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Abnormal Psychology Clinical Perspectives on Psychological

Disorders 7th Edition Whitbourne Halgin 0078035279


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1. In psychology, an enduring pattern of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and
others is referred to as a(n)
A. characteristic.
B. personality trait.
C. idiosyncrasy.
D. habit.
2. Ingrained patterns of relating to other people, situations, and events with a rigid and maladaptive pattern
of inner experience and behavior, dating back to adolescence or early adulthood are characteristics of
A. dispositional disorders.
B. cognitive deficits.
C. personality disorders.
D. character flaws.
3. Personality disorders usually become evident
A. only when a person is under stress.
B. only around family and friends.
C. only when there is a mid-life crisis.
D. even during adolescence.
4. Diagnosis of a personality disorder is difficult because
A. many personality disorders share similar features.
B. the disorders have such rigid diagnostic criteria.
C. it is so difficult to detect the disorder in a person's behavior.
D. these individuals are often too aware that they have a problem and avoid seeking treatment.
5. The fact that many personality disorders share similar features
A. makes it easy to diagnose many of them.
B. indicates that the diagnosis is reliable.
C. makes it difficult to diagnose them accurately.
D. illustrates the theory that many of them are related to depression.
6. According to recent data, the common diagnosed Axis II disorder is
A. avoidant personality disorder.
B. antisocial personality disorder.
C. borderline personality disorder.
D. personality disorder not otherwise specified.
7. Which of the following indicates a major flaw in the categorical rating system for personality disorder?
A. The distinctions are too broad and generalized.
B. It allows for the possibility of a client's "somewhat" antisocial or narcissistic behavior.
C. There is a lack of details and distinctions in the ratings.
D. There are too many fine distinctions that the diagnoses require.
8. Which of the following is true about categorical diagnostic system?
AIn the process of revising the DSM-IV-TR, the personality disorders panels developed a number of
. alternative models to get away from the categorical diagnostic system.
B. There are no alternative models to get away from the categorical diagnostic system.
C. There are very few fine distinctions that the diagnoses require.
D A major flaw with the categorical rating system is that it allows for the possibility of a
. client's "somewhat" antisocial or narcissistic behavior.
9. Which of the following is the one of the most significant factors in determining personality disorders?
A A person has experienced some kind of personal distress because of the behavior pattern and the
. problem has persisted for more than a month.
B. A person has been convicted of a crime related to the behavior.
C.A person has significant impairment in identity and sense of self and in the capacity for effective
interpersonal functioning.
D. A person has serious difficulty holding down a job.
10. Jason, a final year graduate student from Cornell University, is always suspicious about his girlfriend
Joule. He is always anxious and believes that separation after college will spoil their relationship forever.
He is always depressed and hostile. Which of the following personality domains in the DSM-5 is Jason
A. disinhibition
B. antagonism
C. detachment
D. negative affectivity
11. Devlin is reclusive and does not derive pleasure from any kind of social activity. She rarely attends any
social gathering and keeps to herself. Which of the following personality domains in the DSM-5 is Devlin
A. disinhibition
B. antagonism
C. detachment
D. negative affectivity
12. Nicole, a junior high student, is always busy, plotting against Amanda, the most popular girl in class.
Nicole is callous and hostile and constantly seeks attention to herself. Which of the following personality
domains in the DSM-5 is Nicole depicting?
A. disinhibition
B. antagonism
C. detachment
D. negative affectivity
13. Which of the following term involves engaging in behaviors on impulse, without reflecting on potential
future consequences?
A. disinhibition
B. antagonism
C. detachment
D. negative affectivity
14. Compulsivity is the opposite pole of the domain.
A. negative affectivity
B. antagonism
C. detachment
D. disinhibition
15. Anaida suddenly starts dressing and behaving like the cannibalistic witch from the fairy tale "Hansel and
Gretel." Her thought content is viewed by others as bizarre and idiosyncratic. Which of the following
personality domains in the DSM-5 is Anaida depicting?
A. disinhibition
B. antagonism
C. psychoticism
D. negative affectivity
16. The term "psychopath" is synonymous with personality disorder.
A. borderline
B. obsessive-compulsive
C. antisocial
D. narcissistic
17. The DSM-IV-TR defines people who receive the diagnosis of personality disorder as highly
impulsive and lacking in the capacity for regret over their actions.
A. antisocial
B. borderline
C. narcissistic
D. passive-aggressive
18. Which personality disorder is characterized by a lack of regard for society's moral and legal standards?

