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HUMAN GENE THERAPHY cancer, Prostate cancer, anhidrotic ectodermal dysplasia are

examples of this.
Genome is a complete set of the genes in a cell or organism.
Gene therapy is a method of treating or preventing diseases by
Human genome resides in 46 chromosomes that basically come in
replacing. repairing, or turning on or off genes of a patient's cells.
pair in which 23 are from the father and another 23 from the
The process in gene therapy includes the use of vectors and non-
mother. These pairs of chromosomes dictate the characteristics of
viral method to move a DNA or genes to one cell or another. Some
an organism and can be determined as dominant or recessive A
of the vectors in gene therapy are retrovirus, adenovirus, adeno
chromosome is made up of two chromatids and each chromatid
associated virus, cis, and trans-acting elements, and herpes simplex
contains sequence of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). DNA
virus. Non-viral method, the other hand, has certain advantages
commonly found in the nucleus of every cell. The DNA strand,
over vectors or viral methods since it can be produced in large
when divided into portions, constitutes many genes. Genes are
scale. Injection of naked DNA is the simplest method under non-
made up of hundreds of thousands of chemical bases. This specific
viral method. Cells, tissue and even organisms that undergone gene
portion of the DNA performs specific function specifically in the
therapy are considered transgenic or genetically modified. The two
production of hormone or enzymes. Not all the genes in the strand
main types of gene therapy are somatic gene therapy and
of DNA are working at the same time. For example, the genes that
reproductive gene therapy.
are "switched on" in the heart are different from those genes that
are 'switched on' in the eye. The genes or portion of the DNA 1. Somatic gene therapy are those which are not related to
sequence that are coded to proteins are called exons and the non- reproductive gene therapy. It is basically the introduction of genes
coding regions are called introns. to cells in a target organ to produce enzymes which are needed by
the body to functions well. It means that, somatic gene therapy
helps the organ to function well but it doesn't alter the genetic
Genetic disorders diseases caused by abnormalities in the DNA makeup of an organism. The changes in organisms caused by
sequence an individual. These irregularities can happen in one gene somatic gene therapy are not transmitted to its offspring.
there an addition or subtraction of chromosomes. There more 4000
2. Reproductive gene therapy or germ-line cell therapy is
identified medical disorders that are caused defective genes.
basically the introduction of corrective genes to sperm cells, egg
Although genes are responsible for predisposition these diseases,
cells, or even zygotes (4-day old). The main goal or objective is to
the environment, diet, lifestyle also factors that trigger diseases eliminate the abnormalities that can possibly be transmitted to the
These genetic disorders classified. offspring. It is the alteration of genetic makeup of the offspring by
targeting the abnormal genes in the parent's sex cells.
A. Single-Gene Disorder
However, gene therapy requires the identification of the correct
Single gene disorders are caused by mutations in specific genes. In
genes responsible in the progression of diseases. The most crucial
humans, there are 50,000 to 100,000 estimated genes that are
part of gene therapy is the delivery of the modified gene to the cell
responsible for coding proteins which are needed by cells and
or target organ and this should be done in accurate. controlled and
tissues to perform its specific function.
effective way. It can also be noted that modified genes are not
Single-gene disorders classified into autosomal single-gene always accepted by the cells for the reason that our cells have its
disorder and X-linked disorders. The question that, how can we natural defense mechanism and kills foreign bodies. Most failures
determine if the disorder is autosomal or X-linked? Remember that in gene therapy are caused by the rejection of the modified genes.
the human chromosomes always come in 23 i.e.22 pairs of
autosomes and a pair of sex chromosome. Autosomal gene disorder
happens in genes that can be found within the 22 pairs of non-sex
chromosomes while X-linked disorder originated from the genes of
sex chromosome. Haemophilia and Christmas Disease are example Benefits of Gene Therapy
of it.
1.It offers cure to several diseases like cancer. Parkinson's disease,
B. Chromosomal Disorders AIDS, asthma, diabetes, heart diseases as well as hereditary
diseases. 2.It can replace defective cells.
Chromosomal may happen under certain conditions. It might be an
3.It has a promising potential not only in the field of medicine but
excess or deficiency of the whole chromosome, chromosomal
in some related fields like agriculture.
rearrangement, and contiguous gene syndrome. There are many
structural abnormalities in the chromosomes and some of it are Disadvantages of gene therapy
related to cardiovascular disease that led to congenital heart
disease. Chromosomal rearrangement happens if there is breakage 1.Modifying organism means modifying its capabilities. 2.Viral
and reconstruction but in abnormal form. Structural rearrangement vectors could recover its ability to cause disease. 3.It can damage
