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Session: 2021-22 Semester: III Section: CS& CSE-AIML

Course Code: KCS – 303 Course Name: Discrete Structures & Theory of Logic

Assignment 6

Date of Assignment: Date of submission:

Q.No KL, CO Question

Q.1. K2,CO3 (GATE CSE 2019)

Let G be a group of 35 elements. Then the largest possible size of a subgroup of G other
than G itself is _____.

a) 7
b) 9
c) 1
d) 0

Answer (a)
Q.2. K2, CO3 (GATE CSE 2009)

1. Which one of the following is NOT necessarily a property of the Group?

a) Commutativity
b) Associativity
c) Existence of inverse for every element
d) Existence of identity

Answer (a)
Q.3. K5,CO3 (GATE CSE 2009)

1. Let S be a set of n elements. The number of ordered pairs in the largest and the smallest
equivalence relations on S is _______.

a) n and n
b) n2 and n
c) n2 and 0
d) n and 1

Answer (b)
Q.4. K3,CO3 (GATE CSE 2006)

1. The set {1,2,3,5,7,8,9} under multiplication modulo 10 is not a group. Given below are four
plausible reasons. Which one of them is false?

a) It is not closed
b) 2 does not have an inverse
c) 3 does not have an inverse
d) 8 does not have an inverse

Answer (c)
Q.5. K6, CO3 (GATE CSE 2005)

1. The set {1,2,4,7,8,11,13,14} is a group under multiplication modulo 15. The inverse of 4
and 7 are respectively:

a) 3 and 13
b) 2 and 11
c) 4 and 13
d) 8 and 14

Answer (c)
Q.6. K2, CO3 (GATE CSE 1996)

1. Which of the following statements is false?

a) The set of rational numbers is an abelian group under addition

b) The set of integers is an abelian group under addition
c) The set of rational numbers from an abelian group under multiplication
d) The set of real numbers excluding zero is an abelian group under

Answer (c)
Q.7. K3, CO3 (GATE CSE 2019)

Let G be an arbitrary group. Consider the following relations on G :

R1: ∀a,b ∈ G, aR1b if and only if ∃g ∈ G such that a = g-1bg
R2: ∀a,b ∈ G, aR2b if and only if a = b-1
Which of the above is/are equivalence relation/relations?

a) R1 only
b) Neither R1 nor R2
c) R2 only
d) R1 and R2 both
Answer (b)
Q.8. K3, CO2 ( GATE CSE 1996)  

Which of the following statement is false?

a) The set of rational numbers is an abelian group under addition

b) The set of integers in an abelian group under addition
c) The set of rational numbers form an abelian group under multiplication
d) The set of real numbers excluding zero is an abelian group under multiplication

Answer: c)
Q.9. K6,CO2 ( GATE CSE 2010)  

Consider the set S = {1, ω, ω2}, where ω and w2 are cube roots of unity. If * denotes the
multiplication operation, the structure (S, *) forms

a) A group
b) A ring
c) An integral domain
d) A field

Answer:- a)
Q.10. K2,CO2 ( GATE CSE 2009)  

Which one of the following in NOT necessarily a property of a Group?

a) Commutativity
b) Associativity
c) Existence of inverse for every element
d) Existence of identity

Answer:- a)

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