A. antisocial
B. borderline
C. narcissistic
D. passive-aggressive
19. Which of the following is the most definitive characteristic of antisocial personality disorder?
A. lack of concern for what is right and wrong
B. extreme shyness and social discomfort
C. compulsive stealing
D. an outgoing character
20. The phenomenon of the "psychopath in the " describes corporate executives who ruthlessly exploit
investors and employees alike, seeking their own gain at the expense of the bank accounts and livelihood
of their victims.
A. court
B. conference
C. bank
D. boardroom
21. Vic has demonstrated a long-standing pattern of disreputable and manipulative behaviors. He has a
drug abuse problem and has a long criminal record for a variety of crimes. What is worse, he shows no
remorse for some of the harsh things he has done. Vic would most likely be diagnosed as having
personality disorder.
A. borderline
B. histrionic
C. antisocial
D. avoidant
22. Uriah is 50 years old and has been in prison for twenty years for a variety of crimes linked to his
antisocial personality. Which of the following statements would he most want to have presented at his
parole hearing?
A. He is lacking the extra Y chromosome thought to be linked to antisocial personality disorder.
B. His testosterone levels are below normal.
C. Antisocial personality traits tend to soften in midlife.
D. He did not endure any sexual or physical abuse as a child.
23. Which of the following is NOT a reason why the treatment of individuals with antisocial personality
disorder is difficult?
A. Their long-standing behavior patterns are difficult to change.
B. They are unlikely to voluntarily seek help.
C. Clinicians have difficulty differentiating between clients' sincerity and their smooth talking.
D. They often have speech difficulties due to cognitive deficits.
24. The diagnosis of antisocial behavior used today had its origins in the work of
A. William Tuke
B. Phillipe Pinel
C. Hervey Cleckley
D. Sigmund Freud
25. The following cluster of traits that includes lack of remorse or shame for harmful acts committed
to others; lack of emotional responsiveness to others; impulsivity; absence of "nervousness"; and
unreliability, untruthfulness, and insincerity, indicates .
A. detachment
B. psychopathy
C. splitting
D. egocentricity
26. is the term used by Cleckley to refer to a psychopath's inability to react appropriately to
expressions of emotionality.
A. Impulsivity
B. Semantic dementia
C. Splitting
D. Egocentricity
27. Hervey Cleckley's notion of psychopathy remains a key concept in descriptions of personality
A. borderline
B. histrionic
C. antisocial
D. avoidant
28. Which of the following is a factor for the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) developed by Robert
D. Hare?
A. avoidance of social interactions
B. a lowly sense of self-worth
C. a compulsive need to steal
D. an antisocial lifestyle
29. Which of the following indicates core personality traits for antisocial disorder in Psychopathy Checklist-
Revised (PCL-R)?
A. feelings of remorse or guilt
B. a lowly sense of self-worth
C. a compulsive need to steal
D. glibness and superficial charm
30. Which of the following lifestyle traits revolves around impulsivity, juvenile delinquency, early behavioral
problems, lack of realistic long-term goals, and a need for constant stimulation?
A. borderline trait
B. antisocial trait
C. histrionic trait
D. avoidant trait
31. The symptoms of antisocial personality disorder include
A. avoidance of social interactions.
B. passive resistance to the demands of others.
C. a compulsive need to steal.
D. impulsive and aggressive behavior.
32. Talia has never had any previous problems with the law but at the age of 27, she started engaging in
constant stealing and cheating people out of their money. Talia would most likely be diagnosed as
A. having antisocial personality disorder.
B. engaging in antisocial behavior.
C. having conduct disorder.
D. having borderline personality disorder.
33. Stealing, lying, and cheating are examples of .
A. antisocial personality disorder
B. histrionic personality disorder
C. antisocial behavior
D. avoidant behavior
34. Which of the following is true about antisocial personality disorder?
A. There is no difference between an antisocial personality disorder and antisocial behavior.
B Antisocial personality disorder typically emerges only in adulthood, both in terms of the development
. of psychopathic traits and rates of breaking the law.
CNot all individuals with antisocial personality disorder engage in explicitly criminal behavior,
. but instead their disorder may manifest itself in behaviors such as job problems, promiscuity, and
D. Antisocial behavior and criminal behavior are considered one and the same.
35. Which of the following statement about antisocial personality disorder is correct?
AThe components of psychopathy involving impulsivity, social deviance, and antisocial behavior are less
. prominent in prison inmates who are in their mid-forties and older.
B Antisocial personality disorder typically emerges only in adulthood, both in terms of the development
. of psychopathic traits and rates of breaking the law.
C. There is no difference between antisocial personality disorder and antisocial behavior.
D Over the course of their adult years, people with antisocial personality disorder seem to become more
. likely to commit criminal acts.
36. Statistics show that impulsivity, acting out, and other extreme behaviors of people with antisocial
personality disorder decrease as these individuals age. This finding supports what is known as the
A. remorse reaction.
B. maturation hypothesis.
C. revelation reaction.
D. reactivity hypothesis.
37. Which of the following terms suggest that older individuals are better able to manage their high-risk
A. primary process thinking
B. self-discipline
C. impulse control
D. maturation hypothesis
38. Bernard was a very aggressive and impulsive teenager. He was always involved in neighborhood brawls.
As he aged, his antisocial behavior declined and he was more patient with people around him. Which of
the following explains this behavior?
A. primary process thinking
B. maturation hypothesis
C. remorse reaction.
D. reactivity hypothesis.
39. In which of the following personality disorders is aging likely to bring about a reduction in troublesome
behavior patterns?
A. dependent personality disorder
B. narcissistic personality disorder
C. antisocial personality disorder
D. homicidal personality disorder
40. Children who have engaged in a relatively long-standing pattern of are likely to be diagnosed as
having antisocial personality disorder.
A. psychopathy
B. deviancy
C. impulsiveness
D. conduct disorder
41. In a recent study, poor nutrition at age three was associated with a higher likelihood of disorder at
age seventeen.
A. obsessive compulsive personality
B. borderline personality
C. conduct
D. avoidant personality
42. Studies on family inheritance of antisocial personality disorder have demonstrated
A. that antisocial behavior in childhood is better accounted for by genetic factors.
B. that sons are more likely to receive the extra Y chromosome from their mothers than from their
C. evidence in favor of genetic explanations of antisocial personality disorder.
D. through evidence that there is no set pattern that might indicate a genetic component.
43. Which of the following statement is true regarding theories of antisocial personality disorder?
A. The personality trait of psychopathy and antisocial behavior with heritability estimates are as low as 10
BNeuroimaging studies also suggest that people high in psychopathy have deficits in occipital lobe
. functioning, meaning that they are able to inhibit input from the subcortical areas of the brain that are
involved in aggression.
C. Family inheritance studies provide strong evidence against genetic explanations of antisocial
personality disorder
D. Malnutrition in early life may serve as another risk factor for the development of antisocial personality
44. Closely related to the biological perspective is the hypothesis that neuropsychological deficits in learning
and attention have been thought to contribute to disorder.
A. avoidant
B. passive-aggressive personality
C. narcissistic personality
D. antisocial personality
45. Which of the following indicates that individuals do not learn from their negative experiences?
A. primary process thinking
B. lack of emotional reactivity
C. deficit of classical conditioning passive avoidance
D. maturation hypothesis
46. What is meant by deficit of classical conditioning passive avoidance?
A. It means rigidly compulsive personality tendency and also obsessive concern with perfectionism.
B. It means that the correct responses involve learning to avoid responding to a previously punished
CIt means that an individual's preoccupation with feelings of love for the object of his/her desire and
. attention can readily turn to extreme rage and hatred when they are rejected by that love object.
D. It means that a certain amount of paranoid thinking and behavior might be appropriate in some
47. The hypothesis attempts to explain the failure of individuals high in psychopathy to learn from
negative experience and to process emotional information.
A. response modulation
B. impulse control
C. maturation
D. semantic dementia
48. According to hypothesis, people have a dominant and nondominant focus of their attention in any
given situation.
A. semantic dementia
B. impulse control
C. maturation
D. response modulation
49. The notion that psychopaths are unable to process any information that is not relevant to their primary
goals is central to the hypothesis.
A. response modulation
B. anxiety
C. anxiety reduction
D. stimulation baseline
50. According to the response modulation hypothesis,
A. avoidant personality disorder is a more severe form of social phobia.
B. people rarely have a nondominant focus of their attention in any given situation.
C individuals high on the trait of psychopathy are unable to pay enough attention to secondary cues to
. switch their attention when necessary.
D.the dysfunctional attitudes of individuals hold center on the core belief that they are flawed and
unworthy of other people's regard.
51. Experts argue that individuals with antisocial personality disorder will change only when they are
A. remorseful over their behaviors.
B. properly medicated.
C. physically punished.
D. threatened with execution.
52. Yancey has been diagnosed as having antisocial personality disorder. He has been in jail for the past three
years on murder charges and the courts have recently required him to receive psychotherapy. What might
be the best approach in treating Yancey?
A. Yancey should receive harsh, physical punishment even though it would be highly unethical.
B. Yancey should receive ECT three times a week for a year.
C. Yancey should receive steroid therapy in order to bring his testosterone level down to normal levels.
D Yancey should receive cognitive-behavioral therapy and the clinician should convince him that he is
. responsible for his own behavior.
53. The personality disorder in which the individual is fearful of any involvement with other people and
terrified at the prospect of being publicly embarrassed is referred to as personality disorder.
A. paranoid
B. avoidant
C. antisocial
D. obsessive-compulsive
54. Rosalinda is a very shy 30-year-old woman who usually stays home and does not interact with other
people. Rosalinda may be suffering from personality disorder.
A. avoidant
B. antisocial
C. dependent
D. passive-aggressive
55. Avoidant personality disorder is characterized by
A. instability and impulsivity.
B. excessively emotional displays.
C. antisocial and criminal behaviors.
D. extreme sensitivity toward rejection and ridicule.
56. Individuals with personality disorder stay home for a significant portion of the time due to
excessive fears of embarrassment or rejection by others.
A. schizoid
B. antisocial
C. avoidant
D. passive-aggressive
57. Avoidant personality disorder could be characterized as a more severe form of
A. agoraphobia.
B. social phobia.
C. panic disorder.
D. acute stress disorder.
58. The psychodynamic approach to avoidant personality disorder
A. emphasizes on the individual's fear of attachment in relationships.
B. stresses on biological factors.
C. stresses on childhood experiences of extreme parental criticism.
D. emphasizes on the individual's fear of being mocked.
59. Dysfunctional attitudes and beliefs, rooted in childhood experiences of extreme criticism by parents, are
central to the approach to avoidant personality disorder.
A. psychodynamic
B. humanistic
C. cognitive-behavioral
D. sociocultural
60. How might a cognitive-behavioral therapist treat a person with avoidant personality disorder?
A. by making the person feel more secure about personal qualities
B. by helping the client see the irrationality of fears of rejection
C. by uncovering memories from the client's past at the source of conflict
D. by providing an environment in which the client can become self-actualized
61. The main goal of therapists working in the cognitive-behavioral framework is
A. to create a challenging environment.
B. to excuse the client's excessive self-criticism.
C. to reject childhood experiences of extreme parental criticism.
D. to break the client's negative cycle of avoidance.
62. Cognitive-behavioral therapists may also use to present the client with social situations that are
increasingly more difficult for them to confront.
A. primary process thinking
B. graduated exposure
C. impulse control
D. the pleasure principle
63. The term borderline, in the past, was used to describe patients who were functioning on the "border" of
and .
A. neurosis; depression
B. narcissism; neurosis
C. neurosis; psychosis
D. depression; mania
64. The term "borderline personality" was originally coined to describe patients who
A. were on the borderline between normal and abnormal behavior.
B. did not fit into either the neurotic or psychotic category.
C. constantly pushed the borders and limits of acceptable moral behavior.
D. were disliked by most people in their communities.
65. Which personality disorder is characterized by a pervasive pattern of unstable moods, interpersonal
relationships, and self-image?
A. borderline personality disorder
B. antisocial personality disorder
C. histrionic personality disorder
D. schizoid personality disorder
66. An inability to distinguish between one's own identity and the identities of others is characteristic of
which personality disorder?
A. schizoid
B. self-defeating
C. borderline
D. narcissistic
67. Which of the following is NOT a trait that is associated with people suffering from borderline personality
A. self-destructive behaviors
B. obsessive thinking
C. fear of abandonment
D. mood shifts
68. Lori becomes angry and hostile when her boyfriend chooses to spend a night out with his friends. She
views him as "bad" and tries to manipulate him in order to make him stay home. Occasionally, when this
occurs he threatens to break off the relationship, but Lori will do almost anything to keep him. She has
on occasion threatened to commit suicide. Lori's behavior pattern is characteristic of personality
A. borderline
B. schizoid
C. antisocial
D. paranoid
69. Which personality disorder is characterized by an individual's inability to distinguish between his or her
own feelings and the feelings of others?
A. borderline
B. schizotypal
C. obsessive-compulsive
D. antisocial
70. The tendency to binge eat, abuse alcohol or drugs, and engage in promiscuous sex is characteristic of
personality disorder.
A. paranoid
B. obsessive-compulsive
C. antisocial
D. borderline
71. Risky activities like speeding and bungee-jumping that may be undertaken by psychopaths may be a
manifestation of their
A. grandiose self-worth.
B. superficial charm.
C. lack of remorse.
D. impulsiveness.
72. Rowena cannot resist taking a fancy lipstick from the drugstore when she cannot afford it. Rowena seems
to have a problem with
A. impulse control.
B. authority figures.
C. grandiose self-worth.
D. remorsefulness.
73. Cheryl reports long-standing feelings of emptiness and desperation. She has attempted suicide several
times and repeatedly gets involved in intense, demanding relationships with men. Cheryl would most
likely be diagnosed as having personality disorder.
A. passive-aggressive
B. dependent
C. borderline
D. narcissistic
74. The formation of intense and demanding relationships with others is characteristic of personality
A. antisocial
B. schizoid
C. avoidant
D. borderline
75. A disturbed childhood family environment, parental psychopathology, and childhood abuse have been
highlighted as possible variables that may lead to the development of personality disorder.
A. passive-aggressive
B. borderline
C. obsessive-compulsive
D. antagonistic
76. The tendency for an individual to perceive people as either all good or all bad is referred to as
A. dichotomizing.
B. splitting.
C. dualism.
D. aggrandizing.
77. Which of the following is a symptom of borderline personality disorder?
A. splitting
B. delusions
C. hallucinations
D. lack of remorse
78. Attempts at taking one's own life in order to gain attention from loved ones is referred to as
A. splitting.
B. parasuicide.
C. narcissistic suicide.
D. deindividuation.
79. When asked why she tried to kill herself, Calista responded, "These past few days I haven't really been
sure about myself. I wasn't really sure I was alive. It was a test." Calista's intent would be best described
A. splitting.
B. parasuicidal.
C. dicotomizing.
D. hysterical.
80. Which part of the brain plays a role in aversive conditioning and is involved in processing emotion?
A. amygdala
B. thalamus
C. cerebellum
D. pons
