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3. JOBS 8
7. FOOD 11
a. Giới thiệu 26
b. Các dạng câu hỏi trong bài Đọc hiểu Vstep 26
c. 02 kỹ năng Đọc hiểu Vstep quan trọng: skimming & scanning 26
TASK 1 80
TASK 2 80
TASK 1 81

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
TASK 2 81
TASK 1 82
TASK 2 82
TASK 1 83
TASK 2 83
TASK 1 84
TASK 2 84
TASK 1 85
TASK 2 85
TASK 1 87
TASK 2 87
TASK 1 88
TASK 2 88

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
Kỹ Số câu hỏi/
Dạng câu hỏi/ nhiệm vụ
năng Mục đích Thời gian nhiệm vụ
bài thi
thi bài thi
Kiểm tra các tiểu kĩ Khoảng 40 3 phần, 35 Thí sinh nghe các đoạn trao
năng Nghe khác nhau có phút, bao câu hỏi đổi ngắn, hướng dẫn, thông
độ khó từ bậc 3 đến bậc gồm thời nhiều lựa báo, các đoạn hội thoại và
5: nghe thông tin chi gian chuyển chọn các bài nói chuyện, bài
Nghe tiết, nghe hiểu thông tin các phương giảng, sau đó trả lời câu hỏi
chính, nghe hiểu ý kiến, án đã chọn nhiều lựa chọn đã in sẵn
mục đích của người nói sang phiếu trong đề thi.
và suy ra từ thông tin trả lời.
trong bài.
Kiểm tra các tiểu kĩ 60 phút, bao 60 phút, Thí sinh đọc 4 văn bản về
năng Đọc khác nhau, có gồm thời bao gồm các vấn đề khác nhau, độ
độ khó từ bậc 3 đến bậc gian chuyển thời gian khó của văn bản tương
5: đọc hiểu thông tin chi các phương chuyển các đương bậc 3-5 với tổng số
tiết, đọc hiểu ý chính, án đã chọn phương án từ dao động từ 1900-2050
đọc hiểu ý kiến, thái độ sang phiếu đã chọn từ. Thí sinh trả lời các câu
của tác giả, suy ra từ trả lời. sang phiếu hỏi nhiều lựa chọn sau mỗi
thông tin trong bài và trả lời. bài đọc.
đoán nghĩa của từ trong
văn cảnh.
Kiểm tra kĩ năng Viết 60 phút 2 bài viết Bài 1: Viết một bức thư/thư
tương tác và Viết luận điện tử có độ dài khoảng
Viết (viết sản sinh). 120 từ Bài 1 chiếm 1/3 tổng
số điểm của bài thi Viết. Bài
2: Thí sinh viết một bài luận

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
khoảng 250 từ về một chủ
đề cho sẵn, sử dụng lí do và
ví dụ cụ thể để minh họa
cho các lập luận. Bài 2
chiếm 2/3 tổng số điểm của
bài thi Viết.
Kiểm tra các kĩ năng 12 phút 3 phần Phần 1: Tương tác xã hội.
Nói khác nhau: tương Thí sinh trả lời 3-6 câu hỏi
tác, thảo luận và trình về 2 chủ đề khác nhau.
bày một vấn đề. Phần 2: Thảo luận giải
Thí sinh được cung cấp một
tình huống và 3 giải pháp đề
xuất. Thí sinh phải đưa ra ý
kiến về giải pháp tốt nhất
trong 3 giải pháp được đưa
ra và phản biện các giải
pháp còn lại.
Phần 3: Phát triển chủ đề.
Thí sinh nói về một chủ đề
cho sẵn, có thể sử dụng các
ý được cung cấp sẵn hoặc tự
phát triển ý của riêng mình.
Phần 3 kết thúc với một số
câu hỏi thảo luận về chủ đề

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
1. Cách tính điểm thi
- Mỗi kỹ năng thi: Nghe, Đọc, Viết và Nói được đánh giá trên thang điểm từ 0 đến 10,
làm tròn đến 0,5 điểm. Nếu điểm có phần thập phân dưới 0,25 thì không lấy phần thập
phân này. Nếu từ 0,25 đến dưới 0,75 thì lấy tròn 0,5. Nếu từ 0,75 trở lên thì làm tròn 1.
- Điểm trung bình cộng của 4 kỹ năng, làm tròn đến 0,5 điểm. Nếu điểm có phần thập
phân dưới 0,25 thì không lấy phần thập phân này. Nếu từ 0,25 đến dưới 0,75 thì lấy
tròn 0,5. Nếu từ 0,75 trở lên thì làm tròn 1.
2. Quy định điểm đạt chuẩn bậc 3 khung năng lực ngoại ngữ Việt Nam
Đạt Không đạt
- Điểm trung bình của 4 kỹ năng từ 4 trở - Điểm trung bình của 4 kỹ năng dưới 4
lên và không có kỹ năng nào bị điểm 0 hoặc có 1 kỹ năng bị điểm 0
3. Quy định về việc thi lại khi không đạt chuẩn
- Sinh viên không đạt chuẩn sẽ phải thi lại những kỹ năng dưới 4 điểm.
- Kết quả thi chỉ được bảo lưu thời hạn 2 năm, sau 2 năm sinh viên phải thi lại cả 4 kỹ

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
grandfather /ˈɡræn(d)ˌfɑːðə(r)/ ông nội/ ông ngoại
grandmother /ˈɡræn(d)ˌmʌðə(r)/ bà nội/ bà ngoại
father /ˈfɑːðə(r)/ cha
mother /ˈmʌðə(r)/ mẹ
uncle /ˈʌŋk(ə)l/ chú/ bác
aunt /ɑːnt/ cô/ dì
brother /ˈbrʌðə(r)/ anh trai/ em trai
sister /ˈsɪstə(r)/ chị gái/ em gái
son /sʌn/ con trai
daughter /ˈdɔːtə(r)/ con gái
cousin /ˈkʌz(ə)n/ anh/chị em con chú con bác
nephew /ˈnefjuː/ cháu trai (của cô chú)
niece /niːs/ cháu gái (của cô chú)
grandson /ˈɡræn(d)ˌsʌn/ cháu trai (của ông bà)
granddaughter /ˈɡræn(d)ˌdɔːtə(r)/ cháu gái (của ông bà)
athletics /æθˈletɪks/ điền kinh
basketball /ˈbɑːskɪtˌbɔːl/ bóng rổ
board games /bɔː(r)d ɡeɪmz/ các trò chơi sử dụng bảng
cycling /ˈsaɪk(ə)lɪŋ / sự đi xe đạp
drama /ˈdrɑːmə/ vở kịch, môn kịch
drawing /ˈdrɔːɪŋ/ môn vẽ, bức vẽ
fashion /ˈfæʃ(ə)n/ mốt, thời trang
football /ˈfʊtˌbɔːl/ môn bóng đá
gymnastics /dʒɪmˈnæstɪks/ thể dụng dụng cụ
ice hockey /aɪs ˈhɒki/ khúc côn cầu trên băng
ice skating /aɪs ˈskeɪtɪŋ/ môn trượt băng
jogging /ˈdʒɒɡɪŋ/ chạy bộ

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
rollerblading /ˈrəʊlə(r)ˌbleɪdɪŋ/ môn trượt patin
skateboarding /ˈskeɪtˌbɔː(r)dɪŋ/ môn trượt ván
surfing the Net /ˈsɜː(r)fɪŋ ðə net/ lướt Net
taking photos /ˈteɪkɪŋ ˈfəʊtəʊz/ chụp ảnh
swimming /ˈswɪmɪŋ/ môn bơi
video games /ˈvɪdiəʊ ɡeɪmz / trò chơi điện tử
volleyball /ˈvɒliˌbɔːl/ bóng chuyền
Actor /'æktə/ nam diễn viên
Artist /'ɑ:tist/ nghệ sỹ
Builder /'bildə/ thợ xây
Doctor /'dɔktə/ bác sĩ
Electrician /ilek'tri∫n/ thợ điện
Engineer / ɛnd͡ʒɪˈnɪə/ kỹ sư
Factory worker /'fæktəri'wə:k/ công nhân nhà máy
Farmer /'fɑ:mə/ nông dân
Hairdresser /'heədresə/ thợ cắt tóc
Journalist /'dʒə:nəlist/ nhà báo
Lawyer /'lɔ:jə/ luật sư
Mechanic /mi'kænik/ thợ cơ khí
Musician /mju:'zi∫n/ nhạc sỹ
Nurse /nə:s/ y tá
Plumber /'plʌmə/ thợ sửa ống nước
Programmer /'prougræm/ lập trình viên
Receptionist /ri'sep∫ənist/ nhân viên lễ tân
Scientist /'saiəntist/ nhà khoa học
Secretary /'sekrətri/ thư ký
Shop assistant /∫ɔp ə'sistənt/ nhân viên bán hàng
Soldier /'souldʒə/ lính
Taxi driver /'tæksi'draiv/ tài xế tắc xi

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
Teacher /'ti:t∫ə/ giáo viên
Vet /vet/ bác sĩ thú y
Waiter /'weitə/ bồi bàn nam

Art and Design /ɑːrt ənd dɪˈzaɪn/ Nghệ thuật & thiết kế
Biology /baɪˈɑːlədʒi/ Sinh học
Chemistry /ˈkemɪstri/ Hóa học
D.T (design and technology)
/dɪˈzaɪn ənd tekˈnɑːlədʒi/ Thiết kế & công nghệ
Economics /ˌiːkəˈnɑːmɪks/ Kinh tế
English /ˈɪŋɡlɪʃ / Tiếng Anh
French /frentʃ / Tiếng Pháp
Geography /dʒiˈɑːɡrəfi/ Địa lý
German /ˈdʒɜːrmən/ Tiếng Đức
History /ˈhɪstri/ Lịch sử
ICT (information and communication technology)
/ˌɪnfərˈmeɪʃn ənd tekˈnɑːlədʒi/ Công nghệ thông tin và truyền
Maths /mæθs/ Toán học
Music /ˈmjuːzɪk/ Âm nhạc
P.E (physical education) /ˈfɪzɪkl ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn / Giáo dục thể chất
Physics /ˈfɪzɪks/ Vật lý
R.E (religious education) /rɪˈlɪdʒəs ˌedʒuˈkeɪʃn/ Giáo dục tôn giáo
Russian /ˈrʌʃn/ Tiếng Nga
Bathroom /ˈbɑːθˌruːm/ phòng tắm
Bedroom /ˈbedruːm/ phòng ngủ
Dining room /ˈdaɪnɪŋ ˌruːm/ phòng ăn
Garden /ˈdaɪnɪŋ ˌruːm/ vườn

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
Kitchen /ˈkɪtʃən/ nhà bếp
Living room /ˈlɪvɪŋ ruːm / phòng khách
Stairs /steə(r)/ cầu thang
Study /ˈstʌdi/ phòng làm việc

Clothes /klouđz/ quần áo
Boots /bu:ts/ bốt
Cardigan /'kɑ:digən/ áo len khoác
Dress /dres/ áo đầm
Gloves /glʌvz/ găng tay
Hat /hæt/ mũ
Jacket /'dʒækit/ áo khoác
Jeans /dʒi:nz/ quần jean
Joggers /'dʒɔgəz/ quần thể thao
Leggings /'legiηz/ quần ôm có độ co giãn
Scarf /skɑ:f/ khăn quàng cổ
Shirt /∫ə:t/ áo sơ mi
Shoes /∫u:z/ giày
Shorts /∫ɔ:ts/ quần lửng, quần ngang đùi
Skirt /skə:t/ váy
Socks /sɔks/ tất, vớ
Sweater /'swetə/ áo len
Sweatshirt /'swet'∫ə:t/ áo chui đầu cổ tròn, dáng suông
T-shirt /'ti:'∫ə:t/ áo thun
Tie /tai/ cà vạt
Top /tɔp/ áo
Tracksuit /trækt/ bộ đồ tập thể thao
Trainers /treinəz/ giày thể thao
Trousers /'trauzəz/ quần tây

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
Food /fu:d/ thức ăn
Banana /bə'nɑ:nə/ quả chuối
Apple /'æpl/ quả táo
Beef /bi:f/ thịt bò
Butter /'bʌtə/ bơ
Cabbage /'kæbidʒ/ cải bắp
Carrot /'kærət/ cà rốt
Cheese /t∫i:z/ phomat
Chicken /'t∫ikin/ thịt gà
Egg /eg/ trứng
Grape /greip/ quả nho
Ham /hæm/ thịt đùi
Lamb /læm/ thịt cừu
Lemon /'lemən/ quả chanh
Mushroom /'mʌ∫rum/ nấm
Onion /'ʌniən/ hành
Orange /'ɔrindʒ/ quả cam
Pepper /'pepə(r)/ ớt ngọt
Pork /pɔ:k/ thịt heo
Potato /pə'teitou/ khoai tây
Prawn /prɔ:n/ tôm
Rice /rais/ cơm, gạo
Salmon /'sæmən/ cá hồi
Tomato /tə'mɑ:tou/ cà chua
Art gallery /ɑ:t 'gæləri/ phòng trưng bày nghệ thuật
Bank /bæηk/ ngân hàng
Bus stop /bʌs stɔp/ bến xe buýt
Car park /kɑ: pa:k/ bãi đậu xe

