mercy. Just like Henry wanted.

"Christ, Alex," Henry says, his voice barely above a whisper. "You look absolutely gorgeous."

Alex moans quietly at his words, then again at the soft press of Henry's lips against his throat. He
arches into Henry's touch as much as he can with Henry pinning his lower half down. If Henry
notices, he doesn't say anything. He simply lifts his hips so Alex's cock doesn't get any friction and
continues placing slow, careful kisses to his neck.

"Gorgeous," Henry murmurs again, kissing the hollow of Alex's throat. He continues downward,
leaving a wet trail in his wake. "So beautiful, Alex. I love you looking like this."

Alex keens, turning his head to the side and biting his bicep. Henry technically didn't tell him to
keep quiet, but — well. Alex wants to be good. He always wants to be good for Henry.

He chokes back a moan when Henry licks over his nipple. His teeth graze the bud, and Alex's hips
jerk up on their own accord. Henry pulls back, blows cool air over the attacked area, and Alex can't
stop the desperate noise that rips from his throat.

He feels Henry shift back. "Don't hold back," he says. "I want to hear you, love. Every single noise
that comes from your pretty mouth."

Alex whimpers, turning his head back to Henry. "I wanted to be good," he explains weakly.

"You are," Henry promises. "Christ, you are. You're being so good for me."

The mattress shifts, and suddenly Henry is on top of him again, kissing him hungrily. Alex moans
into the kiss. He can never handle it when Henry calls him good, can never keep himself together.
His hips jump again, his cock brushing Henry's thigh, and Alex's moan grows louder.

Immediately, Henry breaks away from the kiss. "Now, we can't have that, can we?"

"We can," Alex protests. "Like, we really fucking should."

"But that would spoil all our fun." Henry's fingers are trailing down his body, brushing the lines of
his muscles, teasing him to no end. His hand ghosts over the trail of hair from Alex's belly button,
and Alex shivers. He's about to bite back with a snarky remark about Henry's teasing when Henry's
hands settle on his hips and he says, "I can, however, give you some release."

"What —" is all Alex manages to get out before Henry's hands are sliding to his ass and lifting his
hips in the air, throwing his legs over his shoulders. Not even a second later, Alex feels his cheeks
being spread apart, and Henry's breath is ghosting over his hole.

"Jesus fuck," Alex mutters, his body already shaking. "Please, just — Henry, please."

The first press of Henry's tongue to his hole has his mind reeling. Moans fly freely from his lips,
spine arching, but even still, it's not enough. He presses his ass back against Henry's mouth, and
this time, Henry doesn't admonish him for it. He groans instead, and Alex can feel Henry burying
his face further in between Alex's cheeks, his tongue licking in faster, broader strokes.

The two of them don't use blindfolds much — Alex has always had a thing for seeing Henry's
blown pupils just before he orgasms — so Alex getting his ass eaten while being blindfold is a
rarity. Now, pressed into the mattress and Henry's talented tongue on him, he can't
imagine why they don't do this more often. He can't see, but all of his other senses are heightened.
Alex can hear every hitch in Henry's breathing, every gasping moan, every whispered praise that
falls from his lips whenever he pulls back for air. Furthermore, Alex can hear himself. He hears his
own stuttered breathing, his choked groans, his pleas for Henry to go faster, deeper. Usually, he
isn't even aware of what comes out of his mouth during sex, so preoccupied with getting Henry off.
But there's no chance of that happening now. Alex's cock twitches at the thought.

He can feel everything as well — the smooth silk against his wrists, preventing him from
separating his hands; the sheets that he's curling his fingers into, rumpled and nearly pulling from
the seams in some places; Henry's hands on his ass, gripping it, digging his nails into it, because
it's no secret that Henry can't get enough of Alex's ass; Henry's tongue, warm and wet and perfect,
solely focused on pleasuring Alex, to make him feel good, to make him come over and over again,
completely untouched.

And Jesus — Alex can feel himself opening up. His muscles give way with each drag of Henry's
tongue, allowing Henry to get his tongue deeper, and the feeling is so erotic that he swears he's
going to come right then and there, just from Henry's tongue licking him open.

But that's Henry's goal, isn't it? Fuck. Fuck.

He feels Henry suck a bruise into the soft flesh of his ass, then without warning, his tongue stiffens
and pushes into Alex's hole.

Alex whines, writhing on the mattress, pleasure spreading all throughout his body. He desperately
wishes that he could move his hands, that he could reach out and touch Henry — but he can do
that. Henry only tied his hands together. He wants Alex to touch him, doesn't he? That sneaky
bastard, putting in clues for Alex while he takes him thoroughly apart —

Alex swings his arms forward and is met with Henry's soft hair. He tangles his fingers in the
strands, not tugging it but simply holding it, gasping, "Henry — is this —"

He feels Henry pulls back enough to moan, "Christ, yes," and then he's diving back in for more,
greedily fucking Alex with his tongue, soft moans escaping from his lips.