81. Gillian has been diagnosed as having borderline personality disorder. When her therapist arrived late for
an appointment, she flew into a rage at the office, claiming that he must hate her and that she wants to
stop seeing him. What might be the best strategy to deal with this situation?
A Because people with borderline personality disorder need discipline, the therapist should yell back at
. her and tell her how wrong she is to think this way.
B. The therapist should let her leave because she is attempting to manipulate him.
C. The therapist should ignore Gillian's outburst and the things she is saying until she calms down.
D. The therapist should explain to her in a gentle but firm manner that his tardiness is not due to anything
about her.
82. The emotional disturbances seen in people with borderline personality disorder are characterized by
A. emotional dysregulation.
B. antisocial behavior.
C. goal-directed behavior.
D. avoidance of interpersonal relationships.
83. Which of the following is NOT a component of emotional dysregulation?
A. the inability to control the intensity or duration of emotions
B. an unwillingness to experience emotional distress as an aspect of pursuing goals
C. interpersonal instability and impaired relationships
D. the inability to engage in goal-directed behaviors when experiencing distress
84. Andrew's inability to engage in goal-directed behaviors when experiencing distress has led to several
problems for him at work. His lack of awareness, understanding, or acceptance of emotions has led to
people disliking him. Which of the following term explains Andrew's inability to regulate emotions?
A. emotional catharsis
B. emotional numbness
C. emotional exhaustion
D. emotional dysregulation
85. Treatment approach for people with borderline personality disorder that integrates supportive and
cognitive-behavioral treatments to reduce the frequency of self-destructive acts and to improve the
client's ability to handle disturbing emotions, such as anger and dependency is known as
A. rational-emotive therapy.
B. dialectical behavior therapy.
C. psychoanalysis.
D. person-centered therapy.
86. Dr. Laskey is currently treating a client with borderline personality disorder. She is attempting to reframe
her client's dysfunctional impulsive behaviors in order to identify their origins. She is also helping the
client find new ways to analyze problems and to develop healthier solutions. Dr. Laskey is using a
therapy known as
A. rational-emotive therapy.
B. dialectical behavior therapy.
C. psychoanalysis.
D. person-centered therapy.
87. Supportive therapeutic approaches to the treatment of borderline personality disorder emphasize
A. that the therapist take a primary role in treatment and involve the client in the therapeutic process.
B. aggressive and confrontational shouting matches between the client and the therapist.
C. the development of a highly dependent relationship between client and therapist.
D. the sharing of highly personal information between the client and the therapist.
88. Using a process called , DBT clinicians teach their clients to balance their emotions, reason, and
intuition as they approach life's problems.
A. rational-emotive therapy
B. core mindfulness
C. psychoanalysis
D. person-centered therapy
89. Campbell has been diagnosed with a personality disorder and his clinician suggests a transference-
focused psychotherapy that uses the client-clinician relationships as the framework for helping clients
achieve greater understanding of their unconscious feelings and motives. Using a process called
core mindfulness, his clinician teaches Campbell to balance his emotions, reason, and intuition as he
approach life's problems. It is most likely that Campbell would be diagnosed as having personality
A. avoidant
B. dependent
C. schizoid
D. borderline
90. Which personality disorder is characterized by an unrealistic, inflated sense of self-importance and an
inability to see the perspectives of other people?
A. borderline personality disorder
B. obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
C. passive-aggressive personality disorder
D. narcissistic personality disorder
91. Which of the following trait of narcissistic personality disorder shows tendency to view oneself as
possessing special and extremely favorable personal qualities and abilities?
A. grandiosity
B. compulsivity
C. egocentrism
D. pretentiousness
92. Calum often boasts about how talented a teacher he is and he continually notes that the reason he
never gets promoted is because no one fully appreciates him. He resents other teachers who have been
promoted before him and claims that they are self-promoting. He demands that other people fulfill his
wishes but is insensitive when it comes to other people's feelings. Calum would most likely be diagnosed
as having personality disorder.
A. borderline
B. passive-aggressive
C. narcissistic
D. obsessive-compulsive
93. According to psychoanalytic theories, the narcissist's inflated self-image is a result of
A. a paradoxical attempt to overcome insecurity.
B. the effects of negative reinforcement.
C. an increase in dopamine levels.
D. applications of conditions of worth.
94. Even though individuals with narcissistic personality disorder generally view themselves as special and
important, they are often troubled by
A. delusions.
B. self-doubt.
C. obsessions.
D. compulsive rituals.
95. The personality disorder in which the primary symptom is constant efforts by the individual to attract
attention with exaggerated displays of emotion is called personality disorder.
A. histrionic
B. borderline
C. antisocial
D. paranoid
96. At her going-away party, Elaina sobbed uncontrollably and became overwhelmed with emotion at the
thought of leaving even though everyone knew that she was secretly glad to be moving out of town and
away from everyone there. Her co-workers often recall dramatic shouting matches with others over small
details and overbearing attempts to seduce all of the men in the office. Elaina's attempts to get attention
might be indicative of personality disorder.
A. schizoid
B. avoidant
C. histrionic
D. paranoid
97. Psychoanalytic theorists might view narcissism personality disorder as the result of an individual's failure
to progress beyond
A. negative reinforcement.
B. psychosexual development.
C. the application of conditions of worth.
D. faulty thinking.
98. Which of the following facets of an individual's history would a psychodynamically-oriented therapist
consider most important if the individual was diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder?
A. the numerous occasions in the individual's childhood when he or she was rewarded for being show-
B. the persistence of delusional and obsessive thoughts in adolescence
C. the early failure of the individual's parents to provide recognition and positive responses to the child's
D. instances in the past where the individual's superego was undermined by the id
99. According to current psychoanalytic theorists, parental failure to provide reassurance and positive
responses to accomplishments may lead to the development of personality disorder.
A. histrionic
B. schizoid
C. schizotypal
D. narcissistic
100.The view that narcissists hold maladaptive ideas about themselves is central to the perspective.
A. psychoanalytic
B. biological
C. cognitive-behavioral
D. sociocultural
101.Psychodynamic therapies for narcissistic personality disorder include
A. correcting flawed and distorted thinking patterns.
B. modifying maladaptive behavior patterns through reinforcement.
C. using empathy to support the client's search for recognition and admiration.
D. giving the client unconditional positive regard.
102.Intense perfectionism and inflexibility manifested in worrying, indecisiveness, and behavioral rigidity is
referred to as personality disorder.
A. psychoanalytic
B. obsessive-compulsive
C. narcissistic
D. borderline
103.Which personality disorder is characterized by an undue preoccupation with neatness and routine?
A. avoidant
B. dependent
C. passive-aggressive
D. obsessive-compulsive
104.The word "obsessive" as it applies to individuals who suffer from obsessive-compulsive personality
disorder refers to the
A. repetitive and specific thoughts that these individuals cannot get out of their minds.
B. ritualistic behaviors these people engage in.
C. unpredictable emotional reactions they have.
D. rigidly compulsive personality tendency they have.
105.Felix has been a worrier all of his life. When he was a child, he believed and followed the expression
"step on a crack, break your mother's back." He is now a perfectionist and runs his daily routine based on
an inflexible schedule. His environment is arranged very predictably; for example, all of his shirts must
be neatly pressed and hung exactly four inches apart in his closet.
His pursuit of perfection has become self-defeating rather than constructive. Felix would be diagnosed as
having personality disorder.
A. passive-aggressive
B. obsessive-compulsive
C. borderline
D. narcissistic
106.From a psychodynamic standpoint, Freud believed that people with an obsessive-compulsive style have
not progressed from, or are constantly returning to, the stage of psychosexual development.
A. genital
B. phallic
C. oral
D. anal
107.The notion that people with obsessive-compulsive disorder operate according to unrealistic concerns with
perfection is based on the theory.
A. humanistic
B. psychoanalytic
C. cognitive-behavioral
D. biological
108.The fact that people with obsessive-compulsive disorder have a tendency to be distracted by small,
unimportant details would be of most interest to a therapist.
A. humanistic
B. psychoanalytic
C. cognitive-behavioral
D. metacognitive
109.In which of the following therapies do clinicians help their clients take a step back and learn to identify
their problematic ruminative thinking patterns in the context of a building a supportive therapeutic
A. humanistic
B. psychoanalytic
C. cognitive-behavioral
D. metacognitive interpersonal
110.Which personality disorder involves peculiarities in thought, behavior, appearance, and style of relating
to others?
A. avoidant personality disorder
B. schizotypal personality disorder
C. schizoid personality disorder
D. antisocial personality disorder
111.Livia's hair is usually unkempt and she wears clothes that date back to the 1960s. Her ways of
thinking and dealing with other people are rather eccentric - she has the idea that she can communicate
telepathically with her brother who lives on the west coast. Livia will most likely be diagnosed as having
personality disorder.
A. avoidant
B. antisocial
C. schizoid
D. schizotypal
112.The social isolation, eccentricity, peculiar communication, and poor social adaptation that come with
personality disorder place it within the schizophrenic spectrum.
A. avoidant
B. antisocial
C. schizoid
D. schizotypal
113. personality disorder is characterized by an extreme neediness for other people, to the point that the
person is unable to make any decisions or take any independent action.
A. Dependent
B. Antisocial
C. Avoidant
D. Passive-aggressive
114.Reggie might be considered a "momma's boy" because, even though he is 28 years old, he lets his mother
make all of the decisions in his life such as where he works, who he sees, what he wears, and where he
goes. Reggie does not seem to mind; as a matter of fact he often says, "Momma knows best." Reggie
would most likely be diagnosed as having personality disorder.
A. avoidant
B. antisocial
C. dependent
D. passive-aggressive
115.Helen is a 62 year-old woman who was diagnosed with dependent personality disorder. Helen's husband
of forty years recently passed away. Based on patterns of personality disorders later in life, what might
happen in Helen's case?
A. She may feel helpless and lost and come to rely on her children more.
B. Her tendency to engage in risk-taking behaviors will increase.
C. Her tendency to engage in socially deviant behaviors will decrease.
D. Her possible need for physical care will ultimately lead her to become socially isolated.
116.Ted has dependent personality disorder and recalls experiencing constant separation anxiety as a child.
This fact would be of most interest to a therapist with a(n) orientation.
A. psychodynamic
B. behavioral
C. object relations
D. cognitive
117.According to object relations theorists, which type of attachment pattern do individuals with dependent
personality disorder have?
A. secure B.
insecure C.
D. affectionate
118.A client who is always on guard against potential danger or harm might be diagnosed as having a(n)
personality disorder.
A. schizoid
B. obsessive-compulsive
C. paranoid
D. antisocial
119.Individuals with paranoid personality disorder
A. use the defense mechanism of projection.
B. suffer from imbalances in serotonin.
C. attribute their own mistakes and problems to other people.
D. have a difficult time reaching the level of self-actualization.
120.People with paranoid personality disorder tend to
A. become overly dependent on others.
B. engage in criminal acts.
C. be impulsive.
D. keep their distance from people.
121.According to cognitive-behavioral theorists, individuals with personality disorder are primed to
attribute mistakes and problems to .
A. paranoid; others
B. paranoid; themselves
C. obsessive-compulsive; themselves
D. dependent; others
122.Individuals with paranoid personality disorder rarely seek help, and when they do seek treatment,
communication is difficult because of their
A. rigidity and defensiveness.
B. lack of remorse.
C. unstable approach to relationships.
D. shy, withdrawn, and unassertive nature.
123.Dr. Calein feels that Elian's paranoid personality disorder is the result of insecurity regarding his ability
to handle certain situations. As a result, Elian tends to become defensive toward others. Based on these
impressions, which of the following therapeutic approaches would work best for Elian?
A. helping Elian reinforce his projective defense mechanisms
B. having Elian exaggerate his paranoid symptoms
C. exposing Elian to increasing levels of criticism
D. increasing Elian's feelings of self-efficacy
124.Which personality disorder is primarily characterized by an indifference to social relationships as well as
a very limited range of emotions?
A. avoidant personality disorder
B. schizotypal personality disorder
C. schizoid personality disorder
D. antisocial personality disorder
125.Lamont is an interstate truck driver. Many people consider him a loner. Lamont is indifferent to the
idea of marriage, shows no emotions, and does not seem to desire social contact. If we assume Lamont's
problem is long-standing, what diagnosis might be appropriate?
A. schizoid personality disorder
B. schizotypal personality disorder
C. avoidant personality disorder
D. antisocial personality disorder
126.It is difficult to treat people with schizoid personality disorder because
A. they are emotionally unstable.
B. they tend to view their therapist with suspicion.
C. their treatment is often mandated by the courts.
D. they are cognitively and emotionally out of touch.
127.The notion that personality disorders are the result of a combination of factors such as a particular
temperament, early traumatic experiences, and recent triggering events lends support to the
A. biopsychosocial
B. psychodynamic
C. behavioral
D. humanistic
128.A distinguishing feature of personality disorders is the fact that the behavior patterns are apparent even in
adolescence or young adulthood.
True False
129.Personality disorders are very easy to diagnose since DSM-IV provides very clearly delineated diagnostic
True False
130.In the process of revising the DSM-IV-TR, the personality disorders panels developed a number of
alternative models to get away from the categorical diagnostic system.
True False
131.All individuals convicted of serious crimes can be diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder.
True False
132.Abnormalities in the prefrontal lobes of the cortex have been identified as a possible biological cause for
antisocial personality disorder.
True False
133.People high in psychopathy also have difficulty processing positive emotional stimuli.
True False
134.The term borderline, as it applies to borderline personality disorder, has origins in the notion that the
individual is functioning on the border of avoidant and psychotic forms of psychopathology.
True False
135.Early childhood experiences play an important role in the development of borderline personality
True False
136.Most clinicians agree that confronting approaches are the most effective when dealing with individuals
with borderline personality disorder.
True False
137.Another evidence-based treatment for BPD, transference-focused psychotherapy, uses the client-clinician
relationships as the framework for helping clients achieve greater understanding of their unconscious
feelings and motives.
True False
138.People who are higher on grandiose narcissism are not threatened by failure in the realm of personal
True False
139.Treatment for people with schizotypal personality disorder parallels the interventions that clinicians
commonly use in treating schizophrenia.
True False
140.A certain amount of paranoid thinking and behavior might be appropriate in some situations, such as in
dangerous political climates
True False
141.Individuals with schizoid personality disorder do not prefer to be alone and secretly desire intimate
relationships with others.
True False
142.People with schizoid personality disorder appear particularly distressed and a risk to others.
True False
143.Match the term to the most appropriate definition or description.
1. Narcissistic an enduring pattern of perceiving, relating to, and
personality thinking about the environment and others