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
Church /tʃə:tʃ/ nhà thờ
Cinema /’sɪnəmə/ rạp chiếu phim
Concert hall /kən'sə:t hɔ:l/ phòng hòa nhạc
Leisure centre /'lɛʒər 'sentə/ khu vui chơi, trung tâm giải trí
Library /'laibrəri/ thư viện, phòng đọc sách
Museum /mju:´ziəm/ viện bảo tàng
Park /pa:k/ vườn hoa, công viên
Police station /pə'li:s 'steiʃn/ đồn cảnh sát, đồn công an
Post office /poʊst 'ɔfis/ bưu điện
Shopping centre /'ʃɔpiɳ 'sentə/ trung tâm thương mại
Theatre /’θiətər/ Rạp hát, nhà hát
Tourist information centre /'tuərist ,infə'meinʃn 'sentə/ trung tâm thông tin du lịch
Town hall /taun hɔ:l/ toà thị chính
Train station /trein 'steiʃn/ nhà ga xe lửa
Feature /ˈfiː.tʃər/ đặc trưng
Beach /biːtʃ/ bãi biển
Cave /keɪv/ hang động
Desert /ˈdez.ət/ sa mạc
Forest /ˈfɒr.ɪst/ rừng
Hill /hɪl/ đồi
Island /ˈaɪ.lənd/ đảo
Jungle /ˈdʒʌŋ. l/ rừng rậm nhiệt đới
Lake /leɪk/ hồ
Mountain /ˈmaʊn.tɪn/ núi
Ocean /ˈəʊ.ʃən/ đại dương
River /ˈrɪv.ər/ sông
Sea /siː/ biển
Valley /ˈvæl.i/ thung lũng
Volcano /vɒlˈkeɪ.nəʊ/ núi lửa

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
Waterfall /ˈwɔː.tə.fɔːl/ thác nước
Mediterranean /ˌmed.ɪ.təˈreɪ.ni.ən/ Địa Trung Hải
Continent /ˈkɒn.tɪ.nənt/ lục địa
Africa /ˈæf.rɪ.kə/ Châu Phi
Antarctica /æntˈɑrk tɪ kə, -ˈɑr tɪ-/ Nam Cực
Asia /ˈeɪ ʒə, ˈeɪ ʃə/ Châu Á

Bike /baɪk/ xe đạp
Boat /bəʊt/ tàu, thuyền
Bus /bʌs/ xe buýt
Car /kɑː(r)/ xe ôtô
Coach /kəʊtʃ/ xe buýt đường dài
Helicopter /ˈhelɪˌkɒptə(r)/ trực thăng
Lorry /ˈlɒri/ xe tải
Motorbike /ˈməʊtə(r)ˌbaɪk/ xe máy
Plane /pleɪn/ máy bay
Scooter /ˈskuːtə(r)/ xe máy loại nhẹ
Ship /ʃɪp/ tàu thủy
Taxi /ˈtæksi/ xe tắc xi
Train /treɪn/ tàu hỏa
Tram /træm/ tàu điện
Underground /ˈʌndə(r)ˌɡraʊnd/ tàu điện ngầm
Van /væn/ xe tải nhỏ
Bố cục: 3 phần
- Phần 1: Các đoạn trao đổi ngắn, hướng dẫn hoặc thông báo
- Phần 2: Các đoạn hội thoại
- Phần 3: Các bài nói chuyện, bài giảng
Hình thức câu hỏi: - Câu hỏi có nhiều lựa chọn

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
Số lượng câu hỏi: - 35 câu
Thời gian: - Khoảng 40 bao gồm cả thời gian chuyển các đáp án đã chọn sang
phiếu trả lời


Trong phần 1 bạn sẽ được nghe các các đoạn trao đổi ngắn, hướng dẫn hoặc thông báo.
Track 1.1
What’s the problem with the car?
A. It’s red
B. The headlights are on
C. The door is open
D. It’s parked in front of the door
Track 1.2
What is he apologizing for?
A. he forgot their date B. he was late for the date
C. he forgot her birthday D. he forgot the restaurant
Track 1.3
How will the weather be this weekend?
A. Hot
B. Clear
C. Sunny
D. Rainy
Track 1.4
Where do they decide to eat?
A. fast-food restaurant B. French restaurant
C. Korean restaurant D. fine dining restaurant
Track 1.5
What are they talking about?
A. school B. work C. apartments D. friends

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
Track 1.6
What is the matter with her?
A. a backache B. a toothache C. the flu D. cold
Track 1.7
What is inside the building now?
A. A history museum
B. Government offices
C. A home for old people
D. An art museum
Track 1.8
What does the woman ask the man to do?
A. show a driver’s license B. pay a deposit
C. show a passport D. spell his name
Track 1.9
What is the announcement about?
A. Hearing music in the park
B. Things you can buy in the park
C. Hours that the park is open
D. Things you can do in the park
Track 1.10
What is Jack like?
A. patient B. informed C. strict D. impatient

Track 2.1
Imelda is shopping for shoes. Listen to the conversation and choose the correct answer.
1. The color of shoes is………..
A. red B. silver C. red with silver straps D. red and silver
2. They are a pair of……………
A. tennis shoes B. high heels C. loafers D. sneakers

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
3. The price is…………..
A. almost $200 B. over $200 C. exactly $200 D. under $200
4. The size is……….
A. 8 B. 8 and 1/2 C. 9 D. 10
5. The shoes are………..
A. very comfortable B. somewhat comfortable
C. a little comfortable D. not comfortable

Track 2.2
Listen to the interview with Mr. Smith about his lifestyle. Choose the correct answer.
1. What time does Mr. Smith get up?
A. 6:00 a.m. B. 6:30 a.m. C. 7:00 a.m. D. 7:30 a.m.
2. What time does he get to work?
A. 6:30 a.m. B. 7:00 a.m. C. 7:30 a.m. D. 8:00 a.m.
3. What does he usually have for lunch?
A. a pizza B. a sandwich C. bread D. noodle
4. What does he do in the evening?
A. watch TV B. go out C. go to the movie D. read book

Track 2.3
Listen to the conversation at the tourist information centre. Choose the correct answers.
1. When does the swimming pool open?
A. 9:15 a.m B. 8 a.m C. 7 a.m D. 9 a.m.
2. When does the leisure centre close?
A. 9:30 p.m. B. 8:15 p.m C. 7:30 p.m D. 8:30 p.m
3. How much does the swimming pool cost for children?
A. €15 per day B. €2 per hour C €5 per hour. D. €50 per hour
4. Which place is not open all day?
A. museum C. leisure centre
B. Swimming pool D. cinema

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
5. How much does the museum cost?
A. €3 B. €2.30 C. €0 D. €13

Track 2.4
Listen to a real estate agent telling a customer about a house. Choose the correct answer.
1. How many bedrooms does the house on Hall street have?
A. one B. two C. three D. four
2. How far is it from downtown Miami to the house?
A. 14 miles B. 40 miles C. 12 miles D. 20 miles
3. How old is the house?
A. 12 B. 20 C. 22 D. 25
4. When can the man see the house?
A. Tuesday morning C. Tuesday afternoon
B. Thursday morning D. Thursday afternoon

Track 2.5
Listen to Mrs Lee talking to her secretary about her business trip.
1. Mrs Lee’s plane goes at……….
A. 8 a.m. B. 10 a.m. C. 11 a.m.
2. She is going to ……….
A. Amsterdam B. Frankfurt C. London
3. First she will go to………
A. a factory B. an office C. a hotel
4. She will have dinner in ………
A. a restaurant B. her hotel C. someone’s house
5. The next morning she will travel by ………
A. plane B. train C. car

Track 2.6
Listen to two people who are meeting for the first time. Choose the correct answer.

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
1. Samantha has _____ hair.
A. long B. red C. short D. blond
2. The man’s name is _____.
A. Tommy B. Danny C. Tony D. Tom
3. Samantha would like a cup of _____.
A. milk B. coffee C. tea D. coffee with milk
4. The man works for _____ magazine.
A. an American B. a British C. a Canadian D. Australian
5. Samantha’s phone number is _____.
A. 555-1306 B. 555-4504 C. 555-4514 D. 555-1366

Track 2.7
Listen to two people talking about Toronto in Canada. Choose the correct answer.
1. When did Joe go to Toronto?
A. in January B. in July C. in June D. in February
2. Who did Cathy go with?
A. her brother B. her sister C. her boyfriend D. her mother
3. What was the weather like when Joe went to Niagara?
A. warm and sunny B. wet and rainy C. cold and cloudy D. cool and windy
4. How did Cathy get to Niagara Falls?
A. by boat B. by coach C. by car D. by bus

Track 2.8
Listen to the conversation. Choose the correct answer.
1. Right now, Helen has a job in _____.
A. sales B. art C. design D. education
2. In Helen’s opinion, a salesperson’s job is _____.
A. more interesting than a designer’s C. better paid than a designer’s
B. easier than a designer’s D. more difficult than a designer’s
3. Helen usually works _____.

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
A. at home B. in a college C. in an office D. outside
4. For her job, Helen has been to _____.
A. a lot of countries B. some countries C. no countries D. a foreign country
5. In the future, Helen hopes that she is going to _____.
A. be famous B. be better paid C. have children D. be married

Track 2.9
Listen to the conversation. Choose the correct answer.
1. How much money was in the bag?
A. £20 B. £40 C. £50
2. What else was in the bag?
A. credit card B. driving licence C. gloves
3. The bag was…………….
A. old. B. expensive. C. big.
4. What time did the woman lose the bag?
A. 9.30 B. 10.00 C. 10.30
5. The policeman will telephone her in the
A. morning. B. afternoon. C. evening.

Track 2.10

Listen to the conversation. Choose the correct answer.

1. What sport can't you do at the sports centre?
A. tennis B. table-tennis C. volleyball
2. How much must Marina pay?
A. £14 a year B. £30 a year C. £50 a year
3. How many days a week is the sports centre open?
A. 2 B. 3 C.4
4. Which bus goes to the sports centre?
A. number 10 B. number 16 C. number 60

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
5. When will Michael and Marina go to the sports centre?
A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Friday


Track 3.1
Listen to a talk of Mary Golding to a group of students. Choose the best answer.
1. Mary Golding is
A. A student B. A coordinator C. The student officer D. The French teacher
2. The trip begins on
A. Wednesday 4th April
B. Saturday 31st March
C. Saturday 4th April
D. Wednesday 31st March
3. The trip ends on
A. 4th April B. 14th April C. 4th March D. 5th April
4. They will cross the Channel
A. By coach B. By hovercraft C. By ferry D. By train
5. They will return home at around
A. 10:00 B. 21:00 C. 22:00 D. 11:00

Track 3.2
You will hear some information about Whitney Houston. Listen and choose the correct
31. When was Whitney Houston born?
A. August 9th
B. August 6th
C. August 7th
D. August 4th
32. What did Whitney Houston do after leaving high school?
A. a professional model B. a professional singer

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
C. a model and a singer D. an actor
33. When did Whitney Houston begin her acting career?
A. 1993
B. 1994
C. 1992
D. 1991
34. How many albums did she release?
A. 5
B. 2
C. 7
D. 4
35. When did she get married?
A. 2012
B. 1963
C. 1993
D. 1992

Track 3.3
1. How much do tickets cost?
A. $0
B. $1
C. $2
D. $3
2. Where does the tour take place?
A. In a museum
B. In a factory
C. At a harbour
D. On a boat
3. What does the guide suggest?
A. Eating

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
B. Drinking
C. Taking pictures
D. Buying souvernirs

Track 3.4
1. What time does the bank close on Saturday?
A. 5:00
B. 8:00
C. 9:00
D. 12:00
2. How can you find out how much money is in your bank account?
A. Press “1”
B. Press “3”
C. Hold the line
D. Call back later
3. Who should press “2”?
A. Customer service representatives
B. People wanting to borrow money
C. People wanting to invest money
D. Owners of small businesses
Track 3.5
1. Who is Mr. Peterson?
A. A nature photographer
B. A radio announcer
C. A magazine editor
D. A travel agent
2. What will Mr. Peterson talk about?
A. His education
B. His awards
C. His book

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
D. His trip
3. What will happen in the second half of the show?
A. A new guest will speak
B. There will be a news report
C. The conversation will begin
D. Mr. Peterson will answer questions

Track 3.6
1. What time does the speaker call the doctor’s office?
A. 2:00
B. 7:00
C. 7:30
D. 11:30
2. Why did the speaker call?
A. To make an appointment
B. To cancel an appointment
C. To speak with the doctor
D. To arrange the trip
3. When will the speaker call back?
A. This afternoon
B. Wednesday morning
C. On Saturday
D. Next week

Track 3.7
Listen to Mark describing a photo of his family. Choose the correct answer.
1. Jill is …………..
A. 13 B. 23 C. 28 D. 30
2. Michael is Jill’s ………….
A. brother B. father C. husband D. cousin

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
3. Joe lives ………….
A. in Texas B. in California C. in France D. in England
4. Barbara works in ………….
A. a hospital B. a university C. school D. a farm
5. Sue lives in …………..
A. France B. Portugal C. the US D. Spain

Track 3.8
You will hear some information about a pop concert. Listen and choose the correct answer.
1. When will the group Red River come to London?
A. October 28th B. November 2nd C. November 4th D. November 9th
2. How much is the ticket?
A. £7 B. £27 C. £37 D. £57
3. What phone number can you reach to book the ticket?
A. 2230065 B. 2830065 C. 2820065 D. 2830056
4. How can you get to the concert hall?
A. by bus B. train C. by subway D. by car
5. Where is the concert hall?
A. in Tainet street B. Trimity street C. in Trenity street D. in Trinity street

Track 3.9
You will hear a tour guide talking about a day trip. Listen and choose the correct answer.
1. What time will people have breakfast?
A. 7:00 B. 7:30 C. 8:00 D. 8:30
2. Where will people get on the bus?
A. at the car park B. at the hotel C. at the bus stop D. at the restaurant
3. What color is the lunch ticket?
A. red B. blue C. pink D. yellow
4. Where can people get the lunch ticket?
A. the travel agency B. the front desk C. the restaurant D. the office