Alex tugs on Henry's hair, begging him to go deeper, faster, anything. Moans are flying from his
own mouth as well, and he's hurtling closer and closer to the edge, driven insane by want from
Henry's tongue in his ass.
"More," he hears himself beg a moment later. "I want — Henry, I need more."

"More?" Henry repeats, pulling away from Alex, and Alex whines at the empty feeling that floods
his body. "Like what? Do you want me to touch you?"

"No," Alex groans, still gripping onto Henry's hair as tight as he can. He knows the game they're
playing. He knows he won't be able to change Henry's mind. He's not even going to try. "I just need
— fuck, your fingers, or your cock, anything."

"Is that so?" Henry asks quietly, a teasing edge to his voice. Alex feels him moving, one of his
hands sliding under Alex's waist to keep him held up while his other hand moves to Alex's tied
wrists, gently pushing them back against the pillow. "But you've come from this alone before,
darling." His voice is closer now, leaning over Alex, bracketing him with his body. "What makes
you think you can't do the same this time?"

"I —" Alex starts, his brain running a million miles a minute and his orgasm so, so close, but stops.
Because Henry shifts again, his hips pressing flat against Alex's ass as he does so, and his
incredibly hard cock slides in between Alex's cheeks, the leaking head sliding directly over his
loose hole, and without another thought, Alex is coming.

His entire body shakes from his orgasm, Henry's surprised "Oh," cutting through the air. Henry has
certainly made him come hard before, but never like this, never this hard when completely
untouched. He feels the come splattering on his stomach as he rides out his orgasm, and Henry is
on him the entire time, moving with him, rolling his hips along with Alex's until they slow to a
stop, and even when Alex stills, his body spent — fuck, even still —

"Oh my God," Alex mutters.

Because Henry isn't stopping. He keeps moving his hips, dragging his cock along the rim of Alex's
ass, the head nearly slipping inside Alex's hole with each thrust. Alex moans. He can't see
anything, but he can feel his dick twitching with oversensitivity, fighting to stay hard, just from
Henry's cock rubbing against his ass. Jesus fucking Christ. He thought he knew pretty much
everything about his body, what turns him on, what limits Henry can push him to, but apparently
not. Apparently, Henry is going to continue to surprise him every fucking day.

Henry only lets up when Alex is almost fully hard again, squeezing his hips to still him as he draws
back and sets Alex's ass back on the mattress. Alex whines at the loss of contact. He feels the faint
touch of Henry's lips to his knee, no doubt trying to calm him down. He lets out a shaky sigh,
attempting to come down from his high.

"You failed to mention," he says weakly after a few more minutes of light kisses, "that you had
other accessories to use." He tugs on the tie around his wrists to emphasize his point. "Kinda feels
like cheating."

"Oh, darling," Henry says, his voice absolutely sultry, and Alex's cock twitches just from those two
fucking words. He feels Henry's fingers slide over his thigh, his waist, his stomach, dipping into
the come that's cooling on his skin. He shivers. "I said I would make you come untouched. I said
nothing about the limits there may or may not be. Besides..." Henry's voice drops another octave.
"I think you're simply trying to find a way to get out of this. I know how much you hate admitting
that I'm right."

"I don't — you're not —" Alex stammers, but Henry is pushing two of his come-covered fingers
past Alex's lips and Alex reacts immediately. He sucks Henry's fingers into his mouth, groans at
the taste of himself on his tongue, and he knows it's not going to take long for him to come again,
not long at all.

Henry doesn't make him lick up all the come splattered on his stomach. Alex doesn't think he
would have made it through without coming again if he tried. Instead, Henry waits for Alex to lick
his fingers clean, then pulls them out of Alex's mouth, much to his disappointment. The feeling
doesn't last long, however, because a second later, Henry's warm tongue is dragging over the
quivering muscles of Alex's stomach, and he — fuck, he just starts licking at it. He's eating Alex's
come off of his stomach, groaning at the taste, making Alex writhe and whimper, and loving every
fucking second of it.

"You're such a bastard," Alex groans when Henry lets up. He's fully hard again, just from the
sound of Henry's moans. "Literally the fucking worst."

"Hm, is that so?" Henry's voice is light and teasing, somehow spurring Alex on even more. He
places a slow kiss to Alex's chest before speaking again. "I think you're ready to continue. Shall

"Fucking please."

"All right. Can you sit up for me, darling?"

Alex pauses. "I — yeah." He lifts his arms in Henry's direction again. "Help me up?"

Henry helps him into a sitting position, then taps at his thigh. "Up on your knees."