may lead to loss or gain of genetic material but typically gaining the gene pool resulting to multigene disorder.
human chromosomes is less harmful than the loss of genetic 4.High cost.
materials. Examples of this are Superfemale (XXX), Turner’s
syndrome (XO), and Down’ syndrome(trisomy 21)
C. Multifactorial Inheritance
Energy is the power to do work, energy is used to do many things.
Multifactorial inheritance is not caused by some changes or It exists in various forms and can be converted from one form to
abnormalities in a single gene or chromosome. It is basically by the another. In your case, the energy you need is derived from the food
combination of genetic changes that produces the disease. you eat. In plants, photosynthesis is a process wherein plants
Multifactorial inheritance might happen 5-10% in the first-degree manufacture their own food in the presence of sunlight. Light
relatives with higher risk than that of 2nd degree relatives. Breast energy is trapped in the process and energy is stored in the food.
During the breakdown process of food in our body the energy is
released, and you have the power to work or carry out different BIOMASS- Bioconversion is the process of obtaining energy from
activities. Energy is obtained from many sources for different society's waste products. There are many sources of waste biomass:
chemical processes. You may not be aware of it but you use food product waste, animal waste, paper, cardboard, and wood. All
kerosene, firewood, electricity to cook in using these products of these can either be burned or converted into fuels such as
energy is released. The products are therefore sources of energy. alcohol, oil and methane. Bioconversion, however, is not a very
Coal, nuclear power, and other fossil fuels generate energy. When efficient process. This energy source may add to other sources. It
any of this burn to release energy, there are usually byproducts like will also help us dispose other unwanted waste.
carbon dioxide, methane, etc. These byproducts cause pollution.
WOOD is one of our oldest sources of energy. Wood is used for
SOURCES OF ENERGY cooking and heating. In pioneer days, wood was one of the major
sources of energy. Coal and oil later replaced it. As an energy
A. EXHAUSTIBLE ENERGY source, wood has one major disadvantage. It is not a clean-burning
fuel. It creates high levels of air pollution.
Exhaustible energy sources are those that cannot be replaced once
they are used. There are basically two classifications of exhaustible C. INEXHAUSTIBLE ENERGY
energy sources: fossil fuels and nuclear fuels. These energy sources
are being utilized at 90 percent of our present energy sources. SOLAR ENERGY Can be used directly or indirectly. It can
Major uses include transportation, heat, light and industrial power. provide both heating and electricity. Solar panels are devices that
collect solar energy to heat water. Solar energy can be controlled
1. Fossil fuels are deposits of coal, petroleum (oil), and natural gas by using mirrors.
found underground.
HYDROELECTRIC ENERGY is simply electrical energy
COAL- Solid, combustible (burnable) substance that is brown to produced from flowing water. Rain and snow sustain our streams,
black in color obtained through mining operations. Coal is the most rivers, lakes, and oceans. Reservoirs are built to trap the water.
abundant fossil fuel coal is mainly used to fuel electrical power
plants. These power plant use three-quarters of all the coal mined. GEOTHERMAL ENERGY -Heat that is generated within the
Earth. It is a renewable resource that can be harvested for human
OIL (PETROLEUM)- Most common petroleum products are use. Magma heats nearby rocks and underground aquifers. Hot
gasoline and diesel fuel. Many homes and large buildings use oil as water can be released through geysers, hot springs, steam vents,
an energy source for heating. Oil can be used also to generate underwater hydrothermal vent, etc. Their heat can be captured and
electricity. These uses, plus its use in transportation, have made oil used directly for heat, or their steam can be used to generate
the world's most important fuel. electricity. Geothermal energy can be used to heat structures such
as buildings, parking lots, and sidewalks.
NATURAL GAS- Mixture of several types of gases: ethane,
propane, butane, and methane. Widely used for cooking and for WIND ENERGY - Kinetic energy produced by the movement of
heating homes. It consists mostly of methane and is found near oil air, able to be converted to mechanical power. It is created using a
deposits below Earth’s surface. Natural gas can be pumped out wind turbine, a device that channels the power of the wind to
through the same wells used for extracting crude oil. generate electricity.
2. Nuclear Fuels HYDROGEN ENERGY- Hydrogen is used as a clean-burning
fuel, leading to fewer pollutants and a cleaner environment. We
Uranium is the most used nuclear fuel. Uranium is a heavy
also use it for fuel cells. These are like batteries and are used to
substance that is found in many metal ores. There are two basic
supply power to electric motors.
types of uranium, called isotopes. One of these isotopes, uranium-
235 (U-235) is rare. Uranium ore are obtained through mining. At TIDAL ENERGY- With the movement of the tides, we get tidal
processing plants, the uranium is separated from the ore. At other energy when the kinetic energy of the water movement converts