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
5. What do people need to bring with them?
A. a jacket B. a backpack C. a hat D. an umbrella

Track 3.10
Listen to part of a radio programme in which a police officer gives information about a
Choose the correct answer.
1. The burglary took place at
A. A museum
B. The county hall
C. A local shop
2. The burglary took place
A. On Sunday night
B. On Thursday evening
C. At the weekend
3. The clock is
A. One of a pair
B. Very valuable
C. The work of an unknown clockmaker
4. In the painting of Sir Foxton, he is
A. Standing by a horse
B. Standing by a house
C. Riding a horse
5. How did the burglars get in?
A. Through the windows
B. By the front door
C. The police don’t know

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only


a. Giới thiệu
Trong kỳ thi Đọc Vstep (Vstep reading), thí sinh sẽ đọc 4 bài văn có độ dài khoảng 500 từ
trong vòng 01 giờ đồng hồ với nhiều dạng bài đọc khác nhau. Thông thường, thí sinh cũng cảm
thấy khá choáng ngợp với bài đọc dài và nhiều từ vựng khó. Tuy nhiên, đối với trình độ B1 chỉ
yêu cầu 4.0/10 (điểm đã làm tròn, tức là 3.75 cũng đã Đạt yêu cầu) thì việc luyện Đọc trước kỳ
thi, đặc biệt là biết xác định dạng câu hỏi, áp dụng đúng kỹ năng tìm câu trả lời đã đạt yêu cầu.
Trong các phần sau, chúng ta sẽ tìm hiểu về các dạng câu hỏi trong bài Đọc hiểu Vstep và hai kỹ
năng đọc hiểu chính.
b. Các dạng câu hỏi trong bài Đọc hiểu Vstep
- Nhận biết đại từ
- Tìm thông tin chi tiết
- Tìm ý chính
- Đọc đoán ý tác giả
- Thông tin suy ra từ trong bài
- Câu vào văn bản
- Giải nghĩa câu
c. 02 kỹ năng Đọc hiểu Vstep quan trọng: skimming & scanning
Trước tiên, hãy cùng luyện 02 kỹ năng Đọc hiểu chính: skimming và scanningHai kỹ năng
Đọc này cực kỳ quan trọng không chỉ trong tiếng Anh mà cả tiếng Việt. Điểm giống nhau ở chỗ,
cả hai kỹ năng này đều là đọc lướt để lấy thông tin. Tuy nhiên, trong khi skimming là kỹ năng đọc
lướt để lấy thông tin tổng quan thì scanning lại nhằm mục đích lấy thông tin chi tiết, chẳng hạn
như một con số, ngày tháng, lí do…
Các bước Skimming
- Đọc tiêu đề bài đọc
- Đọc đoạn đầu tiên
- Đọc câu đầu tiên của các đoạn sau
- Đọc đoạn cuối cùng
Các bước Scanning

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
- Luôn nghĩ trong đầu thông tin cần tìm
- Phỏng đoán dạng thông tin có thể phải tìm như con số, danh từ riêng…
- Phân tích cấu trúc bài đọc trước khi bắt dầu scan. Bài thi Vstep thường là bài đọc khá dài,
vì vậy cần dùng kĩ năng skim để xác định được đoạn văn bản nào có thể chứa thông tin cần
tìm. Sau khi định vị được thông tin, đọc toàn bộ câu để lấy thông tin chi tiết.
*Lưu ý, khi scan, có thể bạn sẽ phải bỏ qua nhiều nội dung mà không cần hiểu chúng.
Để làm tốt phần thi Đọc hiểu, đầu tiên, thí sinh cần xác định được rõ câu hỏi thuộc loại nào và
áp dụng kỹ năng Đọc gì. Ngoài ra, việc bổ trợ vốn từ vựng có ý nghĩa then chốt. Yếu tố cuối cùng
giúp thí sinh làm tốt bài thi Đọc là kỹ năng Đọc dưới áp lực thời gian. Thông thường thí sinh
thường cảm thấy thiếu thời gian khi Đọc. Việc luyện tập một bài đầy đủ theo đúng thời gian quy
định giúp thí sinh tăng tốc trong kỳ thi Đọc.

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only

Reading #1
Read the text and questions below and choose the best answers.
My Job at a Summer Camp, by Charlie Rose
Every year I work at a summer camp for kids and I really enjoy seeing the children do things they
never thought they could do. Nearly all the kids know how to swim and play table-tennis before
they come, but things like rock climbing are new experiences for most. Some of them are very
nervous, but after a bit of encouragement, they agree to try and they all get to the top in the end,
which makes them feel great.
The kids stay several weeks and some do miss home. You might expect it to be the really young
ones who feel like that the most but it’s actually the ten- to thirteen-year-olds. We don’t let them
use their mobile phones all the time. First we tell them they can phone home after lunch. Then
when they ask again, usually after dinner, we say it’s a bit too late to phone and suggest doing it
the next day. Most children are fine in a couple of days and at the end of their stay, it’s amazing
how many come and thanks us because they have had a great time.
It’s not just the children who get lonely. We get parents who are on the phone the whole time,
asking how their child is getting on, which is quite unnecessary. Often their son or daughter will
be busy, playing games or doing something else, so we have to tell parents to ring back another
Some kids arrive dressed in smart, designer, new clothes and they sometimes argue when we tell
them to change into something they won’t mind getting dirty, but before long they realise what
we mean.

1. What does the write like when he works in at a summer camp for kids?
(A) To see the kids do what they haven’t done before
(B) To see the kids do what they have been familiar
(C) To enjoy the moment with the kids
(D) To design the activities that the kids have never done before
2. What is the writer trying to do in this text?

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
(A) describe how children make friends at a summer camp
(B) suggest how parents should choose a summer camp for children
(C) explain what it is like for children at a summer camp
(D) advise children how to behave at a summer camp
3. What does the writer say about rock climbing at the camp?
(A) Some children already know how to do it
(B) Somechildren prefer to swim or play table-tennis.
(C) Somechildren refuse to take part.
(D) Some children find it more enjoyable than they expected to
4. What surprises the writer about the children who stay at the camp?
(A) The youngest ones find it hard to be away from home.
(B) They complain if they cannot phone their parents.
(C) They miss meal times with their parents.
(D) They seem grateful for their experience here.
5. What is the kids able to do at the summer camp?
(A) Get their old memories
(B) Use phone when allowed
(C) Do homework
(D) Wear fashionable clothes all the time
6. How long are the kids living at the summer camp?
(A) For a month
(B) For several days
(C) For a couple of weeks
(D) For a few days
7. What age is for the kids to join in the summer camp?
(A) Before the age of teenager
(B) At the age of teenager
(C) At the age of adolescence
(D) At the age of young adult
8. What does the writer think about some parents?

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
(A) They should visit their children instead of phoning them.
(B) They don't need to keep on phoning the camp.
(C) They shouldn't allow their children to bring phones to camp.
(D) They need to be reminded to phone their children
9. What do the kids feel when they are asked to change to normal clothes?
(A) Always easygoing
(B) Sometimes annoyed
(C) Never obedient
(D) A bit comfortable
10. Which postcard might a child at the camp send home?

Reading #2
Read the text and questions below and choose the best answers.
Texting while walking is dangerous
Writing text messages and walking is dangerous. It is more dangerous than driving and texting.
More people get injured while walking than driving. Walking in a straight line is not easy. We can
forget how to walk properly. Dangerous things can happen. We run into people or cars. We fall
over things in the street.
DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
There are a few reasons why texting and walking is dangerous. People cannot see when they look
at their keyboard. Their minds are somewhere else – they are not thinking about walking safely.
Thousands of people have accidents. Some have serious head injuries.
Too much jogging could be a problem!
Running is good for our health. A recent study says that running too much is bad for us and it
doesn’t always make our lives longer. A specialist said too much running can damage your heart.
Long-distance runners and people who never exercise can have the same risk of having a heart
Experts looked at the health of 3,300 runners. Most of them ran over 30 kilometres a week.
Marathon runners had hard parts in their heart. A doctor who started running in 1967 is sad. He
ran 60 kilometres every week. He thought his heart was strong. Now he has heart problems. He
said we should exercise, but not too much.
1. Texting means …
(A) Reading text on laptops or computers
(B) Writing text messages
(C) Surfing the internet
(D) Making phone calls
2. Texting while walking is ...
(A) worse than driving and texting
(B) as dangerous as driving and texting
(C) not a problem
(D) safer than driving and texting
3. What can happen to people who text and walk?
(A) They run into people or cars
(B) They fall over things in the streets
(C) They walk in a straight line
(D) Both A & B are correct
4. Why is texting while walking dangerous to some people?
(A) Their minds are focusing on the road
(B) They are not thinking clearly

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
(C) Their phones can explode
(D) People cannot see when they look at their keyboard
5. Some people can be hurt in their ...
(A) heads
(B) backs
(C) hands
(D) legs
6. Too much running could make our lives ...
(A) longer
(B) shorter
(C) safer
(D) happier
7. How many runners did the researchers look at?
(A) Thirteen hundred
(B) Three thousand three hundred
(C) Thirty-three thousand
(D) Thirty
8. A doctor who started running in nineteen sixty-seven ...
(A) is very happy
(B) said some exercise is good
(C) is very healthy now
(D) thought his heart wasn’t strong
9. How long did the doctor use to run every week?
(A) six kilometres
(B) fifty kilometres
(C) sixteen kilometres
(D) sixty kilometres
10. What does this article NOT mention?
(A) Doing two things at the same time is sometimes very dangerous
(B) It can be harmful if you exercise too much

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
(C) Walking is dangerous
(D) The risk of heart attack is the same in many cases

Reading #3
Read the text and questions below and choose the best answers.
To make your stay more enjoyable, Instant Service is available “around the clock” for any
Please contact Instant Service.
Your private bar is stocked daily with a variety of drinks and snacks. Items removed are
automatically charged to your account. A menu with pricing is located in your room.
Your room is equipped with high speed Internet access. A daily access fee will be assessed to
For a fast and effortless check-out, please utilize our voicemail check-out by dialing
extension 4510 and leave your name and room number.
Complimentary coffee is replenished daily in your room. Keurig-makers have directions
located on the front of the machine. If further assistance is required, please dial Instant
Service. Complimentary coffee and tea is also served in the Lobby from 6:00AM to 7:00AM.
The Fitness Center offers an assortment of cardio and weight training equipment. Available
24 hours a day with a guestroom key card access on the third floor. Access to the steam room
and sauna are available from 6:00AM to 8:00PM.

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
The safe can be programmed with a personalized four-digit pin code for each use. Please see
detailed instructions located in the safe. Alternatively, safe deposit boxes are available at the
Reception Desk.
Your room is serviced daily between 8:30AM and 2:30PM Monday through Friday; between
and 3:00PM Saturday, Sunday and Holidays. For fresh towels after service hours, please dial
Please find instructions in your closet for Laundry, Pressing and Dry Cleaning Service. For
Shoe Shine service, please contact Instant Service for pick-up.
For your viewing pleasure we are pleased to offer a selection of pay per view movies and
entertainment options. To view these and other options, press the menu button on the remote

1. You can contact Instant Service …

(A) twelve hours a day
(B) twenty-four hours a day
(C) in the hotel lobby next to the clock
(D) every hour on the hour: at 6 o’clock, 7 o’clock, etc
2. There is a variety of drinks and snacks ...
(A) in the hotel’s private bar
(B) that are removed from your room every day
(C) that you can have and pay with your room bill
(D) that are automatically charged to your bank account
3. There is ............. Internet access in your room.
(A) fast
(B) free

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
(C) basic
(D) wireless
4. If you want a coffee, you can ...
(A) dial Instant Service
(B) put money in a machine in your room
(C) follow the directions to the nearest coffee bar
(D) have it for free in the lobby early in the morning
5. To enter the Fitness Center you need ...
(A) your room key card
(B) to ask for a specific key
(C) to be a guest on the third floor
(D) to go between 6:00AM and 8:00PM
6. The in-room safe is ...
(A) an alarm system that you can program
(B) a box with a pin code to keep valuable things
(C) a deposit box that you can get at the Reception Desk
(D) a personalized four-digit pin code to enter each room
7. You can find that your room hasn’t been cleaned yet if you come back at ...
(A) 2:00AM on a Friday
(B) 2:00PM on a Friday
(C) 3:00AM on a Sunday
(D) 3:30PM on a Sunday
8. If you need to clean your shoes ...
(A) you’ll find instructions in your closet
(B) call Instant Service for instructions on how to clean them
(C) call Instant Service and they’ll clean them for you in your room
(D) call Instant Service and they’ll collect the shoes from your room
9. The hotel offers a selection of films that you can watch ...
(A) for free
(B) for a daily amount of money

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
(C) and pay for each film you watch
(D) in the hotel’s entertainment area
10. Which one is NOT TRUE? You should contact Instant Service if you need …
(A) to check out
(B) fresh towels
(C) to wake up early
(D) to clean your shoes

Reading #4
Read the text and questions below and choose the best answers.