Something hot twists in Alex's gut. He pushes himself onto his knees, Henry's strong hand on his
back keeping him still, legs only quivering slightly. He feels Henry shifting on the bed as well,
even sliding off at one point to climb back a minute later. He's about to open his mouth and ask
Henry what the fuck is going on when he feels Henry's hand on his skin, guiding his arms up in the
air until they settle on each of Henry's shoulders.

"Cozy," he says, a grin tugging at his lips.

Henry shifts again, one of his hands sliding across Alex's hip. "Of course, love," he says quietly.
"Want to make sure you're comfortable."

Fuck, Alex loves him.

It isn't until Henry is shifting things on the bed once more that Alex realizes what position they're
in. He's on his knees, arms draped over Henry's neck, blindfolded and wrists tied, completely at
Henry's mercy. And Henry is a mirror image of him, on his knees as well, one hand stroking Alex's
hip. Alex shivers. He has no idea what's about to happen, but he knows that he's going to enjoy
every second of it.

"How are you feeling?" Henry asks.


Henry snorts. "Be honest."

"Horny. I'm literally just waiting for you to fuck me."

"Is that so?" Henry muses. Alex can practically hear the smile in his voice. "Why don't you... sit
"Sit down?" Alex repeats flatly, because his favorite thing to do after fucking Henry is
fucking with him. "What, so you can catch me off guard?" he snickers, but he lowers his hips
anyway. "I know all your tricks, you —"

Alex breaks himself off with a gasp. Something cool and round is brushing against his hole, an
incredibly familiar feeling, but it still makes him recoil in surprise. He takes a shaky breath. "Do
you —"

"Sit down, Alex," Henry says again, not a suggestion this time, but a command.

"Fuck," Alex whispers. He nods. "Yeah. Okay."

Alex shifts his legs further apart and slowly lowers himself down until the head of the dildo is
pressing against his hole, slick with lube that Henry must have coated on. He grinds down, getting
a feel for it, trying to recognize which one it is. After another moment, he sucks in a breath and
sinks down, only allowing the head to slip inside of him before stopping.

"Are you stretched enough?" Henry asks. His hand is still clutching Alex's hip, rubbing comforting
circles up and down; his other hand, it seems, is clutching the base of the dildo, holding it steady as
Alex takes inch after inch.

"Yeah," Alex rasps. He could be stretched more, he thinks, but Henry's tongue always has a way of
loosening him up, and he can tell that the dildo is coated generously with lube, so he isn't worried
about the burn. He rather likes it, in fact, feeling split open by the seams as takes a dildo or Henry's
cock up his ass. "Just need — fuck, just need you, baby."

"Christ," Henry breathes out, weak and shaky, and before Alex knows it, Henry's hand comes up
from his hip to clutch at his jaw and he presses their lips together, wasting no time and immediately
licking into his mouth. The kiss is hot and wanton, laced with a desperation that's just as lethal as
poison, and Alex thinks half-hysterically that he wouldn't mind if this kills him.

Henry doesn't stop kissing him until the dildo is all the way inside, and even then, he barely lets
up. Alex can still feel his hot breath against his skin as he pulls back, letting Alex get used to the
size. It's smaller than Henry, Alex notes as he rolls his hips, and just barely brushing against his
prostate, teasing him to no end. That's probably what Henry wanted, right? To tease Alex until he's
crying? Lord knows that's what Alex wants.

"I'm good," Alex says shakily after a moment. He doesn't have the slightest idea of what Henry has
in store for him, but he's already shaking in anticipation.

"Are you sure?"

Alex bites his lip. Fuck. He really isn't going to survive this. "Yeah, baby. Please."

He feels Henry shift again on the bed, as though reaching for something, and a second later Alex's
spine is arching as he gasps, pleasure flooding through his veins like crashing tidal wave —

It's a vibrator. The fucker gave him a vibrator.

"Henry," Alex whines. His hips jerk automatically, rolling forward on instinct. But Henry hasn't
told him if he's allowed, and Alex doesn't want to disappoint him, but he's the buzzing feels so
good and he's so hard, what the hell —

"You're all right, love," Henry says, his hand falling to Alex's hip again. Alex can feel the cold
press of what must be the remote. "Take what you need. I just want to watch."
The thought of having complete freedom to do what he wants, the idea of Henry getting off simply
by watching him is almost enough to make Alex come again. He works his hips with a bit more
force, trying to get the vibrator deeper, but Henry's grip on its base stays firm, forcing Alex to
chase whatever pleasure he wants. It's so erotic — Alex bouncing up and down on a vibrator,
Henry's hand on his hip, guiding him, steadying him, and the puff of breath on his lips whenever
Henry gasps. He can only imagine how much more intense it would be if he could see Henry.

The buzzing ramps up and Alex shudders, his body halting in the rhythm. A whine escapes his lips
before he can stop it. He curls his hands into fists, fucking himself on the vibrator harder, chasing a
release that's sure to come.