2. Splitting behaviors that are dramatic, emotional, and erratic

3. Schizoid areas of the brain involved in emotional processing
personality and regulation
4. Avoidant excessive shyness and fear in social situations
5. Borderline unstable moods, relationships, and self-image
6. Histrionic viewing others as being all good or all bad
7. Amygdala and exaggerated sense of self-importance
prefrontal cortex

8. Personality trait excessive emotions and attention-seeking

9. Schizotypal restricted emotions and indifference to social
personality relationships
10. Cluster B peculiar, eccentric, and odd ways of thinking and
disorders behaving
144.Match the term to the most appropriate definition or description.
1. Dependent involves anxious or fearful behavior _
personality disorder
2. Parasuicide another expression for antisocial personality _
3. Dialectic an inability to react appropriately to expressions of _
behavioral therapy emotionality
4. Maturation the ability to better manage symptoms as one ages _
5. Semantic an attempt to gain attention from family, friends, or _
dementia professionals
6. Hervey Cleckley characterized by extremely perfectionist behavior _
7. Obsessive- categorized the behavior of the psychopathic _
compulsive personality
personality disorder _

8. Cluster C integration of supportive and cognitive-behavioral _

disorders treatments to improve the client's ability to handle
disturbing emotions _
9. Psychopathy an excessive reliance on others _

145.A involves a long-lasting maladaptive pattern of inner experience and behavior dating back to
adolescence or young adulthood.

146.A lack of regard for society's moral and legal standards characterizes personality disorder.

147.People with personality disorder define themselves as lacking in social skills and having no

desirable qualities that would make others want to be with them.

148. personality disorder is characterized by a pervasive pattern of poor impulse control, fluctuating
self-image, and unstable mood and interpersonal relationships.

149.Lack of awareness, understanding, or acceptance of emotions, and an inability to control the intensity or
duration of emotions, are characteristics of emotional .

150. is a trait characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance and is central to narcissistic

personality disorders.

151.Engaging in behaviors designed to draw attention to one's self is often characteristic of personality

152.An extreme reliance on others, accompanied by a strong fear of abandonment, is characteristic of

personality disorder.
153. personality disorder is characterized by extreme suspicion and always being on guard against

154.An indifference to social and sexual relationships characterizes personality disorder, as well as a
very limited range of emotional experience and expression.

155.Identify the personality disorders that define clusters A, B, and C. What are the shared features of these
disorders that define each cluster?

156.Differentiate between schizoid and avoidant personality disorder in terms of the tendency of individuals
with these disorders to distance themselves from intimate relationships.

157.Recent work on emotion dysregulation has provided additional insights into the elements of successful
therapy with individuals suffering from borderline personality disorder. Explain the results of these

158.Many clinicians doubt that individuals with borderline personality disorder can be treated. Recent
research has shed some light on treatment possibilities. Discuss the current research and the
characteristics of those with the disorder who may have more positive treatment outcomes.

159.Explain the condition of individuals with schizoid personality disorder. What impact does it have on their
social functioning?
10 Key
1. In psychology, an enduring pattern of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and
others is referred to as a(n)
A. characteristic.
B. personality trait.
C. idiosyncrasy.
D. habit.
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-01
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #1
2. Ingrained patterns of relating to other people, situations, and events with a rigid and maladaptive
pattern of inner experience and behavior, dating back to adolescence or early adulthood are
characteristics of
A. dispositional disorders.
B. cognitive deficits.
C. personality disorders.
D. character flaws.
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-01
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #2
3. Personality disorders usually become evident
A. only when a person is under stress.
B. only around family and friends.
C. only when there is a mid-life crisis.
D. even during adolescence.

Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-01
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #3
4. Diagnosis of a personality disorder is difficult because
A. many personality disorders share similar features.
B. the disorders have such rigid diagnostic criteria.
C. it is so difficult to detect the disorder in a person's behavior.
D. these individuals are often too aware that they have a problem and avoid seeking treatment.
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-01
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #4
5. The fact that many personality disorders share similar features
A. makes it easy to diagnose many of them.
B. indicates that the diagnosis is reliable.
C. makes it difficult to diagnose them accurately.
D. illustrates the theory that many of them are related to depression.

Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-01
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #5
6. According to recent data, the common diagnosed Axis II disorder is
A. avoidant personality disorder.
B. antisocial personality disorder.
C. borderline personality disorder.
D. personality disorder not otherwise specified.

Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-01
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #6
7. Which of the following indicates a major flaw in the categorical rating system for personality
A. The distinctions are too broad and generalized.
B. It allows for the possibility of a client's "somewhat" antisocial or narcissistic behavior.
C. There is a lack of details and distinctions in the ratings.
D. There are too many fine distinctions that the diagnoses require.
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #7
8. Which of the following is true about categorical diagnostic system?
AIn the process of revising the DSM-IV-TR, the personality disorders panels developed a number of
. alternative models to get away from the categorical diagnostic system.
B. There are no alternative models to get away from the categorical diagnostic system.
C. There are very few fine distinctions that the diagnoses require.
D A major flaw with the categorical rating system is that it allows for the possibility of a
. client's "somewhat" antisocial or narcissistic behavior.
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #8
9. Which of the following is the one of the most significant factors in determining personality disorders?