Gatesbridge’s new Merriwether Mall is opening this September. With an area of 320,000
square metres, the Merriweather Mall will be the biggest mall in the south west. It’s located
close to the motorway, has its own bus station and 2000 car parking spaces, so it is convenient
for everyone.
The mall has five areas, all under cover. The largest, Main Street, is a shopping area on three
floors. Here, you’ll find all the major chain stores and department stores. You can buy fashion
items and all the famous brand names. There is also a large chemist.
Situated on two levels, the market square is where you can find traditional market stalls. On
the lower floor, there are food stalls, including a butcher’s, baker’s, a fishmonger’s,

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
greengrocer’s and delicatessen. On the upper floor, you will find stalls selling hardware and
Bohemia is at the rear of the mall. Here, you’ll find quirky, independent shops selling
everything from second hand music and books to clothes and handicrafts.
The Palisade is more upmarket. Here you will find fashion boutiques, jewellers, antiques and
furniture. There are also two banks and a post office located along The Palisade.
The Showground is the entertainment centre of the mall. On the ground floor, there is a food
court where you’ll find cuisine from around the world, including Chinese, Japanese, Thai and
Italian food. There is a large arena where events will take place through the year. There is also
an eight-screen cinema, a night club and a bowling alley.
And if that is not enough, we are offering you a voucher which will give you £10 off any
purchase over £40 that you make in the Merriwether Mall between 10th and 16th September.
You can’t afford to miss it!

1. Where is the best place in the mall to buy an expensive necklace?

(A) Main Street
(B) Market Square
(C) Bohemia
(D) The Palisade
(E) The Showground
2. Where is the best place in the mall to buy some bacon?
(A) Main Street
(B) Market Square
(C) Bohemia
(D) The Palisade
(E) The Showground
3. Where is the best place in the mall to buy some Nike trainers?
(A) Main Street
(B) Market Square
(C) Bohemia

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
(D) The Palisade
(E) The Showground
4. Where is the best place in the mall to buy a used CD?
(A) Main Street
(B) Market Square
(C) Bohemia
(D) The Palisade
(E) The Showground
5. Where is the best place in the mall to have a meal?
(A) Main Street
(B) Market Square
(C) Bohemia
(D) The Palisade
(E) The Showground
6. Where is the best place in the mall to buy an expensive, old cupboard?
(A) Main Street
(B) Market Square
(C) Bohemia
(D) The Palisade
(E) The Showground
7. Where is the best place in the mall to see a film?
(A) Main Street
(B) Market Square
(C) Bohemia
(D) The Palisade
(E) The Showground
8. Where is the best place in the mall to buy some bacon?
(A) Main Street
(B) Market Square
(C) Bohemia

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(D) The Palisade
(E) The Showground
9. Where is the best place in the mall to buy some shampoo?
(A) Main Street
(B) Market Square
(C) Bohemia
(D) The Palisade
(E) The Showground
10. Where is the best place in the mall to mail a parcel?
(A) Main Street
(B) Market Square
(C) Bohemia
(D) The Palisade
(E) The Showground

Reading #5
Read the text and questions below and choose the best answers.
1. Cardamom, the queen of all spices, has a history as old as the human race. It is the dried fruit of
a herbaceous perennial plant. Warm humid climate, loamy soil rich in organic matter, distributed
rainful and special cultivation and processing methods all combine to make Indian cardamom
truly unique in aroma, flavour, size and it has a parrot green colour.
2. Two types of cardamom are produced in India. The first type is the large one, which has not
much significance as it is not traded in the future market. It is cultivated in north-eastern area of
the country. The second type is produced in the southern states and these are traded in the future
market. These are mainly cultivated in Kerala, Tamilnadu and Karnataka. As per the future
market rules, only 7 mm quality was previously traded in exchanges. But later, it relaxed its
norms and now 6 mm quality is also traded in the exchanges.
3. Cardamom is an expensive spice, secondly to safforn. Indian cardamom is known in two main
varieties : Malabar cardamon and Mysore cardamom. The Mysore variety contains leaves of

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cineol, limonene and hence is more aromatic. India is the world's largest producer and exporter
emerged as the leading producer and exporter of cardamom.
4. The main harvest season of cardamom in India is between August-February. Cardamom
reaches at yielding stage two years after the plantation. The primary physical markets of
cardamom are Kumily Vandenmodu, Jhekkady, Puliyarmala in Kerala and Bodynaikkaur and
Cumbum in Tamilnadu.
5. Kerala is the main producer of cardamom and contributes upto 60% in total production.
Karnataka produces around 25% of the total production cardamom. Ooty is the main producer of
cardamom in Tamilnadu and contributes around 10-15% of the total production. Besides India,
Guatemala also produces around 1,000-2,000 ton cardamom per year. Due to low quality of
cardamom from Guatemala, it remains available at cheaper rates.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer any eight out of ten questions by choosing
the correct option.
1. Mysore variety contains leaves of :
(A) Limonene
(B) Cineol
(C) Both (a) and (b)
(D) None of these
2. Indian Cardamom is:
(A) Poor in quality
(B) Average in quality
(C) Better in quality
(D) None of these
3. Guatemala produces cardamom :
(A) More but poor in quality
(B) Less but good in quality
(C) More and good in quality
(D) Less and poor in quality
4. Main harvest season of cardamom in India is :
(A) August-February

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(B) August-March
(C) November
(D) February-April
5. Cardamom reaches at its yielding stage in :
(A) Immediately after plantation
(B) Depends upon the plantation
(C) One year after plantation
(D) Two years after plantation
6. India produces cardamom of :
(A) One type
(B) Two types
(C) Three types
(D) None of the above
7. Which of the following is the variety of Indian cardamom?
(A) Malabar cardamom
(B) Mysore cardamom
(C) Both (a) and (b)
(D) None of the above
8. Which of the following production of cardamom produces by Karnataka?
(A) 25%
(B) 10%
(C) 15%
(D) 60%
9. Find the synonym of the word 'distributor' given in the passage 3.
(A) Expensive
(B) Known
(C) Producer
(D) Exporter
10. The synonym of the word 'fragrance' given in the passage 3.
(A) Aroma

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(B) Variety
(C) Contain
(D) Hence

Reading #6
Read the text and questions below and choose the best answers.
Hot dog eating champion retains title after tiebreaker
Friday, July 4, 2008
Joey ChestnutFor the second year in a row, American competitive eater Joey Chestnut defeated
his Japanese rival Takeru Kobayashi at the annual Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest in New
York City, after a tie forced a five-hot-dog eat-off to be held.

After ten minutes of hot dog eating, two shorter than in previous years, Chestnut and
Kobayashi were tied at 59 frankfurters. But after the rare tiebreaker, 24-year-old Chestnut
emerged as the winner, claiming a $10,000 prize and a mustard-yellow belt. "It was crazy," he
said. "I'm just a normal guy eating hot dogs on the Fourth. You can't overcomplicate it."

Kobayashi, whose loss last year shattered a six-year winning streak, said that a sore jaw and a
tooth problem may have altered his performance. "If I put one more mouthful in, I could have
won", the 30-year-old Nagano native said through a translator. "I lost because I wasn't quick
enough in the rematch."

This year, the 22 competitors were under a 10-minute time limit, unlike the 12 minutes used
for previous contests. The reason for this, according to Nathan's, was the discovery of a
document from 1916, which revealed that the original competition was 10 minutes long.

Thousands gathered at Coney Island to watch the annual event, which has become one of the
more colorful traditions of America's Independence Day.

1. Who won the contest last year?

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(A) Takeru Kobayashi
(B) Joey Chestnut
(C) First there was a tie, then Chestnut won
(D) The text does not say
2. Who came second last year?
(A) Takeru Kobayashi
(B) Joey Chestnut
(C) Somebody else
(D) The text does not say
3. How long was the competition this year?
(A) 10 minutes
(B) 12 minutes
(C) More than 10 minutes
(D) The text does not say
4. How long was the competition last year?
(A) 8 minutes
(B) 10 minutes
(C) 12 minutes
(D) The text does not say
5. How many hot dogs did Joey Chestnut eat in the whole of the final?
(A) 59
(B) 64
(C) Between 59 and 64
(D) The text does not say
6. How many hot dogs did Takeru Kobayashi eat in the whole of the final?
(A) 59
(B) 64
(C) Between 59 and 64
(D) The text does not say
7. Who won the contest two years ago and in the five years before that?

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(A) Takeru Kobayashi
(B) Joey Chestnut
(C) Somebody else
(D) The text does not say
8. How long was the contest in 1916?
(A) Under 10 minutes
(B) 10 minutes
(C) 12 minutes
(D) The text does not say
9. Where is Takeru Kobayashi from?
(A) Coney Island
(B) Nagano
(C) New York
(D) None of the above
10. Where is Joey Chestnut from?
(A) Coney Island
(B) Nagano
(C) New York
(D) None of the above
11. On what occasion is the contest held?
(A) Coney Island's birthday
(B) The discovery of a document in 1916
(C) Independence Day
(D) None of the above
12. Which sentence is true for Kobayashi?
(A) He said he had health problems after the contest
(B) He didn't speak English
(C) He said the rematch wasn't fair
(D) None of the above

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Reading #7
Read the text and questions below and choose the best answers.
Clothing is something we all should wear in order to fit in to society. The act of wearing
clothing is a choice in some indigenous societies while in a more modern culture you
could find yourself in trouble with the police if you choose not to wear clothes. Clothes
are easily accessible and can be bought in most high street shops. Supermarkets are also
beginning to sell clothes. Clothes are for keeping people warm or serving as protection
from the strong burning sun. Certain items of clothing can be expensive, especially if it is
made by a well-known brand or is a particular design. While clothing is affordable for
most people, the price usually depends on the quality of the material used to make the
item and its brand name. In most countries clothing is taxed, while food is not. This is
probably because clothing can be considered as a luxury item, especially if it is of very
good quality.
The type of clothing that is worn usually depends on the occasion. People that attend a
wedding usually wear formal clothes. Men often wear suits and women wear dresses.
Formal and smart clothing is often worn in times of celebration. People often wear
different clothing at work. Some jobs require people to wear a special uniform which
should be worn by all employees. A pilot, doctor or air hostess may be required to wear a
uniform so that all the staff can be easily recognized. Other jobs are less strict and may
allow people to wear casual clothes. Construction workers are usually asked to wear
protective clothing, especially when the site is considered highly dangerous.
People often choose to wear comfortable clothing inside their own home. This choice of
clothing may be very different to the clothing they would normally wear outside. Some
people even stay in their bedclothes all day on the weekend when they plan to relax and
not go anywhere. People often wear clothing which matches their current state of health
or their age. Pregnant women are likely to wear baggy clothes, while youths often wear
tighter clothing to show their figure. Younger females often wear high heeled shoes while
elderly people tend to wear more comfortable shoes which will allow them to walk with

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1. Where can you buy clothes?
(A) in a high street shop
(B) in a bakery
(C) in a pharmacy
(D) in a university
2. When can items of clothing be expensive?
(A) When they are from the supermarket.
(B) When they are taxed too much.
(C) When it is a well-known brand or design.
(D) When they are in the sale.
3. What might happen if you don’t wear clothes in modern societies?
(A) You will get a cold
(B) The sun will burn your skin
(C) You may be arrested
(D) You will be kept warm
4. What kind of job requires workers to wear protective clothing?
(A) Pilots
(B) Construction workers
(C) Doctors
(D) Air hostess
5. How do some youths usually like to wear their clothes?
(A) Baggy
(B) Tight
(C) Short
(D) Long
6. What type of clothing is worn in times of celebration?
(A) Formal
(B) Casual
(C) Protective
(D) Bedclothes
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7. Who is more likely to wear baggy clothing?
(A) Youths
(B) Workers
(C) Pregnant ladies
(D) Elderly people
8. What kind of clothes do people that attend a wedding usually wear?
(A) Informal clothes
(B) Casual clothes
(C) Smart clothes
(D) Bedclothes
9. What kind of clothes do people often wear at home?
(A) Baggy clothes
(B) Tight clothes
(C) Comfortable clothes
(D) Fashion clothes
10. Why do elder people tend to wear comfortable shoes?
(A) Because they are afraid of falling.
(B) Because it’s easy for them to walk
(C) Because they don’t like high heeled shoes.
(D) Because it’s in fashion.
11. What do young girls often wear ?
(A) comfortable shoes
(B) high heeled shoes
(C) trainers
(D) boots

Reading #8
Read the text and questions below and choose the best answers.
Eating Out

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1.The last time I went to a restaurant was about 2 months ago. My wife and I wanted to
celebrate our wedding anniversary with a good meal so we went to an expensive Italian
restaurant in downtown Lisbon. We both had pasta to start and for the main course my wife
ordered a steak and I chose fish. For dessert we both ate chocolate cake topped with fresh
cream. Delicious!
2. I went to a restaurant yesterday evening with my sister's children. It wasn't very expensive
and the menu was very limited. We all had a burger and French fries, and drank cola. It wasn't
very good.
3. My boyfriend loves spicy food so this restaurant was perfect. The waiters were all really
friendly and polite, and they played traditional sitar music which was very relaxing. The menu
offered vegetarian dishes as well as meat dishes served with rice and a sauce - it depended on
how hot you wanted it! I chose a mild beef curry but my boyfriend had a lamb 'vindaloo' - he
also drank 2 liters of water!!
4. My class at the university went there last weekend. It's a very popular type of restaurant in
my country. It generally offers one type of food (a kind of bread with cheese and tomato sauce)
which you then choose what ingredients to add on top of it. I asked for olives and mushrooms
on mine and my classmates each had something different so we could taste a piece of each
person's meal.

1. In which text did the person go there for a special occasion?

(A) Paragraph 1
(B) Paragraph 2
(C) Paragraph 3
(D) Paragraph 4
2. In which text did the person visit an Indian restaurant?
(A) Paragraph 1
(B) Paragraph 2
(C) Paragraph 3
(D) Paragraph 4
3. In which text did the person eat pizza?