"You're such a sight, Alex," Henry whispers, and Alex can't fight off the starving moan that flies
from his mouth. He pushes back against the vibrator again and again and again. It's so close to
hitting his prostate, so close to making him fall completely apart, but he can't manage to get it
there. Henry curses under his breath. "Christ, if you could see yourself —"

"More," Alex cries, cutting Henry off entirely.

Henry pauses. Alex can feel the way his shoulders tense up ever so slightly, and he knows what's
about to come. "Alex —"

"I don't care," Alex sobs, pressing back against the vibrator, forcing it in as deep as it can go. "I
need more, Henry, it's not — fuck, I can't —"

He's cut off by his own shuddering moan as the vibrations buzz harder, Henry turning it up even
more. The pressure against his prostate is better, more palpable, but it still isn't enough. "Henry,"
he breathes out again, leaning forward, not stopping until the tip of his nose touches Henry's.

"Love, I —" But Henry's breath is shaky as well, cracking at the edges, and Alex can tell that he's
so close to giving in. He fucks back against the vibrator, moans, and pushes forward one more time
until their lips are barely brushing when Henry breaks. "Fuck, Alex, what do you need?"

"Your fingers," Alex says immediately, hoping the desperation building inside of him doesn't seep
into his tone. "Please, Henry, please, I need them."

Henry makes a strangled noise in the back of his throat. "You know I won't touch you —"

"No," Alex interrupts, his cock twitching at the mere thought. "In me. Please."

"Fucking Christ, Alex," Henry breathes out, his voice full of awe, but a second later, Henry's hand
is leaving his hip and he hears the familiar click of a lube bottle opening. Yes. Yes. Fucking finally.

Alex wishes he's exaggerating when the tip of Henry's finger presses against his hole and it feels
like heaven. Alex moans loudly, completely unashamed at this point, and grinds against Henry's
finger. "Please, baby, please."

It's still not enough when Henry slides the finger in knuckle-deep. Alex moans and whines, pushing
back against Henry's finger, trying to get it impossibly deeper. He can't even imagine how he looks
— blindfolded and tied up, face flushed and cock hard, on his knees in front of Henry, desperate to
be filled. He can't imagine what Henry looks like watching him.

"Darling, you can't," Henry says brokenly when Alex begs for another finger.

"Yes I fucking can," Alex groans, loud and lewd. "I'm almost there, baby, c'mon — I'm so fucking
close, I just need a little more."
He shakes with pleasure, mouth dropping open in a silent moan, when buzzing vibrator picks up
once more. "That's the highest it can go," Henry tells him as he crooks his finger, sending shivers
down Alex's spine. "Is that — is that good?"

"Yeah," Alex breathes, rolling his hips. And that's just it — it's good. Alex is past good. He needs
something that will push him to his limits, and then push even more. He knows that Henry can do
that to him. God, he needs Henry to do that to him.

"Another," he says after a moment. When Henry stays still, Alex lets out a whine.
"Baby, please. I need it."

Henry pauses for another beat, then says, "If you're sure you can take it —"

"When did I say anything that would make you think I can't?" Alex says, groaning in displeasure
when he feels Henry's finger slide out. "No, I'm sorry, sweetheart, please."

"I'm just getting more lube, love."

Finally. Fucking finally. Now they're getting somewhere.

The stretch of Henry's lube-slicked fingers next to the vibrator is so overwhelming that Alex thinks
he's about to black out. He moans loudly, unashamedly, immediately fucking back against the
intrusion. Henry's fingers press against his prostate the moment he does so, and Alex's mind spins.

"Wait," he chokes out, and Henry immediately stills. "Yeah, like — like that." His hips work faster,
chasing the burst of pleasure that gets more intense with each snap of his hips. "Just stay there for
me, sweetheart, okay? I'm so — fuck, I'm so close."

Henry doesn't say anything else, and he doesn't need to — Alex can hear every gasping gasping
moan that falls from his lips, every hitch of breath, every groan that starts to build in his throat just
to have him bite it back at the last minute. It's more than enough to drive Alex insane. Just knowing
that he can turn Henry on by this — that he can make Henry delirious with want — brings Alex
even closer to the edge. He can feel his orgasm right underneath the surface, building up, up, up, so
fucking close —

"Oh fuck. Fuck." Alex grinds his hips down, shifting the angle ever so slightly, and the buzzing
head of the vibrator presses against his prostate alongside Henry's fingers. A long, drawn-out whine
escapes him. "Henry, I'm gonna —"

"Yeah," Henry groans, his voice sounding wrecked, and that's what pushes Alex over the edge. He
comes harder than he did the first time — how that's even possible, he doesn't know, and he
doesn't care. He can feel his come splattering on his thighs, his stomach, some of it even landing
on his chest. He's riding the high of that white-hot pleasure, fucking himself against Henry's fingers
the whole time, desperate to get as much as he possibly can.