plants, the uranium is separated into U-235 and U-238. into electrical energy. Tidal energy is renewable and produces large
amounts of energy even with low-speed tides.
Plutonium is another substance that can be used to power nuclear
reactors. If the breeder reactor became widely used, the energy WAVE ENERGY- Wave energy is an alternative energy source
available from our uranium supplies would increase sharply. It derived from waves as they move across the water.
would then be about three to four times the energy available from
our coal reserves. Breeder reactor uses uranium - 238 as its fuel. ENERGY CRISIS - is the concern that the world’s demands on
This type of reactor converts uranium-238 into plutonium. the limited natural resources that are used to power industrial
society are diminishing as the demand rises. These natural
B. RENEWABLE ENERGY - Those that can be used indefinitely
resources are in limited supply. While they do occur naturally, it
if they are properly managed and maintained. Wood and plants are
can take hundreds of thousands of years to replenish the stores.
renewable sources of energy.
Energy crisis is a result of many different strains on our natural
GASOHOL- A mixture of nine-tenths unleaded gasoline and one- resources, not just one.
tenth ethyl alcohol. It is used as a substitute for gasoline in cars and
trucks. By using gasohol, we can save 10 percent of the oil needed
to produce gasoline. Sources of ethyl alcohol include sugar beets, 1. Overconsumption. This is a result of too much use of fossil
and grain. At distilleries, these crops are processed into alcohol. fuels such as oil, gas, and coal.
The alcohol is then mixed with gasoline.
2. Overpopulation. The human population steady increase leads to
METHANOL OR METHYL ALCOHOL is a clean-burning more demands to energy resources.
liquid fuel. It can be made from natural gas and coal. These sources
are non-renewable. However, methanol can also be made from 3. Poor infrastructure. The continued use of outdated equipment's
renewable sources. These sources include wood, plants and waste in maintaining old infrastructures limits energy production.
products from homes, farms, and industry.
4. Unexplored renewable energy options. Ignorance of other Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and
renewable energy sources options will lead the people to greatly weather patterns. Climate change has immensely affected our
depend in non-renewable energy resources. natural environment and our society in the past. It will continue to
do so if we permit. Globally, considerable efforts are made to
5. Wastage of energy. The energy wasting habits at home such as alleviate the negative effects of climate change and one of which is
leaving the lights on or leaving electronic gadgets plugged adds reduction in carbon emissions. Each one of us plays a major role in
more problem with the energy shortage nowadays. this cause. We can take part and contribute significantly to protect
our environment, our world against the devastating consequences
6. Poor distribution system. If the energy from plants has poor
of this global phenomenon.
distribution system, tripping and breakdowns will be more
7. Major accidents and natural calamities. Energy supply Volcanic eruptions release carbon dioxide, but they can also
shortages may be caused by natural calamities, like volcanic release sulfur dioxide and aerosols like volcanic ash or dust.
eruptions, floods and earthquakes, and major accidents. This may Liquids and solids that float in the air are called aerosols. They
result to greater increase in energy price in the global market. could also contain bacteria, viruses, salt crystals, dust, and soot.
Aerosols have a small cooling effect by diffusing solar energy that
8. Wars and attacks. Unsettled wars involving Middle East
is coming in. Volcanic aerosols can block a portion of the sun's
countries may create major problems for energy consumers due to
rays and result in cooling that could last between one and two
global shortage.
9. Miscellaneous factors. These factors include Political Events,
Orbital Changes. Climate change can potentially result from
Strikes, Tax hikes, Severe Weather Changes. If the problems will
Earth's orbit. The Milankovitch theory suggested this. According to
arise from oil producing companies, it will directly cause energy
the Milankovitch theory, fluctuations in the amount of solar energy
that reach Earth as the Earth orbits the Sun are caused by cyclical
ALTERNATIVE ENERGY RESOURCES variations in three aspects of the Earth-Sun geometry, the
eccentricity, obliquity, and precession. The interplay of the three
The Chernobyl disaster of 1986 is an example of the problems that orbital cycles affects the amount of solar radiation received at
can occur as a result of using nuclear power and fossil fuels. In different latitudes over the year.
developing nations biomass (energy which includes wood,
charcoal, crop residues, dung, and other organic materials) is a 1. Obliquity refers to the tilt of the Earth's axis relative to its
source of energy apart from fossil fuels. orbital plane around the Sun. Changes in obliquity can have
significant effects on climate patterns and seasons, as it affects the
Alternative energy is energy that does not come from fossil fuels, amount and distribution of solar radiation received at different