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(A) Paragraph 1
(B) Paragraph 2
(C) Paragraph 3
(D) Paragraph 4
4. In which text did the person eat fast food?
(A) Paragraph 1
(B) Paragraph 2
(C) Paragraph 3
(D) Paragraph 4
5. In which text did someone eat seafood?
(A) Paragraph 1
(B) Paragraph 2
(C) Paragraph 3
(D) Paragraph 4
6. In which text did the person talk about the atmosphere of the restaurant?
(A) Paragraph 1
(B) Paragraph 2
(C) Paragraph 3
(D) Paragraph 4
7. Which restaurant was cheap?
(A) Paragraph 1
(B) Paragraph 2
(C) Paragraph 3
(D) Paragraph 4
8. In which text didn't the person enjoy their meal?
(A) Paragraph 1
(B) Paragraph 2
(C) Paragraph 3
(D) Paragraph 4
9. In which text did someone eat a very hot dish?

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(A) Paragraph 1
(B) Paragraph 2
(C) Paragraph 3
(D) Paragraph 4
10. In which text did the person have a vegetarian meal?
(A) Paragraph 1
(B) Paragraph 2
(C) Paragraph 3
(D) Paragraph 4

Reading #9
Read the text and questions below and choose the best answers.
Feeding the Birds
Ben and his family were on their first trip to the zoo. The main thing Ben wanted to do was to
feed the parrots. He knew when it was feeding time, and he didn’t want to miss it.
His family hurried to the large birdcage. Most of the people were already inside. Ben was
upset because he wanted to be the first one in line. When he got inside the cage, the zoo guide
was telling everyone the rules about how to feed the birds.
“First, you get some apple pieces out of one of the blue buckets, and you hold the pieces in
your hand. Then you stand and wait for the birds to fly to you.” The most important rule was
to keep the apple pieces clean. If any of the pieces fell to the ground, you needed to throw it
in one of the red buckets.
Everyone got apple pieces and waited for the birds. Ben got an apple piece too. The door was
opened so the birds could fly to the people and eat. At first, nothing happened. Then, green
and blue colored birds flew into the big cage and onto the hands filled with apples. One bird
flew right by Ben’s face. He was so surprised it made him jump back. He quickly closed his
hand around his apple piece and hid it behind his back.
Ben thought those parrots looked a lot bigger now that he was inside the cage with them. He
watched as the birds ate. The birds were sitting on fingers, arms, shoulders, and even heads.

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Ben felt less afraid when he saw that people were having a good time while they fed the
Then Ben saw some bright red birds off by themselves at the far end of the cage. The zoo
guide said the red birds were new to the zoo, and they were very shy. They hadn’t learned
how to eat from people’s hands yet, but if people wanted to try to feed them they could.
Ben wanted to feed the new birds. He walked over to a red bird. He slowly put his hand out.
The bird stared at Ben. Then it saw the apple piece in Ben’s hand. It took a bite, knocking the
apple piece to the ground. Ben couldn’t let the bird eat that piece, so he threw it away.
He walked over to the same bird with more apple pieces. He held out his hand again. This
time the bird climbed onto his finger and ate. The other red birds watched it eating. One of
them flew to Ben’s shoulder. Ben was surprised but not afraid. Then it walked down Ben’s
arm to eat too. Another bird flew to Ben’s head. Soon, Ben had five red birds eating out of his
hand. He would always remember this trip to the zoo.

1. What did Ben want to do most at the zoo?

(A) Feed the parrots.
(B) Touch the parrots.
(C) Watch the parrots fly.
2. What was the most important rule for feeding the parrots?
(A) Throw apple pieces in the buckets.
(B) Don’t touch or chase the birds.
(C) Keep the apple pieces clean.
3. What made Ben upset when he got to the birdcage?
(A) He didn’t get to be first in line.
(B) He had to wait to get into the cage.
(C) There were too many people in the line.
4. What happened after the door to the birds was opened?
(A) Ben started to feed one of the birds.
(B) Green and blue colored birds flew out.
(C) People got apple pieces to feed the birds.

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5. How did the story end?
(A) Ben had to get more apple pieces to feed the birds.
(B) Ben made friends with one of the red birds.
(C) Ben had red birds eating out of his hand.
6. What made Ben become afraid of the parrots?
(A) The parrots looked really big to Ben.
(B) One flew by his head and surprised him.
(C) There were too many parrots in the cage.
7. Why did the new red birds stay far away by themselves?
(A) They didn’t know how to eat from a person’s hand.
(B) They didn’t like to be around the other birds.
(C) They didn’t care about eating pieces of apple.
8. What happened the first time Ben tried to feed a red bird?
(A) The bird flew around Ben’s head.
(B) The bird just looked at Ben and didn’t eat.
(C) The bird knocked the apple piece to the ground.
9. What was the second rule about feeding the parrots?
(A) Get apple pieces and hold them.
(B) Wait for the birds to fly to you.
(C) Put apple pieces in the red bucket.
10. What did this story mostly tell about?
(A) A young boy feeding parrots at a zoo.
(B) Rules for how to feed parrots at the zoo.
(C) A family going to the zoo for the first time.

Reading #10
Read the text and questions below and choose the best answers.
The Tea Party

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Ana dressed her two cats in baby clothes. She put the cats in doll chairs. Then she pulled the
chairs up to the table. She had already dressed her dolls in their best dresses. Ana was almost
ready for her tea party.
Her mom rolled her brother’s wheelchair into her room. Ana was glad that her big brother
Jim could come to her party. He had been very sick. He used to stay in bed all the time. Now
he was well enough to sit up most of the day. Soon he would be so well he wouldn’t want to
come to her tea parties anymore.
All she needed now was water for her teapot. She ran past Jim’s wheelchair to the bathroom,
but she walked back very slowly because the teapot was filled to the brim. She poured the
pretend tea into all the little cups.
Jim took his cup of tea and sat back to wait for the fun to begin. The dolls were quiet, but the
cats were already restless. Fluffy, the gray cat, didn’t want to wear a baby’s hat over his ears.
Puff, the white cat, looked sad. The baby’s dress she was wearing was too tight around
her neck.
Jim smiled at the funny looks on the cats’ faces. He thought Fluffy and Puff should be used to
wearing baby clothes because Ana dressed them in baby clothes all the time.
Fluffy started causing problems. He jumped on the tea table and started scratching at the baby
hat on his head. Ana yelled, “Fluffy, stop that!” Fluffy couldn’t get the hat off and ran around
and around. Ana tried to keep the dishes on the table. Jim began to laugh to
himself. He thought Ana’s cats were funny.
Puff watched Fluffy run and turn. She meowed loudly and jumped on the table too. Ana tried
to make them stop playing, but they just got more excited. All they wanted to do was play.
Fluffy jumped on Puff. Puff jumped on Fluffy. Jim started laughing out loud.
The cats tried to start a game of chase, but their claws caught in their dresses. Water spilled
everywhere. Dishes crashed to the floor. The cats jumped off the table and knocked all the
dolls over. They had made a mess of the party. Jim laughed so hard he was crying.
Ana was mad. She had worked so hard to make a nice party. Now the tea party was an awful
mess. The cats ran away to the backyard. Ana yelled, “Come back here!” She ran after them.
She had to get the dresses off before the cats tore them apart.

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Jim wiped the tears from his eyes. He loved Ana’s tea parties. Laughing always made him
feel better. He decided he would keep going to Ana’s tea parties even after he got well.

1. Why did Jim have to stay in a wheelchair?

(A) He had been very sick.
(B) He got hurt in a car wreck.
(C) One of his legs was broken.
2. What color was Fluffy?
(A) Brown.
(B) Gray.
(C) White.
3. Why did Puff look sad?
(A) Jim was making fun of how she looked.
(B) She didn’t like the way her dress looked.
(C) The dress was too tight around her neck.
4. What happened when the cats tried to start a game of chase?
(A) Their claws caught in their dresses.
(B) They tried to get their dresses off.
(C) They fell off the table onto the ground.
5. Why did Ana walk slowly when she came back from the bathroom?
(A) She didn’t want to spill any water on Jim.
(B) She didn’t want to spill the water in the teapot.
(C) She didn’t want the teapot to slip from her hands.
6. What made Jim laugh out loud?
(A) Fluffy and Puff were playing on the table.
(B) He thought the cats’ faces looked funny.
(C) Fluffy started to cause problems
7. What made Ana mad?
(A) The cats ran away with the dresses, and she couldn’t catch them.
(B) Jim laughed at all of the problems, and he didn’t try to help.

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(C) She wanted to have a nice party, but it turned out to be awful.
8. How did the story end?
(A) Jim couldn’t see because of the tears in his eyes.
(B) Jim decided it was good for him to laugh a lot.
(C) Jim decided to go to more of Ana’s tea parties.
9. How did Fluffy start to cause problems?
(A) He jumped on the table and tried to get his hat off.
(B) He jumped on the table and ran round and round.
(C) He jumped on the table and made the dishes fall.
10. What is this story mostly about?
(A) How to get ready for a tea party.
(B) How a tea party turned out badly.
(C) How cats can have fun at a party.

Reading #11
Read the text and questions below and choose the best answers.
London is a famous and historic city. It is the capital of England in the United Kingdom. The city
is quite popular for international tourism because London is home to one of the oldest-standing
monarchies in the western hemisphere. Rita and Joanne recently traveled to London. They were
very excited for their trip because this was their first journey overseas from the United States.
Among the popular sights that Rita and Joanne visited are Big Ben, Buckingham Palace, and the
London Eye. Big Ben is one of London’s most famous monuments. It is a large clock tower
located at the northern end of Westminster Palace. The clock tower is 96 meters tall.
Unfortunately, Rita and Joanne were only able to view the tower from the outside. The women
learned that the tower’s interior is undergoing renovations until 2021.
Fortunately, the London Eye, the city’s famous Ferris wheel, was open to the public. The London
Eye is situated along the southern shores of the Thames River. This attraction stands 135 meters
high. It is one of London’s most well-known spots for gaining aerial views of the city. Each
capsule of the Ferris wheel can hold up to 25 passengers. When their capsule stopped at the top of

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the Ferris wheel, the women took spectacular panoramic photographs of the beautiful cityscape
The last place that Rita and Joanne visited was Buckingham Palace, the home of the Queen of
England. The women were impressed by the palace’s incredible architecture and historical value.
Both Rita and Joanne enjoyed watching the Queen’s guards outside the palace. These guards wore
red tunic uniforms, shiny black boots, and bearskin hats. Despite the women’s attempts to catch
the attention of the guards, the guards are specifically trained to avoid distractions. Because of
this, the guards ignored the women completely.
Joanne and Rita had an amazing time visiting the city of London, and they are inspired to seek
more international travel destinations in the future.
1. London is quite popular for ____________ .
(A) capital
(B) hemisphere
(C) international tourism
(D) western
2. Rita and Joanne were ____________ for their trip.
(A) bored
(B) excited
(C) angry
(D) worried
3. Big Ben is a large ____________ .
(A) building
(B) clock tower
(C) school
(D) company
4. Rita and Joanne were able to view the tower from ____________ .
(A) London Eye
(B) the inside
(C) the hotel
(D) the outside

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5. London Eye is situated along ____________ .
(A) Ferris wheel
(B) the Thames river
(C) Westminster Palace
(D) Buckingham Palace
6. How many passengers can each capsule of the Ferris wheel can hold?
(A) 135
(B) 25
(C) 25
(D) 21
7. Rita and Joann were impressed by ____________ .
(A) Buckingham Palace’s architecture
(B) the Queen of England
(C) the historical value of Buckingham Palace
(D) Both A and C are correct.
8. What do the Queen’s guards wear?
(A) black suits
(B) brown boots
(C) bearskin hats
(D) ties
9. The Queen’s guards ____________ .
(A) didn’t care about Rita and Joanne
(B) called Rita and Joanne
(C) made friends with Rita and Joanne.
(D) paid attention to Rita and Joanne.
10. Joanne and Rita ____________.
(A) didn’t enjoy their time in London
(B) had a very good time in London
(C) didn’t want to visit London again
(D) didn’t visit any places in London.

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Reading #12
Read the text and questions below and choose the best answers.
Did you have any interesting dreams last night?
[A] Our dreams come from a part of the brain that contains our thoughts and memories.
A person can have up to six dreams a night. Each one usually lasts from 10 to 40 minutes.
Everyone dreams, but not everyone remembers their dreams. Most people dream in color,
usually with sound. And we usually dream about ourselves and the people we know.
Why Do We Dream?
[B] Alan Siegel is a scientist who studies dreams. "[Dreams] can tell us a lot about
ourselves," he says, "and can help us figure out problems." Another scientist, Robert
Stickgold, thinks dreams come from our memories. Stickgold says that dreaming about
past events is useful because it helps us learn from them.
Here are a few types of dreams and what people think they mean.
Dream 1: You Meet Someone While in Your Pajamas

[C] This dream may be the result of an embarrassing1 event in your life. Some people

think we dream about embarrassing situations if our brains are trying to deal with 2 an
event in our own lives.
Dream 2: You're Flying
[D] If you dream about flying, you are probably quite happy. This is a good period in
your life. You may feel that other people see you as a leader.
Dream 3: You Didn't Study for a Test
[E] This probably means you are worried about an important future event. If you haven't
prepared for it, your dream may be telling you, "It's time to get to work!"
1 If something is embarrassing, it makes you feel bad about yourself.

2 If you deal with a problem, you try to do something about it.

1. This main purpose of the passage is ____.

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
(A) to give information about dreams
(B) to tell the story of a dream researcher
(C) to explain how our brains work
(D) to describe a famous dream
2. Where do our dreams come from?
(A) memories
(B) thoughts
(C) the brain
(D) All of them
3. How many dreams can people have each night?
(A) only one
(B) up to six
(C) up to10
(D) up to 40
4. How long does a dream last?
(A) up to six
(B) up to 10
(C) up to 40
(D) from 10 to 40 minutes
5. What do people usually dream about?
(A) color
(B) sound
(C) ourselves and the people we know
(D) themselves and the people they know
6. In paragraph B, what does [Dreams] can tell us a lot about ourselves mean?
(A) In dreams, it feels like we are not ourselves.
(B) We are always talking to ourselves in our dreams.
(C) Dreams help us understand ourselves better.
(D) Humans tend to talk a lot about our dreams.
7. According to Stickgold, dreaming about past events is useful because ____.