Henry's mouth is on him again a moment later, kissing him hard and he works through the orgasm,
then carefully slowing his kisses during the come down. Alex sighs against his mouth. His entire
body feels electrified, fingers shaking where his arms are still draped over Henry's broad shoulders.
He can't believe how intense that was. And he still has one more to go.

Fuck, one more to go. He wonders what Henry has in store for him next. He wonders if he'll even
have it in him to come again.

"So good, darling," Henry murmurs, pulling his fingers out, ignoring Alex's disappointed whine.
"You were gorgeous. You were beautiful." The vibrator slides out next, slowly easing out of him,
and Alex moans at the gaping feeling it leaves him with. "Christ, I love you."

"I love you," Alex manages to say. He's still trying to catch his breath.

He waits for Henry to move him into a different position, or press another toy into him, or maybe
if he's lucky, Henry's cock instead. But nothing changes. Henry's hands settle on Alex's hips and he
kisses Alex slow and deep, completely content to take his time.

"Still good?" Henry murmurs a minute later, barely pulling back from the kiss.

"Yeah," Alex whispers back. "Just want you, sweetheart."

"You'll have me," Henry promises, kissing him again. "In fact, let me tell you all the ways you'll
have me."

Alex is so lost in the kisses and the post-orgasm haze that he doesn't fully register what Henry is
saying. He just nods and kisses him harder, dragging his teeth against Henry's lower lip.

"You'll have me just like this," Henry starts, pulling away from Alex again. "On your knees,
wrapped around me, waiting."

Alex whimpers without meaning to. He can feel Henry's breath on his lips, Henry's nose sliding
against his jaw, Henry's fingers tracing small circles on his hips. He doesn't know what to focus on,
but Henry starts speaking again, and it's the only thing worth paying attention to.

"Maybe if you hadn't had two orgasms yet, I would take my time with you." Henry presses a slow
kiss to the underside of Alex's jaw. "Kiss you everywhere you're sensitive... your neck..." A kiss to
Alex's neck, right underneath his pulse point, making him gasp. "Your ear..." The graze of teeth
against Alex's earlobe and a sweet kiss behind his ear, the perfect mixture of rough and tender.
"Your chest..." Wet lips trailing down Alex's skin, teasing him, prompting whimpers to spill from
Alex's mouth until Henry's tongue licks over one of his nipples and a moan flies out instead.

"I would spend some time here," Henry continues, "just... touching you. Kissing you. I would start
up here —" His hand presses against Alex's sternum, his fingers brushing over the dip in his throat.
"— and I wouldn't go any further. I would only kiss your chest, your collarbones, and suck hickeys
into your skin until you beg. You know how much I adore your begging, don't you? It drives me
absolutely mad. So I wouldn't be able to resist myself, resist you, and I would keep kissing every
inch of you. I want to be completely consumed by your body."

"Henry," Alex moans, so quiet that he can barely hear his own words.

Henry's lips are back at his ear again, not kissing him, but speaking softly to him instead. His hands
are taking over where his lips had been, delicate brushes over his abs, sensual rake of nails down
his sides. Alex is shaking. "I would spend my time kissing your hips." One hand stays put at his
stomach while the other falls to his hip, squeezing hard. "Your cock would be so hard, and you
would be leaking like you always do, but I still wouldn't touch you... much like we're doing right
now." Henry pauses, then Alex hears his soft laughter. "And it already looks as though you're
getting hard for me again."

Fuck. Now that Henry has pointed it out, Alex notices it, too. His cock is twitching just from
Henry's words. He's not hard, but he's getting there — and if Henry keeps this up, he's sure it won't
take long for him to be fully hard again. He can't help it. Every single thing that Henry does to him
always leaves him reeling, not just desperate for more but hungry for it, aching for Henry to know
that he needs it just as much as oxygen.
"But you would keep begging, wouldn't you?" Henry continues. "You wouldn't be able to help
yourself... so I would lay you out in front of me, pin your wrists to the mattress, and I would take
you into my mouth."

Alex moans. His hips give a small, miniscule thrust into the air. He knows that he won't be met
with any friction; he knows this, but he can't help but let out a small sob when his cock stays
untouched and twitching with anticipation.

"I would go slow, and you would whine about it, but there would be nothing you could do."
Henry's hand is moving across his body now, sliding over his stomach, tracing the faint lines of the
V in his hips. "Whenever you would thrust into my mouth, I would pull away, just to hear you beg
again. Christ, Alex," Henry laughs. "I wouldn't be able to get enough of you. I never can. Even

Alex's body is shaking just from Henry's words. He wants it more than anything — he wants Henry
to have his way with him, to pin him to the mattress and sink his mouth over his cock. The words
are falling from his lips before he can even notice: "Please."