and thus produces little to no greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide latitudes.
(CO2). This means that energy produced from alternative sources
does not contribute to the greenhouse effect that causes climate 2. Eccentricity refers to the shape of the Earth's orbit around the
change. Alternative energy sources include solar energy, Sun. Instead of a perfect circle, the Earth's orbit is slightly elliptical
hydroelectric energy, geothermal energy, wind energy, bioenergy, or elongated. Eccentricity is a measure of how elongated the orbit
nuclear energy, hydrogen energy, tidal energy, and wave energy. is. When eccentricity is high, the Earth's orbit is more elongated,
leading to differences in the distance between the Earth and the
BENEFITS OF ALTERNATIVE ENERGY Sun at different points in its orbit.
1. Conserve fossil fuels: We generate renewable energy by tapping 3. Precession refers to the slow, wobbling motion of the Earth's
into virtually inexhaustible resources. axis caused by gravitational interactions with other celestial bodies,
mainly the Sun and the Moon. Precession can affect the timing and
2. Slow and reverse climate change:. Alternative energy sources
intensity of the seasons. It also influences the orientation of the
have a much lower carbon footprint than natural gas, coal, and
Earth's axis in relation to the stars, leading to a shift in the position
other fossil fuels. Switching to renewable energy sources to
of the North Star over long periods.
produce electricity will help the planet by slowing and reversing
climate change. Plate Tectonic Movements. Landmasses are transported to new
locations and latitudes as tectonic plates move over geological
3. Save lives: Making the switch to just hydropower, wind energy,
timescales. The temperature of the continents is impacted by these
and solar energy can potentially save up to 7 million lives each
changes, as well as global air and ocean water circulation patterns.
year by reducing air pollutants.
Variation of Solar Radiation. The variation in solar radiation is
4. Reduce severe weather: By slowing the effects of climate
correlated with sunspot activity. As a result of the sunspots'
change and eventually reversing them, we can expect to see a
suppression of heat, heat moves to the regions around them,
reduction in extreme weather like droughts, floods, and storms
making them brighter than usual and radiating more heat. Less
caused by global warming.
sunspots appear to be linked to a cooler global temperature, whilst
5. Minimize fuel dependency: We can diversify our energy supply more sunspots may contribute to a warmer one.
by implementing the widespread use of large-scale renewable
energy technologies and minimizing our imported fuel dependency.
The greenhouse effect is the way in which heat is trapped close to
6. Economic and job development: Producing even more utility-
Earth's surface by “greenhouse gases.” These heat-trapping gases
scale energy systems can create economic growth as well as jobs in
can be thought of as a blanket wrapped around Earth, keeping the
the installation and manufacturing industries, not to mention the
planet toastier than it would be without them. Greenhouse Gases
sustainable energy industry.
present in the atmosphere which includes carbon dioxide (CO2),
CLIMATE CHANGE AND ENVIRONMENTAL methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (NO2), chlorofluorocarbon (CFC),
AWARENESS and water vapor (H2O).
Human Activities and the Greenhouse Effect. The natural diseases.  Increase cardio-respiratory morbidity and mortality
greenhouse effect of Earth is being altered by human activity. associated with ground-level ozone.
Carbon dioxide levels in our atmosphere increase when fossil fuels
like coal and oil are used. Carbon dioxide and various other Environmental awareness refers to the consciousness and
greenhouse gases have been found to be present in our atmosphere understanding of the importance of the environment and the need
in greater quantities, according to NASA. The atmosphere of the to protect and preserve it. It involves recognizing the
Earth could get warmer if certain greenhouse gases are present in interdependence between human activities and the natural world, as
excess. The Earth warms as a result. well as the impacts of those activities on ecosystems, biodiversity,
climate, and overall planetary health. Environmental awareness
SOURCES OF GREENHOUSE GASES encompasses knowledge about environmental issues, their
causes, and potential solutions, as well as the promotion of
The primary sources of greenhouse gas emissions in USA. sustainable practices and behaviors that minimize harm to the
1. Electricity production. The largest amount of greenhouse gas environment. It also involves raising public consciousness,
emissions is from electricity production. fostering environmental education, and advocating for policies and
actions that prioritize environmental protection and sustainability.
2. Transportation. Majority of the fuel used by the vehicles are By increasing environmental awareness, individuals and
petroleum based (gasoline and diesel). communities can contribute to positive environmental change and
work towards a more sustainable future.
3. Industry. Production of goods from raw materials in the
factories requires the use of fossil fuels that leads to emissions of MEASURES TO MITIGATE NEGATIVE IMPACT OF
greenhouse gases. CLIMATE CHANGE

