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Hyper text markup language:-

The content layer of a web page is made up of HTML elements such as headings
(<h1>, <h2>, etc.), paragraphs (<p>), links (<a>), images (<img>), and more
HTML elements are the building blocks of web pages and are used to structure and
organise the content
The head section contains information about the web page that's not displayed on the
page itself
It's enclosed by <head> and </head> tags
The content inside the head tag is displayed in the browser tab
The body section contains the main content of the web page, such as text, images,
videos, hyperlinks, tables etc.
It's enclosed by <body> and </body> tags
The content inside the body tag is displayed in the browser window
Cascading Style Sheets:-
• The presentation layer of a web page is defined by CSS (Cascading Style Sheets).
• This layer deals with the layout, colours, fonts, and animations on the page
• It separates the content (HTML) from the appearance of the web page
• CSS allows for better control and flexibility in designing a web page.

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