"Please what, love?"

"Please. Do — do it. I want you to do it. That."

Henry laughs again. "I don't think so," he says quietly. "That would disrupt our game here,
wouldn't it? Besides, I won't touch you. You know that."

"Henry, please."

"How about you tell me what you would do instead?" Henry asks, and Alex's breath hitches. "What
would you do if I was teasing you endlessly, just to hear you beg?"

"Like you're not doing that right now," Alex mutters, and Henry snorts. "Fine, I would — fuck, I'd
probably curse you out," he says with a small laugh that quickly turns into a moan when Henry's
fingers skim over his body again. "And you — you wouldn't give in, so I'd grab your hand and get
— fuck, Henry — get your fingers in my mouth. Just... just to feel something."

"Christ," Henry breathes out. His fingers dip lower, sliding into Alex's pubic hair, so unbelievably
close to his dick, but not close enough. Alex whines. "You would look beautiful like that, you
know. I wouldn't be able to deny you anything."

He keeps going, touching Alex with teasing, barely-there brushes and whispering lewd dirty talk
into his ear for what seems like hours. Alex isn't coherent enough to remember how time works.
He is coherent enough, however, to notice that he's hard again. All from nothing but Henry's voice.
He can't believe Henry managed it. He can't believe he managed it — two orgasms without even
being properly touched, and now the third one is just under the surface. He still can't wrap his head
around it, sometimes; the way Henry never fails to turn him on.

Henry is describing how he would slide into Alex and watch him fuck himself against his cock in
vivid detail when Alex feels his orgasm start to build again. Henry kisses him, curls his hands over
his hips, long fingers digging into his ass, and mutters in a low voice about the dimples in Alex's
back and how he would lick over them while he fucks Alex. He describes the way he would get a
hand in Alex's curls and tug his head back to suck a biting hickey into his neck. He teases Alex
endlessly each time he brushes the tips of his fingers into Alex's pubic hair, just barely touching the
base of his cock, and telling Alex all the ways he would touch him if he was fucking him right
It's too much. Alex doesn't even know what he looks like — can't even imagine — but
he does know that he's only moments away from his third orgasm, all from Henry's filthy fucking
dirty talk in his ear. He needs the release, needs it more than anything, but Henry isn't
fucking finished.

"When you would come," Henry says, pausing to suck Alex's earlobe into his mouth and drag his
hand down to squeeze Alex's ass, "I wouldn't stop touching you. I know how much you love when
I do that — you would writhe and moan, and you wouldn't stop until I'd come inside of you. Isn't
that right, love?"

"Yeah," Alex breathes out, low and stuttered. It's the first word he's uttered in minutes. He's so on-
edge, so much more sensitive than usual with the blindfold obscuring his vision; goosebumps are
appearing on his skin with each caress of Henry's hand, each time his hole clenches around
nothing, reminding him of how drastically empty he is. "I'm so close, baby," he slurs, his thighs
quivering when Henry's thumb slides across the soft skin. "So fuckin' close."

"Good," Henry murmurs, and that single word hits Alex squarely in the gut. He moans. "Alex,"
Henry continues, his voice barley above a whisper, and then Alex feels the familiar press of
Henry's lips against his, kissing him softly. "Alex. My good boy."

"Oh my God," Alex whines, and before he knows it, he feels his cock twitch madly and pleasure
floods every inch of his body as he comes. He knows he doesn't come as much as the first two
times, but he comes all the same; feels it rolling down his cock and dripping onto the sheets. He
doesn't moan, barely even makes a sound, but his mouth is dropped open in a silent cry, the
quietest of choked-off sounds escaping him as Henry presses kisses all over his face, gently
working him through his orgasm.

Alex slumps forward when the last few notes of orgasm fade, his body completely spent. He hears
Henry's quiet laugh in his ear, sounding a little breathless, and fuck, maybe he's just as blissed out
from this as Alex is. Henry kisses the side of his face. "All right, love. Let's get you cleaned up."

Alex tries to reply, or even nod, but all that he can manage is a strangled noise of agreement in the
back of his throat.

"Here." Henry's hands come up to Alex's head, stroking softly at his curls before loosening the knot
of the tie. The fabric falls from his eyes a moment later. Alex blinks.

His head is still resting in the crook of Henry's neck, so the first thing he sees is the sight in
between their bodies. And fuck, it's obscene. His cock is still dripping with the remnants of his
orgasm, the head still flushed and pink, softening as Alex continues to come down. The sheets
below them aren't much better. They're splattered with come, wet spots seeping into the blankets,
and Alex wonders hysterically if they're even worth salvaging. And then his eyes land on Henry's
cock, and — oh. Jesus. He's hard as a rock, messy from the precome leaking from the tip, the skin
a deep pink color. He looks like he's about to lose it with one small brush against his dick.