4. Commercial and Residential. Handling wastes and burning Some key measures to address climate change and reduce its
fossil fuels are common sources of greenhouse gases in homes and negative impact include:
commercials places like market and cities.
1. Transitioning to renewable energy sources 2. Energy
5. Agriculture. Livestock such as cows and goats, agricultural efficiency and conservation 3. Reforestation and
soils and production of rice release greenhouse gases. afforestation 4. Sustainable agriculture and
land management 5. Waste management and recycling
6. Land use and Forestry. Trees have been the primary absorber 6. Climate-resilient infrastructure
of the CO2, in the atmosphere. Clearing of lands make it difficult 7. Promoting sustainable lifestyles and consumer choices
to control the increasing concentration of the top greenhouse gas, 8. Education and awareness 9.
CO2. International cooperation and policy frameworks 10. Research
and innovation
Deforestation. This stored carbon has the potential to be released
back into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide and contribute to Environmental protection laws are essential tools in addressing
climate change when they are damaged or destroyed, for example the challenges posed by environmental degradation and the impacts
by fire - a process known as deforestation. of climate change. These laws aim to regulate human activities,
promote sustainable practices, and ensure the preservation of
Evaporation-Evaporation is a method of cooling. Water in rural
ecosystems and natural resources.
areas might evaporate from these areas because it is absorbed into
the ground or runs off into rivers and lakes. There isn't much water INTERNATIONAL LAWS :
on the surface to evaporate in cities because it flows off into sewers
and drains. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC): Adopted in 1992, the UNFCCC is a global treaty that
Ozone Depletion. One of the major issues with our atmosphere is aims to stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere
ozone depletion. and prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate
Climate change has significantly influenced various areas in the
country including water resources, forestry, agriculture, coastal 2. Kyoto Protocol: An extension of the UNFCCC, the Kyoto
resources, and health. This global phenomenon will continue to do Protocol was adopted in 1997 and sets binding emission reduction
so if we allow our habits and not so environmentally friendly targets for developed countries. It introduced mechanisms such as
practices to progress and contribute to the acceleration of global emissions trading and Clean Development Mechanism to promote
warming. Impacts of the enhanced global warming have been mitigation efforts.
identified by various scientists.
3. Paris Agreement: Adopted in 2015, the Paris Agreement builds
More frequent hot days and fewer cool day , More intense heat upon the UNFCCC and aims to limit global warming to well below
waves, Worsening storms, `floods and droughts , Intensified 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and pursue efforts to
Hurricanes, Warmer ocean surface temperatures, Rising sea levels, limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius. It emphasizes
More frequent coastal flooding , Island nations disappear, nationally determined contributions and promotes adaptation and
Accelerated melting of ice sheets and glaciers ,Changes in the climate finance.
growing season of plants ,Disruption of normal ecosystem ,Loss of
animal habitat, Possible extinction of animals 4. Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD): The CBD, adopted
in 1992, is an international treaty that aims to promote the
PROJECTED HEALTH IMPACTS of CLIMATE CHANGE conservation of biodiversity, sustainable use of its components, and
fair sharing of benefits derived from genetic resources. Climate
 Increase malnutrition and consequent disorders.  Increase change and environmental protection laws are essential tools in
in the number of people dying and suffering from disease and
addressing the challenges posed by environmental degradation and
injury due to heat waves, floods, storms, fires, and droughts.  the impacts of climate change. These laws aim to regulate human
Continue change range of some infectious disease vectors.  Have activities, promote sustainable practices, and ensure the
mixed effects on malaria  Increase the burden of diarrheal preservation of ecosystems and natural resources. By setting legal
frameworks, establishing standards, and enforcing compliance, Various activities of the cells take place at the nanoscale. The
these laws seek to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions, protect deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) serves as the genetic material of the
biodiversity, conserve habitats, and promote the transition to a cell and is only about 2 nanometers in diameter. Furthermore, the
more sustainable and resilient future. Such laws play a crucial role hemoglobin that transports oxygen to the tissues throughout the
in promoting environmental stewardship, fostering global body is 5.5 nanometers in diameter. A good number of modern
cooperation, and safeguarding the well-being of present and future research focus on advancing procedures, therapies, tools, and
generations. treatments that are more accurate and custom-made than traditional
methods and cause no adverse effects on the body. An example of
5. Basel Convention: The Basel Convention, adopted in 1989, is this is the bio-barcode assay, which is an inexpensive approach for
an international treaty that aims to control the transboundary identification of specific disease markers in the blood despite their
movement of hazardous waste and ensure its environmentally small number in a particular specimen.
sound management.
2. Scale at which quantum effects dominate properties of
6. Montreal Protocol: The Montreal Protocol, adopted in 1987, is material - Particles with dimensions of 1-100 nanometers have
an international environmental treaty that aims to protect the ozone properties that are significantly discrete from particles of bigger
layer by phasing out the production and consumption of substances dimensions. Quantum effects direct the behavior and properties of
that deplete it, such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs). particles in this size scale. The properties of materials are highly
dependent on their size. Among the essential properties of
nanoscale that change as a function of size include chemical
Climate Change Act of 2009 (Republic Act No. 9729): reactivity, fluorescence, magnetic permeability, melting point, and
establishes a framework for the country's response to climate electrical conductivity. An example of this mechanism is the
change. It aims to mainstream climate change considerations into nanoscale gold, which is not only the yellow-colored element we
various sectors, promote climate resilience, and reduce greenhouse usually see in pieces of jewelry, but it can actually be red or purple.
gas emissions. Gold's electrons display restricted motion in the nanoscale.
Practically, nanoscale gold particles selectively build up in tumors,
2. Clean Air Act of 1999 (Republic Act No. 8749): focuses on where they permit both precise imaging and targeted laser
improving air quality and reducing air pollution. It sets emission destruction of the tumor while avoiding damage on healthy cells. 3.
standards for various industries, promotes the use of clean Scale at which surfaces and interfaces play a large role in materials
technologies, and establishes mechanisms for monitoring and properties and interactions as we increase the surface area per mass
enforcement. of a particular material, a greater amount of the material meets
another material and can affect its reactivity.
3. Clean Water Act of 2004 (Republic Act No. 9275): aims to
protect and manage the country's water resources. It sets water HOW TO VIEW NANOSCALE?
quality standards, regulates water pollution sources, and promotes
sustainable water management practices. 1. Electron Microscope
2. Atomic Force Microscope
4. Ecological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000 (Republic 3. Scanning Tunneling Microscope
Act No. 9003): promotes proper waste management practices,
including waste segregation, recycling, and the establishment of NANOMANUFACTURING
materials recovery facilities. It aims to minimize the generation of
1.Bottom-up fabrication It manufactures products by building them
solid waste and promote resource conservation.
up from atomic and molecular-scale components. However, this
5. Environmental Awareness and Education Act of 2009 (RA method can be time-consuming. Scientists and engineers are still in
9512): promotes environmental awareness and education. This law search for effective ways of putting up together molecular
highlights the integration of environmental education into formal components that self-assemble and from the bottom-up to
and non-formal education systems, emphasizing the importance of organized structures.
raising public awareness and understanding of environmental
2. Top-down fabrication It trims down large pieces of materials
into nanoscale. This process needs larger amounts of materials and
THE NANOWORLD discards excess raw materials.

