EasyJet Vs Transworld Auto

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Here are a few ways in which "Transworld Auto Parts (A)" can learn from EasyJet in

terms of strategy implementation:

Focus on operational efficiency: EasyJet's low-cost business model emphasizes operational

efficiency and cost-cutting measures to drive profitability. Transworld Auto Parts (A) can learn
from this approach and focus on streamlining its operations and supply chain to reduce costs
and improve efficiency.

Embrace digital transformation: EasyJet has invested heavily in digital technology to improve its
operations and enhance the customer experience. Transworld Auto Parts (A) can learn from this
approach and consider adopting new technologies such as automation, artificial intelligence,
and data analytics to optimize its operations and better serve its customers.

Customer-centric approach: EasyJet places a strong emphasis on understanding and meeting

customer needs and preferences. Transworld Auto Parts (A) can learn from this approach and
prioritize customer satisfaction in its strategy implementation, for example, by providing
personalized service and offering innovative products that meet customer demands.

Agile decision-making: EasyJet's business model is built around agility and flexibility, which
allows it to quickly respond to changing market conditions and customer needs. Transworld
Auto Parts (A) can learn from this approach and prioritize agility and flexibility in its strategy
implementation, for example, by creating cross-functional teams that can make quick decisions
and adapt to changing market conditions.

Overall, "Transworld Auto Parts (A)" can learn from EasyJet's focus on operational efficiency,
digital transformation, customer-centricity, and agile decision-making to successfully implement
its strategy and stay competitive in the automotive industry.

When it comes to the balance score card and strategy map implementation ,which case
does a better job?

It is difficult to determine which case does a better job of implementing the balanced scorecard
and strategy map without conducting a thorough analysis of both cases. However, we can
discuss some general aspects of each case's approach to the balanced scorecard and strategy

In the case of "Transworld Auto Parts (A)," the company's strategy map and balanced scorecard
are designed to align the organization's objectives with its mission and vision. The strategy map
includes four main perspectives: financial, customer, internal processes, and learning and
growth. The balanced scorecard is used to track key performance indicators (KPIs) related to
each perspective.
In terms of implementation, Transworld Auto Parts (A) seems to have a structured approach to
monitoring and evaluating performance, with regular reviews of KPIs and performance targets.
However, the case does not provide detailed information on how the company uses the
balanced scorecard and strategy map to drive strategic decision-making and achieve its

In the case of "The Web's Favourite Airline: EasyJet," the company's approach to the balanced
scorecard and strategy map is focused on driving operational efficiency and improving the
customer experience. EasyJet's strategy map includes four perspectives: customer, internal
processes, learning and growth, and financial.

EasyJet uses the balanced scorecard to track KPIs related to each perspective, with a particular
emphasis on cost efficiency and customer satisfaction. The case provides more detailed
information on how EasyJet uses the balanced scorecard and strategy map to drive strategic
decision-making, with regular reviews of performance metrics and adjustments to the company's
strategy based on the data.

Overall, both cases seem to have a structured approach to implementing the balanced
scorecard and strategy map. However, "The Web's Favourite Airline: EasyJet" provides more
detailed information on how the company uses these tools to drive strategic decision-making
and achieve its objectives.

In terms of strategy implementation what can "Easy Jet" learn from Transworld Auto Parts (A) ?

In terms of strategy implementation, there are a few things that EasyJet could potentially learn from

Transworld Auto Parts (A):

1. Clearly defined KPIs: Transworld Auto Parts (A) has a structured approach to monitoring and
evaluating performance, with clearly defined key performance indicators (KPIs) for each
perspective of their balanced scorecard. EasyJet could potentially benefit from developing a
more comprehensive set of KPIs to track performance and measure progress towards its
2. Alignment of objectives with mission and vision: Transworld Auto Parts (A) has a clear
alignment between its objectives and its mission and vision. EasyJet could potentially
benefit from revisiting its mission and vision to ensure that its objectives are aligned with its
overall strategic direction.
3. Employee engagement: Transworld Auto Parts (A) places a strong emphasis on employee
engagement and development as a key driver of performance. EasyJet could potentially
benefit from adopting a similar approach to foster a culture of continuous learning and
4. Regular review of performance metrics: Transworld Auto Parts (A) conducts regular reviews
of its KPIs and performance targets, which allows the company to make adjustments to its
strategy based on the data. EasyJet could potentially benefit from implementing a similar
process to ensure that it is staying on track with its objectives and making informed
decisions based on performance data.

Overall, while EasyJet has a strong focus on operational efficiency and customer satisfaction, there

are some areas where it could potentially learn from Transworld Auto Parts (A) in terms of strategy


Whose Balance Score card was better?

It's difficult to say which company had a better balanced scorecard without a direct comparison of

the two. Both Transworld Auto Parts (A) and EasyJet had their own unique balanced scorecard

approaches that were tailored to their respective industries and strategic goals.

Transworld Auto Parts (A) had a more comprehensive balanced scorecard approach, with KPIs and

targets for each perspective (financial, customer, internal processes, and learning and growth), as

well as a clear strategy map to align objectives with the company's mission and vision. However, this

approach may have been more appropriate for a company with a diverse portfolio of products and

services, as was the case with Transworld Auto Parts (A).

EasyJet, on the other hand, had a more streamlined balanced scorecard approach that focused on

four main objectives: safety, customer satisfaction, operational efficiency, and financial performance.

This approach was more appropriate for a low-cost airline like EasyJet, which had a relatively simple

business model compared to Transworld Auto Parts (A).

Ultimately, the effectiveness of a balanced scorecard approach depends on how well it is

implemented and aligned with the company's strategic goals. Both Transworld Auto Parts (A) and

EasyJet appeared to have successfully implemented their respective balanced scorecard

approaches to achieve their strategic objectives.

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