And, God — he thought he was done. He thought he was done, but now, all he wants is to be
ruined a little more. All he wants is for Henry lay him down against the pillows, straddle his hips,
and jerk off until he makes even a greater mess of Alex's body.

Alex gulps as he raises his head to meet Henry's eyes for the first time. He has a sweet smile on his
lips, slightly swollen from all the kissing and sucking and biting, but a smile all the same, warm
and comforting, just what they need after a rather intense round (or in this case, rounds) of sex. But
right now, that's not what Alex is looking for. Alex is looking for the blown pupils in Henry's eyes,
so wide that he can barely see the blue surrounding them. The devastating sound of his breathing,
ragged and laced with arousal, hitching whenever Alex shifts against him. The flush in his cheeks,
spreading down his neck, his chest, like desire written in cursive along his body.

"You're still hard," is all Alex can manage.

"Don't worry about that, love," Henry tells him, raising Alex's arms off his shoulders and sliding
out from underneath them. He begins to undo the knot of the tie around Alex's wrists. "Three
orgasms is a lot. Let me take care of you."

"What if I want you to take care of me," Alex says quickly, slipping his wrists free, "by jerking off
and coming on me?"

Henry stills, the ties slipping out of his hand and falling to the floor. His Adam's apple bobs as he
swallows, and Alex watches the movement shamelessly. God, he wants to lick it.

"Do you —" Henry pauses. "Are you sure?"

"A hundred and ten percent, baby," Alex breathes, and —

Henry is on him before Alex even fully registers what's happening, cupping his face with both
hands, angling to kiss him more deeply. Henry's mouth is frantic, no doubt pent up from taking
Alex apart over and over again, and Alex is obsessed with it. He kisses Henry back, threading his
fingers through his sandy hair as Henry pushes him down into the mattress. Henry climbs onto his
lap and his cock brushes against Alex's thigh, hot and insisting. Henry moans into Alex's mouth,
rocking his hips down.

"Yeah," Alex breathes. He snakes his hands down Henry's body until they're cupping his ass,
squeezing the flesh, urging him on with a roll of his hips. "Yeah, sweetheart. Wanna feel you."

"Fuck," Henry laughs before diving in for another hungry kiss. "Alex, I don't think — Christ, I
can't last."

"Right," Alex manages, letting himself fall into one more kiss before pulling away. "Can you... can
you get on your knees?"

Henry shifts into position immediately. His cock hangs hard and heavy in between his legs, a single
drop of precome rolling down his shaft and dripping onto Alex's abdomen. Alex shivers. "Yeah,
just like that. C'mon — need you."

Henry nods, his face contorting in pleasure when he wraps a hand around his cock. Alex has no
idea if Henry touched himself at all while he was getting Alex off, but judging by the low moan
that rises from his throat upon the first stroke of his hand, this is the first bit of friction he's
received all night. He bites his lip, another whimper escaping him, and works his hand faster.

Alex has always gotten turned on by knowing his partner feels good, by watching his partner make
themselves feel good. Henry is no different. Alex is always transfixed each time he's fucking Henry
and pauses to watch Henry thrust back against his cock, desperate for more; each time he's on his
knees for Henry, mouth full of Henry's dick, touching himself to the sight of the exposed column of
Henry's throat as he groans out obscenities. So now, with Henry leaning over him, one hand braced
on the mattress next to Alex's head and the other fisting his own cock... well, Alex is more than a
little turned on. Even after three orgasms. Jesus fucking Christ.

He isn't even aware of his hand traveling lower and lower until it's wrapping around his own cock,
already half-hard. When he does register what he's doing, however, he moans, long and low, the
relief of finally getting some friction on his cock consuming every inch of his body, driving any
other possible thought away. He zeroes in on Henry's cock, the way it appears and reappears from
his fist, and tries to match his own strokes with Henry's.

It takes a moment for Henry to realize what Alex is doing, but the moment he does, his eyes widen
in surprise and the arm he's holding himself up with literally shakes. "Christ — Alex," he chokes
out. "You're really — fuck, again?"

"Yeah," Alex groans, snapping his hips faster. Considering the intensity of his three orgasms
beforehand, his cock is rising to full hardness at an impressive speed. "You're so hot, Henry. Can't
fucking help myself."

"Oh my God," Henry mutters. His hand works faster; his hips harder. "Darling, you don't know
what you're doing to me —"

"Come on me," Alex hears himself begging. With his free hand, he cups the back of Henry's neck
until their lips are crashing together, kissing him as passionately as he can possibly muster. He
slides his tongue along Henry's bottom lip, coaxing him to open up, and when he does, he licks into
Henry's mouth with desperate little whimpers. "Come on me, sweetheart; I want it, want you."