Nanotechnology is a very promising field of scientific activity that Advantages of Nanotechnology

continues to inspire and propel our scientists to explore its vast
1. Miniaturization: Nanotechnology allows the creation of smaller
application in our society. This field of study has been
and more efficient devices and materials, leading to miniaturization
revolutionizing our society and will continue to do so as
and increased performance in various applications, such as
nanotechnologists prove the flexibility and durability of
electronics, medicine, and energy storage.
nanoparticles in various applications. Nanotechnology refers to the
scientific study and utilization of very small structures whose size 2. Improved Materials: Nanomaterials exhibit unique properties
ranges between 1 nanometer (nm) up to 100 nanometers. The term due to their small size and high surface area-to-volume ratio. These
"nano" originated from the Greek word nanos which means dwarf. materials can be stronger, lighter, and more flexible than
Nano denotes 10° or one-billionth of a meter. Various fields of conventional materials, enhancing the performance of products.
study contribute to nanotechnology, including materials science,
molecular physics, chemistry, biology, computer science, electrical 3. Medical Applications: Nanotechnology has significant potential
science, and mechanical engineering. Unique phenomena occur at in medicine, enabling targeted drug delivery, early disease
the nanoscale that is why scientists are so interested at imaging, detection, and personalized treatments. It offers the possibility of
measuring, manipulating, modeling, and utilizing nanoparticles. more effective and less invasive medical interventions.