A A person has experienced some kind of personal distress because of the behavior pattern and the
. problem has persisted for more than a month.
B. A person has been convicted of a crime related to the behavior.
C.A person has significant impairment in identity and sense of self and in the capacity for effective
interpersonal functioning.
D. A person has serious difficulty holding down a job.
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-01
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #9
10. Jason, a final year graduate student from Cornell University, is always suspicious about his girlfriend
Joule. He is always anxious and believes that separation after college will spoil their relationship
forever. He is always depressed and hostile. Which of the following personality domains in the DSM-
5 is Jason depicting?
A. disinhibition
B. antagonism
C. detachment
D. negative affectivity
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #10
11. Devlin is reclusive and does not derive pleasure from any kind of social activity. She rarely attends
any social gathering and keeps to herself. Which of the following personality domains in the DSM-5 is
Devlin depicting?
A. disinhibition
B. antagonism
C. detachment
D. negative affectivity
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #11
12. Nicole, a junior high student, is always busy, plotting against Amanda, the most popular girl in
class. Nicole is callous and hostile and constantly seeks attention to herself. Which of the following
personality domains in the DSM-5 is Nicole depicting?
A. disinhibition
B. antagonism
C. detachment
D. negative affectivity
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #12
13. Which of the following term involves engaging in behaviors on impulse, without reflecting on
potential future consequences?
A. disinhibition
B. antagonism
C. detachment
D. negative affectivity
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #13
14. Compulsivity is the opposite pole of the domain.
A. negative affectivity
B. antagonism
C. detachment
D. disinhibition

Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #14
15. Anaida suddenly starts dressing and behaving like the cannibalistic witch from the fairy tale "Hansel
and Gretel." Her thought content is viewed by others as bizarre and idiosyncratic. Which of the
following personality domains in the DSM-5 is Anaida depicting?
A. disinhibition
B. antagonism
C. psychoticism
D. negative affectivity
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #15
16. The term "psychopath" is synonymous with personality disorder.
A. borderline
B. obsessive-compulsive
C. antisocial
D. narcissistic

Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #16
17. The DSM-IV-TR defines people who receive the diagnosis of personality disorder as highly
impulsive and lacking in the capacity for regret over their actions.
A. antisocial
B. borderline
C. narcissistic
D. passive-aggressive
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #17
18. Which personality disorder is characterized by a lack of regard for society's moral and legal standards?

A. antisocial
B. borderline
C. narcissistic
D. passive-aggressive
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #18
19. Which of the following is the most definitive characteristic of antisocial personality disorder?
A. lack of concern for what is right and wrong
B. extreme shyness and social discomfort
C. compulsive stealing
D. an outgoing character
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #19
20. The phenomenon of the "psychopath in the " describes corporate executives who ruthlessly
exploit investors and employees alike, seeking their own gain at the expense of the bank accounts and
livelihood of their victims.
A. court
B. conference
C. bank
D. boardroom
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #20
21. Vic has demonstrated a long-standing pattern of disreputable and manipulative behaviors. He has a
drug abuse problem and has a long criminal record for a variety of crimes. What is worse, he shows
no remorse for some of the harsh things he has done. Vic would most likely be diagnosed as having
personality disorder.
A. borderline
B. histrionic
C. antisocial
D. avoidant
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #21
22. Uriah is 50 years old and has been in prison for twenty years for a variety of crimes linked to his
antisocial personality. Which of the following statements would he most want to have presented at his
parole hearing?
A. He is lacking the extra Y chromosome thought to be linked to antisocial personality disorder.
B. His testosterone levels are below normal.
C. Antisocial personality traits tend to soften in midlife.
D. He did not endure any sexual or physical abuse as a child.
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #22
23. Which of the following is NOT a reason why the treatment of individuals with antisocial personality
disorder is difficult?
A. Their long-standing behavior patterns are difficult to change.
B. They are unlikely to voluntarily seek help.
C. Clinicians have difficulty differentiating between clients' sincerity and their smooth talking.
D. They often have speech difficulties due to cognitive deficits.
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #23
24. The diagnosis of antisocial behavior used today had its origins in the work of
A. William Tuke
B. Phillipe Pinel
C. Hervey Cleckley
D. Sigmund Freud

Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #24
25. The following cluster of traits that includes lack of remorse or shame for harmful acts committed
to others; lack of emotional responsiveness to others; impulsivity; absence of "nervousness"; and
unreliability, untruthfulness, and insincerity, indicates .
A. detachment
B. psychopathy
C. splitting
D. egocentricity
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #25
26. is the term used by Cleckley to refer to a psychopath's inability to react appropriately to
expressions of emotionality.
A. Impulsivity
B. Semantic dementia
C. Splitting
D. Egocentricity
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #26
27. Hervey Cleckley's notion of psychopathy remains a key concept in descriptions of personality
A. borderline
B. histrionic
C. antisocial
D. avoidant
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #27
28. Which of the following is a factor for the Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) developed by
Robert D. Hare?
A. avoidance of social interactions
B. a lowly sense of self-worth
C. a compulsive need to steal
D. an antisocial lifestyle
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #28
29. Which of the following indicates core personality traits for antisocial disorder in Psychopathy
Checklist-Revised (PCL-R)?
A. feelings of remorse or guilt
B. a lowly sense of self-worth
C. a compulsive need to steal
D. glibness and superficial charm
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #29
30. Which of the following lifestyle traits revolves around impulsivity, juvenile delinquency, early
behavioral problems, lack of realistic long-term goals, and a need for constant stimulation?
A. borderline trait
B. antisocial trait
C. histrionic trait
D. avoidant trait
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #30
31. The symptoms of antisocial personality disorder include
A. avoidance of social interactions.
B. passive resistance to the demands of others.
C. a compulsive need to steal.
D. impulsive and aggressive behavior.

Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #31
32. Talia has never had any previous problems with the law but at the age of 27, she started engaging in
constant stealing and cheating people out of their money. Talia would most likely be diagnosed as
A. having antisocial personality disorder.
B. engaging in antisocial behavior.
C. having conduct disorder.
D. having borderline personality disorder.
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #32
33. Stealing, lying, and cheating are examples of .
A. antisocial personality disorder
B. histrionic personality disorder
C. antisocial behavior
D. avoidant behavior

Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #33
34. Which of the following is true about antisocial personality disorder?
A. There is no difference between an antisocial personality disorder and antisocial behavior.
B Antisocial personality disorder typically emerges only in adulthood, both in terms of the
. development of psychopathic traits and rates of breaking the law.
CNot all individuals with antisocial personality disorder engage in explicitly criminal behavior,
. but instead their disorder may manifest itself in behaviors such as job problems, promiscuity, and
D. Antisocial behavior and criminal behavior are considered one and the same.
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #34
35. Which of the following statement about antisocial personality disorder is correct?
AThe components of psychopathy involving impulsivity, social deviance, and antisocial behavior are
. less prominent in prison inmates who are in their mid-forties and older.
B Antisocial personality disorder typically emerges only in adulthood, both in terms of the
. development of psychopathic traits and rates of breaking the law.
C. There is no difference between antisocial personality disorder and antisocial behavior.
D.Over the course of their adult years, people with antisocial personality disorder seem to become
more likely to commit criminal acts.
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #35
36. Statistics show that impulsivity, acting out, and other extreme behaviors of people with antisocial
personality disorder decrease as these individuals age. This finding supports what is known as the
A. remorse reaction.
B. maturation hypothesis.
C. revelation reaction.
D. reactivity hypothesis.
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #36
37. Which of the following terms suggest that older individuals are better able to manage their high-risk
A. primary process thinking
B. self-discipline
C. impulse control
D. maturation hypothesis
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #37
38. Bernard was a very aggressive and impulsive teenager. He was always involved in neighborhood
brawls. As he aged, his antisocial behavior declined and he was more patient with people around him.
Which of the following explains this behavior?
A. primary process thinking
B. maturation hypothesis
C. remorse reaction.
D. reactivity hypothesis.
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #38
39. In which of the following personality disorders is aging likely to bring about a reduction in
troublesome behavior patterns?
A. dependent personality disorder
B. narcissistic personality disorder
C. antisocial personality disorder
D. homicidal personality disorder
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #39
40. Children who have engaged in a relatively long-standing pattern of are likely to be diagnosed
as having antisocial personality disorder.
A. psychopathy
B. deviancy
C. impulsiveness
D. conduct disorder
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #40
41. In a recent study, poor nutrition at age three was associated with a higher likelihood of disorder
at age seventeen.
A. obsessive compulsive personality
B. borderline personality
C. conduct
D. avoidant personality
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #41
42. Studies on family inheritance of antisocial personality disorder have demonstrated
A. that antisocial behavior in childhood is better accounted for by genetic factors.
B. that sons are more likely to receive the extra Y chromosome from their mothers than from their
C. evidence in favor of genetic explanations of antisocial personality disorder.
D. through evidence that there is no set pattern that might indicate a genetic component.
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #42
43. Which of the following statement is true regarding theories of antisocial personality disorder?
A. The personality trait of psychopathy and antisocial behavior with heritability estimates are as low
as 10 percent.
BNeuroimaging studies also suggest that people high in psychopathy have deficits in occipital lobe
. functioning, meaning that they are able to inhibit input from the subcortical areas of the brain that are
involved in aggression.
C. Family inheritance studies provide strong evidence against genetic explanations of antisocial
personality disorder
D. Malnutrition in early life may serve as another risk factor for the development of antisocial
personality disorder.
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #43
44. Closely related to the biological perspective is the hypothesis that neuropsychological deficits in
learning and attention have been thought to contribute to disorder.
A. avoidant
B. passive-aggressive personality
C. narcissistic personality
D. antisocial personality
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #44
45. Which of the following indicates that individuals do not learn from their negative experiences?
A. primary process thinking
B. lack of emotional reactivity
C. deficit of classical conditioning passive avoidance
D. maturation hypothesis
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #45
46. What is meant by deficit of classical conditioning passive avoidance?
A. It means rigidly compulsive personality tendency and also obsessive concern with perfectionism.
B. It means that the correct responses involve learning to avoid responding to a previously punished
CIt means that an individual's preoccupation with feelings of love for the object of his/her desire and
. attention can readily turn to extreme rage and hatred when they are rejected by that love object.
D. It means that a certain amount of paranoid thinking and behavior might be appropriate in some
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #46
47. The hypothesis attempts to explain the failure of individuals high in psychopathy to learn from
negative experience and to process emotional information.
A. response modulation
B. impulse control
C. maturation
D. semantic dementia
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #47
48. According to hypothesis, people have a dominant and nondominant focus of their attention in
any given situation.
A. semantic dementia
B. impulse control
C. maturation
D. response modulation
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #48
49. The notion that psychopaths are unable to process any information that is not relevant to their primary
goals is central to the hypothesis.
A. response modulation
B. anxiety
C. anxiety reduction
D. stimulation baseline
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #49
50. According to the response modulation hypothesis,
A. avoidant personality disorder is a more severe form of social phobia.
B. people rarely have a nondominant focus of their attention in any given situation.
C individuals high on the trait of psychopathy are unable to pay enough attention to secondary cues to
. switch their attention when necessary.
D.the dysfunctional attitudes of individuals hold center on the core belief that they are flawed and
unworthy of other people's regard.
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #50
51. Experts argue that individuals with antisocial personality disorder will change only when they are
A. remorseful over their behaviors.
B. properly medicated.
C. physically punished.
D. threatened with execution.
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #51
52. Yancey has been diagnosed as having antisocial personality disorder. He has been in jail for the past
three years on murder charges and the courts have recently required him to receive psychotherapy.
What might be the best approach in treating Yancey?
A. Yancey should receive harsh, physical punishment even though it would be highly unethical.
B. Yancey should receive ECT three times a week for a year.
C. Yancey should receive steroid therapy in order to bring his testosterone level down to normal
D Yancey should receive cognitive-behavioral therapy and the clinician should convince him that he
. is responsible for his own behavior.
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #52
53. The personality disorder in which the individual is fearful of any involvement with other people and
terrified at the prospect of being publicly embarrassed is referred to as personality disorder.
A. paranoid
B. avoidant
C. antisocial
D. obsessive-compulsive
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-03
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #53
54. Rosalinda is a very shy 30-year-old woman who usually stays home and does not interact with other
people. Rosalinda may be suffering from personality disorder.
A. avoidant
B. antisocial
C. dependent
D. passive-aggressive
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-03
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #54
55. Avoidant personality disorder is characterized by
A. instability and impulsivity.
B. excessively emotional displays.
C. antisocial and criminal behaviors.
D. extreme sensitivity toward rejection and ridicule.
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-03
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #55
56. Individuals with personality disorder stay home for a significant portion of the time due to
excessive fears of embarrassment or rejection by others.
A. schizoid
B. antisocial
C. avoidant
D. passive-aggressive
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-03
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #56
57. Avoidant personality disorder could be characterized as a more severe form of
A. agoraphobia.
B. social phobia.
C. panic disorder.
D. acute stress disorder.

Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-03
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #57
58. The psychodynamic approach to avoidant personality disorder
A. emphasizes on the individual's fear of attachment in relationships.
B. stresses on biological factors.
C. stresses on childhood experiences of extreme parental criticism.
D. emphasizes on the individual's fear of being mocked.

Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-03
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #58
59. Dysfunctional attitudes and beliefs, rooted in childhood experiences of extreme criticism by parents,
are central to the approach to avoidant personality disorder.
A. psychodynamic
B. humanistic
C. cognitive-behavioral
D. sociocultural
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-03
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #59
60. How might a cognitive-behavioral therapist treat a person with avoidant personality disorder?
A. by making the person feel more secure about personal qualities
B. by helping the client see the irrationality of fears of rejection
C. by uncovering memories from the client's past at the source of conflict
D. by providing an environment in which the client can become self-actualized
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-03
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #60
61. The main goal of therapists working in the cognitive-behavioral framework is
A. to create a challenging environment.
B. to excuse the client's excessive self-criticism.
C. to reject childhood experiences of extreme parental criticism.
D. to break the client's negative cycle of avoidance.
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #61
62. Cognitive-behavioral therapists may also use to present the client with social situations that are
increasingly more difficult for them to confront.
A. primary process thinking
B. graduated exposure
C. impulse control
D. the pleasure principle
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-03
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #62
63. The term borderline, in the past, was used to describe patients who were functioning on the "border"
of and .
A. neurosis; depression
B. narcissism; neurosis
C. neurosis; psychosis
D. depression; mania
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #63
64. The term "borderline personality" was originally coined to describe patients who
A. were on the borderline between normal and abnormal behavior.
B. did not fit into either the neurotic or psychotic category.
C. constantly pushed the borders and limits of acceptable moral behavior.
D. were disliked by most people in their communities.
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #64
65. Which personality disorder is characterized by a pervasive pattern of unstable moods, interpersonal
relationships, and self-image?
A. borderline personality disorder
B. antisocial personality disorder
C. histrionic personality disorder
D. schizoid personality disorder
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #65
66. An inability to distinguish between one's own identity and the identities of others is characteristic of
which personality disorder?
A. schizoid
B. self-defeating
C. borderline
D. narcissistic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #66
67. Which of the following is NOT a trait that is associated with people suffering from borderline
personality disorder?
A. self-destructive behaviors
B. obsessive thinking
C. fear of abandonment
D. mood shifts
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #67
68. Lori becomes angry and hostile when her boyfriend chooses to spend a night out with his friends. She
views him as "bad" and tries to manipulate him in order to make him stay home. Occasionally, when
this occurs he threatens to break off the relationship, but Lori will do almost anything to keep him.
She has on occasion threatened to commit suicide. Lori's behavior pattern is characteristic of
personality disorder.
A. borderline
B. schizoid
C. antisocial
D. paranoid
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #68
69. Which personality disorder is characterized by an individual's inability to distinguish between his or
her own feelings and the feelings of others?
A. borderline
B. schizotypal
C. obsessive-compulsive
D. antisocial
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #69
70. The tendency to binge eat, abuse alcohol or drugs, and engage in promiscuous sex is characteristic of
personality disorder.
A. paranoid
B. obsessive-compulsive
C. antisocial
D. borderline
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #70
71. Risky activities like speeding and bungee-jumping that may be undertaken by psychopaths may be a
manifestation of their
A. grandiose self-worth.
B. superficial charm.
C. lack of remorse.
D. impulsiveness.
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #71
72. Rowena cannot resist taking a fancy lipstick from the drugstore when she cannot afford it. Rowena
seems to have a problem with
A. impulse control.
B. authority figures.
C. grandiose self-worth.
D. remorsefulness.
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #72
73. Cheryl reports long-standing feelings of emptiness and desperation. She has attempted suicide several
times and repeatedly gets involved in intense, demanding relationships with men. Cheryl would most
likely be diagnosed as having personality disorder.
A. passive-aggressive
B. dependent
C. borderline
D. narcissistic
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #73
74. The formation of intense and demanding relationships with others is characteristic of
personality disorder.
A. antisocial
B. schizoid
C. avoidant
D. borderline
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #74
75. A disturbed childhood family environment, parental psychopathology, and childhood abuse have been
highlighted as possible variables that may lead to the development of personality disorder.
A. passive-aggressive
B. borderline
C. obsessive-compulsive
D. antagonistic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #75
76. The tendency for an individual to perceive people as either all good or all bad is referred to as
A. dichotomizing.
B. splitting.
C. dualism.
D. aggrandizing.
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #76
77. Which of the following is a symptom of borderline personality disorder?
A. splitting
B. delusions
C. hallucinations
D. lack of remorse

Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #77
78. Attempts at taking one's own life in order to gain attention from loved ones is referred to as
A. splitting.
B. parasuicide.
C. narcissistic suicide.
D. deindividuation.
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #78
79. When asked why she tried to kill herself, Calista responded, "These past few days I haven't really
been sure about myself. I wasn't really sure I was alive. It was a test." Calista's intent would be best
described as
A. splitting.
B. parasuicidal.
C. dicotomizing.
D. hysterical.
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #79
80. Which part of the brain plays a role in aversive conditioning and is involved in processing emotion?

A. amygdala
B. thalamus
C. cerebellum
D. pons
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #80
81. Gillian has been diagnosed as having borderline personality disorder. When her therapist arrived
late for an appointment, she flew into a rage at the office, claiming that he must hate her and that she
wants to stop seeing him. What might be the best strategy to deal with this situation?
A Because people with borderline personality disorder need discipline, the therapist should yell back
. at her and tell her how wrong she is to think this way.
B. The therapist should let her leave because she is attempting to manipulate him.
C. The therapist should ignore Gillian's outburst and the things she is saying until she calms down.
D. The therapist should explain to her in a gentle but firm manner that his tardiness is not due to
anything about her.
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #81
82. The emotional disturbances seen in people with borderline personality disorder are characterized
A. emotional dysregulation.
B. antisocial behavior.
C. goal-directed behavior.
D. avoidance of interpersonal relationships.
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #82
83. Which of the following is NOT a component of emotional dysregulation?
A. the inability to control the intensity or duration of emotions
B. an unwillingness to experience emotional distress as an aspect of pursuing goals
C. interpersonal instability and impaired relationships
D. the inability to engage in goal-directed behaviors when experiencing distress
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #83
84. Andrew's inability to engage in goal-directed behaviors when experiencing distress has led to several
problems for him at work. His lack of awareness, understanding, or acceptance of emotions has led to
people disliking him. Which of the following term explains Andrew's inability to regulate emotions?