Henry gives one, two more strokes of his hand before his body seizes up and he spills over his fist
and onto Alex's stomach with a disbelieving laugh. Alex helps him through it, kissing him the
entire time, letting Henry collapse on top of him when he can't hold himself up anymore. The come
is sticky between their bodies, but Alex doesn't care. In fact, he fucks up into his fist with even
more vigor.

"Fuck, that was so hot," he tells Henry, pressing a trail of sloppy kisses to Henry's jaw as Henry
catches his breath. "I'm nearly there. Just —" Alex cuts himself off with a groan when Henry
reaches in between their bodies and bats his hand out the way, replacing it with his own a second
later, using the come on his hand as lube. "Yeah, just a little more."

It doesn't take long for his orgasm to hit him. Henry is just... Henry, gorgeous and stunning and
beautiful and everything Alex can possibly want. He brings Alex to orgasm after orgasm without
even touching him. He straddles Alex and comes all over his stomach just because Alex asks him
to. He jerks Alex off to a fourth orgasm because there isn't a single universe where Alex won't be
turned on by Henry.

It's that thought, in fact, that ends up tipping Alex over the edge. His cock jerks in Henry's grip, and
while he barely ejaculates, the amount of pleasure that floods his body is completely
overwhelming. It's unlike anything he's ever felt before, washing over every single one of his
senses, until he's only coherent enough to recognize the press of Henry's lips against his cheek and
the feather-light touch of Henry's fingers against his skin, and even then, the pleasure swallows all
of that up with it.

Alex isn't sure how long he was out, but by the time he comes back to himself, the ruined sheets
are tossed to the side and his stomach is cleaned up, a dirtied washcloth sitting on the nightstand.
Henry is on his side next to him, leaving light kisses on his neck and shoulders, waiting for him to
come back to earth.

"Hey," Alex manages, rolling on his side to face Henry. His voice is rough and scratchy. He
fucking loves it when Henry does that to him.

"Hey yourself," Henry says back. He captures Alex's lips in a slow, chaste kiss, sighing into it.
"Christ, Alex... that was amazing. You were amazing. You always are."
"Shut up," Alex mumbles, wrapping his arms around Henry's shoulders and burying his face in the
crook of his neck. "You're amazing. You literally made me come four fucking times. That's a new
fucking record."

"Anything you want, my love."

Alex snorts. "Technically, you wanted it, Your Highness."

"Oh? Do I have to remind you of all the times you begged tonight?"

"No, no, thank you very much."

Henry laughs, light and happy in his ear. "For the record," he says quietly, his voice dropping an
octave, "I almost came myself when you kept begging for more than just the vibrator. That was
the only time I touched myself, really — just to stop myself from coming."

Fuck; if Alex didn't just have four orgasms and his bones weren't equivalent to soup, he would
absolutely be all over Henry right now.

Henry eventually coaxes Alex into the shower when Alex feels like his legs won't immediately
give out when he stands. He washes Alex's hair with diligent precision; kisses him and rinses the
soap off of his body, even drops to his knees not to take him into his mouth like Alex is used to, but
to make sure he washes every inch of Alex's skin; to make sure he's completely clean. Alex
attempts to return the favor, but Henry gently pushes him off. "I wasn't the one who blacked out
tonight. Don't you worry about me."

"You need aftercare, too," Alex argues, frowning.

"Yes, yes, I know," Henry is quick to assure, kissing his forehead under the warm stream of water.
"But being next to you in our bed is more than enough aftercare for me. I promise you."

And if Henry says so, then it must be true, so Alex lets Henry help him out of the shower and wrap
a fluffy towel around his shoulders. He doesn't protest when Henry dries his hair with another
towel, nor does he when Henry sits him down on the edge of the bathtub and disappears into the
kitchen to get him a glass of water. Alex sips at the water slowly, watching Henry walk in and out
of the bathroom, fetching new sleep clothes for Alex to change into, or drying off stray water
droplets dripping from Alex's curls, or pressing a kiss to the top of Alex's head each time he checks
to make sure Alex is drinking the water.

Fuck. Alex loves him so much.

He opens his mouth to say so once Henry has tucked them both into bed underneath fresh sheets,
but he can't seem to get the words out. How the hell can he put the amount of love he feels toward
Henry into words? How the hell can he tell Henry just how much he means to him,
when Alex doesn't even know where it starts and where it ends?

It's endless, Alex decides. His love for Henry reaches no limits.

And somehow, Henry understands. He nods without Alex having to stay anything and kisses him
softly on the mouth. "I love you," he whispers, "so much. Words fail me at times when I try to tell
you, but Alex..." he trails off, looking deep into Alex's eyes, one hand cupping his jaw and running
a thumb up and down his cheek.

That's all he has to say. It's enough for Alex to know, too.
End Notes

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