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
(A) It helps people learn from those events.
(B) It helps people talk to themselves in their dreams.
(C) It helps people understand ourselves better.
(D) It helps people tend to talk a lot about their dreams.
8. According to the passage, what does it mean if you dream about flying?
(A) You are embarrassed about something.
(B) You are remembering something.
(C) You are happy about something.
(D) You are upset about something.
9. In paragraph E, what does it in If you haven't prepared for it refer to?
(A) a dream
(B) a future event
(C) your memory
(D) a good period
10. How many types of dream are mentioned in the passage?
(A) 1
(B) 2
(C) 3
(D) 4

Reading #13
Read the text and questions below and choose the best answers.
Rainy Day Running
It was another rainy day. The third graders in Miss Hanson’s class wished they could go
outside. But on rainy days they had to stay inside.
The bell rang and students put their math books away. “Okay boys and girls,” said Miss
Hanson. “Choose an activity to do during recess. Let’s hope for a sunny day tomorrow.”
Several students got out board games. A large group of girls got markers and paper to draw.
Some boys started building with blocks. Everyone seemed to be having fun except Jung.

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
Jung was a boy with a lot of energy. He hated rainy days at school. He liked to run and throw.
But he was not allowed to do that inside. Jung was bored.
Jung wasn’t trying to break his teacher’s rules. But he couldn’t sit and play quietly today. His
legs needed to stretch and move. When Miss Hanson stepped outside to talk to one of his
classmates, Jung started to jog around the room.
The other kids began to notice Jung. His friend Sam jumped up. He ran after Jung. Then Sara
started to run too. Pretty soon, the whole class was running! They were all following Jung!
Jung looked back and smiled. He started to jump on one foot. Sam started to jump on one
foot. Then Sara, and all the others. As soon as they were all jumping on one foot, Jung
decided to try something new. He turned to the side. He put one foot out as far as it could go
and then slid his other foot over to touch it. He kept on doing this over and over until he was
sliding around the room, one step at a time.
Of course, Sam and Sara and all the other kids started to slide too. They laughed and smiled.
They forgot it was raining outside. Pretty soon, their faces were red. Jung was the leader in a
big parade of children, all laughing and moving and being careful not to make a mess.
It was as much fun as playing outside!
Then, Sara stopped laughing. She stopped moving. The children did not know why she had
stopped. Jung started to ask her what the problem was.
Before he could speak, he heard the door shutting behind him. He heard Miss Hanson’s feet
on the floor. He was worried that he would get in trouble. Jung did not know what to do!
All the students stood still. They looked at their teacher as she walked to the front of the
room. When Miss Hanson got to her desk at the front of the room, she turned around. She
looked at the students, but she did not say a word.
Jung got scared. He did not want to get in trouble. What would he say to his mom and dad if
he got sent home? The students were silent as Miss Hanson looked at the room. She looked to
see if any desks or chairs were tipped over. She looked to
see if there was any paper on the floor. Then, Miss Hanson smiled. “It looks like you found a
way to move and have fun even with the rain outside,” she said. “Thank you for not making a
Jung decided that rainy days might not be so bad after all.

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1. Why did the third graders have to stay inside the room during recess?
(A) It was raining outside.
(B) They had been acting bad.
(C) They had to finish their math.
2. What did the teacher tell the children to do for recess?
(A) Clean up their desks.
(B) Finish their homework.
(C) Choose something to play.
3. What did Jung get the children to do besides run?
(A) Run backwards and hop around on both feet.
(B) Jump on one foot and slide around the room.
(C) Jump up and down and then play a game of tag.
4. Why did Miss Hanson step outside the room?
(A) To talk to one of the children.
(B) To see if it was still raining outside.
(C) To let the children play on their own.
5. How did Jung feel about staying inside the room during recess?
(A) He didn’t like it.
(B) He thought it was fun.
(C) He wished he was home.
6. Why did Jung run around the room when his teacher stepped outside?
(A) He wanted to show off in front of the other children.
(B) He didn’t like the rule about no running in the room.
(C) He couldn’t sit quietly and needed to move around.
7. What did the children look like when they were following Jung around the room?
(A) A giant worm moving this way and that.
(B) A big parade with Jung as their leader.
(C) School children getting ready to go home.
8. What happened after Jung began to run around the room?

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
(A) Soon the whole class was following Jung and running.
(B) His friend said he would get into trouble for running.
(C) All the children thought Jung was funny and laughed at him.
9. What was Miss Hanson like at the end of the story?
(A) She was upset that the children had broken the rules but was happy no one was hurt.
(B) She was happy that the children had found a way to have fun without making a mess.
(C) She looked around the room and decided that she might need to change the rainy day rules.
10. What was Jung like?
(A) He liked to play inside more than he liked to play outside.
(B) He liked to play board games so he could sit and rest.
(C) He had a lot of energy and liked to run and play outside.

Reading #14
Read the text and questions below and choose the best answers.
The Black Bird
Tom had always been a happy cat. He used to walk around his backyard whenever he
wanted. His favorite thing to do was to take naps in a sunny spot by a big rock in the
backyard. Then one day a black bird moved in, and all his peaceful days were over.
The black bird had built its nest in a tree in the backyard and didn’t want Tom to come
near it. So now, when Tom went out there, that big black bird flew at him. Sometimes it
even pecked Tom on the head.
As soon as Tom would go outside to smell the breeze, that bird would scream at him.
When he tried to get to his best sunny spot by a rock, it would fly at his head and try to
peck him.
Tom still wanted to go outside, but he needed to make sure it was safe. He peeked outside
the kitchen window where he could see some birds hopping around in the grass. None of
them were big and black, and they were only looking for bugs.
Tom peeked out another window for a better look at the yard. No, he couldn’t see that
black bird anywhere. He turned his ears to listen but couldn’t hear any black bird sounds.
He poked his nose out the door and couldn’t smell any strange smells. He slowly walked

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
outside. He slipped over the side of the porch and walked next to the house. He stayed
low as he walked next to the fence. He kept looking back at the house to make sure the
door was still open.
Tom made it all the way to the flowers without a problem. When he reached the back of
the yard, he sat down and sniffed the breeze. He looked again at the back door. It was still
open, so he could go back inside if he needed to.
He worked his way to his sunny spot by the big rock. There was no sign of that terrible
bird. He was feeling sleepy, so he stretched out on the sun-warmed earth.
He’d just started to go to sleep when he heard a terrible sound. “Squawk. Squawk.” That
black bird was back. Tom thought that if he lay very still, then the bird wouldn’t see him.
“Squawk. Squawk,” cried the bird as it flew over Tom’s head. Tom had to make a run for
it. He jumped over the rock and headed for the back door. The black bird flew low and
dived at Tom as he ran. Tom meowed loudly when the bird flew down and pecked his
Tom finally made it to the back porch. He ran through the open door, into the house, and
up the stairs where he hid under a bed. “Well,” he thought to himself, “that bird won
today’s war, but tomorrow is another day.”

1. Where did the black bird build its nest?

(A) In a tree in the backyard.
(B) In a corner of the backyard.
(C) Near a big rock in the backyard.
2. Where did Tom hide when he ran into the house?
(A) In his cat bed.
(B) On the stairs.
(C) Under a bed.
3. What was Tom’s favorite thing to do?
(A) Take naps in a sunny spot by a rock.
(B) Smell the air for new smells.
(C) Walk around the backyard.

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
4. What changed Tom’s peaceful life?
(A) He couldn’t find a place to take a nap.
(B) A black bird moved into his backyard.
(C) He had to make sure the back door was open.
5. Why did the black bird chase Tom out of the backyard?
(A) It thought that cats should be indoors all the time.
(B) It only wanted other birds to be in the backyard.
(C) It didn’t want Tom to come near its nest.
6. What was Tom like before the black bird came?
(A) He was happy but was always afraid of birds.
(B) He was a happy cat and did what he wanted.
(C) He was afraid that he would get locked out of the house.
7. What did Tom think would happen if he lay very still in the backyard?
(A) He would be able to see the birds eating bugs.
(B) He would be able to go right to sleep.
(C) The black bird wouldn’t see him.
8. What was the first thing Tom did when he reached the back of the yard?
(A) He sat down and sniffed the breeze.
(B) He looked to see if the back door was open.
(C) He walked over to the flowers and smelled them.
9. What was the first thing Tom did to see if it was safe to go into the yard?
(A) He poked his nose out the door.
(B) He peeked through the windows.
(C) He listened for the sound of birds.
10. How did the story end?
(A) Tom hid under a bed, but he didn’t feel safe from the black bird.
(B) Tom got through the door but decided he would never go outside again.
(C) Tom was inside the house and decided that he would try again tomorrow.

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- Phần thi này cho trước một số yêu cầu/ gợi ý, thí sinh dựa vào đó viết một bức thư/ một email có
độ dài khoảng 120 từ. Thí sinh đọc và xác định thể loại bài viết: letter/ email; đọc kỹ phần nội
dung bức thư/ email cho trước hoặc các câu hỏi gợi ý được cho để hoàn thành bức thư/ email một
cách đầy đủ và chính xác.
- Giám khảo sẽ chấm điểm bài luận của thí sinh dựa vào 4 tiêu chí:
✔Task Fulfillment
Để làm tốt phần thi này, thí sinh nên:
o Đọc kỹ yêu cầu của đề bài.
o Xác định thể loại bài viết (viết thư hay email)
o Chọn ngôn ngữ ngắn gọn, súc tích nhất.
o Bám sát theo những yêu cầu để viết đủ và đúng những nội dung.
How are you?
I hope you’re well.
Thanks for your letter.
It was great to hear from you.
Commenting on I’m sorry to hear…
information you have I’m/ I was so pleased to hear…
received It’s/ I was great to hear…
Write back soon.
Best wishes.
See you soon.
Take care.

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
Thanking Many thanks for…
Thanks very much for…
Suggesting Why don’t you…?
What about …?
Apologising I’m sorry but…
Apologises but…
Showing the order of events First, …
At the beginning, …
Then, …
After that, …
Next, …
Finally, …
In the end, …
Contrasting two points But
However, …
Giving examples for example
for instance
such as
Giving more information/ adding and
In addition, …
- Một bức thư trong bài thi gồm có bốn phần: mở bài, thân bài (nội dung), kết luận và kết thư.

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
1. Mở thư (Opening)
Đây là phần đầu tiên của một bức thư, trả lời cho câu hỏi WHO – viết cho ai.
Do yêu cầu của đề thi VSTEP, phần mở thư trong bài viết của các bạn sẽ chỉ bao gồm lời
chào (salutation). Và phần mở đầu thư thường là “Dear + người nhận,”
Hãy bắt đầu lá thư của bạn bằng từ Dear sau đó là tên thường gọi của người bạn định gửi đến, ví
Dear Mark, Mark thân mến!

Dear Jane, Jane thân mến!

Đây là những câu bạn có thể nói:

Thanks for your … Cám ơn bạn vì …

letter lá thư bạn đã gửi

postcard tấm bưu thiếp bạn đã gửi

present món quà bạn đã gửi

invitation giấy mời bạn đã gửi

Sorry it's taken me so long Xin lỗi vì mãi tôi mới viết
to write. thư cho bạn.

I hope you're well. Tôi hi vọng bạn vẫn khỏe.

Good to see you again last Rất vui đã gặp lại bạn tuần
week. trước.


Nếu bạn biết tên của người bạn định gửi thư đến, hãy bắt đầu bằng Dear Mr (cho đàn ông), Dear
Mrs (cho phụ nữ đã có gia đình), Dear Miss (cho phụ nữ chưa có gia đình),Dear Ms (cho phụ nữ
chưa có gia đình hoặc nếu không rõ tình trạng hôn nhân), sau đó là tên họ, ví dụ:
Dear Mr Smith, Kính gửi ông Smith!

Dear Mrs Jones, Kính gửi bà Jones!

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
Dear Miss Richards, Kính gửi cô Richards!

Dear Ms Shepherd, Kính gửi cô Shepherd!

Nếu bạn không biết tên, hãy bắt đầu bằng một trong những cách sau:
Dear Sir, Kính gửi ông!

Dear Madam, Kính gửi bà!

Dear Sir or Madam, Kính gửi ông hoặc bà!

Đây là một số ví dụ về những câu bạn có thể nói trong lá thư trang trọng:
I am writing in reply to your Tôi viết thư để trả lời lá thư
letter of 4 September của ông/bà gửi ngày 4 tháng
regarding your outstanding 9 về tờ hóa đơn chưa được
invoice. thanh toán của công ty

Further to our conversation, Theo như chúng ta đã trao

I'm pleased to confirm our đổi, tôi rất vui được xác
appointment for 9.30am on nhận lịch hẹn của chúng ta
Tuesday, 7 January. vào hồi 9:30 sáng thứ Ba
ngày 7 tháng 1.

I would be grateful if you Tôi sẽ rất cảm ơn nếu

could attend to this matter ông/bà có thể giải quyết vấn
as soon as possible. đề này càng sớm càng tốt.

If you would like any Nếu ông/bà cần thêm thông

further information, please tin gì, xin cứ liên hệ với tôi.
don't hesitate to contact me.