A. emotional catharsis
B. emotional numbness
C. emotional exhaustion
D. emotional dysregulation
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #84
85. Treatment approach for people with borderline personality disorder that integrates supportive and
cognitive-behavioral treatments to reduce the frequency of self-destructive acts and to improve the
client's ability to handle disturbing emotions, such as anger and dependency is known as
A. rational-emotive therapy.
B. dialectical behavior therapy.
C. psychoanalysis.
D. person-centered therapy.
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #85
86. Dr. Laskey is currently treating a client with borderline personality disorder. She is attempting to
reframe her client's dysfunctional impulsive behaviors in order to identify their origins. She is also
helping the client find new ways to analyze problems and to develop healthier solutions. Dr. Laskey is
using a therapy known as
A. rational-emotive therapy.
B. dialectical behavior therapy.
C. psychoanalysis.
D. person-centered therapy.
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #86
87. Supportive therapeutic approaches to the treatment of borderline personality disorder emphasize
A. that the therapist take a primary role in treatment and involve the client in the therapeutic process.
B. aggressive and confrontational shouting matches between the client and the therapist.
C. the development of a highly dependent relationship between client and therapist.
D. the sharing of highly personal information between the client and the therapist.
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #87
88. Using a process called , DBT clinicians teach their clients to balance their emotions, reason, and
intuition as they approach life's problems.
A. rational-emotive therapy
B. core mindfulness
C. psychoanalysis
D. person-centered therapy
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #88
89. Campbell has been diagnosed with a personality disorder and his clinician suggests a transference-
focused psychotherapy that uses the client-clinician relationships as the framework for helping clients
achieve greater understanding of their unconscious feelings and motives. Using a process called
core mindfulness, his clinician teaches Campbell to balance his emotions, reason, and intuition as
he approach life's problems. It is most likely that Campbell would be diagnosed as having
personality disorder.
A. avoidant
B. dependent
C. schizoid
D. borderline
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: Hard
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #89
90. Which personality disorder is characterized by an unrealistic, inflated sense of self-importance and an
inability to see the perspectives of other people?
A. borderline personality disorder
B. obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
C. passive-aggressive personality disorder
D. narcissistic personality disorder
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-05
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #90
91. Which of the following trait of narcissistic personality disorder shows tendency to view oneself as
possessing special and extremely favorable personal qualities and abilities?
A. grandiosity
B. compulsivity
C. egocentrism
D. pretentiousness
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-05
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #91
92. Calum often boasts about how talented a teacher he is and he continually notes that the reason he
never gets promoted is because no one fully appreciates him. He resents other teachers who have been
promoted before him and claims that they are self-promoting. He demands that other people fulfill
his wishes but is insensitive when it comes to other people's feelings. Calum would most likely be
diagnosed as having personality disorder.
A. borderline
B. passive-aggressive
C. narcissistic
D. obsessive-compulsive
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-05
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #92
93. According to psychoanalytic theories, the narcissist's inflated self-image is a result of
A. a paradoxical attempt to overcome insecurity.
B. the effects of negative reinforcement.
C. an increase in dopamine levels.
D. applications of conditions of worth.
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-05
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #93
94. Even though individuals with narcissistic personality disorder generally view themselves as special
and important, they are often troubled by
A. delusions.
B. self-doubt.
C. obsessions.
D. compulsive rituals.
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-05
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #94
95. The personality disorder in which the primary symptom is constant efforts by the individual to attract
attention with exaggerated displays of emotion is called personality disorder.
A. histrionic
B. borderline
C. antisocial
D. paranoid
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-05
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #95
96. At her going-away party, Elaina sobbed uncontrollably and became overwhelmed with emotion at the
thought of leaving even though everyone knew that she was secretly glad to be moving out of town
and away from everyone there. Her co-workers often recall dramatic shouting matches with others
over small details and overbearing attempts to seduce all of the men in the office. Elaina's attempts to
get attention might be indicative of personality disorder.
A. schizoid
B. avoidant
C. histrionic
D. paranoid
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-05
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #96
97. Psychoanalytic theorists might view narcissism personality disorder as the result of an individual's
failure to progress beyond
A. negative reinforcement.
B. psychosexual development.
C. the application of conditions of worth.
D. faulty thinking.
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-05
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #97
98. Which of the following facets of an individual's history would a psychodynamically-oriented therapist
consider most important if the individual was diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder?
A. the numerous occasions in the individual's childhood when he or she was rewarded for being show-
B. the persistence of delusional and obsessive thoughts in adolescence
C. the early failure of the individual's parents to provide recognition and positive responses to the
child's accomplishments
D. instances in the past where the individual's superego was undermined by the id
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-05
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #98
99. According to current psychoanalytic theorists, parental failure to provide reassurance and positive
responses to accomplishments may lead to the development of personality disorder.
A. histrionic
B. schizoid
C. schizotypal
D. narcissistic
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-05
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #99
100. The view that narcissists hold maladaptive ideas about themselves is central to the
A. psychoanalytic
B. biological
C. cognitive-behavioral
D. sociocultural
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-05
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #100
101. Psychodynamic therapies for narcissistic personality disorder include
A. correcting flawed and distorted thinking patterns.
B. modifying maladaptive behavior patterns through reinforcement.
C. using empathy to support the client's search for recognition and admiration.
D. giving the client unconditional positive regard.

Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-05
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #101
102. Intense perfectionism and inflexibility manifested in worrying, indecisiveness, and behavioral rigidity
is referred to as personality disorder.
A. psychoanalytic
B. obsessive-compulsive
C. narcissistic
D. borderline
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-06
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #102
103. Which personality disorder is characterized by an undue preoccupation with neatness and routine?
A. avoidant
B. dependent
C. passive-aggressive
D. obsessive-compulsive
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-06
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #103
104. The word "obsessive" as it applies to individuals who suffer from obsessive-compulsive personality
disorder refers to the
A. repetitive and specific thoughts that these individuals cannot get out of their minds.
B. ritualistic behaviors these people engage in.
C. unpredictable emotional reactions they have.
D. rigidly compulsive personality tendency they have.
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-06
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #104
105. Felix has been a worrier all of his life. When he was a child, he believed and followed the
expression "step on a crack, break your mother's back." He is now a perfectionist and runs his daily
routine based on an inflexible schedule. His environment is arranged very predictably; for example, all
of his shirts must be neatly pressed and hung exactly four inches apart in his closet.
His pursuit of perfection has become self-defeating rather than constructive. Felix would be diagnosed
as having personality disorder.
A. passive-aggressive
B. obsessive-compulsive
C. borderline
D. narcissistic
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-06
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #105
106. From a psychodynamic standpoint, Freud believed that people with an obsessive-compulsive
style have not progressed from, or are constantly returning to, the stage of psychosexual
A. genital
B. phallic
C. oral
D. anal
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-06
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #106
107. The notion that people with obsessive-compulsive disorder operate according to unrealistic concerns
with perfection is based on the theory.
A. humanistic
B. psychoanalytic
C. cognitive-behavioral
D. biological
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-06
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #107
108. The fact that people with obsessive-compulsive disorder have a tendency to be distracted by small,
unimportant details would be of most interest to a therapist.
A. humanistic
B. psychoanalytic
C. cognitive-behavioral
D. metacognitive
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-06
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #108
109. In which of the following therapies do clinicians help their clients take a step back and learn to
identify their problematic ruminative thinking patterns in the context of a building a supportive
therapeutic alliance?
A. humanistic
B. psychoanalytic
C. cognitive-behavioral
D. metacognitive interpersonal
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-06
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #109
110. Which personality disorder involves peculiarities in thought, behavior, appearance, and style of
relating to others?
A. avoidant personality disorder
B. schizotypal personality disorder
C. schizoid personality disorder
D. antisocial personality disorder
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-07
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #110
111. Livia's hair is usually unkempt and she wears clothes that date back to the 1960s. Her ways of
thinking and dealing with other people are rather eccentric - she has the idea that she can communicate
telepathically with her brother who lives on the west coast. Livia will most likely be diagnosed as
having personality disorder.
A. avoidant
B. antisocial
C. schizoid
D. schizotypal
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-07
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #111
112. The social isolation, eccentricity, peculiar communication, and poor social adaptation that come with
personality disorder place it within the schizophrenic spectrum.
A. avoidant
B. antisocial
C. schizoid
D. schizotypal
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-07
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #112
113. personality disorder is characterized by an extreme neediness for other people, to the point that
the person is unable to make any decisions or take any independent action.
A. Dependent
B. Antisocial
C. Avoidant
D. Passive-aggressive
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-08
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #113
114. Reggie might be considered a "momma's boy" because, even though he is 28 years old, he lets his
mother make all of the decisions in his life such as where he works, who he sees, what he wears, and
where he goes. Reggie does not seem to mind; as a matter of fact he often says, "Momma knows
best." Reggie would most likely be diagnosed as having personality disorder.
A. avoidant
B. antisocial
C. dependent
D. passive-aggressive
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-08
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #114
115. Helen is a 62 year-old woman who was diagnosed with dependent personality disorder. Helen's
husband of forty years recently passed away. Based on patterns of personality disorders later in life,
what might happen in Helen's case?
A. She may feel helpless and lost and come to rely on her children more.
B. Her tendency to engage in risk-taking behaviors will increase.
C. Her tendency to engage in socially deviant behaviors will decrease.
D. Her possible need for physical care will ultimately lead her to become socially isolated.
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-08
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #115
116. Ted has dependent personality disorder and recalls experiencing constant separation anxiety as a child.
This fact would be of most interest to a therapist with a(n) orientation.
A. psychodynamic
B. behavioral
C. object relations
D. cognitive
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-08
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #116
117. According to object relations theorists, which type of attachment pattern do individuals with
dependent personality disorder have?
A. secure
B. insecure
C. grounded
D. affectionate
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-08
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #117
118. A client who is always on guard against potential danger or harm might be diagnosed as having a(n)
personality disorder.
A. schizoid
B. obsessive-compulsive
C. paranoid
D. antisocial
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-08
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #118
119. Individuals with paranoid personality disorder
A. use the defense mechanism of projection.
B. suffer from imbalances in serotonin.
C. attribute their own mistakes and problems to other people.
D. have a difficult time reaching the level of self-actualization.
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-08
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #119
120. People with paranoid personality disorder tend to
A. become overly dependent on others.
B. engage in criminal acts.
C. be impulsive.
D. keep their distance from people.

Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-08
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #120
121. According to cognitive-behavioral theorists, individuals with personality disorder are primed to
attribute mistakes and problems to .
A. paranoid; others
B. paranoid; themselves
C. obsessive-compulsive; themselves
D. dependent; others
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-08
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #121
122. Individuals with paranoid personality disorder rarely seek help, and when they do seek treatment,
communication is difficult because of their
A. rigidity and defensiveness.
B. lack of remorse.
C. unstable approach to relationships.
D. shy, withdrawn, and unassertive nature.
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-08
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #122
123. Dr. Calein feels that Elian's paranoid personality disorder is the result of insecurity regarding his
ability to handle certain situations. As a result, Elian tends to become defensive toward others. Based
on these impressions, which of the following therapeutic approaches would work best for Elian?
A. helping Elian reinforce his projective defense mechanisms
B. having Elian exaggerate his paranoid symptoms
C. exposing Elian to increasing levels of criticism
D. increasing Elian's feelings of self-efficacy
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-08
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #123
124. Which personality disorder is primarily characterized by an indifference to social relationships as well
as a very limited range of emotions?
A. avoidant personality disorder
B. schizotypal personality disorder
C. schizoid personality disorder
D. antisocial personality disorder
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-08
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #124
125. Lamont is an interstate truck driver. Many people consider him a loner. Lamont is indifferent to
the idea of marriage, shows no emotions, and does not seem to desire social contact. If we assume
Lamont's problem is long-standing, what diagnosis might be appropriate?
A. schizoid personality disorder
B. schizotypal personality disorder
C. avoidant personality disorder
D. antisocial personality disorder
Blooms: Apply
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-08
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #125
126. It is difficult to treat people with schizoid personality disorder because
A. they are emotionally unstable.
B. they tend to view their therapist with suspicion.
C. their treatment is often mandated by the courts.
D. they are cognitively and emotionally out of touch.

Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-08
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #126
127. The notion that personality disorders are the result of a combination of factors such as a particular
temperament, early traumatic experiences, and recent triggering events lends support to the
A. biopsychosocial
B. psychodynamic
C. behavioral
D. humanistic
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-09
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #127
128. A distinguishing feature of personality disorders is the fact that the behavior patterns are apparent
even in adolescence or young adulthood.
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-01
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #128
129. Personality disorders are very easy to diagnose since DSM-IV provides very clearly delineated
diagnostic criteria.
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #129
130. In the process of revising the DSM-IV-TR, the personality disorders panels developed a number of
alternative models to get away from the categorical diagnostic system.
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-01
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #130
131. All individuals convicted of serious crimes can be diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder.
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #131
132. Abnormalities in the prefrontal lobes of the cortex have been identified as a possible biological cause
for antisocial personality disorder.
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #132
133. People high in psychopathy also have difficulty processing positive emotional stimuli.
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #133
134. The term borderline, as it applies to borderline personality disorder, has origins in the notion that the
individual is functioning on the border of avoidant and psychotic forms of psychopathology.
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #134
135. Early childhood experiences play an important role in the development of borderline personality
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #135
136. Most clinicians agree that confronting approaches are the most effective when dealing with
individuals with borderline personality disorder.
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #136
137. Another evidence-based treatment for BPD, transference-focused psychotherapy, uses the client-
clinician relationships as the framework for helping clients achieve greater understanding of their
unconscious feelings and motives.
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #137
138. People who are higher on grandiose narcissism are not threatened by failure in the realm of personal
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-05
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #138
139. Treatment for people with schizotypal personality disorder parallels the interventions that clinicians
commonly use in treating schizophrenia.
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-07
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #139
140. A certain amount of paranoid thinking and behavior might be appropriate in some situations, such as
in dangerous political climates
Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-08
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #140
141. Individuals with schizoid personality disorder do not prefer to be alone and secretly desire intimate
relationships with others.
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-08
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #141
142. People with schizoid personality disorder appear particularly distressed and a risk to others.
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-08
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #142
143. Match the term to the most appropriate definition or description.
1. Narcissistic an enduring pattern of perceiving, relating to, and
personality thinking about the environment and others 8

2. Splitting behaviors that are dramatic, emotional, and erratic

3. Schizoid areas of the brain involved in emotional processing
personality and regulation 7
4. Avoidant excessive shyness and fear in social situations
personality 4
5. Borderline unstable moods, relationships, and self-image
personality 5
6. Histrionic viewing others as being all good or all bad
personality 2
7. Amygdala and exaggerated sense of self-importance
prefrontal cortex 1
8. Personality trait excessive emotions and attention-seeking
9. Schizotypal restricted emotions and indifference to social
personality relationships 3
10. Cluster B peculiar, eccentric, and odd ways of thinking and
disorders behaving 9

Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #143

144. Match the term to the most appropriate definition or description.
1. Dependent involves anxious or fearful behavior
personality 8

2. Parasuicide another expression for antisocial personality

disorder 9
3. Dialectic an inability to react appropriately to expressions of
behavioral therapy emotionality 5

4. Maturation the ability to better manage symptoms as one ages

hypothesis 4

5. Semantic an attempt to gain attention from family, friends, or

dementia professionals 2

6. Hervey Cleckley characterized by extremely perfectionist behavior

7. Obsessive- categorized the behavior of the psychopathic
compulsive personality 6
8. Cluster C integration of supportive and cognitive-behavioral
disorders treatments to improve the client's ability to handle3
disturbing emotions
9. Psychopathy an excessive reliance on others

Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #144

145. A involves a long-lasting maladaptive pattern of inner experience and behavior dating back to
adolescence or young adulthood.
personality disorder
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-01
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #145
146. A lack of regard for society's moral and legal standards characterizes personality disorder.
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #146
147. People with personality disorder define themselves as lacking in social skills and having no
desirable qualities that would make others want to be with them.
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-03
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #147
148. personality disorder is characterized by a pervasive pattern of poor impulse control, fluctuating
self-image, and unstable mood and interpersonal relationships.
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #148
149. Lack of awareness, understanding, or acceptance of emotions, and an inability to control the intensity
or duration of emotions, are characteristics of emotional .
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #149
150. is a trait characterized by an inflated sense of self-importance and is central to narcissistic
personality disorders.
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-05
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #150
151. Engaging in behaviors designed to draw attention to one's self is often characteristic of
personality disorder.
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-05
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #151
152. An extreme reliance on others, accompanied by a strong fear of abandonment, is characteristic of
personality disorder.
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-08
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #152
153. personality disorder is characterized by extreme suspicion and always being on guard against
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-08
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #153
154. An indifference to social and sexual relationships characterizes personality disorder, as well as
a very limited range of emotional experience and expression.
Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-08
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #154
155. Identify the personality disorders that define clusters A, B, and C. What are the shared features of
these disorders that define each cluster?

The cluster A disorders include paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal personality disorders, each of
which share the behavioral features of oddness or eccentricity. Cluster B disorders include antisocial,
borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic personality disorders. Individuals with these disorders behave
dramatically, emotionally, or erratically. Cluster C disorders involve anxious or fearful behaviors; this
cluster includes avoidant, dependent, and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders.

Blooms: Remember
Difficulty: Easy
Objective: 10-02
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #155
156. Differentiate between schizoid and avoidant personality disorder in terms of the tendency of
individuals with these disorders to distance themselves from intimate relationships.

Individuals with avoidant personality disorder desire closeness and are pained by their difficulty in
initiating relationships; individuals with schizoid personality disorder actually prefer being alone and
are not distressed by their lack of relationships.

Blooms: Analysis
Difficulty: Hard
Objective: 10-03
Objective: 10-08
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #156
157. Recent work on emotion dysregulation has provided additional insights into the elements of successful
therapy with individuals suffering from borderline personality disorder. Explain the results of these

Emotion dysregulation refers to: a lack of awareness, understanding, or acceptance of emotions; an

inability to control the intensity or duration of emotions; an unwillingness to experience emotional
distress as an aspect of pursuing goals; and the inability to engage in goal-directed behaviors when
experiencing distress. Clinicians treating clients with BPD can improve the likelihood of more
positive outcomes by helping their clients become more aware of their emotions and how to control
them, especially in the context of their interpersonal relationships.

Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Hard
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #157
158. Many clinicians doubt that individuals with borderline personality disorder can be treated. Recent
research has shed some light on treatment possibilities. Discuss the current research and the
characteristics of those with the disorder who may have more positive treatment outcomes.

Early childhood experiences play an important role in the development of BPD. These include
childhood neglect or traumatic experiences, and marital or psychiatric difficulties in the home.
Additionally, children who were insecurely attached are more likely to develop into adults with
BPD. Recent research has suggested that clinicians should focus more on the clients' current
interpersonal relationships. The treatment with the greatest demonstrated effectiveness is dialectical
behavior therapy (DBT), a form of psychotherapy. Psychologist Marsha Linehan developed this
type of behavior therapy specifically to treat individuals with BPD. In DBT, the clinician integrates
supportive and cognitive behavioral treatments with the goal of reducing the frequency of the client's
self-destructive acts and to increase his or her ability to handle emotional distress.

Blooms: Analysis
Difficulty: Hard
Objective: 10-04
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #158
159. Explain the condition of individuals with schizoid personality disorder. What impact does it have on
their social functioning?

Throughout their lives, people with schizoid personality disorder seek out situations that involve
minimal interaction with others. Those who are able to tolerate work are usually drawn to jobs in
which they spend all of their work hours alone. They rarely marry, but rather choose solitary living,
possibly in a single room, where they guard their privacy and avoid any dealings with neighbors. They
do not appear particularly distressed or a risk to others. However, their self-imposed isolation and
emotional constriction is maladaptive to their social functioning.

Blooms: Understand
Difficulty: Medium
Objective: 10-08
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 #159
10 Summary
Category # of Questions
Blooms: Analysis 2
Blooms: Apply 24
Blooms: Remember 83
Blooms: Understand 48
Difficulty: Easy 90
Difficulty: Hard 4
Difficulty: Medium 63
Objective: 10-01 10
Objective: 10-02 51
Objective: 10-03 11
Objective: 10-04 36
Objective: 10-05 15
Objective: 10-06 8
Objective: 10-07 4
Objective: 10-08 22
Objective: 10-09 1
Whitbourne - Chapter 10 159

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