UNIQUE FEATURES OF NANOSCALE 4. Environmental Benefits: Nanotechnology can contribute to

environmental sustainability by enabling more efficient energy
1. Scale at which biology occurs production and storage, improved water purification processes, and
pollution remediation.
5. Information Technology: Nanotechnology has the potential to DOST also invests in nanosensors which are very promising
revolutionize information technology, leading to faster and more products of nanotechnology. These technologies can be used to
efficient computing, high-density data storage, and improved detect and control pests in food and agriculture.
communication systems.
4. Energy- Meanwhile, solar energy devices that use
Disadvantages of Nanotechnology nanostructures are being pursued through collaborative approach
by research groups from the of the Philippines, Ateneo de Manila
1. Health and Safety Concerns: The potential toxicity of certain University, and De La Salle University. These devices focus on
nanomaterials and nanoparticles raises concerns about their impact solid state-based, and dye sensitized based solar cells.
on human health and the environment. More research is needed to
understand the risks fully. 5. Medicine Many experts believe that nanotechnology can be
integrated in medicine for early detection and prevention, improved
2. Ethical and Social Issues: Nanotechnology raises ethical diagnostics, treatment, and follow-ups on diseases. Nanomedicine
questions regarding privacy, security, and potential misuse of is expected to soar in billions of dollars as an industry globally.
advanced materials and technologies. The responsible development
and use of nanotechnology must be carefully managed. 6. Environment - Scientists would like to work on water
purification by nano filters, environmental remediation, and
3. Cost: Nanotechnology research and development can be development of green composites including forest products.
expensive, which may limit its Nanoparticles are explored to remove pollutants and toxic products
present in soil or water.
accessibility and implementation in certain industries and

4. Regulation and Standards: The rapid development of PRODUCTS OF NANOTECHNOLOGY IN THE

nanotechnology has outpaced the establishment of comprehensive PHILIPPINES
regulations and standards, leading to uncertainties in the industry
and concerns about product safety. Nanoparticles have several applications and advantages in various
fields. In the Philippines, scientists are exploring its notable
5. Unintended Consequences: Manipulating materials at the applications in the field of agriculture. Among the products that
nanoscale may have unforeseen consequences for the environment were already developed especially in the University of the
and human health. Ensuring the responsible use of nanotechnology Philippines Los Baños include
is essential to avoid unintended negative impacts.
Nanosilica-based fertilizer that promotes the germination and
6. Public Perception: Lack of public awareness and understanding growth rate of tomatoes
of nanotechnology may lead to misconceptions and fear, hindering
its acceptance and potential benefits. Fruitect coating technology which improves the shelf life of
premium fruits primarily mango and papaya
In the country, there are currently few Filipino experts working on
nanotechnology development who have successfully integrated it Nano-encapsulated plant growth regulators that promote
in biotechnology and materials science. There is a need for more germination and development of the roots of high value plants such
expert and willing scientists who will contribute in the expansion as coffee, cassava, and banana
of this emerging field of science. Under the national Robotics focuses on the creation, maintenance, and use of
nanotechnology roadmap, DOST whittled down its priority machines that can replace workers and do similar tasks. A robot is
projects to ICT and semiconductors, agriculture and food, energy, an autonomous machine capable of sensing its environment,
medicine, and environment due to the modest research and carrying out computations to make decisions, and performing
development fund. actions in the real world. Robots can be utilized in hazardous
1. Electronics situations like bomb detection and deactivation, production
operations, or in places where people cannot exist, like space,
Projects that are being worked out under the program include ICT under water, in extreme heat, or under radiation.
and semiconductors that have ongoing research and development
on GaAs nanorods, CNTs, and quantum dots, tiny crystals used in Roles played by Robotics:
the production of medical sensors and solar cells. Fabrication of A. Laws governing Robotics
nanodevices is also being considered in support of domestic ICT
industry. The Three Laws of Robotics also known as Asimov’s Laws are a
set of rules devised by the science fiction author Isaac Asimov
2. Agriculture introduced in his 1942 short story "Runaround". Isaac Asimov
In agriculture, nanotechnology can be applied on chemical sensors argued that intelligent robots should all be programmed to obey the
and biosensors for precision agriculture. Mesoporous silica following three laws:
nanoparticles (MSNs) are also utilized to deliver DNA to animal 1. A robot may not injure a human being, or, through inaction,
and plant cells in order to facilitate gene transformation and allow a human being to come to harm.
expression. Standards setting for fertilizers, cost effective
pesticides and other agrochemicals that contain nanomaterials, and 2. A robot must obey the orders given it by human beings except
intelligent sensor actuator system are also being explored to where such orders would conflict with the First Law
improve the agriculture sector of the country.
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection
3. Food Processing does not conflict with the First or Second Law