2. Nội dung thư (Body)

Đây là phần chính của bức thư, mục đích chính thường là trả lời cho câu hỏi WHY – tại sao
viết thư. Tùy vào yêu cầu đề bài mà nội dung thư có thể trả lời cho nhiều câu hỏi khác nhau. Ví
DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
dụ với một lá thư mời dự tiệc thì người viết cần làm rõ WHY (Tại sao mình lại viết thư? – viết để
mời bạn dự tiệc), WHAT (Bữa tiệc đó là tiệc gì, nhân dịp gì? – tiệc tân gia), WHEN – WHERE
(Bữa tiệc được tổ chức khi nào, ở đâu?), WHAT TO ASK (Bạn muốn yêu cầu/nhờ vả gì? – mời
đến tham dự, nhờ đến sớm giúp).
I am writing to invite you to my house-warming party. Jack and I moved to
our new house on Ba Trieu Street two weeks ago and after settling
ourselves, we decided to hold a party for friends and relatives to share our
joy. The party will take place at 07:30 pm, July 16th at 167 Ba Trieu Street,
Hanoi. Would you please spare your time to come and join us? As there will
be quite many guests that day, can you come a bit earlier at about 06:00 pm
and help me prepare for the party if it is convenient for you?
3. Kết luận/ Hứa hẹn
Ở phần này, người viết thường nhắn nhủ người nhận về những thông tin bên ngoài nội dung
thư như đề nghị giúp đỡ nếu cần thiết, mong sớm nhận tin…
Ví dụ: Please let me know if you can manage your time. I am looking forward to hearing from
you soon.
4. Kết thư (Closing)
Trong bài thi, bức thư của bạn sẽ được kết thúc bằng phần kết luận (complimentary close).
Một số cách kết luận thường gặp:
Best wishes,
Best regards,
Yours sincerely,
Yours faithfully,

Sample Emails and letters

1. Sample 1
Hi Scott,

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
Thanks for the e-mail. It is always nice to hear from people, especially
from you, Scott. I have not got any reply, a positive or negative one, from Seibido yet. Let's wait
and hope that it will make a BOOK. Have you finished your paperwork for Kaken and writing
academic articles?If you have some free time in the near future, I want to meet you and explain to
you our next project. Why not drink out in Hiroshima if we are accepted? We need to celebrate
ourselves, don't we?
Let's have a small end-of-the-year party!
Best wishes
K. Nakagawa
2. Sample 2
Dear Elizabeth,
As kind and inviting as your suggestion is, I regret that I have to decline at this time.
Right now, both my wife and I have got a couple of extra things going on at work, and outside of
normal work.
I do think it would be a very nice thing to get together, but it's almost impossible for us
during the week because even without the extra things we are doing now, our regular weekday
evenings and Saturdays are busy with a myriad of activities - English classes, homework, karate,
ballet, juku, hula, cheerleading practices, and so on.
Would a Sunday be convenient for you? I was thinking maybe you'd like to see the
base at Iwakuni. You'd only need to take the train to Iwakuni Station, and I would pick you up
and give you the grand tour of the base, as well as Iwakuni (if you are interested). If a Sunday is
not convenient, then how about a Japanese holiday - like this coming Monday? (Monday is a
normal work day for the base, although there is noschool on base that day because of a teacher's
Please let me know what you think.
3. Sample 3
Hi Simon,
I'm now preparing a few materials for the meeting this weekend. Basically, I'll just introduce the
Sadako's School program with some general information and some photos, then we can share the

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
highlights of our own experiences. After that, we can field a few questions. How does that
sound?Yes, I agree it can be a challenge to meet the needs of a class with different levels. Good
luck with this! My students have all sent letters to their foster children (including photos and
small gifts), so hopefully we'll get some responses from Cebu by the end of the month!
See you Saturday,


Thực ra, phần viết luận tiếng Anh (English essay) không quá khó. Thí sinh chỉ cần nhớ rằng:
Với đề luận tiếng Anh, không có đáp án nào là đúng hoặc sai! Điều giám khảo trông chờ là việc
thí sinh thể hiện được ý kiến của mình và đưa ra được các lập luận để bảo vệ ý kiến đó.
Có nhiều kiểu luận khác nhau, như descriptive (miêu tả), narrative (tự sự), argumentative
(nghị luận),… Bài thi tiếng Anh theo CĐR của Trường, ở phần thi này thường yêu cầu thí sinh
viết một bài luận tiếng Anh có độ dài khoảng 250 từ. Thí sinh đọc và xác định chủ đề bài viết, dựa
vào các câu hỏi gợi ý được cho theo từng chủ đề để viết bài luận.
Giám khảo sẽ chấm điểm bài luận của thí sinh dựa vào 4 tiêu chí:
✔Task Fulfillment
Dưới đây là 5 bước cơ bản để viết một bài luận tiếng Anh.
Ví dụ: Đề bài
Write about a family member with whom you have shared happy and sad memories
(Hãy kể về một thành viên trong gia đình mà bạn đã chia sẻ rất nhiều kỷ niệm vui buồn)
✔Bước 1: Brainstorm ý tưởng
- Để brainstorm ý tưởng, trong vòng 3-5 phút, hãy viết ra tất cả những gì thí sinh có thể nghĩ được
về chủ đề này. Thí sinh cứ viết, không nhất thiết phải theo một trình tự nào cả, cũng không nhất
thiết phải viết đúng chính tả!
Ví dụ: với đề viết về thành viên trong gia đình, thí sinh có thể ghi ra những cụm từ như:
grandmother, father, brother, traveling, when I was 5, lost his book,…

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
- Sau 3-5 phút, hãy đọc lại những từ vừa viết để xem những ý tưởng nào có thể sử dụng được.
- Brainstorm sẽ giúp thí sinh tận dụng hết những ý tưởng mình có thể nghĩ ra được. Nếu chỉ nghĩ
trong đầu mà không viết ra giấy, thí sinh sẽ bỏ mất rất nhiều ý tưởng hay, và bài luận sẽ kém phần
phong phú.
✔Bước 2: Xác định luận đề (thesis statement)
- Luận đề (thesis statement) là một khái niệm khá xa lạ đối với nhiều người học tiếng Anh –
Nhưng luận đề lại vô cùng quan trọng, bởi nó giúp bài viết đi đúng hướng, mạch lạc và thống
- Luận đề được trình bày ở đoạn văn đầu tiên của bài luận. Các đoạn văn tiếp theo được dùng để
minh chứng cho luận đề ấy. Ngoài ra, luận đề phải là một câu khẳng định hoàn chỉnh! Nó không
thể là một cụm từ hoặc một câu hỏi.
Ví dụ, với đề bài trên, luận đề có thể là: My brother is my best friend.
hoặc: In my family, grandma is the one I share most memories with.
- Lưu ý: Rất nhiều bạn mắc lỗi không xác định luận đề ngay từ đầu, mà chỉ suy nghĩ chung chung
là. Điều này sẽ khiến bài luận rất lan man và dễ lạc đề.
✔Bước 3: Lập dàn ý (outline)
- Từ luận đề đã xác định ở trên, hãy bắt đầu lập dàn ý cho bài luận.
– Mở bài: gồm câu dẫn nhập, luận đề…
– Thân bài: gồm 2-3 đoạn văn, mỗi đoạn có 1 topic sentence (câu chủ đề) nhằm củng cố
cho luận đề + một vài ví dụ.
– Kết luận: nhắc lại luận đề và 2-3 ý chính bạn đã nêu ở thân bài + lời kết
- Nếu có thể, hãy ước tính luôn số chữ bạn dự định viết cho mỗi phần để bài luận nhìn cân đối
Ví dụ, với luận đề: My brother is my best friend
Bạn có thể lập dàn ý như sau:
– Mở bài: In my family, I consider my brother to be my best friend…
– Thân bài:
Topic sentence 1. We have several mutual hobbies…
Topic sentence 2. He always help me out of my troubles…
– Kết luận: My brother and I make the best team…

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
✔Bước 4: Viết
- Khi đã xác định được luận đề và lập dàn ý, thì việc viết luận đã dễ hơn rất nhiều. Thí sinh chỉ
cần nhớ sử dụng các từ như firstly, secondly, finally… hoặc moreoever, on the other hand,… để
liên kết các đoạn văn lại với nhau.
- Ngoài ra, đối với câu chủ đề (topic sentence) của mỗi đoạn văn, mặc dù có thể đặt nó ở đầu hoặc
cuối đoạn, nhưng thí sinh nên đặt ở đầu đoạn văn. Đây là một bí quyết nhỏ, giúp giám khảo chỉ
cần lướt mắt qua cũng có thể nắm được ý chính của toàn bộ bài luận.
✔Bước 5: Đọc lại bài luận
- Khi đọc lại bài luận, bên cạnh việc sửa lỗi chính tả và ngữ pháp, cũng nên chú ý câu mở đầu và
câu kết (vốn hay bị nhiều thí sinh xem nhẹ mà chỉ dồn sức cho thân bài)
– Câu mở đầu: Mở đầu phải thật ấn tượng để thu hút người đọc. Tránh dùng những câu
như “This essay is about” hoặc “The topic of this essay is”…
– Câu kết: Đoạn kết của bài luận phải thể hiện được thông điệp chính mà mình muốn truyền tải
qua bài luận.
Sau đây là một sơ đồ đơn giản tóm gọn lại 5 bước viết luận:

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Sample Task:
Nowadays, computers are an important part of most people’s everyday lives. This change has
improved the way people live.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Một mở bài hay cần nêu ra được chủ đề, giới hạn chủ đề vào vấn đề của đề bài và nêu ra ý kiến
của cá nhân.
a. Introducing the topic
Đầu tiên, chúng ta cần xác định Chủ đề của đề bài là gì?Neu chủ đề xác định là “Computers” thì
quá rộng, sẽ rất mất công để giới hạn chủ đề ở các câu sau, như vậy mở bài sẽ dài không cần thiết.

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Vậy chủ đề có thể là: “The changes computers have on our lives”. Như vậy, câu đầu tiên của mở
bài bạn có thể viết:
The changes computers have on our lives has become a source of controversy over the years.
Without a doubt, computers have changed the way people live.
b. Giving background information and Narrowing the topic
Ở đây, giới hạn lại topic đã đưa ra (The changes computers have on our lives). Hướng giới hạn ở
đây bạn dựa vào đề bài: This change has improved the way people live. Đó là sự đánh giá (tốt,
xấu, tích cực, tiêu cực) về những thay đổi mà máy tính tạo nên cho đời sống con người. Như vậy,
đề bài sẽ được giới hạn về vấn đề “Evaluating the quality of those changes”
Từ đó, câu văn tiếp theo có thể là:
Evaluating the quality of those changes is less clear and is subject to individual opinions and
People have many different ways of evaluationg these changes.
c. Giving your point of view and mentioning the main areas covered in the essay
Ở đây, bạn trực tiếp đưa ra quan điểm của mình, tức là hoặc đồng ý, hoặc không đồng ý, hoặc chỉ
một phần đồng ý. Ở đây có lẽ cách chọn khôn ngoan nhất là “partly agree/disagree”. Tức là chỉ
đồng ý/không đồng ý một phần, vì rõ ràng tác động của máy tính lên đời sống con người vừa có
những mặt tích cực vừa có những mặt tiêu cực.
Với đề bài này, mình sẽ chọn cách tiếp cận đó là: Sự tác động của máy tính chủ yếu là tích cực;
tuy nhiên cũng có một số vấn đề đáng quan tâm. Từ đó, câu văn cuối cùng của mở bài có thể là:
“Based on my experiences and observations, I think that, on the balance, computers have
improved most people’s lives; however, the benefits should be seen in light of a few substantial
Tuy nhiên, nếu bạn chọn hướng thứ hai: Máy tính chủ yếu tác động tiêu cực lên cuộc sống con
người; tuy nhiên, cũng có những tác động tích cực cần chú ý, bạn có thể viết:
“Based on my experiences and observations, I think that, on the balance, computers have harm
most people’s lives; however, the drawbacks should be seen in light of a few substantial benefit”
Chú ý: Bạn có thể thấy cách viết ở đây rất linh hoAt, sử dụng hiệu quả vốn từ ngữ, cấu trúc câu.
Ví dụ:
● Linking words: on the balance, however.

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
● Expressions for giving your point of view: Based on my experiences and observations, I
think that.
● Cautious language: should be seen.
● Synonyms: problems and drawbacks.
● Antonyms: improve and harm.
● Phrases like “in light of”
Như vậy, bạn đã có một mở bài hoàn chỉnh:
Without a doubt, computers have changed the way people live. Evaluating the quality of those
changes is less clear and is subject to individual opinions and attitudes. Based on my experiences
and observations, I think that, on the balance, computers have improved most people’s lives;
however, the benefits should be seen in light of a few substantial problems.
Ở phần mở bài, chúng ta đã chọn quan điểm: Tác động của máy tình lên đời sống chủ yếu là
tích cực, tuy nhiên cũng có một số tác động tiêu cực. Vì thế, ở thân bài, người viết sẽ tập trung
phân tích những khía cạnh tích cực mà máy tính tác động lên cuộc sống con người nhưng không
quên phân tích cả những khía cạnh tiêu cực. Như thế, ta có thể chia thân bài ra làm ba đoạn: 2
đoạn cho những tác động tích cực và 1 đoạn cho những tác động tiêu cực. Phần tác động tiêu
cực nên viết gọn vì đây không phải trọng tâm của bài.
Trước khi đi vào bài viết cụ thể, chúng ta đã phải vạch ý (brainstorm) cho những gì viết trong
thân bài. Có thể giải quyết với một số gợi ý:
Positive changes:
● Increased access to information. (Sự tiếp cận rộng rãi hơn với thông tin).
● Better communication. (Sự giao tiếp tốt hơn).
● Business, transactions and goverment conferencing (Sự hỗ trợ trong kinh doanh, giao dịch
và những hội nghị chính phủ).
● (Your opinion).
Negative changes:
● Physical and psychological problems. (Những vấn đề về thể chất, tâm lí).
● (Your opinion).

