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CIT Enable

With your Choices

You’re in control

DUTY STATEMENT: Support worker Level one

The worker will be required to fulfil the following functions
of the position;
1. Person centred active support principles. Understand and follow a
person-centred approach for the provision of disability support for each
service user. This includes working independently and under supervision
with service users to identify specific goals and aspirations thorough
active support strategies AND documenting & reporting identified needs,
goals and aspirations in notes and to supervisors. This will include
implementing I.P. action and may include the maintenance and
implementation of therapy support and care plans.

2. Enabling the achievement of goals. Supporting each service user to

identify and reach Individualised goals to meet N.D.I.A. individualised
plan Goals AND CIT Enable individualised plans (I.P.).This will included a
working understanding of each service users I.P. and the strategies to
support the I.P. You will be expected to customise service delivery to
individual needs and document/report necessary changes to support
and progress against I.P. goals.

3. Individualised, strengths based approach. Workings independently or

under direction of supervisor, follow a person centred approach to
support the meeting of individual personal care needs. This may include
supporting, personal hygiene, continence assistance , meal time support,
meal preparation, transport support, cleaning of equipment, cleaning of
personal items, cleaning of personal and communal spaces, and other
personal care support as identified in the I.P. and as directed by

© CIT 2016 –
based on NDS disability career planner © National Disability Services Ltd and People Advantage Pty
Ltd (2015)
CIT Enable
With your Choices
You’re in control

4. Social and community inclusion. Working independently or under

direction of supervisor, provide support for social & community access
and the development and maintenance of social networks. This may
include the provision of emotional and social support for individual
service users as identified in the I.P. and/or as directed by supervisors.
This will include working in conjunction with other support services to
ensure individual service users set and reach goals related to social &
community access and networks.

5. Supporting community and social access and knowledge. Work with

service users, their families and relevant people to access and
participate in their communities. This may involve support of the service
user in a range of community environments including employment,
clubs and sporting activities, medical and therapy activities and
environments and cultural and/or religious activities and venues. This
may require providing information to others regarding the support
needs of service users and/or providing direct support to the service
user in the setting.

6. Working knowledge of services and supports , and access to these.

Have current and relevant general knowledge and understanding of
generic and disability specific services, activities and environments.
Apply this knowledge to support service users to have increased choice
and opportunities to engage in events, actives, services and
environments that will assist them to achieve N.D.I.A. and I.P. goals.

7. Maintain legal and ethical recording and documentation. Understand

and Maintain documentation and reporting requirements of CIT Enable
as outlined in CIT Enable policy. This will include completing writing and
electronic documentation such as, progress notes, I.P goal reviews,
incident and accident documentation and general electronic
communication such as emails. Essential to the role is the maintenance
© CIT 2016 –
based on NDS disability career planner © National Disability Services Ltd and People Advantage Pty
Ltd (2015)
CIT Enable
With your Choices
You’re in control

of the privacy and confidentiality of service users and their relevant

other, Employees of CIT Enable and members of the general public.

8. Scope of practice. Have a current and relevant understanding of CIT

Enable policies and apply these polices in the application of your work.
Have a current and relevant understanding of CIT Enable procedures
and apply these procedures in the application of your work. Contribute
to review and development of policies and procedures of CIT Enable
through organisation reporting systems and/or when directed by
supervisor. This involves having a working understanding of CIT Enable
scope of practice and a working understanding of your scope of practice
as an employee of CIT Enable.

9. Work collaboratively with team members and organise own workload.

The worker will be able to effectively check own work and work of
others, providing guidance to less experienced staff. Share knowledge
and information with team members. Work with minimal supervision,
knowing when to escalate issues to supervisor. Work as otherwise
directed by supervisor. The worker will address the needs and
expectations of service users, colleagues, supervisors and others (within
the scope of their practice), by developing and sharing a practical
knowledge of supports and services available. Work worker will be
flexible in service delivery and, where appropriate, suggest alternative
service solutions, provides information or make necessary referrals.

10.Communicate effectively. Respectful, professional and appropriate

communication is a requirement of the work role. This requires the
worker to have effective listening skills and to seek, provide and/or
share practical information in an appropriate and respectful manner.
You will Deal with routine and non-routine enquiries. The worker will be
required to adapt communication style to meet people’s needs. The
worker will develop a network of internal and external contacts relevant

© CIT 2016 –
based on NDS disability career planner © National Disability Services Ltd and People Advantage Pty
Ltd (2015)
CIT Enable
With your Choices
You’re in control

to the role, and deal with practical issues presenting and enlists a more
experienced person as needed.

The worker will be required to understand and apply the

following core values, knowledge and requirements of the
1. A working understanding of and adherence to, organisation policies &
procedures and all relevant government legislation and relevant
standards including;
 CIT Enable Mission Statement
 CIT Enable Policies and Procedures
 The A.C.T. Disability Services Act 1991
 National Standards for Disability Services
 Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1992
 A.C.T. Discrimination Act 1991
 Health Records (Privacy and Access) Act 1997
 Work Health & Safety Act 2011

2. A commitment to, and active promotion of, best practice models and
ideas in the delivery of disability support services. The worker will be
committed to promoting resourcefulness, creativity and adaptability
within role boundaries. The worker will suggest changes to improve
quality in own work and make agreed changes, through professional
development processes and on a day-to-day bases.

3. A commitment to personal accountability and a professional

commitment to continual improvement, in both their own performance,
and the performance of CIT Enable as a whole. The worker will be able to
take responsibility for continuous improvement and risk mitigation in
own work. The worker will assist with review and/or development,

© CIT 2016 –
based on NDS disability career planner © National Disability Services Ltd and People Advantage Pty
Ltd (2015)
CIT Enable
With your Choices
You’re in control

implementation and improvement of specific work practices and


4. Undertake professional development to reach and maintain Equivalent

to VET Certificate III in Individual Support (Disability) (or equivalent
knowledge and experience). Undertake professional development and/or
training as directed. Active Commitment to CIT Enable professional
development planning and processes. Evaluate own skills and abilities
and seek support and professional development as needed through CIT
Enables professional development processes.

© CIT 2016 –
based on NDS disability career planner © National Disability Services Ltd and People Advantage Pty
Ltd (2015)

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