For food processing, several promising ventures are being done B. Kinds of Robots
including edible coats for agriculture and food exports, regulated
atmosphere storage for prepared commodities, and biodegradable 1. Aerospace: This is a broad category. It includes all sorts of flying
food packaging with barrier properties and enhanced strength. robots—the SmartBird robotic seagull and the Raven surveillance
drone, for example—but also robots that can operate in space, such self-driving Toyota Prius, later spun out to form Waymo. 14.
as Mars rovers and NASA's Robonaut, the humanoid that flew to Telepresence: Telepresence robots allow you to be present at a
the International Space Station and is now back on Earth. place without actually going there. You log on to a robot avatar via
the internet and drive it around, seeing what it sees, and talking
2. Consumer: Consumer robots are robots you can buy and use just with people. Workers can use it to collaborate with colleagues at a
for fun or to help you with tasks and chores. Examples are the distant office, and doctors can use it to check on patients.
robot dog Aibo, the Roomba vacuum, AI-powered robot assistants,
and a growing variety of robotic toys and kits. 15. Underwater: The favorite place for these robots is in the water.
They consist of deep-sea submersibles like Aquanaut, diving
3. Disaster Response: These robots perform dangerous jobs like humanoids like Ocean One, and bio-inspired systems like the
searching for survivors in the aftermath of an emergency. For ACM-R5H snakebot.
example, after an earthquake and tsunami struck Japan in 2011,
Packbots were used to inspect damage at the Fukushima Daiichi ETHICAL DILEMMAS FACED BY ROBOTICS
nuclear power station.
4. Drones: Also called unmanned aerial vehicles, drones come in
different sizes and have different levels of autonomy. Examples Robotics are ethical, but only if they faithfully adhere to the rules
include DJI’s popular Phantom series and Parrot’s Anafi, as well as laid out in Asimov's laws for robots. They are moral primarily
military systems like Global Hawk, used for long-duration because Asimov's laws guarantee the safety of not only the
surveillance. technology's users but also others nearby. The safety of everyone
living in the house, not just the technology owner, should come
5. Education: This broad category is aimed at the next generation first above everything else. However, if the agent using the
of roboticists, for use at home or in classrooms. It includes hands- technology abuses the robot to further personal goals, the agent
on programmable sets from Lego, 3D printers with lesson plans, should unquestionably be held responsible for any negative effects
and even teacher robots like EMYS. it may have. It's vital to note that this is presuming that the robot
complied with all applicable laws without deviating in any way.
6. Entertainment: These robots are designed to evoke an emotional Furthermore, if the robot is given the capacity to think for itself,
response and make us laugh or feel surprise or in awe. Among the robot along with its inventor is held responsible for any
them are robot comedian RoboThespian, Disney’s theme park casualties.
robots like Navi Shaman, and musically inclined bots like Partner.
2. EMOTIONAL COMPONENT- If robots are given the capacity
7. Exoskeletons: Robotic exoskeletons can be used for physical to think and feel different emotions, should they also be given
rehabilitation and for enabling a paralyzed patient walk again. rights? In the earlier times, animals did not have any rights but thru
Some have industrial or military applications, by giving the wearer further studies they were able to find out that they can also feel
added mobility, endurance, or capacity to carry heavy loads. emotions. Thus, the human society gave them rights that are due to
them. Similarly, if robots are given the capacity to think and feel
8. Humanoids: This is probably the type of robot that most people
emotions, they should also be given the rights that are due to them
think of when they think of a robot. Examples of humanoid robots
and laws should be developed taking into consideration the rights
include Honda’s Asimo, which has a mechanical appearance, and
of the robots as well as humanity.
also androids like the Geminoid series, which are designed to look
like people.

9. Industrial: The traditional industrial robot consists of a

manipulator arm designed to perform repetitive tasks. An example
is the Unimate, the grandfather of all factory robots. This category
includes also systems like Amazon's warehouse robots and
collaborative factory robots that can operate alongside human

10. Medical: Medical and health-care robots include systems such

as the da Vinci surgical robot and bionic prostheses, as well as
robotic exoskeletons. A system that may fit in this category but is
not a robot is Watson, the IBM question-answering supercomputer,
which has been used in healthcare applications.

11. Military & Security: Military robots include ground systems

like Endeavor Robotics' PackBot, used in Iraq and Afghanistan to
scout for improvised explosive devices, and BigDog, designed to
assist troops in carrying heavy gear. Security robots include
autonomous mobile systems such as Cobalt.

12. Research: The vast majority of today’s robots are born in

universities and corporate research labs. Though these robots may
be able to do useful things, they’re primarily intended to help
researchers do, well, research. So although some robots may fit
other categories described here, they can also be called research

13. Self-Driving Cars: Many robots can drive themselves around,

and an increasing number of them can now drive you around. Early
autonomous vehicles include the ones built for DARPA’s
autonomous-vehicle competitions and also Google’s pioneering

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