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Sau đây là ba đoạn văn trong phần thân bài.Đoạn một và hai nói về những tác động tích cực, đoạn
ba nói về tác động tiêu cực.Trong các đoạn văn mình đã đánh dấu cấu trúc của một đoạn thân bài
như đã trao đổi với các bạn ở những bài viết trước.
First Body Paragraph:
(Topic sentence) To begin with, computers have substantially improved
people's lives. (Supporting Idea 1) Needless to say, increased access to information is one of
the most evident ways computers have changed the way we live. (Example) From work, to
hobbies, to learning about world events and scientific advancements, the Internet has given people
immediate access to information that was previously difficult or even impossible to get.
(Expanding) With more and better information, we can make smarter decisions. (Supporting
Idea 2) Another beneficial change to people's lives that can be directly attributed to computers is
that of better communication technologies. (Example) These include the most personal
exchanges carried out via email or instant messaging, to the most complex communication
satellite systems that allow us to watch a World Cup game live from the other side of the world.
Second Body Paragraph:
(Supporting Idea 3) Moreover, on top of these advances in our ability to obtain information
and communicate, computers facilitate everyday business, transactions and government
conferencing. (Expanding 1) People nowadays can do business online, which saves them a lot of
time and money. (Example 1) Online systems allow people to do their banking, pay the bills, and
even buy a new wardrobe without having to leave home or even putting pen to paper. (Expanding
2) Similarly, goverment conferencing can take place online with no need to travel long distances
to attend meetings. (Example 2) This form of meeting is becoming more and more popular in
many countries. (Concluding) Thus, since the advent of computers, people's lives have changed a
lot in a positive way.
Third body paragraph:
(Topic sentence) Some observers might say this all sounds great, yet there are downsides to
the computer revolution that lessen some of the appeal of these benefits, if only slightly.
(Supporting idea 1) The most prominent is physical problems. (Expanding 1) If people spend so
much time at their computers, they do not get enough exercise, which can lead to numerous health
problems. (Supporting idea 2) Psychollogically , with too much time spent sitting in front of

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
computers, they do not develop healthy interpersonal skills. (Example 2) Increases in depression
and violence are two visible effects of this problem.
(Summary) It is far from clear where the changes computers have brought to our lives
will eventually take us. Like all new technology, computers bring mixed blessings to peole's
everyday lives. (Opinion) At present, I believe the benefits outweigh the negative consequences.
Đoạn văn có những từ khó hiểu, có thể tạm dịch: Chúng ta khó có thể biết những thay đổi mà
máy tính đem đến cuộc sống sẽ đưa ta tới đâu. Giống như tất cả những công nghệ mới, những tác
động của máy tính rất phức tạp, cả tích cực lẫn tiêu cực. Nhưng ở thời điểm này, tôi tin rằng
những lợi ích vượt xa những hạn chế mà máy tính đã đem lại.
Đoạn kết theo đúng những yêu cầu của một kết bài, vừa tóm tắt phần nội dung ở thân bài
vừa khẳng định lại quan điểm đã nêu ở mở bài, đồng thời tạo cảm giác hoàn chỉnh cho một bài

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You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
Write a letter to one of your friends to tell her/ him about the summer holiday you had.
In your letter you should say:
- Where you went
- Why you went there
- The people you went with
- The experiences you had
You should write at least 120 words. You do not need to include your name or addresses. Your
response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Read the following topic and do pay attention to the guiding questions below.
- Tell about some sports you know.
- What are your favorite sports? Why do you like them?
- What are the benefits of sports?
- How often do you do them?
- What benefits do they bring about for you?
Write an essay about sports and their benefits.
You should write at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task
Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You’ve just had a birthday. Write a letter to your English friend about your favourite
birthday present.
- What the present is
- Who gave it to you
- Why you like it
You should write at least 120 words. You do not need to include your name or addresses. Your
response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Read the following topic and do pay attention to the guiding questions below.
- What is the most interesting place you have ever visited?
- Who did you go with?
- What did you do there?
- What was it like?
- Is it a good or a bad city for travelling? Why or why not?
Write an essay about the travelling and favourite places.
You should write at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task
Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You have just moved to a new house. Write an email to your friend, Ellen. In your email
you shoud:
- say where your new house is
- tell her about the type of your new house
- describe your new house
- explain why you like it
Write an email to Ellen.
You should write at least 120 words. You do not need to include your name or addresses. Your
response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Read the following topic and do pay attention to the guiding questions below.
- How long have you learnt English?
- Why do you need to study English?
- What should you do to be good at English?
- What are the benefits of being good at English?
- Does English play an important role in international integration among countries?
Write an essay about learning English.
You should write at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task
Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You have just bought a book/ some books. Write an email to your classmate, Susan. In your
email, you should
- tell her what kind of book/ books you have bought
- say where you bought the book/ books
- explain why you bought them
Write an email to Susan.
You should write about 120 words. You do not need to include your name or addresses. Your
response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Read the following topic and do pay attention to the guiding questions below.
- Is this one of the biggest problems for governments nowadays?
- What effects does pollution have on human beings and on natural environment?
- Name some reasons for the causes of pollution.
- What should governments and individuals do to solve this problem?
Write an essay about pollution.
You should write at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task
Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You won’t be able to go to your friend Jenny’s birthday party because you have an exam
the following day. Write an email to Jenny. In your email you shoud:
- thank her for the invitation
- explain why you can’t go to the party
- ask her what she would like as a present.
- wish her a happy party
Write an email to Jenny.
You should write about 120 words. You do not need to include your name or addresses. Your
response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Read the following topic and do pay attention to the guiding questions below.
- Is smartphone a new invention of the 21st century?
- What benefit does it bring about for us?
- Are there any negative impacts on people, especially the young?
- What should we do to get the best use of smartphone?
Write an essay about smartphone.
You should write at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task
Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You live in Danang city. You just took a trip to Ha Long Bay with an English friend named
Daisy. You received an email from her after she returned to London. Read part of her email
I hope you like the photos we took in Ha Long Bay. Did you get home all right?
I’m back at work now, but it’s a bit difficult to start again. I wish we were still on holiday.
Why don’t we plan another trip this spring if you’ve got time and money? Any suggestions where
we could go?

Write a reply to Daisy. In your email, you have to tell her that you really like the photos and the
time you got together, describe a problem you had at the airport to her and suggest the time and
place for the next trip.

You should write about 120 words. You do not need to include your name or addresses. Your
response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Read the following topic and do pay attention to the guiding questions below.
- Does friendship play an important role in our life?
- What are the necessary characteristics of a good friend?
- What should we do to hold a true friend?
Write an essay about friendship.

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
You should write at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task
Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You live in Ho Chi Minh City. You moved to Manchester to study English three months
ago. You have just received an email from a friend of mine, Sara from London. Read part of
her email below.
What’s Manchester like? I bet the weather’s not too good!
Have you still got that part-time job in the fast-food restaurant?
It must be a good way of speaking to new people and making friends?
What about the family you’re staying with? Do you go out much in the evening? I hope the
English classes are going well.
Write a reply to Sara. In your email, you have to describe Manchester and the weather there, tell
her about your part-time job, the family you are staying with, and your activities in the evening,
and finally you have to write about your English classes there.
You should write about 120 words. You do not need to include your name or addresses. Your
response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.
You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Read the following topic and do pay attention to the guiding questions below.
- Is this a trend of entertainment for young people?
- What equipment do you have to prepare to do this task?
- Where and when young people usually take photos?
- Are there any negative impacts when you take the hobby of photography?
Write an essay about photography.
You should write at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task
Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.
You have just taken an evening English class. Write an email to your friend, Daisy to tell
her about your new English teacher. In your email, you should
- tell her why you take this class
- say how you feel about your new English teacher
- describe something about him/her
- what you like most about his/ her teaching
Write an email to Daisy.
You should write about 120 words. You do not need to include your name or addresses. Your
response will be evaluated in terms of Task Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.
Read the following topic and do pay attention to the guiding questions below.
- Is smoking good or bad? Why is it good or bad?
- What are the effects of smoking to the smokers?
- Does smoking affect others who don’t smoke?
- What do governments should do to ban smoking in public places and to reduce the number of
people who smoke?
Write an essay about smoking.
You should write at least 250 words. Your response will be evaluated in terms of Task
Fulfillment, Organization, Vocabulary and Grammar.

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
Phần 1: Tương tác xã hội
Thí sinh trả lời 3-6 câu hỏi về 2 chủ đề khác nhau.
Phần 2: Thảo luận giải pháp
Thí sinh được cung cấp một tình huống và 3 giải pháp đề xuất. Thí sinh phải đưa ra ý kiến về giải
pháp tốt nhất trong 3 giải pháp được đưa ra và phản biện các giải pháp còn lại.
Phần 3: Phát triển chủ đề
Thí sinh nói về một chủ đề cho sẵn, có thể sử dụng các ý được cung cấp sẵn hoặc tự phát triển ý
của riêng mình. Phần 3 kết thúc với một số câu hỏi thảo luận về chủ đề trên.

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
Part 1: Social Interaction (3’)
Let’s talk about your free time activities.
- What do you often do in your free time?
- Do you watch TV? If no, why not? If yes, which TV channel do you like best? Why?
- Do you read books? If no, why not? If yes, what kinds of books do you like best? Why?
Let’s talk about your neighborhood.
- Can you tell me something about your neighborhood?
- What do you like most about it?
- Do you plan to live there for a long time? Why/why not?
Part 2: Solution Discussion (4’)
Situation: A group of people is planning a trip from Danang to Hanoi. Three means of transport
are suggested: by train, by plane, and by coach. Which means of transport do you think is the best
Part 3: Topic Development (5’)
Topic: Reading habit should be encouraged among teenagers.
- increases knowledge
- improves memory
- reduces stress
- [your own ideas]
- What is the difference between the kinds of books read by your parents’ generation and
those read by your generation?
- Do you think that governments should support free books for all people?
- In what way can parents help children develop their interest in reading?

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
Topic 1: Food
1. Do you think your diet is healthy?
2. Is traditional food popular in your country?
3. Do you think it is important that children are encouraged to eat healthily?
Topic 2: Animals
1. What is your favourite animal?
2. Did you keep animals as pets when you were a child?
3. Do you think children should be taught to look after animals?
Topic 3: Education
1. How long have you been learning English?
2. What do you find easy/ difficult about learning English?
3. Which skill in English are you good/bad at?
Topic 4: Books
1. Do you enjoy reading? (Why/Why not?)
2. Has the internet changed the way you read?
3. Do you think we will still read books in the future?
Topic 5: Films
1. How often do you watch films?
2. Do you prefer to watch films on DVD or at the cinema? (Why?)
3. Do you think parents should control the kinds of films their children watch?
Topic 6: Teamwork
1. Do you prefer working alone or with others?
2. What qualities do you think a team member should have?
3. What are you doing to become a good team member?
Topic 7: Things you bought
1. What was the last thing you bought?
2. Do you usually buy things from small local producers or big international companies?
3. How often do you buy something you don't need?

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
Topic 8: Weekends
1. What did you do last weekend?
2. Do you prefer to spend the weekends with your family or friends?
3. What things do you like to do at the weekend?
Topic 9: Weather
1. What kind of weather do you like?
2. Does the weather affect your mood/ feeling?
3. What do you usually do in hot/cold weather?
Topic 10: Hometown
1. When is the best time to come to your hometown? Why?
2. What do you like best about your hometown?
3. Do you think your hometown is the best place to grow up? Why? Why not?

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
PART 2 & 3
Topic 1: Holiday
Part 2: You are planning your holiday. There are three suggestions: a beach holiday, a climbing
holiday and a sight-seeing holiday. Which do you think is the best choice for you?
Part 3: Benefits of travelling.
- broaden our mind
- sharpen our skills
- widen our networks
Topic 2: Technological items
Part 2: There are 3 things: a dishwasher, mobile phone or a laptop. What do you think you will
buy? Why?
Part 3: Common uses of mobile phones
- keep in touch with family and friends
- taking photos
- watching videos and listening to music
Topic 3: Keeping fit
Part 2: Among doing aerobics, skiing and playing football, which one might be the best choice to
keep fit?
Part 3: Advantages of regular exercise
- Good health
- Be in shape
- Make friends
Topic 4: Movie
Part 2: Among a comedy, a horror movie and a love story, which one is the best choice?
Part 3: Negative effects of TV
- harm children’s health
- distract children from study
- influence their behavior
Topic 5: Friends

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only
Part 2: You are thinking about how to spend your evening. There are three options: hanging out
with friends, reading books, and surfing the Internet. Explain your choice.
Part 3: What are the ways to make friends?
- attending parties
- joining social events
- forming interest-based groups
Topic 6: Shopping
Part 2: You are considering buying a brand watch. There three suggestions for you how to get it:
placing an order through a website, shopping in a mall, and calling over the phone. Which one is
the best option for you?
Part 3: Discuss the risks of shopping on the Internet.
- infect our computers with viruses
- have account information stolen
- get low-quality products
Topic 7: Family
Part 2: Which one would be your best choice: a large family with many children, a small family in
which you are the only child, and a small family with 2 children?
Part 3: Advantages of a nuclear family:
- have better financial conditions
- have more quality time with children
- have personal space
Topic 8: Hobbies
Part 2: Which one is your best choice: collecting stamps, fishing or listening to music?
Part 3: Reasons for taking up a hobby:
- to build confidence
- to fight stress
- improve social interactions

DANANG ARCHITECTURE UNIVERSITY – For internal circulation only

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