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Currently, the most talked about technology in the world is artificial intelligence (AI) or artificial intelligence. Chat
GPT is a type of chat bots created by artificial intelligence. It is a state-of-the-art language processing search tool
developed by OpenAl. It is able to generate human- like text and display answers to any type of user queries in a
constructive and simple manner.
Chat GPT is a pre- trained language model for a chat bot developed by OpenAI. It is a variant of the GPT-
3(Generative Pre- trained 3 model) that is well- trained for conversational and language comprehension tasks such
as text generation, question answering, and language translation. Chat GPT is the full form of Generative Pre-
trained Transformer.
Characteristics of Char GPT
 Ability to understand and respond to natural language input in conversation.
 It can answer questions naturally in a conversational tone and keep the conversation going.
 It can even produce creative texts like stories and poems.
 It helps developers to identify errors in creating and programming different language models.
 It can be used in various applications such as chatbots, virtual assistants and language translation systems.
 It uses natural language processing and conversation to generate human- like responses in text boxes.
Benefits of Chat GPT
 High- quality text generation: Chat GPT is pre- trained on large amounts of text data. It is coherent and
fluent on various subjects
 Conversational Understanding: ChatGPT is trained for conversational and language understanding tasks.
This makes it suitable for creating chatbots and virtual assistants.
 In Language Processing: ChatGPT can be used for various natural language processing such as text
generation, question answering and language translation etc.
 Improved performance: OpenAI regularly releases updates and improvements to the ChatGPT model,
improving its performance over time
Disadvantages of Chat GPT
 Not understanding the context of speech: Chat-GPT may give confusing or nonsensical responses when
understanding the context and purpose of the conversation.
 Limited Qualifications: Chat GPT to identify and correct any errors or biases
 Do not qualify Limited knowledge: It cannot provide any information, events especially after 2021.
 Lack of creativity: Since the model is pre-trained and outputs are generated based on inputs, it may lack
creativity and originality. It may repeat the same answer over and over again.
 No knowledge of the physical or real world: ChatGPT is trained on text data and thus has no
understanding of the physical world.
 Internet Dependency: ChatGPT requires an Internet connection to function, which may be problematic in
certain situations or environments.

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